
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
the colonization of the invasive round goby neogobius melanostomus by parasites in new localities in the southwestern baltic sea.the round goby neogobius melanostomus is a bottom-dwelling fish native for the ponto-caspian basin, which started to colonize the baltic sea since 1991. the parasites of this fish species in the southwestern baltic region are studied for the first time. the round goby in the sw baltic sea was infected with 12 parasite species: 1 species of microsporidia, 1 species of monogenea, 1 of cestoda, 3 species of trematoda, 3 species of nematoda, 2 of acanthocephala, and 1 species of bivalvia. microspori ...201121409440
identification of a host-associated species complex using molecular and morphometric analyses, with the description of gyrodactylus rugiensoides n. sp. (gyrodactylidae, monogenea).gyrodactylus rugiensis was originally described as a parasite occurring on the marine gobies pomatoschistus minutus and pomatoschistus microps. in our preliminary survey this species was also frequently found on pomatoschistus pictus and pomatoschistus lozanoi. subsequent molecular analysis of the internal transcribed spacers rdna region revealed that this parasite actually represents a complex of two apparently cryptic species, one restricted to p. microps and the other shared by p. minutus, p. ...200212062562
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