
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
morphological and molecular characterisation of gyrodactylus salmonis (platyhelminthes, monogenea) isolates collected in mexico from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum).gyrodactylus salmonis (yin et sproston, 1948) isolates collected from feral rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum) in veracruz, southeastern mexico are described. morphological and molecular variation of these isolates to g. salmonis collected in canada and the u.s.a. is characterised. morphologically, the marginal hook sickles of mexican isolates of g. salmonis closely resemble those of canadian specimens - their shaft and hook regions align closely with one another; only features of the ...201122169222
experimental verification of the effect of constant and changing water temperature on the micropopulation growth in gyrodactylus gobiensis gläser, 1974 (monogenea) parasitizing gudgeon (gobio gobio l.).it has been verified under laboratory conditions that constant and changing water temperature markedly affects the micropopulation growth in gyrodactylus gobiensis parasite on the body surface of gudgeons (gobio gobio l.). at a water temperature of 12 degrees c, the number of gyrodactylids gradually increased up to the mean value of 63 specimens per host, which was reached on days 27-28 after experimental infection. at a constant temperature of 18 degrees c, the parasites completely disappeared ...19911937270
experimental verification of the effect of physical condition of gobio gobio (l.) on the growth rate of micropopulations of gyrodactylus gobiensis gläser, 1974 (monogenea).it has been verified experimentally that the growth rate of g. gobiensis micropopulations is markedly affected by the physical condition of the host (gobio gobio). if the fish were weakened by 50% oxygen deficiency and lack of food, the number of parasites increased much more rapidly than on the fish also unfed but kept in water with 100% oxygen content. if the fish weakened by oxygen deficiency were intensively fed, the growth of the parasite micropopulations started to slow down after 4-5 days ...19873666612
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