
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
geographical distribution and relative risk of anjozorobe virus (thailand orthohantavirus) infection in black rats (rattus rattus) in madagascar.hantavirus infection is a zoonotic disease that is associated with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and cardiopulmonary syndrome in human. anjozorobe virus, a representative virus of thailand orthohantavirus (thaiv), was recently discovered from rodents in anjozorobe-angavo forest in madagascar. to assess the circulation of hantavirus at the national level, we carried out a survey of small terrestrial mammals from representative regions of the island and identified environmental factors ass ...201829743115
extreme physiological plasticity in a hibernating basoendothermic mammal, tenrec ecaudatus.physiological plasticity allows organisms to respond to diverse conditions. however, can being too plastic actually be detrimental? malagasy common tenrecs, tenrec ecaudatus, have many plesiomorphic traits and may represent a basal placental mammal. we established a laboratory population of t. ecaudatus and found extreme plasticity in thermoregulation and metabolism, a novel hibernation form, variable annual timing, and remarkable growth and reproductive biology. for instance, tenrec body temper ...201830158129
identification of tenrec ecaudatus, a wild mammal introduced to mayotte island, as a reservoir of the newly identified human pathogenic leptospira mayottensis.leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonosis of major concern on tropical islands. human populations on western indian ocean islands are strongly affected by the disease although each archipelago shows contrasting epidemiology. for instance, mayotte, part of the comoros archipelago, differs from the other neighbouring islands by a high diversity of leptospira species infecting humans that includes leptospira mayottensis, a species thought to be unique to this island. using bacterial culture, molecular ...201627574792
mammal survival at the cretaceous-palaeogene boundary: metabolic homeostasis in prolonged tropical hibernation in common tenrecs, tenrec ecaudatus, from sub-tropical madagascar, displayed long-term (nine months) hibernation which lacked any evidence of periodic interbout arousals (ibas). ibas are the dominant feature of the mammalian hibernation phenotype and are thought to periodically restore long-term ischaemia damage and/or metabolic imbalances (depletions and accumulations). however, the lack of ibas in tenrecs suggests no such pathology at hibernation tbs > 22°c. the long period of tropic ...201425339721
development and embryonic staging in non-model organisms: the case of an afrotherian mammal.studies of evolutionary developmental biology commonly use 'model organisms' such as fruit flies or mice, and questions are often functional or epigenetic. phylogenetic investigations, in contrast, typically use species that are less common and mostly deal with broad scale analyses in the tree of life. however, important evolutionary transformations have taken place at all taxonomic levels, resulting in such diverse forms as elephants and shrews. to understand the mechanisms underlying morpholog ...201322537021
two new eimerians (apicomplexa) from insectivorous mammals in madagascar.fecal samples from 126 insectivorous mammals in madagascar were collected between spring 1999 and fall 2001. in the afrosoricida, 21 species in 5 genera were sampled, including 17 species of microgale (31/96, 32% infected), hemicentetes semispinosus (1/2, 50%), oryzorictes hova (1/5, 20%), setifer setosus (8/13, 61.5%), and tenrec ecaudatus (5/8, 62.5%); in the soricomorpha, only suncus murinus was examined and 1/2 (50%) were infected. two morphotypes of eimeriid oocysts, representing 2 presumpt ...201121506791
[tailless tenrec (tenrec ecaudatus): natural maintenance host of leptospires?].in order to know if the tailless tenrec (tenrec ecaudatus), endemic insectivorous mammal of madagascar and present only on indian ocean islands, is a natural maintenance host of leptospires carrier in la reunion, we conducted a research of anti-leptospire antibodies by microagglutination test in 37 individuals. 81.1% of serums tested were positive, (> 1/50) with the highest titers for the icteroharmorrhagiae serogroup. so, in la reunion, the tailless tenrec can be suspected of being a reservoir ...200919343915
revision of the genus andreacarus (acari: laelapidae) with description of seven new species and a new genus for australian species formerly placed in andreacarus.the mesostigmatid genus andreacarus radford, 1953 (acari: laelapidae), species of which are obligatory parasites of small mammals, is revised. andreacarus includes 11 species, four species previously recognized and seven new species described from madagascar hosts: a. brachyuromys sp. n. from brachyuromys betsileoensis bartlett, a. eliurus sp. n. from eliurus species, a. gymnuromys sp. n. from gymnuromys roberti major, a. voalavo sp. n. from voalavo gymnocaudus carleton & goodman, a. nesomys sp. ...200717547225
ontogeny of the nasopalatine duct in primates.ecological explanations have been put forward to account for the precocious or delayed development of patency in ducts leading to the vomeronasal organ (vno) in certain mammals. perinatal function may be related, in part, to the patency or fusion of the vomeronasal and nasopalatine (npd) ducts. however, few studies have focused on npd development in primates, which generally have a prolonged period of dependence during infancy. in this study we examined 24 prenatal primates and 13 neonatal prima ...200312923897
molecular evidence for the monophyly of tenrecidae (mammalia) and the timing of the colonization of madagascar by malagasy tenrecs.tenrecs are a diverse family of insectivores, with an afro-malagasian biogeographic distribution. three subfamilies (geogalinae, oryzorictinae, tenrecinae) are restricted to madagascar and one subfamily, the otter shrews (potamogalinae), occurs on the mainland. morphological studies have generated conflicting hypotheses according to which both tenrecids and malagassy tenrecs are either monophyletic or paraphyletic. competing hypotheses have different implications for the biogeographic history of ...200211884160
lipotyphla limb myology comparison.fore- and hindlimb muscles were dissected in four species of lipotyphla: the western european hedgehog erinaceus europaeus (erinaceidae, erinaceinae); the moonrat echinosorex gymnura (erinaceidae, hylomyinae or galericinae); the tailless tenrec tenrec ecaudatus (tenrecidae, tenrecinae); and the common european white-toothed shrew crocidura russula (soricidae, soricinae). this work completely reviews the limb musculature of these walking mammals. twelve myological characters were evaluated in ord ...200211921044
[resurgence of the plague in the ikongo district of madagascar in 1998. 1. epidemiological aspects in the human population].between the 20th october and the 18th november 1998, an outbreak of bubonic plague was declared in a hamlet in the ikongo district of madagascar. we conducted an epidemiological survey because of the re-emergence of the disease in this area (the last cases had been notified in 1965) and because of the low altitude compared to the classical malagasy foci. the outbreak had been preceded by an important rat epizootics during september. a total of 21 cases were registered with an attack rate of 16.7 ...200111475028
relation of the insular claustrum to the neocortex in insectivora.the claustra of 9 species of insectivora (sorex araneus, sorex minutus, tenrec ecaudatus, solenodon paradoxus, neomys fodiens, erinaceus europaeus, talpa europaea, desmana moschata, potamogale velox) were investigated. in all examined animals we found two parts of the insular claustrum: the main part called by us the pars principalis and more medially situated lamina profunda claustri. in the "basal" insectivora the main part is in close contact with the layer via of the neocortex. in some more ...19901707077
a cineradiographic and electromyographic study of mastication in tenrec ecaudatus.regular chewing was studied in the specialized malagasy insectivore tenrec ecaudatus with the aid of precisely correlated electromyography of the main adductors, digastrics, and two hyoid muscles and cineradiography for which metallic markers were placed in the mandibles, tongue, and hyoid bone. during the power stroke the body of the mandible moves dorsally and medially. the medially directed component of movement at this time is greatly increased by simultaneous rotation of the mandible about ...19854057264
follicular development, ovulation, fertilization and fetal development in tenrecs (tenrec ecaudatus).reproduction in female tenrecs was studied on praslin island (4 degrees 20's, 55 degrees 45'e) in the seychelles from november 1977 to september 1980. dissection and histological examination of reproductive tracts revealed that each ovary is encapsulated in a bursa. polyovular follicles were abundant and contained up to 5 oocytes. the occurrence of more implanted fetuses than corpora lutea (cl) indicated successful polyovuly in 25% of pregnancies. no antrum was observed during follicular growth ...19854040574
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