Title | Abstract | Year(sorted descending) Filter | PMID Filter |
new locality record for haplorchoides mehrai and possible interactions with opisthorchis viverrini metacercariae in cyprinid fishes in northeast thailand. | metacercariae of opisthorchis viverrini, a carcinogenic liver fluke, and haplorchoides sp., a trematode maturing in catfish, are commonly found in cyprinid fish, the second intermediate hosts of both flukes. however, the specific identity of haplorchoides sp. in thailand and a precise assessment of the effects of co-infections with o. viverrini have never been clarified. therefore, we aimed to identify the species of haplorchoides and to investigate possible interactions of the two trematode spe ... | 2017 | 27882434 |
centrocestus formosanus (trematoda: heterophyidae) in melanoides tuberculata (gastropoda: thiaridae) from vila do abraão, ilha grande, rio de janeiro, brazil. | pleurolophocercous cercariae found in the invasive gastropod melanoides tuberculata (müller, 1774) collected in a stream of the vila do abraão, ilha grande, angra dos reis, rio de janeiro, brazil were used for experimental infection that enabled the identification of the heterophyid trematode centrocestus formosanus (nishigori, 1924). the parasite has been found in the locality since 2007, after two years of the introduction of m. tuberculata. recently, from a sample of 483 specimens collected i ... | 2016 | 27599102 |
the first record of centrocestus formosanus (nishigori, 1924) (digenea: heterophyidae) in egypt. | the life cycle of centrocestus formosanus (digenea: heterophyidae) was to be successfully completed in the laboratory in the present study. hundreds of the thiarid snail, melanoides tuberculata, were collected from the main water course mansouriya canal, giza governorate, egypt. the snails were individually exposed to artificial light to determine possible infection with trematode larvae. fifteen snails were found infected with opthalmopleurolophocercous cercariae (infection index of 1.97). thes ... | 2016 | 27328972 |
studies on the effect of pollution on lake manzala ecosystem in port-said, damietta and dakahlia governorates egypt. | this work studied how pollution impacts the ecosystem of lake manzala by determination of physicochemical parameters, studying biodiversity of aquatic plants and macroinvertebrates, and determining bioaccumulation of pb, cu, cd & zn in some major organisms, biomphalaria alexandrina and melanoides tuberculata snails and oreochromis niloticus fish. the more near to mediterranean sea and to the industrial area, port-said and damietta sites showed higher dissolved oxygen and conductivity than dakahl ... | 2015 | 26012230 |
the role of rice fields, fish ponds and water canals for transmission of fish-borne zoonotic trematodes in aquaculture ponds in nam dinh province, vietnam. | fish-borne zoonotic trematodes (fzt), such as clonorchis sinensis, opistorchis viverini (opisthorchiidae) and intestinal trematodes of the family heterophyidae, constitute a public health hazard in vietnam and infections with these trematodes has been linked to consumption of raw or undercooked fish from aquaculture. the fzt transmission pathways, however, are more complicated than just the presence of intermediate snail hosts in aquaculture ponds as ponds may exchange water with surrounding hab ... | 2015 | 26642755 |
current status of fish-borne zoonotic trematode infections in gia vien district, ninh binh province, vietnam. | ninh binh province is known as an endemic area of fish-borne zoonotic trematode (fzt) transmission in vietnam. a cross-sectional study was conducted in gia minh and gia thinh communes of gia vien district, ninh binh province to investigate the infections with different stages of fzt in various host species. | 2015 | 25586313 |
associations between trematode infections in cattle and freshwater snails in highland and lowland areas of iringa rural district, tanzania. | the epidemiology of trematode infections in cattle was investigated within highland and lowland areas of iringa rural district, in southern tanzania. fecal samples were collected from 450 cattle in 15 villages at altitudes ranging from 696 to 1800 m above the sea level. freshwater snails were collected from selected water bodies and screened for emergence of cercariae. the infection rates in cattle were fasciola gigantica 28·2%, paramphistomes 62·8% and schistosoma bovis 4·8%. notably, prevalenc ... | 2015 | 26152614 |
first record of transversotrema witenberg, 1944 (digenea) from the americas, with comments on the taxonomy of transversotrema patialense (soparkar, 1924) crusz and sathananthan, 1960, and an updated list of its hosts and geographic distribution. | specimens of transversotrema patialense (sensu lato) ( soparkar, 1924 ) crusz and sathananthan, 1960 (digenea: transversotrematidae) infected the skin (epidermal spaces beneath scales near pectoral fins) of 4 of 126 (prevalence 3%; mean intensity 1.8) zebrafish ( danio rerio (hamilton, 1822) [cypriniformes: cyprinidae]) purchased in 2009 and cultured by a california (usa) fish supplier. these fish were sold as "laboratory-reared" and "specific pathogen free," purportedly raised in a recirculatin ... | 2015 | 26335181 |
import of exotic and zoonotic trematodes (heterophyidae: centrocestus sp.) in xiphophorus maculatus: implications for ornamental fish import control in europe. | ornamental fish, xiphophorus maculatus, were imported from singapore to denmark for distribution to local aquarists. importers observed lethargic and erratic swimming patterns among fish and forwarded a total of 30 fish for pathological examination to a university diagnostic service. all fish were diagnosed infected with encysted centrocestus sp. metacercariae in gills (prevalence of 100% and mean intensity of 454.5 ± 161.9 parasites per fish). metacercariae were identified by morphological and ... | 2014 | 24827099 |
occurrence of a snail borne disease, cercarial dermatitis (swimmer itch) in doon valley (uttarakhand), india. | 'cercarial dermatitis' also known as swimmers itch (skin allergies) is caused by a trematode parasite, schistosoma which has two hosts - an invertebrate (snail) and a vertebrate (livestock, human being). although the availability of both vector snails and pathogens at the selected site the doon valley in northern india has already been confirmed but there was a hazy picture of the disease, whether it is due to entrance of cercariae or due to wild variety of grass (parthenium hysterophorus). the ... | 2014 | 26060739 |
gigantobilharzia melanoidis n.sp. (trematoda: schistosomatidae) from melanoides tuberculata (gastropoda: thiaridae) in the united arab emirates. | delicate filamentous schistosomatids detected in the intestinal veins of experimentally infected chickens are here described as a new parasite species, gigantobilharzia melanoidis, and details of its life cycle are given. it is the first complete description of a schistosome species that uses melanoides tuberculata as an intermediate host. apharyngeate ocellate brevifurcate cercariae found in 65 out of 950 m. tuberculata collected in a pond in al aweer, united arab emirates were used as infectio ... | 2014 | 24322292 |
a malacological survey in the manso power plant, state of mato grosso, brazil: new records of freshwater snails, including transmitters of schistosomiasis and exotic species. | schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease of public health concern in brazil, and the construction of hydroelectric dams, in addition to increasing permanent human settlement and tourism, has created conditions suitable for the establishment of mollusks that can transmit schistosomiasis. such areas require a number of actions to prevent the establishment of schistosomiasis. this paper reports on a freshwater malacological survey carried out in the geographical area of the manso power plant. | 2014 | 25229292 |
consequences of physical disturbance by tadpoles and snails on chironomid larvae. | indirect interactions among community members impact on organisms. the effects of two snails, banded pond snail, bellamya bengalensis (lamarck), and red-rimmed melania, melanoides tuberculata (müller), and tadpoles of asian common toad, duttaphrynus melanostictus (schneider), on nonbiting midge larvae, chironomus striatipennis kieffer, were observed in experimental microcosm. decrease in tube number and tube length of midge larvae was observed compared to control condition due to introduction of ... | 2014 | 24672384 |
[epidemiology of urinary schistosomiasis among school children in péhunco area, northern benin. malacological survey]. | schistosomiasis is a public health problem in benin but prevalence estimates vary widely. parasitological (from may to september 2010) and malacological surveys (from september 2010 to june 2012) were conducted to determine the current status of urinary schistosomiasis among 1 585 schoolchildren from 18 primary schools of péhunco area, north-west benin, using two parasitological tests. pupils were enrolled with a mean age of 11 years (from 7 to 16 years-old age) and 51.48% of them were girls. ur ... | 2014 | 24615433 |
[ecological studies on mollusk populations of medical and veterinary relevance existing in la coca farm]. | ecological studies were carried out on mollusk populations of medical and veterinary importance with emphasis on fasciola hepatica intermediary hosts species. | 2013 | 23431632 |
evolution of molluscan hemocyanin structures. | hemocyanin transports oxygen in the hemolymph of many molluscs and arthropods and is therefore a central physiological factor in these animals. molluscan hemocyanin molecules are oligomers composed of many protein subunits that in turn encompass subsets of distinct functional units. the structure and evolution of molluscan hemocyanin have been studied for decades, but it required the recent progress in dna sequencing, x-ray crystallography and 3d electron microscopy to produce a detailed view of ... | 2013 | 23454609 |
eye trematode infection in small passerines in peru caused by philophthalmus lucipetus, an agent with a zoonotic potential spread by an invasive freshwater snail. | until now, four species of eye trematodes have been found in south america. of them, philophthalmus lucipetus (synonymized with philophthalmus gralli) displays a broad host spectrum, with at least 30 bird species (prevalently large water birds), five mammal species and humans serving as definitive hosts, and with snails fagotia (microcolpia) acicularis, amphimelania holandri, melanopsis praemorsa and melanoides tuberculata serving as intermediate hosts. when examining a total of 50 birds of ten ... | 2013 | 23570701 |
ecotoxicological effect characterisation of widely used organic uv filters. | chemical uv filters are used in sun protection and personal care products in order to protect consumers from skin cancer induced by ultraviolet (uv) radiation. the present study aims to evaluate the effects of three common uv filters butyl-methoxydibenzoylmethane (b-mdm) ethylhexyl-methoxycinnamate (ehmc) and octocrylene (ocr) on aquatic organism, focussing particularly on infaunal and epibentic invertebrates (chironomus riparius, lumbriculus variegatus, melanoides tuberculata and potamopyrgus a ... | 2012 | 22325435 |
stable isotope evidence for dietary overlap between alien and native gastropods in coastal lakes of northern kwazulu-natal, south africa. | tarebia granifera (lamarck, 1822) is originally from south-east asia, but has been introduced and become invasive in many tropical and subtropical parts of the world. in south africa, t. granifera is rapidly invading an increasing number of coastal lakes and estuaries, often reaching very high population densities and dominating shallow water benthic invertebrate assemblages. an assessment of the feeding dynamics of t. granifera has raised questions about potential ecological impacts, specifical ... | 2012 | 22363764 |
melanoides tuberculata (mollusca: thiaridae) harboring renicolid cercariae (trematoda: renicolidae) in brazil. | melanoides tuberculata , naturally infected by gymnocephalous cercariae, were found in aquatic collections from belo horizonte, minas gerais, brazil. after morphological characterization, larvae were used for experimental infection of poecilia reticulata. metacercariae were obtained from the liver of these fish, which were also found to be naturally infected in the same locality. the morphology and biology of the developmental stages of trematodes we obtained were characteristic of renicola sp. ... | 2012 | 22288437 |
angiostrongylus cantonensis (nematode: metastrongyloidea) in molluscs from harbour areas in brazil. | angiostrongylus cantonensis is the most common aetiological agent of human eosinophilic meningoencephalitis. following a report indicating the presence of this parasite in brazil in 2007, the present study was undertaken to investigate the presence of a. cantonensis in the surrounding brazilian port areas. in total, 30 ports were investigated and the following molluscs were identified: achatina fulica, belocaulus sp., bradybaena similaris sp., cyclodontina sp., helix sp., leptinaria sp., melampu ... | 2012 | 22990962 |
the natural infection of melanoides tuberculata (müller, 1774) (mollusca: gastropoda) by centrocestus formosanus (nishigori, 1924) (platyhelminthes: trematoda) in paranoá lake, brasília, brazil. | 2012 | 22735153 | |
three new species of xiphidiocercariae from the thiarid snail thiara tuberculata in palakkad, kerala, india. | three new species of xiphidiocercous cercariae, cercaria sp. ix malabar n.sp., cercaria sp. x malabar n.sp. and cercaria sp. xi malabar n.sp. were recovered from the thiarid snail thiara tuberculata collected from freshwater bodies in the palakkad district of kerala. the three new species are described in detail and compared with their related species to establish their systematic position. | 2011 | 22654313 |
distribution of freshwater snails in family-based vac ponds and associated waterbodies with special reference to intermediate hosts of fish-borne zoonotic trematodes in nam dinh province, vietnam. | fish-borne zoonotic trematodes, such as clonorchis sinensis, heterophyids and others, constitute a public health concern in parts of northern vietnam and infections with these trematodes are often thought to be linked to fish culture. one common fish culture system is the integrated fish-livestock (vac) ponds where individual households have 1 or more ponds. fish fry, mainly of various carp species, produced in hatcheries, not necessarily local, are introduced into nursery ponds and after approx ... | 2010 | 20457118 |
parasitological and molecular study of the furcocercariae from melanoides tuberculata as a probable agent of cercarial dermatitis. | cercarial dermatitis is caused by animal schistosomes in many parts of the world including iran. various stages of the parasites have been studied in intermediate and definitive hosts in northern and southwestern iran; however, no molecular investigation for species identification and classification of these agents has been carried out, so far. in the present study, more than 3,800 aquatic snails were collected from water sources of khuzestan, southwest iran. the snails were identified as lymnae ... | 2010 | 21046153 |
melanoides tuberculata as intermediate host of philophthalmus gralli in brazil. | melanoides tuberculata that naturally harbored trematode larvae were collected at the pampulha dam, belo horizonte (minas gerais, brazil), during malacological surveys conducted from 2006 to 2010. from 7,164 specimens of m. tuberculata collected, 25 (0.35%) were infected by cercariae, which have been morphologically characterized as belonging to the megalurous group, genus philophthalmus. excysted metacercariae were used for successful experimental infection of gallus gallus domesticus, and adul ... | 2010 | 21225216 |
prevalence of haplorchis taichui in field-collected snails: a molecular approach. | the prevalence of the cercarial stage of an intestinal trematode, haplorchis taichui, in thiarid snails (gastropoda: thiaridae) was investigated using light microscope and species-specific pcr procedures. a total of 988 snails were collected from mae taeng district, chiang mai province, northern thailand, which comprised of 3 species; melanoides tuberculata, tarebia granifera, and thiara scabra. the overall prevalence of pleurolophocercous cercariae was 21.7% as determined by the morphology. for ... | 2010 | 21234240 |
melanoides tuberculata (mollusca: thiaridae) as an intermediate host of centrocestus formosanus (trematoda: heterophyidae) in brazil. | pleurolophocercous cercariae emerged from naturally infected melanoides tuberculata from minas gerais state, brazil, were used to perform experimental infection of laboratory-reared poecilia reticulata. mature metacercariae were obtained from the gills of fishes and force-fed to mus musculus. the adult parasites which recovered from small intestines of mice were identified as centrocestus formosanus. this is the first report of m. tuberculata as intermediate host of this heterophyid in brazil. | 2010 | 21748229 |
snails and trematode infection after indian ocean tsunami in phang-nga province, southern thailand. | the tsunami and non-tsunami affected areas of takua pa district, phang-nga province were investigated for fresh- and brackish-water snails that transmit human parasitic diseases during 2006 and 2007. among 46 snail species found, 17 species of 8 families were freshwater snails, 28 species of another 7 families were brackish-water snails, and 1 species was a land snail. of these species, 11 freshwater snails, 4 brackish-water snails and 1 land snail were of medical importance. the fresh-water sna ... | 2010 | 20578482 |
freshwater snails in asser region, saudi arabia with special refernce to the zoonotic trematode. | the present study gave information about the recent distribution of freshwater snails in asser region, and the current status of trematode infection specially schistosomiasis within the snails. fifteen localities were visited from septeinber 2007 to december 2008 and the collected snails were examined for the presence of trematode infection. seven species of snails were collected: biomphalaria arabica, bulinus truncatus, bulinus beccari, physa acuta, lymnaea palustris, lymnaea arabica and melano ... | 2009 | 19795761 |
life cycle stages of heterophyid trematodes in vietnamese freshwater fishes traced by molecular and morphometric methods. | a survey of digenean zoonotic trematodes infecting snails and fishes in a north vietnamese freshwater fish culture system revealed shedding of three types of parapleurolophocercous cercariae from the snail host melanoides tuberculata and the presence of metacercariae within the genus haplorchis (h. pumilio and h. taichui) and procerovum sp. in tissues of cultured fishes (silver carp, indian carp and climbing perch). no morphological characters were able to link the different cercariae specifical ... | 2009 | 19056180 |
trematode centrocestus formosanus infection and distribution in ornamental fishes in mexico. | the aim of this study was to determine the ornamental fish species affected by the metacercariae of the digenean trematode centrocestus formosanus and its distribution in 48 fish farms in morelos, central mexico. the parasite was found to form various numbers of branchial cysts in 11 of the 25 species analyzed. goldfish carassius auratus was the most commonly affected species; 20 of 30 farms were positive for this parasite, the fish showing severe clinical signs and having a high mortality rate. ... | 2009 | 19485122 |
molecular identification of larval trematode in intermediate hosts from chiang mai, thailand. | snail and fish intermediate hosts were collected from rice fields in 3 districts; mueang, mae taeng and mae rim of chiang mai province during april-july 2008. for identification of larval trematode infection, standard (cracked for snail and enzymatically digested for fish) and molecular methods were performed. the results showed that three types of cercariae were found, pleurolophocercus, cotylocercous, and echinostome among 4 species of snail with a prevalence of 29, 23 and 3% respectively. mel ... | 2009 | 20578455 |
the potential significance to human health associated with the establishment of the snail melanoides tuberculata in new zealand. | the thiarid melanoides tuberculata (müller, 1774) (gastropoda: prosobranchia: thiaridae) is considered to be invasive and have become established in numerous countries outside its native range. this species was discovered in the wild for the first time in new zealand in 2001, when a population was found in a geothermally warmed stream at golden springs near taupo. m. tuberculata is of human health significance as the intermediate host of a number of trematode parasites. uncertainties hinder an a ... | 2008 | 18791625 |
diversity and cercarial shedding of malaco fauna collected from water bodies of ratnagiri district, maharashtra. | an investigation on the occurrence of snails in the water bodies of five selected sites i.e., khed, chiplun, ratnagiri, parchuri and gimvi of district ratnagiri, maharashtra (india) was made during april-may 2006. the study revealed occurrence of nine species of snails viz., indoplanorbis exustus, lymnaea luteola, l. acuminata, paludomus obesus, ferrissia tenuis, thiara (melanoides) tuberculata, bellamya bengalensis, b. dissimilis and pila globosa, besides some species of bivalves. i. exustus wa ... | 2008 | 18199419 |
assessment of the potential of competitor snails and african catfish (clarias gariepinus) as biocontrol agents against snail hosts transmitting schistosomiasis. | the objective of this study was to assess the potential of the snails physa acuta and melanoides tuberculata and the african catfish clarias gariepinus as biological control agents against the schistosoma mansoni intermediate host biomphalaria pfeifferi under laboratory conditions. groups of five target and five competitor snails were raised together in experimental aquaria and same number in separate aquaria as controls. shell size, number of eggs and mortality rate were recorded for twelve con ... | 2008 | 18582914 |
trematode infections of the freshwater snail family thiaridae in the khek river, thailand. | the freshwater snail family thiaridae was studied at five different locations: water sources for the khek river, thailand. snail samples were collected by hand using counts per unit of time sampling method between december 2004 and october 2005. the physico-chemical quality of the water changed with the seasons and affected the sampling areas during both the dry season and the flood season. a total of 9,568 snail samples comprised of 14 species were found. these were 284 tarebia granifera, 24 me ... | 2007 | 18613543 |
trematode infections in freshwater snails and cattle from the kafue wetlands of zambia during a period of highest cattle-water contact. | a total of 984 snails, comprising nine species, were collected from six areas in the kafue wetlands between august and october 2003 to assess larval trematode infections. of these, 135 (13.7%) were positive. most trematode infections were recorded from lymnaea natalensis (42.8%), which harboured four of the five morphologically different cercariae found. no trematodes were recovered from bellamya capillata, biomphalaria pfeifferi, melanoides tuberculata, physa acuta and cleopatra nswendweensis. ... | 2007 | 17381873 |
habitats of bulinus truncatus and planorbarius metidjensis, the intermediate hosts of urinary schistosomosis, under a semiarid or an arid climate. | since bulinus truncatus and planorbarius metidjensis are the intermediate hosts of schistosoma haematobium in southwestern morocco, five rivers were investigated to identify sites colonized by either of both species and determine the characteristics of their habitats via the study of 12 physicochemical parameters in running water. p. metidjensis was observed in the upper valleys of three rivers, whereas b. truncatus was found in sites of lower altitude. a component analysis demonstrated that alt ... | 2007 | 17340142 |
freshwater mollusks at designated areas in eleven provinces of thailand according to the water resource development projects. | the study was conducted at 75 collecting loci in 15 districts of 11 provinces in thailand during 1999-2004. a total of 12,079 live mollusks were collected, 11,874 were snails and 205 were clams. the snails were comprised of 39 species and classified into 9 families: ampullariidae, bithyniidae, buccinidae, potamiopsidae, stenothyridae, thiaridae, viviparidae, planorbidae and lymnaeidae. the clams were comprised of 14 species classified into 2 families: amblemidae and corbiculidae. fifteen species ... | 2007 | 17539279 |
studies on the morphology of cercariae obtained from freshwater snails at erawan waterfall, erawan national park, thailand. | the morphology of cercariae of freshwater snails from erawan waterfall, erawan national park, kanchanaburi province was studied between december 2002 and august 2003. the snail samples were collected by handpicking using a counts per unit of time sampling method. the cercariae, larva stage of a trematode, were investigated using the shedding method where they were categorized into three groups and six species. the first group, pleurolophocercous cercariae, consists of haplorchis pumillo (c1) and ... | 2007 | 17539280 |
influence of intracellular toxin concentrations on cylindrospermopsin bioaccumulation in a freshwater gastropod (melanoides tuberculata). | scant information is available regarding the bioaccumulation of cylindrospermopsin (cyn) in aquatic organisms, particularly in invertebrates. this study examined toxin bioconcentration and bioaccumulation in the aquatic snail, melanoides tuberculata, following exposure to freeze-thawed whole cell extracts and a live cylindrospermopsis raciborskii culture containing cyn. both bioconcentration and bioaccumulation were evident, but exposure to toxin in the freeze-thawed solutions resulted in minor ... | 2006 | 16564064 |
the life cycle of haplorchis pumilio (trematoda: heterophyidae) from the indian region. | the life cycle of the heterophyid fluke, haplorchis pumilio is elucidated for the first time from the indian region. various stages in the life cycle were established based on observations made on natural infections found in snails and fish in a freshwater stream at visakhapatnam, india and experimental infections carried out in the laboratory. the thiarid snail, thiara tuberculata served as the first intermediate host and a wide range of freshwater fish as second intermediate hosts. natural inf ... | 2006 | 17125540 |
effect of non target snails on some biological of lymnaea natalensis snails and their infection to fasciola gigantica. | the influence of non-target freshwater snails (melanoides tuberculata and planorbis planorbis) on the capacity of fasciola egg production f. gigantica miracidia to infect lymnaea natalensis and their effect on mortality and growth rates showed that the snails exhibited a competitive ability against l. natalensis. the mortality rate existed in mixed cultures with snails was greatly increased, and increased with increase of snails number. the egg production and growth rate were negatively affected ... | 2006 | 17153707 |
current advances on the study of snail-snail interactions, with special emphasis on competition process. | field work research on population dynamic of snails from the regions of belo horizonte and lagoa santa give much information about interactions among two or more species of mollusks: pomacea haustrum, biomphalaria glabrata, b. tenagophila, b. straminea and melanoides tuberculata. data ranging from two years to several decades ago suggest that the pampulha reservoir is like a cemetery of b. glabrata and b. straminea, species that coexist for more than 14 years in a small part of a stream, whereas ... | 2006 | 8531669 |
impact of certain plants and synthetic molluscicides on some fresh water snails and fish. | the lc50 (78, 85 ppm) and lc90 (88, 135 ppm) of anagalis arvensis and calendula micrantha respectively against biomphalaria alexandrina were higher than those of the non-target snails, physa acuta, planorbis planorbis, helisoma duryi and melanoides tuberculata. in contrast, the lc50 of niclosamide (0.11 ppm) and copper sulphate (cuso4) (0.42 ppm) against b. alexandrina were lower than those of the non-target snails. the mortalities percentage among non-target snails ranged between 0.0 & 20% when ... | 2005 | 16333905 |
[socio-cultural and ethical factors involved in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis mansoni in an area of low endemicity]. | five annual parasitological surveys and one serological survey, respectively based on the kato-katz and free sedimentation methods and the western blot technique, were conducted in sumidouro, rio de janeiro, brazil, an endemic county for schistosomiasis. possible influences of the use of these methodologies on social, cultural, and ethical aspects of the study population were also evaluated. having the opportunity to choose the different techniques was a conclusive issue influencing participatio ... | 2005 | 15692642 |
hybridization and invasiveness in the freshwater snail melanoides tuberculata: hybrid vigour is more important than increase in genetic variance. | many invasive taxa are hybrids, but how hybridization boosts the invasive process remains poorly known. we address this question in the clonal freshwater snail melanoides tuberculata from martinique, using three parental and two hybrid lines. we combine an extensive field survey (1990-2003) and a quantitative genetic experiment to show that hybrid lines have outcompeted their parents in natural habitats, and that this increased invasiveness co-occurred with pronounced shifts in life-history trai ... | 2005 | 15842482 |
biodiversity assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates along a reservoir cascade in the lower são francisco river (northeastern brazil). | in order to verify the cascade-system effect in benthic macroinvertebrate communities, and the implications for policy making and proposals for conservation and sustainable use of the lower portion of são francisco river basin (bahia state, brazil), a three-reservoir cascade system including two stretches downstream were studied during dry (june, 1997) and rainy (march, 1998) periods. the dominant groups found were mollusca (melanoides tuberculata), oligochaeta, and chironomidae larvae. low shan ... | 2005 | 16097725 |
freshwater mollusks of medical importance in kalasin province, northeast thailand. | a snail survey was performed in six districts around irrigation areas of lampao dam, in kalasin province. the survey caught a total of 5,479 live snails and classed them into five families, 12 genera and 15 species, of which 7 species are suspected of transmitting human parasitic diseases. the seven species were pila polita, pomacea canaliculata, filopaludina (s.) m. martensi, bithynia (digoniostoma) siamensis goniomphalos, melanoides tuberculata, radix rubiginosa, and indoplanorbis exustus. of ... | 2005 | 16124433 |
first report of a field outbreak of the oriental eye-fluke, philophthalmus gralli (mathis & leger 1910), in commercially reared ostriches (struthio camelus) in zimbabwe. | a total of 17 commercially reared ostriches (struthio camelus) from msengi farm, chinhoyi, zimbabwe, observed with swollen eyes, severe conjunctivitis and constant lacrimation accompanied by a purulent exudate, were restrained for further clinical examination. some of the birds were semi-blind with severe loss of body condition. when examined, tiny organisms were observed attached to the nictitating membranes and the conjuctival sacs of both eyes. the organisms were identified as philophthalmus ... | 2005 | 16300188 |
effect of water plants and non-target snails on the infectivity of bulinus truncatus with schistosoma haematobium. | the application of the water plant (ceratophyllum demersum, eichhornia crassipes and lemna gibba) and/or non-target snails (planorbis planorbis, physa acuta and melanoides tuberculata) gave a significant degree of reduction in the infection rate of b. truncatus subjected to s. haematobium miracidia. the data also indicated a reduction in mean total number of cercarial production/snail. however, no significant difference was detected in the prepatent period and duration of cercarial shedding of t ... | 2005 | 16333895 |
human urinary schistosomiasis transmission foci and period in an endemic town of ijebu north, southwest nigeria. | human urinary schistosomiasis transmission foci and period were investigated in an endemic town in ijebu north, southwest nigeria. three important streams (areru, eri-oru and ojupon) were sampled using long-handled scoop and a pair of tongs, between september 2002 and october 2003. out of the 3500 freshwater snails collected, six species were identified which are lanistes libycus (46.7%), potadoma moerchii (31.4%), melanoides tuberculata (1.5%), bulinus globosus (18.2%), b.forskalii (0.2%) and a ... | 2004 | 16493394 |
distribution patterns and cercarial shedding of bulinus nasutus and other snails in the msambweni area, coast province, kenya. | in the msambweni area of the kwale district in kenya, an area endemic for schistosoma haematobium, potential intermediate-host snails were systematically surveyed in water bodies associated with human contact that were previously surveyed in the 1980s. bulinus (africanus) nasutus, which accounted for 67% of the snails collected, was the only snail shedding s. haematobium cercariae. lanistes purpureus was the second most common snail (25%); lower numbers of bulinus forskalii and melanoides tuberc ... | 2004 | 15100463 |
activity of euphorbia splendens var. hislopii n.e.b. (euphorbiaceae) latex against lymnaea columella (say, 1817) (pulmonata: lymnaeidae), intermediate host of fasciola hepatica, linnaeus, 1758 (trematoda: fasciolidae). 2: limited field-testing. | the molluscicidal evaluation of euphorbia splendens var. hislopii (crown of thorns) against lymnaea columella snails, intermediate host of fasciola hepatica, in irrigation ditches of the pisciculture station at universidade federal rural do rio de janeiro, was studied under limited field conditions. an aqueous solution of the latex at 5 mg/l was tested in two irrigation ditches (experimental and control ditches), after initial sampling of the snail population present. twenty-four hours after app ... | 2004 | 14762529 |
susceptibility of 7 freshwater gastropod species in zimbabwe to infection with gastrodiscus aegyptiacus (cobbold, 1876) looss, 1896. | gastrodiscosis outbreaks due to gastrodiscus aegyptiacus were recorded in horses in the vicinity of harare, zimbabwe, in the absence of bulinus forskalii, b. senegalensis and cleopatra sp. which are considered to be the only intermediate host snails. this suggested the possibility of other snail species acting as intermediate hosts in the life cycle of the trematode. a study was carried out to determine the susceptibility of 7 freshwater snail species to infection with g. aegyptiacus. first gene ... | 2004 | 15830604 |
ecological and molecular studies on emerging schistosomiasis mansoni in dhofar governorate, sultanate of oman. | the recent detection of some cases of autochtonous schistosomiasis mansoni in dhofar, oman, prompted a search for the transmission sites. the five field surveys we conducted from november 2000 to february 2002 provided ecological data on schistosomiasis in dhofar. twenty-eight water bodies situated within 8-160 km from salalah, the largest city of dhofar and at altitudes of up to 900 m, were surveyed for freshwater snails. biomphalaria arabica was found in 15 of them. three sites (tibraq, sigini ... | 2003 | 12631319 |
correlation between snails and fish in fish ponds of world fish center (iclarm) with special reference to snail vectors of schistosomiasis and fascioliasis. | the abundance of snail species in earthen fish ponds, irrigation and drainage canals at world fish center (iclarm) in descending order was bellamya unicolor (50.89%) > physa acuta (18.94%) > cleopatra bulimoides (7.6%) > lanistes carinatus (6.73%) > bulinus truncatus (5.19%) > melanoides tuberculata (4.83%) > lymnaea natalensis (3.14%) > gabbiella senaariensis (0.9%) > biomphalaria alexandrina (0.55%) > lym naea truncatula (0.4%) > planorbis planorbis and succinea cleopatra (0.33%) > ferrissia i ... | 2003 | 14964656 |
apparent competition through facilitation between melanoides tuberculata and biomphalaria glabrata and the control of schistosomiasis. | interactions between two species that result in reduced growth rates for both and extinction of one of the species are generally considered cases of asymmetric interspecific competition. exploitative or interference competition is the usual mechanism invoked. here we describe another mechanism producing the same result, named apparent competition through facilitation (acf), observed between melanoides tuberculata and biomphalaria glabrata populations. the superior competitor actually gives some ... | 2003 | 12886429 |
trematode metacercariae of fishes as sentinels for a changing limnological environment. | trematode metacercaria populations infecting cichlids in lake kinneret (sea of galilee) were used as sentinels for the changing limnological environment. parasitological data from 0+ cichlid fingerlings (tilapia zillii, oreochromis aureus, sarotherodon galilaeus) were collected from the northwest shore of the lake during 1999 to 2001 and compared with data obtained from 1982 to 1984. the results show that the composition of the metacercarial populations changed significantly between the 2 sampli ... | 2003 | 12911062 |
diversity of mollusks in the lam ta khong reservoir, nakhon ratchasima, thailand. | sampling surveys to study the diversity of mollusks in the lam ta khong reservoir, nakhon ratchasima province, northeast thailand, were carried out in the hot, rainy and cold seasons. the study area was divided into: area i--the upper part where the lam ta khong river drains; area ii--the mid-section of the reservoir; area iii--behind the dam. mollusks were collected from four locations on each bank (to the right and left) of each area. each location was sampled to include 6 cross-sectional stat ... | 2002 | 12757219 |
the molluscicidal activity of niclosamide (bayluscide wp70(r)) on melanoides tuberculata (thiaridae), a snail associated with habitats of biomphalaria glabrata (planorbidae). | the aim of this study was to determine the toxicity of niclosamide (bayluscide (r)) on melanoides tuberculata and biomphalaria glabrata under laboratory conditions. the latter species is the intermediate host of schistosoma mansoni (sambon 1917). m. tuberculata was successfully used as competitor of b. glabrata in biological control programs in french west indies. both molluscicide and biological control using m. tuberculata have proved to be successful in reducing the population density of b. g ... | 2002 | 12219145 |
experimental life cycle of philophthalmus gralli (trematoda: philophthalmidae) in venezuela. | descriptions of the miracidium, mother redia, daughter redia, grandaughter redia, cercaria, metacercaria and adult stages of philophthalmus gralli mathis and leger, 1910 recovered from experimental infections are presented. the intermediate host, melanoides tuberculata, was collected from freshwater rivulets in aguasanta and yaguracual, sucre state, venezuela. chicken were orally infected with cercariae and metacercariae, and metacercariae were introduced directly into the eyes by pipette. both ... | 2002 | 12298291 |
interaction between the intermediate host of schistosomiasis in brazil biomphalaria glabrata (planorbidae) and a possible competitor melanoides tuberculata (thiaridae): i. laboratory experiments. | the biological control of biomphalaria glabrata, intermediate host of schistosoma mansoni, is one the accepted options to fight schistosomiasis. one of the most promising candidates to control b. glabrata is the snail melanoides tuberculata, a potential competitor. however, the mechanisms of interaction between the two species are not clear. our objective is to determine if m. tuberculata indeed compete with b. glabrata, using two laboratory experiments. in experiment 1, we tested the effect of ... | 2002 | 12048567 |
haplorchis infections in intermediate hosts from a clonorchiasis endemic area in meinung, taiwan, republic of china. | snails and freshwater fish were examined from four ponds in the meinung township in which clonorchis sinensis was known to be endemic 18 years ago. no metacercariae were found in 478 tilapia nilotica, whereas of 451 ctenopharyngodon idellus examined, 16.2%, 3.3% and 0.9% were found to be infected with haplorchis pumilio, h. taichui and clonorchis sinensis, respectively. in addition, there were some unidentified metacercariae in 12.0% of ctenopharyngodon idellus examined. overall, no positive cor ... | 2002 | 12015833 |
susceptibility of freshwater snails to the amphistome calicophoron microbothrium and the influence of the species on susceptibility of bulinus tropicus to schistosoma haematobium and schistosoma mattheei infections. | the susceptibility of bulinus tropicus, b. globosus, biomphalana pfeifferi, lymnaea natalensis, and melanoides tuberculata to calicophoron microbothrium was examined. bulinus tropicus had the highest prevalence (65.0%), followed by b. pfeifferi (37.5%), b. globosus (6.8%), and m. tuberculata (5.9%). lymnaea natalensis was refractory to infection. bulinus tropicus snails infected with c. microbothrium alone or coinfected with either schistosoma haematobium or s. mattheei 0, 7, 14, and 21 days aft ... | 2002 | 12435124 |
the molluscicidal activity of the latex of euphorbia splendens var. hislopii on melanoides tuberculata (thiaridae), a snail associated with habitats of biomphalaria glabrata (planorbidae). | the use of the latex of euphorbia splendens var. hislopii was considered as an effective control method for biomphalaria glabrata in sumidouro, rio de janeiro. however, the appearance and expansion of the snail melanoides tuberculata since august 1997, with the concomitant reduction of the population of b. glabrata suggest that competitive exclusion might be taking place. depending on the susceptibility of the thiarid to the e. splendens toxin, the natural control that is occurring could be inte ... | 2001 | 11285483 |
occurrence and distribution of fresh-water molluscs in the riacho fundo creek basin, brasilia, brazil. | to study the distribution of molluscs in the riacho fundo creek (cerrado region of central brazil), five creek sites were sampled once every two months for one year. molluscs were sampled using standardized kick-net sampling. four species of molluscs were found: physella cubensis, melanoides tuberculata, biomphalaria straminea and pisidium sp. the most abundant were p. cubensis and pisidium sp. physella cubensis was most abundant in the dry season and pisidium sp. was most abundant in the rainy ... | 2001 | 12189816 |
invading freshwater snails and biological control in martinique island, french west indies. | eight alien freshwater snail species were introduced into martinique island during the last 50 years. the introduced snails include four planorbids (biomphalaria straminea, helisoma duryi, amerianna carinata and gyraulus sp.), three thiarids (melanoides tuberculata, m. amabilis and tarebia granifera) and one ampullarid (marisa cornuarietis). four of these species rapidly colonized the whole martinican hydrographic system whereas the other four remained restricted to some particular sites. the in ... | 2001 | 11586428 |
possible competitive displacement of planorbids by melanoides tuberculata in minas gerais, brazil. | several species of snails, including pomacea haustrum, marisa cornuarietis and helisoma duryi, have been identified as probable competitors and/or predators of planorbid intermediate hosts of schistosoma. during the last few years, studies carried out in the caribbean region have shown reductions and even disappearances of populations of biomphalaria glabrata and b. straminea in breeding places where the snail melanoides tuberculata was introduced. observations made over a period of 10 years in ... | 2001 | 11586446 |
biological control of the snail hosts of schistosomiasis in areas of low transmission: the example of the caribbean area. | the biological control of schistosomiasis has already proven its efficiency in several habitats in the caribbean area. two main types of biological control agents, either trematode parasites or competitor snails have been studied and tested against the snail hosts of schistosomiasis in this region. the first one, ribeiroia guadeloupensis, a trematode sterilizing biomphalaria glabrata was successfully tested in a guadeloupean pond housing a natural population of b. glabrata. the second agent invo ... | 2000 | 10996120 |
life cycle and identification of an eyefluke from israel transmitted by melanoides tuberculata (müller, 1774). | a philophthalmid species from israel using the freshwater snail melanoides tuberculata as intermediate host was studied. the biological and morphological characteristics of all developmental stages of the life cycle of this philophthalmid were described, and compared to those of philophthalmus lucipetus rudolphi, 1819 from israel, philophthalmus gralli mathis and leger, 1910 from jordan, philophthalmus palpebrarum looss, 1899, philophthalmus nocturnus looss, 1907, cercaria distomatosa looss 1896 ... | 2000 | 10958455 |
argentophilic structures of the miracidia and cercariae of philophthalmus distomatosa n. comb. from israel. | the morphology and patterns of distribution of the argentophilic structures of miracidia and cercariae of philophthalmus distomatosa n. comb. are described. the epidermal plate arrangement of the vast majority (94.2%) of miracidia studied conformed to the formula 6:8:4:2 = 20. the rest (5.8%) displayed the following patterns of arrangement of epidermal plates: 6:7:4:2 = 19; 6:6:4:2 = 18; and 6:4:4:2 = 16. twenty papillalike structures were observed on the terebratorium. they were arranged along ... | 2000 | 11191898 |
observations on the morphology and life-cycle of procerovum varium (onji & nishio, 1916) (trematoda: heterophyidae). | the life-cycle of procerovum varium (digenea: haplorchiinae) was studied experimentally and the morphology of stages in the life-cycle has been described and illustrated. infections with adult flukes were found in the pond heron ardeola grayii and heavy infections with metacercariae were found, attached to the liver of the fish oryzias melastigma (oryziatidae) occurring in a freshwater stream situated in visakhapatnam, india. the cercariae developing in the snail thiara tuberculata possessed typ ... | 2000 | 10845654 |
life history and identification of philophthalmus lucipetus from israel. | a philophthalmus species whose larval stages have been isolated from melanopsis praemorsa snails collected in israel and formerly identified as probably belonging to philophthalmus palpebrarum has now been reevaluated as belonging to philophthalmus lucipetus. the present determination is based on a detailed study of all the stages of the parasite's life cycle--eggs, intramolluscan stages, cercariae, and adults. they were compared to the original species p. lucipetus, recently reexamined and rede ... | 1999 | 10219311 |
biological control and invading freshwater snails. a case study. | introductions of four species of freshwater snails occurred between 1972 and 1996 onto guadeloupe island. two of them, melanoides tuberculata and marisa cornuarietis, were subsequently used as biological control agents against biomphalaria glabrata, the snail intermediate host of intestinal schistosomiasis. in 1996, a general survey was carried out in 134 sites which had already been investigated in 1972. the total number of mollusc species had increased from 19 to 21. site numbers housing b. gl ... | 1999 | 10656149 |
density and variability of dinucleotide microsatellites in the parthenogenetic polyploid snail melanoides tuberculata. | characterization of microsatellites in the parthenogenetic polyploid snail melanoides tuberculata revealed an unusual high density of dinucleotide repeats. multiple banding patterns were obtained at these loci, and interpreted as a consequence of polyploidy. microsatellite variability was low within, but high between, shell morphotypes. genotypes were wholly transmitted from mothers to offspring. these results suggest that reproduction is strictly apomictic, and that shell morphotypes are geneti ... | 1998 | 9734077 |
effect of six non-target snails on schistosoma mansoni miracidial host finding and infection of biomphalaria alexandrina under laboratory conditions. | six snail species naturally associated with biomphalaria alexandrina, the snail host of schistosoma mansoni in egypt, were tested under standard laboratory conditions, for impact on miracidial host findings and infection of the snail host. these snails are the prosobranchs melanoides tuberculata, cleopatra bulimoides, bellamys unicolor and lanistes carinatus, the pulmonates planorbis planorbis and physa acuta. the tested snail ssp. reduced considerably the infection rate of biomphalaria with s. ... | 1998 | 9707684 |
accumulation of heavy metals in freshwater molluscs. | heavy metals in the aquatic environment have to date come mainly from naturally occurring geochemical materials. however, this has been enhanced by human activity such as gold mining in the case of heavy metal pollution in sg sarawak kanan. the high suspended solid loads in the river have quite efficiently removed most soluble metals from the water and trapped them in the bottom sediment. three freshwater mollusc species were collected at the point source of the heavy metal pollutants and analys ... | 1998 | 9646520 |
[control of intestinal schistosomiasis in martinique island]. | the presence of schistosomiasis mansoni is known in martinique since the beginning of the xxth century. a general survey of the distribution of the disease was carried out in 1977 and showed a mean prevalence of 12% (coprology and serology taken together) in the whole of the island. following this survey, an integrated control programme associating sanitary education, detection and treatment of patients and improved sanitation, was developed. in addition, a biological control programme against t ... | 1997 | 9587606 |
laboratory experiments on snail predation by sargochromis codringtoni, a candidate for biological control of the snails that transmit schistosomiasis. | the potential efficacy of sargochromis codringtoni, a species of cichlid fish, in the biological control of snails carrying the schistosoma spp. infecting man has long been recognized. a laboratory study to produce much-needed data on the malacophagous characteristics of this fish was conducted, to see if field studies on its possible role as a biological agent for snail control in zimbabwe were likely to be worthwhile. the fish can consume large numbers of snails within a short period: a single ... | 1997 | 9093434 |
pattern of emergence and the effects of temperature and light on the emergence and survival of heterophyid cercariae (centrocestus formosanus and haplorchis pumilio). | production of the cercariae of centrocestus formosanus and haplorchis pumilio was not affected by a 10-day starvation of the snail host melanoides tuberculata, and there was no circadian rhythm in the pattern of cercarial emergence. daily average cercarial productions from each snail were 1,643 for c. formosanus and 689 for h. pumilio at 25 c and 500 lux illumination. the number of cercariae was moderately correlated with the size of snail host. the heaviest sheddings ever observed from 1 snail ... | 1996 | 8604114 |
[the distribution and possible competition between melanoides tuberculata and tarebia granifera (prosobranchia: thiaridae) in lake hanabanilla, cuba]. | a study was carried out along three years, on distribution and possible competence between the two thiarid species present in lake hanabanilla, cuba: melanoides tuberculata and tarebia granifera. both species presented significant differences as to its abundance within a determined microhabitat, but they could match their densities for the total sampled area. these variations were mainly due to the ratio of juveniles in each species. interaction was only detected when high abundance values were ... | 1995 | 9805077 |
[malacological survey of the soledade lake hydrographic basin, in ouro branco (minas gerais, brazil)]. | a malacological survey was carried out at the soledade lake, in ouro branco, state of minas gerais, for the period 1986-1991. a total amount of 46,579 mollusks was collected, and among them seven species corresponding to five families could be found, as follows: 39,176 specimens of biomphalaria tenagophila; 1,296 b. glabrata; 7 drepanotrema cimex; 2,527 physa sp; 417 lymnaea sp; 92 pomacea hastrum, and 3,064 specimens of melanoides tuberculata (melanniidae = thiaridae) were collected from march/ ... | 1994 | 7569611 |
prevalence of larval helminths in freshwater snails of the kinmen islands. | a survey of larval helminths in freshwater snails of kinmen was conducted from 1986 to 1987. parasitological examinations of a total of 726 live snails collected from 25 loci revealed that 20 of 80 bithynia fuchsiana were infected with metacercariae of echinostoma gotoi and 36 with metacercariae of other echinostomes. among 57 radix auricularia swinhoei snails, 27 were infected with echinostomes and eight with metacercariae of other flukes. of 20 cipangopaludina chinensis, 18 were found with lar ... | 1993 | 8132969 |
the introduction of melanoides tuberculata (mollusca: thiaridae) to the island of saint lucia (west indies) and its role in the decline of biomphalaria glabrata, the snail intermediate host of schistosoma mansoni. | a malacological survey was carried out in may 1992 in the whole hydrographic system of saint lucia 11 years after the end of a biological control programme to eliminate biomphalaria glabrata, the snail intermediate host of schistosoma mansoni. a competitor snail, melanoides tuberculata, was introduced to saint lucia in 1978 and field experiments in several habitats were conducted by prentice between 1978 and 1986. at the present time m. tuberculata is the most common freshwater snail in saint lu ... | 1993 | 8103624 |
does the snail melanoides tuberculata have a role in biological control of biomphalaria pfeifferi and other medically important african pulmonates? | 1992 | 1417214 | |
biological control of the snail intermediate hosts of schistosoma mansoni in martinique, french west indies. | in martinique water-cress beds constituted the last transmission sites for schistosomiasis. the competitor snail, melanoides tuberculata, was introduced at the beginning of 1983 to a group of water-cress beds and eliminated the snail hosts, biomphalaria glabrata and b. straminea, in less than two years. following this first success, m. tuberculata was introduced to the other groups of beds which were inventoried at the beginning of the eighties. at the present time, b. glabrata and b. straminea ... | 1992 | 1519033 |
predation of biomphalaria and non-target molluscs by the crayfish procambarus clarkii: implications for the biological control of schistosomiasis. | the north american crayfish procambarus clarkii was examined under laboratory conditions for its ability to prey on biomphalaria pfeifferi and b. glabrata, molluscan intermediate hosts of human schistosomiasis, and other, non-target gastropod species. both male and female adult crayfish significantly reduced survival of neonate snails, even though alternative animal and plant foods were both available. in subsequent experiments, no differences in snail consumption were detected, for either adult ... | 1992 | 1304709 |
two species of heterophyid larval digeneans from a thiarid gastropod thiara tuberculata (müller) from india. | two species of heterophyid cercariae, cercaria of haplorchis taichui and haplorchis pumilio are obtained from thiara tuberculata from visakhapatnam, india. this is the first report of cercariae of both the parasites from india. the characteristic features of h. taichui cercaria are the presence of two sets--one set of lateral and other dorsoventral cuadal finfolds, 15 acicular spines in three alternating rows and seven pairs of lobed penetration glands arranged in two longitudinal rows. h. pumil ... | 1991 | 1843857 |
the life cycle of echinochasmus bagulai (trematoda: echinostomatidae). | the life history of echinochasmus bagulai, an echinostomatid trematode in birds, is reported and stages in the life cycle are described. natural infections with cercariae, which are of the gymnocephalous type, were found in the thiarid snail thiara tuberculata. metacercarial cysts were found in the gills of aplocheilus panchax, oryzias melastigma, gambusia affinis and channa punctata. adults were obtained in the small intestine of ardeola grayi. in laboratory experiements development of cercaria ... | 1991 | 1869362 |
schistosomiasis on the entebbe peninsula. | a comparative study of the prevalence of schistosoma mansoni and their intermediate host in the fishing villages of nakiwogo and kigungu is reported. a total of 520 inhabitants from the two villages were examined for schistosoma mansoni. their age varied from 4 to 40 and the infection was found to be higher at nakiwogo 95(36.6%) than at kigungu 40(15.4%). the snails collected were 1,345 biomphalaria choanomphala, 237 biomphalaria pfeifferi, 180 bulinus (bulinus) tropicus, 56 bulinus (physopsis) ... | 1990 | 2112995 |
studies on schistosomiasis in the niger delta: schistosoma intercalatum in the urban city of port harcourt, nigeria. | ova of s. intercalatum have been found in the urban city of port harcourt in the niger delta area of nigeria, following examination of stool and urine samples from 1,709 persons (5-15 years of age) resident in various parts of the city. the ova occurred only in urine, with prevalence ranging from 1.0% to 9.8% with an overall prevalence of 5.7%. the intensity of the infection was low. most infected individuals had counts of less than 500 ova in total bladder content. there was no significant diff ... | 1989 | 2772131 |
[the discovery of melanoides tuberculata as the first intermediate host of echinochasmus japonicus]. | this paper reports on the discovery of cercariae which are similar to those of echinotomatidae in melanoides tuberculata in yunxiao and zhaoan counties of fujian. encysted metacercariae were found in the gills of fresh-water fish after experimental infection with the cercariae for 3 to 4 hours. adult worms identified as echinochasmus japonicus were obtained from mesocricetus auratus and dove after infection with the metacercariae. melanoides tuberculata was recorded for the first time as the fir ... | 1989 | 2766498 |
biological control of the snail hosts of schistosoma mansoni in the caribbean area using thiara spp. | field observations and experiments using thiarid snails as competitors of biomphalaria spp., potential intermediate hosts of schistosoma mansoni in the caribbean area, are reviewed. the parthenogenetic snails, thiara granifera and t. (= melanoides) tuberculata, were introduced to the neotropical area in recent decades. in numerous islands and countries, these oriental species have demonstrated their capacity to colonize rapidly and densely many types of habitats while at the same time reducing a ... | 1989 | 2566267 |
biological control of biomphalaria glabrata and b. straminea by the competitor snail thiara tuberculata in a transmission site of schistosomiasis in martinique, french west indies. | in martinique, intestinal schistosomiasis was discovered at the beginning of this century. the intermediate host snail, biomphalaria glabrata, was considered in the past as a common species in the different habitats of the island, but during the last decade it has been found only in water-cress beds. several of these water-cress cultures contained mixed populations of b. glabrata and b. straminea. moreover, these habitats also constituted transmission sites for schistosoma mansoni infection. in ... | 1989 | 2513787 |
population dynamics of aquatic snails in pampulha reservoir. | an attempt was made to determine more accurately the density of molluskan populations in the pampulha reservoir, using the quadrate method, intending to detect the fluctuation of the populations density, the habitat conditions and the possible competitive interactions among biomphalaria tenagophila, melanoides tuberculata, pomacea haustrum and biomphalaria glabrata, through the analysis of populational parameters. among the most significative facts observed in the reservoir it has to be mentione ... | 1987 | 3509186 |
[occurrence in brazil of thiara (melanoides) tuberculata (o.f. muller, 1774) (gastropoda, prosobranchia), the 1st intermediate host of clonorchis sinensis (cobbold, 1875) (trematoda, plathyhelmintes)]. | 1986 | 3554478 | |
elimination of biomphalaria pfeifferi, bulinus tropicus and lymnaea natalensis by the ampullarid snail, marisa cornuarietis, in a man-made dam in northern tanzania. | marisa cornuarietis is a well known ampullarid competitor/predator of biomphalaria glabrata in puerto rico. for the first time in africa a flourishing population of marisa has been established in a small, permanent, man-made dam at kisangara, near moshi, tanzania. prior to the release of m. cornuarietis in june 1977, this dam supported thriving populations of the pulmonate snail hosts biomphalaria pfeifferi and lymnaea natalensis; bulinus tropicus and the melaniid melanoides tuberculata were als ... | 1982 | 6122367 |
susceptibility of iraqi fresh water snails to infection with schistosoma haematobium and schistosoma mansoni egyptian strains. | a great number of egyptian workers and farmers are seeking settlement in iraq and some of them proved to have either schistosoma haematobium (s.h.) or schistosoma mansoni (s.m) or even mixed infection. besides, there is the possibility that some of the iraqi fresh water snails may prove to be susceptible to infection by one or both of the schistosoma egyptian strains. the present study deals with investigations on the susceptibility of iraqi b. truncatus, gyranaulus ehrenbergi, physa c.f. fontin ... | 1979 | 555668 |