
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
arcobacter butzleri survives within trophozoite of acanthamoeba castellanii.the survival of three arcobacter butzleri strains inside acanthamoeba castellanii was assessed using axenic cultures of a. castellanii that were inoculated with the tested strains and incubated at 26°c under aerobic conditions for 240h. the behavior of bacteria in contact with amoebae was monitored using phase contrast microscopy. the bacterial survival rate within amoebae was assessed through counting colony forming units, using the gentamicin protection assay. all a. butzleri strains were able ...201726972277
study of biofilm formation ability of foodborne arcobacter butzleri under different conditions.the transmission of arcobacter butzleri , an emerging food- and waterborne pathogen, is possibly favored by its ability to adhere to abiotic surfaces. in this study, we assessed the biofilm formation ability of 42 a. butzleri isolates recovered from different food products. overall, nine isolates (21.4%) were able to adhere to polystyrene. among them, a chicken-derived isolate was classified as strongly adherent. based on the chi-square test, no relation was found between the adhesive abilities ...201728358260
arcobacter spp. in fecal samples from brazilian farmed caimans (caiman yacare, daudin 1802).the aim of this study was to perform the identification and molecular characterization of arcobacter cryaerophilus and arcobacter butzleri isolated from caiman (caiman yacare), kept at a production farm, in brazil. forty fecal samples were analyzed. after isolation and identification, 21/40 strains of a. butzleri and 19/40 strains of a. cryaerophilus were subjected to pcr for potential virulence gene detection. the results of the pcr showed 38/40 strains positive for the cadf, cj1349, ciab, and ...201728321791
prevalence and diversity of waterborne arcobacter butzleri in southwestern alberta, canada.arcobacter butzleri is a potential enteric pathogen to human beings, but its reservoirs and modes of transmission are largely unverified. microbiological and molecular detection and subtyping techniques can facilitate surveillance of a. butzleri in hosts and environmental reservoirs. we isolated a. butzleri from 173 surface water samples (25.6%) and 81 treated wastewater samples (77.9%) collected in southwestern alberta over a 1-year period. arcobacter butzleri isolates (n = 500) were genotyped ...201728177789
detection, identification, and antimicrobial susceptibility of arcobacter spp. isolated from shellfish in spain.this work aimed to determine the presence of arcobacter spp. in shellfish and to determine its susceptibility to quinolones. one hundred samples (41 mussels, 37 clams, and 22 cockles) were purchased from different local retail shops in valencia, spain, from september 2013 to june 2015. all samples were analyzed simultaneously by culture, after an enrichment step, and by polymerase chain reaction (pcr), directly and after enrichment. the susceptibility to levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin of the iso ...201728121468
occurrence of putative virulence genes on arcobacter butzleri isolated from three different environmental sites throughout the dairy chain.this comparative study investigated the occurrence of cadf, cj1349, ciab, plda, tlya, heca, hecb, mvin, irga and iroe genes in 212 arcobacter butzleri isolated from three different environmental sites linked to the dairy chain (farms, industrial and artisanal dairy plants) located in three italian regions (lombardy, emilia-romagna and calabria).201728106302
genetic diversity of arcobacter isolated from bivalves of adriatic and their interactions with mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes.the human food-borne pathogens arcobacter butzleri and a. cryaerophilus have been frequently isolated from the intestinal tracts and fecal samples of different farm animals and, after excretion, these microorganisms can contaminate the environment, including the aquatic one. in this regard, a. butzleri and a. cryaerophilus have been detected in seawater and bivalves of coastal areas which are affected by fecal contamination. the capability of bivalve hemocytes to interact with bacteria has been ...201727650799
functionalized fullerene targeting human voltage-gated sodium channel, hnav1.7.mutations of hnav1.7 that cause its activities to be enhanced contribute to severe neuropathic pain. only a small number of hnav1.7 specific inhibitors have been identified, most of which interact with the voltage-sensing domain of the voltage-activated sodium ion channel. in our previous computational study, we demonstrated that a [lys6]-c84 fullerene binds tightly (affinity of 46 nm) to navab, the voltage-gated sodium channel from the bacterium arcobacter butzleri. here, we extend this work an ...201728586206
susceptibility to 18 drugs and multidrug resistance of arcobacter isolates from different sources within the czech republic.arcobacter spp. are considered to be potential foodborne pathogens, and consumption of contaminated food containing these bacteria could endanger human and animal health. arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus are the species most frequently isolated from food of animal origin and from other samples. the aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of arcobacters isolated in the czech republic. no information about antibiotic susceptibility and multidrug resistance of arcobacte ...201728400212
comparative isolation and genetic diversity of arcobacter sp. from fish and the coastal environment.arcobacter species are emerging food-borne and water-borne human pathogens associated mostly with food animals and their environment. the present study was aimed to isolate arcobacter species from fish, shellfish and coastal water samples using two methods and to determine their genetic diversity. of 201 samples of fish, shellfish and water samples analysed, 66 (32·8%) samples showed the presence of arcobacter dna from both arcobacter enrichment broth and bolton broth. arcobacters were isolated ...201728394467
characterization of the emerging zoonotic pathogen arcobacter thereius by whole genome sequencing and comparative genomics.four arcobacter species have been associated with human disease, and based on current knowledge, these gram negative bacteria are considered as potential food and waterborne zoonotic pathogens. at present, only the genome of the species arcobacter butzleri has been analysed, and still little is known about their physiology and genetics. the species arcobacter thereius has first been isolated from tissue of aborted piglets, duck and pig faeces, and recently from stool of human patients with enter ...201728671965
application of long amplicon propidium monoazide-pcr to assess the effects of temperature and background microbiota on pathogens in river water.the decay rates of enteric waterborne pathogens were evaluated following the introduction of yersinia enterocolitica, salmonella enterica, campylobacter jejuni and arcobacter butzleri into river water at different temperatures (5, 15 and 25°c) for a period of 28 days. to improve the accuracy of the results a molecular viability assay, long amplicon propidium monoazide-polymerase chain reaction (pma-pcr), was used to quantify the viable cell concentration and results from pcr with and without pma ...201728598346
fate of antibiotic resistance genes and their associations with bacterial community in livestock breeding wastewater and its receiving river water.large amounts of antibiotics are currently used in livestock breeding, which is the main driving factor contributing to the occurrence, spread and proliferation of antibiotic resistant bacteria (arb) and antibiotic resistance genes (args) in the environment. in this study, high-throughput sequencing based metagenomic approaches were employed to characterize the tempo-spacial changes of antibiotic resistome, bacterial community and their correlations in pig farming wastewater and its receiving ri ...201728763642
virulence gene profiles of arcobacter species isolated from animals, foods of animal origin, and humans in andhra pradesh, india.this study aimed to detect putative virulence genes in arcobacter species of animal and human origin.201728717327
occurrence of emerging food-borne pathogenic arcobacter spp. isolated from pre-cut (ready-to-eat) vegetables.given that changes in consumer food behaviours have led to an increase in the demand for pre-cut ready-to-eat (rte) vegetables, and that few data are currently available on the occurrence of arcobacter spp. in such foods, the aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of arcobacter spp. that carry virulence-associated genes on pre-cut rte vegetables, using cultural and molecular methods. arcobacter was detected using biomolecular identification methods in 44/160 (27.5%) of the samples ...201627442848
isolation of campylobacter spp. from client-owned dogs and cats, and retail raw meat pet food in the manawatu, new zealand.campylobacter causes acute gastroenteritis in people worldwide and is frequently isolated from food, animals and the environment. the disease is predominately food-borne but many routes of transmission and sources of infection have been described, including contact with pets. the prevalence of campylobacter spp. in dogs and cats varies widely, and data on new zealand pets are limited. this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of campylobacter spp. in dogs, cats and retail raw meat pet food ...201627860343
the use of two culturing methods in parallel reveals a high prevalence and diversity of arcobacter spp. in a wastewater treatment plant.the genus arcobacter includes species considered emerging food and waterborne pathogens. despite arcobacter has been linked to the presence of faecal pollution, few studies have investigated its prevalence in wastewater, and the only isolated species were arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus. this study aimed to establish the prevalence of arcobacter spp. at a wwtp using in parallel two culturing methods (direct plating and culturing after enrichment) and a direct detection by m-pcr. ...201627981053
insights in the pathogenesis and resistance of arcobacter: a review.arcobacter genus currently comprises 18 recognized species, among which arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus and arcobacter skirrowii have been associated with human and animal disease. although these organisms, with special emphasis a. butzleri, are emerging as clinical pathogens, several aspects of their epidemiology and virulence are only starting to be clarified. in vitro human and animal cell culture assays have been used to show that several arcobacter species can adhere to and in ...201625806423
development and evaluation of multiplex pcr assays for rapid detection of virulence-associated genes in arcobacter the pathogenicity of arcobacter species might be associated with various virulence factors, this study was aimed to develop and optimize three single-tube multiplex pcr (mpcr) assays that can efficiently detect multiple virulence-associated genes (vags) in arcobacter spp. including the arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus and arcobacter skirrowii, respectively. the recognized target virulence factors used in the study were fibronectin binding protein (cj1349), filamentous hemagglutin ...201626769558
efficacy of wastewater treatment on arcobacter butzleri density and strain diversity.arcobacter butzleri is a suspected waterborne enteric pathogen that is ubiquitous in the environment, but the degree to which wastewater treatment prevents entry of a. butzleri into environmental waters and the risks posed are not well established. untreated and treated wastewater samples (n = 260) were collected weekly from the lethbridge and fort macleod wastewater treatment facilities (the two major municipal inputs in southwestern alberta, canada) from may 2008 to april 2009. untreated waste ...201627636152
arcobacter butzleri isolates exhibit pathogenic potential in intestinal epithelial cell models.the pathogenic potential of arcobacter butzleri isolates on human (ht-29/b6) and porcine epithelial (ipec-j2) cells was investigated by in vitro assays.201626481610
multilocus sequence typing of arcobacter butzleri isolates collected from dairy plants and their products, and comparison with their pfge types.the present study aimed to determine, by multilocus sequence type (mlst), the heterogeneity level of arcobacter butzleri isolates and to compare mlst and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) in terms of discriminatory power (di) as well as unidirectional and bi-directional concordance.201626481316
[arcobacter butzleri]. 201628146191
metagenomic analysis of bacterial community composition and antibiotic resistance genes in a wastewater treatment plant and its receiving surface water.the presence of pathogenic bacteria and the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes (args) may pose big risks to the rivers that receive the effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants (wwtps). in this study, we investigated the changes of bacterial community and args along treatment processes of one wwtp, and examined the effects of the effluent discharge on the bacterial community and args in the receiving river. pyrosequencing was applied to reveal bacterial community composition ...201627340885
isolation and characterization of arcobacter spp. from fresh seafood and the aquatic environment.arcobacter is an emerging pathogen associated with foods of animal origin. members of the genus arcobacter are increasingly being isolated from fish, shellfish and the aquatic environment. in the present study, we analyzed fish, shellfish and water samples for the presence of arcobacter spp. by conventional isolation as well as by direct pcr on the enrichment broth. of 100 samples comprising of 42 finfish, 34 shellfish and 24 water samples analyzed, arcobacter spp. was isolated from 8 (19%) finf ...201627261768
the first experimental research on the pathogenicity of arcobacter butzleri in zebrafish.this experimental study was conducted to investigate the pathogenicity and histopathology of arcobacter butzleri in zebrafish model organism. firstly, mean infective dose (id50) of a. butzleri was calculated in zebrafish as 1.3×10(8)cfu/ml and 1×10(5)cfu/ml by immersion and intraperitoneal injection, respectively. for histopathological trials, the id50 of a. butzleri were given to zebrafish by both immersion and intraperitoneal routes and then, clinical and pathological findings were evaluated o ...201627259824
occurrence of potentially pathogenic arcobacters in shellfish.considering that several recent cases of human gastroenteritis have been associated with species from the arcobacter genus, and that few data are currently available about the occurrence of this genus in italian shellfish, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the occurrence of arcobacter spp. and the presence of virulence-associated genes. the approach consisted of cultural and biomolecular (multiplex-pcr and 16s-rflp) methods identifying isolates, followed by pcr assays aimed at the cad ...201627052698
antimicrobial susceptibility testing of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus strains isolated from belgian evaluate the feasibility of different methods for susceptibility testing of human arcobacter isolates, to assess susceptibility to antibiotics commonly used to treat diarrhoeal illness and to obtain mic distribution data.201626851610
isolation and identification of arcobacter species from environmental and drinking water samples.water plays an important role in the transmission of arcobacter spp. to animals and humans. the aim of this study was to isolate and characterize arcobacter spp. from 115 different water samples (66 sewage, 25 rivers, 16 spring water, and 8 drinking water) in izmir, turkey. in total, 41 samples (35.7 %) were found positive for arcobacter spp. by the genus-specific pcr. arcobacter butzleri was detected in 39 out of 115 samples (33.9 %) including 24 sewage, 13 rivers, and 2 spring water. the remai ...201627106697
comparative detection and quantification of arcobacter butzleri in stools from diarrheic and nondiarrheic people in southwestern alberta, canada.arcobacter butzleri has been linked to enteric disease in humans, but its pathogenicity and epidemiology remain poorly understood. the lack of suitable detection methods is a major limitation. using comparative genome analysis, we developed pcr primers for direct detection and quantification ofa. butzleri dna in microbiologically complex matrices. these primers, along with existing molecular and culture-based methods, were used to detecta. butzleri and enteric pathogens in stools of diarrheic an ...201626865686
unique and universal features of epsilonproteobacterial origins of chromosome replication and dnaa-dnaa box bacteria, chromosome replication is initiated by the interaction of the initiator protein dnaa with a defined region of a chromosome at which dna replication starts (oric). while dnaa proteins share significant homology regardless of phylogeny, oric regions exhibit more variable structures. the general architecture of orics is universal, i.e., they are composed of a cluster of dnaa binding sites, a dna-unwinding element, and sequences that bind regulatory proteins. however, detailed structure ...201627746772
the immunopathogenic potential of arcobacter butzleri - lessons from a meta-analysis of murine infection studies.only limited information is available about the immunopathogenic properties of arcobacter infection in vivo. therefore, we performed a meta-analysis of published data in murine infection models to compare the pathogenic potential of arcobacter butzleri with campylobacter jejuni and commensal escherichia coli as pathogenic and harmless reference bacteria, respectively.201627438014
toll-like receptor-4 dependent intestinal gene expression during arcobacter butzleri infection of gnotobiotic il-10 deficient mice.we have previously shown that arcobacter butzleri infection induces toll-like receptor (tlr) -4 dependent immune responses in perorally infected gnotobiotic il-10(-/-) mice. here, we analyzed tlr-4-dependent expression of genes encoding inflammatory mediators and matrix-degrading gelatinases mmp-2 and -9 in the small and large intestines of gnotobiotic tlr-4-deficient il-10(-/-) mice that were perorally infected with a. butzleri strains ccug 30485 or c1, of human and chicken origin, respectively ...201627141316
intestinal expression of genes encoding inflammatory mediators and gelatinases during arcobacter butzleri infection of gnotobiotic il-10 deficient mice.we have previously shown that arcobacter butzleri induces intestinal, extra-intestinal, and systemic immune responses in perorally infected gnotobiotic il-10(-/-) mice in a strain-dependent fashion. here, we present a comprehensive survey of small and large intestinal expression profiles of inflammatory and regulatory mediators as well as of the matrix-degrading gelatinases mmp-2 and mmp-9 following murine a. butzleri infection. gnotobiotic il-10(-/-) mice were infected with a. butzleri strains ...201627141315
survival capacity of arcobacter butzleri inoculated in poultry meat at two different refrigeration temperatures.arcobacter spp. are emerging enteropathogens and potential zoonotic agents that can be transmitted by food and water, being considered a public health risk. the high isolation rate of these bacteria from poultry products suggests that it may be a major source of human infections. one hallmark for differentiating the genus arcobacter from campylobacter includes their growing capacity at low temperatures (15-30 °c) under aerobic conditions. however, little is known about the population density var ...201627007565
microrna response of primary human macrophages to arcobacter butzleri infection.the role of micrornas (mirnas) in infectious diseases is becoming more and more apparent, and the use of mirnas as a diagnostic tool and their therapeutic application has become the major focus of investigation. the aim of this study was to identify mirnas involved in the immune signaling of macrophages in response to arcobacter (a.) butzleri infection, an emerging foodborne pathogen causing gastroenteritis. therefore, primary human macrophages were isolated and infected, and mirna expression wa ...201627429792
bacterial pathogens and community composition in advanced sewage treatment systems revealed by metagenomics analysis based on high-throughput sequencing.this study used 454 pyrosequencing, illumina high-throughput sequencing and metagenomic analysis to investigate bacterial pathogens and their potential virulence in a sewage treatment plant (stp) applying both conventional and advanced treatment processes. pyrosequencing and illumina sequencing consistently demonstrated that arcobacter genus occupied over 43.42% of total abundance of potential pathogens in the stp. at species level, potential pathogens arcobacter butzleri, aeromonas hydrophila a ...201525938416
genetic diversity and incidence of virulence-associated genes of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus isolates from pork, beef, and chicken meat in poland.incidence of 9 virulence-associated genes and genetic diversity was determined in 79 a. butzleri and 6 a. cryaerophilus isolates from pork, beef, and chicken meat. all a. butzleri isolates harboured the tlya gene, and most of them carried ciab, mvin, plda, cadf, and cj1349 genes. ciab was found to occur with higher frequency in poultry if compared with pork (p = 0.0007), while irga was more frequent in poultry than in beef (p = 0.007). all 6 a. cryaerophilus isolates harboured the ciab gene, whi ...201526539546
molecular-based approaches to characterize coastal microbial community and their potential relation to the trophic state of red sea.molecular-based approaches were used to characterize the coastal microbiota and to elucidate the trophic state of red sea. nutrient content and enterococci numbers were monitored, and used to correlate with the abundance of microbial markers. microbial source tracking revealed the presence of >1 human-associated bacteroides spp. at some of the near-shore sampling sites and at a heavily frequented beach. water samples collected from the beaches had occasional exceedances in enterococci numbers, h ...201525758166
development of a comparative genomic fingerprinting assay for rapid and high resolution genotyping of arcobacter butzleri.molecular typing methods are critical for epidemiological investigations, facilitating disease outbreak detection and source identification. study of the epidemiology of the emerging human pathogen arcobacter butzleri is currently hampered by the lack of a subtyping method that is easily deployable in the context of routine epidemiological surveillance. in this study we describe a comparative genomic fingerprinting (cgf) method for high-resolution and high-throughput subtyping of a. butzleri. co ...201525947176
arcobacter butzleri and a. cryaerophilus in human, animals and food sources, in southern chile.the isolation frequency of arcobacter species in children with diarrhea, fowls, mammals and food of avian and marine origin was established. in all the samples it was possible to isolate arcobacter species corresponding 201 (39.4%) to a. butzleri and 24 (4.7) to a. cryaerophilus . both species were simultaneously isolated in 19 (3.7%) being a. butzleri the most frequently isolated species.201526221100
toll-like receptor-4 is essential for arcobacter butzleri-induced colonic and systemic immune responses in gnotobiotic il-10(-/-) mice.arcobacter butzleri causes sporadic cases of gastroenteritis, but the underlying immunopathological mechanisms of infection are unknown. we have recently demonstrated that a. butzleri-infected gnotobiotic il-10(-/-) mice were clinically unaffected but exhibited intestinal and systemic inflammatory immune responses. for the first time, we here investigated the role of toll-like receptor (tlr)-4, the main receptor for lipopolysaccharide and lipooligosaccharide of gram-negative bacteria, in murine ...201526716021
development of an absorbance-based response model for monitoring the growth rates of arcobacter butzleri as a function of temperature, ph, and nacl this study, the growth of arcobacter butzleri in poultry was evaluated as a function of storage temperature (5, 22.5, and 40°c), ph (5, 7, and 9), and nacl concentration (0, 4, and 8%). a predictive model was developed using the absorbance-based response surface methodology to describe the growth rate. the primary model was obtained to predict a growth rate with a good fit (r2≥0.95), and the secondary model was obtained by nonlinear regression analysis and calculated as follows: growth rate=- ...201525577800
survey of small intestinal and systemic immune responses following murine arcobacter butzleri infection.arcobacter (a.) butzleri has been described as causative agent for sporadic cases of human gastroenteritis with abdominal pain and acute or prolonged watery diarrhea. in vitro studies revealed distinct adhesive, invasive and cytotoxic properties of a. butzleri. information about the underlying immunopathological mechanisms of infection in vivo, however, are scarce. the aim of this study was to investigate the immunopathological properties of two different a. butzleri strains in a well-establishe ...201526483849
helicobacteraceae in bulk tank milk of dairy herds from northern italy.helicobacter pylori is responsible for gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma in humans, but the routes of transmission of this bacterium have not been clearly defined. few studies led to supposing that h. pylori could be transmitted through raw milk, and no one investigated the presence of other helicobacteraceae in milk. in the current work, the presence of helicobacteraceae was investigated in the bulk tank milk of dairy cattle herds located in northern italy both by direct plating onto h. pylo ...201526090429
bacteremia caused by arcobacter butzleri in an immunocompromised host.arcobacter butzleri is an emerging pathogen that has been implicated as the causative agent of persistent watery diarrhea. we describe a case involving a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia who developed invasive a. butzleri bacteremia. this case illustrates the unique challenges involved in diagnosing infections caused by emerging gastrointestinal pathogens.201525673792
[detection of biofilm formation by selected pathogens relevant to the food industry].detection of biofilm formation by microbial pathogens relevant to the food industry and comparison of biofilm formation under different conditions of culture.201526448305
arcobacter butzleri induce colonic, extra-intestinal and systemic inflammatory responses in gnotobiotic il-10 deficient mice in a strain-dependent manner.the immunopathological impact of human arcobacter (a.) infections is under current debate. episodes of gastroenteritis with abdominal pain and acute or prolonged watery diarrhea were reported for a. butzleri infected patients. whereas adhesive, invasive and cytotoxic capacities have been described for a. butzleri in vitro, only limited information is available about the immunopathogenic potential and mechanisms of infection in vivo.201526406497
tracing enteric pathogen contamination in sub-saharan african groundwater.quantitative pcr (qpcr) can rapidly screen for an array of faecally-derived bacteria, which can be employed as tracers to understand groundwater vulnerability to faecal contamination. a microbial dna qpcr array was used to examine 45 bacterial targets, potentially relating to enteric pathogens, in 22 groundwater supplies beneath the city of kabwe, zambia in both the dry and subsequent wet season. thermotolerant (faecal) coliforms, sanitary risks, and tryptophan-like fluorescence, an emerging rea ...201526363144
prevalence of ten putative virulence genes in the emerging foodborne pathogen arcobacter isolated from food products.arcobacter spp. are considered to be emerging food- and waterborne pathogens for both humans and animals. however, their virulence mechanisms are still poorly understood. in this study the presence of ten virulence genes (cadf, ciab, cj1349, heca, hecb, mvin, plda, irga, tlya and iroe) was assessed in a set of 47 strains of arcobacter butzleri, 10 of arcobacter cryaerophilus and 1 arcobacter skirrowii strain recovered from different food products (pork, chicken, beef, milk, clams and mussels). o ...201526338128
prevalence of arcobacter butzleri in the stool samples received in a tertiary hospital in singapore: is it necessary to screen for it? 201526308127
short communication: arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus survival and growth in artisanal and industrial ricotta cheese.ricotta cheese is a ready-to-eat product with properties (ph >6.0, aw >0.98-0.99) and moisture content (75-80%) that may pose a risk to public health due to postprocess contamination by several bacterial pathogens, including arcobacters. the objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus in ricotta cheese during its shelf life assuming postprocessing contamination. two types of ricotta cheese, artisanal water buffalo (wb) and industrial co ...201526233450
isolation and identification of arcobacter spp. by multiplex pcr from water sources in kars region.this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of arcobacter spp. in various water sources of stream, creek, pond, and drinking water in kars and surrounding areas. a total of 113 water samples including 19 samples from creeks, 49 from streams, 10 from ponds, and 35 from drinking water samples collected from different regions were examined for presence of arcobacter spp. by cultural methods. arcobacter spp. were isolated from 14 (12.38 %) samples including 5 (26.31 %) creek and 9 (18.36 %) ...201526210902
toll-like receptor-4 dependent small intestinal immune responses following murine arcobacter butzleri infection.sporadic cases of gastroenteritis have been attributed to arcobacter butzleri infection, but information about the underlying immunopathological mechanisms is scarce. we have recently shown that experimental a. butzleri infection induces intestinal, extraintestinal and systemic immune responses in gnotobiotic il-10(-/-) mice. the aim of the present study was to investigate the immunopathological role of toll-like receptor-4, the receptor for lipopolysaccharide and lipooligosaccharide of gram-neg ...201526716022
detection of arcobacter spp. in mytilus galloprovincialis samples collected from apulia region.the aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence of arcobacter spp. in 20 samples of mytilus galloprovincialis purchased at fish markets in apulia region. the detection of arcobacter spp. was performed, after selective enrichment, on modified charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate (mccd) agar supplemented with cefoperazone, amphotericin b and teicoplanin (cat). in 6 out of the 20 tested samples the presence of arcobacter spp. was found and confirmed by genus-based polymerase chain reaction. all t ...201527800382
prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus isolates from retail meat in lower silesia region, poland.arcobacter butzleri and a. cryaerophilus are considered potential foodborne pathogens. consumption of arcobacter-contaminated food is regarded the most likely source of human poisoning. we investigated the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of arcobacter isolates in 210 retail meat samples. seventy-nine a. butzleri and 6 a. cryaerophilus were isolated from pork, beef and chicken meat. incidence ofa. butzleri was found to be the highest in chicken meat (83%). less of a. butzleri was isolated ...201525928911
arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and arcobacter skirrowii circulation in a dairy farm and sources of milk contamination.even though dairy cows are known carriers of arcobacter species and raw or minimally processed foods are recognized as the main sources of human arcobacter infections in industrialized countries, data on arcobacter excretion patterns in cows and in milk are scant. this study aimed to identify potentially pathogenic arcobacter species in a dairy herd and to investigate the routes of arcobacter transmission among animals and the potential sources of cattle infection and milk contamination. a strat ...201526002896
arcobacter lanthieri sp. nov., isolated from pig and dairy cattle manure.a study was undertaken to determine the prevalence and diversity of species of the genus arcobacter in pig and dairy cattle manure, which led to the identification of strains af1440t, af1430 and af1581. initially identified as arcobacter butzleri based on colony morphology and initial pcr-confirmation tests, analyses of 16s rrna gene sequences of these strains confirmed that they belonged to the genus arcobacter and were different from all known species of the genus. the isolates formed a distin ...201525977280
modified isolation method of arcobacter spp. from different environmental and food samples.this study provides information on the occurrence of arcobacter in several types of water and food products of animal origin in the czech republic. we processed 190 samples using the modified method, and the occurrence of arcobacter spp. was confirmed in 36.8 % of these. this total incidence consisted of arcobacter butzleri (27.3 %), arcobacter cryaerophilus (8.4 %) and arcobacter skirrowii (1.1 %). we newly described the common presence of arcobacter spp. in sewage water in the czech republic t ...201525912846
multilocus sequence typing reveals genetic diversity of foodborne arcobacter butzleri isolates in the north of spain.the emerging pathogen arcobacter butzleri is being increasingly isolated from different animal food products but the routes of its transmission to human are not well established yet. typing methods would be useful in gaining such knowledge. here we report the great genetic diversity observed among a. butzleri isolates from different food products. forty-five isolates were analyzed by multilocus sequence typing (mlst). a total of 157 alleles were identified across all seven loci, ranging from 16 ...201425261830
arcobacter butzleri in sheep ricotta cheese at retail and related sources of contamination in an industrial dairy plant.this study aimed to evaluate arcobacter species contamination of industrial sheep ricotta cheese purchased at retail and to establish if the dairy plant environment may represent a source of contamination. a total of 32 sheep ricotta cheeses (1.5 kg/pack) packed in a modified atmosphere were purchased at retail, and 30 samples were collected in two sampling sessions performed in the cheese factory from surfaces in contact with food and from surfaces not in contact with food. seven out of 32 samp ...201425192995
prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of arcobacter species in cow milk, water buffalo milk and fresh village this study, the presence of arcobacter spp. was examined in cow milk (n=50), water buffalo (wb) milk (n=50) and fresh village cheese (n=50) samples. the 16s rdna-rflp method was used for the identification of arcobacter spp. the disc diffusion method was used to investigate the susceptibility of all strains identified to 18 different antimicrobial substances. the most commonly isolated arcobacter species were found to be arcobacter butzleri (38.89%), arcobacter cryaerophilus (22.23%) and arco ...201425064812
co-occurrence of free-living protozoa and foodborne pathogens on dishcloths: implications for food the present study, the occurrence of free-living protozoa (flp) and foodborne bacterial pathogens on dishcloths was investigated. dishcloths form a potentially important source of cross-contamination with flp and foodborne pathogens in food-related environments. first various protocols for recovering and quantifying flp from dishcloths were assessed. the stomacher technique is recommended to recover flagellates and amoebae from dishcloths. ciliates, however, were more efficiently recovered us ...201425260173
arcobacter butzleri induces a pro-inflammatory response in thp-1 derived macrophages and has limited ability for intracellular survival.recent case reports have identified arcobacter (a.) butzleri to be another emerging pathogen of the family campylobacteraceae causing foodborne diseases. however, little is known about its interaction with the human immune system. as macrophages act as first defense against bacterial infections, we studied for the first time the impact of a. butzleri on human macrophages using thp-1 derived macrophages as an in vitro infection model. our investigations considered the inflammatory response, intra ...201425245281
genotypic and phenotypic features of arcobacter butzleri pathogenicity.even though arcobacter butzleri has been implicated in some human disease as diarrhoea and bacteraemia, much of its pathogenesis and virulence factors remain unclear. in this work we have compared pathogenic and genotypic properties of six a. butzleri isolates from human and non-human sources. the tested isolates showed to be susceptible to tetracyclines and aminoglycosides, however non-human isolates were all resistant to quinolones. the ability to form biofilms was variable among the tested st ...201425218724
arcobacter: comparison of isolation methods, diversity, and potential pathogenic factors in commercially retailed chicken breast meat from costa rica.arcobacter species have been recognized as potential food- and waterborne pathogens. the lack of standardized isolation methods and the relatively scarce knowledge about their prevalence and distribution as emerging pathogens are due to the limitations in their detection and identification. this study aimed to determine the presence and the identification of arcobacter in chicken breast samples commercially retailed in san josé, costa rica, as well as to describe the adherence and invasive poten ...201424853508
resveratrol against arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus: activity and effect on cellular functions.the frequent isolation of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus from food samples makes it imperative to search for potential compounds able to inhibit the development of these bacteria. taking this into consideration, this study focuses on the antimicrobial activity of resveratrol and its mechanism of action against a. butzleri and a. cryaerophilus. the activity of resveratrol was assessed by a microdilution method and time-kill curves. resveratrol effect on cellular functions was as ...201424786554
arcobacter spp. isolated from untreated domestic effluent.arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus were isolated from samples of raw untreated domestic sewage influent from nine separate wastewater treatment facilities in cheshire, uk. this is the first report of arcobacter spp. from sewage in the uk and suggests that arcobacter spp. may be present in the human community.201424666283
short communication: occurrence of arcobacter species in industrial dairy plants.the present study investigated the presence of arcobacter spp. in industrial dairy plants. between february and september 2013, pasteurized milk used for cheesemaking, processing and cleaning water, cheese, and environmental samples from different plant sites, including surfaces in contact or not in contact with food, were sampled. a total of 126 samples were analyzed by the cultural method and isolates were identified by multiplex pcr. arcobacter spp. were isolated from 22 of 75 environmental s ...201424534515
towards a typing strategy for arcobacter species isolated from humans and animals and assessment of the in vitro genomic stability.arcobacter species have a widespread distribution with a broad range of animal hosts and environmental reservoirs, and are increasingly associated with human illness. to elucidate the routes of infection, several characterization methods such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge), amplified fragment-length polymorphism, and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric)-pcr have already been applied, but without proper validation or comparison. at present, no criterion standard typi ...201424400986
mechanisms associated with phagocytosis of arcobacter butzleri by acanthamoeba castellanii.acanthamoeba castellanii is a free-living amoeba widely found in environmental matrices such as soil and water. arcobacter butzleri is an emerging potential zoonotic pathogen that can be isolated from environmental water sources, where they can establish endosymbiotic relationships with amoebas. the aim of this study was to describe the implication of mannose-binding proteins and membrane-associated receptors of glucose and galactose present in the amoebic membrane, during the attachment of arco ...201424652445
genotyping and genetic diversity of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus isolated from different sources by using eric-pcr from india.arcobacters are important zoonotic pathogens and are transmitted through food and water. they are implicated in causing enteritis in animals and humans. among the arcobacter species, a wide genetic diversity has been documented, which reflects continuous evolving nature of these pathogens.201425333916
occurrence of arcobacter in iranian poultry and slaughterhouse samples implicates contamination by processing equipment and procedures.1. the occurrence of arcobacter spp. and three pathogenic species of arcobacter from iranian poultry carcasses was investigated at different steps of broiler processing to determine critical control points for reducing carcass contamination. 2. samples were collected from (a) cloaca immediately before processing, (b) different points during processing and (c) at different stations in a processing plant of a slaughterhouse in southern iran. 3. after enrichment steps in arcobacter selective broth, ...201425274202
molecular diagnosis of arcobacter and campylobacter in diarrhoeal samples among portuguese patients.the present study was conducted to investigate the prevalence and diversity of arcobacter and campylobacter spp. in 298 stool samples of patients with diarrhoea, collected from 22 portuguese hospitals, between september and november 2012. detection of arcobacter and campylobacter spp. was performed using molecular-based detection techniques, such as real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer pcr, species-specific pcr, and sequencing of amplified pcr products. overall, 1.3% of the samples w ...201424361090
occurrence of six virulence-associated genes in arcobacter species isolated from various sources in shiraz, southern humans, arcobacters are associated with watery diarrhea and septicemia. although, recently, more cases of diarrhea have been caused by arcobacter species, very little is known about its pathogenesis. therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of six putative arcobacter virulence genes (cadf, ciab, cj1349, mvin, plda, and tlya), in a set of 113 arcobacter butzleri, 40 arcobacter cryaerophilus, and 15 arcobacter skirrowii isolates that were recovered from various origins. the ...201424201143
behavior of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus in ultrahigh-temperature, pasteurized, and raw cow's milk under different temperature conditions.the growth and survival of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus in milk were investigated at different storage temperatures. three strains of each arcobacter species were inoculated into ultrahigh-temperature (uht), pasteurized, and raw cow's milk and stored at 4, 10, and 20°c for 6 days. the survival of arcobacter spp. during storage was evaluated by a culture method. results clearly showed that a. butzleri and a. cryaerophilus remained viable in milk when stored at 4°c and 10°c for ...201424066903
comparison of conventional pcr, multiplex pcr, and loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays for rapid detection of arcobacter species.this study aimed to develop a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) method for the rapid detection of arcobacter species. specific primers targeting the 23s ribosomal rna gene were used to detect arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and arcobacter skirrowii. the specificity of the lamp primer set was assessed using dna samples from a panel of arcobacter and campylobacter species, and the sensitivity was determined using serial dilutions of arcobacter species cultures. lamp show ...201424478488
presence and analysis of plasmids in human and animal associated arcobacter this study, we report the screening of four arcobacter species for the presence of small and large plasmids. plasmids were present in 9.9% of the 273 examined strains. one arcobacter cryaerophilus and four arcobacter butzleri plasmids were selected for further sequencing. the size of three small plasmids isolated from a. butzleri and the one from a. cryaerophilus strains ranged between 4.8 and 5.1 kb, and the size of the large plasmid, isolated from a. butzleri, was 27.4 kbp. the g+c content ...201424465575
higher water temperature and incubation under aerobic and microaerobic conditions increase the recovery and diversity of arcobacter spp. from shellfish.some arcobacter species are considered emerging food-borne and waterborne pathogens, and shellfish have been suggested as one of their reservoirs. however, only a few studies have investigated the presence of arcobacter in this kind of food. this study assesses the prevalence and diversity of arcobacter spp. in shellfish by multiplex pcr (m-pcr) and culturing methods (under different atmospheric conditions) and evaluates the possible influence of environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, ...201424185851
occurrence, diversity, and host association of intestinal campylobacter, arcobacter, and helicobacter in reptiles.campylobacter, arcobacter, and helicobacter species have been isolated from many vertebrate hosts, including birds, mammals, and reptiles. multiple studies have focused on the prevalence of these epsilonproteobacteria genera in avian and mammalian species. however, little focus has been given to the presence within reptiles, and their potential zoonotic and pathogenic roles. in this study, occurrence, diversity, and host association of intestinal epsilonproteobacteria were determined for a large ...201424988130
detection of campylobacter species and arcobacter butzleri in stool samples by use of real-time multiplex pcr.the presence of campylobacter (or campylobacter-like) species in stools from patients suspected of infectious gastroenteritis (n = 493) was investigated using real-time pcr for detection of arcobacter butzleri (hsp60 gene), campylobacter coli (ceue gene), campylobacter jejuni (mapa), five acknowledged pathogenic campylobacter spp. (c16s_lund assay), and the campylobacter genus (c16s_lvi assay). in total, 71.4% of the samples were positive for campylobacter dna (n = 352) by a campylobacter genus- ...201323152553
multilocus sequence typing and biocide tolerance of arcobacter butzleri from danish broiler carcasses.arcobacter spp. have in recent years received increasing interest as potential emerging enteropathogens and zoonotic agents. they are associated with various animals including poultry and can be isolated from meat products. the possibilities of persistence and cross-contamination in slaughterhouses during meat processing are not well established. we have evaluated the occurrence and persistence of arcobacter spp. in a danish slaughterhouse and determined the sensitivity of isolates to sodium hyp ...201323941403
quantitative proteomic analysis of the exoelectrogenic bacterium arcobacter butzleri ed-1 reveals increased abundance of a flagellin protein under anaerobic growth on an insoluble electrode.exoelectrogens have the ability to generate electricity in mediator-less microbial fuel cells (mfcs) by extracellular electron transfer to the anode. we investigate the anode-specific responses of arcobacter butzleri ed-1, the first identified exoelectrogenic epsilonproteobacterium. itraq and 2d-lc ms/ms driven proteomics were used to compare protein abundances in a. butzleri ed-1 when generating an electronegative potential (-225 mv) in an anaerobic half-cell - either growing as an electrogenic ...201323063721
bioaccumulation experiments in mussels contaminated with the food-borne pathogen arcobacter butzleri: preliminary data for risk assessment.the aim of this study was to evaluate, at a laboratory scale, the ability of this microorganism to grow in seawater and bioaccumulate in mussels (mytilus galloprovincialis) maintained in constantly aerated tanks, containing twenty litres of artificial seawater. three concentrations of a. butzleri lmg 10828(t) were tested (about 5 × 10⁶ cfu/ml, 5 × 10⁴ cfu/ml, and 5 × 10² cfu/ml). following contamination, enumeration of a. butzleri was performed from water and mussels each day, for up to 96 h. th ...201324102050
performance of five molecular methods for monitoring arcobacter spp.bacteria belonging to the arcobacter genus are emerging enteropathogens and potential zoonotic agents. their taxonomy has evolved very rapidly, and there are presently 18 recorded species. the prevalence of species belonging to arcobacter is underestimated because of the limitations of currently available methods for species identification.the aim of this study was to compare the performance of five pcr based methods that target regions of 16s rrna, 23s rrna or gyra genes to identify arcobacter ...201324090042
complete genome sequence of the arcobacter butzleri cattle isolate 7h1h.arcobacter butzleri strain 7h1h was isolated in the united kingdom from the feces of a clinically healthy dairy cow. the genome of this isolate was sequenced to completion. here, we present the annotation and analysis of the completed 7h1h genome, along with a comparison of this genome to the existing a. butzleri genomes.201323969057
arcobacter species and their pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotypes in finnish raw milk during summer 2011.the aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of arcobacter species in raw milk in finland. a total of 177 raw milk samples, each from a separate farm, were examined from june to august 2011. arcobacter species were isolated using an enrichment and selective detection procedure. overall, 26 (15 % ) of the 177 samples yielded arcobacter spp. samples from 25 farms were positive for arcobacter butzleri and from 1 farm for arcobacter cryaerophilus. moreover, both arcobacter butzleri and a. ...201323992510
occurrence and genetic diversity of arcobacter butzleri in an artisanal dairy plant in italy.the present study aimed to investigate the presence, distribution, and persistence of arcobacter spp. in an artisanal dairy plant and to test the isolates to determine their different genotypes in the processing plant and in foods. samples were collected in an artisanal cheese factory on four occasions between october and december 2012. food samples (raw milk, ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, and conditioning liquid), water samples, and environmental samples were analyzed by the culture method ...201323974135
prevalence and genetic diversity of arcobacter in food products in the north of spain.the bacterial contamination of food products can cause serious public health problems. interest in arcobacter contamination has increased due to the relationship between these bacteria and human enteritis. we studied the prevalence and genetic diversity of arcobacter species at the retail level in the province of alava in basque country, spain. the results showed a high genetic diversity and indicated the regular presence of the main arcobacter spp. associated with human enteric illness in food ...201323905804
enhancing adherence of arcobacter butzleri after serial intraperitoneal passages in mice.we investigated the possibility of enhancing the adherence capacity of four low-adherent arcobacter butzleri strains after serial intraperitoneal passage (i.p.) in mice. all the strains enhanced their adherence capacity after the first passage, increasing their adhesion rates after each passage. these results suggest that i.p. passage enhances the expression of adherence in a. butzleri strains.201323876267
survival of arcobacter butzleri during production and storage of artisan water buffalo mozzarella cheese.water buffalo mozzarella cheese (wbmc) is a fresh stretched cheese produced from whole chilled buffalo milk. although pasteurization of milk and the use of defined starter cultures are recommended, traditional technology involving unpasteurized milk and natural whey cultures is still employed for wbmc production in italy. the purpose of this study was to assess the behavior of arcobacter butzleri during wbmc production and storage under different temperature conditions (5, 10, and 20 °c). raw mi ...201323806147
a novel homology model of trpc3 reveals allosteric coupling between gate and selectivity filter.utilizing a novel molecular model of trpc3, based on the voltage-gated sodium channel from arcobacter butzleri (na(v)ab) as template, we performed structure-guided mutagenesis experiments to identify amino acid residues involved in divalent permeation and gating. substituted cysteine accessibility screening within the predicted selectivity filter uncovered amino acids 629-631 as the narrowest part of the permeation pathway with an estimated pore diameter of < 5.8å. e630 was found to govern not o ...201323800762
a semi-automated genome annotation comparison and integration scheme.different genome annotation services have been developed in recent years and widely used. however, the functional annotation results from different services are often not the same and a scheme to obtain consensus functional annotations by integrating different results is in demand.201323725374
bacterial pathogens isolated from raw meat and poultry compared with pathogens isolated from children in the same area of rural better understand the epidemiology of bacterial food borne pathogens in children, in relation to pathogens in meats from a market in rural thailand, we collected 73 cultures samples from raw chicken, pork and fish at a local market where diarrheal disease surveillance was conducted. standard methods were employed to isolate, identify and serotype enteric pathogens from children and food samples. antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed. ninety-seven percent of food samples were contami ...201323691636
presence of virulence genes, adhesion and invasion of arcobacter butzleri.the pathogenic potential of arcobacter butzleri isolates was investigated by detecting the presence of putative virulence genes and analysing the adhesive and invasive capabilities in cell cultures of human cell lines.201323647690
isolation and identification of zoonotic species of genus arcobacter from chicken viscera obtained from retail distributors of the metropolitan area of san josé, costa rica.arcobacter is a genus of growing importance worldwide; some of its species are considered emerging enteropathogens and potential zoonotic agents. in costa rica, as well as in other countries, its isolation has been reported, so the objective of this project was to evaluate and identify the presence of arcobacter in chicken viscera sold in the metropolitan area of san josé, costa rica, as well as to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns associated with it. one hundred fifty samples of c ...201323643133
fourier transform infrared spectroscopy as a novel approach for analyzing the biochemical effects of anionic surfactants on a surfactant-degrading arcobacter butzleri strain.anionic surfactant-biodegrading capability of an arcobacter butzleri strain was analyzed under aerobic conditions. the a. butzleri isolate displayed efficient surfactant-biodegrading capacity for sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds) at concentrations of up to 100 mg/l in 6 days, corresponding to 99.0% removal efficiency. fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was applied to observe the effects of varying concentrations of sds on the biochemistry of bacterial cells. results suggest that protein secondar ...201323601548
heat stress adaptation induces cross-protection against lethal acid stress conditions in arcobacter butzleri but not in campylobacter jejuni.the ability of many bacteria to adapt to stressful conditions may later protect them against the same type of stress (specific adaptive response) or different types of stresses (multiple adaptive response, also termed cross-protection). arcobacter butzleri and campylobacter jejuni are close phylogenetic relatives that occur in many foods of animal origin and have been linked with human illness (mainly diarrhoea). in the present study, sublethal stress adaptation temperatures (48 °c and 10 °c) an ...201323541213
occurrence and characteristics of fastidious campylobacteraceae species in porcine samples.this study investigated the prevalence and characteristics of campylobacteraceae including a range of fastidious species in porcine samples. over a thirteen month period caecal contents (n=402) and pork carcass swabs (n=401) were collected from three pork abattoirs and pork products (n=399) were purchased at point of sale in the republic of ireland. campylobacteraceae isolates were recovered by enrichment, membrane filtration and incubation in antibiotic free media under a modified atmosphere (3 ...201323474652
assessment of the prevalence and diversity of emergent campylobacteria in human stool samples using a combination of traditional and molecular methods.this study aims to assess the diversity of campylobacteria (campylobacter and arcobacter) in human fecal samples from patients with diarrhea (n = 140) and asymptomatic controls (n = 116) in chile, using a combination of traditional culture and molecular methods. the culture methods detected campylobacteria in 10.7% of the patients with diarrhea and in 1.7% of the controls. in contrast, the molecular methods detected campylobacteria more often than the traditional culture, with a prevalence of 25 ...201323375869
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 245