
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
culex tarsalis is a competent vector species for cache valley virus.cache valley virus (cvv) is a mosquito-borne orthobunyavirus endemic in north america. the virus is an important agricultural pathogen leading to abortion and embryonic lethality in ruminant species, especially sheep. the importance of cvv in human public health has recently increased because of the report of severe neurotropic diseases. however, mosquito species responsible for transmission of the virus to humans remain to be determined. in this study, vector competence of three culex species m ...201830236148
arboviruses in north dakota, investigate arbovirus transmission in north dakota, we collected and screened mosquitoes for viral infection by vero cell culture assay. seven viruses were isolated from 13 mosquito species. spatial and temporal distributions of the important vectors of west nile virus (wnv), cache valley virus, jamestown canyon virus (jcv), and trivittatus virus are reported. snowshoe hare virus, potosi virus, and western equine encephalomyelitis virus were also isolated. the risks of culex tarsalis and aede ...201425487728
evaluation of mosquito responses to pyrethroid insecticides topically applied to sheep.a rise in the incidence of mosquito-transmitted cache valley virus (cvv) in lambs in 2011 prompted a study to evaluate on-animal pyrethroid insecticides to reduce mosquito attacks on sheep. using enclosure traps for 1 night per wk for 6 wk, we compared engorgement rates of mosquitoes given the opportunity to feed on untreated sheep and sheep treated with 1 python insecticide ear tag (containing 10% zeta-cypermethrin and 20% piperonyl butoxide) per animal or 2 synergized permethrin body spray tre ...201323923329
cache valley virus: isolations from mosquitoes in saskatchewan, 1972-1974.eighteen isolations of cache valley virus (bunyaviridae) were obtained from a total of 113,694 mosquitoes collected in saskatchewan during the summers of 1972 to 1974. most of the isolations were from mosquitoes collected during august. culiseta inornata, the most abundant mosquito (38% of total collected), had the highest minimum vector-infection rate (0.83 isolations per 1000 mosquitoes). the virus was also isolated from culex tarsalis and aedes vexans. it is indicated in the isolations that t ...197938897
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