
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
localization of two na(+)- or k(+)-h(+) antiporters, agnha1 and agnha2, in anopheles gambiae larval malpighian tubules and the functional expression of agnha2 in yeast.the newly identified metazoan na(+)/h(+) antiporter (nha) family is represented by two paralogues, agnha1 and agnha2, in the genome of the african malaria mosquito, anopheles gambiae. both antiporters are postulated to be electrophoretic i.e. voltage-driven. agnha1 was first cloned from an. gambiae larvae and immunolocalized with respect to the h(+) v-atpase by the harvey laboratory. little is known about the properties of nha1s; attempts to characterize agnha1 in na(+)/h(+) exchanger (nhe)-lack ...201122206887
identification of one capa and two pyrokinin receptors from the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae.we cloned the cdna of three evolutionarily related g protein-coupled receptors from the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae and functionally expressed them in chinese hamster ovary cells. one receptor, ang-capa-r, was only activated by the two anopheles capa neuropeptides ang-capa-1 (gptvglfafprvamide) and ang-capa-2 (pqglvpfprvamide) with ec(50) values of 8.6x10(-9)m and 3.3x10(-9)m, respectively, but not by any other known mosquito neuropeptide. the second receptor, ang-pk-1-r, was selectively ...200717709098
molecular identification of the first sifamide receptor.sifamide is the short name and also the c terminus of the drosophila neuropeptide ayrkppfngsifamide. sifamide has been isolated or predicted from various insects and crustaceans, and appears to be extremely well conserved among these arthropods. however, the function of this neuropeptide is still enigmatic. here, we have identified the drosophila gene (cg10823) coding for the sifamide receptor. when expressed in chinese hamster ovary cells, the receptor is only activated by drosophila sifamide ( ...200616378592
identification of four evolutionarily related g protein-coupled receptors from the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae.the mosquito anopheles gambiae is an important vector for malaria, which is one of the most serious human parasitic diseases in the world, causing up to 2.7 million deaths yearly. to contribute to our understanding of a. gambiae and to the transmission of malaria, we have now cloned four evolutionarily related g protein-coupled receptors (gpcrs) from this mosquito and expressed them in chinese hamster ovary cells. after screening of a library of thirty-three insect or other invertebrate neuropep ...200616616003
molecular identification of a myosuppressin receptor from the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae.the insect myosuppressins (x1dvx2hx3flrfamide) are neuropeptides that generally block insect muscle activities. we have used the genomic sequence information from the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae genome project to clone a g protein-coupled receptor that was closely related to the two previously cloned and characterized myosuppressin receptors from drosophila [proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 100 (2003) 9808]. the mosquito receptor cdna was expressed in chinese hamster ovary cells and was found t ...200515629425
a new family of insect tyramine receptors.the drosophila genome project database contains a gene, cg7431, annotated to be an "unclassifiable biogenic amine receptor." we have cloned this gene and expressed it in chinese hamster ovary cells. after testing various ligands for g protein-coupled receptors, we found that the receptor was specifically activated by tyramine (ec(50), 5x10(-7)m) and that it showed no cross-reactivity with beta-phenylethylamine, octopamine, dopa, dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline, tryptamine, serotonin, histami ...200516274665
molecular identification of a drosophila g protein-coupled receptor specific for crustacean cardioactive peptide.the drosophila genome project website ( contains the sequence of an annotated gene (cg6111) expected to code for a g protein-coupled receptor. we have cloned this receptor and found that its gene was not correctly predicted, because an annotated neighbouring gene (cg14547) was also part of the receptor gene. dna corresponding to the corrected gene cg6111 was expressed in chinese hamster ovary cells, where it was found to code for a receptor that could be activated by low concentr ...200312646179
molecular cloning and functional expression of the first two specific insect myosuppressin receptors.the drosophila genome project database contains the sequences of two genes, cg8985 and cg13803, which are predicted to code for g protein-coupled receptors. we cloned the cdnas corresponding to these genes and found that their gene structures had not been correctly annotated. we subsequently expressed the coding regions of the two corrected receptor genes in chinese hamster ovary cells and found that each of them coded for a receptor that could be activated by low concentrations of drosophila my ...200312907701
molecular cloning, functional expression, and gene silencing of two drosophila receptors for the drosophila neuropeptide pyrokinin-2.the database of the drosophila genome project contains the sequences of two genes, cg8784 and cg8795, predicted to code for two structurally related g protein-coupled receptors. we have cloned these genes and expressed their coding parts in chinese hamster ovary cells. we found that both receptors can be activated by low concentrations of the drosophila neuropeptide pyrokinin-2 (cg8784, ec(50) for pyrokinin-2, 1x10(-9)m; cg8795, ec(50) for pyrokinin-2, 5 x 10(-10)m). the precise role of drosophi ...200312951076
molecular cloning and functional expression of a drosophila corazonin receptor.the insect adipokinetic hormones (akhs) constitute a large family of neuropeptides that mobilize lipids and sugar from the insect fat body during energy-requiring activities such as flight. we have previously identified the first insect akh receptors from the fruitfly drosophila melanogaster and the silkworm bombyx mori (staubli et al., pnas 2002, 99: 3446-3451). here, we have cloned the cdna of a drosophila g protein-coupled receptor that was closely related to the first drosophila akh receptor ...200212379215
molecular cloning and functional expression of a drosophila receptor for the neuropeptides capa-1 and -2.the drosophila genome project website contains an annotated gene (cg14575) for a g protein-coupled receptor. we cloned this receptor and found that the cloned cdna did not correspond to the annotated gene; it partly contained different exons and additional exons located at the 5(')-end of the annotated gene. we expressed the coding part of the cloned cdna in chinese hamster ovary cells and found that the receptor was activated by two neuropeptides, capa-1 and -2, encoded by the drosophila capabi ...200212459185
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