
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
role of nonmigratory mottled ducks (anas fulvigula) as sentinels for avian influenza surveillance.the objective of this study was to evaluate the mottled duck (anas fulvigula), a nonmigratory dabbling duck, as a sentinel species for avian influenza virus (aiv) surveillance. a total of 235 cloacal swabs from 147 live-captured and 88 hunter-harvested mottled ducks during summer (june-august 2007) and winter (november 2007 to january 2008), respectively, were collected along the upper texas coast. samples were screened for aiv using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rrt ...201222448526
h5n2 avian influenza outbreak in texas in 2004: the first highly pathogenic strain in the united states in 20 years?in early 2004, an h5n2 avian influenza virus (aiv) that met the molecular criteria for classification as a highly pathogenic aiv was isolated from chickens in the state of texas in the united states. however, clinical manifestations in the affected flock were consistent with avian influenza caused by a low-pathogenicity aiv and the representative virus (a/chicken/texas/298313/04 [tx/04]) was not virulent for experimentally inoculated chickens. the hemagglutinin (ha) gene of the tx/04 isolate was ...200516103192
characterization of recent h5 subtype avian influenza viruses from us the us, the isolation of h5 subtype avian influenza (ai) viruses has been uncommon in commercial chickens and turkeys, although sporadic isolations have been made from the live bird markets or its supply chain since 1986. in 2002, two different outbreaks of h5 ai occurred in commercial chicken or turkey operations. the first occurred in texas and was identified as a h5n3 subtype ai virus. the second outbreak was caused by a h5n2 virus isolated from a turkey farm in california. in this study w ...200415223555
presence of avian influenza virus (aiv) subtypes h5n2 and h7n1 in emus (dromaius novaehollandiae) and rheas (rhea americana): virus isolation and serologic findings.avian influenza virus (aiv) subtypes h5n2 and h7n1 were isolated from emus (dromaius novaehollandiae) and rheas (rhea americana) in texas and north carolina. all the rheas and emus had a history of respiratory disease except one emu, which was clinically normal. the isolates were not pathogenic for chickens and turkeys under the conditions of the experiment. humoral antibodies to all known hemagglutinin (h) subtypes except h10, h13, and h14 and to all nine neuraminidase (n) subtypes were found i ...19957794192
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