
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
expanding metal mixture toxicity models to natural stream and lake invertebrate communities.a modeling approach that was used to predict the toxicity of dissolved single and multiple metals to trout is extended to stream benthic macroinvertebrates, freshwater zooplankton, and daphnia magna. the approach predicts the accumulation of toxicants (h, al, cd, cu, ni, pb, and zn) in organisms using 3 equilibrium accumulation models that define interactions between dissolved cations and biological receptors (biotic ligands). these models differ in the structure of the receptors and include a 2 ...201525477294
using a battery of bioassays, benthic phytoplankton and the ausrivas method to monitor long-term coal tar contaminated sediment in the cache la poudre river, colorado.this survey provides information on sediment toxicity and structural characteristics of the macroinvertebrates and benthic phytoplankton at 10 locations in the cache la poudre river after long-term exposure to coal tar residue. the application of the australian river bioassessment system (ausrivas) as well as a biotest battery was used to evaluate the river 'health' condition. coal tar is a dense nonaqueous-phase liquid of significant environmental concern due to its toxicity and persistence in ...200516289670
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