
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
mosquito fauna in water-holding containers with emphasis on dengue vectors (diptera: culicidae) in chungho, taipei county, taiwan.a survey was conducted to characterize the mosquito fauna in water-holding containers in residential and open areas with emphasis on aedes albopictus skuse, and to determine the prevalence of mosquito-positive containers to obtain background information for a source reduction program. seven container-inhabiting mosquito species were collected in residential areas, including ae. albopictus, culex quinquefasciatus say, c. pallidothorax theobald, c. neomimulus lien, c. bicornutus theobald, c. fusca ...199910467775
[the pathogens of taiwan mosquitoes--coelomomyces species].a brief mention was made of the history of world studies on the coelomomyces fungi, the life cycle of the fungi, their importance as biological agents for mosquito control, and the known ecological information concerning the taiwan mosquitoes parasitized by the fungi. special accounts were made of the results of experiments infecting four mosquito species, aedes aegypti, ae. albopictus, ae. triseriatus and tripteroides aranoides with coelomomyces stegomyiae var. chapmani, using the copepod, phyl ...19901976138
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