
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
development of a one-run real-time pcr detection system for pathogens associated with bovine respiratory disease complex.bovine respiratory disease complex (brdc) is frequently found in cattle worldwide. the etiology of brdc is complicated by infections with multiple pathogens, making identification of the causal pathogen difficult. here, we developed a detection system by applying taqman real-time pcr (dembo respiratory-pcr) to screen a broad range of microbes associated with brdc in a single run. we selected 16 bovine respiratory pathogens (bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine coronavirus, bovine parainfluenza vi ...201728070089
bioinformatics and molecular analysis of the evolutionary relationship between bovine rhinitis a viruses and foot-and-mouth disease virus.bovine rhinitis viruses (brvs) cause mild respiratory disease of cattle. in this study, a near full-length genome sequence of a virus named rs3x (formerly classified as bovine rhinovirus type 1), isolated from infected cattle from the uk in the 1960s, was obtained and analyzed. compared to other closely related aphthoviruses, major differences were detected in the leader protease (l(pro)), p1, 2b, and 3a proteins. phylogenetic analysis revealed that rs3x was a member of the species bovine rhinit ...201527081310
a metagenomics and case-control study to identify viruses associated with bovine respiratory disease.bovine respiratory disease (brd) is a common health problem for both dairy and beef cattle, resulting in significant economic loses. in order to identify viruses associated with brd, we used a metagenomics approach to enrich and sequence viral nucleic acids in the nasal swabs of 50 young dairy cattle with symptoms of brd. following deep sequencing, de novo assembly, and translated protein sequence similarity searches, numerous known and previously uncharacterized viruses were identified. bovine ...201525740998
bovine rhinitis viruses are common in u.s. cattle with bovine respiratory disease.bovine rhinitis viruses (brv) are established etiological agents of bovine respiratory disease complex however little research into their epidemiology and ecology has been published for several decades. in the u.s., only bovine rhinitis a virus 1 (brav1) has been identified while bovine rhinitis a virus 2 (brav2) and bovine rhinitis b virus (brbv) were previously only identified in england and japan, respectively. metagenomic sequencing of a nasal swab from a bovine respiratory disease (brd) dia ...201525789939
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