
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
protozoan and helminth parasite fauna of free-living croatian wild wolves (canis lupus) analyzed by scat collection.the european wolf (canis lupus) is a large carnivore species present in limited areas of europe with several small populations still being considered as endangered. wolves can be infected by a wide range of protozoan and metazoan parasites with some of them affecting free-living wolf health condition. on this account, an epidemiological survey was conducted to analyze the actual parasite fauna in croatian wild wolves. in total, 400 individual faecal samples were collected during field studies on ...201728043382
parasites of sheep herding dogs in central germany.this paper reports on endoparasite infections diagnosed in 2012 by standard coproscopical techniques and coproantigen giardia elisa in 165 dogs used for sheep herding in 36 farms in central germany. the overall prevalence of dogs with evidence of endoparasite infections was 27.3% (95% ci 20.6-34.7). the most frequently identified faecal forms were those of ascarids (toxocara, 6.7%; toxascaris 3.6%), hookworms (5.5%) and taeniid cestodes (4.2%), followed by those of trichuris whipworms (3.0%), ca ...201626904898
parasites and vector-borne diseases in client-owned dogs in albania. intestinal and pulmonary endoparasite infections.from march 2010 to april 2011 inclusive, feces from 602 client-owned dogs visiting four small animal clinics in tirana, albania, were examined using standard coproscopical techniques including giardia coproantigen elisa and immunofluorescent staining of giardia cysts. overall, samples of 245 dogs (40.7 %, 95 % ci 36.6-45.6) tested positive for at least one type of fecal endoparasite (protozoan and/or helminth and/or pentastomid) stage, of which 180 (29.9 %, 95 % ci 26.3-33.7) and 129 (21.9 %, 95 ...201526350379
frequency of intestinal parasites in pet dogs from an urban area (greater oporto, northern portugal).the present study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in dogs with no clinical signs (n=175; group h) and in dogs with gastrointestinal disease (n=193; group d) that were admitted to a veterinary hospital. in group h, the overall prevalence of intestinal parasites (i.e. the presence of at least one species) was 20.6%. cystoisospora canis was the most prevalent protozoon (8.0%) followed by giardia spp. (7.4%); toxocara canis (5.1%) was the most frequent helminth ...201424433853
data on the parasitological status of golden jackal (canis aureus l., 1758) in hungary, twenty canis aureus individuals were submitted to parasitological examinations in 2010-2012. two coccidia: cystoisospora canis (15%) and toxoplasma-type oocysts (5%), one trematoda: alaria alata (10%), six cestoda: mesocestoides lineatus (20%), echinococcus granulosus (10%), dipylidium caninums (5%), taenia hydatigena (15%), taenia pisiformis (20%), taenia crassiceps (40%), and nine nematoda: angiostrongylus vasorum (10%), crenosoma vulpis (30%), capillaria aerophila (5%), toxocara c ...201424334089
prevalence, risk factors of infection and molecular characterization of trichomonads in puppies from french breeding kennels.the trichomonad species tritrichomonas fetus and pentatrichomonas hominis were recently identified in the feces of dogs with diarrhea. however the prevalence and pathogenicity of these parasites in the canine population still remained poorly resolved. therefore the aim of the present study was (1) to determine the prevalence of trichomonads infecting puppies living in french breeding kennels, (2) to confirm the predominance of p. hominis in dogs, (3) to investigate the genetic diversity of p. ho ...201323993636
coproscopy survey of gastrointestinal parasites in owned dogs of kerman city, iran.a coproscopy survey was conducted on 100 owned dogs in kerman city from july 2011 to july 2012 with the objective to assess the presence of gastrointestinal parasites with zoonotic potential. faecal samples from 100 dogs were examined for the presence of parasites. samples (n=100) collected from dogs of different ages and genders were analysed using 5 techniques, i.e. centrifugal flotation in sucrose solution, centrifugal flotation in 33% zinc sulphate solution, ziehl-neelsen staining, trichrome ...201324166482
experimentally induced clinical cystoisospora canis coccidiosis in dogs with prior natural patent cystoisospora ohioensis-like or c. canis infections.diarrhea caused by intestinal coccidia (cystoisospora species) is a common problem in pet dogs and in dogs in animal shelters. cystoisospora canis has the largest oocysts of the 4 named species of coccidia infecting dogs. the present study examined an isolate of c. canis obtained from a dog from são paulo, sp, brazil. oocysts sporulated within 2 days at room temperature, and 20 sporulated oocysts were measured at 37.6 by 28.6 μm (range 35-42 by 26-31 μm). most sporulated oocysts contained 2 spor ...201323517349
cystoisospora canis (apicomplexa: sarcocystidae): development of monozoic tissue cysts in human cells, demonstration of egress of zoites from tissue cysts, and demonstration of repeat monozoic tissue cyst formation by zoites.sporozoites of cystoisospora canis penetrated and developed to monozoic tissue cysts in 4 human, 1 monkey, 1 bovine and 2 canine cell lines. no asexual division was documented although multiple infection of a single cell was observed. examination of cultures using transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that they were monozoic tissue cysts and contained a single sporozoite. the appearance of monozoic tissue cysts in all cell lines was similar but the parasitophorous vacuole surrounding som ...201323953145
prevalence and risk factors of giardia duodenalis in dogs from romania.the protozoan giardia duodenalis is a mammalian-infecting parasite that produces diarrhoea and malabsorption in its hosts. a survey to investigate canine infections with g. duodenalis in romania was undertaken between june 2008 and december 2009. the objectives of the study were to (i) estimate the prevalence of infection in different dog populations (kennels, shelters, shepherd, household) using microscopy and a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) test kit; (ii) to ...201121899952
efficacy of emodepside plus toltrazuril suspension (procox(®) oral suspension for dogs) against prepatent and patent infection with isospora canis and isospora ohioensis-complex in dogs.three randomised, blinded and placebo-controlled laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of emodepside plus toltrazuril suspension (procox(®) suspension for dogs) against isospora canis and isospora ohioensis-complex. unweaned puppies were experimentally infected with sporulated oocysts of i. canis and/or i. ohioensis-complex. in each study, one group was treated during prepatency (2 or 4 days post infection) while dogs in the second group were treated individually after the o ...201121739371
intestinal parasites of dogs on the galapagos islands.dogs on the galapagos islands are a unique population created by isolation from the mainland and regulations prohibiting further importation. the effect of infectious agents of these domestic dogs on the indigenous fauna is largely unknown. the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs on the galapagos islands. fecal samples were collected from 97 dogs presented during neutering campaigns on santa cruz (n=51), san cristobal (n=17), and isabela (n=29) i ...201020176441
principal intestinal parasites of dogs in tirana, albania.from 2004 to 2009, the digestive tracts of 111 dogs from suburban areas around tirana, albania, were examined for intestinal helminths. in addition, rectal faecal samples of all dogs were examined for protozoan infections and 48 faecal samples from dogs >6 months of age were processed with the baermann technique to test for the excretion of lungworm larvae. the heart and pulmonary arteries of 30 dogs >6 months of age also were examined for nematode parasites. the intestinal parasite fauna of the ...201020878182
gastrointestinal parasites in dogs from the island of st. pierre off the south coast of newfoundland.the present work was performed to survey the gastrointestinal parasites of domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and also to determine if any were infected with angiostrongylus vasorum (french heartworm), on the french island of st. pierre off the south coast of newfoundland. a total of 57 fecal samples were collected and examined for intestinal parasites. the overall prevalence of parasitism was 57.9% and the six species found were: uncinaria stenocephala/ancylostoma caninum (47.4%), toxocara ...200919303213
development and ultrastructure of cystoisospora canis nemeséri, 1959 (syn, isospora canis) monozoic cysts in two noncanine cell lines.cystoisospora canis is a coccidial parasite of the intestinal tract that can cause severe disease in dogs. clinical signs include watery diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and weight loss. extraintestinal stages of cystoisospora spp. have been demonstrated in the mesenteric lymph nodes of paratenic hosts. information on the biology of extraintestinal stages of canine cystoisospora species is limited. the current study examined the development of c. canis in 2 noncanine cell lines and the ultrastructure ...200920049986
[relationship between companion animals and intestinal parasites in children at municipality of seropédica, rj].several parasitic zoonoses are associated to the human and companion animals, mainly dogs and cats. the present work aimed to analyze the relationship of parasites in children at the center of integral attention to the child paulo dacorso filho and their companion animals where to verify the relationship of positive children for some parasites, which got in contact with infected animals. in a total of 64 fecal samples, they were consisted by 46 childrens fecal samples and 21 of their companion a ...200820059864
estimation of canine intestinal parasites in córdoba (spain) and their risk to public health.the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in dogs was studied in the province of córdoba (southern spain), with special attention to those parasites that can be transmitted to man. the experiment was completed with the examination of soil samples from public parks and city gardens. the study was carried out over a population of 1800 animals entered in the control animal centre (ceca) by coprological methods, and within this group, 300 dogs were sacrificed and necropsied. the prevalence of any ...200716971046
cystoisospora canis nemeséri, 1959 (syn. isospora canis), infections in dogs: clinical signs, pathogenesis, and reproducible clinical disease in beagle dogs fed oocysts.canine intestinal coccidiosis is a cause of diarrhea in young dogs and dogs that are immunocompromised. reports in the literature indicate that experimental reproduction of clinical coccidiosis with cystoisospora canis (syn. isospora canis) is difficult, and few studies have been done with c. canis. experimental oral infections were attempted in 22, 6- to 8-wk-old female beagles with 5 x 10(4) (n = 2) or 1 x 10(5) (n = 20) sporulated c. canis oocysts. diarrhea was observed in all inoculated dogs ...200717539419
epidemiological study of non-systemic parasitism in dogs in southeast mediterranean spain assessed by coprological and post-mortem examination.the prevalence and risk factors of non-systemic canine ecto- and endoparasitism and anthelminthic use in murcia located at the centre of the spanish mediterranean coastal arch, was investigated by coprology and necropsy in up to 275 pet, city shelter and stray dogs in 2001-2004. faecal parasite stages were detected in 25% of dogs. species frequency was 6-10% for toxocara canis, ancylostomatidae spp., toxascaris leonina and isospora canis, and 0.4-1% for trichuris vulpis, giardia lamblia, and dip ...200717542962
[the current canine and feline parasitic diseases situation in the megapolis of moscow].the paper describes the epizootic situation associated with parasitic diseases in dogs and cats in the megapolis of moscow. the situation becomes particular dangerous in the dogs kept in the flats of the city's dwellers wherein 30 (28%) out of the 107 dogs examined have been found to be infested with t. canis, t. leonine, t. vulpis, taenia sp., d. caninum, and two protozoan species: cystoisospora canis and c. ohioenensis. out of the 80 cats examined, there are 22 (27.5%) infested cats. t. mystax ...200717436724
canine isosporosis - epidemiology of field and experimental infections.isospora spp. are the causative agents of canine isosporosis. of the 3590 diagnostic samples from austrian dogs (< or = 2 years old), 8.7% contained isospora oocysts, 78% of which from dogs up to 4 months of age. non-haemorrhagic and haemorrhagic diarrhoea were significantly more prevalent in isospora-infected animals than in coccidia-negative ones. twelve of 15 litters from a large commercial dog breeding unit (examined from the third to the 10th week of life) also excreted isospora (average pr ...200617123427
canine faecal contamination and parasitic risk in the city of naples (southern italy).dogs are associated with more than 60 zoonotic diseases among which, parasitosis and, in particular, helminthosis, can pose serious public-health concerns worldwide. many canine gastrointestinal parasites eliminate their dispersion elements (eggs, larvae, oocysts) by the faecal route. the quantity of canine faeces deposited on public and private property in cities worldwide is both a perennial nuisance and an important health issue. public sites such as playgrounds, parks, gardens, public square ...200616995934
an epidemiological study of gastrointestinal parasites of dogs from southern greater buenos aires (argentina): age, gender, breed, mixed infections, and seasonal and spatial patterns.a total of 2193 fecal samples from owned dogs were collected during the 2003-2004 period in southern greater buenos aires, and were evaluated for the presence of intestinal parasites by a flotation-centrifugation method. the overall prevalence was 52.4%, and the 11 species found were: ancylostoma caninum (13%), isospora ohioensis complex (12%), toxocara canis (11%), trichuris vulpis (10%), sarcocystis sp. (10%), giardia duodenalis (9%), isospora canis (3%), hammondia-neospora complex (3%), dipil ...200616364551
survey of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in quarantined dogs in taiwan.intestinal helminth and protozoan infection in the quarantined dogs in taiwan were examined using fecal examination between january to december, 2004. of the 376 dogs imported from 11 countries, 63 (16.8%) were found to be infected with at least one species of intestinal parasite. the parasites detected were oocysts of isospora canis and eggs of toxocara canis, trichuris vulpis and hookworms. of the 63 infected dogs, 11 were found to have a mixed infection of two different species of parasites. ...200616462120
geographical information systems and canine faecal contamination: the experience in the city of naples (southern italy).geographical information systems (gis) can be used to make transect sampling when non-moving objects are to be counted, involving choosing a line or series of lines along which the counts are to take place. this approach has been used by us in order to study canine faecal contamination in the city of naples (southern italy), and to evaluate the consequent presence of canine parasitic elements. a gis was constructed utilizing the geo-referenced digital photographs and the cadastral maps of naples ...200616881413
[infections with endoparasites in dogs in dutch animal shelters].faecal samples from 224 dogs from 23 animal shelters in the netherlands were examined for endoparasites. in total 20.5% of the faecal sample were positive for helminth and/or protozoa infections. eggs of toxocara canis were found in 8.5% of the faecal samples. other endoparasites found were toxascaris leonina (0.5%), trichuris vulpis (4.9%), uncinaria stenocephala (2.2%), dipylidium caninum (1.3%), taenia spp. (0.5%), cystoïsospora canis (1.3%), and c. ohioensis (1.3%). dogs younger than 1 year ...200414976680
aspergillus niger pulmonary infection in a dog.a 6-month-old male golden retriever was presented with fever, bloody-watery diarrhea and mild cough. parvovirus and isospora canis infection was confirmed and successfully treated. two weeks later, the dog had severe cough and mucopurulent nasal discharge. aspergillus niger was cultured from endotracheal washings on blood agar at 37 degrees c. treatment with itraconazole for about 10 weeks resolved the clinical signs.200314600357
isolation of tissue cysts of toxoplasma, isospora, hammondia and sarcocystis from camel (camelus dromedarius) meat in saudi arabia.meat samples were collected from the oesophagus and tongue of 38 camels slaughtered at the main abattoir of al-ahsa city, saudi arabia. five cats and three dogs, conventionally reared and coccidia-free, were caged individually in steel cages. camel meat was pooled, minced and fed to four cats and two dogs. one cat and one dog were not fed meat and were kept as noninfected controls. faecal samples from infected and control animals were examined daily for a period of 2 months after feeding the mea ...19958533274
coccidial infection in german shepherd dog pups in a breeding unit.a commercial dog breeding unit experienced problems with acute diarrhoea, often haemorrhagic, in young german shepherd dog litters. no aetiologic diagnosis had been made. in order to determine whether coccidial infections were implicated, a survey was conducted to ascertain shedding of oocysts by dams, acquisition of coccidial infection by neonatal pups and to determine whether bouts of diarrhoea were associated with peak oocyst production. oocysts of isospora canis and i. burrowsi/i. ohioenis w ...19921569537
camel (camelus dromedarius) and sheep (ovis aries) meat as a source of dog infection with some coccidian parasites.experimental infection of dogs with camel (camelus dromedarius) meat resulted in infection of the dogs with isospora canis, hammondia heydorni and sarcocystis cameli. the dogs fed sheep (ovis aries) meat passed oocysts of isospora canis, isospora ohioensis and sporocyts of sarcocystis spp. extraintestinal stages were detected in the intestinal lymph node of a rabbit killed 4 days following inoculation with isospora ohioensis oocysts. dogs fed the rabbit (killed 4 days after inoculation with i. o ...19921496801
[spectrum of species and infection frequency of endoparasites in bitches and their puppies in south germany].toxocara canis, toxascaris leonina, hookworms, trichuris vulpis, strongyloides, hammondia heydorni, sarcocystis spp., isospora canis and isospora ohioensis and/or isospora burrowsi of at least 9 species were detected in 100 randomly selected dog families in southern germany. examinations carried out 5 to 9 times at weekly intervals revealed a monoinfection in 37 litters, infection with two parasite species in 28 litters, with three species in 10 litters and with four species in 6 litters. during ...19902326798
transformation of oocysts from several coccidian species by heat treatment.the transformation of sporocysts in oocysts of eimeria caviae, e. intestinalis, e. nieschulzi, e. separata, e. tenella, isospora canis, i. heydorni, and toxoplasma gondii by heat treatment was examined. fresh unsporulated oocysts from these species were heated at 50 degrees or 55 degrees c for less than 5 min and cultivated at 25 degrees c for 1 week. no transformation of sporocysts was observed in the sporulated oocysts following heating at 55 degrees c, but sporulated oocysts of tyzzeria and c ...19892704721
[intestinal parasitosis of the canine population in the principate of asturias].a study is made of coprological samples from 354 dogs, 252 of them male and 102 female. parasitism was found in 94 dogs (26.5%), of which 14 (15%) showed two or more associated parasites. the councils with the highest degree of parasitism were: peñamellera baja (77.7%), ribadedeva (57.1%), castropol (53.8%), ribadesella (50%), piloña (46.6%), and tapias de casariego (44.4%). the parasites most frequently isolated were: anciostoma caninum (19.2%), trichuris vulpis (8.2%), cystoisospora canis (3%) ...19892635797
parasites of stray dogs in the rabat region, morocco.eighteen parasites were identified from 57 stray dogs from the urban and rural areas of rabat. the prevalence of the species of parasites was: ctenocephalides (c. canis, c. felis) 94.7%, rhipicephalus sanguineus 68.5%, linguatula serrata, babesia canis, isospora canis each 3.5%, toxocara canis 7%, dirofilaria immitis, taenia hydatigena, t. pisiformis each 12.3%, dipetalonema dracunculoides 10.5%, ancylostoma caninum 17.5% echinococcus granulosus 22.8%, toxascaris leonina 33.3%, dipylidium caninu ...19873675044
prevention of coccidiosis in domestic dogs and captive coyotes (canis latrans) with sulfadimethoxine-ormetoprim combination.sulfadimethoxine-ormetoprim combination was evaluated as a coccidiostat against experimentally induced coccidiosis in young dogs and coyotes (canis latrans). the animals were experimentally inoculated with 50,000 or 100,000 sporulated oocysts of isospora ohiohensis (98%) and isospora canis (2%). in experiment 1, daily treatment for 13 to 23 days with a combination of 27.5 mg of sulfadimethoxine/kg of body weight (bw) and 5.5 mg of ormetoprim/kg of bw admixed to the feed resulted in no significan ...19854051296
induced toxoplasma gondii, toxocara canis, and isospora canis infections in coyotes.six littermate laboratory-raised coyotes (no. 1-6) were used to study the transmission of toxoplasma gondii from cats and mice, and toxocara canis and isospora canis from dogs and mice. coyotes 1 and 2 were inoculated orally with 1,000 infective oocysts of the tc-1 strain of t gondii; coyotes 3 and 4 were fed mice infected with tissue cysts of the tc-1 strain of t gondii. eight days after inoculation with t gondii, the same 4 coyotes were exposed to toxocara canis: coyotes 1 and 2 were inoculate ...19827174440
ultrastructural study of the endogenous stages of isospora canis (nemeséri, 1959) in the small intestine of dogs. 1979517356
sporogony of the oocysts of isospora canis. 19761265962
a review of sarcocystis of domestic animals and of other coccidia of cats and dogs.the nomenclature, life cycles, and pathogenicity of sarcocystis of domestic animals are reviewed. sarcocystis had a 2-host life cycle, with carnivores as definitive hosts and herbivores as intermediate hosts. the following species are found in domestic animals (with the definitive hosts given in parentheses): 3 species in the ox: s cruzi (dog, wolf, coyote, raccoon, fox), s hirsuta (cat), s hominis (man, monkey); 2 species in the sheep: s ovicanis (dog), s tenella (cat); 3 species in the pig: s ...1976824260
prevalence of sarcocystis infection and other intestinal parasitisms in dogs from a humane shelter in ohio.fecal specimens from 500 stray dogs in columbus, oh, were examined for evidence of intestinal parasitisms. prevalences (%) of coccidia were: sarcocystis sp, 1.8; isospora canis, 1.8; and isospora ohioensis, 3.6. prevalences (%) of helminths were: toxocara canis, 19.2; toxascaris leonina, 10.2; trichuris sp, 42.2; capillaria sp; 1.0; ancylostoma sp, 60.8; uncinaria sp, 2.4; and taenia sp, 7.4.1976815230
life cycle of isospora canis nemeséri, 1959 in the dog. 19744857675
structure of the oocyst and sporocyst walls and excystation of sporozoites of isospora canis. 19734687510
the fine structure of the sporozoites of isospora canis. 19724346237
development of isospora canis (protozoa; sporozoa) in cell culture. 19725043156
Displaying items 1 - 44 of 44