
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
geographical distribution of amblyomma cajennense (sensu lato) ticks (parasitiformes: ixodidae) in brazil, with description of the nymph of a. cajennense (sensu stricto).until recently, amblyomma cajennense (fabricius, 1787) was considered to represent a single tick species in the new world. recent studies have split this taxon into six species. while the a. cajennense species complex or a. cajennense (sensu lato) (s.l.) is currently represented by two species in brazil, a. cajennense (sensu stricto) (s.s.) and amblyomma sculptum berlese, 1888, their geographical distribution is poorly known.201627036324
host-parasite relationship of ticks (acari: ixodidae and argasidae) and feral pigs (sus scrofa) in the nhecolândia region of the pantanal wetlands in mato grosso do sul.feral pigs (s. scrofa) were introduced to the pantanal region around 200 years ago and the population appears to be in expansion. its eradication is considered to be impossible. the population of feral pigs in the pantanal wetlands is currently estimated at one million. two scientific excursions were organized. the first was conducted during the dry season, when 21 feral pigs were captured and the second was during the wet season, when 23 feral pigs were captured. ticks were collected and the ov ...201327335855
amblyomma cajennense (fabricius, 1787) (acari: ixodidae), the cayenne tick: phylogeography and evidence for allopatric speciation.amblyomma cajennense f. is one of the best known and studied ticks in the new world because of its very wide distribution, its economical importance as pest of domestic ungulates, and its association with a variety of animal and human pathogens. recent observations, however, have challenged the taxonomic status of this tick and indicated that intraspecific cryptic speciation might be occurring. in the present study, we investigate the evolutionary and demographic history of this tick and examine ...201324320199
experimental infection of amblyomma aureolatum ticks with rickettsia rickettsii.we experimentally infected amblyomma aureolatum ticks with the bacterium rickettsia rickettsii, the etiologic agent of rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf). these ticks are a vector for rmsf in brazil. r. rickettsii was efficiently conserved by both transstadial maintenance and vertical (transovarial) transmission to 100% of the ticks through 4 laboratory generations. however, lower reproductive performance and survival of infected females was attributed to r. rickettsii infection. therefore, bec ...201121529391
distribution of rickettsia rickettsii in ovary cells of rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille1806) (acari: ixodidae).abstract:201122117572
analysis of serum and whole blood values in relation to helminth and ectoparasite infections of feral pigs in the summers of 1996 and 1997, 60 wild pigs (sus scrofa) were necropsied from three sites in south texas (usa) to test the hypothesis that serum and whole blood parameters vary significantly (p < or = 0.05) with the prevalence and intensity of parasites infecting wild pigs. we found ten parasite species: five nematodes (metastrongylus salmi, metastrongylus pudentotectus, stephanurus dentatus, oesophagostomum dentatum, and physocephalus sexalatus); four ixodid ticks (amblyomma cajennense, ambly ...200212038138
enema infusion technique inappropriate for evaluating viral competence of determine whether anal infusion of virus simulates the natural route of infection rather than intracoelomic injection, we compared the course of venezuelan equine encephalitis (vee) virus infection in amblyomma cajennense (f.) ticks that had been exposed to virus by enema infusion with that in ticks fed on a viremic host or exposed by intracoelomic inoculation. although virus was detected in virtually all ticks 14 d after exposure, orally exposed ticks contained significantly less virus (10(1 ...19979151493
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