
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
ultrastructural study of vitellogenesis and oogenesis of crepidostomum metoecus (digenea, allocreadiidae), intestinal parasite of salmo trutta (pisces, teleostei).we describe the vitellogenesis and oogenesis of crepidostomum metoecus from salmo trutta collected in corsica. this is the first study conducted in the allocreadiidae family. the maturation of c. metoecus vitellocytes comprises four different stages depending on organelle content. the follicular vitellarium is surrounded by a basal lamina. vitellocytes are randomly distributed into the vitellarium, although fully mature vitellocytes are found in the center of the follicle. during maturation, the ...201627845028
[occurrence of helminths in amphipods gammarus lacustris sars, 1863 (amphipoda: gammaridae) from kronotskoe lake (kamchatka)].metacercariae of crepidostomum metoecus (prevalence 2.0%), procercoids of cyathocephalus truncatus (2.9%), and nematodes of the family cystidicolidae (17.6%) were found in the body cavity of amphipods gammarus lacustris from the kronotskoe lake. the nematodes were presented by cystidicola farionis (third-stage juvenile) and ascarophis sp. (adult and fourth-stage juvenile).201525702505
[parasites of underyearling kamchatka mykiss parasalmo mykiss mykiss (osteichithyes:salmonidae) in the utkholok river (north-western kamchatka)].eight species of parasites, apiosoma piscicolum piscicolum, apatemon sp., diplostomum sp., bunoderidae gen. sp., crepidostomum metoecus, hysterothylacium gadi aduncum, salvelinema salmonicola, and cucullanus truttae had been found in underyearling kamchatka mykiss (with fork length 28-41 mm) from the utkholok river, north-western kamchatka. infestation rate of the fishes with each parasite species was rather low. presence of c. truttae in underyearling kamchatka mykiss could not be explained by ...201021061592
ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon of crepidostomum metoecus (digenea: allocreadiidae), a parasite of salmo trutta (pisces: teleostei).spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon of crepidostomum metoecus, an intestinal parasite of brown trout salmo trutta, were studied by transmission electron microscopy. spermiogenesis begins with the formation of a differentiation zone in front of 2 centrioles associated by an intercentriolar body. each centriole is linked to a striated rootlet, and gives rise to a flagellum. the rotation of flagella is greater than 90 degrees; their fusion with the median cytoplasmic extension is proximodistal and ...200717626335
transmission electron microscopy of presumed sensory receptors in the forebody papillae of crepidostomum metoecus (digenea: allocreadiidae).five types of presumed ciliate sensory receptors were detected in the forebody papillae of the adult fish trematode, crepidostomum metoecus (braun, 1900). the cilia are short and submerged in a tegumental pit. the apical bulb part of all types of receptors observed is supported by a dense collar and connected to the tegument basal plasma membrane by a circular septate junction. in sensory receptors types i and iii no rootlet is present; the bulbs of sensory receptors types iii and iv contain an ...200415139374
observations on the metazoan parasites of the atlantic salmon (salmo salar) after its reintroduction into the elbe river basin in the czech the years 1999-2002, first studies were carried out on the metazoan parasites of atlantic salmon (salmo salar l.) recently reintroduced into the elbe river drainage system, after more than 50 years after the complete extinction of the elbe salmon population. a total of six helminth species were recorded from salmon smolts from three streams of the elbe river basin (kamenice river, jestedský and libocanský brooks) in north bohemia, czech republic, where s. salar fingerlings have been released ...200314971599
transmission electron microscopy of intra-tegumental sensory receptors in the forebody of crepidostomum metoecus (digenea: allocreadiidae).in the adult fish trematode crepidostomum metoecus (braun, 1900), four types of sensory receptors were observed inside the forebody tegument and one type beneath the tegument basal lamina. two types of sensory receptors extend through the thickness of tegument and have a free cilium inside a pit (types i and ii). two types (iii and iv) are nonciliate and entirely intra-tegumental in location. type iv receptor with large horizontal and thin vertical rootlets was described earlier in aspidogastrea ...200314535348
ultrastructure of the forebody and foregut tegument and eccrine gland cells of crepidostomum metoecus (trematoda: digenea: allocreadiidae).the forebody and foregut of crepidostomum metoecus braun, 1900 are invested with a tegument bearing regularly arranged surface tubercles comparable with the aspidogastrean surface structures. the tegument of the ventrolateral lobes and of the prepharynx is penetrated by ducts of eccrine gland cells. the frontal and prepharyngeal gland cells, localised in the parenchyma, discharge electron-dense granules. their ducts are lined by peripheral microtubules and fixed to the tegument plasmalemma by a ...200212641202
ultrastructure of pigmented photoreceptor of adult crepidostomum metoecus (trematoda: digenea: bunoderidae). 200212194491
external morphological differences between crepidostomum farionis and crepidostomum metoecus (trematoda: allocreadiidae), parasites of salmonids, as revealed by sem.scanning electron microscopy examinations of trematode specimens belonging to crepidostomum farionis (o.f. muller, 1784) and c. metoecus braun, 1900, collected from brown trout, salmo trutta fario l., in the czech republic, made it possible to study their surface morphology including details not described previously. the tegument of both species bears numerous characteristic papillae around the oral sucker (in c. metoecus also around the ventral sucker) and the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the ...200212418812
common and rare trout parasites in a small landscape system.brown trout (salmo trutta) from four lakes within an area of approximately 40 km2 were found to harbour nine helminth species. crepidostomum metoecus could be classified as core species, while crepidostomum farionis had an intermediate position. all the others could be classified as satellite species. salmon (salmo salar) fingerlings were grown to smolts in an earthpond over the summer. the fingerlings became infected with crepidostomum spp. which may indicate a superior colonization ability in ...19938479796
[helminths in trout (fam. salmonidae) in freshwater reservoirs].a survey is made of the helminths parasitizing in representatives of family salmonidae caught mainly in the free fresh-water basins in the country. more detailed information and study concerned the american and the balkan trout--salmo irideus gairdneri and salmo trutta m. fario respectively--because of their higher economic importance. in the course of the study some corrections were made of the names of some of the species in the light of the new data obtained concerning all helminths alreay me ...19827179733
[parasites of salmo trutta l. from the tirino river. ii. host-parasite interactions of helminth species].the hundred and sixteen brown trout (salmo trutta l.) which were examined for helminth parasites were captured in the river tirino, (l'acquila - italy). six parasite species (phyllodistomum simile, crowcrocaecum testiobliquum, crepidostomum metoecus, cyathocephalus truncatus, truttaedacnitis truttae and dentitruncus truttae) were recovered. ecological studies on each helminth species recovered have been carried out analysing the following aspects; the preference of each parasite species for cert ...1978553267
studies on crepidostomum metoecus (braun) and c. farionis (müller), parasitic in salmo trutta l. and s. salar l. in britain. 195813600859
occurrence of two species of crepidostomum in brown trout (salmo trutta l.) from north-east ireland, with special reference to crepidostomum metoecus braun 1900. 195514370843
Displaying items 1 - 15 of 15