
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
prospective field study of transovarial dengue-virus transmission by two different forms of aedes aegypti in an urban area of bangkok, thailand.a prospective field study was conducted to determine transovarial dengue-virus transmission in two forms of aedes aegypti mosquitoes in an urban district of bangkok, thailand. immature aedes mosquitoes were collected monthly for one year and reared continuously until adulthood in the laboratory. mosquitoes assayed for dengue virus were processed in pools and their dengue virus infection status was determined by one-step rt-pcr and nested-pcr methods. of a total 15,457 newly emerged adult ae. aeg ...201121635652
prevalence of dengue virus in aedes mosquitoes during dry season by semi-nested reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (semi-nested rt-pcr).dengue hemorrhagic fever remains a major health concern in thailand. much effort has focused on the prevention and control of the disease. detection of dengue virus infection rate in mosquitoes would evaluate dengue control programs and predict the epidemics of dengue hemorrhagic fever. to determine dengue virus infection rate in mosquitoes by semi-nested rt-pcr. a total of 400 mosquitoes were collected from rom kao community representing a crowded community and another 9 non-crowded communities ...200416083176
transmission thresholds for dengue in terms of aedes aegypti pupae per person with discussion of their utility in source reduction efforts.the expense and ineffectiveness of drift-based insecticide aerosols to control dengue epidemics has led to suppression strategies based on eliminating larval breeding sites. with the notable but short-lived exceptions of cuba and singapore, these source reduction efforts have met with little documented success; failure has chiefly been attributed to inadequate participation of the communities involved. the present work attempts to estimate transmission thresholds for dengue based on an easily-de ...200010761719
dynamic life table model for aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae): simulation results and validation.the container-inhabiting mosquito simulation model (cimsim) is a weather-driven, dynamic life table simulation model of aedes aegypti (l.) and similar nondiapausing aedes mosquitoes that inhabit artificial and natural containers. this paper presents a validation of cimsim simulating ae. aegypti using several independent series of data that were not used in model development. validation data sets include laboratory work designed to elucidate the role of diet on fecundity and rates of larval devel ...19938271243
effect of temperature on the vector efficiency of aedes aegypti for dengue 2 virus.the effect of temperature on the ability of aedes aegypti to transmit dengue (den) 2 virus to rhesus monkeys was assessed as a possible explanation for the seasonal variation in the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever in bangkok, thailand. in two laboratory experiments, a bangkok strain of ae. aegypti was allowed to feed upon viremic monkeys infected with den-2 virus. blood-engorged mosquitoes were separated into two groups and retained at constant temperatures. virus infection and transmissio ...19873812879
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