Title | Abstract | Year(sorted descending) Filter | PMID Filter |
maternal exposure to herpes simplex virus and risk of psychosis among adult offspring. | viral exposure during gestation is thought to be a risk factor for schizophrenia. previous studies have indicated that prenatal exposure to herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) may be a risk for the subsequent development of schizophrenia in some populations. in this investigation, we tested a large and diverse population to assess the risk of psychoses among offspring of mothers with serological evidence of hsv-2 infection. | 2008 | 17981263 |
epidemiological studies relating genital herpetic infection to cervical carcinoma. | epidemiological studies relating genital herpetic infection to cervical carcinoma are reviewed. the high frequency of herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) antibodies in young women (21 years or younger) with cervical carcinoma in situ and in women with dysplasia or carcinoma in situ, matched for various sexual attributes to control women, provide support for a causal relation. however, various laboratory, histopathological, and statistical problems associated with all epidemiological studies do ... | 1974 | 4366985 |