
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
estimating environmental conditions affecting protozoal pathogen removal in surface water wetland systems using a multi-scale, model-based approach.cryptosporidium parvum, giardia lamblia, and toxoplasma gondii are waterborne protozoal pathogens distributed worldwide and empirical evidence suggests that wetlands reduce the concentrations of these pathogens under certain environmental conditions. the goal of this study was to evaluate how protozoal removal in surface water is affected by the water temperature, turbidity, salinity, and vegetation cover of wetlands in the monterey bay region of california. to examine how protozoal removal was ...201425016109
molecular epidemiology of cryptosporidium spp. and giardia spp. in mussels (mytilus californianus) and california sea lions (zalophus californianus) from central california.cryptosporidium and giardia are of public health importance, with recognized transmission through recreational waters. therefore, both can contaminate marine waters and shellfish, with potential to infect marine mammals in nearshore ecosystems. a 2-year study was conducted to evaluate the presence of cryptosporidium and giardia in mussels located at two distinct coastal areas in california, namely, (i) land runoff plume sites and (ii) locations near sea lion haul-out sites, as well as in feces o ...201425281384
decreasing intestinal parasites in recent northern california refugees.beginning in 2005, the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) expanded the overseas presumptive treatment of intestinal parasites with albendazole to include refugees from the middle east. we surveyed the prevalence of helminths and protozoa in recent middle eastern refugees (2008-2010) in comparison with refugees from other geographical regions and from a previous survey (2001-2004) in santa clara county, california. based on stool microscopy, helminth infections decreased, particular ...201323149583
zoonotic parasites of bobcats around human landscapes.we analyzed lynx rufus fecal parasites from california and colorado, hypothesizing that bobcats shed zoonotic parasites around human landscapes. giardia duodenalis, cryptosporidium, ancylostoma, uncinaria, and toxocara cati were shed. toxoplasma gondii serology demonstrated exposure. giardia and cryptosporidium shedding increased near large human populations. genotyped giardia may indicate indirect transmission with humans.201222718941
prevalence, environmental loading, and molecular characterization of cryptosporidium and giardia isolates from domestic and wild animals along the central california coast.the risk of disease transmission from waterborne protozoa is often dependent on the origin (e.g., domestic animals versus wildlife), overall parasite load in contaminated waterways, and parasite genotype, with infections being linked to runoff or direct deposition of domestic animal and wildlife feces. fecal samples collected from domestic animals and wildlife along the central california coast were screened to (i) compare the prevalence and associated risk factors for fecal shedding of cryptosp ...201223042185
management of microbial contamination in storm runoff from california coastal dairy pastures.a survey of storm runoff fecal coliform bacteria (fcb) from working farm and ranch pastures is presented in conjunction with a survey of fcb in manure management systems (mms). the cross-sectional survey of pasture runoff was conducted on 34 pastures on five different dairies over 2 yr under varying conditions of precipitation, slope, manure management, and use of conservation practices such as vegetative filter strips. the mms cross-sectional survey consisted of samples collected during 1 yr on ...201021043283
climate and on-farm risk factors associated with giardia duodenalis cysts in storm runoff from california coastal dairies.climatic factors and on-farm management practices were evaluated for their association with the concentrations (cyst/liter) and instantaneous loads (cysts/second) of giardia duodenalis in storm-based runoff from dairy lots and other high-cattle-use areas on five coastal california farms over two storm seasons. direct fluorescent antibody analysis was used to quantitate cysts in 350 storm runoff samples. g. duodenalis was detected on all five dairy farms, with fluxes of 1 to 14,000 cysts/liter ob ...200717873066
risk of intestinal helminth and protozoan infection in a refugee population.with continuing emigration from endemic countries, screening for parasitic infections remains a priority in u.s. communities serving refugee and immigrant populations. we report the prevalence of helminths and protozoa as well as demographic risk factors associated with these infections among 533 refugees seen at the santa clara county, california, refugee clinic between october 2001 and january 2004. stool parasites were identified from 14% of refugees, including 9% found to have one or more pr ...200516103610
fecal shedding of giardia duodenalis, cryptosporidium parvum, salmonella organisms, and escherichia coli o157:h7 from llamas in evaluate fecal shedding of giardia duodenalis, cryptosporidium parvum, salmonella organisms, and escherichia coli o157:h7 from llamas in california with respect to host factors and management practices.200111327478
cross-sectional study of faecal shedding of giardia duodenalis and cryptosporidium parvum among packstock in the sierra nevada range.faecal specimens from 305 horses and mules used as packstock at one of 17 commercial or governmental (national park service, us forest service) operations were examined for giardia duodenalis and cryptosporidium parvum using immunofluorescent microscopy. fourteen packstock (4.6%) were shedding g. duodenalis cysts, with herd-level prevalences ranging 0-22%. number of packstock in the corral, size of corral and density of packstock in the corral were associated with the odds of shedding g. duodena ...200010836481
the prevalence of shedding of cryptosporidium and giardia spp. based on a single fecal sample collection from each of 91 horses used for backcountry recreation.cryptosporidium parvum and giardia duodenalis are now recognized as primary enteric pathogens in animals and humans. regulatory agencies, such as the environmental protection agency are under increasing pressure to reduce the concentration of these protozoa in surface waters. given the popularity of recreational riding of horses on public land in california backcountry, concerns have been raised by various regulatory agencies as to whether horses used for backcountry recreation are a significant ...19979087926
clustering of giardiosis among aids patients in los angeles county.the purpose of this study was to determine the mode of the spread of the enteric parasitic infections among hiv+/aids patients attending the aids clinic of the king/drew medical center in los angeles. two hundred forty three patients diagnosed with hiv+/aids agreed to participate. the study was conducted by several interviews, questionnaires and stool sample collections over a one year period. stool samples were processed for protozoan cysts and helminth ova using standard stool concentration an ...19979449541
results of testing for intestinal parasites by state diagnostic laboratories, united states, 1987.we analyzed results of 216,275 stool specimens examined by the state diagnostic laboratories in 1987; parasites were found in 20.1%. percentages were highest for protozoans: giardia lamblia (7.2%), entamoeba coli and endolimax nana (4.2% each), blastocystis hominis (2.6%), entamoeba histolytica (0.9%), and cryptosporidium species (0.2%). identifications of giardia lamblia increased broadly from the 4.0% average found in 1979, with 40 states reporting increases and seven decreases. most states th ...19911779956
intestinal parasites in central american immigrants in the united states.we describe the results of ova and parasite examinations of 216 central americans who were seen at a los angeles, calif, clinic during an 8-month period. among the 125 immigrants from central america, intestinal parasitic prevalence was 53%. pathogens were found in 45% and multiple pathogens in 21%. of the 91 us born central american children, parasite prevalence was 14%. pathogens were found in 12%. the most common pathogens were trichuris trichiura, giardia lamblia, and ascaris lumbricoides. g ...19902369250
enteric pathogenic protozoa in homosexual men from san francisco.the prevalence of enteric protozoa was studied in a survey conducted among 150 male homosexual patients in san francisco. all patients were from a private practice in internal medicine. each was asked to complete a questionnaire and to submit multiple stool specimens for examination. of this group, 47% were positive for one or more potentially pathogenic intestinal protozoa; entamoeba histolytica was found in 36%, entamoeba hartmanni in 35%, giardia lamblia in 5%, and dientamoeba fragilis in 1.3 ...19846087479
intestinal protozoa in homosexual men of the san francisco bay area: prevalence and correlates of compare the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection in male homosexuals selected from other sources with the levels previously reported from clinic-derived populations, various homosexual groups of the san francisco bay area were checked by means of stool examination and questionnaires for prevalence of intestinal parasites and for related sexual behavioral patterns during a 3-year period. the prevalence of entamoeba histolytica (28.6%) was similar to that reported in other studies, wher ...19846711741
intestinal protozoan infection in a semicommunal group.a survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of protozoan parasites in a large semicommunal group in los angeles. protozoan parasites were observed in 151 (69%) of the 220 group members in the study. parasites were observed in stool specimens from 105 (76%) of the 138 children and 46 (56%) of the 82 adults. dientamoeba fragilis was observed in 115 (52%), giardia lamblia in 50 (23%), entamoeba histolytica in 9 (4%), and commensals in 61 (28%). parasitic infection was infrequent in infants l ...19836824128
intestinal protozoan infections: prevalence in the san francisco bay area.a sample of 415 members of the kaiser foundation health plan (kfhp) were tested for intestinal protozoa. this parasite survey group was found to be comparable in age distribution, sex and ethnic background with the membership at large. gastrointestinal complaints were no more numerous in this group than in a large series of kfhp members taking multiphasic examinations. because kfph membership included, at the time of the survey, approximately 27 percent of all residents of the san francisco bay ...19817340117
intestinal parasites among indochinese refugees and mexican immigrants resettled in contra costa county, california.stool examinations of 186 indochinese refugees and 90 immigrants from mexico resettled in contra costa, county, california, have shown that 60 percent of refugees and 39 percent of immigrants are infected with one or more species of pathogenic protozoa and helminths. the mean prevalences of infections among refugees and immigrants, respectively, were: hookworms, 25 and 2 percent; whipworm, 22 and 12 percent; ascaris, 20 and 12 percent; giardia lamblia, 11 and 11 percent; strongyloides, 9 and 1 p ...19817462932
intestinal parasites in los angeles, california.because of an apparent increase in the number of parasitic infections in los angeles, california, a six-month retrospective analysis of data obtained from patient stool examinations for parasitic infections in out-patient populations from two county health facilities in los angeles county was compared with a survey published in 1936 and 1960. a significant increase in the incidence of pathogenic intestinal protozoal parasites was found to occur in the areas surveyed. giardia lamblia and nonpatho ...1979517562
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