
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
functional uniqueness of a small carnivore as seed dispersal agents: a case study of the common palm civets in the tabin wildlife reserve, sabah, malaysia.many carnivorous mammals consume fruits and disperse the intact seeds to specific sites. few studies have attempted to quantify this seed dispersal or evaluate its effectiveness, despite its potential importance and functional uniqueness. in the study reported here, we found that a frugivorous carnivore, the common palm civet (paradoxurus hermaphroditus), generated seed shadows that are distinct from those of the sympatric frugivore, the pig-tailed macaque (macaca nemestrina), and played a uniqu ...201020602116
cross-sectional serosurvey for japanese encephalitis specific antibody from animal sera in malaysia 1993.serum specimens were collected from 6 species of animals living in 9 states of malaysia including sabah, north borneo in 1993. antibodies against japanese encephalitis (je) virus in these sera were detected by means of hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) and neutralization (nt) tests. by hi test, 702 of 2,152 (32.6%) sera showed positive results. higher positive rates were obtained by the nt test, in which 1,787 of 1,927 (92.7%) sera had antibodies against je virus. all serum specimens with positiv ...19969185254
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