
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
local attitudes and perceptions toward crop-raiding by orangutans (pongo abelii) and other nonhuman primates in northern sumatra, indonesia.human-wildlife conflicts, such as crop-raiding, increase as people expand their agricultural activities into wildlife habitats. crop-raiding can reduce tolerance toward species that are already threatened, whereas potential dangers posed by conflicts with large-bodied species may also negatively influence local attitudes. across asia, wild pigs and primates, such as macaques, tend to be the most commonly reported crop raiders. to date, reports of crop-raiding incidents involving great apes have ...201020301138
challenges for control of taeniasis/cysticercosis in indonesia.taeniasis/cysticercosis has been reported from several provinces of indonesia: papua (=former irian jaya), bali, north sumatra, east nusa tenggara, south east sulawesi, lampung, north sulawesi, jakarta, west kalimantan, and east java. the highest level of endemicity of taeniasis/cysticercosis has been found in papua. recent surveys in jayawijaya district of papua in 2000 and 2001 showed that 5 of 58 local people (8.6%) harbored the adult tapeworm, taenia solium, whereas 44 of 96 people (45.8%), ...200616380290
taeniasis/cysticercosis in papua (irian jaya), indonesia.reports showed that an important parasitic zoonotic disease caused by taenia solium, taenia saginata and taenia asiatica is found endemic in several areas of indonesia including papua, bali and north sumatra. at present it is known that the highest prevalence of taeniasis/cysticercosis in indonesia, caused by t. solium is among the indigenous communities in papua (formerly irian jaya). in the early 1970s, 8-9% of stool samples from the enarotali hospital, paniai district (irian jaya) were found ...200616376603
eating habits of east asian people and transmission of order to understand the role of raw meat and viscera eating habits in the transmission of taeniasis in asian countries, 1502 infected aborigines in ten mountainous districts/towns of six counties in taiwan, 58 infected persons in two villages on cheju island, korea, and 97 cases in ambarita district on samosir island, north sumatra, indonesia were studied during the field surveys. all infected taiwan aborigines had the habit of eating raw meat and viscera of wild and/or domestic animals. amon ...19921356301
taeniasis in indonesia with special reference to samosir island, north indonesia, taeniasis is endemic on the islands of bali, irian jaya and sumatra. the balinese eat pork or beef raw in a dish called "lawar". natives of irian jaya also have a custom of preparing and consuming raw pork. on samosir island in north sumatra, undercooked pork is consumed in traditional ceremonies. in bali, the local people defecate into cages (called "teba") of domestic animals. in irian jaya, pigs are allowed to feed on human feces inside houses at night. the natives of samosir is ...19911822896
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