
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
atypical bacterial pathogen infection in children with acute bronchiolitis in northeast thailand.atypical bacterial pathogens--including mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydophila pneumoniae, and chlamydia trachomatis--are important infectious agents of the respiratory system. most current information pertains to adults and little is known about the role of these organisms in lower respiratory tract infections among young children with acute bronchiolitis.201121439510
etiologies and treatment outcomes in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia (cap) at srinagarind hospital, khon kaen, thailand.local epidemiological data on the etiologies of in-patients who are hospitalized with cap is needed to develop guidelines for clinical practice. this study was conducted to determine the pattern of microorganisms causing community-acquired pneumonia (cap) in adult patients admitted to srinagarind hospital, khon kaen, thailand, between january 2001 and december 2002. altogether, 254 patients (124 males, 130 females) averaging 56.4 (sd 19.8) years were included. eighty-six of them (33.8%) presente ...200515906660
clinical features of community-acquired pneumonia treated at srinagarind hospital, khon kaen, thailand.pneumonia is a serious illness associated with significant morbidity and mortality. the interpretation guidelines for pneumonia management requires knowledge of both the clinical presentation of the disease and local epidemiology. we studied the clinical features, initial laboratory results, antibiotic sensitivities, and outcomes of patients diagnosed with acute community-acquired pneumonia between january 1999 and december 2000 at srinagarind hospital. the causative organisms were identified in ...200212236437
community-acquired pneumonia in adults at srinagarind hospital.a prospective study of community-acquired pneumonia in adults at srinagarind hospital, khon kaen university was conducted from september 1987 to august 1988. laboratory specimens were tested for bacterial and mycoplasmal culture, cie for pneumococcal antigen and serological data for mycoplasma and p. pseudomallei. the results supported by clinical data were evaluated. we could identify the pathogens from 62 of 113 cases (55%). p. pseudomallei was the most frequent etiologic agent (32%) and s. pn ...19902230630
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