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biological agents for whitefly control in sardinian greenhouse tomatoes. | to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative options for biocontrol of whiteflies in greenhouse tomatoes, an experiment was carried out during the cropping season 2005-2006 in one of sardinia's major horticultural districts (s. margherita di pula, cagliari, italy). twelve long-cycle and 17 short-cycle tomato crops (8 autumn and 9 spring crops) were surveyed. all of them were treated for insect pest control at the beginning of the growing season, but in 19 out of 29 cases whitefly natural enemies ... | 2009 | 20222592 |
seasonal trends of whitefly populations in a mediterranean tomato growing area. | the whiteflies bemisia tabaci and trialeurodes vaporariorum and their associated viruses constitute a major threat to tomato crops in the mediterranean region. continuous host availability and mild climate are thought to be among the factors contributing to the outbreaks of whitefly-related problems in this area. we carried out a year-long survey to investigate the relative contribution of different plants, agricultural and not, and indoor/outdoor crops as hosts of the two whiteflies and the tom ... | 2009 | 20222589 |
severe outbreak of tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus on pepper in southern italy. | during summer and autumn 2008 a severe outbreak of pepper leaf curl disease (plcd) was observed in pepper crops under plastic tunnels in the ionic coast of basilicata region. its incidence reached, in some cases, values close to 50%. the beginning of infections was recorded along the perimeter of the tunnels, where it reached a percentage of almost 100%. the infection then progressively spread towards the central areas of the greenhouses. large populations of whiteflies, identificated as bemisia ... | 2009 | 20222578 |
an epidemiological survey of tylcd in southern sardinia (italy). | tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv) and tomato yellow leaf curl virus (tylcv) are among the most virulent pathogens of greenhouse tomatoes in sardinia (italy). to investigate the relationship between seasonal population trends of the vector bemisia tabaci and the dynamics of tylcd spread to susceptible crops, between may and october 2007 we carried out a survey in a tomato growing area located in the south of the island. on three farms specialized in the production of fresh market to ... | 2009 | 20222569 |
integrated approach to tylcd management in sardinia (italy). | in sardinia (italy) tomato yellow leaf curl disease (tylcd) re-emerged in 2003, after a period of decline, producing severe yield losses in protected tomato crops. this epidemic outbreak highlighted the inadequacy of the approach to tylcd management based chiefly on the chemical control of its vector, the whitefly bemisia tabaci, and the use of 40-mesh nets for greenhouse screening. to evaluate the reliability of alternative practices for implementation within ip&dm programmes, in 2007 and 2008 ... | 2009 | 20222567 |
first record of tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv) on pepper in italy. | during a survey in summer 2007, a disease of pepper (capsicum annuum) under plastic tunnels was observed in policoro (matera), on the ionic coast of basilicata region, with a disease incidence in some cases of more than 50%. affected cultivars were eppo and almund (s et g). the diseased plants exhibited light mosaic or mottling, leaf distortion, interveinal and marginal leaf chlorosis, upward curling of leaf margins of older leaves. the causal pathogen was suspected to be a begomovirus due to th ... | 2008 | 19226766 |
three years survey of tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus reservoir weed hosts in southern italy. | during the period from august 2004 to june 2006 a serious tomato yellow leaf curl epidemic caused by both tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv) and tomato yellow leaf curl virus (tylcs) was observed in protected tomato crops in castrovillari, calabria region, in a group of greenhouses where tomato is grown hydroponically. a three years survey for reservoir weed hosts of these viruses was performed during summer period in order to identify where the viruses persist during the host-free ... | 2007 | 18396845 |
integrated management of tylcv/tylcsv on greenhouse hydroponic tomatoes in southern italy. | tomato yellow leaf curl (tylc) caused by tomato yellow leaf curl virus (tylcv) and tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv), vectored by the whitefly bemisia tabaci, is a major disease of tomato in sardinia and sicily, and is becoming a serious threat in southern italy too. tylcsv was first reported in calabria region in 1991, but apparently it was an occasional outbreak, and b. tabaci was not detected. later, during the 2003-2004 winter, a serious epidemic was observed in protected tomat ... | 2006 | 17390886 |
typing of tomato yellow leaf curl viruses and their vector in italy. | a molecular survey of tylcv/tylcsv and their associated vector bemisia tabaci, was performed during 2004-2005 in five regions of southern italy: i.e. sardinia (one locations), sicily (one location), calabria (three locations), campania (two locations) and basilicata (one location). a total of 71 tomato samples were checked for virus infection and for the presence of the vector. degenerate primers allowing the amplification of the coat protein gene of both tylcsv and tylcv isolates were designed. ... | 2006 | 17390884 |
severe outbreaks of tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus in calabria, southern italy. | during the winter 2003--2004 a serious disease was observed in protected tomato crops in castrovillari, reggio calabria province, southern italy. symptoms consisted in marginal leaf yellowing, leaf curling, plant stunting, flower abortion. the disease was detected in a group of greenhouses (about 10ha) where several tomato cultivars were grown hydroponically. the highest incidence of infection (60-100%) was observed in tomatoes grafted on beaufort drs tomato rootstock. since the symptoms were si ... | 2004 | 15756842 |
whiteflies (bemisia tabaci) issued from eggs bombarded with infectious dna clones of tomato yellow leaf curl virus from israel (tylcv) are able to infect tomato plants. | we have reported previously that tomato yellow leaf curl virus from israel (tylcv) penetrates the reproductive system of its vector, the whitefly bemisia tabaci biotype b, and may be transmitted to progeny. in order to mimic this phenomenon and to understand how tylcv accompanies the development of the insect, we have bombarded b. tabaci eggs with an infectious dna clone of tylcv. after a linear full-length genomic copy of tylcv dna was delivered to eggs, the dpni-sensitive dna became circular a ... | 2002 | 12038688 |
tomato yellow leaf curl virus from sardinia is a whitefly-transmitted monopartite geminivirus. | the genome of an isolate of tomato yellow leaf curl virus from sardinia, italy (tylcv-s), a geminivirus transmitted by the whitefly bemisia tabaci, has been cloned and sequenced. the single circular dna molecule comprises 2770 nucleotides. genome organisation closely resembles that of the dna a component of the whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses with a bipartite genome. a 1.8 mer of the tylcv-s genome in a binary vector of agrobacterium tumefaciens is infectious upon agroinoculation of tomato pl ... | 1991 | 1840676 |