
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
[evaluation on malaria situation in areas along yellow river and huaihe river by indirect fluorescent antibody test].to evaluate malaria situation by indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) in 12 villages of six counties along yellow river and huihe river in anhui, henan and hubei provinces.200819288913
[malaria situation in the people' s republic of china in 2004].in 2004, 38,972 malaria cases and 106,704 suspected cases with 31 deaths were reported by the annual case reporting system in 1,005 counties of 23 provinces/municipality/autonomous region (p/ m/a) and the annual incidence was 0.38/10 000, a decrease of 4.2% than that of the last year, which is the year that the disease was slightly rolled back after consecutively increased since 2001. as an important development of the case reporting system, the internet reporting system started in 2004, majorit ...200616866130
[malaria situation in the people's republic of china in 2003].total 40,681 malaria cases and 129,147 suspected cases with 52 deaths were reported by the case reporting system in 910 counties of 21 provinces/municipality/autonomous region (p/m/a) in 2003, and the annual incidence was 0.39/10000, an increase of 15.3% than that of the last year, which is the third year that malaria incidence consecutively increased since 2001. based on a baseline survey in the project funded by the global fund to fight aids, tuberculosis and malaria (gfatm), the estimated num ...200516566200
[malaria situation in the people's republic of china in 2002].this summary was made on the basis of the annual reports of malaria control from the professional institutions in the 21 provinces/municipality/autonomous region (p/m/a). the number of malaria cases reported in the country was 35,298 in the year 2002 and the incidence rate was 0.348/10,000, an increase of 68.2% than that of the last year and the largest increase since 1994. the total number of suspected cases was 136,902, and the death toll due to malaria was 42. based on the numbers of malaria ...200314628361
[survey of susceptibility of anopheline vectors to insecticides in a malaria mesoendemic area, hubei province].to determine the susceptibility of anopheles anthropophagus and anopheles sinensis to deltamethrin and ddt in an area where different counter-measures had been adopted.200012567689
a successful control programme for lymphatic filariasis in hubei, china.this paper describes the epidemiology and control of human lymphatic filariasis in hubei province, china from the 1950s to the 1990s. brugia malayi, transmitted by anopheles sinensis, and wuchereria bancrofti, transmitted by culex quinquefasciatus, were found in 69 of 78 counties and cities. the distribution of filaria species was distinct, with b. malayi endemic in the plains, mixed infections in hilly areas, and w. bancrofti in the mountains. before 1979, the microfilaria rate (mfr) in some vi ...19947992323
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