
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
ecological niche modeling and land cover risk areas for rift valley fever vector, culex tritaeniorhynchus giles in jazan, saudi arabia.the mosquito, culex tritaeniorhynchus giles is a prevalent and confirmed rift valley fever virus (rvfv) vector. this vector, in association with aedimorphus arabiensis (patton), was responsible for causing the outbreak of 2000 in jazan province, saudi arabia.201323762424
rift valley fever in southwestern saudi arabia: a sero-epidemiological study seven years after the outbreak of 2000-2001.the objective of the present study was to measure seroepidemiology of rift valley fever virus infection in the southwestern regions of saudi arabia and to determine the potential risk factors leading to rift valley fever virus infection. through a series of field trips to the study area (jizan, aseer and al-qunfuda), a random sample of the general population (patients and their relatives) attending the outpatients' clinics for any reasons were included. through questionnaire interviews, data wer ...201222569563
the persistence of rift valley fever in the jazan region of saudi arabia.a survey was conducted in the jazan region of saudi arabia to investigate the presence of rift valley fever (rvf) in sheep and goats, by clinical identification of suspected herds and detection of immunoglobulin m (igm) antibodies to rvf virus. the level of herd immunity was identified by detecting immunoglobulin g (igg) antibodies. rift valley fever was diagnosed in six out of eight districts included in the survey. twenty-two animals from 17 herds tested positive for the presence of igm antibo ...200617361776
the 2000 epidemic of rift valley fever in saudi arabia: mosquito vector mid-september 2000, rift valley fever (rvf) virus was diagnosed as the cause of infection in humans and livestock in jizan region, saudi arabia. this is the first time that this arbovirus has been found outside africa and madagascar. collections of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) were therefore undertaken (from 25 september to 10 october) at eight sites during the epidemic to obtain mosquitoes for attempted rvf virus isolation. among 23 699 mosquito females tested, six isolations of rvf virus ...200212243225
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