
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
new highland distribution records of multiple anopheles species in the ecuadorian andes.several recent climate change reviews have stressed the possibility of some malaria vectors occupying regions of higher altitudes than previously recorded. indeed, highland malaria has been observed in several african nations, possibly attributable to changes in land use, vector control and local climate. this study attempts to expand the current knowledge of the distribution of common anopheles species in ecuador, with particular attention to highland regions (> 500 m) of the andes.201121835004
sialome of a generalist lepidopteran herbivore: identification of transcripts and proteins from helicoverpa armigera labial salivary glands.although the importance of insect saliva in insect-host plant interactions has been acknowledged, there is very limited information on the nature and complexity of the salivary proteome in lepidopteran herbivores. we inspected the labial salivary transcriptome and proteome of helicoverpa armigera, an important polyphagous pest species. to identify the majority of the salivary proteins we have randomly sequenced 19,389 expressed sequence tags (ests) from a normalized cdna library of salivary glan ...201122046331
evaluation of two methods of estimating larval habitat productivity in western kenya highlands.malaria vector intervention and control programs require reliable and accurate information about vector abundance and their seasonal distribution. the availability of reliable information on the spatial and temporal productivity of larval vector habitats can improve targeting of larval control interventions and our understanding of local malaria transmission and epidemics. the main objective of this study was to evaluate two methods of estimating larval habitat productivity in the western kenyan ...201121682875
combining indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in africa: a review of possible outcomes and an outline of suggestions for the future.insecticide-treated nets (itns) and indoor residual spraying (irs) are currently the preferred methods of malaria vector control. in many cases, these methods are used together in the same households, especially to suppress transmission in holoendemic and hyperendemic scenarios. though widespread, there has been limited evidence suggesting that such co-application confers greater protective benefits than either itns or irs when used alone. since both methods are insecticide-based and intradomici ...201121798053
composition of human skin microbiota affects attractiveness to malaria mosquitoes.the african malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae sensu stricto continues to play an important role in malaria transmission, which is aggravated by its high degree of anthropophily, making it among the foremost vectors of this disease. in the current study we set out to unravel the strong association between this mosquito species and human beings, as it is determined by odorant cues derived from the human skin. microbial communities on the skin play key roles in the production of human body odour. ...201122216154
a de novo transcriptome of the asian tiger mosquito, aedes albopictus, to identify candidate transcripts for diapause preparation.many temperate insects survive the harsh conditions of winter by undergoing photoperiodic diapause, a pre-programmed developmental arrest initiated by short day lengths. despite the well-established ecological significance of photoperiodic diapause, the molecular basis of this crucial adaptation remains largely unresolved. the asian tiger mosquito, aedes albopictus (skuse), represents an outstanding emerging model to investigate the molecular basis of photoperiodic diapause in a well-defined eco ...201122185595
what drives community adherence to indoor residual spraying (irs) against malaria in manhiça district, rural mozambique: a qualitative study.malaria control remains a challenge in sub-saharan africa. in 2006, the world health organization (who) reinforced the recommendation of indoor residual spraying (irs) with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) to reduce malaria transmission. the national malaria control programme has been reporting high coverage rates of irs in mozambique. it is important to establish to what extent these rates are a reflection of community acceptability, and to explore the factors associated with adherence, in ...201122111698
identification and functional characterization of two orphan g-protein-coupled receptors for adipokinetic hormones from silkworm bombyx mori.adipokinetic hormones (akhs) are the best studied insect neuropeptides with the function of mobilizing lipids and carbohydrates during energy-expensive activities and modulating fundamental physiological processes, such as sugar homeostasis, lipid metabolism, and reproduction. three distinct cdnas encoding the prepro-bombyx akh1-3 have been cloned and confirmed by mass spectrometric methods. our previous research suggested the bombyx akh receptor is activated by akh1 and akh2 with high affinity ...201122009754
a malaria transmission-directed model of mosquito life cycle and ecology.malaria is a major public health issue in much of the world, and the mosquito vectors which drive transmission are key targets for interventions. mathematical models for planning malaria eradication benefit from detailed representations of local mosquito populations, their natural dynamics and their response to campaign pressures.201121999664
progress towards understanding the ecology and epidemiology of malaria in the western kenya highlands: opportunities and challenges for control under climate change risk.following severe malaria epidemics in the western kenya highlands after the late 1980s it became imperative to undertake eco-epidemiological assessments of the disease and determine its drivers, spatial-temporal distribution and control strategies. extensive research has indicated that the major biophysical drivers of the disease are climate change and variability, terrain, topography, hydrology and immunity. vector distribution is focalized at valley bottoms and abundance is closely related wit ...201122015426
imaginal discs--a new source of chromosomes for genome mapping of the yellow fever mosquito aedes aegypti.the mosquito aedes aegypti is the primary global vector for dengue and yellow fever viruses. sequencing of the ae. aegypti genome has stimulated research in vector biology and insect genomics. however, the current genome assembly is highly fragmented with only ~31% of the genome being assigned to chromosomes. a lack of a reliable source of chromosomes for physical mapping has been a major impediment to improving the genome assembly of ae. aegypti.201121991400
knickkopf protein protects and organizes chitin in the newly synthesized insect exoskeleton.during each molting cycle of insect development, synthesis of new cuticle occurs concurrently with the partial degradation of the overlying old exoskeleton. protection of the newly synthesized cuticle from molting fluid enzymes has long been attributed to the presence of an impermeable envelope layer that was thought to serve as a physical barrier, preventing molting fluid enzymes from accessing the new cuticle and thereby ensuring selective degradation of only the old one. in this study, using ...201121930896
preventing the reintroduction of malaria in mauritius: a programmatic and financial assessment.sustaining elimination of malaria in areas with high receptivity and vulnerability will require effective strategies to prevent reestablishment of local transmission, yet there is a dearth of evidence about this phase. mauritius offers a uniquely informative history, with elimination of local transmission in 1969, re-emergence in 1975, and second elimination in 1998. towards this end, mauritius's elimination and prevention of reintroduction (por) programs were analyzed via a comprehensive review ...201121912645
challenges and prospects for malaria elimination in the southern africa region.the burden of malaria has decreased dramatically within the past several years in parts of sub-saharan africa, including regions of southern africa. important to effective regional malaria control in southern africa is the appreciation that the reductions in malaria have not been achieved uniformly, with some countries experiencing resurgence. understanding the reasons for sustained low-level malaria transmission in the face of control efforts, why malaria control efforts have not been successfu ...201121871864
target product profile choices for intra-domiciliary malaria vector control pesticide products: repel or kill?the most common pesticide products for controlling malaria-transmitting mosquitoes combine two distinct modes of action: 1) conventional insecticidal activity which kills mosquitoes exposed to the pesticide and 2) deterrence of mosquitoes away from protected humans. while deterrence enhances personal or household protection of long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual sprays, it may also attenuate or even reverse communal protection if it diverts mosquitoes to non-users rather than kill ...201121798023
malaria control in malawi: current status and directions for the future.the last decade has seen an increase in investment and concerted efforts by the malawi ministry of health and partners to control malaria disease. this report summarizes what is known about the burden of malaria and the strategies being implemented to control it in malawi. over the past 5 years, roll out of treatment and prevention efforts have been successful in the country, as demonstrated by increased use of insecticide treated nets, improved access to prompt and effective treatment and the i ...201121763670
relationship between care-givers' misconceptions and non-use of itns by under-five nigerian children.malaria has been a major public health problem in nigeria and many other sub-saharan african countries. insecticide-treated nets have shown to be cost-effective in the prevention of malaria, but the number of people that actually use these nets has remained generally low. studies that explore the determinants of use of itn are desirable.201121696622
molecular analysis of nutritional and hormonal regulation of female reproduction in the red flour beetle, tribolium castaneum.female reproduction includes maturation of oocytes and the synthesis of yolk proteins (vitellogenin, vg) in the fat body and their deposition into the oocytes. our recent studies showed that juvenile hormone (jh) regulates vg synthesis and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20e) regulates oocyte maturation in the red flour beetle (tribolium castaneum). here, we report on the role of nutritional signaling on vitellogenesis and oogenesis. comparison of gene expression between fed and starved beetles by microarra ...201121288489
impact of malaria at the end of pregnancy on infant mortality and morbidity.there is some consensus that malaria in pregnancy may negatively affect infant's mortality and malaria morbidity, but there is less evidence concerning the factors involved.201121199881
scanranker: quality assessment of tandem mass spectra via sequence shotgun proteomics, protein identification by tandem mass spectrometry relies on bioinformatics tools. despite recent improvements in identification algorithms, a significant number of high quality spectra remain unidentified for various reasons. here we present scanranker, an open-source tool that evaluates the quality of tandem mass spectra via sequence tagging with reliable performance in data from different instruments. the superior performance of scanranker enables it not only to find un ...201121520941
field evaluation of the intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy (iptp) in benin: evolution of the coverage rate since its implementation.malaria is an important public health problem in africa. pregnant women are a vulnerable population and this disease can underlie an increased risk of low-birth weight newborns (< 2500 g); these women therefore need management during pregnancy. this was previously provided by chloroquine treatment, which, because of compliance problems and drug resistance, was replaced by intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (itpp-sp) with two single doses taken after 16 weeks of amen ...201121679439
natural history and intragenomic dynamics of the transib transposon hztransib in the cotton bollworm helicoverpa zea.hztransib, recently identified from helicoverpa zea, represents the first intact and transcriptionally active transib element. its open reading frame was detected in helicoverpa armigera, from which h. zea evolved, and in helicoverpa assulta, the common ancestor of h. zea and h. armigera, but its remaining parts were found only in h. armigera. thirty-nine hztransib insertion sites, all of which are polymorphic, were detected from eight populations of h. zea. out of the 39 insertion sites, 35 wer ...201021166910
investigating portable fluorescent microscopy (cyscope) as an alternative rapid diagnostic test for malaria in children and women of child-bearing age.prompt and correct diagnosis of malaria is crucial for accurate epidemiological assessment and better case management, and while the gold standard of light microscopy is often available, it requires both expertise and time. portable fluorescent microscopy using the cyscope offers a potentially quicker, easier and more field-applicable alternative. this article reports on the strengths, limitations of this methodology and its diagnostic performance in cross-sectional surveys on young children and ...201020799940
which family members use the best nets? an analysis of the condition of mosquito nets and their distribution within households in tanzania.household ownership of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (itns) is increasing, and coverage targets have been revised to address universal coverage with itns. however, many households do not have enough nets to cover everyone, and the nets available vary in physical condition and insecticide treatment status. since 2004, the government of tanzania has been implementing the tanzania national voucher scheme (tnvs), which distributes vouchers for itns through antenatal clinics to target pregnant wo ...201020663143
principal component analysis of socioeconomic factors and their association with malaria in children from the ashanti region, ghana.the socioeconomic and sociodemographic situation are important components for the design and assessment of malaria control measures. in malaria endemic areas, however, valid classification of socioeconomic factors is difficult due to the lack of standardized tax and income data. the objective of this study was to quantify household socioeconomic levels using principal component analyses (pca) to a set of indicator variables and to use a classification scheme for the multivariate analysis of chil ...201020626839
effect of incentives on insecticide-treated bed net use in sub-saharan africa: a cluster randomized trial in madagascar.insecticide-treated bed nets (itns) have been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality due to malaria in sub-saharan africa. strategies using incentives to increase itn use could be more efficient than traditional distribution campaigns. to date, behavioural incentives have been studied mostly in developed countries. no study has yet looked at the effect of incentives on the use of itns. reported here are the results of a cluster randomized controlled trial testing household-level incentives for ...201020579392
sleeping arrangement and house structure affect bed net use in villages along lake victoria.although insecticide-treated bed nets are effective tools, use often does not follow ownership. house structure and space arrangements may make the attempt to use bed nets difficult, especially for school age children. the objectives of this study were to explore whether an individual's sleeping arrangements and house structure affect bed net use in villages along lake victoria in western kenya.201020569459
the complete mitochondrial genome of the fall webworm, hyphantria cunea (lepidoptera: arctiidae).the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the fall webworm, hyphantria cunea (lepidoptera: arctiidae) was determined. the genome is a circular molecule 15 481 bp long. it presents a typical gene organization and order for completely sequenced lepidopteran mitogenomes, but differs from the insect ancestral type for the placement of trna(met). the nucleotide composition of the genome is also highly a + t biased, accounting for 80.38%, with a slightly positive at skewness (0.010), indicatin ...201020376208
development of a snp resource and a genetic linkage map for atlantic cod (gadus morhua).atlantic cod (gadus morhua) is a species with increasing economic significance for the aquaculture industry. the genetic improvement of cod will play a critical role in achieving successful large-scale aquaculture. while many microsatellite markers have been developed in cod, the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) is currently limited. here we report the identification of snps from sequence data generated by a large-scale expressed sequence tag (est) program, focusing on fish origi ...201020307277
policy development in malaria vector management in mozambique, south africa and zimbabwe.indoor residual spraying (irs) and insecticide-treated nets (itns), two principal malaria control strategies, are similar in cost and efficacy. we aimed to describe recent policy development regarding their use in mozambique, south africa and zimbabwe.201020176574
the vector population monitoring tool (vpmt): high-throughput dna-based diagnostics for the monitoring of mosquito vector populations.regular monitoring of mosquito vector populations is an integral component of most vector control programmes. contemporary data on mosquito species composition, infection status, and resistance to insecticides are a prerequisite for effective intervention. for this purpose we, with funding from the innovative vector control consortium (ivcc), have developed a suite of high-throughput assays based on a single "closed-tube" platform that collectively comprise the "vector population monitoring tool ...201022347668
temporal dynamics of malaria transmission in two rural areas of burkina faso with two ecological determine the relationship between malaria transmission intensity, clinical malaria, immune response, plasmodic index, and to furthermore characterize a malaria vaccine trial site for potential malaria vaccines candidate testing, a study was conducted in tensobtenga and balonguen, two villages in burkina faso characterized by different malaria transmission levels. the study villages are located in a sudan savanna area. malaria transmission is seasonal and peaks in september in these villages. ...201020695277
cytogenetic map for anopheles nili: application for population genetics and comparative physical mapping.anopheles nili is one of the major malaria vectors in africa with a wide geographic distribution. however, the taxonomic and population genetic studies on this species are scarce. new research tools are urgently needed to genetically characterize this important malaria vector. in this study, a high-resolution cytogenetic map was developed for an. nili polytene chromosomes. chromosomes were straightened and subdivided into 46 numbered divisions according to the banding pattern. population analysi ...201020603229
sequence characterization of cytochrome p450 cyp6p9 in pyrethroid resistant and susceptible anopheles funestus (diptera: culicidae).anopheles funestus, one of the main african malaria vectors, caused a major malaria outbreak in south africa during 1999/2000, even though south africa had an effective vector control program in place. the outbreak was due to pyrethroid resistant an. funestus invading kwazulu/natal. increased activity of cytochrome p450 (monooxygenase) was responsible for the pyrethroid resistance in this species. a monooxygenase gene, cyp6p9, was highly overexpressed in the pyrethroid-resistant strain compared ...201020391340
bayesian geostatistical modeling of malaria indicator survey data in angola.the 2006-2007 angola malaria indicator survey (amis) is the first nationally representative household survey in the country assessing coverage of the key malaria control interventions and measuring malaria-related burden among children under 5 years of age. in this paper, the angolan mis data were analyzed to produce the first smooth map of parasitaemia prevalence based on contemporary nationwide empirical data in the country. bayesian geostatistical models were fitted to assess the effect of in ...201020351775
does moonlight influence the biting behaviour of anopheles funestus?the possible effect of moonlight on the biting behaviour of mosquitoes in southern mozambique, in particular that of anopheles funestus (diptera: culicidae), a primary vector of malaria, was investigated by comparing catches indoors and outdoors using cdc light traps and 'furvela' tent traps, respectively, for 35 consecutive nights, from 9 september to 15 october 2008. collections were separated into three 4-hourly samples each night. a total of 17 591 mosquitoes belonging to nine species were c ...201021073491
malaria transmission and insecticide resistance of anopheles gambiae in libreville and port-gentil, gabon.urban malaria is a major health priority for civilian and militaries populations. a preliminary entomologic study has been conducted in 2006-2007, in the french military camps of the two mains towns of gabon: libreville and port-gentil. the aim was to assess the malaria transmission risk for troops.201021070655
the dominant anopheles vectors of human malaria in africa, europe and the middle east: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis.abstract:201021129198
unexpected anthropophily in the potential secondary malaria vectors anopheles coustani s.l. and anopheles squamosus in macha, zambia.abstract anopheles coustani s.l. and anopheles squamosus are sub-saharan mosquito species that have been implicated in malaria transmission. although generally believed to be of negligible importance due to their overwhelmingly zoophilic behavior, an. coustani s.l. and an. squamosus made up a large proportion of the anophelines collected by human landing catches during the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 rainy seasons in macha, zambia. further, polymerase chain reaction-based blood meal identification s ...201021142969
de novo transcriptome sequencing in anopheles funestus using illumina rna-seq technology.anopheles funestus is one of the primary vectors of human malaria, which causes a million deaths each year in sub-saharan africa. few scientific resources are available to facilitate studies of this mosquito species and relatively little is known about its basic biology and evolution, making development and implementation of novel disease control efforts more difficult. the an. funestus genome has not been sequenced, so in order to facilitate genome-scale experimental biology, we have sequenced ...201021151993
malaria transmission in two rural communities in the forest zone of ghana.malaria transmission was assessed in two rural communities, kona and afamanaso in sekyere south district, ashanti region, in the forest zone of ghana to provide baseline data for ongoing clinical studies and the evaluation of the effect of interventions. altogether, 3,479 anopheles gambiae and 1,157 anopheles funestus were caught by human landing catches. sporozoite rates determined by either microscopy of salivary glands or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for plasmodium falciparum in ...201021153839
staggered larval time-to-hatch and insecticide resistance in the major malaria vector anopheles gambiae s form.anopheles gambiae is a major vector of malaria in the west african region. resistance to multiple insecticides has been recorded in an. gambiae s form in the ahafo region of ghana. a laboratory population (gah) established using wild material from this locality has enabled a mechanistic characterization of each resistance phenotype as well as an analysis of another adaptive characteristic - staggered larval time-to-hatch.201021156042
the structure of the catalytic domain of tannerella forsythia karilysin reveals it is a bacterial xenologue of animal matrix metalloproteinases.metallopeptidases (mps) are among virulence factors secreted by pathogenic bacteria at the site of infection. one such pathogen is tannerella forsythia, a member of the microbial consortium that causes peridontitis, arguably the most prevalent infective chronic inflammatory disease known to mankind. the only reported mp secreted by t. forsythia is karilysin, a 52 kda multidomain protein comprising a central 18 kda catalytic domain (cd), termed kly18, flanked by domains unrelated to any known pro ...201021166898
mass drug administration of ivermectin in south-eastern senegal reduces the survivorship of wild-caught, blood fed malaria south-eastern senegal, malaria and onchocerciasis are co-endemic. onchocerciasis in this region has been controlled by once or twice yearly mass drug administration (mda) with ivermectin (ivm) for over fifteen years. since laboratory-raised anopheles gambiae s.s. are susceptible to ivermectin at concentrations found in human blood post-ingestion of ivm, it is plausible that a similar effect could be quantified in the field, and that ivm might have benefits as a malaria control tool.201021171970
adaptive divergence between incipient species of anopheles gambiae increases resistance to plasmodium.the african malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae is diversifying into ecotypes known as m and s forms. this process is thought to be promoted by adaptation to different larval habitats, but its genetic underpinnings remain elusive. to identify candidate targets of divergent natural selection in m and s, we performed genomewide scanning in paired population samples from mali, followed by resequencing and genotyping from five locations in west, central, and east africa. genome scans revealed a signi ...201021173248
pyrethroid resistance in southern african anopheles funestus extends to likoma island in lake malawi.abstract:201021192834
malaria infection and disease in an area with pyrethroid-resistant vectors in southern benin.this study aimed to investigate baseline data on malaria before the evaluation of new vector control strategies in an area of pyrethroid-resistance of vectors. the burden of malaria was estimated in terms of infection (prevalence and parasite density) and of clinical episodes.201021194470
differential attraction of malaria mosquitoes to volatile blends produced by human skin bacteria.the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae sensu stricto is mainly guided by human odour components to find its blood host. skin bacteria play an important role in the production of human body odour and when grown in vitro, skin bacteria produce volatiles that are attractive to a. gambiae. the role of single skin bacterial species in the production of volatiles that mediate the host-seeking behaviour of mosquitoes has remained largely unknown and is the subject of the present study. headspace sample ...201021209854
field, genetic, and modeling approaches show strong positive selection acting upon an insecticide resistance mutation in anopheles gambiae s.s.alleles subject to strong, recent positive selection will be swept toward fixation together with contiguous sections of the genome. whether the genomic signatures of such selection will be readily detectable in outbred wild populations is unclear. in this study, we employ haplotype diversity analysis to examine evidence for selective sweeps around knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations associated with resistance to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and pyrethroid insecticides in the mosquito anophel ...201020056691
[epidemiological baseline situation before the construction of a small dam in five villages of bouaké, central côte-d'ivoire].abstract from june 2007 to june 2008, entomological, malacological and parasitological investigations were carried out in five villages in close proximity to a small dam of raf-fierkro in bouaké, central côte-d'ivoire. the objective of the study was to identify vectors and intermediate host snails of parasitic diseases related to water, and to assess the prevalence of malaria, schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis before dam construction. mosquitoes were caught by human landing catc ...201020084484
evaluation of permanet 3.0 a deltamethrin-pbo combination net against anopheles gambiae and pyrethroid resistant culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes: an experimental hut trial in tanzania.combination mosquito nets incorporating two unrelated insecticides or insecticide plus synergist are designed to control insecticide resistant mosquitoes. permanet 3.0 is a long-lasting combination net incorporating deltamethrin on the side panels and a mixture of deltamethrin and synergist piperonyl butoxide (pbo) on the top panel. pbo is an inhibitor of mixed function oxidases implicated in pyrethroid resistance.201020085631
population structure of anopheles gambiae along the kenyan the tropics, anopheles mosquito abundance is greatest during the wet season and decline significantly during the dry season as larval habitats shrink. population size fluctuations between wet and dry seasons may lead to variation in distribution of specific alleles within natural anopheles populations, and a possible effect on the population genetic structure. we used 11 microsatellite markers to examine the effect of seasonality on population genetic structure of anopheles gambiae s.s. at tw ...201020122886
development and field evaluation of a synthetic mosquito lure that is more attractive than humans.disease transmitting mosquitoes locate humans and other blood hosts by identifying their characteristic odor profiles. using their olfactory organs, the mosquitoes detect compounds present in human breath, sweat and skins, and use these as cues to locate and obtain blood from the humans. these odor compounds can be synthesized in vitro, then formulated to mimic humans. while some synthetic mosquito lures already exist, evidence supporting their utility is limited to laboratory settings, where lo ...201020126628
population structure of newly established anopheles funestus populations in the senegal river basin using paracentric chromosomal inversions.anopheles funestus is one of the major vectors of malaria in sub-saharan africa. because of several cycles of recurrent drought events that have occurred in the sahelian zone, this species had disappeared from this area since the 1970s following a disappearance of its specific breeding sites. its comeback was, however, recently observed particularly in the senegal river basin following the implementation of two dams. because the implementation of hydro-agricultural and irrigation settings are su ...201020171155
anopheles gambiae: historical population decline associated with regional distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets in western nyanza province, kenya.high coverage of insecticide-treated bed nets in asembo and low coverage in seme, two adjacent communities in western nyanza province, kenya; followed by expanded coverage of bed nets in seme, as the kenya national malaria programme rolled out; provided a natural experiment for quantification of changes in relative abundance of two primary malaria vectors in this holoendemic region. both belong to the anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) species complex, namely a. gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) and ...201020187956
attracting, trapping and killing disease-transmitting mosquitoes using odor-baited stations - the ifakara odor-baited stations.abstract:201020193085
high resolution niche models of malaria vectors in northern tanzania: a new capacity to predict malaria risk?malaria transmission rates in africa can vary dramatically over the space of a few kilometres. this spatial heterogeneity reflects variation in vector mosquito habitat and presents an important obstacle to the efficient allocation of malaria control resources. malaria control is further complicated by combinations of vector species that respond differently to control interventions. recent modelling innovations make it possible to predict vector distributions and extrapolate malaria risk continen ...201020195366
community-wide benefits of targeted indoor residual spray for malaria control in the western kenya highland.interest in indoor residual spray (irs) has been rekindled in recent years, as it is increasingly considered to be a key component of integrated malaria management. regular spraying of each human dwelling becomes less and less practical as the control area increases. where malaria transmission is concentrated around focal points, however, targeted irs may pose a feasible alternative to mass spraying. here, the impact of targeted irs was assessed in the highlands of western kenya.201020199674
distribution of the main malaria vectors in kenya.a detailed knowledge of the distribution of the main anopheles malaria vectors in kenya should guide national vector control strategies. however, contemporary spatial distributions of the locally dominant anopheles vectors including anopheles gambiae, anopheles arabiensis, anopheles merus, anopheles funestus, anopheles pharoensis and anopheles nili are lacking. the methods and approaches used to assemble contemporary available data on the present distribution of the dominant malaria vectors in k ...201020202199
diversity in anopheline larval habitats and adult composition during the dry and wet seasons in ouagadougou (burkina faso).several cases of malaria are frequently recorded during the dry period in ouagadougou town (burkina faso). this has led to the design of a series of studies focusing on both parasitological and entomological investigations intended to provide relevant health data on the risk of local malaria transmission according to the way of urbanisation.201020298619
successful field trial of attractive toxic sugar bait (atsb) plant-spraying methods against malaria vectors in the anopheles gambiae complex in mali, west africa.based on highly successful demonstrations in israel that attractive toxic sugar bait (atsb) methods can decimate local populations of mosquitoes, this study determined the effectiveness of atsb methods for malaria vector control in the semi-arid bandiagara district of mali, west africa.201020663142
salivary polytene chromosome map of anopheles darlingi, the main vector of neotropical photomap of anopheles (nyssorhynchus) darlingi root, 1926, is described for a population from guajará-mirim, state of rondonia, brazil. the number of sections in the previous a. darlingi reference map was maintained and new subsections were added to the five chromosome arms. breakage points of paracentric inversions had been previously incorporated into the photomap of this species. an additional inversion is reported, called 3lc, totaling 14 inversions in the a. darlingi chromosome arms. th ...201020682862
cuticle thickening associated with pyrethroid resistance in the major malaria vector anopheles funestus.abstract:201020684757
genome mapping and characterization of the anopheles gambiae heterochromatin.heterochromatin plays an important role in chromosome function and gene regulation. despite the availability of polytene chromosomes and genome sequence, the heterochromatin of the major malaria vector anopheles gambiae has not been mapped and characterized.201020684766
pyrethroid resistance in an anopheles funestus population from uganda.the susceptibility status of anopheles funestus to insecticides remains largely unknown in most parts of africa because of the difficulty in rearing field-caught mosquitoes of this malaria vector. here we report the susceptibility status of the an. funestus population from tororo district in uganda and a preliminary characterisation of the putative resistance mechanisms involved.201020686697
screening mosquito house entry points as a potential method for integrated control of endophagic filariasis, arbovirus and malaria vectors.partial mosquito-proofing of houses with screens and ceilings has the potential to reduce indoor densities of malaria mosquitoes. we wish to measure whether it will also reduce indoor densities of vectors of neglected tropical diseases.201020689815
anopheles larval abundance and diversity in three rice agro-village complexes mwea irrigation scheme, central kenya.the diversity and abundance of anopheles larvae has significant influence on the resulting adult mosquito population and hence the dynamics of malaria transmission. studies were conducted to examine larval habitat dynamics and ecological factors affecting survivorship of aquatic stages of malaria vectors in three agro-ecological settings in mwea, kenya.201020691120
first attempt to validate the gsg6-p1 salivary peptide as an immuno-epidemiological tool for evaluating human exposure to anopheles funestus bites.summary objective: the development of a biomarker of exposure based on the evaluation of the human antibody response specific to anopheles salivary proteins seems promising in improving malaria control. the igg response specific to the gsg6-p1 peptide has already been validated as a biomarker of an. gambiae exposure. this study represents a first attempt to validate the gsg6-p1 peptide as an epidemiological tool evaluating exposure to an. funestus bites, the second main malaria vector in sub-sah ...201020723184
mode of action of methoprene in affecting female reproduction in the african malaria mosquito, anopheles of the most studied actions of juvenile hormone (jh) is its ability to modulate ecdysteroid signaling during insect development and metamorphosis. previous studies in mosquitoes showed that 20-hydroxyecdysone (20e) regulates vitellogenin synthesis. however, the action of jh and its mimics, e.g. methoprene, on female reproduction of mosquitoes remains unknown.201020730984
hydric stress-dependent effects of plasmodium falciparum infection on the survival of wild-caught anopheles gambiae female mosquitoes.whether plasmodium falciparum, the agent of human malaria responsible for over a million deaths per year, causes fitness costs in its mosquito vectors is a burning question that has not yet been adequately resolved. understanding the evolutionary forces responsible for the maintenance of susceptibility and refractory alleles in natural mosquito populations is critical for understanding malaria transmission dynamics.201020796288
anthropophilic mosquitoes and malaria transmission in the eastern foothills of the central highlands of madagascar.malaria remains a major public health problem in madagascar, as it is the first cause of morbidity in health care facilities. its transmission remains poorly documented. an entomological study was carried out over 1 year (october 2003-september 2004) in saharevo, a village located at an altitude of 900m on the eastern edge of the malagasy central highlands. mosquitoes were sampled weekly upon landing on human volunteers and in various resting-places. out of 5515 mosquitoes collected on humans, 3 ...201020804715
aestivation of the african malaria mosquito, anopheles gambiae in the sahel.the african malaria mosquito, anopheles gambiae, inhabits diverse environments including dry savannas, where surface waters required for larval development are absent for 4-8 months per year. under such conditions, an. gambiae virtually disappears. whether populations survive the long dry season by aestivation (a dormant state promoting extended longevity during the summer) or are reestablished by migrants from distant locations where larval sites persist has remained an enigma for over 60 years ...201020810827
culicidae diversity, malaria transmission and insecticide resistance alleles in malaria vectors in ouidah-kpomasse-tori district from benin (west africa): a pre-intervention study.abstract:201020819214
field experiments of anopheles gambiae attraction to local fruits/seedpods and flowering plants in mali to optimize strategies for malaria vector control in africa using attractive toxic sugar bait methods.based on recent studies in israel demonstrating that attractive toxic sugar bait (atsb) methods can be used to decimate local anopheline and culicine mosquito populations, an important consideration is whether the same methods can be adapted and improved to attract and kill malaria vectors in africa. the atsb approach uses fruit or flower scent as an attractant, sugar solution as a feeding stimulant, and an oral toxin. the atsb solutions are either sprayed on vegetation or suspended in simple ba ...201020854666
prag01, a novel deltamethrin-resistance-associated gene from culex pipiens pallens.the prag01 gene (genbank accession no. eu073017) was cloned from culex pipiens pallens. an open reading frame of 270 bp was found to encode a putative 89-amino-acid protein which has the highest homology with culex quinquefasciatus and anopheles funestus. real-time quantitative pcr analysis demonstrated that the transcription level of prag01 gene in deltamethrin-resistant strain was 1.65-fold higher than in deltamethrin-susceptible strain of c. pipiens pallens. overexpression of prag01 gene in t ...201020922424
plasmodium ovale infection in malaysia: first imported case.plasmodium ovale infection is rarely reported in malaysia. this is the first imported case of p. ovale infection in malaysia which was initially misdiagnosed as plasmodium vivax.201020929588
reproduction-longevity trade-off in anopheles gambiae (diptera: culicidae).reduced survival and future reproduction due to of current reproduction is a trade-off known as the cost of reproduction. surprisingly, only a few studies have assessed the cost of reproduction in arthropod disease vectors, despite its effect on longevity, and thus on vectorial capacity. we evaluated the cost of reproduction on survival of anopheles gambiae giles by comparing mosquitoes that were denied exposure to the other sex, hereafter named virgins, and those that were allowed exposure to t ...201020939369
predators of anopheles gambiae sensu lato (diptera: culicidae) larvae in wetlands, western kenya: confirmation by polymerase chain reaction method.polymerase chain reaction analysis was performed to determine whether mosquito predators in wetland habitats feed on anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) larvae. aquatic mosquito predators were collected from six wetlands near lake victoria in mbita, western kenya. this study revealed that the whole positive rate of an. gambiae s.l. from 330 predators was 54.2%. the order of positive rate was the highest in odonata (70.2%), followed by hemiptera (62.8%), amphibia (41.7%), and coleoptera (18%). th ...201020939371
sugar-fermenting yeast as an organic source of carbon dioxide to attract the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae.carbon dioxide (co2) plays an important role in the host-seeking process of opportunistic, zoophilic and anthropophilic mosquito species and is, therefore, commonly added to mosquito sampling tools. the african malaria vector anopheles gambiae sensu stricto is attracted to human volatiles augmented by co2. this study investigated whether co2, usually supplied from gas cylinders acquired from commercial industry, could be replaced by co2 derived from fermenting yeast (yeast-produced co2).201020973963
the effect of repeated washing of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (llins) on the feeding success and survival rates of anopheles gambiae.insecticide-treated nets protect users from mosquito bites, thereby preventing transmissions of mosquito borne pathogens. repeated washing of nets removes insecticide on the netting rendering them ineffective within a short period. long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (llins) offer longer time protection against such bites because they are more wash resistant, and are preferred to conventionally treated nets. however, there is limited information on the effect of repeated washing of llins on th ...201021029477
longitudinal studies of plasmodium falciparum malaria in pregnant women living in a rural cameroonian village with high perennial transmission.a prospective longitudinal study of plasmodium falciparum in pregnant women was conducted in the rural village of ngali ii, where malaria is hyperendemic and individuals receive ~0.7 infectious mosquito bites/person/day throughout the year. pregnant women (n = 60; 19 primigravidae, 41 multigravidae) were enrolled early in pregnancy (median 14 wk) and were followed monthly, with 38 women followed through term (5.7 ± 1.1 prenatal visits and delivery). the total number of times primigravidae were s ...201021036826
a physical map for an asian malaria mosquito, anopheles stephensi.physical mapping is a useful approach for studying genome organization and evolution as well as for genome sequence assembly. the availability of polytene chromosomes in malaria mosquitoes provides a unique opportunity to develop high-resolution physical maps. we report a 0.6-mb-resolution physical map consisting of 422 dna markers hybridized to 379 chromosomal sites of the anopheles stephensi polytene chromosomes. this makes an. stephensi second only to anopheles gambiae in density of a physica ...201021036831
odorant-binding proteins of the malaria mosquito anopheles funestus sensu stricto.the mosquito anopheles funestus is one of the major malaria vector species in sub-saharan africa. olfaction is essential in guiding mosquito behaviors. odorant-binding proteins (obps) are highly expressed in insect olfactory tissues and involved in the first step of odorant reception. an improved understanding of the function of malaria mosquito obps may contribute to identifying new attractants/repellents and assist in the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly mosquito cont ...201021042539
identifying malaria vector breeding habitats with remote sensing data and terrain-based landscape indices in zambia.malaria, caused by the parasite plasmodium falciparum, is a significant source of morbidity and mortality in southern zambia. in the mapanza chiefdom, where transmission is seasonal, anopheles arabiensis is the dominant malaria vector. the ability to predict larval habitats can help focus control measures.201021050496
patterns and seasonality of malaria transmission in the forest-savannah transitional zones of ghana.knowledge of the local pattern of malaria transmission and the effect of season on transmission is essential for the planning and evaluation of malaria interventions. therefore, entomological surveys were carried out in the forest-savannah transitional belt of ghana (kintampo) from november 2003 to november 2005 in preparation for drug and vaccine trials.201021054895
detection of 1014f kdr mutation in four major anopheline malaria vectors in indonesia.malaria is a serious public health problem in indonesia, particularly in areas outside java and bali. the spread of resistance to the currently available anti-malarial drugs or insecticides used for mosquito control would cause an increase in malaria transmission. to better understand patterns of transmission and resistance in indonesia, an integrated mosquito survey was conducted in three areas with different malaria endemicities, purworejo in central java, south lampung district in sumatera an ...201021054903
simultaneous identification of the anopheles funestus group and anopheles longipalpis type c by pcr-rflp.anopheles longipalpis is morphologically similar to the major african malaria vector anopheles funestus at the adult stage although it is very different at the larval stage. despite the development of the species-specific multiplex pcr assay for the an. funestus group, the genomic dna of anopheles longipalpis type c specimens can be amplified with the anopheles vaneedeni and anopheles parensis primers from this assay. the standard, species-specific an. funestus group pcr, results in the amplific ...201021054905
organization and evolution of heterochromatin in malaria mosquitoes.the african malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae was the first disease vector chosen for genome sequencing. although its genome assembly has been facilitated by physical mapping, large gaps still pose a serious problem for accurate annotation and genome analysis. the majority of the gaps are located in regions of pericentromeric and intercalary heterochromatin. genomic analysis has identified protein-coding genes and various classes of repetitive elements in the anopheles heterochromatin. molecula ...201021250544
tissue-specific transcriptomics of the exotic invasive insect pest emerald ash borer (agrilus planipennis).the insect midgut and fat body represent major tissue interfaces that deal with several important physiological functions including digestion, detoxification and immune response. the emerald ash borer (agrilus planipennis), is an exotic invasive insect pest that has killed millions of ash trees (fraxinus spp.) primarily in the midwestern united states and ontario, canada. however, despite its high impact status little knowledge exists for a. planipennis at the molecular level.201021060843
multilocus haplotypes reveal variable levels of diversity and population structure of plasmodium falciparum in papua new guinea, a region of intense perennial transmission.the south west pacific nation of papua new guinea has intense year round transmission of plasmodium falciparum on the coast and in the low-lying inland areas. local heterogeneity in the epidemiology of malaria suggests that parasites from multiple locations will need to be surveyed to define the population biology of p. falciparum in the region. this study describes the population genetics of p. falciparum in thirteen villages spread over four distinct catchment areas of papua new guinea.201021092231
an insight into the sialome of blood-feeding nematocera.within the diptera and outside the suborder brachycera, the blood-feeding habit occurred at least twice, producing the present day sand flies, and the culicomorpha, including the mosquitoes (culicidae), black flies (simulidae), biting midges (ceratopogonidae) and frog feeding flies (corethrellidae). alternatives to this scenario are also discussed. successful blood-feeding requires adaptations to antagonize the vertebrate's mechanisms of blood clotting, platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, pa ...201020728537
expression of metallothionein and alpha-tubulin in heavy metal-tolerant anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (diptera: culicidae).anopheles mosquitoes have been shown to adapt to heavy metals in their natural habitats. in this study we explored the possibility of using anopheles gambiae sensu stricto as bio-reporters for environmental heavy metal pollution through expressions of their metal-responsive metallothionein and alpha-tubulin genes. the study was undertaken with third instar larvae after selection by cadmium, copper, or lead at lc(30) through five successive generations. expression levels were determined in the 5t ...201019735939
a transposon toolkit for gene transfer and mutagenesis in protozoan parasites.protozoan parasites affect millions of people around the world. treatment and control of these diseases are complicated partly due to the intricate biology of these organisms. the interactions of species of plasmodium, leishmania and trypanosomes with their hosts are mediated by an unusual control of gene expression that is not fully understood. the availability of the genome sequence of these protozoa sets the stage for using more comprehensive, genome-wide strategies to study gene function. tr ...201019763844
evaluation of the pyrrole insecticide chlorfenapyr against pyrethroid resistant and susceptible anopheles funestus (diptera: culicidae).to evaluate the pyrrole insecticide chlorfenapyr, which has a novel non-neurotoxic mode of action and is a promising alternative to conventional adulticides, against anopheles funestus.201019891759
plasmodium infection and its risk factors in eastern uganda.malaria is a leading cause of disease burden in uganda, although surprisingly few contemporary, age-stratified data exist on malaria epidemiology in the country. this report presents results from a total population survey of malaria infection and intervention coverage in a rural area of eastern uganda, with a specific focus on how risk factors differ between demographic groups in this population.201020044942
spatio-temporal patterns in kdr frequency in permethrin and ddt resistant anopheles gambiae s.s. from uganda.the planned upscaling of vector control strategies requires insight into the epidemiological consequences of vector resistance. therefore, the pyrethroid and ddt resistance status of anopheles gambiae s.l. was assessed in uganda from 2004 to 2006, and spatial and seasonal variations in knockdown resistance (kdr) frequencies were analyzed in terms of epidemiological significance. anopheles gambiae s.l. was ddt and pyrethroid resistant in central and eastern uganda. the l1014s kdr allele frequenci ...201020348500
environmental factors associated with the distribution of anopheles gambiae s.s in ghana; an important vector of lymphatic filariasis and malaria.anopheles gambiae s.s mosquitoes are important vectors of lymphatic filariasis (lf) and malaria in ghana. to better understand their ecological aspects and influence on disease transmission, we examined the spatial distribution of the an. gambiae (m and s) molecular forms and associated environmental factors, and determined their relationship with disease prevalence. published and current data available on the an. gambiae species in ghana were collected in a database for analysis, and the study ...201020360950
biological cost of tolerance to heavy metals in the mosquito anopheles gambiae.the global rate of heavy metal pollution is rapidly increasing in various habitats. anopheles malaria vector species (diptera: culicidae) appear to tolerate many aquatic habitats with metal pollutants, despite their normal proclivity for 'clean' water (i.e. low levels of organic matter). investigations were conducted to establish whether there are biological costs for tolerance to heavy metals in anopheles gambiae giles sensu stricto and to assess the potential impact of heavy metal pollution on ...201020374478
population genetic structure of anopheles arabiensis (diptera: culicidae) in a rice growing area of central kenya.studies were conducted to examine the population genetic structure of anopheles arabiensis (patton) in mwea rice irrigation scheme and surrounding areas in central kenya, under different agricultural systems. this study was motivated by observed differences in malaria transmission indices of an. arabiensis within the scheme compared with adjacent nonirrigated areas. agricultural practices can modify local microclimate and influence the number and diversity of larval habitats and in so doing may ...201020380294
predicting and mapping malaria under climate change scenarios: the potential redistribution of malaria vectors in africa.malaria is rampant in africa and causes untold mortality and morbidity. vector-borne diseases are climate sensitive and this has raised considerable concern over the implications of climate change on future disease risk. the problem of malaria vectors (anopheles mosquitoes) shifting from their traditional locations to invade new zones is an important concern. the vision of this study was to exploit the sets of information previously generated by entomologists, e.g. on geographical range of vecto ...201020416059
Displaying items 801 - 900 of 1528