
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
phototropism of rice (oryza sativa l.) coleoptiles: fluence-response relationships, kinetics and photogravitropic equilibrium.phototropism of rice (oryza sativa l.) coleoptiles induced by unilateral blue light was characterized using red-light-grown seedlings. phototropic fluence-response relationships, investigated mainly with submerged coleoptiles, revealed three response types previously identified in oat and maize coleoptiles: two pulse-induced positive phototropisms and a phototropism that depended on stimulation time. the effective ranges of fluences and fluence rates were comparable to those reported for maize. ...199711541281
plant regeneration of indica rice (oryza sativa) cultivars from mature embryo-derived calli.plant regeneration from seven-week-old callus cultures derived from mature embryos of several indica rice cultivars was achieved with frequencies of morphogenic calli from 10 to 47%. three media were tested both for callogenesis and plant regeneration. for 3 of the 7 genotypes examined, the best combination of media for plant regeneration was murashige & skoog basal medium: msc (callogenesis) and msr (regeneration). the rates of callogenesis were not related to the capacity for plant regeneratio ...19979404510
rapid reconstitution of tonoplast h(+)-translocating pyrophosphatase from cultured rice cells into liposomes.we report the rapid and functional reconstitution of h(+)-pyrophosphatase (h(+)-ppase) from the tonoplast of cultured rice (oryza sativa l.) cells to proteoliposomes. the chaps-solubilized h(+)-ppase was incorporated into liposomes by gel-filtration. both the activities of ppi-hydrolysis and h(+)-pumping were influenced by the lipid-protein ratio and cholesterol.19979150610
phosphorylation of the c2 subunit of the proteasome in rice (oryza sativa l.).proteasomes function mainly in the atp-dependent degradation of proteins that have been conjugated with ubiquitin. to demonstrate the phosphorylation of proteasomes in plants, we conducted an enzymatic dephosphorylation experiment with a crude extract of rice cultured cells. the results indicated that the c2 subunit of the 20s proteasome is phosphorylated in vivo in cultured cells. an in-gel kinase assay and analysis of phospho-amino acids revealed that the c2 subunit is phosphorylated by a 40-k ...19979091324
chromosomal regions associated with segregation distortion of molecular markers in f2, backcross, doubled haploid, and recombinant inbred populations in rice (oryza sativa l.).chromosomal regions associated with marker segregation distortion in rice were compared based on six molecular linkage maps. mapping populations were derived from one interspecific backcross and five inter-subspecific (indica/japonica) crosses, including two f2 populations, two doubled haploid (dh) populations, and one recombinant inbred (ri) population. mapping data for each population consisted of 129-629 markers. segregation distortion was determined based on chi-square analysis (p < 0.01) an ...19979065686
purification and characterization of a (1-->3)-beta-d-glucan endohydrolase from rice (oryza sativa) bran.a (1-->3)-beta-glucanase with an apparent m(r) of 29,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.0 has been purified 2000-fold from extracts of rice bran, using fractional precipitation with ammonium sulfate, anion exchange chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography, chromatofocussing, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. the enzyme can be classified with the ec group, because it releases laminarabiose and higher laminara-oligosaccharides from linear (1-->3)-beta-d-glucans with an actio ...19979076936
differential ammonia-elicited changes of cytosolic ph in root hair cells of rice and maize as monitored by 2[prime],7[prime]-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5 (and -6)-carboxyfluorescein-fluorescence ratio.intact hair cells of young rice (oryza sativa l.) and maize roots (zea mays l.), grown without external nitrogen, were specifically loaded with 2[prime],7[prime]-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5 (and -6)-carboxyfluorescein acetoxymethyl ester to monitor fluorescence ratio cytosolic ph changes in response to external ammonia (nh4+/nh3) application. in neutral media, cytosolic ph of root hairs was 7.15 [plus or minus] 0.13 (o. sativa) and 7.08 [plus or minus] 0.11 (z. mays). application of 2 mm ammonia at e ...199712223619
epistasis for three grain yield components in rice (oryza sativa l.).the genetic basis for three grain yield components of rice, 1000 kernel weight (kw), grain number per panicle (gn), and grain weight per panicle (gwp), was investigated using restriction fragment length polymorphism markers and f4 progency testing from a cross between rice subspecies japonica (cultivar lemont from usa) and indica (cv. tequing from china). following identification of 19 qtl affecting these traits, we investigated the role of epistasis in genetic control of these phenotypes. among ...19979071598
characterization of a maize beta-amylase cdna clone and its expression during seed germination.a maize (zea mays l.) cdna clone (pzmb2) encoding beta-amylase was isolated from a cdna library prepared from the aleurone rna of germinating kernels. the cdna encodes a predicted product of 488 amino acids with significant similarity to known beta-amylases from barley (hordeum vulgare), rye (secale cereale), and rice (oryza sativa). glycine-rich repeats found in the carboxyl terminus of the endosperm-specific beta-amylase of barley and rye are absent from the maize gene product. the n-terminal ...19979046591
phytoalexin production by amino acid conjugates of jasmonic acid through induction of naringenin-7-o-methyltransferase, a key enzyme on phytoalexin biosynthesis in rice (oryza sativa l.).amino acid conjugates of jasmonic acid are found to elicit production of the flavonoid phytoalexin, sakuranetin in rice leaves. the elicitation is shown to arise from induction of naringenin 7-o-methyltransferase, a key enzyme of sakuranetin biosynthesis. the (-)-phenylalanine conjugate, one of the active compounds, is characterized by high activity for both sakuranetin and enzyme induction and low phytotoxicity against rice growth. both (+)-enantiomers of the conjugates and free amino acids do ...19979013895
effects of ethylene and gibberellins on the elongation of rice seedlings (oryza sativa l.).three-day-old rice seedlings treated with ethylene showed elongation of the 2nd and 3rd leaves. this ethylene-stimulated elongation was not observed in the presence of uniconazole-p or prohexadione, both gibberellin (ga) biosynthesis inhibitors, suggesting that ga was involved in the response. an analysis of endogenous gas by gc-ms revealed that the ga1 level was reduced in the 3rd leaf in response to ethylene. dose-response experiments showed that the responsiveness to ga1 was enhanced by ethyl ...199728862568
semi quantification of gibberellins in the anthers of thermosensitive genetic male sterile rice (oryza sativa l. cv. pl12).the levels of endogenous gas in the anthers of rice (oryza sativa l., cv. reimei (normal)) and in those of sterile and fertile plants of a thermosensitive genetic male sterile line (norin pl12; derived from reimei) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). high levels of ga4/7 were detected in the anthers of reimei (normal fertility) and fertile (growing under fertile conditions) pl 12, while such levels were markedly reduced with increased sterility in pl12. the anthers of the ...199727393172
identifying different types of de-differentiated microspores from indica-japonica f(1) hybrids with subspecies-differentiating rflp probes in rice.the indica, japonica and intermediary types of de-differentiated microspores from indica-japonica f(1) hybrids were identified with 11 subspecies-differentiating relp probes in rice (oryza sativa l.). the results showed that the distribution of indica, japonica and intermediary types of de-differentiated microspores could be easily detected in a simple and quick way using the rflp method. moreover, the microspores from the same f(1) hybrid but inoculated onto different media, or microspores from ...199719352742
characteristics of genetic variation in the progenies of protoplast-derived plants of rice, oryza sativa cv nipponbare.genetic variation in protoplast-derived rice (oryza sativa l.) plants was characterized using first and second generation selfed progenies. a total of 133 regenerated plants were obtained from ten protoplasts of the japonica rice cultivar nipponbare. sixty two regenerated plants which set enough seeds for the subsequent field tests at the next generation and were derived from five protoplasts were selected, and their selfed seeds were used as the first selfed-seed progeny (pt(1) generation). fif ...199719352738
ultraviolet b-sensitive rice cultivar deficient in cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers (cpds) in dna is essential in most organisms to prevent biological damage by ultraviolet (uv) light. in higher plants tested thus far, uv-sensitive strains had higher initial damage levels or deficient repair of nondimer dna lesions but normal cpd repair. this suggested that cpds might not be important for biological lesions. the photosynthetic apparatus has also been proposed as a critical target. we have analyzed cpd induction and repair in the uv-sensiti ...199712223592
an abscisic-acid- and salt-stress-responsive rice cdna from a novel plant gene family.a novel cdna clone osr40cl, encoding a abscisic acid (aba)-responsive 40-kda protein previously associated with salt tolerance (moons et al. '1995' plant physiol 107: 177-186), was isolated from roots of rice seedlings (oryza sativa l.). exogenously applied aba and salt shock induced a marked increase of the osr40cl transcript level in roots of seedlings whereas constant osr40cl mrna levels were found in the shoot. the root-specific salinity-induced osr40cl mrna accumulation was rapid and gradua ...19979265787
cell wall (1-->3)- and (1-->3, 1-->4)-beta-glucans during early grain development in rice (oryza sativa l.).immunogold labeling was used to study the distribution of (1-->3)-beta-glucans and (1-->3, 1-->4)-beta-glucans in the rice grain during cellularization of the endosperm. at approximately 3-5 d after pollination the syncytial endosperm is converted into a cellular tissue by three developmentally distinct types of wall. the initial free-growing anticlinal walls, which compartmentalize the syncytium into open-ended alveoli, are formed in the absence of mitosis and phragmoplasts. this stage is follo ...19979265785
molecular cloning and characterization of a cdna for plastidic copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase in rice (oryza sativa l.).a cdna encoding plastidic cu/zn-sod was isolated from rice. the deduced amino acid sequence included a transit peptide in the amino-terminal residues and showed a high similarity to those of plastidic cu/zn-sods from other plants. the level of expression of this transcript was high in green leaves and differed from that of other rice sod mrnas in various tissues.19979057336
expression characteristics of os-acs1 and os-acs2, two members of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene family in rice (oryza sativa l. cv. habiganj aman ii) during partial submergence.deepwater rice can grow in the regions of southeast asia that are flooded during the monsoon season because it has several adaptations allowing it to survive under flooded conditions. one such adaptation is the ability for rapid internode elongation upon partial submergence to maintain its foliage above the rising flood water levels. ethylene is considered to be the trigger of this growth response because deepwater conditions not only trap ethylene in submerged organs, but also enhance the activ ...19979037160
the effect of the external medium on the gravitropic curvature of rice (oryza sativa, poaceae) roots.the roots of rice seedlings, growing in artificial pond water, exhibit robust gravitropic curvature when placed perpendicular to the vector of gravity. to determine whether the statolith theory (in which intracellular sedimenting particles are responsible for gravity sensing) or the gravitational pressure theory (in which the entire protoplast acts as the gravity sensor) best accounts for gravity sensing in rice roots, we changed the physical properties of the external medium with impermeant sol ...199711541059
physical and kinetic evidence for an association between sucrose-phosphate synthase and sucrose-phosphate phosphatase.the possible formation of a multienzyme complex between sucrose (suc)-phosphate synthase (sps) and suc-phosphate phosphatase (spp) was examined by measuring the rates of suc-6-phosphate (suc-6-p) synthesis and hydrolysis in mixing experiments with partially purified enzymes from spinach (spinacia oleracea) and rice (oryza sativa) leaves. the addition of spp to sps stimulated the rate of suc-6-p synthesis. sps inhibited the hydrolysis of exogenous suc-6-p by spp when added in the absence of its s ...199712223802
growth and n allocation in rice plants under co2 enrichment.the effects of co2 enrichment on growth and n allocation of rice (oryza sativa l.) were examined. the plants were grown hydroponically in growth chambers with a 14-h photoperiod (1000 [mu]mol quanta m-2 s-1) and a day/night temperature of 25/20[deg]c. from the 28th to 70th d after germination, the plants were exposed to two co2 partial pressures, namely 36 and 100 pa. the co2 enrichment increased the final biomass, but this was caused by a stimulation of the growth rate during the first week of ...199712223800
the effect of elevated partial pressures of co2 on the relationship between photosynthetic capacity and n content in rice leaves.the effects of growth co2 levels on the photosynthetic rates; the amounts of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco), chlorophyll (chl), and cytochrome f; sucrose phosphate synthase activity; and total n content were examined in young, fully expanded leaves of rice (oryza sativa l.). the plants were grown hydroponically under two co2 partial pressures of 36 and 100 pa at three n concentrations. the light-saturated photosynthesis at 36 pa co2 was lower in the plants grown in 100 pa co2 th ...199712223799
effects of osmoprotectants upon nacl stress in rice.plants accumulate a number of osmoprotective substances in response to nacl stress, one of them being proline (pro). while characterizing some of the changes in solute accumulation in nacl-stressed rice (oryza sativa l.), we identified several other potential osmoprotectants. one such substance, trehalose, begins to accumulate in small amounts in roots after 3 d. we performed a series of experiments to compare the effects of pro and trehalose on ion accumulation to determine whether the two chem ...199712223797
accelerated early growth of rice at elevated co2 (is it related to developmental changes in the shoot apex?).the influence of elevated co2 on the development of the shoot apex and on subsequent vegetative growth and grain yield was investigated using rice (oryza sativa l. cv jarrah) grown in flooded soil at either 350 or 700 [mu]l co2 l-1. at 8 d after planting (dap), elevated co2 increased the height and diameter of the apical dome and lengths of leaf primordia and tiller buds but had no effect on their numbers. by 16 dap, there were five tiller buds in the apex at 700 [mu]l co2 l-1 compared with only ...199712223789
characterization of three rice basic/leucine zipper factors, including two inhibitors of embp-1 dna binding activity.the promoter of the wheat em gene contains elements with a cacgtg core sequence (g-boxes), which are recognized by embp-1, a wheat basic/leucine zipper (bzip) protein. g-boxes are required for em expression in response to the phytohormone abscisic acid and for transactivation by the viviparous-1 protein (vp1) using transient expression systems. in order to identify other factors that are part of the transcriptional complex that associates with g-boxes, we have screened a rice (oryza sativa) cdna ...19968940135
rates of ethylene release, photosynthesis and transpiration of rice measured in closed-type obtain the basic data of gas exchange of rice (oryza sativa l. cv. nipponbare), rates of ethylene release, photosynthesis and transpiration of the rice plant were measured by using a closed-type chamber. each rate increased until the heading stage and thereafter decreased. ethylene release rate (e) gradually increased with day after seeding and rates of photosynthesis (p) and transpiration (t) did exponentially. at the heading stage, e, p and t were maximum and had values of about 2.0 mmol pl ...199611541585
lazy gene (la) responsible for both an agravitropism of seedlings and lazy habit of tiller growth in rice (oryza sativa l.).using an isogenic line of rice having lazy gene (la), we studied the correlation between the agravitropic response at the young seedling stage and the lazy habit (prostrate growth of tillers) at the more advanced stage of growth. in this study, it was found that both agravitropism and lazy habit were controlled by the single recessive la gene. that is, f2 segregants of kamenoo x lazy-kamenoo, which had an agravitropic response at their young seedling stage, showed a lazy habit of growth in the m ...199611539861
polyamine accumulation and near loss of morphogenesis in long-term callus cultures of rice (restoration of plant regeneration by manipulation of cellular polyamine levels).we have shown (s. bajaj and m.v. rajam [1995] plant cell rep 14: 717-720) that a significant reduction in morphogenetic potential occurs in callus cultures of rice (oryza sativa l. cv tn-1) (up to 1 year old), and that plant regeneration could be improved in such cultures with spermidine treatment. we now show a near loss in plant regeneration capacity, concomitant with massive polyamine accumulation (primarily the diamine putrescine), due to the increase in arginine decarboxylase activity and a ...199612226449
chalcone synthase in rice (oryza sativa l.): detection of the chs protein in seedlings and molecular mapping of the chs locus.the chalcone synthase is a key enzyme that catalyses the first dedicated reaction of the flavonoid pathway in higher plants. the chs gene and its protein product in rice has been investigated. the presence of a chalcone synthase (chs) protein in rice seedlings and its developmental stage-specific expression has been demonstrated by western analysis. the chalcone synthase of rice was found to be immunologically similar to that of maize. a rice cdna clone, os-chs cdna, encoding chalcone synthase, ...19968980525
rna expression patterns of a type 2 metallothionein-like gene from rice.a type 2 metallothionein-like gene from rice, osmt-2 (oryza sativa metallothionein-like gene-2), was isolated in its cdna form and sequenced. by northern analyses osmt-2 expression was shown to be induced under stress by sucrose starvation, heat shock and, to a lesser extent, abscisic acid, but not excess metals, including copper. its response to sucrose starvation was transient and different from osmt-1, a type 1 metallothionein-like gene of rice inducible by copper. these results suggest that ...19968980501
characterization and mapping of cdna encoding aspartate aminotransferase in rice, oryza sativa l.fifteen cdna clones, putatively identified as encoding aspartate aminotransferase (ast, ec, were isolated and partially sequenced. together with six previously isolated clones putatively identified to encode asts (sasaki, et al. 1994, plant journal 6, 615-624), their sequences were characterized and classified into 4 cdna species. two of the isolated clones, c60213 and c2079, were full-length cdnas, and their complete nucleotide sequences were determined. c60213 was 1612 bp long and it ...19969039500
dna fingerprints of rice (oryza sativa) obtained from hypervariable chloroplast simple sequence repeats.the aim of this research was to develop a convenient polymerase chain reaction-based assay that would allow intraspecific chloroplast variability to be detected. our approach is based on the detection of length polymorphism within chloroplast mononucleotide microsatellite loci. information from the fully sequenced rice chloroplast genome was used to identify 12 regions with a minimum of ten uninterrupted mononucleotide repeats. primers flanking these repeats were used in conjunction with polymer ...19968914327
variability and genetics of tolerance for aluminum toxicity in rice (oryza sativa l.).a study was undertaken to investigate the variability among lowland rice cultivars and the mode of gene action of aluminum (al) toxicity tolerance in rice. pregerminated seeds were grown in a nutrient solution containing 30 ppm al and in normal nutrient solution, and relative root length (rrl) was determined at the 14-day-old stage to characterize genotypes for tolerance. sixty-two traditional rice cultivars grown on lowland acid sulfate soil areas of asia and west africa were tested. tolerant v ...199624162402
cool temperature-induced chlorosis in rice plants (ii. effects of cool temperature on the expression of plastid-encoded genes during shoot growth in darkness).it has been proposed that cool temperature-induced chlorosis (ctic) in indica cultivars of rice (oryza sativa l.) is caused by cell growth and plastid development being impeded at cool temperatures. since it is well known that the overall rate of transcription of plastid-encoded genes changes dramatically during the early phases of plastid development, in this study we focused on the patterns of expression of these genes. northern blot analysis revealed that the level of 16s rrna is decreased in ...199612226412
phylogenetic relationships in a-genome species of rice as revealed by rapd order to clarify the phylogenetic relationships in a-genome species of rice, rapd analysis was carried out using 29 accessions (8 oryza sativa, 6 o. glaberrima, 13 o. perennis, and 2 o. breviligulata). their total dna was used as template for pcr with 14 decamer primers. the amplified products were electrophoresed in agarose gel, and the banding patterns were observed. average number of total amplified bands for each accession using 14 primers was 84.6. by comparing the banding patterns, the ...19968979372
isolation and characterization of cdnas encoding vacuolar h(+)-pyrophosphatase isoforms from rice (oryza sativa l.).the vacuolar h(+)-pyrophosphatase (v-ppase) is an electrogenic h+ pump, which was found in the plant vacuolar membrane. two cdna clones (ovp1 and ovp2) encoding the v-ppase were isolated from cultured rice (oryza sativa l.) cells and subsequently sequenced. the sequence analysis has revealed that ovp1 contains 2316 nucleotides of open reading frame (orf) and 362 nucleotides of the 3'-untranslated region, whereas ovp2 comprises 2304 nucleotides of orf and 312 nucleotides of the 3'-untranslated re ...19968843945
phytohormone-regulated beta-amylase gene expression in rice.the expression of beta-amylase genes in rice (oryza sativa) and its regulation by phytohormones gibberellic acid (ga) and abscisic acid (aba) were examined. upon germination beta-amylase is synthesized de novo in aleurone cells and (ga) is not required. exogenous addition of ga does not enhance the beta-amylase activity, while aba inhibits the beta-amylase activity, mrna accumulation, and the germination of rice seeds. ga can reverse aba inhibition of beta-amylase expression, but not aba inhibit ...19968843940
molecular mapping of the ge (s) gene controlling the super-giant embryo character in rice (oryza sativa l.).the giant-embryo character is useful for quality improvement in rice. three alleles controlling embryo size have been reported at the ge locus. based on trisomic analysis, this locus is known to reside on chromosome 7. the objective of the present study was to identify linkage between molecular markers and the ge (s) gene using an existing molecular map of rice and an f2 population derived from hwacheongbyeo-ge (s) (super-giant embryo)/milyang 23. the bulked-segregant method was used to screen 3 ...199624162226
growth inhibition in suspension-cultured rice cells under phosphate deprivation is mediated through putrescine accumulation.the effects of phosphate deprivation on the growth and polyamine levels of suspension-cultured rice (oryza sativa) cells were investigated. when rice suspension cells were deprived of phosphate, cell growth was markedly inhibited. phosphate deprivation resulted in a higher putrescine level and lower spermidine and spermine levels in rice suspension cells. the growth of rice cells cultured in the absence of phosphate did not recover as a result of spermidine and spermine addition. d-arginine and ...199612226323
purification and properties of a basic endo-1,3-beta-glucanase from rice (oryza sativa l.).a 1,3-beta-glucanase purified from rice grain is a 33 kda monomer with a pi of > or = 10.4. the enzyme was determined to be an endo-1,3-beta-glucanase (ec by end product analysis using laminaria digitata laminarin as substrate. its amino-terminal amino acid sequence revealed strong homology to an endo-1,3-beta-glucanase from barley.19968819316
centromere mapping and orientation of the molecular linkage map of rice (oryza sativa l.).rice has become a model cereal plant for molecular genetic research. rice has the most comprehensive molecular linkage maps with more than 2000 dna markers and shows synteny and colinearity with the maps of other cereal crops. until now, however, no information was available about the positions of centromeres and arm locations of markers on the molecular linkage map. secondary and telotrisomics were used to assign restriction fragment length polymorphism markers to specific chromosome arms and t ...19968650237
transformation of haploid, microspore-derived cell suspension protoplasts of rice (oryza sativa l.).we compared the transient activity of three cereal gene-derived promoter-gus fusions and the efficiency of selection mediated by three different selectable genes in a polyethylene glycol transformation system with haploid cell suspension protoplasts of rice. the maize ubiquitin promoter was found to be the most active in transformed protoplasts, and selection on ammonium glufosinate mediated by the bar gene was the most efficient for producing resistant calluses. cotransformation of protoplasts ...199624178168
effect of oxygen-enriched aeration on regeneration of rice (oryza sativa l.) cell culture.the effect of the oxygen concentration in the aeration gas on regeneration from rice cells in bioreactor cultures was investigated. the efficiency of regeneration in cultures aerated with over 40% oxygen was higher than that in a flask culture. in the case of a culture in which the dissolved oxygen(do) was saturated by aeration with air, the efficiency of regeneration was less than the half that of cultures aerated with 40% oxygen. in cultures with the do levels controlled at 8,10 and 12 mg/ℓ, t ...199624178160
rflp mapping of qtls for yield and related characters in rice (oryza sativa l.).quantitative triat loci (qtls) for yield and related traits in rice were mapped based on rflp maps from two indica/indica f2 populations, tesanai 2/cb and waiyin 2/cb. in tesanai 2/cb, 14 intervals carrying qtls for eight traits were detected, including 3 for grain weight per plant (gwt), 2 for number of panicles per plant (np), 2 for number of grains per panicle (ng), 1 for total number of spikelets per panicle (tns), 1 for spikelet fertility (sf), 3 for 1000-grain weight (tgwt), 1 for spikelet ...199624166618
the origin, identification, and plant morphology of five rice monosomics.five different monosomics of rice (oryza sativa l.) were obtained by treatment of pollen with gamma irradiation, as a by-product of attempts to determine the cytological loci of certain marker genes, i.e., mature pollen carrying normal alleles at all loci was given gamma rays and used for pollinating strains that were homozygous for recessive marker genes. the monosomics showed distinguishable morphological features and had complete seed sterility. cytological studies revealed that one monosomic ...199618469913
epidermal growth factor binding proteins in rice (oryza sativa l.) leaves.a ligand blotting experiment using [125i]epidermal growth factor (egf) showed that there are egf binding proteins in rice leaves. egf binding proteins have isoelectric points and relative molecular masses of 5.5/35 kda, 7.5/50 kda and 8.3/40 kda, respectively. the amino acid sequences of the n-terminal and internal regions of the egf binding proteins were determined. the amino acid sequences of 35 kda protein and 40 kda were found to be homologous with those of the photosystem ii oxygen-evolving ...19968799499
submergence enhances expression of a gene encoding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase in deepwater rice.partial submergence greatly stimulates internodal growth in deep water rice (oryza sativa l.). previous work has shown that the effect of submergence is, at least in part, mediated by ethylene, which accumulates in the air spaces of submerged internodes. to investigate the expression of the genes encoding ethylene biosynthetic enzymes during accelerated growth of deep water rice, we cloned a 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (acc) oxidase cdna (os-aco1) from internodes of submerged plants and me ...19968759917
a methyltransferase for synthesis of the flavanone phytoalexin sakuranetin in rice leaves.rice (oryza sativa l.) leaves irradiated with short wave uv light accumulated the major rice phytoalexin, flavanone sakuranetin. the extracts from these leaves catalyzed the methylation of the hydroxyl group at position 7 of naringenin to yield sakuranetin, with s-adenosyl-l-methionine as the methyl donor. activity of the naringenin 7-o-methyltransferase was not found in healthy rice leaves but increased upon irradiation with uv light in parallel with increase in sakuranetin. the autoradiogram o ...19968651913
mapping quantitative trait loci associated with root penetration ability in rice (oryza sativa l.).root penetration ability is an important factor for rice drought resistance in areas with soils subject to both compaction and periodic water deficits. however, breeding for root penetration ability is inhibited by the difficulties associated with measuring root traits. our objective was to identify restriction fragment length polymorphisms (rflps) associated with root penetration ability. using wax-petrolatum layers as a proxy for compacted soil, we counted the number of vertical root axes pene ...199624166384
function of silica bodies in the epidermal system of rice (oryza sativa l.): testing the window hypothesis.silicon has been considered to be important for normal growth and development of the rice plant (oryza sativa l.). to investigate the physiological function of deposited silica in rice leaves, the hypothesis that silica bodies in the leaf epidermal system might act as a 'window' to facilitate the transmission of light to photosynthetic mesophyll tissue was tested. the silica content of leaves increased with supplied silicon and was closely correlated with the number of silica bodies per unit lea ...199611539362
mechanism of safening action of dymuron and its two monomethyl analogues against bensulfuron-methyl injury to rice (oryza sativa)the comparative efficacy and mechanism of action of the herbicide dymuron and its two optically active monomethyl analogues, (r)-1-(alpha-methylbenzyl)-3-(p-tolylurea) (r-mbtu) and s-mbtu, as safeners of rice against injury from bensulfuron-methyl were investigated. bioassays using etiolated seedlings of rice (oryza sativa l., cv. lemont), grown either in agar or in liquid media containing bensulfuron-methyl, showed that this sulfonylurea herbicide is a potent inhibitor of rice root growth (i50 ...19968980030
isolation of mammalian pol beta type dna polymerase in shoot tips of germinated seedlings of ir-8 rice (oryza sativa l.).a single polypeptide of approx. 67 kda mol.wt. with dna polymerase activity has been chromatographically purified from shoot tips of 72 hr. grown germinated seedlings of rice (oryza ir-8). an approx. 4800 fold enrichment of specific activity was measured by the incorporation of 3h-dtmp into trichloroacetic acid insoluble fraction, using activated calf thymus dna as template-primer. the enzyme uses different types of dna but not rna as a template. the enzyme requires mg+2, high kcl, a ...19968799334
purification and properties of oryza sativa cu-zn superoxide dismutase.superoxide dismutase has been purified to homogeneity from oryza sativa germinated seeds growth in the dark. the purified enzyme contained two electrophoretically distinct bands on continuous gel electrophoresis or analytical gel electrofocusing. sds-page showed a single band of an m(r) 15000 while gel chromatography on sephadex g 100 showed a single peak of an m(r) 32000. it contained two cu and two zn ions. the spectra of ultraviolet and visible regions were similar to those of cu-zn mammalian ...19968784923
rice gibberellin-binding phosphoprotein structurally related to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase.a gibberellin a (ga)-binding protein was identified from rice (oryza sativa l.) leaves by a ligand-binding assay. the dissociation constant of ga-binding protein and ga complex was about 100 nm. this protein has a relative molecular mass of 47 000 and an isoelectric point of 5.1. the partial amino acid sequence of the protein was determined for 54 residues from both the n-terminal and internal regions. a sequence homology search indicated that the amino acid sequence of ga-binding protein was ho ...19968612816
effect of culture methods on the regeneration of albino rice (oryza sativa l.) our study, we investigated the effects of regeneration conditions on both green and albino rice plants (oryza sativa l.). the regeneration frequency of an albino cell line was compared to a normal cell line obtained from mature seed under two kinds of culture conditions; namely, the static culture on semi-solid regeneration medium and the suspension culture in liquid regeneration medium. the albino cell line, from which only albino plantlets were regenerated, was induced from the albino leaf ...199624178525
molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci in japonica rice.rice (oryza sativa l.) molecular maps have previously been constructed using interspecific crosses or crosses between the two major subspecies: indica and japonica. for japonica breeding programs, however, it would be more suitable to use intrasubspecific crosses. a linkage map of 129 random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) and 18 restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) markers was developed using 118 f2 plants derived from a cross between two japonica cultivars with high and low seedlin ...199618469902
characterization of four induced chromosome deficiencies in rice (oryza sativa l.).four rice (oryza sativa l.) deficiencies, involving chromosomes 4 (df4), 8 (df8), and 11 (df11-1, df11-2), were studied. the deficiencies were induced by means of the pseudodominance technique, i.e., strains carrying one or more recessive marker genes were fertilized with irradiated pollen of a strain carrying normal alleles at corresponding loci. no characteristic morphological features were found in the deficiencies, as compared with the normal f1 plants in the progeny. the deficiencies showed ...199618469895
variations in glutelin and high molecular weight endosperm proteins among subspecies of rice (oryza sativa l.) detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.variations in endosperm polypeptides among 16 cultivars of rice were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. one glutelin alpha-subunit (alpha 8) with a molecular mass of 32.5 kda was exclusively present in indica cultivars. by contrast, the glutelin alpha 3 subunit, with a molecular mass of 32 kda, was present only in japonica and javanica cultivars. glutelin alpha-subunits alpha 5a and alpha 5b, which have a molecular mass of 32 kda and slightly different isoelectric points, differed ...19968752866
evidence for genomic changes in transgenic rice (oryza sativa l.) recovered from protoplasts.the occurrence of genomic modifications in transgenic rice plants recovered from protoplasts and their transmission to the self-pollination progeny has been verified with the random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) approach. the plant was the indica-type rice (oryza sativa l.) cultivar chinsurah boro ii. the analysed material was: (1) microspore-derived embryogenic rice cells grown in suspension culture, (2) transgenic plants recovered from protoplasts produced from the cultured cells and (3) th ...19968866891
cool-temperature-induced chlorosis in rice plants.we have established an experimental system for mimicking the phenomenon of cool-temperature-induced chlorosis (ctic) in rice plants (oryza sativa l.). rice seedlings were initially grown in darkness under cool-temperature conditions and then exposed to light and warm conditions to follow the expression of ctic. induction of ctic in the sensitive cultivar (cv surjamukhi) was bimodally dependent on the temperatures experienced during the initial growth in darkness. ctic was maximally induced betwe ...19968819872
isolation and characterization of two cdna clones for mrnas that are abundantly expressed in immature anthers of rice (oryza sativa l.).the relationship between the length of anthers and the stage of development of microspores was examined in rice (oryza sativa l. cv. hayayuki). anthers of < or = 2 mm and 2.1-2.2 mm in length and those ready to dehiscence were determined to be at the uninucleate, binucleate and trinucleate microspore stage, respectively. two cdnas (yy1 and yy2), representing genes that are specifically expressed in anthers at the uninucleate microspore stage, were isolated and characterized. yy1 cdna encoded an ...19968704128
molecular cloning and characterization of a cdna for the beta subunit of a g protein from rice.we isolated a cdna for the beta subunit of a heterotrimeric g protein from rice (oryza sativa l. cv. nipponbare). the amino acid sequence deduced from the cdna was 76% an 94% homologus to the sequences of the beta subunits from arabidopsis and maize (ag beta 1 and zg beta 1), respectively.19968665097
export of β-1,3-glucanase from mutant rice cells rechallenged and stressed with lysine plus threonine.mutant rice cells (oryza sativa l.) grown in liquid suspension cultures exported greater quantities of protein and β-glucanases than controls. these mutants were isolated from anther calli resistant to 1 mm lysine plus threonine (lt), regenerated and reestablished as cell suspension cultures from seeds. cellular protein levels are genetically conditioned, and the levels of extracellular proteins and enzyme activities are inversely related to that of the cellular portions. the rechallenge of cell ...199624166174
identification of qtls affecting traits of agronomic importance in a recombinant inbred population derived from a subspecific rice detect qtls controlling traits of agronomic importance in rice, two elite homozygous lines 9024 and lh422, which represent the indica and japonica subspecies of rice (oryza sativa), were crossed. subsequently a modified single-seed-descent procedure was employed to produce 194 recombinant inbred lines (f8). the 194 lines were genotyped at 141 rflp marker loci and evaluated in a field trial for 13 quantitative traits including grain yield. transgressive segregants were observed for all traits ...199624166172
two new loci for hybrid sterility in cultivated rice (oryza sativa l.).female gamete abortion in indica-japonica crosses of rice was earlier identified to be due to an allelic interaction at the s-5 locus on chromosome 6. recently, in other crosses of rice, similar allelic interactions were found at loci designated as s-7 and s-8, located on chromosomes 7 and 6 respectively. all of them are independent of each other. at the s-5 locus, indica and japonica rice have s-5 (i) and s-5 (j) alleles respectively and javanicas, such as ketan nangka, have a neutral allele s- ...199624166167
diauxic growth in rice suspension cells grown on mixed carbon sources of acetate and glucose.diauxic growth was observed in rice (oryza sativa l.) suspension cells growing on acetate (10 mm) and glucose (10 mm). cells used acetate during the first growth phase and the acetate level in the medium was rapidly decreased, whereas the level of glucose remained essentially unchanged. after acetate was depleted from the medium, cells started to use glucose, forming the second growth phase. it appears that uptake of [14c]glucose was repressed during the first growth phase and became active duri ...199612226198
involvement of jasmonic acid in elicitor-induced phytoalexin production in suspension-cultured rice has been suggested that jasmonic acid (ja) could be an integral part of a general signal transduction system regulating inducible defense genes in plants. it was reported that treatment with an elicitor (n-acetylchitoheptaose) induced production of phytoalexin in suspension-cultured rice (oryza sativa l.) cells. in this study, the role of ja in the induction of phytoalexin production by n-acetylchitoheptaose was investigated. exogenously applied ([plus or minus])-ja (10-4 m) clearly induced t ...199612226190
isolation of a thiamine-binding protein from rice germ and distribution of similar proteins.a thiamine-binding protein was purified from rice germ (oryza sativa l.) by extraction, salting-out with ammonium sulfate, and column chromatography. from the results of molecular mass, kd and bmax values for thiamine-binding, binding specificity for thiamine phosphates and analog, the protein was suggested to be identical to the thiamine-binding protein in rice bran. the thiamine-binding protein w as more efficiently purified from rice germ than from rice bran. the protein was rich in glutamic ...199627299548
additive and antagonistic effects of ozone and salinity on the growth, ion contents and gas exchange of five varieties of rice (oryza sativa l.).five varieties of rice (oryza sativa l.) of varying salinity resistance were grown in non-saline and in saline conditions, with and without a repeated exposure to ozone at a concentration of 83 nmol mol(-1) giving an aot40 (cumulative exposure above 40 nmol mol(-1)) of 3600 nmol mol(-1) h. salinity caused a substantial reduction in shoot and root dry weight in all varieties, but the effect on root growth was proportionately less than on shoot growth. ozone reduced root dry weight but the treatme ...199615091377
expression of a late embryogenesis abundant protein gene, hva1, from barley confers tolerance to water deficit and salt stress in transgenic rice.a late embryogenesis abundant (lea) protein gene, hva1, from barley (hordeum vulgare l.) was introduced into rice suspension cells using the biolistic-mediated transformation method, and a large number of independent transgenic rice (oryza sativa l.) plants were generated. expression of the barley hva1 gene regulated by the rice actin 1 gene promoter led to high-level, constitutive accumulation of the hva1 protein in both leaves and roots of transgenic rice plants. second-generation transgenic r ...199612226181
coordinated regulation of the genes participating in starch biosynthesis by the rice floury-2 locus.the recessive floury-2 (flo-2) locus of rice (oryza sativa l.), which is located on chromosome 4, causes a strong reduction in expression of the gene encoding an isoform of branching enzyme rbe1 in immature seeds 10 d after flowering. mapping of the rbe1 gene demonstrated the localization on rice chromosome 6, suggesting that the wild-type floury-2 (flo-2) gene regulates rbe1 gene expression in trans. however, reduced expression of the genes encoding some other starch-synthesizing enzymes, inclu ...199612226172
novel dna probes capable of discriminating indica and japonica rice cultivars.we obtained two dna clones, g93 (1.6kb) and g318 (1.7kb) from indica rice (oryza sativa l.) cultivar culture 340. southern hybridization analysis indicated that both dna probes hybridized with dna of indica cultivars but not with japonica cultivars. some javanica cultivars dnas did not hybridize with these probes. nucleotide sequence (400bp) of a part of g93 showed a 65.8% g + c content. these novel dna probes can be used for the study of evolutional fingerprinting of rice cultivars.19968988367
genomic structure of the rice aldolase isozyme c-1 gene and its regulation through a ca 2+ -mediated protein kinase-phosphatase pathway.complementary and genomic dna clones coding for aldolase c-1, the fourth-type isozyme of aldolase in rice oryza sativa l., have been characterized. the organization of the gene is quite similar to those encoding rice aldolase c-a and a maize cytoplasmic-type aldolase, in that introns are located in the same position. amino acid sequences are highly conserved among cytoplasmic aldolases in plants. expression of the gene in rice callus is activated by a protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid, ...19968616263
generation of a yac contig encompassing the extra glume gene, eg, in rice.we have used dna markers from a high density molecular map of rice (oryza sativa) to tag a single gene expressed as a flower morphogenesis mutation, extra glume (eg). using an f2 population segregating for eg, obtained from a cross between ir24 and f136 (eg/eg), we constructed a partial molecular map and located eg relative to restriction fragment length polymorphism markers. the region between two markers appears to span the eg locus on rice chromosome 1 and extends to a genetic length of 3.8 c ...199618469956
extraordinarily polymorphic ribosomal dna in wild and cultivated rice.a collection of 481 rice accessions was surveyed for ribosomal dna (rdna) intergenic spacer length polymorphism to assess the extent of genetic diversity in chinese and asian rice germplasm. the materials included 83 accessions of common wild rice, oryza rufipogon, 75 of which were from china; 348 entries of cultivated rice (oryza sativa), representing almost all the rice growing areas in china; and 50 cultivars from south and east asia. a total of 42 spacer length variants (slvs) were detected. ...199618469959
t-dna integration into genomic dna of rice following agrobacterium inoculation of isolated shoot apices.this paper establishes that the isolated shoot meristem of monocotyledons can be infected and transformed using agrobacterium. since this explant from nearly any cereal cultivar can rapidly regenerate into a plant, using this explant effectively eliminates the genotype regeneration restrictions to cereal crop transformation allowing direct transformation of elite germplasm. shoot apices of oryza sativa l. tropical japonica, cv. maybelle were explants used for cocultivation, and gene transfer was ...19969002612
open reading frame 176 in the photosynthesis gene cluster of rhodobacter capsulatus encodes idi, a gene for isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase.isopentenyl diphosphate (ipp) isomerase catalyzes an essential activation step in the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway. a database search based on probes from the highly conserved regions in three eukaryotic ipp isomerases revealed substantial similarity with orf176 in the photosynthesis gene cluster in rhodobacter capsulatus. the open reading frame was cloned into an escherichia coli expression vector. the encoded 20-kda protein, which was purified in two steps by ion exchange and hydrophobic in ...19968550491
regulation, expression and function of a new basic chitinase gene in rice (oryza sativa l.).a new basic chitinase gene, designated rc24, was isolated from a rice genomic library. the predicted rc24 protein contains 322 amino acid residues and exhibits 68% to 95% amino acid identity with known class i rice chitinases. rc24 protein expressed in escherichia coli exhibited chitinase activity and strongly inhibited bacterial growth. two transcription start sites of the rc24 gene were mapped by primer extension analysis of both rice native rna and in vitro transcribed rna using a rc24 promot ...19968605293
cloning and characterization of the rice cata catalase gene, a homologue of the maize cat3 gene.we isolated and sequenced a genomic clone (cata) encoding cat-a catalase, a homologue of the maize catalase isozyme 3 (cat-3) from rice (oryza sativa l.). the 5'-upstream non-coding region had very low similarity with the maize cat3 gene and possible cis elements and sequence motifs in the maize cat3 gene were not evident, except for tata and caat motifs. several sequence motifs found in the promoters of plant seed-specific genes were identified in the 5'-upstream non-coding region of the cata g ...19968605302
molecular cloning of the full-length cdna of (s)-hydroxynitrile lyase from hevea brasiliensis. functional expression in escherichia coli and saccharomyces cerevisiae and identification of an active site residue.the full-length cdna of (s)-hydroxynitrile lyase (hnl) from leaves of hevea brasiliensis (tropical rubber tree) was cloned by an immunoscreening and sequenced. hnl from h. brasiliensis is involved in the biodegradation of cyanogenic glycosides and also catalyzes the stereospecific synthesis of aliphatic, aromatic, and heterocyclic cyanohydrins, which are important as precursors for pharmaceutical compounds. the open reading frame identified in a 1. 1-kilobase cdna fragment codes for a protein of ...19968621461
a novel cross-phylum family of proteins comprises a krr1 (ycl059c) gene which is essential for viability of saccharomyces cerevisiae cells.we demonstrate here that the open reading frame (orf) ycl059c, discovered during the systematic sequencing of chromosome iii [oliver et al., nature 357 (1992) 38-46], codes for a protein essential for yeast: neither spore germination nor cell division occur in strains deleted for this gene. we have cloned the wild-type (wt) gene and shown that it complements the deletion. a relatively abundant rna transcript corresponds to the gene. the protein has no similarity to proteins of known function. in ...19968675026
starch debranching enzyme (r-enzyme or pullulanase) from developing rice endosperm: purification, cdna and chromosomal localization of the gene.starch debranching enzyme (r-enzyme or pullulanase) was purified to homogeneity from developing endosperm of rice (oryza sativa l. cv. fujihikari) using a variety of high-performance liquid chromatography columns, and characterized. a cdna clone encoding the full length of the rice endosperm debranching enzyme was isolated and its nucleotide sequence was determined. the cdna contains an open reading frame of 2958 bp. the mature debranching enzyme of rice appears to be composed of 912 amino acids ...19968680309
the drosophila melanogaster gene vha14 encoding a 14-kda f-subunit of the vacuolar atpase.a drosophila melanogaster (dm) cdna (vha14) encoding the 14-kda f-subunit of the vacuolar h(+)-atpase (v-atpase) has been cloned via homology with the corresponding manduca sexta (ms) gene. its deduced translation product is a 124-amino-acid polypeptide sharing 90% identity with the ms polypeptide and 50% identity with an analogous polypeptide of saccharomyces cerevisiae, and a more distant similarity to a subunit of the na(+)-transporting atpase of enterococcus hirae. homology was also found wi ...19968682310
characterization of cdna encoding for phosphoglucose isomerase of rice (oryza sativa l.).two types of genes (pgi-a and pgi-b) encoding phosphoglucose isomerase (pgi; ec were cloned from cdna libraries of rice cultured cells (oryza sativa l.). pgi-a and pgi-b consisted of 2132 and 2030 nucleotides, respectively. the homology between these genes was 93.0% at nucleotide level. the homology scores between these genes in protein coding region and 3' non-coding region were 95.6% and 79.4%, respectively. pgi proteins encoded by pgi-a and pgi-b consisted of 567 and 568 amino acid, ...19968722567
vectors carrying two separate t-dnas for co-transformation of higher plants mediated by agrobacterium tumefaciens and segregation of transformants free from selection markers.novel 'super-binary' vectors that carried two separate t-dnas were constructed. one t-dna contained a drug-resistance, selection-marker gene and the other contained a gene for beta-glucuronidase (gus). a large number of tobacco (nicotiana tabacum l.) and rice (oryza sativa l.) transformants were produced by agrobacterium tumefaciens lba4404 that carried the vectors. frequency of co-transformation with the two t-dnas was greater than 47% gus-positive, drug-sensitive progeny were obtained from mor ...19968758986
phosphorylation of a protein (pp56) is related to the regeneration of rice cultured suspension cells.short-term cultured suspension cells of rice (oryza sativa l.) are capable of regeneration, but not in long-term culture. for clarification of the mechanism of regeneration, protein phosphorylation in short-term and long-term cultured suspension cells was compared by two dimensional-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. a 56 kda protein having an isoelectric point of 4.5 was phosphorylated in vitro in short-term cultured suspension cells, but was not phosphorylated after regeneration. this protein ...19968888618
higher plants contain homologs of the bacterial cela genes encoding the catalytic subunit of cellulose spite of much effort, no one has succeeded in isolating and characterizing the enzyme(s) responsible for synthesis of cellulose, the major cell wall polymer of plants. we have characterized two cotton (gossypium hirsutum) cdna clones and identified one rice (oryza sativa) cdna that are homologs of the bacterial cela genes that encode the catalytic subunit of cellulose synthase. three regions in the deduced amino acid sequences of the plant cela gene products are conserved with respect to the ...19968901635
development of microsatellite markers and characterization of simple sequence length polymorphism (sslp) in rice (oryza sativa l.).microsatellite markers containing simple sequence repeats (ssr) are a valuable tool for genetic analysis. our objective is to augment the existing rflp map of rice with simple sequence length polymorphisms (sslp). in this study, we describe 20 new microsatellite markers that have been assigned to positions along the rice chromosomes, characterized for their allelic diversity in cultivated and wild rice, and tested for amplification in distantly related species. our results indicate that the geno ...19968914521
physicochemical and serological characterization of rice alpha-amylase isoforms and identification of their corresponding genes.we have identified, purified, and characterized 10 alpha-amylase isoforms from suspension-cultured rice (oryza sativa l.) cells having different isoelectric point values. they had distinguishable optimum temperatures for enzymatic activity and molecular sizes. the results of immunoblotting indicated that polyclonal anti-a + b antibodies bound well to isoforms a, b, y, and z but weakly or not at all to e, f, g, h, i, and j. however, the anti-a + b antibodies inhibited the enzyme activities of onl ...19968934629
the rab16b promoter of rice contains two distinct abscisic acid-responsive localize abscisic acid (aba)-inducible gene expression of rab16 genes, rab16a promoter was linked to the gusa reporter gene encoding beta-glucuronidase and introduced into rice (oryza sativa l.) plants. the activity of rab16a promoter was induced by aba and osmotic stresses in various tissues of vegetative and floral organs. in anthers and embryos, rab16a promoter was active in the absence of aba. to elucidate cis-elements of the rab16 promoter that confer aba-inducible expression, variously ...19968883374
interspecific hybridization of cultivated rice, oryza sativa l. with the wild rice, o. minuta presl.crosses were made between four varieties ('mahsuri', 'setanjung", 'mr84" and 'mr103") of oryza sativa l. (2n=24, aa) and one accession of o. minuta (2n= 8, bbcc). the seed set obtained ranged between 9.5% and 25.1% depending on the rice variety used. by rescuing 14-day-old embryos and culturing them on 25%-strength ms medium we obtained a total of 414 f1 hybrids. the f1s were vigorous, tillered profusely, were perennial and male-sterile. the hybrids were triploid (abc) with 36 chromosomes and sh ...199624162392
a computer-based systematic survey reveals the predominance of small inverted-repeat elements in wild-type rice genes.several recent reports indicate that mobile elements are frequently found in and flanking many wild-type plant genes. to determine the extent of this association, we performed computer-based systematic searches to identify mobile elements in the genes of two "model" plants, oryza sativa (domesticated rice) and arabidopsis thaliana. whereas 32 common sequences belonging to nine putative mobile element families were found in the noncoding regions of rice genes, none were found in arabidopsis genes ...19968710903
two-dimensional electrophoresis of plant proteins and standardization of gel patterns.proteins of two plants, arabidopsis thaliana and rice (oryza sativa) were subjected to two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis with two modifications: (i) comigration of external standard marker proteins with resultant horizontal and vertical stripes in the gel, and (ii) deblocking with a vapor of aqueous heptafluorobutyric acid for n-acetylserine. approximately 5000 protein spots were separated from both the five tissues of arabidopsis and the nine tissues of rice. over one hundred spots were ...19968964270
oxidative stress and responses in arabidopsis thaliana and oryza sativa subjected to chilling and salinity stress. 19968736786
a wound- and methyl jasmonate-inducible transcript coding for a myrosinase-associated protein with similarities to an early nodulin.myrosinase is regarded as a defense-related enzyme in the brassicaceae and is capable of hydrolyzing glucosinolates into various compounds, some of which are toxic. several myrosinase isoenzymes exist, and some of them have been found in association with nonmyrosinase proteins. one of these associated proteins, myrosinase-associated protein (myap), was purified from seeds of brassica napus both in complexes with myrosinase and in a free form. myap is a glycosylated, 40-kd protein with at least o ...19968742330
molecular cloning and structural analysis of cdnas that encode 3 small gtp-binding proteins from sugar beet.isolation of homologous ras-related genes from sugar beet has never been reported. screening cdna library from beta vulgaris l. hilma resulted in the isolation of 3 ras-homologous clones. two of these genes (rab1bv and rab2bv) belong to the rab/ypt group. the deduced polypeptidic sequences from them show strong homologies to ara3 (93% with rab1bv) of arabidopsis thaliana and rgp2 (97% with rab2bv) of oryza sativa. the third gene (rho1bv) belongs to the rho family. the homology of rho1bv protein ...19968680960
mutations associated with floral organ number in floral organ number is specified is an interesting subject and has been intensively studied in arabidopsis thaliana. in rice (oryza sativa l.), mutations associated with floral organ number have been identified. in three mutants of rice, floral organ number 1 (fon1) and the two alleles, floral organ number 2-1 (fon2-1) and floral organ number 2-2 (fon2-2), the floral organs were increased in number centripetally. lodicules, homologous to petals, were rarely affected, and stamens were frequen ...199628321674
suppression of gravitropic response of primary roots by submergence.primary roots of six plant species were placed horizontally either in humid air or under water, and their growth and gravitropic responses were examined. in air, all the roots showed a normal gravitropic curvature. under water without aeration, roots of rice (oryza sativa l.), oat (avena sativa l.), azuki bean (vigna angularis ohwi et ohashi), and cress (lepidium sativum l.) curved downward at almost same rate as in air, whereas the curvature of roots of maize (zea mays l.) and pea (pisum sativu ...199611540722
molecular cloning and characterization of a cdna for the alpha subunit of a g protein from rice.we report the isolation of a cdna for the alpha subunit of a g protein from rice (oryza sativa l. cv. nipponbare). the cdna contained an open reading frame that encoded a protein of 380 amino acid residues with a mol wt of 44,204. we designated this polypeptide rga1 (rice g protein alpha subunit 1). the amino acid sequence of rga1 was 77% and 86% identical to the sequences of alpha subunits from arabidopsis thaliana and tomato (products of gpa1 and tga1), respectively, and 42% to 69% identical t ...19957767602
Displaying items 7901 - 8000 of 8745