
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
inoculation of tomato plants (solanum lycopersicum) with growth-promoting bacillus subtilis retards whitefly bemisia tabaci development.root inoculation of tomato (solanum lycopersicum) plants with a bacillus subtilis strain beb-dn (bsdn) isolated from the rhizosphere of cultivated potato plants was able to promote growth and to generate an induced systemic resistance (isr) response against virus-free bemisia tabaci. growth promotion was evident 3 weeks after inoculation. no changes in oviposition density, preference and nymphal number in the early stages of b. tabaci development were observed between bsdn-treated plants and con ...201020041333
viral infection of tobacco plants improves performance of bemisia tabaci but more so for an invasive than for an indigenous biotype of the whitefly.the ecological effects of plant-virus-vector interactions on invasion of alien plant viral vectors have been rarely investigated. we examined the transmission of tomato yellow leaf curl china virus (tylccnv) by the invasive q biotype and the indigenous zhj2 biotype of the whitefly bemisia tabaci, a plant viral vector, as well as the influence of tylccnv-infection of plants on the performance of the two whitefly biotypes. both whitefly biotypes were able to acquire viruses from infected plants an ...201020043350
differentiation of tomato yellow leaf curl virus and tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus using real-time taqman pcr.during the past four decades, tomato yellow leaf curl disease has become one of the major constraints in tomato production worldwide. in the mediterranean basin, several isolates from two major begomovirus species are involved in outbreaks and persistent epidemics. a real-time taqman pcr assay was developed and evaluated for the rapid and multiplex detection and differentiation of two begomoviruses often found in mixed infections in the region, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (tylcv) and tomato ye ...201020153376
prevalence of endosymbionts in bemisia tabaci populations and their in vivo sensitivity to antibiotics.bemisia tabaci can harbor both primary and secondary endosymbionts, and the specific endosymbionts can differ among different b. tabaci biotypes. this study determined (1) the prevalence of the primary endosymbiont portiera aleyrodidarum and secondary endosymbionts arsenophonus and wolbachia in two invasive biotypes (b and q) and one indigenous biotype (cv) in china and (2) the in vivo effect of three antibiotics (tetracycline, ampicillin trihydrate, and rifampicin) against the endosymbionts; if ...201020217091
induced defense by bemisia tabaci biotype b (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) in tobacco against myzus persicae (hemiptera: aphididae).myzus persicae and bemisia tabaci are serious pests of tobacco and can occur simultaneously on the same plant. we found that tobacco plants infested by whiteflies had fewer aphids than those without whiteflies. to determine whether b. tabaci feeding could induce plant defense against aphids locally and systemically, we determined the effects of b. tabaci on several biological parameters of m. persicae on tobacco. infestation of b. tabaci nymphs reduced survival rates of m. persicae by 30.0%. in ...201020550802
effects of food deprivation on host feeding and parasitism of whitefly parasitoids.most whitefly parasitoids kill whiteflies in one of two ways, by piercing the whitefly body with the ovipositor and laying an egg or by piercing the body and feeding on host fluids. the effects of food deprivation on host-feeding and parasitizing capacity of the whitefly parasitoids eretmocerus melanoscutus and encarsia formosa (hymenoptera: aphelinidae) were determined in this study. we investigated the effects of various food-deprivation durations (0, 3, 6, 10, and 24 h, and 20% honey solution ...201020550806
change in the biotype composition of bemisia tabaci in shandong province of china from 2005 to 2008.certain biotypes of the bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) complex cause extensive damage and are important pests and virus vectors in agricultural crops throughout the world. among the most invasive and well studied are the b and q biotypes. recent reports in shandong province, china, have indicated that the q biotype was introduced there in approximately 2005, whereas the b biotype has been established there for approximately 10 yr. even so, the present distribution of the two ...201020550819
integrated approach to tylcd management in sardinia (italy).in sardinia (italy) tomato yellow leaf curl disease (tylcd) re-emerged in 2003, after a period of decline, producing severe yield losses in protected tomato crops. this epidemic outbreak highlighted the inadequacy of the approach to tylcd management based chiefly on the chemical control of its vector, the whitefly bemisia tabaci, and the use of 40-mesh nets for greenhouse screening. to evaluate the reliability of alternative practices for implementation within ip&dm programmes, in 2007 and 2008 ...200920222567
an epidemiological survey of tylcd in southern sardinia (italy).tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv) and tomato yellow leaf curl virus (tylcv) are among the most virulent pathogens of greenhouse tomatoes in sardinia (italy). to investigate the relationship between seasonal population trends of the vector bemisia tabaci and the dynamics of tylcd spread to susceptible crops, between may and october 2007 we carried out a survey in a tomato growing area located in the south of the island. on three farms specialized in the production of fresh market to ...200920222569
severe outbreak of tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus on pepper in southern italy.during summer and autumn 2008 a severe outbreak of pepper leaf curl disease (plcd) was observed in pepper crops under plastic tunnels in the ionic coast of basilicata region. its incidence reached, in some cases, values close to 50%. the beginning of infections was recorded along the perimeter of the tunnels, where it reached a percentage of almost 100%. the infection then progressively spread towards the central areas of the greenhouses. large populations of whiteflies, identificated as bemisia ...200920222578
seasonal trends of whitefly populations in a mediterranean tomato growing area.the whiteflies bemisia tabaci and trialeurodes vaporariorum and their associated viruses constitute a major threat to tomato crops in the mediterranean region. continuous host availability and mild climate are thought to be among the factors contributing to the outbreaks of whitefly-related problems in this area. we carried out a year-long survey to investigate the relative contribution of different plants, agricultural and not, and indoor/outdoor crops as hosts of the two whiteflies and the tom ...200920222589
biological agents for whitefly control in sardinian greenhouse evaluate the effectiveness of alternative options for biocontrol of whiteflies in greenhouse tomatoes, an experiment was carried out during the cropping season 2005-2006 in one of sardinia's major horticultural districts (s. margherita di pula, cagliari, italy). twelve long-cycle and 17 short-cycle tomato crops (8 autumn and 9 spring crops) were surveyed. all of them were treated for insect pest control at the beginning of the growing season, but in 19 out of 29 cases whitefly natural enemies ...200920222592
[genetic variability of the bemisia tabaci (gennadius) biotype b (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) in vegetable crops in são luís, state of maranhão, brazil].the rapd technique is widely used to investigate the distinct genetic characteristics of the complex bemisia tabaci (gennadius), which is currently constituted of approximately 41 biotypes. the objective of this research was to characterize populations of whitefly collected in crops of agricultural producing areas in são luís, ma, like okra, beans and pepper, using rapd molecular markers. females from nine whitefly populations were analyzed and compared with b. tabaci biotype b taken from poinse ...200920098922
post-release evaluation of eretmocerus hayati zolnerowich and rose in australia.bemisia tabaci biotype b is a significant pest of agriculture world-wide. it was first detected in australia in 1994. assessments of the potential of parasitoids already present in australia to control this pest indicated that two species of eretmocerus and 11 species of encarsia were present, but they did not exert sufficient control with a combined average of 5.0+/-0.3% apparent parasitism of 4th instars. further, only 25% of samples containing biotype b had parasitised individuals present. th ...200918947454
current status of insecticide resistance in q biotype bemisia tabaci populations from crete.a major problem of crop protection in crete, greece, is the control of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (homoptera: aleyrodidae) with chemical insecticides owing to the rapid development of resistance. the aim of this study was to investigate the establishment of resistance and the underlying mechanisms to major insecticide classes with classical bioassays and known biochemical resistance markers.200919115232
effects of temperature and culture media on vegetative growth of an entomopathogenic fungus isaria sp. (hypocreales: clavicipitaceae) naturally affecting the whitefly, bemisia tabaci in texas.the effects of temperature and mycological media on mycelial growth and estimates of spore production of an indigenous entomopathogenic fungus, isaria sp., found during natural epizootics on whiteflies in the lower rio grande valley of texas, were investigated. the radial growth (mm/day) of isaria sp. as a function of temperature fits a linear model; with faster growth on sabouraud dextrose agar with yeast extract, sday slopes (0.23) than on sabouraud maltose agar, sma slopes (0.14) from 20 to 3 ...200919125352
invasive mechanism and management strategy of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) biotype b: progress report of 973 program on invasive alien species in china.bemisia tabaci (gennadius) biotype b, called a "superbug", is one of the most harmful biotypes of this species complex worldwide. in this report, the invasive mechanism and management of b. tabaci biotype b, based on our 5-year studies, are presented. six b. tabaci biotypes, b, q, zhj1, zhj2, zhj3 and fj1, have been identified in china. biotype b dominates the other biotypes in many regions of the country. genetic diversity in biotype b might be induced by host plant, geographical conditions, an ...200919152088
newer insecticides for plant virus disease management.effective management of insect and mite vectors of plant pathogens is of crucial importance to minimize vector-borne diseases in crops. pesticides play an important role in managing vector populations by reducing the number of individuals that can acquire and transmit a virus, thereby potentially lowering disease incidence. certain insecticides exhibit properties other than lethal toxicity that affect feeding behaviours or otherwise interfere with virus transmission. to evaluate the potential of ...200919152818
toxicities of destruxins against bemisia tabaci and its natural enemy, serangium japonicum.the bioactivities of destruxins against whitefly, bemisia tabaci and its natural enemy, ladybird beetle serangium japonicum were evaluated. destruxins a and b (da and db) showed insignificant ovicidal, oviposition deterrent and systemic insecticidal activities to b. tabaci; however, da and db had certain contact virulence to its nymphs. the lc(50) values of da at 120h to 2nd, 3rd and 4th instars were 89.8 (95% confidence interval as 85.4-94.4), 199.3 (187.7-211.5) and 270.7 (251.5-291.5)mg/l, wh ...200919000916
almost there: transmission routes of bacterial symbionts between trophic levels.many intracellular microbial symbionts of arthropods are strictly vertically transmitted and manipulate their host's reproduction in ways that enhance their own transmission. rare horizontal transmission events are nonetheless necessary for symbiont spread to novel host lineages. horizontal transmission has been mostly inferred from phylogenetic studies but the mechanisms of spread are still largely a mystery. here, we investigated transmission of two distantly related bacterial symbionts--ricke ...200919274091
molecular detection and identification of rickettsia endosymbiont in different biotypes of bemisia tabaci. 200919281454
[monitoring the susceptibility to insecticides in bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) populations from brazil].monitoring the susceptibility of a pest population to pesticides is essential for resistance management programs. the objective of this research was to evaluate the genetic variability in pesticide susceptibility in populations of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) collected from different brazilian agricultural regions through the use of two different tests. four whitefly populations, two from goiás state (go-1 and go-2) e two from bahia state (ba-1 and ba-2), were tested against a susceptible referenc ...200919347105
identification of a mutation in the para-sodium channel gene of the cattle tick rhipicephalus (boophilus) microplus associated with resistance to synthetic pyrethroid acaricides.resistance against synthetic pyrethroid (sp) products for the control of cattle ticks in australia was detected in the field in 1984, within a very short time of commercial introduction. we have identified a mutation in the domain ii s4-5 linker of the para-sodium channel that is associated with resistance to sps in the cattle tick rhipicephalus (boophilus) microplus from australia. the cytosine to adenine mutation at position 190 in the r. microplus sequence af134216, results in an amino acid s ...200919367831
a simple, rapid and inexpensive method for localization of tomato yellow leaf curl virus and potato leafroll virus in plant and insect vectors.a simple, rapid, inexpensive method for the localization of virus transcripts in plant and insect vector tissues is reported here. the method based on fluorescent in situ hybridization using short dna oligonucleotides complementary to an rna segment representing a virus transcript in the infected plant or insect vector. the dna probe harbors a fluorescent molecule at its 5' or 3' ends. the protocol: simple fixation, hybridization, minimal washing and confocal microscopy, provides a highly specif ...200919406154
synergistic interaction between the potyvirus, turnip mosaic virus and the crinivirus, lettuce infectious yellows virus in plants and protoplasts.lettuce infectious yellows virus (liyv), the type member of the genus crinivirus in the family closteroviridae, is specifically transmitted by the sweet potato whitefly (bemisia tabaci) in a semipersistent manner. liyv infections result in a low virus titer in plants and protoplasts, impeding reverse genetic efforts to analyze liyv gene/protein functions. we found that synergistic interactions occurred in mixed infections of liyv and turnip mosaic virus (tumv) in nicotiana benthamiana plants, an ...200919409943
insecticide resistance status of bemisia tabaci q-biotype in south-eastern spain.bemisia tabaci gennadius q-biotype has readily developed resistance to numerous insecticide classes. studies in the mediterranean area are needed to clarify the resistance status and cross-resistance patterns in this invasive whitefly biotype. the levels of resistance in nymphs of seven strains of b. tabaci q-biotype from south-eastern spain to representative insecticides were determined.200919418483
susceptibility to insecticides in the q biotype of bemisia tabaci is correlated with bacterial symbiont densities.the presence of symbiotic microorganisms may influence an insect's ability to tolerate natural and artificial stress agents such as insecticides. the authors have previously shown that rickettsia in the b biotype of the whitefly bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (homoptera: aleyrodidae) increases this insect's susceptibility to several insecticidal compounds. this communication reports a comparison of the susceptibilities of three isofemale strains of the q biotype of b. tabaci harbouring different bac ...200919479746
structural model and functional characterization of the bemisia tabaci cyp6cm1vq, a cytochrome p450 associated with high levels of imidacloprid resistance.the neonicotinoid imidacloprid is one of the most important insecticides worldwide. it is used extensively against the whitefly bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae), an insect pest of eminent importance globally, which was also the first pest to develop high levels of resistance against imidacloprid and other neonicotinoids in the field. recent reports indicated that in both the b and q biotypes of b. tabaci, the resistant phenotype is associated with over-expression of the cytochrome p450 ge ...200919716416
laboratory evaluation of products to reduce settling of sweetpotato whitefly adults.the impact of trademarked and commercial products on settling of adults of the sweetpotato whitefly, bemisia tabaci (gennadius), was studied in the laboratory. a no-choice bioassay using leaf disks of tomato, solanum esculentum l., was developed to evaluate the impact of concentration series of products on settling of b. tabaci adults. the concentration of each product that would reduce settling by 50% (sc50) was estimated for each product using standard probit analyses, and the values were comp ...200919736760
effect of commercially available plant-derived essential oil products on arthropod pests.plant-derived essential oil products, in general, are considered minimum-risk pesticides and are exempt from environmental protection agency registration under section 25(b) of the federal insecticide fungicide and rodenticide act. however, many of the plant-derived essential products available to consumers (homeowners) have not been judiciously evaluated for both efficacy and plant safety. in fact, numerous plant-derived essential oil products labeled for control of arthropod pests have not bee ...200919736770
[biological characters of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) experimental population on cotton varieties in xinjiang].the development, survival, reproduction, and life-span of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) on six major cotton varieties (xinluzao 8, xinluzao 16, xinluzao 17, zhongmian 35, kang 5, and dai 80) in xinjiang were studied under the conditions of (26 +/- 1) degrees c, relative humidity (75 +/- 1)%, and illumination l:d = 16:8 in laboratory. the life table of the b. tabaci experimental population was established, and the population net reproductive rate (r0), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), mean generatio ...200919795661
begomovirus coat protein interacts with a small heat-shock protein of its transmission vector (bemisia tabaci).tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv) is transmitted from plant to plant by the whitefly bemisia tabaci in a persistent-circulative manner. the coat protein (cp) plays an important role in this transmission cycle. in this study, the cp was used to screen a bemisia tabaci cdna library using the yeast two-hybrid system, in a search for interacting partners. a member of the small heat-shock protein family (termed bthsp16) was identified and its interaction with the cp was verified by an i ...200919817909
whiteflies interfere with indirect plant defense against spider mites in lima bean.plants under herbivore attack are able to initiate indirect defense by synthesizing and releasing complex blends of volatiles that attract natural enemies of the herbivore. however, little is known about how plants respond to infestation by multiple herbivores, particularly if these belong to different feeding guilds. here, we report the interference by a phloem-feeding insect, the whitefly bemisia tabaci, with indirect plant defenses induced by spider mites (tetranychus urticae) in lima bean (p ...200919965373
virion stability is important for the circulative transmission of tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus by bemisia tabaci, but virion access to salivary glands does not guarantee transmissibility.the capsid protein (cp) of the monopartite begomovirus tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv), family geminiviridae, is indispensable for plant infection and vector transmission. a region between amino acids 129 and 152 is critical for virion assembly and insect transmissibility. two previously described mutants, one with a double q129p q134h mutation (pnhd) and another with a further d152e change (pnhe), were found nontransmissible (nt). another nt mutant with a single n130d change (qd ...200919321611
hypersensitive response to aphis gossypii glover in melon genotypes carrying the vat gene.aphis gossypii glover causes direct and indirect damage to cucumis melo l. crops. to decrease the harmful effects of this pest, one of the most economically and environmentally acceptable options is to use genetically resistant melon varieties. to date, several sources of resistance carrying the vat gene are used in melon breeding programmes that aim to prevent a. gossypii colonization and the subsequent aphid virus transmission. the results suggest that the resistance conferred by this gene is ...200919474089
aqueous extracts of some medicinal plants are as toxic as imidacloprid to the sweet potato whitefly, bemisia tabaci.aqueous extracts of nine plants, known to have medicinal activity, were tested for their toxicity against the sweet potato whitefly, bemisia tabaci genn. (homoptera: aleurodidae) compared to the toxicity of the insecticide, imidacloprid. extracts of lepidiuim sativum l. (brassicales: brassicaceae) killed 71 % of early stage nymphs, which was not significantly different from mortality caused by imidacloprid. treatment of pupae with three plant extracts, l. sativum, achillea biebersteinii l. (aste ...200919613450
fifty years of the integrated control concept: moving the model and implementation forward in arizona.fifty years ago, stern, smith, van den bosch and hagen outlined a simple but sophisticated idea of pest control predicated on the complementary action of chemical and biological control. this integrated control concept has since been a driving force and conceptual foundation for all integrated pest management (ipm) programs. the four basic elements include thresholds for determining the need for control, sampling to determine critical densities, understanding and conserving the biological contro ...200919834884
bemisia tabaci-infested tomato plants show a phase-specific pattern of photosynthetic gene expression indicative of disrupted electron flow leading to photo-oxidation and plant death.a suppression-subtractive-hybridization (ssh) strategy led to the identification of several genes whose expression was differentially modified in response to different larval phases present during the infestation process of tomato plants (solanum lycopersicum) by virus-free whitefly bemisia tabaci (bt). the findings regarding photosynthetic gene expression were in accordance to previous studies reporting altered patterns of expression as a result of insect herbivory. however, the examination, in ...200919826216
host plant influence on susceptibility of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) to insecticides.a resistance monitoring program conducted for the polyphagous whitefly, bemisia tabaci (gennadius), in imperial valley, ca, usa generated a large set of lc50s for adults collected from broccoli, cantaloupe and cotton crops over a four-year period. a vial bioassay and, subsequently, a yellow-sticky card bioassay produced similar temporal profiles of relative susceptibilities to the pyrethroid insecticide bifenthrin. both bioassays revealed that whiteflies collected from broccoli were significantl ...200918947452
preinfestations of tomato plants by whiteflies (bemisia tabaci) or aphids (macrosiphum euphorbiae) induce variable resistance or susceptibility addition to constitutive plant resistance against pests or pathogens, plants can activate protective mechanisms upon contact with an invader or a chemical elicitor. studies on induced plant resistance to herbivores, especially piercing-sucking insects, are less abundant than those devoted to pathogens. several experiments under controlled conditions have been conducted to demonstrate that infestations by macrosiphum euphorbiae induce plant resistance to bemisia tabaci in susceptible tomato pl ...200918947449
toxicity of spiromesifen to the developmental stages of bemisia tabaci biotype b.spiromesifen is a novel insecticidal/acaricidal compound derived from spirocyclic tetronic acids that acts effectively against whiteflies and mites via inhibition of acetyl-coa-carboxylase, a lipid metabolism enzyme. the effects of spiromesifen on the developmental stages of the whitefly bemisia tabaci (gennadius) were studied under laboratory conditions to generate baseline action thresholds for field evaluations of the compound.200918785225
[oviposition behavior of the silverleaf whitefly bemisia tabaci biotype b on tomato].the objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the leaf surface, the insect geotropic behavior and the type of foliar trichome on bemisia tabaci (genn.) biotype b oviposition on tomato leaves. bemisia tabaci females were confined in acrylic boxes in which tomato leaflets were fixed at the bottom and top part of the boxes to allow insects to access the leaf surface to be tested (adaxial and/or abaxial) in both no-choice and free choice tests. oviposition was always higher when the le ...200919347106
aerial electrostatic-charged sprays for deposition and efficacy against sweet potato whitefly (bemisia tabaci) on cotton.the efficacy of aerial electrostatic-charged sprays was evaluated for spray deposit characteristics and season-long control of sweet potato whitefly (swf), bemisia tabaci genn. biotype b (aka b. argentifolii bellows & perring), in an irrigated 24 ha cotton field. treatments included electrostatic-charged sprays at full and half active ingredient (ai) label rate, uncharged sprays and conventional sprays applied with cp nozzles at full label rate with several different insecticides.200919291696
a real-time pcr assay to differentiate the b and q biotypes of the bemisia tabaci complex in cyprus.a real-time pcr assay based on taqman technology was developed and evaluated for the rapid detection of the b and q biotypes of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae). a survey was conducted during 2005-2007 in order to identify the distribution and prevalence of b. tabaci biotypes in cyprus using the real-time pcr assay. more than 700 adult whiteflies collected from 35 cultivated and weed plant species were individually haplotyped using taqman pcr, and the results of the assay were ...200919203404
analyzing haplodiploid inheritance of insecticide resistance in whitefly biotypes.we developed new methods for analyzing inheritance of insecticide resistance in haplodiploid arthropods and applied them to elucidate resistance of the whitefly bemisia tabaci (gennadius) to an insect growth regulator, pyriproxyfen. two invasive biotypes of this devastating crop pest, the b biotype in arizona and the q biotype in israel, have evolved resistance to pyriproxyfen. here, we incorporated data from laboratory bioassays and crossing procedures exploiting haplodiploidy into statistical ...200919159498
lack of fitness costs associated with pyriproxyfen resistance in the b biotype of bemisia tabaci.the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen has provided effective control of the whitefly bemisia tabaci gennadius in many countries. here, whether or not fitness costs were associated with pyriproxyfen resistance in a laboratory-selected resistant strain (qc02-r) of the b biotype was determined.200919097024
inter-seasonal population dynamics and pest status of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) biotype b in an australian cropping system.bemisia tabaci, biotype b, commonly known as the silverleaf whitefly (slw) is an alien species that invaded australia in the mid-90s. this paper reports on the invasion ecology of slw and the factors that are likely to have contributed to the first outbreak of this major pest in an australian cotton cropping system. population dynamics of slw within whitefly-susceptible crop (cotton and cucurbit) and non-crop vegetation (sowthistle, sonchus spp.) components of the cropping system were investigat ...200919063758
[resistance of squash genotypes to bemisia tabaci (genn.) biotype b (hemiptera: aleyrodidae)].field assays were performed to evaluate the attractiveness and the non-preference of whitefly bemisia tabaci (genn.) biotype b for oviposition on squash genotypes (cucurbita pepo) and to observe the susceptibility of genotypes (novita, sandy, caserta cac melhorada, novita plus, samira, bianca, af-2858 and caserta ts) to silverleaf symptoms. the sandy genotype was the least attractive to whitefly, while novita plus, af-2858 and samira were the most attractive. the caserta cac melhorada genotype w ...200919768274
the role of specific tomato volatiles in tomato-whitefly interaction.bemisia tabaci (whitefly) infestations and the subsequent transfer of viruses are the cause of severe losses in crop production and horticultural practice. to improve biological control of b. tabaci, we investigated repellent properties of plant-produced semiochemicals. the mix of headspace volatiles, collected from naturally repellent wild tomato accessions, influenced b. tabaci initial choice behavior, indicating a role for plant semiochemicals in locating host plants. a collection of wild tom ...200919692533
thermotolerance and gene expression following heat stress in the whitefly bemisia tabaci b and q biotypes.the whitefly bemisia tabaci (gennadius) causes tremendous losses to agriculture by direct feeding on plants and by vectoring several families of plant viruses. the b. tabaci species complex comprises over 10 genetic groups (biotypes) that are well defined by dna markers and biological characteristics. b and q are amongst the most dominant and damaging biotypes, differing considerably in fecundity, host range, insecticide resistance, virus vectoriality, and the symbiotic bacteria they harbor. we ...200919683053
[effects of alcohol extracts from three kinds of biomass energy plant tissues on biological activity of bemisia tabaci].to test the feasibility of using raw extracts from the tissues of biomass energy plants ricinus communi and kosteletzkya virginica as plant protection agents, the alcohol extracts from r. communi seed and leaf and from k. virginica leaf were used to treat adult bemisia tabaci by spraying. the glutathione s-transferase and carboxylesterase activities in b. tabaci body were measured after treated for 4 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 96 h, and the olfaction responses of b. tabaci to the alcohol extracts ...200919637599
agroinoculation of the crinivirus, lettuce infectious yellows virus, for systemic plant infection.lettuce infectious yellows virus (liyv) is phloem-limited, non-mechanically transmissible, and is transmitted to plants only by bemisia tabaci. here, we developed agroinoculation to deliver liyv to plants thereby obviating the need for b. tabaci. agroinfiltration of rna 1 containing a green fluorescent protein gene into nicotiana benthamiana leaves resulted in subliminal infections, as judged by green fluorescence. agroinfiltration of liyv wild-type rna 1 and 2 constructs resulted in systemic in ...200919632699
differential gene expression in whitefly bemisia tabaci-infested tomato (solanum lycopersicum) plants at progressing developmental stages of the insect's life cycle.a suppression-subtractive-hybridization (ssh) strategy was used to identify genes whose expression was modified in response to virus-free whitefly bemisia tabaci (bt, biotype a) infestation in tomato (solanum lycopersicum) plants. thus, forward and reverse ssh gene libraries were generated at four points in the whitefly's life cycle, namely at (1) 2 days (adult feeding and oviposition: phase i); (2) 7 days (mobile crawler stage: phase ii); (3) 12 days (second to third instar nymphal transition: ...200919627556
oviposition, development and survivorship of the sweetpotato whitefly bemisia tabaci on soybean, glycine max, and the garden bean, phaseolus vulgaris.abstract oviposition, development and survivorship of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) were evaluated on soybean and garden bean under laboratory conditions of 26.0 +/- 0.5 degrees c, 70 - 80% rh and a photoperiod of 14:10 (l:d). b. tabaci deposited more eggs and survivorship of nymphs was significantly greater in a choice-test on soybean, glycine max l. (merr.) (fabeles: fabaceae), compared to the garden bean, phaseolus vulgaris l. overall developmental time from egg to adult ...200919611218
cross-resistance, inheritance and biochemical mechanisms of imidacloprid resistance in b-biotype bemisia tabaci.the b-type bemisia tabaci (gennadius) has become established in many regions in china, and neonicotinoids are extensively used to control this pest. imidacloprid resistance in a laboratory-selected strain of b-type b. tabaci was characterised in order to provide the basis for recommending resistance management tactics.200919562662
improved dna barcoding method for bemisia tabaci and related aleyrodidae: development of universal and bemisia tabaci biotype-specific mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase i polymerase chain reaction primers.whiteflies, heteropterans in the family aleyrodidae, are globally distributed and severe agricultural pests. the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase i (mtcoi) sequence has been used extensively in whitefly phylogenetic comparisons and in biotype identification of the agriculturally important bemisia tabaci (gennadius) whitefly. because of the economic importance of several whitefly genera, and the invasive nature of the b and the q biotypes of bemisia tabaci, mtcoi sequence data are continually g ...200919449657
distribution of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) biotypes in florida-investigating the q invasion.after the 2004 discovery of the bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) q biotype in the united states, there was an urgent need to determine its distribution. as part of a coordinated country-wide effort, an extensive survey of b. tabaci biotypes was conducted in florida, with the cooperation of growers and state and federal agencies, to monitor the introduction and distribution of both the b and q biotypes. the biotype status of submitted b. tabaci samples was determined by polymer ...200919449648
[phagodeterrent activity of the plants tithonia diversifolia and montanoa hibiscifolia (asteraceae) on adults of the pest insect bemisia tabaci (homoptera: aleyrodidae)].bemisia tabaci (gennadius) is a polyphagous, cosmopolitan and worldwide relevant pest, mainly acting as a virus vector on many crops. a sound preventive approach to deal with it would be the application of repellent or deterrent substances hopefully present in tropical plants, which in turn may contribute to take advantage of the remarkable rich mesoamerican biodiversity. therefore, extracts of two wild plants belonging to family asteraceae, titonia (tithonia diversifolia) and "tora" (montanoa h ...200920073345
effects of morphological characteristics of cucumis sativus seedlings grown at different vapor pressure deficits on initial colonization of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae).we investigated the effects of morphological characteristics of cucumber, cucumis sativus l., seedlings grown at different vapor pressure deficits (vpds) on initial colonization of whitefly bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) biotype b. the seedlings were grown at a vpd of 3.8 or 0.4 kpa for 9 d at 30 degrees c under a photoperiod of 12:12 (l:d) h. pairs of seedlings, one grown at high vpd and the other at low vpd, were then installed in cages with a vpd of 1.3 kpa, and adults of ...200920069856
[effects of host plants on selection behavior and biological parameters of bemisia tabaci gennadius biotype b].based on the observation of free diffusion in petri dish and biology, the selection behavior and biological parameters of bemisia tabaci gennadius biotype b on host plants cucumber, eggplant, pepper, cotton, and sweet potato were investigated. no difference was observed in the individual number of b. tabaci on the five host plant leaves during the early period of free diffusion (within 2 h), but changes were found within the following periods (4-48 h), i.e., the b. tabaci individuals increased o ...200920030150
antifeedant activity of botanical crude extracts and their fractions on bemisia tabaci (homoptera: aleyrodidae) adults: iii. quassia amara (simaroubaceae).bemisia tabaci is a key virus vector on several crops worldwide. then, a preventive approach to deal with viral epidemics may be the deployment of repellents or phagodeterrents at earlier stages of plant development (critical period). thus, the crude extract and four fractions thereof (water, water: methanol, methanol, and diethyl ether) of bitterwood (quassia amara, simaroubaceae) were tested for phagodeterrence to b. tabaci adults under greenhouse conditions, on tomato plants, in costa rica. b ...200819419106
antifeedant activity of botanical crude extracts and their fractions on bemisia tabaci (homoptera: aleyrodidae) adults: ii. sechium pittieri (cucurbitaceae).bemisia tabaci is a key pest of vegetables and other crops worldwide, but it is a particularly serious problem in the tropics, due to its ability to transmit several types of viruses, especially begomoviruses (geminiviridae). therefore, a preventive approach to deal with viral epidemics may be the deployment of repellents or phagodeterrents at earlier stages of plant development (critical period). thus, the crude extract and four fractions thereof (water, water: methanol, methanol, and diethyl e ...200819419105
antifeedant activity of botanical crude extracts and their fractions on bemisia tabaci (homoptera: aleyrodidae) adults: i. gliricidia sepium (fabaceae).bemisia tabaci is an important virus vector on a number of crops worldwide. therefore, a preventive approach to deal with viral epidemics may be the deployment of repellents or phagodeterrents at earlier stages of plant development (critical period). thus, the crude extract and four fractions thereof (water, water:methanol, methanol, and diethyl ether) of mother-of-cocoa (gliricidia sepium, fabaceae) were tested for phagodeterrence to b. tabaci adults under greenhouse conditions, on tomato plant ...200819419104
differential gene expression in whitefly (bemisia tabaci) b-biotype females and males under heat-shock condition.bemisia tabaci (insecta, hemiptera, aleyrodidae) females are more heat resistant than males, which has important ecological significance in adaptation and expansion of b. tabaci populations. differentially expressed genes between 25 degrees c and 44 degrees c were identified by suppression subtractive hybridization (ssh) in b. tabaci sexes. 50 and 83 differentially expressed expression sequence tags (ests) were obtained from female and male libraries, respectively. the ests have four functional ...200820494845
effects of operational and environmental factors on evolution of resistance to pyriproxyfen in the sweetpotato whitefly (hemiptera: aleyrodidae).pyriproxyfen has been an important insecticide used as part of an integrated pest management (ipm) program for the sweetpotato whitefly, bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (b biotype), in arizona cotton. we used a simulation model to examine the effects of pyriproxyfen concentration, insecticide action thresholds, crop diversity, planting date, and pyriproxyfen decay on evolution of resistance to pyriproxyfen in b. tabaci. in the model, pyriproxyfen use was restricted to cotton with a limit of one appli ...200819161695
twelve new polymorphic microsatellite loci and pcr multiplexing in the whitefly, bemisia tabaci.twelve new dinucleotide microsatellite loci of the whitefly, bemisia tabaci, were obtained from enriched genomic libraries. three polymerase chain reaction multiplex sets comprising three, five and four loci were optimized and characterized across 133 b. tabaci females from israeli rearings and natural populations collected in four mediterranean countries (tunisia, france, spain and morocco). there were three to 24 alleles per locus and the observed heterozygosity was from 0.084 to 0.420. deviat ...200821585955
organophosphates' resistance in the b-biotype of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) is associated with a point mutation in an ace1-type acetylcholinesterase and overexpression of carboxylesterase.organophosphate (op) insecticides are inhibitors of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (ache), which terminates nerve impulses by catalyzing the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. previous biochemical studies in bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) proposed the existence of two molecular mechanisms for ops' resistance: carboxylesterase- (coe) mediated hydrolysis or sequestration and decreased sensitivity of ache. here, two acetylcholinesterase genes, ace1 and ace2, have been fully ...200818721883
inheritance of resistance to pyriproxyfen in bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) males and females (b biotype).we evaluated effects of the insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen on bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (b biotype) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) males and females in laboratory bioassays. insects were treated with pyriproxyfen as either eggs or nymphs. in all tests, the lc50 for a laboratory-selected resistant strain was at least 620 times greater than for an unselected susceptible strain. when insects were treated as eggs, survival did not differ between males and females of either strain. when insects were ...200818613596
over-expression of cytochrome p450 cyp6cm1 is associated with high resistance to imidacloprid in the b and q biotypes of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae).the two most damaging biotypes of bemisia tabaci, b and q, have both evolved strong resistance to the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid. the major mechanism in all samples investigated so far appeared to be enhanced detoxification by cytochrome p450s monooxygenases (p450s). in this study, a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) technology using degenerate primers based on conserved p450 helix i and heme-binding regions was employed to identify p450 cdna sequences in b. tabaci that might be involv ...200818510975
[factors affecting oviposition of bemisia tabaci (genn.) biotype b in sweet pepper].bemisia tabaci (gen.) biotype b is considered a pest of economical importance for several vegetables. the oviposition behaviour of the whilefly was evaluated in sweet pepper plants. the trials were carried out under greenhouse condition and in the laboratory of entomology of defers/unesp, campus of ilha solteira-sp, with the sweet pepper magali-r genotype. the effect of plant age on the whitefly oviposition was evaluated in free-choice tests, in plants, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45-day-old, as egg dist ...200818506298
yellow sticky trap catches of parasitoids of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) in vegetable crops and their relationship to in-field populations.we examined the relationship of yellow sticky trap captures of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) biotype b parasitoids to the local population of parasitoids as measured by leaf samples of parasitized whiteflies and mass release of parasitoids. traps were placed in experimental collard and cowpea field plots in charleston, sc, and in commercial organic fields of spring cantaloupe and watermelon in the imperial valley, ca. the exotic parasitoid eretmocerus emiratus zolnerowich and rose was released in i ...200818419911
baseline susceptibility of bemisia tabaci b biotype (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) populations from california and arizona to spiromesifen.susceptibility to spiromesifen, a tetronic acid derivative, was determined for three imidacloprid-resistant strains and 12 geographically discrete natural populations of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (=bemisia argentifolii bellows & perring) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) from california and arizona by laboratory bioassays. newly emerged first instars were sprayed with aqueous serial dilutions of spiromesifen and evaluated for toxicity to establish baseline susceptibility data. interpopulation variabilit ...200818330133
life table analysis for immatures and female adults of the predatory beetle, delphastus catalinae, feeding on whiteflies under three constant temperatures.immature development and reproductive life history of delphastus catalinae (horn) (coleoptera: coccinellidae) feeding on bemisia tabaci biotype b (gennadius) (homoptera: aleyrodidae) (= b. argentifolii bellows and perring) immatures was studied at three constant temperatures: 22, 26 and 30 degrees c. lower developmental threshold temperatures (t0) were estimated at 9 and 9.9 degrees c, for males and females, respectively. female adults weighed slightly more than males (0.587 and 0.505 mg, respec ...200820345295
bioassay evaluation of the entomopathogenic fungi, beauveria bassaina vuellemin against eggs and nymphs of bemisia tabaci gennadius (homoptera: aleyrodidae).this study was carried out to determine the lethal effect of the entomopathogenic fungi, beauveria bassaina vuell. on eggs, young and old nymphs of the whitefly, bemisia tabaci genn. mortality percentage was significantly differed based on stage of b. tabaci and conidial concentrations of b. bassina. average of the infection level to insect was very low particularly in eggs with only 4.49%, even with higher conidial concentrations (6 x 10(6) conidia ml(-1)). whereas, it was higher with 1st and 2 ...200818819641
functional and numerical responses of eretmocerus mundus mercet (hymenoptera: aphelinidae) parasitizing cotton whitefly, bemisia tabaci gennadius (homoptera: aleyrodidae).laboratory experiments were conducted to measure the functional and numerical responses of eretmocerus mundus mercet parasitizing cotton whitefly, bemisia tabaci gennadius. parasitoids were isolated singly for 24 h in 5 cm petri dishes with either 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 or 100 second nymphal stages of b. tabaci. results showed a typical type ii functional response, with up to 43.2 hosts attacked when 100 hosts were provided. the rate of attack and handling time were 0.0465 and 0.3341 days, respective ...200818810971
high-throughput allelic discrimination of b and q biotypes of the whitefly, bemisia tabaci, using taqman allele-selective pcr.b and q biotypes of the whitefly, bemisia tabaci (gennadius), are generally regarded as the most significant given their global distribution and strong resistance to insecticides. since these biotypes can coexist and differ markedly in their insecticide resistance profiles, a rapid but reliable means of discriminating between them would be a valuable complement to resistance monitoring and management programmes. recently, pcr-based methods have been developed to determine the biotype status of b ...200817972303
plant-mediated interactions between whiteflies, herbivores, and natural enemies.whiteflies (homoptera: aleyrodidae) comprise tiny phloem-sucking insects. the sessile development of their immatures and their phloem-feeding habits (with minimal physical plant damage) often lead to plant-mediated interactions with other organisms. the main data come from the polyphagous pest species bemisia tabaci (gennadius) and trialeurodes vaporariorum (westwood), which are intricately associated with their host plants. although these associations might not represent aleyrodids in general, ...200817877454
temporal synergism can enhance carbamate and neonicotinoid insecticidal activity against resistant crop pests.piperonyl butoxide (pbo) effectively synergises synthetic pyrethroids, rendering even very resistant insect pests susceptible, provided a temporal element is included between exposure to synergist and insecticide. this concept is now applied to carbamates and neonicotinoids.200817926308
real-time pcr for the quantitation of tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus in tomato plants and in bemisia tabaci.tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv) (geminiviridae) is an important pathogen severely affecting tomato production in the mediterranean basin. although diagnostic protocols are available for its detection in plants and its vector bemisia tabaci (gennadius), suitable tools for estimating and comparing viral loads in plant and insect tissues are needed. in this paper, real-time pcr methods are described for quantitation of tylcsv in both tomato plant and whitefly extracts. the dna extra ...200817980920
microsatellite variability in the entomopathogenic fungus paecilomyces fumosoroseus: genetic diversity and population structure.the hyphomycete paecilomyces fumosoroseus (pfr) is a geographically widespread fungus capable of infecting various insect hosts. the fungus has been used for the biological control of several important insect pests of agriculture. however knowledge of the fungus' genetic diversity and population structure is required for its sustainable use as a biological control agent. we investigated length and sequence polymorphisms of nine microsatellite loci for 33 pfr accessions sampled from various host ...200818268903
comparative transcriptome analysis of arabidopsis thaliana infested by diamond back moth (plutella xylostella) larvae reveals signatures of stress response, secondary metabolism, and signalling.plants are exposed to attack from a large variety of herbivores. feeding insects can induce substantial changes of the host plant transcriptome. arabidopsis thaliana has been established as a relevant system for the discovery of genes associated with response to herbivory, including genes for specialized (i.e. secondary) metabolism as well as genes involved in plant-insect defence signalling.200818400103
biochemical and molecular analysis of deltamethrin resistance in the common bed bug (hemiptera: cimicidae).this study establishes deltamethrin resistance in a common bed bug, cimex lectularius l., population collected from new york city (ny-bb). the ny-bb population was 264-fold more resistant to 1% deltamethrin in contact bioassay compared with an insecticide-susceptible population collected in florida (fl-bb). general esterase, glutathione s-transferase, and 7-ethoxycoumarin o-deethylase activities of ny-bb were not statistically different from those of fl-bb. cdna fragments that encoded the open r ...200819058634
first report and differential colonization of passiflora species by the b biotype of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) in brazil.this note is the first report of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) biotype b colonizing passionvine in brazil. we examined the colonization of nine passiflora species by a wild b type population under greenhouse conditions. p. amethystina mikan was the most preferred species for oviposition and colonization, whereas p. suberosa l., p. coriacea juss. and two commercially cultivated species, p. alata curtis and p. edulis sims f. flavicarpa degener, were mostly uncolonised. p. morifolia mast., p. cincinna ...200819169568
first record of tomato yellow leaf curl sardinia virus (tylcsv) on pepper in italy.during a survey in summer 2007, a disease of pepper (capsicum annuum) under plastic tunnels was observed in policoro (matera), on the ionic coast of basilicata region, with a disease incidence in some cases of more than 50%. affected cultivars were eppo and almund (s et g). the diseased plants exhibited light mosaic or mottling, leaf distortion, interveinal and marginal leaf chlorosis, upward curling of leaf margins of older leaves. the causal pathogen was suspected to be a begomovirus due to th ...200819226766
co-infection by two criniviruses alters accumulation of each virus in a host-specific manner and influences efficiency of virus transmission.tomato chlorosis virus (tocv), and tomato infectious chlorosis virus (ticv), family closteroviridae, genus crinivirus, cause interveinal chlorosis, leaf brittleness, and limited necrotic flecking or bronzing on tomato leaves. both viruses cause a decline in plant vigor and reduce fruit yield, and are emerging as serious production problems for field and greenhouse tomato growers in many parts of the world. the viruses have been found together in tomato, indicating that infection by one criniviru ...200819000010
the transcript and metabolite networks affected by the two clades of arabidopsis glucosinolate biosynthesis this study, transcriptomics and metabolomics data were integrated in order to examine the regulation of glucosinolate (gs) biosynthesis in arabidopsis (arabidopsis thaliana) and its interface with pathways of primary metabolism. our genetic material for analyses were transgenic plants overexpressing members of two clades of genes (altered tryptophan regulation1 [atr1]-like and myb28-like) that regulate the aliphatic and indole gs biosynthetic pathways (ags and igs, respectively). we show that ...200818829985
pest-managing activities of plant extracts and anthraquinones from cassia nigricans from burkina faso.insecticidal activity of eight plants collected from burkina faso was studied using mosquito (ochlerotatus triseriatus), helicoverpa zea and heliothis virescens larvae and adult white fly (bemisia tabaci). the n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of pseudocedrela kotschyi, strophantus hispidus, securidaca longepedunculata, sapium grahamii, swartzia madagascariensis, cassia nigricans, jatropha curcas and datura innoxia were used in this study. extracts were tested at 250 microg/ml concen ...200817478091
a divergent isolate of tomato yellow leaf curl virus from oman with an associated dna beta satellite: an evolutionary link between asian and the middle eastern virus-satellite complexes.tomato is cultivated in the coastal region of al-batinah, in the sultanate of oman, during the winter season, to meet the high demand for fresh produce in the domestic market. in order to identify the causal agent of a widespread disease associated with infestations of the whitefly bemisia tabaci (genn.) leaves were collected from tomato plants showing symptoms characteristic of the disease in al-batinah during 2004 and 2005. total nucleic acids were isolated from the tomato leaves and used as t ...200817932737
genetic structure of the invasive pest bemisia tabaci: evidence of limited but persistent genetic differentiation in glasshouse populations.the geographic range of plant pests can be modified by the use of glasshouses. bemisia tabaci, originating from warm to hot climates, has been shown to be a complex of distinct genetic groups with very limited gene flow. the genetic structure of this pest was studied in glasshouses in southern france, a region beyond the northern limit of its open-field development area in europe. seven microsatellite loci were scored in 22 populations sampled from various regions over 3 years. two genetic group ...200818073781
inherited intracellular ecosystem: symbiotic bacteria share bacteriocytes in whiteflies.symbiotic relationships with bacteria are common within the arthropoda, with interactions that substantially influence the biology of both partners. the symbionts' spatial distribution is essential for understanding key aspects of this relationship, such as bacterial transmission, phenotype, and dynamics. in this study, fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to localize five secondary symbionts from various populations and biotypes of the sweet potato whitefly bemisia tabaci: hamiltonella, ...200818285399
[wolbachia extensively harbored by bemisia tabaci in china].wolbachia are a group of maternally inherited bacteria harbored by a variety of arthropods and can manipulate the reproductivity of their hosts. eighteen populations of whiteflies were collected from hebei, xinjiang, beijing, shandong, zhejiang, guangxi, hainan, guangzhou and fujian provinces, china. these whiteflies were molecularly identified using internal transcribed spacer 1 its1 rdna sequences. they were then detected for wolbachia infection using wolbachia-specific primers designed based ...200818338578
[occurrence of stethorus (stethotrus) minutalus gordon & chapin (coleoptera: coccinellidae) preying bemisia tabaci biotype b (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) on cotton plant in brazil].this report has the objective of registering, for the first time in brazil, the predator stethorus (stethorus) minutalus gordon & chapin (scymninae, stethorini). larvae and adults were observed feeding on eggs and nymphs of the whitefly bemisia tabaci gennadius biotype b (hemiptera: aleyrodidae), on cotton plants under greenhouse condition in piracicaba, sp. probably, this coccinelid is an introduced species in the country.200818368255
molecular identification and the complete nucleotide sequence of tylcv isolate from shanghai of china.tomato yellow leaf curl virus (tylcv) belongs to the genus begomovirus, family geminiviridae. it is transmitted by the whitefly bemisia tabaci. a pair of primers was designed according to the specific sequence of the tylcv gene and used in the pcr detection of the virus in the infected tissues of tomato grown in the shanghai area of china. dna was extracted from leaves, fruits, seeds, and roots of infected tomato plants separately. the results showed that the target fragment of about 570 bp coul ...200818373188
the presence of rickettsia is associated with increased susceptibility of bemisia tabaci (homoptera: aleyrodidae) to insecticides.the presence of certain symbiotic microorganisms may be associated with insecticide resistance in insects. the authors compared the susceptibility of two isofemale lines, rickettsia-plus and rickettsia-free, of the sweet potato whitefly bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (homoptera: aleyrodidae) to major insecticides from different chemical groups, including imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, pyriproxyfen, spiromesifen and diafenthiuron.200818432613
[biological aspects of bemisia tabaci (genn.) b biotype (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) on six bean genotypes].the silverleaf whitefly is one of the most harmful pests that attack bean crops, mainly for extracting large quantities of phloem sap and transmitting the bean golden mosaic virus. resistant germoplasm plants can be an important method for controlling this pest. the biological aspects of bemisia tabaci b biotype on bean (phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes were evaluated. the tests were conducted under laboratory conditions, with the following genotypes: arc 1, arc 3s, arc 5s, g13028, g11056 and porri ...200818506300
field efficacy of azadirachtin-a, tetrahydroazadirachtin-a, neemazal and endosulfan against key pests of okra (abelmoschus esculentus).background unlike synthetic pesticides, azadirachtin-based neem pesticides are environmentally friendly and are well known for their diverse pest control properties. their use is, however, limited by the instability of azadirachtin, necessitating application at short intervals. the efficacy of relatively stable tetrahydroazadirachtin-a, therefore, needed to be established under field conditions. results: azadirachtin-a (aza-a), its stable derivative tetrahydroazadirachtin-a (tha) and other neem ...200818537118
parasitization by the wasp eretmocerus mundus induces transcription of genes related to immune response and symbiotic bacteria proliferation in the whitefly bemisia tabaci.the whitefly bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae), and the viruses it transmits, are a major constraint to growing vegetable crops worldwide. although the whitefly is often controlled using chemical pesticides, biological control agents constitute an important component in integrated pest management programs, especially in protected agriculture. one of these agents is the wasp eretmocerus mundus (mercet) (hymenoptera: aphelinidae). e. mundus lays its egg on the leaf underneath the ...200818638407
[development and reproduction of b-biotype bemisia tabaci on four cucurbitaceous host plants].the study on the development and reproduction of b-biotype bemisia tabaci on four cucurbitaceous host plants, i. e., cucumber, hairy gourd, bitter cucumber, and sponge gourd, showed that the one generation development duration of b. tabaci was the shortest (19.3 d) on hairy gourd and the longest (29.0 d) on bitter cucumber, the survival rate from egg to adult was the highest (92.85%) on cucumber and the lowest (53.08%) on bitter cucumber, the laid eggs were the most (187.4 eggs per female) on cu ...200818655599
age-specific expression of resistance to a neonicotinoid insecticide in the whitefly bemisia tabaci.neonicotinoid insecticides retain a crucial role within many chemical and integrated control strategies for the tobacco whitefly, bemisia tabaci gennadius, in spite of the establishment of potent and widespread resistance in many areas. metabolic resistance mechanisms mediated by overexpression of p450-dependent monooxygenases have been implicated in neonicotinoid resistance in the two most prevalent b. tabaci biotypes. further characterisation of resistance to the neonicotinoid imidacloprid in ...200818798168
phenotypic expression, stability, and inheritance of a recessive resistance to monopartite begomoviruses associated with tomato yellow leaf curl disease in tomato.tomato-infecting begomoviruses comprise a complex of monopartite and bipartite virus species that cause severe yield and quality losses worldwide. therefore, the availability of wide spectrum resistance for begomovirus control is desirable. however, limited sources of resistance are available. in this study, three tomato inbred lines with resistance to bipartite begomoviruses of brazil were tested for resistance to monopartite begomoviruses associated with the tomato yellow leaf curl disease (ty ...200818943231
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 1086