
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
impact of rotavirus vaccination on childhood deaths from diarrhea in brazil.rotavirus vaccination was introduced in brazil in march 2006, targeting an annual birth cohort of approximately 3.5 million. we analyzed trends in all-cause gastroenteritis-related deaths in children <5 years of age during the pre- and post-vaccination periods.201021193339
assortment and packaging of the segmented rotavirus genome.the rotavirus (rv) genome comprises 11 segments of double-stranded rna (dsrna) and is contained within a non-enveloped, icosahedral particle. during assembly, a highly coordinated selective packaging mechanism ensures that progeny rv virions contain one of each genome segment. cis-acting signals thought to mediate assortment and packaging are associated with putative panhandle structures formed by base-pairing of the ends of rv plus-strand rnas (+rnas). viral polymerases within assembling core p ...201021195621
development and evaluation of novel one-step taqman realtime rt-pcr assays for the detection and direct genotyping of genogroup i and ii noroviruses.current detection and genotyping methods of genogroup (g) i and ii noroviruses (novs) consist of a 2-step approach including detection of viral rna by taqman realtime rt-pcr (rt-qpcr) followed by conventional rt-pcr and sequencing of partial regions of orf1 or orf2.201021195660
epidemiology and clinical peculiarities of norovirus and rotavirus infection in hospitalized young children with acute diarrhea in taiwan, 2009.acute diarrhea is one of the most common morbidities in pediatrics worldwide. we conducted a study to investigate the incidence of norovirus in young children hospitalized with acute diarrhea in taiwan and its clinical peculiarity compared with rotavirus gastroenteritis.201021195978
antiviral activity of alpinia katsumadai extracts against vitro anti-rotavirus activity of alpinia katsumadai (ak) extracts were evaluated against bovine g8p[7] and porcine g5p[7] rotaviruses in two different assay strategies, a mixed treatment assay and a post treatment assay. in the mixed treatment assay, six ak extracts [ak-1 (etoh extract), ak-3 (h(2)o layer), ak-5 (40% methanol fraction), and ak-9-11 (h(2)o extract, polysaccharide fraction, supernatant fraction)] exhibited inhibitory activities against g5p[7] rotavirus with the ec(50) values ra ...201021196021
comment on: the cost effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination: comparative analyses for five european countries and transferability in europe. 201021184859
increased sensitivity for various rotavirus genotypes in stool specimens by amending three mismatched nucleotides in the forward primer of a real-time rt-pcr assay.the real-time taqman rt-pcr assay (pang et al., 2004) did not detect 14 clinical samples with rotavirus g2 genotype. three to five nucleotides (nt) were found to be mismatched between the published forward primer when compared to g2p[4], g2p[8], g3p[4], g9p[4], g8 and g12 sequences. an additional forward primer was designed and included in a modified assay to test the 14 clinical samples and 12 samples with known rotavirus g and p genotypes. the modified assay has improved significantly the sens ...201021185331
rig-i/mda5/mavs are required to signal a protective ifn response in rotavirus-infected intestinal epithelium.rotavirus is a dsrna virus that infects epithelial cells that line the surface of the small intestine. it causes severe diarrheal illness in children and ∼500,000 deaths per year worldwide. we studied the mechanisms by which intestinal epithelial cells (iecs) sense rotavirus infection and signal ifn-β production, and investigated the importance of ifn-β production by iecs for controlling rotavirus production by intestinal epithelium and virus excretion in the feces. in contrast with most rna vir ...201021187438
transient splenial lesion of the corpus callosum in a case of benign convulsion associated with rotaviral gastroenteritis.transient magnetic resonance (mr) signal changes in the splenium of the corpus callosum (scc) arise from many different conditions, including encephalopathy or encephalitis caused by infection, seizures, metabolic derangements, and asphyxia. few case reports exist on reversible scc lesions associated with rotavirus infection. a benign convulsion with mild gastroenteritis (cwg) is frequently associated with rotaviral infections. this entity is characterized by normal laboratory findings, electroe ...201021189973
rhesus rotavirus entry into a polarized epithelium is endocytosis dependent and involves sequential vp4 conformational changes.rotavirus (rv) cell entry is an incompletely understood process, involving vp4 and vp7, the viral proteins composing the outermost layer of the nonenveloped rv triple-layered icosahedral particle (tlp), encasing vp6. vp4 can exist in three conformational states: soluble, cleaved spike, and folded back. in order to better understand the events leading to rv entry, we established a detection system to image input virus by monitoring the rhesus rv (rrv) antigens vp4, vp6, and vp7 at very early time ...201021191022
roles of vp4 and nsp1 in determining the distinctive replication capacities of simian rotavirus rrv and bovine rotavirus uk in the mouse biliary tract.rotavirus replication and virulence are strongly influenced by virus strain and host species. the rotavirus proteins vp3, vp4, vp7, nsp1, and nsp4 have all been implicated in strain and species restriction of replication; however, the mechanisms have not been fully determined. simian (rrv) and bovine (uk) rotaviruses have distinctive replication capacities in mouse extraintestinal organs such as the biliary tract. using reassortants between uk and rrv, we previously demonstrated that the differe ...201021191030
rapid detection of porcine circovirus type 2 using a taqman-based real-time pcr.porcine circovirus type 2 (pcv2) and the associated disease postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (pmws) have caused heavy losses in global agriculture in recent decades. rapid detection of pcv2 is very important for the effective prophylaxis and treatment of pmws. to establish a sensitive, specific assay for the detection and quantitation of pcv2, we designed and synthesized specific primers and a probe in the open reading frame 2. the assay had a wide dynamic range with excellent linearit ...201021192832
plasmablast-derived polyclonal antibody response after influenza vaccination.conventional measurement of antibody responses to vaccines largely relies on serum antibodies, which are primarily produced by bone marrow plasma cells and may not represent the entire vaccine-induced b cell repertoire, including important functional components such as those targeted to mucosal sites. after immunization or infection, activated b cells differentiate into plasmablasts in local lymphoid organs, then traffic through circulation to the target sites where they further develop into pla ...201021182843
clinical presentation and molecular characterization of group b rotaviruses in diarrhoea patients in bangladesh.a total of 1106 stool samples collected from diarrhoea patients admitted to dhaka hospital of the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, during january-december 2008 were analysed for the presence of rotavirus-specific rna by page. the group b-specific rna migration pattern was detected in 26 patients (2.4%) and group a-specific pattern in 259 patients (23.4%). clinical data from group a and group b rotavirus-infected patients indicated that episodes did not differ muc ...201021183601
diversity of interferon antagonist activities mediated by nsp1 proteins of different rotavirus strains.studies involving limited numbers of rotavirus (rv) strains have shown that the viral gene 5 product, nsp1, can antagonize beta interferon (ifn-β) expression by inducing the degradation of ifn-regulatory factors (irfs) (irf3, irf5, and irf7) or a component of the e3 ubiquitin ligase complex responsible for activating nf-κb (β-transducin repeat-containing protein [β-trcp]). to gain a broader perspective of nsp1 activities, we examined various rv strains for the ability to inhibit ifn-β expression ...201021177809
rotavirus infection in adult small intestine allografts: a clinicopathological study of a cohort of 23 patients.rotavirus enteritis (rve) is increasingly recognized as a cause of small bowel allograft dysfunction but its significance in adult patients is unknown. we have studied 23 adult small bowel transplant patients aged 19.8-59 years (mean = 38.2 years), who were presented with diarrhea and tested positive for rotavirus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods. serial follow-up biopsies, as well as clinical data, are documented and analyzed. these patients were followed up for an average of 168 da ...201021114645
characterization of viroplasm formation during the early stages of rotavirus infection.during rotavirus replication cycle, electron-dense cytoplasmic inclusions named viroplasms are formed, and two non-structural proteins, nsp2 and nsp5, have been shown to localize in these membrane-free structures. in these inclusions, replication of dsrna and packaging of pre-virion particles occur. despite the importance of viroplasms in the replication cycle of rotavirus, the information regarding their formation, and the possible sites of their nucleation during the early stages of infection ...201021114853
pentavalent rotavirus vaccine in developing countries: safety and health care resource the international, placebo-controlled, rotavirus efficacy and safety trial, the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine reduced the rate of rotavirus-attributable hospitalizations and emergency department visits by 95%. this study investigated the effect in jamaica.201021115586
rotavirus disrupts calcium homeostasis by nsp4 viroporin activity.many viruses alter intracellular calcium homeostasis. the rotavirus nonstructural protein 4 (nsp4), an endoplasmic reticulum (er) transmembrane glycoprotein, increases intracellular levels of cytoplasmic ca(2+) ([ca(2+)]cyto) through a phospholipase c-independent pathway, which is required for virus replication and morphogenesis. however, the nsp4 domain and mechanism that increases [ca(2+)]cyto are unknown. we identified an nsp4 domain (amino acids [aa] 47 to 90) that inserts into membranes and ...201021151776
estimating the rotavirus hospitalization disease burden and trends, using capture-recapture methods.rotavirus surveillance is needed to provide estimates of disease burden and to evaluate the effect of vaccination programs. our objective was to use capture-recapture methods to estimate rotavirus hospitalization rates and to examine trends over time.201021155173
outbreak of acute gastroenteritis caused by adenovirus type 41 in a kindergarten.summaryin response to an alert due to epidemic gastroenteritis in children in a kindergarten, an outbreak investigation was carried out in a portuguese municipality. the objectives were to establish an aetiological diagnosis, assess vaccine efficacy if possible, and to take corrective measures if necessary. the warden at the kindergarten was interviewed, and we visited the premises. the overall attack rate was 11·4% and most cases were mild. stool samples from three symptomatic children were col ...201021156097
atomic model of an infectious rotavirus particle.non-enveloped viruses of different types have evolved distinct mechanisms for penetrating a cellular membrane during infection. rotavirus penetration appears to occur by a process resembling enveloped-virus fusion: membrane distortion linked to conformational changes in a viral protein. evidence for such a mechanism comes from crystallographic analyses of fragments of vp4, the rotavirus-penetration protein, and infectivity analyses of structure-based vp4 mutants. we describe here the structure o ...201021157433
the london position statement of the world congress of gastroenterology on biological therapy for ibd with the european crohn's and colitis organisation: pregnancy and pediatrics.women with inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) have similar rates of fertility to the general population, but have an increased rate of adverse pregnancy outcomes compared with the general population, which may be worsened by disease activity. infertility is increased in those undergoing ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy in pregnancy is considered to be low risk and compatible with use during conception in men and women and during pregnancy in at least the first two t ...201021157441
porcine kobuvirus from pig stool in survey for porcine kobuvirus infection, a total of 119 pig fecal samples in korea were collected from three pig farms with good breeding facilities in three provinces. forty-three (36.1%) of the fecal samples tested were positive for porcine kobuvirus. in addition, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (pedv) and transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) infections were not identified in any of the fecal samples, but porcine group a rotavirus (gar) infection was identified in 11.8% (14/119) of the ...201021161358
[outbreaks of noroviral gastroenteritis and their molecular characteristics in china, 2006 - 2007.]objective: to acknowledge the epidemiology of gastroenteritis outbreaks caused by norobiruses and their genotypes. methods: epidemiologic data and specimens were collected from 19 gastroenteritis outbreaks. 201 specimens were detected for norovirus, rotavirus, astrovirus, adenovirus and sapovirus by rt-pcr methods and pcr products were sequenced. sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis were performed by clustal x 1.83 and mega 4.0 programs. results: noroviruses were one of the most predomin ...201021163035
analyses of clinical, pathological and virological features of human rotavirus strain, yo induced gastroenteritis in infant balb/c mice.experimental studies of human rotavirus infections in mice are limited and there is lack of information on the quantitative assessment of rotaviral replication and its relationship with histological changes. in the present study, consequences of human rotavirus strain, yo induced gastroenteritis in infant balb/c mice were analyzed for the occurrence of clinical symptoms, histopathology and virological events. the infected animals developed diarrhea and dehydration and showed accumulation of vacu ...201021163362
epidemiology of rotavirus infection among young children with acute diarrhoea in burkina anticipation of vaccine introduction, we assessed epidemiology of rotavirus disease among children visiting medical centre due to acute diarrhoea in ouagadougou, burkina faso.201021171984
diarrhea-associated hospitalizations among us children over 2 rotavirus seasons after vaccine introduction.after implementation of rotavirus vaccination in 2006, large decreases in rates of severe diarrhea among us children occurred in 2007-2008. we ascertained whether these decreases were sustained in 2008-2009.201021172995
reassortant group a rotavirus from straw-colored fruit bat (eidolon helvum).bats are known reservoirs of viral zoonoses. we report genetic characterization of a bat rotavirus (bat/ke4852/07) detected in the feces of a straw-colored fruit bat (eidolon helvum). six bat rotavirus genes (viral protein [vp] 2, vp6, vp7, nonstructural protein [nsp] 2, nsp3, and nsp5) shared ancestry with other mammalian rotaviruses but were distantly related. the vp4 gene was nearly identical to that of human p[6] rotavirus strains, and the nsp4 gene was closely related to those of previously ...201021122212
reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus.transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) is the causative agent of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis, and sensitive detection methods are required for preventing the disease. in this article, reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification (rt-lamp) was developed to detect tgev. three pairs of primers targeting the nucleocapsid (n) gene of tgev were synthesized and used in the rt-lamp. the optimization, sensitivity, and specificity of the rt-lamp were evaluated. our results sh ...201021127872
epidemiology and clinical features of gastroenteritis in hospitalised children: prospective survey during a 2-year period in a parisian hospital, france.rotavirus is recognised as the most important agent of severe acute gastroenteritis (age) in young children. in a 2-year prospective survey, we investigated the epidemiology and clinical features of the viral and bacterial pathogens in children hospitalised for age. the study was performed in a parisian teaching hospital from november 2001 to may 2004. clinical data were prospectively collected to assess the gastroenteritis severity (20-point vesikari severity score, the need for intravenous reh ...201021128089
the effect of rotavirus immunization on rotavirus gastroenteritis hospitalization rates in military dependents.we conducted a retrospective review of all u.s. military dependents less than 5 years old hospitalized with rotavirus-associated gastroenteritis from july 2003 to june 2009. the two post-vaccine seasons showed a significant reduction of 62.4% (95% ci, 58.6-65.8, p<0.001) in rotavirus gastroenteritis hospitalization rate compared to the three pre-vaccine seasons. infants less than 12 months old showed the greatest reduction in incidence at 75.3%. a substantial decrease was also seen in unvaccinat ...201021129394
recurrent rotavirus diarrhoea outbreaks in a stud farm, in italy.a total of 47 stool samples were collected at the same stud farm from young foals with rotavirus diarrhoea and from their stud mares. illness involved foals during three consecutive winter seasons. infection in the farm appeared firstly in january-february 2008. after vanishing in the warm seasons, cases reappeared in march 2009 and 2010. determination of the rotavirus g- and p-types was carried out using nested rt-pcr in samples collected in 2009 and 2010. a total of 19 of 47 samples resulted p ...201021129862
genome sequence based molecular epidemiology of unusual us rotavirus a g9 strains isolated from omaha, usa between 1997 and 2000.after discovery in the early 1980s, rotavirus a serotype g9 was detected infrequently for almost a decade. since the mid-1990s, however, serotype g9 has emerged to become a globally common strain linked to the introduction of a single, new genetic variant of g9 vp7 gene. studies have demonstrated that genetically divergent g9 strains co-circulated at low frequency with the emerging variants. examples include unique u.s. g9 strains om46/hu/usa/1998 and om67/hu/usa/1998, isolated in omaha during t ...201021130184
rotavirus vaccine efficacy in african and asian countries. 201021130280
rotavirus vaccine efficacy in african and asian countries. 201021130281
simultaneous recovery of bacteria and viruses from contaminated water and spinach by a filtration method.water and leafy vegetables eaten fresh are increasingly reported as being involved in food-borne illness cases. the pathogenic agents responsible for these infections are mainly bacteria and viruses and are present in very small quantities on the contaminated food matrices. laboratory techniques used to isolate or detect the contaminating agent differ enormously according to the type of microorganisms, generating time and economical losses. the purpose of this study was to optimize a single meth ...201021131086
molecular characterization of rare g12p[6] rotavirus isolates closely related to g12 strains from the united states, cau 195 and cau 214.two human g12 rotaviruses, cau 195 and cau 214, were isolated from south korea using cell culture and characterized on the basis of sequence divergence in the vp7, vp4, and nsp4 genes. phylogenetic analysis of the vp7 gene sequences indicated that these strains clustered into lineage iii and were most closely related to g12 rotaviruses isolated in the united states. the vp4 and nsp4 gene sequences showed that two strains belonged to the p[6]-ia lineage and genotype [b]. this finding provides inf ...201021132336
determinants of the specificity of rotavirus interactions with the alpha2beta1 integrin.the human α2β1 integrin binds collagen and acts as a cellular receptor for rotaviruses and human echovirus 1. these ligands require the inserted (i) domain within the α2 subunit of α2β1 for binding. previous studies have identified the binding sites for collagen and echovirus 1 in the α2 i domain. we used cho cells expressing mutated α2β1 to identify amino acids involved in binding to human and animal rotaviruses. residues where mutation affected rotavirus binding were located in several exposed ...201021138834
rapid and sensitive detection of bovine coronavirus and group a bovine rotavirus from fecal samples by using one-step duplex rt-pcr assay.bovine coronavirus (bcov) and group a bovine rotavirus (brv) are two of major causes for neonatal calf diarrhea. in the present study, a one-step duplex rt-pcr was established to detect and differentiate bcov and group a brv from fecal samples. the sensitivity of this method for bcov and group a brv was 10 pfu/100 µl and 1 pfu/100 µl, respectively. twenty-eight diarrhea fecal samples were detected with this method, the result showed that 2 samples were identified as co-infected with bcov and gro ...201021139352
membrane vesicles released by intestinal epithelial cells infected with rotavirus inhibit t-cell function.rotavirus (rv) predominantly replicates in intestinal epithelial cells (iec), and "danger signals" released by these cells may modulate viral immunity. we have recently shown that human model iec (caco-2 cells) infected with rhesus-rv release a non-inflammatory group of immunomodulators that includes heat shock proteins (hsps) and tgf-β1. here we show that both proteins are released in part in association with membrane vesicles (mv) obtained from filtrated caco-2 supernatants concentrated by ult ...201021142445
strengthening the technical capacity at country-level to make informed policy decisions on new vaccine introduction: lessons learned by paho's provac initiative.rotavirus, pneumococcal conjugate and hpv vaccines have the potential to make substantial gains in health, specifically in reducing child mortality and improving women's health. decisions regarding new vaccine introduction should be grounded in a broad evidence base that reflects national conditions. in this paper, we describe the pan american health organization provac initiative's experience in strengthening national decision making regarding new vaccine introduction through five sets of activ ...201021144916
detection and genetic characterization of rotavirus infections in non-hospitalized children with acute gastroenteritis in japan, 2007-2009.the molecular epidemiology of rotavirus infections in non-hospitalized children in five different regions (sapporo, saga, tokyo, osaka, and maizuru) of japan during 2007-2009 was investigated. overall, rotavirus was detected in 156 out of 1008 (15.5%) specimens. the rotavirus infection in 2007-2008 (19.3%) was higher than those in 2008-2009 (12.1%). g1p[8] was the most prevalent (62.8%), followed by g3p[8] (21.8%), g9p[8] (14.7%), and g2p[4] (0.7%). interestingly, the number of g3p[8] strains in ...201021145986
maternal antibodies to rotavirus: could they interfere with live rotavirus vaccines in developing countries?past experience with live oral vaccines including licensed rotavirus vaccines demonstrates a trend towards reduced vaccine efficacy in developing countries compared with developed countries. the reasons behind this disparity are not well understood. transplacental transfer of maternal antibodies and breast milk ingestion may attenuate vaccine responses in infants in developing countries where rotavirus infections are endemic, and maternal antibody levels are high. we examined the prevalence and ...201021147127
residues of the rotavirus rna-dependent rna polymerase template entry tunnel that mediate rna recognition and genome replicate its segmented, double-stranded rna (dsrna) genome, the rotavirus rna-dependent rna polymerase, vp1, must recognize viral plus-strand rnas (+rnas) and guide them into the catalytic center. vp1 binds to the conserved 3' end of rotavirus +rnas via both sequence-dependent and sequence-independent contacts. sequence-dependent contacts permit recognition of viral +rnas and specify an autoinhibited positioning of the template within the catalytic site. however, the contributions to dsrna s ...201021147920
short hairpin rna-mediated silencing of bovine rotavirus nsp4 gene prevents diarrhoea in suckling mice.while rna interference (rnai) has been widely used to study rotavirus gene function in vitro, the potential therapeutic role for rnai in vivo has not been explored. to this end, we constructed two recombinant lentiviral vectors containing short hairpin rna (shrna) against non-structural protein-4 (nsp4) of bovine rotavirus (brv), rnai-351 and rnai-492. rnai-351 and rnai-492 strongly suppressed the transient expression of a flag-tagged nsp4 fusion protein in 293t cells. in brv-susceptible ma104 c ...201021148273
a policy framework for accelerating adoption of new vaccines.rapid uptake of new vaccines can improve health and wealth and contribute to meeting millennium development goals. in the past, however, the introduction and use of new vaccines has been characterized by delayed uptake in the countries where the need is greatest. based on experience with accelerating the adoption of hib, pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines, we propose here a framework for new vaccine adoption that may be useful for future efforts. the framework organizes the major steps in the p ...201021150269
[efficacy of novalac ad in the treatment of infantile rotavirus enteritis].to observe clinical efficacy of novalac ad in infantile rotavirus enteritis.201021110440
development of a bacillus subtilis-based rotavirus vaccine.bacillus subtilis vaccine strains engineered to express either group a bovine or murine rotavirus vp6 were tested in adult mice for their ability to induce immune responses and provide protection against rotavirus challenge. mice were inoculated intranasally with spores or vegetative cells of the recombinant strains of b. subtilis. to enhance mucosal immunity, whole cholera toxin (ct) or a mutant form (r192g) of escherichia coli heat-labile toxin (mlt) were included as adjuvants. to evaluate vac ...201020810679
outbreak of neonatal gastroenteritis associated with astrovirus serotype 1 at a hospital in inner mongolia, china.this report describes for the first time an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis among neonates associated with human astrovirus (hastv) serotype 1b at a maternity hospital in inner mongolia, china. of 40 specimens, 28 were astrovirus positive and rotavirus, calicivirus, and adenovirus negative. poor hygiene likely contributed to the spread and persistence of hastv in the neonatal care room.201020810774
hybridization properties of long nucleic acid probes for detection of variable target sequences, and development of a hybridization prediction of the main problems in nucleic acid-based techniques for detection of infectious agents, such as influenza viruses, is that of nucleic acid sequence variation. dna probes, 70-nt long, some including the nucleotide analog deoxyribose-inosine (dinosine), were analyzed for hybridization tolerance to different amounts and distributions of mismatching bases, e.g. synonymous mutations, in target dna. microsphere-linked 70-mer probes were hybridized in 3m tmac buffer to biotinylated single-strande ...201020864443
prevalence and factors associated with rotavirus infection among children admitted with acute diarrhea in uganda.rotavirus remains the commonest cause of severe dehydrating diarrhea among children worldwide. children in developing countries die more because of several factors including poorer access to hydration therapy and greater prevalence of malnutrition. hitherto, the magnitude of rotavirus disease in uganda has remained unknown. this study was therefore done to determine the prevalence and factors associated with rotavirus infection among children aged 3-59 months admitted with acute diarrhea to paed ...201020868488
emerging norovirus gii.4 2008 variant detected in hospitalised paediatric patients in south africa.noroviruses (novs) are important enteric pathogens that cause gastroenteritis worldwide. the first documented nov outbreaks in south africa (sa) were described in 1993. the current nov prevalence and circulating genotypes are unknown. sa lacks nov outbreak reporting systems and therefore the number and impact of nov infections is underestimated.201020869912
determination of g and p type diversity of group a rotaviruses in faecal samples of diarrhoeic calves in kashmir, determine the genetic diversity of group a rotaviruses in bovine calves in kashmir, india.201020875036
prospective surveillance of nosocomial viral infections during and after hospitalization at a university children's switzerland 5% to 10% of hospitalized adults acquire nosocomial infections (ni) but few data are available in children. most former studies on ni in hospitalized children analyzed specific units or pathogens and neglected the postdischarge period. we aimed to prospectively assess viral ni occurring during and shortly after hospitalization in children.201020879093
molecular characterization of unusual bovine group a rotavirus g8p[14] strains identified in western india: emergence of p[14] genotype.a total of 78 fecal specimens were collected from both apparently healthy (n=71) and diarrheic (n=7) cattle from an organized farm in pune, western india in december 2007-january 2008. three specimens tested positive for group a rotavirus (rv) by antigen capture elisa were subjected to rt-pcr for amplification of entire coding regions of three structural (vp4, vp6 and vp7) and one nonstructural (nsp4) genes. all three strains were genotyped as g8p[14]. phylogenetic analysis of the vp7 and vp4 ge ...201020880637
immunisation coverage annual report, 2008.this, the 2nd annual immunisation coverage report, documents trends during 2008 for a range of standard measures derived from australian childhood immunisation register data, including overall coverage at standard age milestones and for individual vaccines included on the national immunisation program (nip). coverage by indigenous status and mapping by smaller geographic areas as well as trends in timeliness are also summarised according to standard templates. with respect to overall coverage, i ...201021090180
analysis of porcine circovirus type 1 detected in rotarix vaccine.a metagenomic analysis of live human vaccines has recently demonstrated the presence of porcine circovirus type 1 (pcv1) dna in the paediatric vaccine rotarix used in the prevention of acute gastroenteritis. using real-time pcr for pcv1, titres of pcv1 dna in several batches of rotarix were found to be in the order of 6-7 log(10) copies per dose. pre-treatment of the reconstituted vaccine with the nuclease benzonase, followed by extraction of nucleic acid and quantification of pcv1 dna by real-t ...201021093497
transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev)-based vectors with engineered murine tropism express the rotavirus vp7 protein and immunize mice against rotavirus.a coronavirus vector based on the genome of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) expressing the rotavirus vp7 protein was constructed to immunize and protect against rotavirus infections in a murine model. the tropism of this tgev-derived vector was modified by replacing the spike s protein with the homologous protein from mouse hepatitis virus (mhv). the rotavirus gene encoding the vp7 protein was cloned into the coronavirus cdna. balb/c and stat1-deficient mice were inoculate ...201021094967
molecular epidemiological study of rotavirus and norovirus infections among children with acute gastroenteritis in nha trang, vietnam, december 2005-june 2006.a molecular epidemiological study of rotavirus (rv) and norovirus (nov) infections was carried out in nha trang city in vietnam between december 2005 and june 2006. rv and nov were detected in 87 (47.5%) and 12 (6.6%) of the 183 fecal specimens from children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis, respectively. the majority of patients with rv and nov were children younger than 2 years of age. the most frequent rv genotypes detected were g3 (n=37, 42.5%) and g1 (n=28, 32.2%) for g type, p[8] (n ...201021099090
genetically diverse group c rotaviruses cause sporadic infection in korean calves.this study examined the prevalence and genetic diversity of the bovine group c rotaviruses (gcrvs) in a total of 127 diarrhea fecal samples of calves from 52 korean native beef calf herds using rt-pcr and nested pcr. overall, seven of the 127 fecal samples (5.5%) from seven of the 52 herds (13.5%) tested positive for bovine gcrvs only by nested pcr. sequence and phylogenetic analyses of a partial vp6 gene showed that korean bovine gcrvs had marked genetic diversity; two korean strains belonged t ...201021099189
new molecular approaches in the diagnosis of acute diarrhea? advantages for clinicians and researchers.purpose of review: to provide an update of the advantages of new-generation molecular diagnostics as regards acute diarrhea, and to evaluate how they can help clinicians and researchers diagnose this condition. recent findings: thanks to real-time polymerase chain reaction techniques, many enteropathogens can now be identified simultaneously within hours. most techniques are based on amplification of specific nucleotide sequences. with high-resolution melting analyses, microarrays, and metagenom ...201021099430
update on rotavirus trends and the importance of surveillance. 201021099653
immunogenicity and virus-like particle formation of rotavirus capsid proteins produced in transgenic plants.the human pathogen, group a rotavirus, is the most prevalent cause of acute infantile and pediatric gastroenteritis worldwide, especially in developing countries. there is an urgent demand for safer, more effective and cheaper vaccines against rotavirus infection. plant-derived antigens may provide an exclusive way to produce economical subunit vaccines. virus-like particles, constituting viral capsid proteins without viral nucleic acids, are considered a far safer candidate compared with live a ...201021104033
enteric campylobacteria and rna viruses associated with healthy and diarrheic humans in the chinook health region of southwestern alberta, canada.the presence of campylobacter species and enteric rna viruses in stools from diarrheic (n = 442) and healthy (n = 58) humans living in southwestern alberta was examined (may to october 2005). a large number of diarrheic individuals who were culture negative for c. jejuni (n = 54) or c. coli (n = 19) were pcr positive for these taxa. overall detection rates for c. jejuni and c. coli in diarrheic stools were 29% and 5%, respectively. in contrast, 3% and 0% of stools from healthy humans were positi ...201021106791
wide range of cns manifestations of rotavirus infection. 201021051161
[epidemiological surveillance of norovirus and rotavirus diarrhea among outpatient children in five metropolitan cities].to survey the clinical epidemiological features of norovirus and rotavirus diarrhea among children living in 5 cities.201021055297
[clinical relevance of human bocavirus with acute respiratory tract infection and diarrhea in children: a prospective case-control study].to explore the causative role of human bocavirus (hbov) played in acute respiratory infection and diarrhea in children, a case-control study was prospectively conducted to investigate hbov detection in symptomatic children with acute respiratory tract infection, diarrhea and asymptomatic children.201021055300
vaccines provided by family physicians.this study was conducted to document current immunization practices by family physicians.201021060120
[perspectives of development of immunoprophylaxis in russia].analytic materials on prevention of controlled infections in russia and perspectives for extension of immunoprophylaxis field are presented. it was determined that immunization against pertussis should be expanded. necessity to include vaccines against hepatitis a, hib, pneumococcal infection, varicella as well as rotavirus and human papillomavirus infection in national immunization schedule is substantiated. it was noted that introduction of new vaccines will require both increase of funding fo ...201021061585
study of the kinetics of antibodies titres against viral pathogens and detection of rotavirus and parainfluenza 3 infections in captive crias of guanacos (lama guanicoe).a longitudinal study was conducted to investigate the presence of antibodies (ab) to rotavirus (rv), parainfluenza-3 virus (pi-3), bovine herpesvirus-1 (bohv-1), bovine viral diarrhoea virus (bvdv-1) and bluetongue virus (btv) in eleven guanaco's crias (chulengos) relocated from rio negro to buenos aires province (argentina) and reared in captivity for a year in an experimental field. serum samples were collected periodically to detect the evidence of viral infections. faecal samples were collec ...201021062425
rotavirus gastroenteritis and strain diversity in saudi arabia. current status and future prospects. 201021063667
[investigation of rotavirus, adenovirus and astrovirus frequencies in children with acute gastroenteritis and evaluation of epidemiological features].viral agents are the most common causes of childhood gastroenteritis over the world. rotaviruses, the main causative agents of viral gastroenteritis in infant and young children, are followed by other viruses, namely adenoviruses, astroviruses, noroviruses and caliciviruses. the aims of this study were to determine the frequencies of rotavirus, adenovirus and astrovirus infections in children with acute gastroenteritis in our region, and to evaluate these frequencies according to age, gender and ...201021063969
norovirus p particle, a novel platform for vaccine development and antibody production.the norovirus p particle is an octahedral nanoparticle formed by 24 copies of the protrusion (p) domain of the norovirus capsid protein. this p particle is easily produced in escherichia coli, extremely stable, and highly immunogenic. there are three surface loops per p domain, making a total of 72 loops per particle, and these are potential sites for foreign antigen presentation for immune enhancement. to prove this concept, a small peptide (his tag, 7 amino acids [aa]) and a large antigen (rot ...201021068235
distribution of human rotavirus g and p genotypes in a hospital setting from northern india.rotavirus gastroenteritis is a major cause of severe dehydrating diarrhea in children worldwide. rotavirus g and p genotyping is essential for epidemiological surveillance and for better formulation of candidate rotavirus vaccines. out of 862 diarrheal stool samples collected from hospitalized children aged < 2 years during february 2005 - march 2007, 318 (36.9%) were positive for rotavirus by elisa. g and p genotyping was performed on 100 randomly selected positive samples using a seminested mu ...201021073035
a hospital based study on inter- and intragenotypic diversity of human rotavirus a vp4 and vp7 gene segments, germany.efforts to reduce the impact of group a rotaviruses on human morbidity and mortality rely on oral immunisation with live attenuated or recombinant vaccines. a major challenge in immunisation is the vast inter- and intragenotypic diversity accomplished by circulating rotaviruses.201021074491
[recurrence of transient splenial lesions in a child with "benign convulsions with gastroenteritis"].we report a 2-year-old girl who demonstrated "benign convulsions with gastroenteritis (cwg)" with transient splenial lesions twice during the winter. the first episode was associated with noro-virus and the second with rota-virus. during each episode, seizures occurred in clusters without clinical signs of dehydration, hypoglycemia, electrolyte derangement or cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities, and her consciousness was clear during the interictal period. those findings were consistent with cwg. ...201021077356
widespread microbiological groundwater contamination in the south-eastern salento (puglia-italy).in the salento peninsula (puglia region, south-east italy), underground waters are a fundamental resource for the population because they constitute the principal reservoir for drinking water and irrigation. they are, however, affected by overexploitation. the risk factors in the salento arise mainly from anthropic activities, especially tourism and agriculture (leaking wells, sewage and inadequate waste disposal procedures). the southern salento is recognized to be at high risk of pathologies c ...201021079865
predominance of porcine p[23] genotype rotaviruses in piglets with diarrhea in northern thailand.of 131 stool samples collected from piglets with diarrhea in northern thailand between july 2006 and august 2008, 14 (10.7%) were positive for group a rotavirus. sequence analysis showed that 13 strains (92.9%) belonged to the rare p[23] genotype combination with g9 or g3 genotypes.201021084504
[rotavirus prevalence in infants and children in the public healthcare system of the state of pernambuco].rotaviruses are considered important etiological agents of acute gastroenteritis and a common cause of the hospitalization of children aged zero to four years-old. in brazil, the incidence of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children is 12 to 42% and the distribution of infection is related to seasonality, which apparently occurs in different periods and intensity according to each region. the study investigated group a rotavirus in fecal samples of suspected children attended by the public health s ...201021085867
[benign afebrile seizures in rotavirus gastroenteritis].benign afebrile seizures associated with mild gastroenteritis and normal serum electrolytes are often described in asian infants under the name of convulsions with mild gastroenteritis (cwg). herein, we report 3 cases of cwg that occurred in caucasian children. clinical features and outcomes are described and the cases reported in the literature are reviewed. the cwg syndrome is now recognized as a distinct entity characterized by the following criteria: (1) it occurs in previously healthy 6-mon ...201020884185
[verotoxin as a major laboratory criterion for escherichia coli o157-induced enteric infection complicated by hemolytic uremic syndrome in infants in the omsk region].the paper presents the results of etiological interpretation of the outbreak of escherichia coli o157-induced enteric infection complicated by hemolytic uremic syndrome in omsk in spring 2009. seventeen infants aged 5 months to 2.5 years were examined; of them 9 patients were on hemodialysis. the diagnosis was verified in 7 children, by isolating verotoxin after fecal enrichment on the concentrating nutrient rida enrichment bouillon medium containing bile salts and mitomycin c, e. coli o157:h7 c ...201020886723
handling uncertainty in dynamic transmission models. 201020888874
adenovirus infection mimics the cerebellitis caused by rotavirus infection. 201020931229
dynamic model of rotavirus transmission and the impact of rotavirus vaccination in rotavirus vaccines show promise to reduce the burden of severe diarrhea among children in developing countries. we present an age-specific dynamic rotavirus model to assess the effect of rotavirus vaccination in kyrgyzstan, a country in central asia that is eligible for funds from the gavi alliance. a routine rotavirus vaccination program at 95% coverage and 54% effectiveness against severe infection is estimated to lead to a 56% reduction in rotavirus-associated deaths and a 50% reduction i ...201020933563
genomic characterization of human rotavirus g10 strains from the african rotavirus network: relationship to animal rotavirus surveillance has led to the detection of many unusual human rotavirus (hrv) genotypes. the aim of this study was to elucidate the genetic and evolutionary relationships of short fragments of all 11 gene segments of g10 hrv strains identified in west africa through the african rotavirus network (arn) system. during 1998-2004 surveillance within the arn, we identified 5 g10 p[8] hrv strains. fragments of all 11 gene segments of these g10 strains were sequenced. phylogenetic and se ...201020934537
rapid generation of rotavirus-specific human monoclonal antibodies from small-intestinal mucosa.the gut mucosal surface is efficiently protected by abs, and this site represents one of the richest compartments of ab-secreting cells in the body. a simple and effective method to generate ag-specific human monoclonal abs (hmabs) from such cells is lacking. in this paper, we describe a method to generate hmabs from single ag-specific iga- or igm-secreting cells of the intestinal mucosa. we found that cd138-positive plasma cells from the duodenum expressed surface iga or igm. using egfp-labeled ...201020935207
improvement of recombinant protein production by an anti-apoptotic protein from hemolymph of lonomia obliqua.apoptosis is a major problem in animal cell culture during production of biopharmaceuticals, such as recombinant proteins or viral particles. in the present work baculovirus-insect cell expression system (bevs/ic) is used as model to produce rotavirus like-particles, composed by three layers of three different viral proteins (vp2, vp6 and vp7). in this model baculovirus infection also induces host cell death. herein a new strategy to enhance cell life span and to increase recombinant rotavirus p ...201020936342
dual selection mechanisms drive efficient single-gene reverse genetics for rotavirus.current methods for engineering the segmented double-stranded rna genome of rotavirus (rv) are limited by inefficient recovery of the recombinant virus. in an effort to expand the utility of rv reverse genetics, we developed a method to recover recombinant viruses in which independent selection strategies are used to engineer single-gene replacements. we coupled a mutant sa11 rv encoding a temperature-sensitive (ts) defect in the nsp2 protein with rnai-mediated degradation of nsp2 mrnas to isola ...201020937889
diarrhea in children: etiology and clinical aspects.the aim of this paper was to determine the etiology of diarrhea in children with an age <5 years hospitalised for acute enteritis and to evidence the prevalent clinical aspects in correlation of different etiology agents.201020940668
[rotavirus]. 201020942079
molecular characterization of equine rotaviruses circulating in argentinean foals during a 17-year surveillance period (1992-2008).p[12]g3 and p[12]g14 equine rotaviruses (ervs) are epidemiologically important in horses. in argentina, the prevalent erv strains have been historically p[12]g3. the aim of this study was the detection and characterization of erv strains circulating in foals in argentina during a 17-year study (1992-2008). additionally, the gene sequences of vp7, vp4 and nsp4 encoding genes of representative argentinean erv strains were determined and phylogenetic analyses were performed to elucidate the evoluti ...201020943330
nitazoxanide use in rota viral diarrhea. cure or controversy? 201020949335
rotavirus-associated colitis in a six-month-old baby. 201020958865
hydrophobic polycationic coatings disinfect poliovirus and rotavirus solutions.coating surfaces with n-alkylated polyethylenimines (peis), namely branched n,n-hexyl,methyl-pei via covalent attachment to glass or linear n,n-dodecyl,methyl-pei by physical deposition ("painting") onto polyethylene, enables the resultant materials to quickly and efficiently disinfect aqueous solutions of (non-enveloped) poliovirus and rotavirus.201020967804
hospitalisation for rotavirus gastroenteritis in the paediatric population in the veneto region, italy.this study evaluates the epidemiological impact of rvge hospitalisation in the veneto region during the period spanning from 2000-2007 along with the associated costs. the analysis was conducted in an area where rotavirus vaccination is not included into immunization programmes and is an attempt to assess the potential benefits of such introduction.201020969755
the uptake of rotavirus vaccine and its effectiveness in preventing acute gastroenteritis in the community.we examined the uptake of rotavirus vaccine and its effectiveness in preventing acute gastroenteritis (age) in the community. data on rotavirus vaccines purchases and age were extracted from the computerized database of a large health maintenance organization in israel. the incidence of age requiring a physician visit during 2008-09 rotavirus season among vaccinated and non-vaccinated children were compared, and vaccine effectiveness was calculated as: (1-relative risk)×100. during the study per ...201020969927
variable doses of vaccines according to age. 201020972293
computational identification of post-translational modification sites and functional families reveal possible moonlighting role of rotaviral proteins.rotavirus (rv) diarrhoea causes huge number deaths in children less than 5 years of age. in spite of available vaccines, it has been difficult to combat rv due to large number of antigenically distinct genotypes, high mutation rates, generation of reassortant viruses due to segmented genome. rv is an eukaryotic virus which utilizes host cell machinery for its propagation. since rv only encodes 12 proteins, post-translational modification (ptm) is important mechanism for modification, which conse ...201020975908
effectiveness of lanzhou lamb rotavirus vaccine against hospitalized gastroenteritis: further analysis and update. 201020980802
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 10398