
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
antibody to the aids virus in kaposi's sarcoma in nigeria.the present study has investigated whether kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in nigeria is associated with infection with the aids virus variously called human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii), lymphadenopathy/aids virus (lav), and aids-associated retrovirus (arv). serum samples from 40 ks patients, 30 patients with malignant melanoma of the foot (contemporaneous controls), and 50 normal nontumour-bearing controls were tested for anti-aids virus antibody by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (el ...19883162540
cystic parotid lesions in patients at risk for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.twenty-three patients at risk for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome presented with cystic lesions of the parotid gland. fourteen patients had unilateral parotid cysts and nine had bilateral enlargement. ten patients were positive for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), three were negative for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus, and ten refused testing. fine-needle aspiration cytology and computed tomography were helpful in making the diagnosis of benign lymphoe ...19883166761
phenotypical and functional analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocytes in patients with hiv infection.the lungs of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) are frequently affected by opportunistic and nonopportunistic infections and pulmonary localizations of kaposi's sarcoma. the aim of this study was to verify whether, in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infections, immunologic pulmonary abnormalities set the stage for the lung complications. for this purpose, a phenotypic and functional characterization of lymphocytes recovered from the bronchoalveolar lavage (b ...19883202512
biopsy pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in human immunodeficiency virus-associated disease: a 5 year experience in zürich.patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated disease are subject to a wide variety of unusual opportunistic infections and to the development of malignant tumours. these complications frequently manifest themselves within the gastrointestinal tract and endoscopic biopsies may contribute to their diagnosis. the results of 63 such biopsies from 28 patients are reviewed in this study. the diagnoses made included: upper gastrointestinal tract candidiasis (n = 6); cytomegalovirus infec ...19883215634
hla antigen frequencies in hiv-1 seropositive disease-free individuals and patients with aids.hla-a, -b, -c, -dr, and -dq antigen phenotypes were determined in 266 caucasian homosexual men, 90 of whom were hiv-1 seronegative, 94 hiv-1 seropositive aids-free, and 82 with a diagnosis of aids [36 with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), 34 with opportunistic infection (oi), and 12 with ks and oi]. no significant differences in hla-a or -b antigen frequencies were found in any comparisons of these groups. however, in comparisons of seropositive aids-free men with the aids groups, hla-cw7 was increased in ...19883216293
[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in tropical regions: african foci].most aids victims in africa south of the sahara are heterosexuals with multiple partners. the risk of infection appears to be somewhat greater among women. seroprevalence is believed to be under 1% in rural zones but is about 7% in the large cities and is increasing rapidly along transportation routes. condom use is the only measure capable of slowing the spread of aids in africa at present, but condoms are not widely used. aids in central africa is distinguished also by its clinical manifes ...19883221779
[human immunodeficiency virus infections (hiv-1 and hiv-2) in dakar. epidemiologic and clinical aspects].the authors report on the results of an investigation carried out on 109 hiv seropositives ascertained by the dakar central hospital between february 20, 1987 and may 31, 1988. these seropositives affected 44 patients with aids (0.78% of admitted patients) and 65 seropositive people of which 43 blood donors (1.35% of donors). both viruses are present in about equal number: 50 hiv1 seropositives, 44 hiv2 seropositives, and 15 composite seropositives. sex-ratio is 3,9 in favour of males; this figu ...19883221781
[human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection in mali].this review summarises epidemiological and clinical data of hiv infection who was recognized in mali since 1985. the most important rate of seropositivity for hiv is observed in the prostitutes group (40%). the estimated seroprevalence for adult population is between 1% and 5%. 46 cases for aids are reported in both sexes. the mean age is 35 years. main signs are weight loss (91%), fever (80%), diarrhea (70%) and lymphadenopathy (50%). three among the five cases of kaposi's sarcoma are aggressiv ...19883221782
pathogenetic role of hiv infection in kaposi's sarcoma of equatorial east africa.thirty residents of north-central tanzania with various forms of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) were evaluated. the absolute number of peripheral blood okt4 lymphocytes in patients and tanzanian control subjects tended to be low (in comparison with healthy young american adults), and many had inverted t4/t8 ratios. plasma polyclonal beta- and gamma-globulin concentrations were increased in many patients with ks and in control patients in tanzania with chronic dermatopathies, but not in african hospital e ...19883257865
cutaneous and plasma values of von willebrand factor in aids: a marker of endothelial stimulation?patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) represent a model in which endothelial proliferation and/or damage are of concern. we studied von willebrand factor (vwf) plasma values as a presumed marker of endothelial proliferation in patients with the lymphadenopathy syndrome (las) (n = 45), aids-related kaposi's sarcoma (ks) (n = 23), and aids opportunistic infections (n = 9), in comparison with normal controls (n = 19) and classical ks (n = 12). vwf was increased in aids patient ...19883258899
hiv target cells: effect of their infection by hiv on the pathogenesis of aids.pathogenesis of hiv infection and expression of retroviral proteins are gradually being elucidated. antibody to hiv is a marker of past or present viral infection. the virus can be isolated from cultured lymphocytes of seropositive but not seronegative patients. sero-epidemiological studies show that the majority of infected patients are asymptomatic carriers without biological sign of immune depression. some then show immune abnormalities such as a decrease of cd4 cells in the blood; some patie ...19883260982
kaposi's sarcoma cells: long-term culture with growth factor from retrovirus-infected cd4+ t cells.studies of the biology and pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) have been hampered by the inability to maintain long-term cultures of ks cells in vitro. in this study aids-ks-derived cells with characteristic spindle-like morphology were cultured with a growth factor (or factors) released by cd4+ t lymphocytes infected with human t-lymphotropic virus type i or ii (htlv-i or htlv-ii) or with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 or 2 (hiv-1 or hiv-2). medium conditioned by htlv-ii-infected, transf ...19883262925
urinary neopterin and immunological features in patients with kaposi's sarcoma.we studied neopterin excretion levels and immunological features of 20 patients affected by kaposi's sarcoma (ks), compared to 30 normal controls. eighteen patients had the classic form of kaposi's sarcoma (cks), while two patients were anti-human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) seropositive and affected by the epidemic form associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). in cks patients, a trend of an increase of neopterin levels with more advanced stages appeared from our data wher ...19883263274
approaches to an understanding of pathogenetic mechanisms in aids.aids, presumably caused by the human retrovirus, human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), is a disease with multiple pathologies, most of which are the consequence of a profound immunodeficiency. the first two sections of this review focus primarily on the normal development and function of the cells of the immune system and the known abnormalities that occur in this system in aids patients. very little is known of the pathogenesis, in humans, of the four major clinical manifestations of aids--immuno ...19883287566
isolation of human t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) from a black south african with kaposi's sarcoma.serological evidence for htlv-i infection in the south african population has now been confirmed by the isolation of the virus from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of an adult tsonga male. the subject was an indigenous black man from the south-eastern transvaal who had suffered from kaposi's sarcoma for a decade and in whom serum antibodies against htlv-i were demonstrated. t-lymphocyte cell lines were established from his peripheral blood lymphocytes and shown to be productively infected with ...19882895964
retroviruses: new viral infections in man.human retroviruses, or rna viruses, including the 2 hiv agents associated with aids, and the 2 htlv agents causing leukemia, are described from the viewpoint of history, detection, serology, transformation mechanism, disease pathophysiology, genetic function, associated disease, and related viruses. both htlv and hiv infect the human t-lymphocytes, also known as cd4 or helper cells. both can now be grown in culture, and their genomes are well characterized. htlv, an acronym for human t-lympho ...19882899867
anti-retroviral effects of interferon-alpha in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.21 patients with aids and kaposi's sarcoma were enrolled in an open therapeutic trial to determine the in vivo anti-retroviral activity of recombinant interferon-alpha (ifn-alpha). 8 (38%) showed a complete or partial anti-tumour response. the mean pretreatment cd4 count for the responders was 399 cells/microliter vs 154 cells/microliter for the non-responders. all 5 of the patients with more than 400 cd4 cells/microliter pretreatment showed a significant reduction in tumour, whereas none of the ...19882903954
human immunodeficiency virus-related lymphoreticular malignancies and peripheral neurologic disease. a report of four cases.the most common human immunodeficiency virus-related (hiv) malignancies to date include kaposi's sarcoma and the high-grade non-hodgkin's lymphomas. there also appears to be an association between hiv and an aggressive form of hodgkin's disease. in addition, there is a spectrum of hiv-related central and peripheral neurologic syndromes. this article documents four patients with hiv-associated lymphoma who presented with peripheral neurologic syndromes as part of their neoplastic process. autopsy ...19883365659
unique vascular skin lesions associated with human immunodeficiency virus.we report four patients with antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus and/or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who were noted to have unique vascular lesions that clinically resembled kaposi's sarcoma or pyogenic granulomas. the lesions were asymptomatic erythematous-violaceous papules and nodules. they erupted over several weeks, without predilection for a specific cutaneous site. most lesions resolved spontaneously. histologically these lesions revealed a proliferation of vascular spaces li ...19883385909
colonic adenocarcinoma associated with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.colonic adenocarcinoma developed in an intravenous drug abuser with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) that was diagnosed by the presence of antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), generalized lymphadenopathy, and biopsy proven esophageal candidiasis. the colon cancer presented atypically at a young age with no known risk factors and with a bulky primary tumor and a local fistula. aids and aids risk factors have been associated with kaposi's sarcoma, lymphomas, and anal ...19883390798
cytogenetic study of kaposi's sarcoma associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we performed cytogenetic studies on direct preparations and short-term cultures from kaposi's sarcoma cells obtained from malignant pericardial effusion. the patient, a 46-year-old man with human immunodeficiency virus infection, initially presented with metastatic kaposi's sarcoma. despite therapy, his tumor proved aggressive, and the patient died of widespread pulmonary involvement nine months after diagnosis. cytogenetic analysis revealed a predominant karyotype of 48,x,-y, t(2;7)(q32;q36), + ...19883395219
documentation of an aids virus infection in the united states in 1968.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was first recognized as a clinical entity in the united states in the early 1980s; however, the issue of when human immunodeficiency virus, the causative agent of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, was introduced into at-risk populations in the united states is unresolved. previously, we reported the case study of a 15-year-old black male who was admitted to st louis city hospital in 1968 for extensive lymphedema of the genitalia and lower extremities. ...19883418874
changes in the epidemiology of non-hodgkin's lymphoma associated with epidemic human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection.the extent to which the epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection has changed the descriptive epidemiology of cancers other than kaposi's sarcoma is unknown. this study, based on cancer surveillance data (new york state cancer registry) and mortality statistics (new york city death certificates), examines changes in the epidemiology of another hiv-related malignancy, non-hodgkin's lymphoma. since the beginning of the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), there hav ...19883421237
upper gastrointestinal kaposi's sarcoma in patients positive for hiv antibody without cutaneous disease.six patients with antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and with persistent gastrointestinal symptoms of hiv infection but without cutaneous lesions of kaposi's sarcoma underwent endoscopy. four also underwent barium meal examination. in all six cases small lesions were seen in the stomach at endoscopy, and histological examination of biopsy specimens taken from the lesions confirmed the diagnosis of kaposi's sarcoma. the barium meal examinations were reported as normal in three p ...19883122968
generalised angiosarcoma of the heart.a primary angiosarcoma, which formed multiple ventricular pericardial and myocardial nodules without atrial involvement, occurred in the heart of an 80-year old caucasian female and caused death within three weeks of the onset of symptoms. there were neither cutaneous lesions to suggest kaposi's sarcoma nor serological evidence of infection by human t-cell leukemia virus and the rapidly fatal course of the patient's illness was similar to that of the typical atrial cardiac angiosarcoma. the dist ...19883131959
t4+ cell production of interferon gamma and the clinical spectrum of patients at risk for and with acquired immunodeficiency fully characterize the relationship between the clinical manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus infection and t4+ cell defects, we determined t4+ cell number and interferon gamma (ifn-gamma) production in 238 patients. for asymptomatic homosexuals, patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-related complex (arc), and patients with fully established aids, clinical status correlated linearly with both t4+ cell number and t4+ cell-derived (antigen-stimulated) ifn-gamma secre ...19883132901
cultured, aids-related kaposi's sarcoma cells express endothelial cell markers and are weakly malignant in vitro.up to 30% of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) suffer from kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks). the histogenesis and neoplastic nature of this tumor is still controversial. we have established cell cultures of ks biopsies from 7 patients with aids. all donors were seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus i (hiv-i), cytomegalovirus (cmv) and hepatitis b virus (hbv). the tumors were histologically shown to be ks. cell cultures derived from these tumors all expressed the endot ...19883141299
aids in the caribbean.the incidence of hiv infections in the caribbean, derived from official reports and selected studies, is assessed. aids has been reported in all countries except british virgin islands and montserrat (excluding bermuda and puerto rico). cuba is the only country with a national survey: 147 cases out of 1 million were reported seropositive. expressed by prevalence, aids is highest in the bahamas (229/100,000), french guiana (84.0), ranges between 17.5 and 16.0 in barbados, trinidad/tobago, gua ...198812315930
uganda: paediatric aids.the occurrence of reported cases of aids in children in uganda, and the most common symptoms are discussed. by may 1988, 359 cases of aids in children has been reported. all but 12 were in babies less than 2 years of age, suggesting that maternal transmission, rather than casual contact, had caused the infection. information was available on hiv status of 224 mothers. 42% of these had aids or arc (aids related complex). 85 of 87 mothers whose sera had been tested were positive for hiv. bl ...198812281632
aids and africa.this article describes the aids situation in africa and pinpoints the differences, so far as they are known, between that continent and the us and europe. there is currently evidence of infection in up to 15% of the general urban population of some african countries, although it is impossible to estimate the total number of cases. among san francisco homosexuals who are sero-positive, about 1/3 are expected to develop aids within 5 years; among infected newborns the development of aids is even ...198712340978
fine needle aspiration cytology of kaposi's sarcoma in lymph nodes. a case report.a case of kaposi's sarcoma in lymph nodes aspirated by fine needle is presented. the cytologic findings were highly suggestive of kaposi's sarcoma, and the histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis. it was then discovered that the patient was homosexual. viral studies did not reveal the presence of htlv virus.19873468713
lymphadenopathic type of kaposi's sarcoma in a ugandan child seropositive for lav/htlv-iii antibodies.the authors report a case of a lymphadenopathic type of kaposi's sarcoma in a ugandan boy aged 2 years and 1 month who was seropositive for antibodies to lymphadenopathy-associated virus/human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (lav/htlv-iii).19873470530
[stomatological lesions seen in hiv virus infection. ii. histopathological and ultrastructural studies].buccal lesions observed in the clinical setting of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection constitute a diverse group of pathological entities. several are related to the opportunistic infections observed in association with hiv infection. "hairy leukoplakia" is a recently described benign lesion that is presumably related to infection by epstein-barr virus (e.b.v.). kaposi's sarcoma is seen somewhat frequently in the oral cavity, especially involving the palate of hiv infected patients. we ...19873473605
effect of t4 count and cofactors on the incidence of aids in homosexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus.we prospectively evaluated potential markers and cofactors for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in 86 homosexual men who were seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus antibodies. during three years of follow-up, 19 men developed aids. risk of aids was clearly predicted by the total number of circulating okt4-positive lymphocytes (t4 count) at enrollment, while the corresponding t8 count was unrelated to subsequent aids development. subjects in manhattan had a higher risk of kap ...19873491911
neoplastic complications of htlv-iii infection. lymphomas and solid tumors.neoplastic disease arose in 29 of 200 patients infected with human t lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii) seen at a suburban hospital. seventeen patients had kaposi's sarcoma, one of whom also had colon carcinoma. nine patients had lymphoproliferative disorders (seven lymphomas, one t suppressor cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and one multiple myeloma), including three with concomitant kaposi's sarcoma and one with colon cancer. one other patient had colon cancer, one had a seminoma, and on ...19873493690
clinical features of 100 human immunodeficiency virus antibody-positive individuals from an alternate test site.we evaluated 100 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) antibody-positive persons from the only alternate test site in los angeles. thirty-five subjects complained of systemic symptoms suggestive of hiv infection and 65 were completely asymptomatic. irrespective of symptoms, the group as a whole demonstrated clinical and laboratory evidence of immunodeficiency. eighty had generalized lymphadenopathy, 16 onychomycosis, six oral candidiasis, and two biopsy-proved kaposi's sarcoma. seventy-seven were a ...19873500685
opportunistic malignancies and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.the clinical manifestations of chronic infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) fall into two broad categories: opportunistic infections and opportunistic malignancies. the initial observation of both occurring in outbreak fashion among young homosexual men led to the early identification of the present pandemic. conversely, the identification of additional malignancies which occur in excess frequency in the presence of the immunodeficiency of hiv infection can provide insight into ...19873506539
epidemiologic similarities leading to etiologic hypotheses.analogy is a useful means of generating etiologic hypotheses which can be tested by epidemiologic, clinical, or laboratory studies. we describe how the use of analogy has furthered the understanding of three disease entities--hodgkin's disease (hd), testicular cancer (tc), and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). hd is probably caused by a virus of low pathogenicity with clinical expression dependent on social factors. tc may have a viral etiology, although clinical disease may be trigger ...19873506540
patterns of antibody response in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.immunofluorescence and immunoblot assays were conducted on 488 sera from patients with aids and clinically healthy individuals at risk for infection by the human immunodeficiency virus. of these, 360 contained antiviral antibodies, and nearly all reacted with the envelope precursor glycoprotein gp160. sera from 103 individuals for whom a complete clinical history was available were evaluated in detail. most sera recognized both the gp160 and the p55 gag precursor protein. because these two antig ...19873546516
lack of response to suramin in patients with aids and aids-related complex.forty-one homosexual men with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) or aids-related complex were treated with 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 g of suramin weekly for up to six months. in no patient was evidence of symptomatic improvement or regression of kaposi's sarcoma shown. opportunistic infections developed in 16 patients during therapy. only six patients (15 percent) became human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) culture-negative during treatment, despite documentation of adequate serum suramin level ...19873548350
[interferon alpha 2c in the treatment of 2 patients with aids-associated kaposi sarcoma].two patients with aids and histologically confirmed kaposi's sarcoma were treated with 3 x 10(6) u/m2 interferon alpha 2c (rifn alpha 2c) subcutaneously three times a week. in both cases remissions (7 weeks and more than 9 months) of the tumour lesions were achieved and in one case pretherapeutic moderate thrombocytopenia improved. the positive serum antibody titres to htlv iii-virus showed no conversion. except for fever (below 39 degrees c) during the first two weeks of ifn treatment in both p ...19873577187
kaposi's sarcoma in a young man in absence of aids or other known causes of immune suppression.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in young individuals is unusual and most often associated with cellular immunodeficiency caused by infective or other neoplastic diseases. it has recently been highly associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). we report the case of a heterosexual 29 year aged man with no evidence of underlying malignancy or infectious diseases. antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) were absent on repeat testing. his immunological profile demonstrated eleva ...19873435654
predictors of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome developing in a cohort of seropositive homosexual a cohort of 1835 homosexual men who were seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) on entry into a prospective study, the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) developed in 59 during a median follow-up of 15 months. we matched 5 seropositive controls to each case according to study center and date of enrollment and performed a case-control analysis to determine factors predictive of aids. in a multivariate analysis, a decreased number of t helper lymphocytes, an increased number ...19873024007
herpes simplex virus type-1 can reactivate transcription of latent human immunodeficiency virus.the human immunodeficiency virus, hiv (formerly t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii, htlv-iii or lymphadenopathy-associated virus, lav) is the primary cause of aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). patients with aids have profound immunosuppression as a result of almost complete absence of the okt4+ cell population and are predisposed to a number of opportunistic infections as well as to certain malignant diseases such as kaposi's sarcoma and b-cell tumours. the majority of the opportunisti ...19873025748
kaposi's sarcoma and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. postmortem findings in twenty-four cases.autopsy results on twenty-four patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and kaposi's sarcoma were reviewed. at postmortem, 29% of patients had evidence of visceral kaposi's sarcoma without skin lesions. the most common sites for visceral involvement with kaposi's sarcoma were as follows: lung (37%), gastrointestinal tract (50%), and lymph nodes (50%). at the time of death, only 25% of patients had evidence of cutaneous disease alone. the patients survived up to 36 months after the ...19873029191
non-hodgkin's lymphomas and other malignancies in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.approximately 95% of neoplasms in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) patients are either kaposi's sarcoma or non-hodgkin's malignant lymphoma. kaposi's sarcoma is by far the most prevalent malignancy found, although a marked increase in the incidence of predominantly high-grade b cell malignant lymphomas has also been reported. there is evidence suggesting a correlation between epstein-barr virus (ebv) and the high incidence of lymphomas, and the most plausible explanation for this is th ...19873299717
pathophysiology and epidemiology of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma.the epidemic form of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) that occurs in patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) produces lesions that, histopathologically, are indistinguishable from those of classical ks or of the endemic form of the disease seen in children and adults in certain areas of africa. there are, however, important differences in the pathogenesis of the disease in the different groups affected by the neoplasm. compared with classical ks in people of eastern european and medite ...19873299718
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids).the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), also called the human t-lymphotropic virus type iii/lymphadenopathy-associated virus [htlv-iii/lav], has affected over 23,000 people; more than half of those with the disease have died. the actual case fatality rate approaches 100%. aids affects all groups and classes of people, although some are at special risk. distribution of the disease is worldwide. the illness' effects on the body are widesprea ...19873303395
an autopsy-proved case of aids in taiwan.the first case of aids positively identified in a non-foreigner in taiwan was a 25-year-old unmarried male who had practiced homosexuality for ten years. the patient began to have abdominal pain accompanied with loose stools and weight loss in june 1985, followed by fever, cough, headache, dizziness, and loss of memory. facial hyperpigmentation and extensive oroesophageal candidiasis were noted. laboratory studies showed severe lymphopenia with a reversed t-helper to t-suppressor ratio, cutaneou ...19873304320
human immunodeficiency virus-associated kaposi's sarcoma in a pediatric renal transplant 11-year-old boy developed kaposi's sarcoma and progressive t lymphocyte deficiency 5 years after cadaveric kidney transplantation for end-stage renal disease. he had received 17 individual red blood cell transfusions prior to and during transplantation in 1980. human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) was cultured from blood in cerebrospinal fluid and hiv antibodies were detected with enzyme immunoassay and immunoblot techniques. the recipient of the donor's other kidney was well and hiv antibody-n ...19873306430
oral mucosal manifestations of aids?oral lesions of opportunistic infections and neoplasms are associated with immunosuppression caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). these include oral candidiasis, viral lesions such as warts, herpes simplex, herpes zoster and hairy leukoplakia, as well as kaposi's sarcoma and an aggressive form of periodontal disease. many of these can occur as the first clinical signs of hiv infection. thus, careful oral examination is an important part of the clinical evaluation.19873315352
evidence for a euro-american origin of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv).recent reports of the nonspecificity of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) test in african populations, significant genomic differences between simian t-cell lymphotropic virus and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), and the early appearance of clinical acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in the us and europe are powerful arguments against the assumption that aids originated in africa. the authors postulate that hiv infection has been endemic in the euro-american population at ...19873316673
cancers-associated with hiv infection.the spectrum of neoplastic disease seen in patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is similar to that seen in several congenital and iatrogenic immunodeficiency states and provides a human model for studying neoplastic transformation in the immune compromised host. high grade lymphoid neoplasia, particularly of the central nervous system (cns), as well as a virulent form of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and several types of squamous cell carcinomas, are appearing at an alarming rate ...19873324937
initial lesions of hiv-related kaposi's sarcoma--a histological, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural study.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in human immunodeficiency virus infection (hiv) has become a rather frequent manifestation of the previously rare disease with fatal outcome. initial lesions of ks were studied by means of histopathology, immunohistology, and electron microscopy in order to define the earliest alterations. the histopathological changes of initial lesions were distinct, consisting of (1) discrete proliferation of capillary vessels, (2) dissection of collagen by proliferating spindle cells wh ...19873324975
malignancies in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.aside from opportunistic infections, several neoplasms have been identified as part of the spectrum of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) as defined by the centers for disease control. kaposi's sarcoma (ks) was the first such neoplasm to be recognized within the spectrum of aids. although the classic form of kaposi's sarcoma had been well recognized prior to the epidemic of aids, it was quite distinct from the illness that was seen in its "epidemic" form in young homosexual males. in this ...19873608570
[disseminated mucocutaneous kaposi sarcoma in aids. clinical and therapeutic experiences in 13 patients].since 1980 a new epidemic form of disseminated mucocutaneous kaposi's sarcoma (ks) with a progressive clinical course has been observed in populations at risk. since 1982, 13 cases of aids-associated ks have been seen in our department; all of them were in young homosexual males with circulating hiv antibodies and a reduction in the ratio of t-helper to t-suppressor lymphocytes (0.05-1.3). following systemic treatment with recombinant alpha a-interferon (rifn-alpha a) over a period of 6 months ( ...19873610636
origin and transmission of aids. multi-use hypodermics and the threat to the soviet union: discussion authorities in the soviet union have attempted to downplay the prevalence of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in the soviet population and to suppress the publication of scientific articles on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). nonetheless, there is some evidence that the ussr may have more aids cases than any other country in europe. particularly prevalent are cases of kaposi's sarcoma in persons under 40 years of age. it is hypothesized that the multi-use of ...19873612664
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in brazil. necropsy findings.according to the 15 autopsies performed at the department of pathological anatomy, escola paulista de medicina, são paulo, brazil, it was confirmed that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) occurs preferably in young homosexual males, who die in a short period of time of the disease, which leads to a consumptive state verified by cachexia of the cadavers. the most affected organs of this series were the lungs and encephalum, exactly the ones responsible for the immediate cause of death. in ...19873620018
kaposi's sarcoma: a trifactorial explain the epidemiology of kaposi's sarcoma, including its predominance in men, i present a theory based on three concurrent factors: immunodeficiency, exposure to a specific viral agent, and a recessive, highly prevalent x-linked regulatory gene. the x-linked locus is inferred from comparing the aberrant lymphaticovenous nature of immature lesions with absence of lymphaticovenous connections in xo karyotypes. the theory predicts that for heterosexual populations without sex differences in v ...19873647226
suramin therapy in aids and related disorders. report of the us suramin working group.suramin sodium is a reverse transcriptase inhibitor with in vitro activity against the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). ninety-eight patients with aids manifest as opportunistic infections (n = 38), aids with kaposi's sarcoma (n = 38), aids-related complex (n = 20), or aids-associated non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) (n = 2) were treated with suramin sodium at 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 g/wk for six weeks followed by maintenance therapy with ...19873650339
haemophilia, blood products and hiv infection.between 1979 and 1984, many haemophiliacs in the uk were exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) by transfusion of blood products, in particular clotting factor concentrates, especially those imported from the usa. in the uk 1025 haemophiliacs are hiv-antibody-positive, of whom 75 are in scotland. thirty-one uk haemophiliacs have developed the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), of whom 23 have died. the clinical progress of hiv infection appears similar in haemophiliacs and in ...19873672104
human immunodeficiency virus-associated meningitis. clinical course and correlations.fourteen patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) had a lymphocytic pleocytosis unexplained by secondary pathogens or neoplasms. three men had prior diagnoses of kaposi's sarcoma; none had acquired immune deficiency syndrome-defining opportunistic infections. two patterns of illness were observed. seven men had an acute, self-limited illness that was often accompanied by meningeal findings. the other seven had chronic headaches without signs of meningeal irritation and had less ...19873674088
gastrointestinal manifestations of the acquired immunodeficiency addition to abnormalities in systemic immune function, patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and the pre-aids syndromes have significant abnormalities in the distribution of t-cell subsets in the intestinal tract. such immune deficits predispose such patients to opportunistic infections and tumors, many of which involve the gastrointestinal tract. for example, candida albicans often causes stomatitis and esophagitis. intestinal infections with parasites (cryptosporidium, ...19873825111
the role of interferon in the therapy of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the major neoplastic complication of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). although most patients succumb to infectious complications of aids rather than as a direct consequence of the tumor, ks may, in some cases, pursue an aggressive clinical course resulting in considerable morbidity. a subset of ks patients, characterized by lack of systemic "b" symptoms (fever, weight loss, night sweats), absence of prior opportunistic infection, and relative preservation ...19872440110
characterization of serum neutralization response to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv).to determine the clinical significance of human neutralizing antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), we measured serum neutralization in patients with different clinical outcomes following hiv infection. serum neutralization titers ranged from less than 1:5 to 1:100. the neutralization response after hiv infection appeared slow, with neutralization titers remaining low, at or below 1:5, at 7 months following seroconversion. comparison of 78 hiv seropositive subjects with aids, aids ...19872441727
viral cause of kaposi's sarcoma? 19872880103
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome after travelling in africa: an epidemiological study in seventeen caucasian patients.seventeen caucasian patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) contracted after long stays in africa are reported. central africa was concerned in all cases. men are particularly exposed to aids whatever their occupation. this study suggests that the risk of contracting aids in africa is high; the transmission of the virus was related to sexual contact, particularly with prostitutes, in africa in most of the cases. it suggests also that caucasians who travel in africa spread the vir ...19872881142
detection of hiv antigen and specific antibodies to hiv core and envelope proteins in sera of patients with hiv infection.the sera of well-characterized populations were examined for three markers of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection; hiv antigen (hiv ag), and antibodies to hiv envelope (gp41) and core (p24) proteins. of 563 serum samples tested, 251 were from hiv-infected patients diagnosed as having aids manifested by opportunistic infections (aids-oi), aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks), or aids-related complex (arc). one hundred seventy-six specimens tested were from asymptomatic high-risk in ...19872886162
epithelioid angiomatosis: a distinct vascular disorder in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or aids-related complex.unusual cutaneous vascular neoplasms distinct from kaposi's sarcoma were observed in five patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) or human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-1 infection. the cutaneous lesions were solitary or multiple papules and nodules. in some patients the lesions also affected internal organs. histologically the neoplasms were composed of proliferating blood vessels and cells with epithelioid features. immunoperoxidase studies of one lesion showed that the cell ...19872887942
bk virus dna in kaposi's sarcoma. 19872821879
fulminant kaposi's sarcoma complicating long-term corticosteroid therapy.cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma occurs rarely in patients receiving long-term corticosteroid therapy. the case of a rapidly progressive form of kaposi's sarcoma occurring in a 29-year-old palestinian woman with steroid-dependent crohn's disease and familial mediterranean fever is reported. despite an extensive transfusion history, serologic and virologic studies failed to demonstrate exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus. serologic and virologic evidence of concomitant cytomegalovirus infectio ...19872823601
[human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)].this work, intended primarily for dentists, provides detailed information on the mechanism of action of the aids virus, its epidemiology and most common routes of infection, the clinical manifestations of hiv infection, and related oral lesions of relevance to the dentist. the work also recommends ways in which dentists can aid in diagnosis, avoid contaminating patients, and avoid being infected themselves by seropositive patients. the article begins by describing retroviruses and their mode o ...19873333954
[current status of interferon therapy].interferons (ifn) are potent antiviral, cytostatic-cytotoxic and immunomodulatory agents. although gene technology has made available an unlimited supply of all different kinds and types of ifn, their basic modes of action have not been clarified up to now. the therapeutic effects proven differ gradually between the individual disease entities. they comprise prophylaxis, prevention of recurrences and direct therapeutic effect, either of reducing the actual disease symptoms, or of inducing a comp ...19862425497
aids and kaposi's sarcoma: interferons in pathogenesis and treatment. 19862434434
the walter reed staging classification for htlv-iii/lav infection.patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) represent a minority of those who have been infected with human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii). the clinical presentation of patients with htlv-iii infections can range from asymptomatic through chronic generalized lymphadenopathy, to subclinical and clinical t-cell deficiency. the us army has recently adopted a staging classification for htlv-iii infection. the purpose of the walter reed (wr) staging classification is to provi ...19862934633
characterization of a distinct subgroup of high-risk persons with kaposi's sarcoma and good prognosis who present with normal t4 cell number and t4:t8 ratio and negative htlv-iii/lav serologic test results.three homosexual male patients with biopsy-proved kaposi's sarcoma were classified as having the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) by centers for disease control criteria when first seen in 1983 and 1984. these patients, however, differed from most patients with aids and kaposi's sarcoma in having normal cd4 cell numbers and normal cd4:cd8 ratio. furthermore, these immunologic parameters remained normal for eight to 24 months of follow-up, and the disease did not progress. results of re ...19862948385
early warning skin signs in aids and persistent generalized lymphadenopathy.distinctive patterns of skin disease other than kaposi's sarcoma have been in patients with aids, in others with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (pgl) and in a group at high risk of developing aids. we found a chronic acneiform folliculitis on the face, back, chest and buttocks, extensive cutaneous fungal infections and a striking neck and beard impetigo. these skin diseases were not present in asymptomatic male homosexual control subjects, 32% of whom were found to have antibodies to hum ...19863008802
quantitative estimation by a standardized enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i antibodies in adult t-cell leukemia and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.sera from patients with adult t-cell leukemia and asymptomatic carriers of human t-cell lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) from widely separated areas of the world reacted strongly in a standardized quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay procedure with htlv-i viral antigen prepared from a strain isolated in the united states. there was a sharp differentiation of the values seen in the patients as compared with a normal population. of the 35 acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients wi ...19863009530
retroviruses in kaposi's sarcoma in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids).the ultrastructure of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) of the oral mucosa in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) was examined electron microscopically. the tumour consisted of pleomorphic vascular endothelial structures and spindle cell formations. the ks cells contained characteristically numerous multivesicular bodies, a large number of tubuloreticular structures and abundant weibel-palade bodies in their cytoplasm. virus particles, 100-120 nm in diameter, were observed budding from ...19863010628
primary lymphoma of the liver in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we describe a 78-year-old man with a diffuse large-cell lymphoma that was limited to the liver and was associated with micronodular cirrhosis and kaposi's sarcoma that involved abdominal lymph nodes and gastric mucosa. the serum of the patient reacted positively to a test for human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii antibodies. we discuss the clinical and autopsy findings for this unusual patient, the criteria for the diagnosis of primary lymphoma of the liver, and its occurrence in patients wit ...19863010899
further experience with kaposi's sarcoma in uganda.four ugandan patients (1 women, 3 men) with generalized kaposi's sarcoma (ks) were seen in the uganda cancer institute between october 1983 and december 1984. they presented with generalized lymphadenopathy, plaques/nodules on the body, general swelling of the head, oral and visceral involvement and respiratory distress. initial responses to adriamycin as a single or a combination chemotherapy of actinomycin d, vincristine, adriamycin and imidazole carboxamide appeared to be favourable but no su ...19863011052
neopterin in aids, other immunodeficiencies, and bacterial and viral increase in total urinary neopterin was observed in 12 of 13 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), seven of 13 patients with lymphadenopathy, one of six healthy homosexual males, seven of ten adult patients with staphylococcal pneumonia, 11 of 12 children with viral infections, four of seven children with bacterial infections, and 12 of 13 children with various immune defects. extremely high values of total urinary neopterin and monapterin were observed in severely ill pati ...19863012191
relationship of exposure to human t lymphotropic virus and t helper cells in homosexual men.the detection of serum antibodies (ab) against htlv-iii in individuals with aids and related symptoms (arc) has unambiguously defined the association of the virus infection to aids. this study was done to determine the extent of exposure to htlv-iii in homosexual men by measuring (ab) and relating it to the stage of disease and t cell subsets. we found ab in 89.5% of the 492 men with the median titers by stage of disease being 1600 for symptom-free, 6400 for arc or kaposi's sarcoma, and 4800 for ...19863013220
herpes zoster: a possible early clinical sign for development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in high-risk individuals.zoster is uncommon before the age of 50 years in immunologically normal individuals, but it occurs with increased frequency in people who are immunosuppressed. a retrospective review of 300 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome associated with kaposi's sarcoma, revealed that 8% had prior zoster, a rate that is sevenfold greater than historic controls of the same age. we prospectively examined forty-eight patients, with no known immunodeficiency or signs of aids or aids related complex ...19863013955
relationship of mitogen reactivity to type d retrovirus infection in celebes black macaques (macaca nigra).the celebes black macaque (macaca nigra) colony at the oregon regional primate research center has a high incidence of an immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by recurrent diarrhea and the development of retroperitoneal fibromatosis (rf). we have examined the relationship of type d viral infection to the immunodeficiency syndrome by surveying the colony for viral infection and for mitogen reactivity. type d virus-positive monkeys (28% of the colony) have a higher prevalence of diarrhea, splen ...19863014209
kaposi's sarcoma and htlv-iii: a study in nigerian adult males.sera from 37 adult nigerian men with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), 30 contemporaneous controls bearing primary cell carcinoma of the liver (pcl), and 150 healthy non-tumour-bearing negative controls were tested for antibody to human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii/lymphadenopathy associated virus (htlv-iii/lav) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa). certain immunocellular functions were also measured: the chemotactic locomotion of peripheral blood monocytes towards casein, delayed-type cutan ...19863021963
aids in africa: an epidemiologic paradigm.cases of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) have been reported in countries throughout the world. initial surveillance studies in central africa suggest an annual incidence of aids of 550 to 1000 cases per million adults. the male to female ratio of cases is 1:1, with age- and sex-specific rates greater in females less than 30 years of age and greater in males over age 40. clinically, aids in africans is often characterized by a diarrhea-wasting syndrome, opportunistic infections, su ...19863022379
presence of chromosomal abnormalities and lack of aids retrovirus dna sequences in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.the frequent occurrence of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in association with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) could be due to the fact that the etiological agent of this tumor is the same retrovirus causing aids, to another oncogenic virus frequently found in aids patients, or to the unmasking of the tumorigenic potential of ks cells by immunosuppression. we have therefore investigated the presence of dna sequences homologous to the aids retrovirus, cytomegalovirus (cmv), and hepatitis b v ...19863022918
eosinophilic vasculitis leading to amaurosis fugax in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a 49-year-old bisexual man with generalized lymphadenopathy and antihuman t lymphocyte virus, type iii, (htlv-iii) antibodies presented with recurrent, unilateral amaurosis fugax. a temporal artery biopsy specimen showed eosinophilic vasculitis. the patient then developed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with kaposi's sarcoma. we describe this patient because of the unusual association of large vessel vasculitis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.19863767551
[clinical and biological consequences of human immunodeficiency virus (lav) infection in 15 congolese subjects].we report 15 cases of symptomatic hiv infection seen in paris between june 1983 and june 1985 in congolese patients. the first signs were diarrhea, weight loss, fever, pruritus. disseminated lymphadenopathy was frequent. twelve patients had aids, and the opportunistic infections were: isosporosis, oesophageal candidiasis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, kaposi's sarcoma, cns' cryptococcosis, cutaneo-mucosal.19863643075
[ultrastructural morphology of kaposi sarcoma of the head and neck in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)].the ultrastructural morphology of kaposi's sarcoma in the skin and mucous membranes of the head and neck regions of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) was examined electron microscopically. it was found that the tumour consisted of neoplastic spindle cell aggregates, vascular endothelial cell proliferations and an inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells. not only abnormal blood vessel endothelial proliferations, but also irregular lymphatic luminal formation ...19863643362
kaposi's sarcoma with a non-hodgkin's lymphoma. its association in a male homosexual with human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii infection.combined tumor syndromes, specifically reticuloendothelial malignancies and kaposi's sarcoma, have long been recognized. with the recognition of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), several patients with concurrent non-hodgkin's lymphoma and kaposi's sarcoma have been reported at high risk for developing aids. the present centers for disease control definition of aids excludes these patients on the assumption that one tumor is affecting the cellular immunity, allowing for the developme ...19863947198
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) was recognized as a distinct clinical entity in 1981 and was characterized by unexplained opportunistic infections and an aggressive form of kaposi's sarcoma. high risk groups for contracting aids include homosexual men, parenteral drug users, hemophiliacs, recipients of blood and blood products, and heterosexual contacts of such individuals. immunologic abnormalities associated with aids include lymphopenia, functional t-cell deficits, b-lymphocyte ...19863331210
update: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome--united states.between june 1, 1981, and january 13, 1986, the centers for disease control (cdc) were notified of 16,458 (16,227 adults and 321 children) cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in the us. of these, 8361 (51% of adults and 59% of the children) have died, including 71% of those diagnosed before july 1984. 90% of adults aids cases were 20-49 years old, and 93% were men. significant changes have occurred over time in the distribution of specific diseases reported. pneumocystis carin ...19863079867
therapy of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma.epidemic kaposi's sarcoma, a neoplasm associated with aids, is rapidly becoming common in the united states and europe. the pathogenesis of this form of kaposi's sarcoma has not yet been fully understood, but epidemiological clues point to the possibility that an infectious agent (in addition to the aids virus htlv-iii) or an environmental toxin may be involved. the natural history and clinical course of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma is variable. the life expectancy of an aids patient with kaposi's ...19863090689
clinical investigations of lymphadenopathy, including lymph node biopsies, in 24 homosexual men with antibodies to the human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii).the findings of 27 lymph node biopsies performed on 24 homosexual patients with lymphadenopathy are presented. six had acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) and 18 lymphadenopathy only, of whom one subsequently developed aids. all these patients had antibodies to the human t-cell lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii) suggesting that htlv-iii is currently the commonest cause of lymphadenopathy in homosexual men. the histopathological findings of six of seven nodes from aids patients showed ...19863004630
hla-associated susceptibility to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in italian patients with human-immunodeficiency-virus investigate the contribution of genetic susceptibility to infection with human immunodeficiency virus, 50 subjects with lymphadenopathy syndrome (las) and 7 subjects with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and kaposi's sarcoma were typed for hla a, b, c, and dr antigens. the frequency of b35 was significantly higher in las patients who progressed to aids than in those who did not or in healthy controls. the association between dr5 and aids/kaposi's sarcoma was also confirmed in these p ...19862877328
kaposi's sarcoma without human immunodeficiency virus antibody in a hemophiliac. 19863461740
htlv-iii infection in canada in 1985.more than 25 000 serum specimens have been tested for antibody to human t-lymphotropic virus type iii (htlv-iii) at the laboratory centre for disease control, ottawa, since august 1984. in 1985 the prevalence rates of antibody positivity among selected risk groups were as follows: patients with kaposi's sarcoma, 77%; patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) or aids-related complex (arc), 66%; patients with hemophilia, 65%; symptomatic homosexual men, 48%; cohabitants of patients ...19863461870
changing patterns of kaposi's sarcoma in n.e. zaire.a minor change in the pattern of kaposi's sarcoma has been noticed in north-east zaire. this is characterized by a small increase of the number of confirmed diagnoses, together with the appearance of the disease amongst women, who tend to be of a younger age group. these data suggests the appearance of a new aetiological factor in the area. from recent reports from other parts of africa we speculate that this might be the appearance of htlv-iii virus.19863603645
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