
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
absence of human herpesvirus 8 dna sequences in neoplastic kaposi's sarcoma cell lines.the recent detection of herpesvirus-like dna sequences in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) lesions has led to numerous speculations regarding the role of this new agent in ks pathogenesis. however, recent studies indicate a far wider distribution of such viral sequences, shadowing the potential etiologic role of this agent in ks. in this report we show that malignant ks cell lines do not harbor such viral sequences while b cells, cd14+ and cd34+ cells do, suggesting that if a ks malignancy originates from ...19968862285
the spectrum of african kaposi's sarcoma: is it consequential upon diverse immunological responses?kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a complex, multicellular growth, the pathogenesis of which remains unclear. endemic african kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is characterized by its epidemiological peculiarities, protean clinical manifestations and an unpredictable natural history. a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations occurs, although the reasons for the heterogeneity remain unclear. clinical observations in the presentation of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated epidemic african ks show a consider ...19968863350
detection of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like dna sequence in angiosarcoma.the partial dna sequence of a putative new herpesvirus has recently been isolated from almost all cases of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), from a small subset of aids-related lymphomas, and from a high proportion of multicentric castleman's disease. the presence of this ks-associated herpesvirus, which is also known as human herpes virus 8 (kshv/ hhv8), has not been reported in vascular tumors other than ks. we therefore examined a series of vascular neoplasms of both endothelial and pericyte derivation ...19968863683
dermatologic findings in hiv-1-infected patients: a prospective study with emphasis on cd4+ cell manifestations are common in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) but the prognostic significance of may of them is not clear.19968864366
detection of herpesvirus-like dna in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma.pulmonary involvement is a clinically important form of visceral kaposi's sarcoma in immunocompromised patients. recently, herpesvirus-like deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) sequences, defining a new herpesvirus termed "human herpesvirus 8" (hhv8) or "kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus" (kshv), were detected in kaposi's sarcoma of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) and non-aids patients. we describe the successful detection of hhv8 dna in the bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) fluid of patients ...19968866603
[the enigma of kaposi sarcoma].the epidemiology of aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks) points to a sexually transmittable disease. despite the fact that a recently discovered new herpesvirus has been detected in all forms of ks (aids, classic, african and immunosuppressed--ks) its role remains to be further established, since a simple infection cannot account for all epidemiologic findings in ks. various cytokines seem to play an important role also. the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on ks can explain the different ...19968868451
human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among north american women.women constitute the fastest growing segment of adults with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids), representing 18% of all cases in the united states in 1994. heterosexual transmission is now the dominant route by which women are infected. recent reports indicate that although certain manifestations may be different in women than in men, the rate of clinical progression is similar when they receive comparable medical treatment. antiretroviral therapy is equally as effective in women as in me ...19968873494
primary effusion lymphoma in women: report of two cases of kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus-associated effusion-based lymphoma in human immunodeficiency virus-negative women.recent molecular evidence suggests an association with a new herpes virus, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv/hhv-8), and primary effusion lymphomas (pel). pels have a characteristic morphology, phenotype, and clinical presentation with malignant effusions in the absence of a contiguous solid tumor mass. most cases of pel have occurred in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive male patients who are coinfected with epstein-barr virus (ebv). this report describes two cases of pel ...19968874212
anti-herpesvirus treatment and risk of kaposi's sarcoma in hiv infection. royal free/chelsea and westminster hospitals collaborative group.with the recent identification of a new herpesvirus in patients with kaposi's sarcoma (human herpesvirus-8 or kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus), there have been several reports on the use of anti-herpesvirus therapy (foscarnet, ganciclovir and aciclovir) and risk of developing kaposi's sarcoma. we therefore investigated the association between use of anti-herpesvirus drugs and kaposi's sarcoma in a large unselected group of patients with aids.19968874626
aids, emergency operations, and infection control.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) may turn out to be the largest lethal epidemic of infection ever. the estimated global number of hiv-infected adults in 1993 was 13 million, with projections of up to 40 million by the year 2000. human immunodeficiency virus infections and aids are relevant to surgeons with respect to the surgical management of aids patients in general, the treatment of the increasingly long list of surgical complications ...19968875299
polyadenylylated nuclear rna encoded by kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.a newly recognized gamma herpesvirus known as kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) or human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) is present in kaposi sarcomas and body-cavity-based lymphomas. here we identify a novel abundant 1.2-kb rna, polyadenylated nuclear rna (pan rna), encoded by the virus. the majority of cdnas produced from poly(a)-selected rna isolated from a human body cavity lymphoma cell line 48 hr after butyrate induction of kshv lytic replication represented pan rna. within pan rna were tw ...19968876232
oncological problems in aids--a review of the clinical features and management.since the beginning of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) epidemic in the early 1980s, several malignant conditions have been recognised to be associated with this syndrome which affect up to 40% of aids patients at some stage of their illness. they include kaposi's sarcoma, systemic non-hodgkin's lymphoma, primary central nervous system lymphoma and invasive cervical cancer. kaposi's sarcoma and primary central nervous system lymphoma were tumours rarely seen below the age of 50 prio ...19968876905
regression of aids-related kaposi's sarcoma during therapy with thalidomide.a 14-year-old girl with hiv infection and subcutaneous kaposi's sarcoma (ks) received thalidomide therapy for oral ulcers, resulting in regression of ks lesions, disappearance of ks-associated herpesvirus (kshv) dna from blood, and reduced viral load in tumor tissue. administration of grauntocyte colony-stimulating factor resulted in clinical exacerbation of ks and reappearance of kshv dna in blood.19968879772
pathogenesis of aids--related kaposi's sarcoma. evidence of a viral etiology.kaposi's sarcoma is the most common malignancy in patients with hiv infection. new studies point to the involvement of a new human kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus (kshv) as a transforming agent. after transformation, cytokine perturbations facilitate growth and in some cases clonal growth occurs. this results in a malignancy with devastating clinical consequences. a clear understanding of the mechanism of transformation by kshv will lead to better therapies.19968880193
aids-related kaposi's sarcoma. a template for the translation of molecular pathogenesis into targeted therapeutic approaches.aids-related kaposi's sarcoma (ks) represents a complex interaction of host and viral factors. there are a number of fundamental questions surrounding the interplay between the disparate factors that can contribute to the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of this disease. targets such as the enhancement of immune function, inhibition of angiogenic factors or immunostimulatory cytokines, inhibition of viral proteins such as tat, or hormonal manipulations are now or will in the future become the fo ...19968880195
etiology and pathogenesis of aids-related non--hodgkin's lymphoma.the incidence of nhl is greatly increased in hiv-infected individuals. the vast majority are clinically aggressive b cell-derived neoplasms exhibiting bl, ibl, or lcl histology. approximately 80% arise systemically (nodal and/or extranodal), and the remaining 20% arise as primary cns lymphomas. a small proportion are body cavity-based lymphomas associated with kshv infection. possible factors contributing to lymphoma development include hiv-induced immunosuppression, chronic antigenic stimulatio ...19968880198
prevalence of human herpesvirus 8 dna sequences in several patient populations.we have undertaken a large-scale study of various tissues from normal controls and patients with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) or other malignancies, both with and without human immunodeficiency virus infection, to determine the prevalence of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) dna. a total of 566 specimens were analyzed by pcr for the presence of hhv-8 dna. of the samples tested, 251 were obtained from patients with ks and 315 were obtained from patients without ks. hhv-8 dna was detected in 103 (41%) of the 2 ...19968880542
kshv sequences in biopsies and cultured spindle cells of epidemic, iatrogenic and mediterranean forms of kaposi's sarcoma.the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is still unclear, and several factors appear to be involved in the onset of the kaposi's lesion. epidemiological studies suggest that a common infective agent may contribute to ks. sequences which appear to represent a new gammaherpesvirus, currently termed kshv/hhv8, have recently been identified in ks. to further examine the relationship between this virus and ks, we obtained biopsy samples of ks lesions; these samples, the spindle cells cultured from ...19968880996
detection of herpesvirus-like dna by nested pcr on archival skin biopsy specimens of various forms of kaposi detect herpesvirus-like dna sequences, defining a new herpesvirus, human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8), in paraffin wax embedded skin biopsy specimens of the various forms of kaposi sarcoma.19968881911
use of the in vitro induced antibody production test (iviap) to elucidate inconclusive status of hiv-1 infection.studies have demonstrated the diagnostic usefulness of in vitro production of virus-specific antibodies by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pmbc) from hiv-infected subjects. we evaluated the iviap (in vitro induced antibody production) by lympocytes from peripheral blood of 30 adult patients. samples included 10 patients with inconclusive status of hiv-1 infection on previous serologic screening (2 blood donors, 8 with high risk behavior), 10 aids patients (cdc ii-iv), and 10 known seronegati ...19968882891
spindle cells isolated from kaposi's sarcoma-like lesions of bkv/tat-transgenic mice co-express markers of different cell characterize murine spindle cells isolated from kaposi's sarcoma-like skin lesions developed in bk virus (bkv)/tat-transgenic mice.19968883582
potential heterosexual kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus transmission in a couple with hiv-induced immunodepression and with kaposi's sarcoma and multicentric castleman's disease. 19968883593
the epidemiology of hiv-associated kaposi's sarcoma: the unraveling mystery.unraveling the mysteries associated with the etiology of ks is of tremendous public health significance. whereas the introduction of prophylaxis has led to a decreased incidence of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, the incidence of ks has remained relatively stable and treatment of the hiv-infected ks patient remains a challenge. the last year has brought forth significant breakthroughs in ks research. although kshv has only recently been described, rapid progress is being made in understanding th ...19968883610
kaposi's sarcoma: relationship to a novel herpesvirus and advances in therapy. 19968883626
kaposi's sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus and its role in ks.epidemiologic studies have long suggested that kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is caused by a sexually transmissible infectious agent. a new, and presumably human, herpesvirus, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv/hhv-8), has been detected in ks lesions from aids patients by sequence-based detection techniques. kshv is present in almost all ks lesions from all forms of ks. the virus is a rhadinovirus or gamma-2 herpesvirus most closely related to herpesvirus saimiri (hvs), and possesses several g ...19968884366
changing seroepidemiology of hhv-8. 19968888158
prevalence of kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus infection measured by antibodies to recombinant capsid protein and latent immunofluorescence antigen.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), also known as human herpesvirus 8, may be the infectious cause of ks. its prevalence in the general population, on the basis of detection of the virus genome, is controversial. to investigate the seroprevalence, we measured antibodies to a recombinant capsid-related (lytic cycle) kshv antigen and a latent antigen complex.19968888167
immunodeficiency and its relation to lymphoid and other malignancies.the reasons why immunodeficiency leads to malignant disorders are multifactorial. the overall incidence of malignancies in persons infected with the human deficiency virus (hiv) is estimated to be 40%. other infecting agents, especially herpesvirus species, play a pivotal role in hiv-associated non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) and kaposi's sarcoma (ks). mucosaassociated lymphatic tissue (malt) lymphoma in the stomach may be a result of a chronic gastritis caused by helicobacter pylori, a gram-negati ...19968890703
the size and conformation of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus 8) dna in infected cells and virions.the genome of a novel human herpesvirus has been detected in specimens of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and in several aids-related lymphoproliferative disorders. here we examine the size and genomic conformation of the dna of this virus (known as ks-associated herpesvirus or human herpesvirus 8) in latently and lytically infected cells and in virions. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of viral dna shows that the viral genome is similar in size to those of other gammaherpesviruses (160 to 170 kb). as wit ...19968892944
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus contains g protein-coupled receptor and cyclin d homologs which are expressed in kaposi's sarcoma and malignant lymphoma.a new human herpesvirus was recently identified in all forms of kaposi's sarcoma (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus [kshv] or human herpesvirus 8), as well as in primary effusion (body cavity-based) lymphomas (pels). a 12.3-kb-long kshv clone was obtained from a pel genomic library. sequencing of this clone revealed extensive homology and colinearity with the right end of the herpesvirus saimiri (hvs) genome and more limited homology to the left end of the epstein-barr virus genome. four o ...19968892957
overview of the management of aids-related kaposi's review the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and staging of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), as well as the current role of local and systemic therapies in the management of aids-related ks (aids-ks).19968893123
posttransplant t-cell lymphoproliferative disorders--an aggressive, late complication of solid-organ transplantation.t-cell non-hodgkin's lymphomas are an uncommon occurrence after solid-organ transplantation. we describe a morphologically and immunophenotypically distinct group of t-cell lymphoproliferative disorders that occurred late in the course of six patients with solid-organ transplants. the patients ranged in age from 31 to 56 years (median, 43). three were male; all were splenectomized. the interval from transplant to the diagnosis of lymphoma ranged from 4 to 26 years (median, 15). symptoms at prese ...19968896433
increases in cd3+cd4-cd8- t lymphocytes in aids patients with disseminated mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex infection.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1)-infected persons frequently have increased numbers of t cells bearing the gamma delta t cell receptor for antigen (gamma delta tcr). hiv-1-seropositive patients with < 100 cd4+ cells/mm3 were selected and divided into 9 aids-defining illness groups. the percentages of cd4+, cd8+, or double-negative cd4-cd8- (dn) t cells (most of the latter expressing the gamma delta tcr) for 8 symptomatic groups were compared with those for a reference group of asympto ...19968896497
human herpesvirus type 8 dna sequences in cell-free plasma and mononuclear cells of kaposi's sarcoma patients.human herpesvirus (hhv) type 8 has been detected in both classical and aids-related kaposi's sarcoma, body-cavity lymphomas, and other types of tumors. hhv-8 has also been detected in dna from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) of some kaposi's sarcoma patients and more readily in b cell fractions derived from panned cell subpopulations. two patients were followed using several methods; in situ hybridization, solution-based polymerase chain reaction (pcr), and in situ pcr. hhv-8 was inter ...19968896516
the natural history and molecular heterogeneity of hiv-associated primary malignant lymphomatous effusions.primary malignant lymphomatous effusions arising in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (hiv-1) represent a rare subset of hiv-associated lymphomas. previous studies have demonstrated that the malignant cells are monoclonal (as defined by rearrangement of the immunoglobulin gene), express cell surface cd38, and are infected with epstein-barr virus (ebv) and human herpes virus, type 8 (hhv-8). despite these detailed molecular and immunophenotypic studies, clinical i ...19968898666
hhv-8: a new herpesvirus associated with kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a multifocal neoplasm that develops in a high proportion of hiv-infected homosexual men. ks lesions contain novel herpes-like dna sequences (hhv-8), and recent studies characterizing hhv-8 and its association with ks, and with other diseases, suggest that hhv-8 may represent the etiological viral pathogen.19968899963
[human herpesviruses 6 and 7].by new methods for propagating cells of the immune system and for detecting infectious agents in disease tissue, 4 human herpesviruses have been discovered during the past decade: human herpesvirus 6 variants a and b (hhv-6a and hhv-6b), human herpesvirus 7 (hhv-7), and human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8). only hhv-8 has been linked to a disease that might be described as new, that is aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma. no disease has been clearly linked to hhv-6a infection, hhv-6b is the major etiologic ...19968911066
increased incidence of cancer among homosexual men, new york city and san francisco, 1978-1990.several studies have shown that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) is associated with an increase in the incidence of kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma among homosexual men. the role of hiv-1 in increasing the incidence of other malignancies is more controversial. the incidence of non-kaposi's sarcoma cancer was examined from 1978 to 1990 among 15,565 homosexual men who participated in studies of hepatitis b virus infection in the late 1970s in new york city, new york, and san ...19968916502
short report: herpes-like dna sequences in african-endemic and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated kaposi's sarcoma.recently, the unique nucleic acid closely related to the herpes-like sequences has been found in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks). we have confirmed the presence of herpes-like dna sequences in six cases of aids-associated ks and three of the nine cases of african-endemic ks in adults, but not in eight cases of ks in children from the same area. these sequences were seen in a histologically early stage of ks. our results suggest that herpes-like dna sequ ...19968916796
multicentric castleman's disease in hiv infection: a clinical and pathological study of 20 describe, in a retrospective study, the clinical and pathological spectrum of multicentric castleman's disease (mcd) in hiv infection.19968924253
[current aspects of kaposi sarcoma virus]. 19968927899
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in kaposi's sarcoma occurring in immunosuppressed renal transplant recipients.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) has been implicated in the genesis of kaposi's sarcoma and other tumors occurring in immunosuppressed individuals. using amplification by the polymerase chain reaction and nucleotide sequencing of extracted dna, we have detected the ks330(233) sequence of kshv dna in kaposi's sarcoma tissue from 4 immunosuppressed renal transplant recipients. the sequences shared a greater than 98% homology with those described in kshv dna from kaposi's sarcoma in p ...19968930456
the sex ratio of aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma does not provide evidence that sex hormones play a role in pathogenesis. 19968931798
detection of kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus dna in semen of homosexual men with kaposi's sarcoma. 19968931799
lack of evidence of hhv-8 in mature t-cell lymphoproliferative disorders. 19968937299
molecular mimicry of human cytokine and cytokine response pathway genes by kshv.four virus proteins similar to two human macrophage inflammatory protein (mip) chemokines, interleukin-6 (il-6), and interferon regulatory factor (irf) are encoded by the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) genome. vil-6 was functional in b9 proliferation assays and primarily expressed in kshv-infected hematopoietic cells rather than ks lesions. hiv-1 transmission studies showed that vmip-i is similar to human mip chemokines in its ability to inhibit replication of hiv-1 strains depen ...19968939871
kaposi's sarcoma and herpesvirus 8: a word of caution. 19968944361
laryngeal kaposi's sarcoma in patients with aids.over a period of 10 years 17 human immunodeficiency virus(hiv)-infected patients with laryngeal kaposi's sarcoma were seen and treated at university college london hospitals. all patients had advanced hiv disease. their presentation was with symptoms of upper airway obstruction in the majority of cases and the diagnosis was made by fibreoptic examination of the larynx. biopsy was associated with brisk haemorrhage in one patient, who required a temporary tracheostomy, and was not performed in the ...19968944878
the angiogenesis induced by hiv-1 tat protein is mediated by the flk-1/kdr receptor on vascular endothelial cells.the hiv-1 tat protein transactivates hiv, viral and some host cell genes. tat can be released by infected cells and acts extracellularly in the microenvironment, regulating functions of immunocompetent and mesenchymal cells. one of the most striking effects of tat is the induction of a functional program in vascular cells related to angiogenesis and inflammation (migration, proliferation and expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and e selectin). tat induces growth of kaposi's sarcoma ( ...19968946838
kaposi's sarcoma: evaluation of the role of human papillomaviruses. a study using the high sensitivity hot-start polymerase chain reaction detection method and a review of the literature. 19968950462
kaposi's sarcoma and hhv-8. 19968950809
hhv-8 serology and kaposi's sarcoma. 19968950901
aortic endothelium in hiv-1 infection: chronic injury, activation, and increased leukocyte adherence.clinical and serological studies provide evidence for a pathogenetically relevant vasculopathy in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids); however, the morphological status of the endothelium under conditions of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-1 infection is only sparsely documented. in this study we adapted an en face preparation technique of endothelium for use in immunohistochemistry and investigated the aortic endothelium of pre-aids and aids patients (n = 32) in comparison with an hiv ...19968952525
efficacy of antitat gene therapy in the presence of high multiplicity infection and inflammatory cytokines.because human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection is characterized by a large number of viral replication cycles and rapid cell turnover in vivo, successful gene therapy requires an approach effective under these conditions. the antitat gene has been proposed for gene therapy because it effectively blocks tat function and the replication of hiv-1. however, neither antitat nor any other antiviral gene has been shown to inhibit hiv in the presence of high viral load and inflammatory cy ...19968953311
nucleotide sequence of the kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (hhv8).the genome of the kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv or hhv8) was mapped with cosmid and phage genomic libraries from the bc-1 cell line. its nucleotide sequence was determined except for a 3-kb region at the right end of the genome that was refractory to cloning. the bc-1 kshv genome consists of a 140.5-kb-long unique coding region flanked by multiple g + c-rich 801-bp terminal repeat sequences. a genomic duplication that apparently arose in the parental tumor is present in this cell c ...19968962146
absence of herpesvirus in aids-associated smooth-muscle tumors. 19968965873
hiv-1 and kaposi's sarcoma. 19968972281
multicentric angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia in children: a clinicopathologic study of eight patients.multicentric angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia (mafh) is an idiopathic systemic disorder that has been reported only rarely in children. therefore, we reviewed the clinical and pathologic features of eight patients listed in the angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia registry at our institution. the ages of the patients ranged from two to 17 years (median, 10 yr), and the male-to-female ratio was 1:3. the patients presented with constitutional symptoms, multifocal lymphadenopathy, hepatomeg ...19968972472
absence of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like dna sequences in malignant vascular tumors of the serous membranes.reports connect kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) with various types of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and body-cavity-based lymphomas (primary effusion lymphomas). kshv dna sequences have also been detected in a few non-ks malignant vascular tumors. to determine whether kshv is associated with malignant vascular tumors involving the body cavities, 11 primary vascular tumors of the serous membranes (4 angiosarcomas, 7 hemangioendotheliomas) were tested for kshv sequences by polymerase chain ...19968972473
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) sequences in premalignant and malignant skin tumors.the novel herpesvirus-like dna sequences, which were identified in aids-related kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and designated ks associated herpesvirus (kshv) or human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), have been reported to be associated with various forms of ks. here, we searched for the presence of kshv sequences in various other skin lesions including premalignant or malignant skin tumors of a total of 69 clinical cases without immunodeficiency due to aids or following organ transplantation. strikingly high rate ...19968973535
body-cavity-based lymphoma in an hiv-seronegative patient without kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like dna sequences. 19968532016
frequent presence of a novel herpesvirus genome in lesions of human immunodeficiency virus-negative kaposi's sarcoma.while kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is extremely common in homosexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), it is also found in several clinical settings in which hiv infection is absent. recently, sequences from the genome of a novel member of the herpesvirus family have been identified within ks biopsies in the aids-associated form of the disease. the presence of these sequences was sought in 6 cases of hiv-negative ks, including 4 cases of endemic ks from africa, and was found in 5 of ...19968537669
primary characterization of a herpesvirus agent associated with kaposi's sarcomae.detection of novel dna sequences in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and aids-related body cavity-based, non-hodgkin's lymphomas suggests that these neoplasms are caused by a previously unidentified human herpesvirus. we have characterized this agent using a continuously infected b-lymphocyte cell line derived from an aids-related lymphoma and a genomic library made from a ks lesion. in this cell line, the agent has a large episomal genome with an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of 270-kb linear d ...19968523568
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and kaposi's sarcoma in africa. uganda kaposi's sarcoma study group.endemic kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a clinically and epidemiologically distinct human immunodeficiency virus negative form of ks occurring in africa. kaposi's sarcoma is now the most frequently reported cancer in some areas of africa.19968546554
kaposi's sarcoma on a lymphedematous arm after mastectomy.two patients with kaposi's sarcoma developing in an area of lymphedematous arm postmastectomy are reported. the kaposi's sarcoma occurred after latent periods of 26 and 7 years following radical and modified-radical mastectomy, respectively, in the edematous tissue of the ipsilateral arm. the cutaneous nodules were purple in color and ranged in size from a few millimeters to > 1 cm in diameter. the results of routine laboratory tests were all within normal limits. human immunodeficiency virus (h ...19968554044
marital status in relation to kaposi's sarcoma, non-hodgkin's lymphoma, and anal cancer in the pre-aids era.persons with human immunodeficiency virus/aids are at high risk of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), non-hodgkin lymphoma (nhl), and possibly anal cancers. to examine whether this risk preceded the aids epidemic, we used pre-aids era data from the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program (excluding connecticut) from 1973 to 1976, and the connecticut tumor registry from 1940 to 1976. we compared risk of being single (a surrogate to identify men who might be homosexual) to those ever married, usin ...19968556400
kaposi's sarcoma in childhood: an analysis of 100 cases from uganda and relationship to hiv infection.we report 100 cases of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in children under 15 years of age treated at the uganda cancer institute in the 6-year period 1989-1994. the incidence of childhood ks has risen more than 40-fold in the era of aids, and 78% of 63 cases tested were seropositive for hiv-1. there were 63 boys and 37 girls. the median age was 4 years and the median age of onset was 33 months. tumour distribution was lymphadenopathic and muco-cutaneous, with 2 major patterns: pattern i, oro-facial dominan ...19968567117
herpes virus-like sequences are specifically found in kaposi sarcoma detect the prevalence of herpes virus-like dna sequences in aids associated kaposi sarcoma (kshv) lesions and normal tissue.19968655706
seroconversion to antibodies against kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-related latent nuclear antigens before the development of kaposi's sarcoma.if kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the cause of kaposi's sarcoma, serologic evidence of infection should be present in patients before the disease develops.19968657239
aids-related conditions: study of a representative sample of 1203 patients deceased in 1992 in france.little representative information exists on the frequency of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-related diseases among the overall aids population. the objective of this research is to assess the nature, frequency and characteristics of these diseases among aids patients during their last year of life and to analyse these frequencies according to the mode of transmission and other socio-demographic and medical characteristics.19968666489
human herpesvirus 8 and interstitial pneumonitis in an hiv-negative patient. 19968668220
localization of human herpes-like virus type 8 in vascular endothelial cells and perivascular spindle-shaped cells of kaposi's sarcoma lesions by in situ hybridization.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a neoplasm that develops as multifocal lesions characterized by a histological picture that includes irregularly shaped vascular spaces surrounded by perivascular and interstitial spindle-shaped cells, extravasated erythrocytes, and an inflammatory mononuclear cell infiltrate. recently, the dna sequences of a novel human gamma-herpesvirus-like (hhv-8) agent have been detected by polymerase chain reaction in ks associated with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids-ks) ...19968669460
expression and cytokine regulation of glucocorticoid receptors in kaposi's sarcoma.development of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) after glucocorticoid therapy has been observed in a variety of clinical states including human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection and recent in vitro studies provided evidence for a direct stimulation effect of glucocorticoid hormones on ks cell proliferation. the importance of glucocorticoids in ks pathogenesis is further highlighted by the finding that glucocorticoids synergize with cytokines to promote acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)-associated ...19968669484
human herpesvirus 8 (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) dna in kaposi's sarcoma lesions, aids kaposi's sarcoma cell lines, endothelial kaposi's sarcoma simulators, and the skin of immunosuppressed patients.we used the polymerase chain reaction on 63 tissue specimens of histologically staged classic kaposi's sarcoma (ks) from 40 patients, 14 specimens from 14 acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)-ks cases (all from the same geographic area over a 10-year period), and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 1 of the non-aids ks patients to amplify a specific 210-bp genomic sequence of the newly discovered ks-associated herpesvirus (kshv). also tested were 86 benign and malignant endothelial les ...19968669485
transcription of human herpesvirus-like agent (hhv-8) in kaposi's sarcoma.recently, dna sequences of what appear to be a unique human herpesvirus-like agent (hhv-8) have been detected in different types of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) tumors (chang, y., e.c. cesarman, m.s. pessin, f. lee, j.c. culpepper, d.m. knowles, and p.s. moore. 1994. science (wash. dc). 266:1865-1869). to further elucidate the possibility that hhv-8 plays a role in the pathogenesis of ks, the expression of hhv-8 rna was examined in fresh ks tissue specimens which were found to harbor hhv-8 dna by polym ...19968675691
[a case of aids with bronchial tuberculosis].a case is 48 years-old japanese man who had a history of frequent sexual contact with prostitutes in thailand and the philippines. he presented with chief complaint of chest discomfort in april 1995. his chest x-ray film showed right mediastinal lymph node swelling in other hospital and the sputum smear was strongly positive for acid fast bacilli. in may 1995, he was admitted to our hospital and serological tests for hiv were positive both by eia and western blot methods. the cd4 lymphocyte coun ...19968676592
establishment of aids-related lymphoma cell lines from lymphomatous effusions.aids-related non-hodgkin lymphomas (aids-nhl) are most frequently derived from b cells and include small non-cleaved cell lymphoma (snccl) and diffuse large cell lymphoma (dlcl) and less frequently anaplastic large cell lymphoma (alcl) or body cavity-based lymphoma (bcbl). aids-nhl cell lines have proved useful to study aids-nhl pathogenesis. in this report, we describe the establishment and molecular characterization of two novel aids-nhl cell lines (hbl-4 and hbl-6) derived from lymphomatous e ...19968684008
cyclin encoded by ks herpesvirus. 19968684480
disseminated epidemic kaposi's sarcoma treated with radiation and chemotherapy.when a 40-year-old patient with end-stage acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) had bloating and abdominal pain, a large epidemic kaposi's sarcoma (eks) lesion was found obstructing the pylorus. treatment consisted of single-agent chemotherapy for the disseminated lesions and external beam irradiation to the obstructing lesion. within days of radiation therapy, symptoms began to resolve, and by completion of therapy, the patient was virtually asymptomatic. although eks is common in homosexua ...19968685761
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in non-aids related lymphomas occurring in body cavities.dna sequences belonging to the recently discovered kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), now provisionally designated human herpesvirus 8, have been previously identified in an uncommonly occurring subset of aids-related lymphomas, referred to as body-cavity-based lymphomas (bcbls), which present as lymphomatous effusions. pyothorax-associated lymphomas (pals) are non-hodgkin's lymphomas that arise in the pleural cavity after long-standing pleural inflammation resulting from therapeuti ...19968686762
the kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is present as an intact latent genome in ks tissue but replicates in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of ks patients.short dna sequences have been identified, originally in association with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) biopsies, that are highly homologous to oncogenic, lymphotropic herpesviruses. recently a virus, kaposi sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv) or human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8), bearing these sequences has been identified in a cell line derived from a body cavity-based lymphoma. in this report, we show that the same sequences are present in ks biopsies as dna molecules of a form and size characteristic of ...19968691144
restricted expression of kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus 8) genes in kaposi sarcoma.kaposi sarcoma (ks) is the leading neoplasm of hiv-infected patients and is also found in several hiv-negative populations. recently, dna sequences from a novel herpesvirus, termed ks-associated herpesvirus (kshv), or human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) have been identified within ks tissue from both hiv-positive and hiv-negative cases; infection with this agent has been proposed as a possible factor in the etiology or pathogenesis of the tumor. here we have examined the pattern of kshv/hhv-8 gene expre ...19968692871
primary effusion lymphoma: a distinct clinicopathologic entity associated with the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus.we recently discovered the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv/hhv-8) in an uncommon and unusual subset of aids-related lymphomas that grow mainly in the body cavities as lymphomatous effusions without an identifiable contiguous tumor mass. the consistent presence of kshv and certain other distinctive features of these body cavity-based lymphomas suggest that they represent a distinct entity. we tested this hypothesis by investigating 19 malignant lymphomatous effusions occurring in t ...19968695812
detection of human herpesvirus 8 dna sequences before the appearance of kaposi's sarcoma in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive subjects with a known date of hiv seroconversion.the presence of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) dna sequences was sought by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 4 groups: 6 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected persons with well-defined dates of seroconversion, during the period between the diagnosis of hiv infection and the appearance of kaposi's sarcoma (ks); 45 hiv-positive persons with no symptoms of hiv infection; 11 aids patients with ks; and 14 aids patients without ks. hhv-8 dna pcr was positive i ...19968699056
kaposi's sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus-like dna sequences in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: association with ks and persistence in patients receiving anti-herpesvirus drugs.herpesvirus-like dna sequences (kshv/hhv-8) have recently been described in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks) lesions. many questions remain regarding the role of this virus in ks and the therapeutic implications of this finding. in the current study, kshv/hhv-8 dna was detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) from human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients with ks (34/98) more often than in hiv-infected individuals without ks (12/64, p = .03). the detection of kshv/h ...19968704186
the seroepidemiology of human herpesvirus 8 (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus): distribution of infection in ks risk groups and evidence for sexual transmission.striking differences in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) risk for aids patients who acquire hiv via homosexual activity and those whose hiv infections derive from blood product exposure suggest the presence of a sexually transmitted agent other than hiv in the development of ks. using an immunofluorescence assay, we examined serum samples from 913 patients for the presence of antibody specific for infection by human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8), an agent whose genome is regularly found in ks tissue. the distributi ...19968705863
kshv antibodies among americans, italians and ugandans with and without kaposi's sarcoma.a major controversy regarding kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv or hhv8) is whether or not it is a ubiquitous infection of humans. immunoassays based on kshv- and epstein-barr virus (ebv)-coinfected cell lines show that most us aids-ks patients have specific antibodies to kshv-related antigens. we have developed a sensitive indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa) based on an ebv-negative, kshv-infected cell line, bcp-1. when we used this ifa assay, kshv-related antibodies were found ...19968705864
detection of hhv-8/kshv dna sequences in aids-associated extranodal lymphoid malignancies.herpesvirus-like dna sequences have been identified in a high proportion of both aids-associated and classical kaposi's sarcoma, and in a small percentage of aids-associated malignant lymphomas. to determine the extent of involvement of this new agent designated hhv-8 (human herpesvirus type 8) or kshv (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) in human malignant lymphomas, we analyzed 24 aids-associated lymphoid malignancies and 100 non-aids-associated lymphomas by pcr and southern blot analysis ...19968709643
human herpesvirus-8 in aids-related and unrelated lymphomas. 19968724048
hiv-associated lesions.oral lesions are common in hiv infection and may be the first sign of aids. this article reviews the oral fungal and viral infections commonly detected in hiv-infected patients, particularly candidiasis, deep fungal infections, herpes simplex virus infections, cytomegalovirus infections, and oral hairy leukoplakia. the neoplasms associated with aids such as oral kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma are related periodontal diseases. each disorder is discussed by clinical appearance, diagnosis, and manag ...19968725587
familial kaposi's sarcoma.familial cases of kaposi's sarcoma are exceedingly rare. we identified an 85-year-old man with kaposi's sarcoma. multiple lesions were present on the feet. previously, the man's 84-year-old sister presented with similar lesions on the lower extremity. both siblings were lifelong residents of the united states and were of english/german descent. neither had risk factors for infection with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). on histologic examination, lesions in both patients demonstrated vascular ...19968727769
review of external ocular disease associated with aids and hiv infection.external ocular disease associated with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection can often be overlooked by the eye care practitioner. different types of external ocular disease can be an indication of the patient's overall immune status as well as the stage of hiv infection. the external ocular sequelae of hiv infection can be of visual consequence for the patient. eye care practitioners need to become familiar with these conditions. the diagnosis and management of the following ocular cond ...19968728488
cavitary pulmonary lesions in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus.the differential diagnosis of cavitary pulmonary lesions in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is broad, especially in patients with advanced disease. in patients with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, cavitation is an uncommon manifestation of a common disease. it is unusual in patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, and histoplasmosis but occurs frequently in patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, cav ...19968729207
acute myelocytic leukaemia associated with kaposi's sarcoma in a patient without serum antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type 1.we report a 35-year-old man with acute myelocytic leukaemia and kaposi's sarcoma, whose serum was non-reactive for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus type-1 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, western blot and immunofluorescence. complete remission of both the acute leukaemia and the kaposi's sarcoma followed treatment with mitoxantrone and cytosine arabinoside. we speculate that the rapid regression of the lesions of kaposi's sarcoma might be related to mitoxantrone and to the return ...19968731687
restricted tissue distribution of extralesional kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like dna sequences in aids patients with kaposi's sarcoma.specific herpesvirus-like dna sequences have been found in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) lesions of aids patients, suggesting that a novel gamma herpesvirus, homologous to epstein-barr virus and herpesvirus saimiri, could be implicated in the pathogenesis of ks. to better understand the role of this putative etiological agent, named kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) or human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), we investigated by the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) the presence of viral dna sequences in ...19968744575
the lung in hiv infection: can pulmonary function testing help?simple lung function tests have been used to evaluate respiratory symptoms in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infected individuals. abnormalities of simple lung function tests, in particular decreases in the transfer factor of the lung for carbon monoxide (tl,co) have been described in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) who have respiratory disease. early studies showed marked reductions in tl,co in patients with pneumocystis pneumonia but other forms of pulmonary infect ...19968766197
the new lymphotropic herpesviruses (hhv-6, hhv-7, hhv-8) and hepatitis c virus (hcv) in human lymphoproliferative diseases: an overview.considerable evidence has been accumulating in favor of a possible involvement of viral agents in the pathogenesis of human lymphomas. the most recent proposal for a lymphoma classification, the revised european-american classification, emphasized for the first time the pathogenetic importance of two viruses, namely epstein-barr virus (ebv) and human t lymphotropic virus i (htlv-i) in the development of certain lymphoid neoplasias. however, in the last ten years new viral agents possibly related ...19968767534
changes in body composition of human immunodeficiency virus-infected males receiving insulin-like growth factor i and growth hormone.weight loss is a common, persistent characteristic of long term human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1) infection; its full etiology remains unknown. because treatment with gh has induced nitrogen retention in various catabolic conditions, we designed this study to determine whether a moderate dose of insulin-like growth factor i (igf-i) combined with a low gh dose could impede the catabolic response seen in hiv-1 infection. a double blind, placebo-controlled study design was used. subjects in the ...19968768870
hiv infection and infection predisposes to several neoplastic conditions, especially non-hodgkin lymphoma (nhl) and kaposi's sarcoma (ks), and also intraepithelial cervical neoplasia (cin) and anal neoplasia (ain) (but not cervical or anal invasive cancer) and possibly seminoma. for neoplasias associated with oncogenic human viruses (ie, some nhl, cin, ain, and probably ks) the role of hiv is most probably linked to its immunosuppressive effect and interference with immune-mediated tumour surveillance. hiv-1, ...19968774574
kaposi's sarcoma. an update.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) had been an uncommon entity prior to the outbreak of the aids epidemic but is now the most common neoplasm occurring in patient's with aids. ks occurs in four distinct subsets, each of which the dermatologist is well suited to diagnose and manage. significant advances have been made recently related to the etiology of ks and new options for treatment.19968599740
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