
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
kaposi's sarcoma and its management in aids patients. recommendations from a scandinavian study group.ks is the most frequent malignancy in homo/bisexual male aids patients, affecting more than 30% of these patients. ks may present itself as a few innocent cutaneous lesions or may show progression resulting in severe morbidity and mortality. approximately half of the patients may develop severe progressive disease. the prognosis of patients with progressive disease is poor, with a median survival of less than 6 months. there is no cure for aids-related ks, but several therapies are available for ...19979112290
human herpes virus-8 dna in bronchoalveolar lavage samples from patients with aids-associated pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the most frequent aids-associated neoplasm, and often disseminates to visceral organs, including the lungs. an ante-mortem diagnosis of pulmonary ks is difficult. recently, dna sequences resembling a new human herpes virus (hhv-8), have been identified in various forms of ks. we hypothesized that these sequences are present in samples obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) in patients with pulmonary ks. utilizing a nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr), 7/12 bal cell ...19979112291
perforation of the jejunum secondary to aids-related gastrointestinal kaposi's sarcoma.intestinal perforation in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients due solely to kaposi's sarcoma (ks) has rarely been described. a homosexual man with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related ks who presented with an acute abdomen is presented. he was found to have a jejunal perforation through a small ks lesion. there were no infectious organisms identified at the site of perforation.19979113797
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like dna sequences (kshv/hhv-8) in oral aids-kaposi's sarcoma: a pcr and clinicopathologic study.recently, a new human herpesvirus (kshv/hhv-8) has been identified in classic, transplant, endemic, and aids kaposi's sarcoma that may be involved in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma. the purpose of this study was to evaluate oral aids-kaposi's sarcoma for detection of kshv/hhv-8 dna. dna extracted from 54 oral aids-kaposi's sarcoma lesions (47 initial, 7 postvinblastine treated), 5 non-kaposi's sarcoma hiv-positive lesions, and 3 non-kaposi's sarcoma hiv-negative lesions was evaluated by po ...19979117759
absence of kaposi's sarcoma-associated human herpes virus 8 in transplantation-related tumors other than kaposi's sarcoma. 19979123547
characterization of a chemokine receptor-related gene in human herpesvirus 8 and its expression in kaposi's sarcoma.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is a recently discovered, virus that is highly associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and aids-associated body cavity lymphomas, although it is also found in some normal individuals. hhv-8 is related by nucleotide sequence homology to herpesvirus saimiri (hvs), which causes t cell lymphomas in some new world monkeys, and to epstein-barr virus (ebv), a human herpesvirus linked etiologically with burkitt's lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. we report that, like hvs b ...19979123844
risk of kaposi's sarcoma and oroanal sexual contact.after contradictory findings from a number of previous studies, behavioral risk factors for kaposi's sarcoma were examined in a case-control study of 202 people diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in 1991-1993 in sydney, australia. cases comprised 67 men who developed kaposi's sarcoma at or after a diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and controls were 135 people who did not have kaposi's sarcoma at the time of diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or d ...19979125993
lack of evidence of any association between human herpesvirus 8 and various skin tumors from both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients. 19979126020
rare presence of human herpesvirus 8 in skin tumors from patients with psoriasis treated with oral psoralen plus uv-a. 19979126021
detection of serum antibodies to a kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-specific peptide.kaposi's sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus type 8 (kshv/hhv-8) may play an etiologic role in the pathogenesis of ks. in an attempt to assess kshv/hhv-8 infection, an elisa was developed using an 18-amino acid peptide from a putative minor capsid protein of kshv/hhv-8 conjugated to bovine serum albumin. overall, sera from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1)-positive patients with ks had a higher reactivity in the assay than did sera from hiv-1-positive patients without ...19979129068
analysis of human herpesvirus type 8 infection in aids-related and aids-unrelated primary central nervous system lymphoma.human herpesvirus type 8 (hhv-8) has been proposed as a pathogenetic factor for immunosuppression-associated primary central nervous system lymphoma (pcnsl). to verify this hypothesis, hhv-8 infection was investigated in 31 persons with pcnsl (16 aids-related, 15 aids-unrelated) and in 30 persons with systemic b cell non-hodgkin's lymphomas (b-nhl; 15 aids-related, 15 aids-unrelated). all subjects with pcnsl scored negative by single-step polymerase chain reaction (pcr), suggesting a tumor virus ...19979129084
exacerbations of clinical symptoms in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected patients with multicentric castleman's disease are associated with a high increase in kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus dna load in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.the epidemiologic link between multicentric castleman's disease (mcd) and kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and the high frequency of ks herpesvirus (kshv) detection in both diseases raise the question of a role of this new virus in the pathogenesis of mcd. to explore this hypothesis, the kshv dna load was investigated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 3 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients with mcd at different points during the clinical course. clinical parameters, such as fever and ...19979129085
infection with aids-related herpesviruses in human immunodeficiency virus-negative infants and endemic childhood kaposi's sarcoma in africa.novel herpesviruses have been described recently. these include human herpesviruses 6, 7 and 8 (hhv-6, -7, -8). hhv-6 has at least two strain groups, variants a and b. the b strains are predominant in the west and can account for over 97% of infections in infants. in contrast, the a strains are rare and the few well-characterized isolates have been from adult african aids patients. it is not clear whether the hhv-6 variant a strains are aids-related and/or whether they can also be acquired as ch ...19979129658
blood donations and viruses. 19979142091
high prevalence of cutaneous viral infections in aids patients with kaposi's sarcoma: insight into the role of human herpesvirus 8? 19979143620
cancer incidence in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus seroconverters. hiv italian seroconversion study addition to kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphomas, it has been postulated that human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection may increase the risk of other cancers. the aim of the current study was to compare incidence rates of cancer among individuals who seroconverted for hiv infection with the rates in the general population of italy.19979041163
presence of human herpesvirus 8 variants in the oral tissues of human immunodeficiency virus-infected persons.a 210-bp dna segment specific to the human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) genome was amplified by nested polymerase chain reaction from 10 of 14 archived oral biopsy samples of hiv-positive patients in london who had no evidence of oral kaposi's sarcoma (ks). various oral sites were represented. oral tissues from 20 general dental patients not known to be hiv-infected were negative. when dna sequences of these products were compared with sequences derived from 5 oral ks tissues of aids patients in london ...19979041349
human immunodeficiency virus-related lymphoid proliferations.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection is associated with a range of lymphoid alterations from generalized lymphadenopathy to abnormal lymphoid proliferations and malignant lymphomas. special characteristics of lymphoid proliferation are seen in the lungs and thymus of children infected with hiv. hiv-related lymphoid proliferations may be associated with other infectious agents including pneumocystis carinii, mycobacteria, rickettsial-like organisms, epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kaposi's s ...19979044509
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus: a lymphotropic human herpesvirus associated with kaposi's sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric castleman's disease.despite extensive epidemiological evidence suggesting that kaposi's sarcoma (ks) has an infectious origin, a specific viral association with ks had not been documented until recently, when two novel dna fragments were identified in ks lesional tissue from a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). these fragments belong to a previously unidentified human herpesvirus, called ks-associated herpesvirus (kshv), or human herpesvirus 8. although this virus is generally absent from n ...19979044510
molecular pathology of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related non-hodgkin's lymphoma.the incidence of non-hodgkin's lymphoma is greatly increased in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected individuals. most are clinically aggressive b-cell lymphomas exhibiting burkitt-type, immunoblastic or large-cell morphology. approximately 80% arise systemically (nodal or extranodal), and the remaining 20% arise in the central nervous system. a small proportion are body cavity-based (primary effusion) lymphomas associated with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection. pos ...19979044511
[opportunistic lymphoma].malignant lymphoma is one of the most common complications in patients under immunodeficiency. such lymphomas, termed as opportunistic lymphoma, are growing in these days because of the high prevalence of aids and the wide introduction of organ/bone marrow transplantation. the epstein-barr virus has been regarded as the sole causative agent of this condition. recent studies, however, added another new virus, the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) as the second pathogen of this condit ...19979046838
three new human herpesviruses (hhv6, 7, and 8).three new human herpesviruses have been recognised in the past decade, and add further to our knowledge of human diseases with potential viral aetiologies. these viruses can be included with the other known human herpesviruses found in normal body secretions, particularly saliva. hhv6 and hhv7 have been associated with febrile illnesses and the childhood disease, exanthem subitum. hhv8 seems to resemble epstein-barr virus in its possible transforming properties and poses challenging questions fo ...19979048803
kaposi's sarcoma-associated human herpesvirus-8 encodes homologues of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 and interleukin-6.human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) has been detected in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) lesions of all types (aids-related, classical and endemic), in body-cavity-based b-cell lymphomas (bcbls) and in lesions of multicentric castleman's disease (mcd). we have identified a major gamma-herpesvirus-divergent locus (dl-b) in hhv-8 dna encoding several hhv-8 unique open reading frames (orfs), including a homologue of interleukin-6 (il-6) and two homologues of macrophage inflammatory protein mip-1. we show that the hh ...19979055855
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus encodes a functional bcl-2 homologue.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is a newly discovered herpesvirus etiologically associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and two lymphoproliferative disorders. we describe a kshv vbcl-2 gene with homology to the proto-oncogene bcl-2. it is expressed in ks lesions and in cell lines derived from primary effusion lymphomas. using yeast and human cells we demonstrate the ability of kshv vbcl-2 protein to suppress bax toxicity. we show that kshv vbcl-2 heterodimerizes with human bcl-2 in ...19979055856
glucocorticoids induce kaposi's sarcoma cell proliferation through the regulation of transforming growth factor-beta.glucocorticoid (gc) use is known to induce or enhance the growth of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in many clinical settings including human immunodeficiency virus infection, collagen vascular disease, lymphoproliferative disorders, and renal transplantation. because gcs may induce immune suppression and thus tumor growth, we determined whether gcs had a direct effect on ks growth. we found that gcs directly induce the growth of ks cell lines. in examining the mechanism of action of gcs, we did not obser ...19979057628
is kaposi's sarcoma--associated herpesvirus ubiquitous in urogenital and prostate tissues?controversy exists as to whether kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is more widespread than originally reported. recently, monini et al reported that kshv is ubiquitous in urogenital and prostate tissues and sperm of healthy italian adults using nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr). we have examined for the presence of kshv in 10 normal prostates from italian men and 10 from men from the united states, as well as 32 prostatic, 30 vulvar, 24 ovarian, 20 cervical, and 30 testicular c ...19979057651
lack of evidence of hhv-8 dna in blood cells from heart transplant recipients. 19979057673
infectious human herpesvirus 8 in a healthy north american blood donor.molecular studies have provided strong evidence for the association of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) with kaposi's sarcoma. these data have been supported by serological studies, which have also suggested that hhv-8 can be found in the healthy population. we report the presence of infectious hhv-8 in a healthy donor to a north american blood bank.19979057733
identification, expression, and immunogenicity of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded small viral capsid antigen.we describe a recombinant antigen for use in serologic tests for antibodies to kaposi's sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus (kshv). the cdna for a small viral capsid antigen (svca) was identified by immunoscreening of a library prepared from the bc-1 body cavity lymphoma cell line induced into kshv lytic gene expression by sodium butyrate. the cdna specified a 170-amino-acid peptide with homology to small viral capsid proteins encoded by the bfrf3 gene of epstein-barr virus and the orf65 gene of ...19979060668
human herpesvirus 8 in kaposi's sarcoma of an hiv-negative japanese woman with adult t-cell leukemia. 19979163629
clinical and pharmacokinetic study of oral etoposide in patients with aids-related kaposi's sarcoma with no prior exposure to cytotoxic this phase ii and pharmacokinetic study, chronic, low-dose, oral etoposide was evaluated for its efficacy in patients with aids-related kaposi's sarcoma who were not previously exposed to cytotoxic therapy.19979164226
absence of human herpesvirus 8 genomes in coronary atherosclerosis in immunocompetent patients.human herpevirus 8 (hhv8) has been localized to the endothelial and spindle cells of ks, suggesting a role for hhv8 in atherosclerosis. none of the 38 coronary atherectomy specimens contained hhv8 with both sensitive nested pcr assays, making it unlikely that persistent viral infection with hhv8 plays a role in coronary atherogenesis in the general population of the united states.19979164895
malignancies in uk children with hiv infection acquired from mother to child april 1995, 302 cases of vertically acquired hiv infection had been reported through the british paediatric association surveillance unit. over 50% of these children had developed an aids indicator disease, including nine malignancies (seven cases of non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) and two of kaposi's sarcoma). there were two other malignancies that were not aids indicator diseases. in children less than 5 years of age the incidence of nhl was approximately 2500 times greater than expected in th ...19979166025
utility of fine needle aspiration in hiv-positive patients with corresponding cd4 counts. four years' experience in a large inner city assess the utility of fine needle aspiration (fna) in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive patients with corresponding cd4 count analysis.19979167706
hiv-1 tat induces the expression of the interleukin-6 (il6) gene by binding to the il6 leader rna and by interacting with caat enhancer-binding protein beta (nf-il6) transcription factors.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection is associated with severe psoriasis, b cell lymphoma, and kaposi's sarcoma. a deregulated production of interleukin-6 (il6) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of these diseases. the molecular mechanisms underlying the abnormal il6 secretion of hiv-1-infected cells may include transactivation of the il6 gene by hiv-1. here we report the molecular mechanisms of tat activity on the expression of the il6 gene. by using 5' deletion mutants of ...19979169458
post-transplantation kaposi's sarcoma appearing simultaneously in same cadaver donor renal transplant recipients. 19979175072
kaposi's sarcoma in liver transplant recipients on fk506: two case reports.we report two cases of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) after orthotopic liver transplantation for cirrhosis of the liver related to hepatitis c virus. both cases were saudi-born arabs who were negative for human immunodeficiency virus; one patient was receiving fk506 plus prednisolone, and the other patient was receiving fk506. one patient died of fulminant multicentric ks. the other patient, with lesions confined to the lower limbs, is still alive. these are the first case reports of ks in liver transpla ...19979175820
study of hhv-8 in primary sjögren's syndrome. 19979177933
detection of human herpes virus 8 dna and sequence polymorphism in classical, epidemic, and iatrogenic kaposi's sarcoma in south africa.the aetiology and detection of human herpes virus type 8 (hhv-8) dna sequences in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a matter of intense investigation. we report on the detection of hhv-8 dna and sequence polymorphism in different clinicopathological subtypes of cutaneous ks samples from south africa. the diagnosis was confirmed by histological examination in all cases. six patients had classic ks (cks), 3 epidemic ks (eks), and 3 iatrogenic ks (iks). a nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was use ...19979179764
epstein-barr virus and human herpesvirus 8 prevalence in human immunodeficiency virus-associated oral mucosal lesions.the prevalence of epstein-barr virus (ebv) and the recently identified kaposi's sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus (also designated human herpesvirus 8 [hhv-8]) was determined in oral lesions and oral neoplasms common to persons with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. oral lesions were examined by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for ebv and hhv-8 dna and by southern blot analysis for ebv clonality. ebv was detected by southern blot in hairy leukoplakia lesions, in a subset of aids-re ...19979180170
[molecular biology at the service of the daily medical virology. 2. applications to virological diagnosis].molecular biology techniques are applied for the diagnosis of meningoencephalitis due to herpesviruses, enteroviruses or polyomaviruses, for the diagnosis of human cytomegalovirus, human parvovirus b19, varicella-zoster virus and rubella virus infections occurring during pregnancy, for the diagnosis and the management of retrovirus infections (hiv and htlv) and of hepatitis (hbv and hcv), for papillomavirus typing and to detect a link between virus and clinical manifestations (cardiomyopathy or ...19979180961
no evidence of kshv/hhv-8 in mycosis fungoides or associated disorders.the recently discovered human virus known as kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) or human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) has been associated with body-cavity-based lymphomas in aids patients. it is most closely related to two other herpesviruses, the epstein-barr virus and herpesvirus saimiri, which are known to be associated with lymphomas in humans and nonhuman primates, respectively. to determine whether kshv/hhv-8 is involved in the pathogenesis of mycosis fungoides (mf) and related disord ...19979182822
association between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection and cancer in the black population of johannesburg and soweto, south africa.a case-control study of 913 black cancer patients (aged 15-50 years) was undertaken to measure the association between human immunodeficiency (hiv) infection and cancers believed to have an infective aetiology. controls were patients with cancers believed not to be infective in origin. the prevalence of hiv in the controls of 7.3% (24 of 325) was similar to the background hiv seropositivity in this population. odds ratios (ors) and 95% confidence intervals (ci) adjusted for age, year of diagnosi ...19979184191
induction of interleukin-1 and glucocorticoid hormones by hiv promotes viral replication and links human chromosome 2 to aids pathogenesis: genetic mechanisms and therapeutic implications.human immunodeficiency virus may regulate its replication by stimulating the synthesis of interleukin-1. interleukin-1, in turn, has the ability to stimulate the human immunodeficiency virus enhancer region. the human genes responsible for interleukin-1 and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist synthesis are located on the long arm of chromosome 2. coincidentally, the trans-activation responsive ribonucleic acid element in the r region of the long terminal repeat of human immunodeficiency virus-1 ha ...19979185130
in situ polymerase chain reaction-based localization studies support role of human herpesvirus-8 as the cause of two aids-related neoplasms: kaposi's sarcoma and body cavity lymphoma.several lines of investigation point to a new herpesvirus, human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8), as the cause of two different neoplasms seen in aids patients-kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and body cavity b cell lymphoma. if this virus is the etiological agent, rather than another opportunistic infectious agent, it should be present in the earliest detectable clinical lesions on a temporal basis, and localize to specific target cells in a spatial pattern consistent with tumorigenic pathways. in this study, we ta ...19979185521
infectious diseases. 19979185805
kaposi's sarcoma in renal-transplant recipients: experience at the catholic university in rome, 1988-1996.the incidence of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in patients transplanted at the organ transplant center of catholic university in rome appears to have increased in recent years.19979187838
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection of bone marrow dendritic cells from multiple myeloma patients.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) was found in the bone marrow dendritic cells of multiple myeloma patients but not in malignant plasma cells or bone marrow dendritic cells from normal individuals or patients with other malignancies. in addition the virus was detected in the bone marrow dendritic cells from two out of eight patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (mgus), a precursor to myeloma. viral interleukin-6, the human homolog of which is a growth fact ...19979188529
propagation of a human herpesvirus from aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma. 19979190501
[kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus; human herpesvirus 8].the discovery of a new human herpesvirus in kaposi's sarcoma tissues of aids patients has opened up new facts in virology and oncology. this herpesvirus was first descriptively named kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, but was recently renamed human herpesvirus 8. human herpesvirus 8 dna has been consequently found in all forms of kaposi's sarcoma, suggesting that it might be involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. additionally, human herpesvirus 8 can be detected in both malignant and ...19979190549
microsatellite instability in kshv/hhv-8 positive body-cavity-based lymphoma.body-cavity-based lymphoma (bcbl) is a rare non-hodgkin-'s lymphoma (nhl) type growing in liquid phase in the body cavities. virtually all bcbl associate with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus type-8 infection in the absence of molecular alterations typical of other nhl categories. microsatellite instability (msi), a specific variant of genomic instability frequently associated with human cancers, has not been tested in bcbl thus far. in this report, we have analyzed the ...19979191012
search for kaposi's sarcoma-associated virus dna in hemangioproliferative disorders and cutaneous malignant lymphoma.recently, a kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) was discovered. we evaluated by pcr 14 paraffin-embedded specimens with the histological diagnosis of endemic, classic and hiv-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks) for the presence of the kshv dna sequence. in addition, biopsies of adjacent, histologically unaffected skin, peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) of hiv-infected ks patients, pbmcs of one classic ks patient, and specimens of patients with hemangioproliferative disorders oth ...19979194583
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and human herpesvirus 8 (kshv/hhv8)-associated lymphoma of the bowel. report of two cases in hiv-positive men with secondary effusion lymphomas.this report describes two cases of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus-8 (kshv/hhv8)-associated lymphomas that primarily involved the large bowel and that secondarily caused malignant effusions. involvement of the gastrointestinal tract is of interest because epidemiologic evidence suggests that kshv/hhv-8 may be transmitted via the fecal-oral route, and kshv/hhv8 dna has been detected in rectal samples from hiv-positive patients. this report describes two hiv-positive men ...19979199651
molecular diagnosis of deep nodular bacillary angiomatosis and monitoring of therapeutic success.a 51-year-old human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive male patient (cdc stage 3c) had had a painful nodule on his external ankle joint for 10 months. a biopsy suggested bacillary angiomatosis, but kaposi's sarcoma could not be excluded. rods were detectable in lesional skin by a warthin-starry stain. a 298 base pair (bp) gene fragment specific for bartonella species was amplified from lesional skin and direct nucleotide sequence analysis of the amplification product clearly identified barton ...19979205511
human herpesvirus 8 dna is rarely found in bowen's disease of non-immunosuppressed patients. 19979205533
interleukin-4 receptor expression on aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma cells and their targeting by a chimeric protein comprised of circularly permuted interleukin-4 and pseudomonas exotoxin.aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks) represents one of the most common malignancies associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection. to target effective therapeutic agents to aids-ks, we have identified a new target in the form of interleukin-4 receptors (il-4r).19979205948
human herpesvirus 8 dna in visceral kaposi's sarcoma of aids and other immunocompromised patients in hungary. 199710763005
autopsy findings on patients with aids in national taiwan university hospital, from 1986 to 1996, autopsies were performed on 16 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. there were 15 men and 1 woman. fourteen of these male patients had contracted the disease as a result of sexual practice, among which 9 were homosexual, 1 was bisexual and 4 were heterosexual. one of the patients had become infected by sharing a syringe during intravenous drug use. the female was a sex worker. among these patients, only 2 had been tested for ...199710592820
presence of human herpesvirus 8 is specific to kaposi's sarcoma lesion.background: human herpesvirus 8(hhv8) has previously been shown to be associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) skin lesions in hiv-positive and negative patients. this study was designed to test, on a microscopic level, using the microdissection technique in frozen and formalin-fixed tissue, whether hhv8 dna is specific to the ks lesion. methods and results: thirty-seven evaluable ks lesions were microdissected and dna extracted, and hhv8-specific polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was performed. all ...199710462586
[cutaneous kaposi disease disclosing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in a child].kaposi's sarcoma associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is uncommon in children and cutaneous localizations are rare. we report a case of pediatric cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma that revealed a human immunodeficiency virus infection.19979739937
kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8. 19979612713
receptor for interleukin 13 on aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma cells serves as a new target for a potent pseudomonas exotoxin-based chimeric toxin protein.aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks), the most common malignant complication of human immunodeficiency virus infection, is characterized by neoplastic proliferation of mesenchymal cells. aids-ks cells release and respond to an array of cytokines through specific plasma membrane receptors. specific targeting of potent cytotoxic agents to cell surface receptors/antigens on kaposi's sarcoma cells may provide effective therapy for this malignancy. we have identified a new target in the form of ...19979815666
pathology of human immunodeficiency virus infection: noninfectious conditions.diagnostic anatomic pathologists play a crucial role in the battle against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). not only are they intimately involved in the treatment of individual patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection, but also they make important observations that result in the expansion of the scientific understanding of its pathogenesis. pathologists studying tissue from patients with hiv infection should be familiar with the conditions to which these patients are ...19979869826
etiology and pathogenesis of posttransplant tumors: new insights into viral oncogenesis. 19979869881
[skin diseases disclosing human immunodeficiency virus infection in mali].several skin diseases are associated with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. in africa, due to the difficult access to medical care and complementary examinations, certain diseases are of particular importance. in the present work, we report the skin manifestations observed in a dermatology unit of a large city in africa over a 3 year period and which were the revealing signs of hiv infection.19979740824
[kaposi disease]. 19979615706
identification of a major latent nuclear antigen, lna-1, in the human herpesvirus 8 genome.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is strongly associated with all forms of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and with primary effusion lymphomas (pel). ks patients' sera are immunoreactive against discrete nuclear localizing antigens in pel cell lines. this study sought to identify and characterize these nuclear localizing proteins.199710195227
opportunistic infections: stemming the tide.reports from the 1997 fourth conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections reveal encouraging responses to the latest antiretroviral regimens, including using protease inhibitors for treating opportunistic infections. unfortunately, there appears to be less interest in the development and validation of newer agents and regimens for opportunistic infection treatment and prevention. reports are presented addressing the following areas: the impact of opportunistic infections on survival i ...199711364202
new discoveries in the treatment of aids-related cancers.aids-related cancer research may also lead to advances in cancer treatment in hiv-negative people. significant findings in the treatment of aids-related cancers were presented at the american society of clinical oncology meeting. researchers at the center for aids research at the university of california, san diego, found that granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (g-csf/neupogen) was well-tolerated when administered to patients with aids. g-csf could be administered to enhance the immune system ...199711364484
new approaches to hiv treatment: interview with robert gallo. m.d. interview by john s. james.dr. robert c. gallo, director of the institute of human virology, discusses the institute's mission, funding, hiv treatment research investigations, and his own personal projects. dr. gallo explains the working mechanics of the macrophage-derived chemokine, a chemokine known to effectively block hiv; reasons why the national institute of health (nih) grants need to be hypothesis-driven; what has been learned about human chorionic gonadotropin's potential as a treatment for kaposi's sarcoma; and ...199711364917
what's new in kaposi's sarcoma research.researchers have recently found sequences of viral dna in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) lesions. this viral dna was found to belong to a new virus in the herpesvirus family. other investigators found human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) in almost all ks lesions, and there are two reports of researchers who have successfully grown hhv-8 virus in the laboratory. ks is likely to be transmitted by sexual contact, and is found most commonly in gay men with hiv and in organ transplant patients, whose immune systems ar ...199711364938
improved ganciclovir regimens.current trials that are underway are providing new information about cmv progression. chiron vision's vitrasert eye implant delivers higher concentrations of ganciclovir to the infected retina; however, questions of prophylactic care remain. protocol 2304 is studying the implant plus daily oral ganciclovir versus implant/placebo and iv ganciclovir treatments. oral ganciclovir is associated with fewer and shorter hospitalizations and lower incidences of aids-defining conditions, and it appears to ...199711364986
detection of herpes virus (kshv) dna sequences in brazilian patients with aids-associated kaposi's explore the possible involvement of herpes virus (kshv) in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in 7 patients in brazil, we analyzed 7 aids-ks lesions. using pcr, we found kshv specific sequences in 3 cases and by using nested pcr, we identified sequences in each of the 7 cases. direct sequencing on nested-pcr products showed a certain degree of variability in relation to classic kshv sequences, and identified alterations similar to those described in some endemic cases from africa and in ai ...199711105146
a critical report from the office of aids research advisory council. 199611361708
knowing facts about ks is good preventive medicine.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is still one of the more mysterious aids-related opportunistic infections. an estimated 75,000 hiv-positive people in the u.s. will be diagnosed with ks in 1996, although the incidence of ks is declining. the decrease is speculated to be due to increased condom use (ks dna has been found in semen), particularly among gay and bisexual men. some believe ks may also be caused by a herpes virus. if so, prevention and treatment of ks could resemble that used for genital herpes, ...199611363238
kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the most common tumor in people with aids but it is not a common cause of death. there are several types of ks: classical ks, african ks, transplant ks, aids-ks, and non-aids ks. ks strikes males predominantly; only in children less than thirteen years old is the disease evenly distributed across gender. the cause of ks may be a newly discovered herpesvirus, kshv (also called hhv-8), but there is no consensus on this yet. researchers have determined that the presence of ...199611363312
scanning the headlines with jay a. levy, md. interview by mark mascolini.dr. jay levy, the first scientist to isolate hiv in an american, responds to questions about the virus. topics he discusses include targeting free virus or infected cells, the role for antiretroviral therapies, chemokines and the levy factor, the pros and cons of the hiv nef gene, whether the kaposi's sarcoma (ks) virus is infectious, and the use of baboons as living vaccine models. dr. levy does not think that the way to control hiv infection is to just attack the virus. the doctor thinks that ...199611363530
anal neoplasia in persons with hiv infection.aside from the neoplasms that are clearly related to immunodeficiency, such as non-hodgkin's lymphoma and kaposi's sarcoma, numerous observations have also shown an association between hiv infection and the incidence of cervical and anal neoplasms. human papillomavirus (hpv) is the etiologic factor in anogenital neoplasms, although the mechanisms of the association are not clearly understood. it is believed that several hpv genes are critical in the malignant cell transformation process. an etio ...199611363714
putative ks virus grown in laboratory.for the first time in a laboratory, researchers at the university of california, san francisco, have grown the herpesvirus, thought to cause kaposi's sarcoma (ks). the virus, known as kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv), was grown in a cell line derived from a lymph system cancer. this advancement may have important implications for the development of diagnostic tests and treatments for the virus. the role kshv plays in ks is still being debated, although many feel there is enough ci ...199611363797
piloting the meanders of aids the 36th international conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (icaac), updates on research on non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, and newer treatments were presented. among the research topics reviewed are results from the caesar study, guidelines for use of antiretrovirals, and the efficacy of new antiretroviral combinations. also included are data tables showing the impact of viral load and cd4 count on risk of progression among 2,008 persons i ...199611363956
the kissing question and other icaac highlights.simplified findings from some of the presentations at the interscience conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (icaac) are presented. a virus associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) may be transmitted through saliva. homosexual or bisexual activities are primary risk factors for african americans with ks. intravenous infusions of il-2 and indinavir increases cd4 counts significantly. aids progression in children is associated with decreased levels of il-2. the duration of therapy with ...199611363979
icaac news results reported at the 1995 interscience conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy are presented. factors which predispose an individual to certain opportunistic infections should be studied in order to prevent and treat them. treatment choices should be made carefully because of hiv's high rate of replication and mutation. drug-resistant mutations can occur before any drug therapy is given. stored blood taken from an hiv-positive person in 1983 contained azt-resistant virus. th ...199611363115
novel human herpesviruses (human herpesviruses 6, 7 and 8).the number of members in the family herpesviridae has increased in the last 10 years due to the description of three novel human herpesviruses: human herpesvirus 6 (hhv-6) in 1986, human herpesvirus 7 (hhv-7) in 1990, and human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), also known as kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), in 1994. hhv-6 and hhv-7 were first isolated from blood lymphocyte cultures, while hhv-8 was identified following a specific molecular biology approach in the search for the etiologic age ...199611866839
hiv infection and aids.many of the clinical features of hiv/aids can be ascribed to the profound immune deficiency which develops in infected patients. the destruction of the immune system by the virus results in opportunistic infection, as well as an increased risk of autoimmune disease and malignancy. in addition, disease manifestations related to the virus itself may occur. for example, during the primary illness which occurs within weeks after first exposure to hiv, clinical symptoms occur in at least 50% of cases ...19969795558
ocular manifestations of aids.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is a lethal multisystem disease. its ocular manifestations have received relatively little attention in the literature. between 73% and 100% of aids patients develop ocular lesions. the commonest lesions seen are retinal--either infectious or noninfectious retinopathy. involvement of the conjunctiva with kaposi's sarcoma, infected tears and infected cornea as well as the vitreous are less common. infections with cytomegalovirus and varicella zoster ...19969795562
[a new gamma-2 herpesvirus, defined as hhv8 or kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus (kshv), could be involved in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma]. 19969206783
progressive loss of cd8+ t cell-mediated control of a gamma-herpesvirus in the absence of cd4+ t cells.a unique experimental model has been developed for dissecting the integrity of cd8+ t cell-mediated immunity to a persistent gammaherpesvirus under conditions of cd4+ t cell deficiency. respiratory challenge of major histocompatibility complex class ii -/- and +/+ c57bl/6j mice with the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (mhv-68) leads to productive infection of both lung and adrenal epithelial cells. virus titers peak within 5-10 d, and are no longer detected after day 15. persistent, latent infection ...19969064346
[detection of herpes virus-like dna in various forms of kaposi's sarcoma but not in other mesenchymal tumors or inflammatory changes in skin].recently, herpes-virus like dna sequences defining a new herpes virus termed human herpes virus 8 (hhv8), were detected in kaposi's sarcoma of aids and non-aids patients. we describe the successful detection of hhv8 dna in archival skin biopsies of the various forms of kaposi's sarcoma. dna was extracted from archival skin biopsies of kaposi's sarcoma, other mesenchymal skin tumors and various inflammatory skin lesion of hiv seropositive and negative patients. the extracted dna was analyzed for ...19969065036
human herpesvirus 8 in classic kaposi sarcoma.recent studies suggest the role of a new human herpesvirus (hhv8) in the pathogenesis of different forms of kaposi sarcoma (ks). in the present work we investigated the presence of hhv8 sequences in ks tumour tissues from patient with classic ks. since clear evidences point to the role of immune suppression in the development of aids-associated ks or patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, immunological investigations were also performed. we could show a highly consequent association of hh ...19969147730
childhood infections with human herpesviruses types 6, 7, and 8. 19969033979
[is hvh-8 the etiologic agent for kaposi's sarcoma?]. 19969035718
geographic and ethnic variations in the incidence of childhood cancer.the total incidence of childhood cancer varies rather little between different regions of the world, with cumulative risk to age 15 nearly always in the range 1.0-2.5 per thousand. acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, especially in early childhood, is most common in populations of high socio-economic status and is the most frequent childhood cancer in all industrialised countries. the risk of burkitt's lymphoma is highest in tropical africa and papua new guinea; it is strongly associated with epstein- ...19969039726
ophthalmic complications of hiv/ a result of improved treatment and patient survival, ophthalmic complications are now being seen with increasing frequency in aids, occurring in up to 75% of patients during the course of the disease. the eye may be involved by an aids-related microvasculopathy, which gives rise to cotton wool spots, and by opportunistic infections caused by a wide range of organisms, including cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster, toxoplasma gondii, mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, trep ...19969015465
[castleman's disease].castleman's disease, also called angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia was first described as a distinct entity by castleman et al in 1956. two forms are now described a localized and a multicentric. the clinical and biological signs are varied and heterogeneous, and the diagnostic is made on the histologic examination. this atypical lymphoproliferative disorder is of unknown origin, but interleukin 6 play a central part in this disease. despite the benignity of this "prelymphoma state", an agg ...19969008748
detection of hhv-8 in sjögren's syndrome. 19969003115
childhood cancers in a referral hospital in kenya: a review.following the outbreak of human immune deficiency virus (hiv) infection in the early 1980's, there has been an increase in reported cases of kaposi's sarcoma, among other childhood malignancies, from the east and central african region. to assess the status of childhood cancers at kenyatta national hospital during the aids epidemic period and to compare the findings with those obtained before the outbreak, relevant data were extracted from ward admission registers for all children admitted in th ...19968997844
distribution of human herpesvirus-8 sequences throughout the spectrum of aids-related neoplasia.aids frequently associates with certain malignancies, including kaposi's sarcoma, non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl), and anogenital neoplasia. in this study we aimed to define the frequency of infection by human herpesvirus (hhv)-8 throughout the spectrum of aids-related neoplasia in europe.19968853726
pyothorax-associated 1987, we reported three patients with pleural lymphoma developed after a 22-30 year history of pyothorax resulting from artificial pneumothorax for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis or tuberculous pleuritis. based on the pathologic and epidemiologic studies, we regarded the chronic pyothorax (cp) to be etiologically important in the development of pleural lymphoma. through a nation-wide study in japan, 37 cases of pleural lymphoma were collected. pleural lymphoma had developed during th ...19968990621
prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection: its impact on the diagnostic yields in exudative pleural effusions at the kenyatta national hospital, nairobi.this was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out at kenyatta national hospital (knh), nairobi, among consecutively admitted adult patients with exudative pleural effusions over a one year period. the aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection in these patients and to compare the diagnostic yields from the pleural fluid and pleural biopsy between the hiv seropositive and hiv seronegative patients. sixty six patients were studied, with ...19968991236
oral manifestations associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection in a spanish population.a study was made of the oral manifestations in 396 patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. the following risk groups were established: intravenous drug users (79.5%), homosexuals (7.8%), homosexual intravenous drug users (3.3%), heterosexuals (8.1%) and hemophiliacs/transfusion patients (1.3%). the oral lesions, in decreasing order of frequency, were: periodontal disease (78.28%), candidiasis (65.65%), hairy leukoplakia (16.16%), herpes simplex virus lesions (5.30%). kaposi's ...19968986962
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