
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
progesterone increases dynorphin a concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid and preprodynorphin messenger ribonucleic acid levels in a subset of dynorphin neurons in the sheep.recent studies suggest that the endogenous opioid peptide, dynorphin, is an important mediator of progesterone negative feedback on gnrh pulse frequency in the ewe. these experiments tested this hypothesis by examining the effects of progesterone on dynorphin a concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (csf) collected from the third ventricle and expression of preprodynorphin (ppd) mrna in hypothalamic nuclei. csf was collected every 10 min for 5 h in three groups of ewes: 1) ovary-intact ewes durin ...200515650077
vegetation pattern and heavy metal accumulation at a mine tailing at gyöngyösoroszi, hungary.vegetation at an abandoned heavy metal bearing mine tailing may have multifunctional roles such as modification of water balance, erosion control and landscape rehabilitation. research on the vegetation of mine tailings can provide useful information on tolerance, accumulation and translocation properties of species potentially applicable at moderately contaminated sites. analyses of the relationship between heavy metal content (pb, zn and cu) and vegetation in a mine tailing were carried out. t ...200515948607
alcohol alters insulin-like growth factor-1 activated oct 2 pou domain gene expression in the immature female hypothalamus.the oct 2 pou homeodomain gene has been shown to increase during late juvenile development; the upstream control of oct 2 is not known, however. the insulin-like growth factor-1 (igf-1) is known to act centrally to stimulate luteinizing hormone (lh)-releasing hormone (lhrh) release and advance female puberty. we therefore sought to determine if this peptide induces transcription of oct 2 genes as an early pubertal event. furthermore, as alcohol (alc) blocks igf-1-induced lhrh and lh release acut ...200515830901
in situ characterization of gonadotropin- releasing hormone-i, -iii, and glutamic acid decarboxylase expression in the brain of the sea lamprey, petromyzon marinus.the distribution of lamprey gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh)-i and -iii has been extensively characterized by immunocytochemistry in the forebrain of the sea lamprey, petromyzon marinus. however, the cellular location of lamprey gnrh-iii mrna expression by in situ hybridization in the lamprey brain has not been determined. we show for the first time the location of expression of lamprey gnrh-iii, as well as provide a more comprehensive in situ study of lamprey gnrh-i and glutamic acid decar ...200515475659
pre-pro-somatostatin-iii may have cortistatin-like functions in fish.this study analyzes daily changes in the expression of somatostatin precursors pss-i and pss-iii (structurally related to cortistatin) in the goldfish brain. the results indicate that pss-i expression correlates with the light cycle only in optic tectum-thalamus (ot-tha). pss-iii expression correlates with the light cycle in telencephalon-preoptic area (tel-poa) and ot-tha. in tel-poa, pss-iii reaches a minimum level at the beginning of the active phase and a maximum level late in this phase. th ...200515891036
down-regulation of gat-1 mrna expression in the microdissected hypothalamic medial preoptic area of rat offspring exposed maternally to ethinylestradiol.steroid hormones are powerful regulators of gene transcription in the brain and have the potential to permanently alter the structure and function of the developing brain. steroid-mediated altered gene expression may thus be responsible for the molecular cascade for sexual differentiation. in this study, to assess effects of maternal exposure to ethinylestradiol (ee) on brain sexual differentiation of offspring, region-specific mrna expression of two estrogen-responsive genes, gamma-aminobutyric ...200515664431
visualizing forebrain-specific usage of an estrogen receptor alpha promoter for receptor downregulation in the rat.transgenic rats expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp) under the control of an estrogen receptor (er) alpha promoter were generated to tag eralpha-positive neurons in the brain. two transgenes, one containing sequences for promoter a and dsred and the other containing sequences for promoter 0/b and egfp, were injected simultaneously into wistar rat zygotes. twenty-two founders with both transgenes were identified. ten lines of these founders expressed the egfp tag in the brains of ...200515953656
capsaicin augments synaptic transmission in the rat medial preoptic nucleus.the medial preoptic nucleus (mpn) is the major nucleus of the preoptic area (poa), a hypothalamic area involved in the regulation of body-temperature. injection of capsaicin into this area causes hypothermia in vivo. capsaicin also causes glutamate release from hypothalamic slices. however, no data are available on the effect of capsaicin on synaptic transmission within the mpn. here, we have studied the effect of exogenously applied capsaicin on spontaneous synaptic activity in hypothalamic sli ...200515862512
progesterone can block the preovulatory gonadotropin-releasing hormone/luteinising hormone surge in the ewe by a direct inhibitory action on oestradiol-responsive cells within the hypothalamus.elevated oestradiol concentrations during the follicular phase stimulate a surge in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) and luteinising hormone (lh) concentrations, which leads to ovulation. progesterone can block the oestradiol-induced gnrh/lh surge, but the mechanism that is involved is unclear. we examined the effect of progesterone on oestradiol-induced activation of cells within the ovine hypothalamus/preoptic area (poa) to determine: (i) in which regions progesterone acts to block the gn ...200515796768
effects of maternal exposure to a low dose of diethylstilbestrol on sexual dimorphic nucleus volume and male reproductive system in rat offspring.diethylstilbestrol (des) was administered subcutaneously at 0.5, 1.5 or 4.5 microg/kg/day (des 0.5, 1.5 and 4.5 groups, respectively) to pregnant sd rats daily on days 7-21 of gestation, to investigate its effects on the development and functions of the reproductive system in their male offspring. of the 10 pregnant rats in the des 4.5 group, only 1 delivered, and this rat could not suckle the pups. rat pups in the des 0.5 and 1.5 groups were autopsied at 1, 3, 6 and 15 weeks after birth. the te ...200515800398
establishment and growth of experimental grass species mixtures on coal mine sites reclaimed with municipal biosolids.the surface mining control and reclamation act of 1977 requires that coal mine sites in the united states be reclaimed to establish vegetative cover that is diverse, native, and capable of plant succession. however, there is a question as to whether vegetation established on coal mine sites reclaimed with biosolids is diverse and capable of plant succession. the influx of nutrients with the addition of biosolids leads to long-term dominance by early-successional species, most notably grasses, an ...200515920668
in utero and lactational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in rats disrupts brain sexual differentiation.the effects of in utero and lactational exposure of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) on brain sexual differentiation were investigated. tcdd was orally administered to pregnant holtzman rats on gestation day (gd) 15, and the activity of brain aromatase, a key enzyme for sexual differentiation, was measured in offspring on postnatal day (pnd) 2. changes in sexual dimorphisms of saccharin preference and the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) were exam ...200515885269
new zealand's psychiatry of old age services. revisiting 'the view from the bottom of the cliff'--have we made any progress since 1998?in 1998, the new zealand branch of the faculty of psychiatry of old age (fpoa) surveyed psychiatry of old age (poa) services in new zealand for their resource levels. at that time, they were low by international and mental health commission 'blueprint' levels. in 2003, poa services in new zealand were resurveyed to determine how much progress had been made in the ensuing 5 years.200515886731
influence of sward height, daily timing of concentrate supplementation, and restricted time for grazing on forage utilization by lactating beef establish the effect of sward height, concentrate feeding time, and restricted time for grazing on forage utilization by grazing cattle, 32 crossbred beef (24 angus and eight hereford) cows (632 kg bw) and calves (104 kg bw) were grouped by weight and calving date. they were assigned randomly to two sward height treatments (4 to 8 or 8 to 12 cm), replicated four times. the herbage comprised mainly kentucky bluegrass, orchardgrass, some forbs, and white clover. the cows were restricted to 12 h ...200515890822
surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy of bacteria and pollen.a technique for distinguishing biological material based on surface-enhanced raman scattering (sers) is reported in this work. of particular interest is biological material that can be airborne. silver colloidal particles with diameters in the range 10 to 20 nm and with a characteristic ultraviolet-visible (uv-vis) absorption band at 400 nm were used to obtain sers spectra of escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and salmonella typhimurium bacteria and a number of tree and grass pollens (cup ...200516105210
neuroendocrine consequences of prenatal androgen exposure in the female rat: absence of luteinizing hormone surges, suppression of progesterone receptor gene expression, and acceleration of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone pulse generator.preovulatory gnrh and lh surges depend on activation of estrogen (e2)-inducible progesterone receptors (pgrs) in the preoptic area (poa). surges do not occur in males, or in perinatally androgenized females. we sought to determine whether prenatal androgen exposure suppresses basal or e2-induced pgr mrna expression or e2-induced lh surges (or both) in adulthood, and whether any such effects may be mediated by androgen receptor activation. we also assessed whether prenatal androgens alter subsequ ...200515744016
involvement of nociceptin/orphanin fq in release of hypothalamic gnrh mediated by orl1 receptor in ovariectomized investigate effect of the nociceptin/orphanin fq (ofq) on hypothalamus gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) release in ovariectomized (ovx) rats.200516115368
will loss of snow cover during climatic warming expose new zealand alpine plants to increased frost damage?if snow cover in alpine environments were reduced through climatic warming, plants that are normally protected by snow-lie in winter would become exposed to greater extremes of temperature and solar radiation. we examined the annual course of frost resistance of species of native alpine plants from southern new zealand that are normally buried in snowbanks over winter (celmisia haastii and celmisia prorepens) or in sheltered areas that may accumulate snow (hebe odora) and other species, typical ...200515891822
biosolids compost amendment for reducing soil lead hazards: a pilot study of orgro amendment and grass seeding in urban situ inactivation of soil pb is an alternative to soil removal and replacement that has been demonstrated in recent years at industrial sites with hazardous soil pb concentrations. most children exposed to elevated soil pb, however, reside in urban areas, and no government programs exist to remediate such soils unless an industrial source caused the contamination. modern regulated biosolids composts have low pb concentrations and low bioaccessible pb fractions and can improve grass growth on ...200515752494
modulation of glutamate-induced outward current by prostaglandin e(2) in rat dissociated preoptic neurons.the preoptic/anterior hypothalamus (poa) is one of the major brain regions where cytokines and their related mediators (i.e., prostaglandins) exert diverse actions. in the present study, the modulatory effects of prostaglandin e(2) (pge(2)) on the glutamate-induced membrane currents were examined using perforated-patch clamp method in rat poa neurons that had been mechanically dissociated by vibration without enzyme treatment. application of glutamate through u-tube induced a slow outward curren ...200515777767
sexually dimorphic hormonal regulation of the gap junction protein, cx43, in rats and altered female reproductive function in cx43+/- mice.astrocytic gap junctional communication is important in steroid hormone regulation of reproductive processes at the level of the hypothalamus, including estrous cyclicity and sexual behavior. we examined the effects of estradiol and progesterone on the abundance of the gap junctional protein, connexin 43 (cx43), which is highly expressed in astrocytes. gonadectomized rats received hormone treatments that induce maximal sexual behavior and gonadotropin surges in females (estrogen for 48 h followe ...200515910768
evidence that projections from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and from the lateral and medial regions of the preoptic area provide input to gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) neurons in the female sheep brain.the arcuate nucleus/ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (arc/vmh) region is thought to relay estrogen feedback signals to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) cells in the sheep brain. this region sends major projections to the lateral preoptic area (lpoa), ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminals (vbnst) and the ventro-caudal division of the median preoptic nucleus (vcmepon) with little direct input to gnrh cell bodies, suggesting interneuronal relay to gnrh neurons. the brain stem also provid ...200515802194
the distributions of the duplicate oestrogen receptors er-beta a and er-beta b in the forebrain of the atlantic croaker (micropogonias undulatus): evidence for subfunctionalization after gene duplication.teleost fishes have three distinct oestrogen receptor (er) subtypes: er-alpha, er-beta a (or er-gamma) and er-beta b. er-beta a and er-beta b arose from a duplication of an ancestral er-beta gene early in the teleost lineage. here, we describe the distribution of the three er mrnas in the hypothalamus and cerebellum of the atlantic croaker to address two issues: the specific functions of multiple ers in the neuroendocrine system and the evolution and fate of duplicated genes. er-alpha was detect ...200515817438
gene regulation by nmda receptor activation in the sdn-poa neurons of male rats during sexual development.the present study was designed to identify possible signaling pathways, which may play a role in prevention of neuronal apoptosis in the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) after physiological activation of the n-methyl-d-aspartate (nmda) receptor. gene response to the blockage of the nmda receptor by an antagonist (dizocilpine hydrogen maleate; mk-801) was screened after suppression subtractive hybridization (ssh). the results showed that differential screening after ssh d ...200515821108
effects of experimental hyperandrogenemia on the female rat reproductive axis: suppression of progesterone-receptor messenger rna expression in the brain and blockade of luteinizing hormone surges.preovulatory gonadotropin-releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone (lh) surges depend on activation of estrogen-inducible progesterone receptors (prs) in the hypothalamus. although testosterone treatment can suppress lh secretion under some circumstances, how androgens affect the release of preovulatory hormone surges, and the cellular mechanisms by which androgens exert any such effects, remains unknown.200516290888
dopamine d1 and d2 receptor antagonism in the preoptic area produces different effects on maternal behavior in lactating rats.the preoptic area (poa) is critical for maternal behavior in rats but little is known about what neurotransmitters released here influence maternal responding. poa infusion of 10 microg (but not 2 microg) of the dopamine d1 receptor antagonist sch-23390 greatly impaired retrieval and licking of pups but not other maternal or nonmaternal behaviors in lactating rats. in contrast, poa infusion of 10 microg (but not 2 microg) of the d2 receptor antagonist raclopride facilitated nursing but did not a ...200516187835
the role of clp-regulated factors in antagonism against magnaporthe poae and biological control of summer patch disease of kentucky bluegrass by lysobacter enzymogenes c3.a global regulator was previously identified in lysobacter enzymogenes c3, which when mutated, resulted in strains that were greatly reduced in the expression of traits associated with fungal antagonism and devoid of biocontrol activity towards bipolaris leaf-spot of tall fescue and pythium damping-off of sugarbeet. a clp gene homologue belonging to the crp gene family was found to globally regulate enzyme production, antimicrobial activity, and biological control activity expressed by lysobacte ...200516234871
sequence homology: a poor predictive value for profilins cross-reactivity.profilins are highly cross-reactive allergens which bind ige antibodies of almost 20% of plant-allergic patients. this study is aimed at investigating cross-reactivity of melon profilin with other plant profilins and the role of the linear and conformational epitopes in human ige cross-reactivity.200516153305
evaluation of general behavior, memory, learning performance, and brain sexual differentiation in f1 offspring males of rats treated with flutamide during late gestation.flutamide is a drug with antiandrogen effects that are mediated through androgen receptors (ars). in this study, flutamide was subcutaneously administered to female rats (3, 10 or 30 mg/kg/day) on gestation days 16-21 to evaluate effects on memory and learning performance in f1 offspring. brain sexual differentiation was also evaluated by measuring the volume of the sexual dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) and analyzing levels of androgen receptor (ar) mrna expression in the prost ...200516141658
action of 24-epibrassinolide on a cell line of the beet armyworm, spodoptera exigua.the spodoptera exigua cell line se4 is sensitive for ecdysteroid activity stimulated by the insect molting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20e), showing a cease in cell proliferation (with 50% inhibition around 1 microm) and characteristic cell morphology changes with aggregation and formation of long filamentous cytoplasmic extensions. the bisacylhydrazine tebufenozide also triggered such typical cellular effects in se4, and in addition, it showed an affinity for binding in competition with 3h-pon ...200515717319
genome relationships in polyploid poa pratensis and other poa species inferred from phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and chloroplast dna sequences.the genus poa comprises approximately 500 species that occur throughout the world, including the widely grown kentucky bluegrass (p. pratensis l.). hybridization and polyploidization have played a prominent role in the evolution of this complex genus, but limited information is available regarding genome relationships in poa. thus, we amplified, cloned, and compared the dna sequences of 2 nuclear genes (cdo504 and thioredoxin-like protein) and 2 chloroplast genome loci (ndhf and trnt-trnf) from ...200515729399
manganese toxicity thresholds for restoration grass species.manganese toxicity thresholds for restoration plants have not been established. as a result, ecological risk assessments rely on toxicity thresholds for agronomic species, which may differ from those of restoration species. our objective was to provide mn toxicity thresholds for grasses commonly used in restoration. we used a greenhouse screening study where seedlings of redtop, slender wheatgrass, tufted hairgrass, big bluegrass, basin wildrye, and common wheat were grown in sand culture and ex ...200515734591
effects of traffic pollution on the genetic structure of poa annua l. populations.the genetic composition of poa annua l. populations with a series of traffic pollution was studied by starch electrophoresis. five enzyme systems were stained. the results showed that: (1) traffic pollution can dramatically change genotypic frequencies at some loci of p. annua populations. significant deviations from hardy-weinberg equilibrium were observed on loci fe-1 and me due to the excess of heterozygotes in some populations. (2) the effective number of alleles per locus and the observed a ...200415272722
[effects of kidney-tonifying chinese herbal medicine on hypothalamic-pituitary gonadotrophic function].to observe the effects of kidney-tonifying chinese herbal medicine on the synthesis and secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) and the related neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, and to explore the mechanism of the regulative effect of chinese herbal medicine on the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadotrophic function.200415339508
hormonal regulation of brain circuits mediating male sexual behavior in birds.male sexual behavior in both field and laboratory settings has been studied in birds since the 19th century. birds are valuable for the investigation of the neuroendocrine mechanisms of sexual behavior, because their behavior can be studied in the context of a large amount of field data, well-defined neural circuits related to reproductive behavior have been described, and the avian neuroendocrine system exhibits many examples of marked plasticity. as is the case in other taxa, male sexual behav ...200415488549
sleep-promoting functions of the hypothalamic median preoptic nucleus: inhibition of arousal systems.recent work supports the hypotheses developed by von economo and nauta and elaborated by sallanon et al. that the poa contains a sleep-promoting output that opposes wake-promoting neuronal groups in the ph. the poa gives rise to descending pathways that terminate within wake-promoting populations in plh, ph and midbrain. current evidence suggests that this output originates in poa sleep-active gabaergic neurons. this output also seems to convey the signals of homeostatic drive. disynaptic projec ...200415493551
indel patterns of the plastid dna trnl- trnf region within the genus poa (poaceae).the use of insertion/deletion (indel) patterns from sequences of the trnl intron and trnl-f intergenic spacer (igs) in finding plastid genome types of the genus poa l. was studied. new sequences for 23 taxa ( p. alpina, p. badensis, p. bulbosa, p. crassipes, p. molinerii, p. annua, p. chaixii, p. granitica, p. pratensis, p. sibirica, p. remota, p. botryoides, p. cenisia, p. compressa, p. laxa, p. margilicola, p. media, p. nemoralis, p. palustris, p. pannonica, p. pirinica, p. riphaea, and p. sej ...200415368095
methylobacillus pratensis sp. nov., a novel non-pigmented, aerobic, obligately methylotrophic bacterium isolated from meadow grass.strain f31t was isolated from meadow grass (poa trivialis l.) sampled from the city park in helsinki. analysis of phenotypic and genotypic properties showed the strain to be related to the group of obligately methylotrophic non-methane utilizing bacteria (methylobacteria) with the ribulose monophosphate pathway of formaldehyde assimilation. phylogenetic analysis showed the strain to be closely related to the genus methylobacillus, and analysis of fatty acid composition confirmed this association ...200415388694
effects of midbrain lesions on lordosis and ultrasound production.previous studies suggest the control of lordosis by competing neural systems. a lordosis-inhibiting system is thought to originate in the lateral septum (ls) or preoptic area (poa) and project to midbrain sites, including the ventral tegmental area (vta) and ventral half of the periaqueductal gray (vpag). a lordosis-facilitating system is thought to originate in the ventromedial hypothalamus and project to the dorsal half of the pag (dpag). to test the generality of this model, we subjected fema ...200415451643
localization and expression of aromatase mrna in adult zebrafish.estradiol plays a key role in the control of many behavioral and physiological aspects of reproduction therefore the expression of cytochrome p450 aromatase (cyp19), the enzyme responsible for the conversion of androgens to estrogens, is of vital interest. the zebrafish, and many other teleosts, have two aromatase genes (cyp19a1 and cyp19a2) that are expressed predominantly in the ovary and brain, respectively, however, the physiological impact of extra-gonadal aromatase has been poorly describe ...200415474538
isolation of candidate genes for apomixis in poa pratensis l.the essential feature of apomixis is that an embryo is formed autonomously by parthenogenesis from an unreduced egg of an embryo sac generated through apomeiosis. the genetic constitution of the offspring is, therefore, usually identical to the maternal parent, a trait of great interest to plant breeders. if apomixis were well understood and harnessed, it could be exploited to indefinitely propagate superior hybrids or specific genotypes bearing complex gene sets. a fundamental contribution to t ...200415821987
hypothalamic neuronal histamine regulates sympathetic nerve activity and expression of uncoupling protein 1 mrna in brown adipose tissue in clarify how hypothalamic neuronal histamine regulates peripheral energy expenditure, we investigated the effect of infusion of histamine into the third cerebral ventricle or discrete hypothalamic regions on sympathetic nerve activity and expression of uncoupling protein 1 (ucp1) mrna in brown adipose tissue (bat). infusion of histamine (200 nmol) into the third cerebral ventricle of anesthetized rats significantly increased the electrophysiological activity of sympathetic nerves (p<0.01) and ...200415099666
distribution and acute stressor-induced activation of corticotrophin-releasing hormone neurones in the central nervous system of xenopus mammals, corticotrophin-releasing hormone (crh) and related peptides are known to play essential roles in the regulation of neuroendocrine, autonomic and behavioural responses to physical and emotional stress. in nonmammalian species, crh-like peptides are hypothesized to play similar neuroendocrine and neurocrine roles. however, there is relatively little detailed information on the distribution of crh neurones in the central nervous system (cns) of nonmammalian vertebrates, and there are cu ...200415584929
oribatid mite (acari: oribatida) contribution to decomposition dynamic of leaf litter in primary forest, second growth, and polyculture in the central amazon.we studied the contribution of oribatid mites in the dynamics of litter decomposition in an experiment using litterbags of three different mesh sizes (20 microns, 250 microns, and 1 cm). the experiment was carried out at a primary forest (flo), a secondary forest (sec), and at two polyculture systems (poa and poc). we compared the weight loss of the leaves of vismia guianensis and the changes of the oribatid mite species community. we processed the samples after 26, 58, 111, 174, 278, and 350 da ...200415195365
the inheritance of apomixis in poa pratensis confirms a five locus model with differences in gene expressivity and penetrance.the genetic control of apomixis was studied in numerous segregating progenies originated from intercrossing and selfing of obligate sexual and facultative apomictic parents in poa pratensis by means of the flow cytometric seed screen. the data support a novel model with five major genes required to control asexual seed formation: the apospory initiator (ait) gene, the apospory preventer (apv) gene, a megaspore development (mdv) gene, the parthenogenesis initiator (pit) gene, and the parthenogene ...200415608334
induction of pge2 by estradiol mediates developmental masculinization of sex male sexual behavior in mammals requires the neuronal organizing effects of gonadal steroids during a sensitive perinatal period. during development, estradiol differentiates the rat preoptic area (poa), an essential brain region in the male copulatory circuit. here we report that increases in prostaglandin-e(2) (pge(2)), resulting from changes in cyclooxygenase-2 (cox-2) regulation induced by perinatal exposure to estradiol, are necessary and sufficient to organize the crucial neural subs ...200415156148
evidence that the effect of melanocortins on female sexual behavior in preoptic area is mediated by the mc3 receptor; participation of nitric oxide.alpha-msh is involved in reproductive processes and can regulate the expression of lordosis, an important component of female reproductive behavior in rats and many other species. in this study, we investigated the effects of msh peptides on lordosis behavior when injected in medial preoptic area (poa) of ovariectomised rats primed with estradiol. the results show an increase in lordotic activity after bilateral administration of alpha-msh and gamma-msh. interestingly, the treatment with the mc4 ...200415265652
cellular expression of v1a vasopressin receptor mrna in the female rat preoptic area: effects of oestrogen.the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (lh) surge in female rats is dependent upon signals from the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn), the site of a dominant circadian pacemaker. various lines of evidence indicate that arginine-vasopressin (avp)-containing projections from the scn to the preoptic area (poa) contribute to the production of the surge of lh-releasing hormone (lhrh). these actions may be mediated by v(1a) because the transcript for this avp receptor subtype is predominant within the poa o ...200415189327
compromised generation of gabaergic interneurons in the brains of vax1-/- mice.the subcortical telencephalon is the major source of gabaergic interneurons that, during development, tangentially migrate to the cerebral cortex, where they modulate the glutamatergic excitatory action of pyramidal cells. the transcription factor vax1, an intracellular mediator of both shh and fgf signaling, is expressed at high levels in the medial and lateral ganglionic eminences (mge and lge, respectively), in the septal area (sa), in the anterior entopeduncular area (aep) and in the preopti ...200415280216
interleukin-1beta modulates state-dependent discharge activity of preoptic area and basal forebrain neurons: role in sleep regulation.interleukin-1beta (il-1) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that has been implicated in the regulation of nonrapid eye movement (nonrem) sleep. il-1, il-1 receptors and the il-1 receptor antagonist (ra) are present normally in discrete brain regions, including the preoptic area (poa) of the hypothalamus and the adjoining magnocellular basal forebrain (bf). the poa/bf have been implicated in the regulation of sleep-wakefulness. we hypothesized that il-1 promotes nonrem sleep, in part by altering the ...200415245493
differential role of estrogen receptor isoforms in sex-specific brain organization.transient activation of estrogen receptors (er) in the developing brain during a limited perinatal "window of time" is recognized as a key mechanism of defeminization of neural control of reproductive function and sexual behavior. two major er isoforms, alpha and beta, are present in neural circuits that govern ovarian cycle and sexual behavior. using highly selective er agonists, this study provides the first evidence for distinct contribution of individual er isoforms to the process of estroge ...200415289439
different modes of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) release from multiple gnrh systems as revealed by radioimmunoassay using brain slices of a teleost, the dwarf gourami (colisa lalia).it has become a general notion that there are multiple gnrh systems in the vertebrate brains. to measure gnrh release activities from different gnrh systems, we conducted a static incubation of brain-pituitary slices under various conditions, and gnrh released into the incubation medium was measured by ria. the slices were divided into two parts, one containing gnrh neurons in the preoptic area and axon terminals in the pituitary (poa-gnrh slices), and the other containing the cell bodies and fi ...200414715708
sulfatide is a negative regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation: development in sulfatide-null mice.galactosylceramide (galc) and its sulfated analogue, sulfatide, are major galactosphingolipid components of myelin and oligodendrocyte plasma membranes in the nervous system. we previously hypothesized that these galactolipids play functional roles in the regulation of oligodendrocyte terminal differentiation by acting as sensors/transmitters of environmental information. evidence strongly supports this idea. first, these molecules are initially expressed on the cell surface at the interface at ...200414730700
tyrosine hydroxylase expression is affected by sexual vigor and social environment in male cnemidophorus inornatus.although the distribution of catecholamine-synthesizing cells has been described for a variety of taxa, less is known about the functional significance of particular populations in nonmammalian species, especially reptiles. to understand the role of these populations in the display of social behaviors in lizards, we studied the interactive effects of sexual vigor (sexually vigorous vs. sluggish) and social condition (housing in isolation vs. with females) on the number and somal areas of cells e ...200415282714
evidence that dynorphin plays a major role in mediating progesterone negative feedback on gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in sheep.endogenous opioid peptides (eop) mediate progesterone-negative feedback in many species, but the specific eop systems involved remain unresolved. we first addressed this question in sheep by determining the role of different eop receptor subtypes in the medial basal hypothalamus (mbh) and preoptic area (poa). local administration of eop receptor antagonists to luteal phase ewes indicated that kappa-, but not micro- or delta-, receptors mediate the inhibition of lh secretion in the mbh. in contra ...200414988383
genome-wide detection of alternative splicing in expressed sequences using partial order multiple sequence alignment graphs.we present a method for high-throughput alternative splicing detection in expressed sequence data. this method effectively copes with many of the problems inherent in making inferences about splicing and alternative splicing on the basis of est sequences, which in addition to being fragmentary and full of sequencing errors, may also be chimeric, misoriented, or contaminated with genomic sequence. our method, which relies both on the partial order alignment (poa) program for constructing multiple ...200414992490
cold-induced thermogenesis mediated by gaba in the preoptic area of anesthetized rats.bilateral microinjections of gaba (300 mm, 100 nl) or the gaba(a) receptor agonist muscimol (100 microm, 100 nl) into the preoptic area (poa) of the hypothalamus increased the rate of whole body o(2) consumption (vo(2)) and the body core (colonic) temperature of urethane-chloralose-anesthetized, artificially ventilated rats. the most sensitive site was the dorsomedial poa at the level of the anterior commissure. the gaba-induced thermogenesis was accompanied by a tachycardic response and electro ...200415031132
increased expression of forebrain gnrh mrna and changes in testosterone negative feedback following pubertal maturation.pubertal development is associated with increased activity of the gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) neuronal system and rising gonadal steroid levels. the purpose of this study was to determine whether different circulating levels of testosterone affect gnrh mrna and luteinizing hormone (lh) to the same degree prior to and following pubertal maturation. pre- and post-pubertal male syrian hamsters were gonadectomized and treated with timed-release testosterone pellets (0, 0.5, 1.5, or 2.5mg) ...200415062545
fertilizer source effect on ground and surface water quality in drainage from turfgrass.nutrients in surface and ground water can affect human and aquatic organisms that rely on water for consumption and habitat. a mass-balance field study was conducted over two years (july 2000-may 2001) to determine the effect of nutrient source on turfgrass runoff and leachate. treatments were arranged in an incomplete randomized block design on a slope of 7 to 9% of arkport sandy loam (coarseloamy, mixed, active, mesic lamellic hapludalf) and seeded with kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis l.) an ...200415074817
perinatal androgenization prevents age-related neuron loss in the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in female investigate the effect of perinatal testosterone exposure, which simulates the endogenous testosterone peak, on neuron loss during aging, nuclear morphology was evaluated in male and female rats as well as in female rats treated with testosterone perinatally followed by ovariectomy (te/ovx). additionally, neuronal apoptosis, which occurred primarily at postnatal day 8 (pnd8), was identified by in situ tunel staining. neuronal density, nuclear volume, total neuronal number and pyknotic ratio w ...200415509899
phytolith assemblages in grasses native to central argentina.phytolith reference collections are a prerequisite for accurate interpretation of soil phytolith assemblages aimed at reconstructing past vegetation. in this study a phytolith reference collection has been developed for several grasses native to central argentina: poa ligularis, piptochaetium napostaense, stipa clarazii, stipa tenuis, stipa tenuissima, stipa eriostachya, stipa ambigua, stipa brachychaeta, pappophorum subbulbosum, digitaria californica, bothriochloa edwardsiana and aristida subul ...200415514027
field evaluation of cdc gravid trap attractants to primary west nile virus vectors, culex mosquitoes in new york state.a field study was conducted to evaluate two cdc gravid trap attractants available for the west nile virus surveillance program in new york state (nys). according to potential attractiveness, a common lawn sod in nys, kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis) infusion and a rabbit chow infusion were compared for attractiveness to primary west nile virus vectors, culex mosquitoes. attractiveness of each infusion was measured by the number of adult mosquitoes caught in cdc gravid traps and the number of e ...200415532922
assessing residents' competencies at baseline: identifying the gaps.entering residents have variable medical school experiences and differing knowledge and skill levels. to structure curricula, enhance patient safety, and begin to meet accreditation requirements, baseline assessment of individual resident's knowledge and skills is needed. to this end, in 2001 the university of michigan health system created the postgraduate orientation assessment (poa), an eight-station, objective structured clinical examination for incoming residents.200415165976
combining partial order alignment and progressive multiple sequence alignment increases alignment speed and scalability to very large alignment problems.partial order alignment (poa) has been proposed as a new approach to multiple sequence alignment (msa), which can be combined with existing methods such as progressive alignment. this is important for addressing problems both in the original version of poa (such as order sensitivity) and in standard progressive alignment programs (such as information loss in complex alignments, especially surrounding gap regions).200414962922
regulation of galanin receptor galr1 mrna expression by ovarian steroids in oestrogen receptor alpha-immunoreactive neurones: identification of distinct populations of neurones in the preoptic area.this study examined whether gonadal steroids are involved in regulating galanin receptor 1 (galr1) mrna expression in neurones that contain oestrogen receptor alpha (eralpha), in three regions of the preoptic area (poa) known to be involved in the control of gonadotropin secretion. double-labelling immunohistochemistry using an antibody against the eralpha and in situ hybridization experiments using a 35s-labelled riboprobe specific for galr1 mrnas revealed that eralpha is expressed in a large p ...200414764000
turfgrass, crop, and weed hosts of blissus occiduus (hemiptera: lygaeidae).blissus occiduus barber is an important pest of buffalograss, buchloë dactyloides (nuttall) engelmann, turf. no-choice studies documented the susceptibility of selected turfgrasses, crops, and weeds to b. occiduus feeding. highly to moderately susceptible grasses included buffalograss; yellow setaria glauca (l.) and green foxtail setaria viridis (l.); kentucky bluegrass, poa pratensis l.; perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne l.; brome, bromus spp. leyss.; zoysiagrass, zoysia japonica steudel; berm ...200414998128
role of leptin in modulating the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and luteinizing hormone secretion in the prepuberal gilt.three experiments (exp) were conducted to test the hypothesis that leptin modulates lh, gnrh, and neuropeptide y (npy) secretion. in exp i, prepuberal gilts received intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) leptin injections and blood samples were collected. in exp ii, anterior pituitary cells from prepuberal gilts in primary culture were challenged with 10(-14), 10(-13), 10(-12), 10(-11), 10(-10), 10(-9), 10(-8), 10(-7), or 10(-6) m leptin individually or in combinations with 10(-10), 10(-9), and 10(-8 ...200415036375
[identification of the apomixis in poa pratensis l. using sds-electrophoresis of endosperm reserve proteins].to determine the characteristics of variability of seed reproduction in the kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis), individual seed variability with respect to the composition of endospermal reserve proteins was studied. comparative analysis of caryopses obtained by self-fertilization and free fertilization of plants i1 (no. 2-4) and i2 (no. 2-4-7) of the wild-type specimen murmanskii-95 was performed using sds-page. using a cytoembryological express method, we demonstrated that facultative stimulat ...200415049068
differential sensitivities of pyrogenic chemokine fevers to cc chemokine receptor 5 antibodies.macrophage inflammatory protein (mip)-1beta and rantes (regulated on activation, normal t-cells expressed and secreted) are members of the cc-family of chemokines. although these two peptides are structurally and functionally related to one another, each exhibits distinct features, which allows it to independently regulate specific aspects of the host inflammatory response. they evoked intense and functionally different febrile responses when applied directly on pyrogen-sensitive cells located i ...200415066130
hallucinations predict attentional improvements with rivastigmine in dementia with lewy bodies.the aim of this analysis of the effects of cholinergic therapy in dementia with lewy bodies was to determine whether rivastigmine-induced benefits in attention and memory could be predicted by the presence of visual hallucinations. at study entry, 74% of patients were hallucinators and 26% were non-hallucinators. the population was analyzed for two-factor scores: power of attention (poa) and quality of memory (qom). a significant effect over placebo on poa was observed in hallucinators at weeks ...200415087584
cationic oligopeptide-mediated delivery of dsrna for post-transcriptional gene silencing in plant cells.we have used cationic oligopeptide polyarginine-12mer (poa) to deliver double-stranded rna (dsrna), prepared in vitro, to tobacco (nicotiana tabacum) suspension cells. poa interacts electrostatically with dsrna to form a complex. when dsrna for the gus or nptii gene was delivered into cells carrying the same genes, the corresponding mrna was degraded. using rnase protection assay we were able to detect 21-bp small interfering rna in dsrna/poa-treated cells. these results demonstrate that poa can ...200415147914
transforming growth factor beta1 may directly influence gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression in the rat vitro studies using immortalized gt1 cells suggest that hypothalamic astrocytes employ tgfbeta(1) to directly regulate the secretion of gnrh, the neurohormone that controls sexual maturation and adult reproductive function. however, whether such astrocyte-gnrh neuron signaling occurs in vivo is not clear. in the present study, we used in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry to determine whether astrocytes and gnrh neurons express the molecular components necessary to set in motion comm ...200414670985
expression and hypophysiotropic actions of corticotropin-releasing factor in xenopus laevis.members of the corticotropin-releasing factor (crf) family of peptides play pivotal roles in the regulation of neuroendocrine, autonomic, and behavioral responses to physical and emotional stress. in amphibian tadpoles, crf-like peptides stimulate both thyroid and interrenal (adrenal) hormone secretion, and can thereby modulate the rate of metamorphosis. to better understand the regulation of expression and actions of crf in amphibians we developed a homologous radioimmunoassay (ria) for xenopus ...200415201065
rms/bluegrass family health plan partnership improves outcomes, costs. 200415232995
cytochrome oxidase activity in the preoptic area correlates with differences in sexual behavior of intact and castrated male leopard geckos (eublepharis macularius).although the utility of analyzing behavioral experience effects on neural cytochrome oxidase (co) activity is well recognized, the behavioral correlates of endogenous differences in co activity have rarely been explored. in male leopard geckos (eublepharis macularius), the incubation temperature experienced during embryogenesis (inct) and age affect co activity in the preoptic area (poa), an area that modulates copulatory behavior. in this study, the authors assessed whether differences in poa c ...200415301612
muscle: a multiple sequence alignment method with reduced time and space a previous paper, we introduced muscle, a new program for creating multiple alignments of protein sequences, giving a brief summary of the algorithm and showing muscle to achieve the highest scores reported to date on four alignment accuracy benchmarks. here we present a more complete discussion of the algorithm, describing several previously unpublished techniques that improve biological accuracy and / or computational complexity. we introduce a new option, muscle-fast, designed for high-thr ...200415318951
exposure to bisphenol a during gestation and lactation causes loss of sex difference in corticotropin-releasing hormone-immunoreactive neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of has been suspected that endocrine disrupters induce abnormal differentiation and development of reproductive organs. in the present study, we examined whether exposure to bisphenol a (bpa), a known endocrine disrupter, during gestation and lactation affects sex difference in the number of corticotropin-releasing hormone-immunoreactive neurons (crh neurons) in the preoptic area (poa) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (bst). for that purpose, pregnant female wistar rats (n=8-11 per tr ...200414749093
the hypothalamic insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor and its relationship to gonadotropin-releasing hormones neurones during postnatal development.reproduction in vertebrates is controlled by hypophysiotropic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) neurones. pulsatile gnrh release increases during reproductive development, resulting in the onset and progression of puberty and, ultimately, the acquisition and maintenance of adult reproductive function. these changes in gnrh release are largely due to inputs to gnrh cells from other factors, including the neurotrophic factor, insulin-like growth factor-1 (igf-1). here, molecular studies were u ...200414764003
prostaglandin e2 as a mediator of fever: the role of prostaglandin e (ep) receptors.prostaglandin e2 (pge2) is a principal fever mediator that induces hyperthermia when injected into the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis (ovlt) and the adjacent preoptic area of the hypothalamus (poa). pge (ep) receptors have four subtypes, i.e. ep1, ep2, ep3, and ep4. in the rat ovlt/poa region, at least three of these receptors, i.e. ep1, ep3, and ep4 receptors, have distinctively different distribution patterns. in rats, intracerebroventricular injection of ep1 receptor agonists and ep3 re ...200415353336
preoptic hypothalamic warming suppresses laryngeal dilator activity during sleep.upper airway dilator activity during sleep appears to be diminished under conditions of enhanced sleep propensity, such as after sleep deprivation, leading to worsening of obstructive sleep apnea (osa). non-rapid eye movement (nrem) sleep propensity originates in sleep-active neurons of the preoptic area (poa) of the hypothalamus and is facilitated by activation of poa warm-sensitive neurons (wsns). we hypothesized that activation of wsns by local poa warming would inhibit activity of the poster ...200414988083
preoptic alpha 1- and alpha 2-noradrenergic agonists induce, respectively, pge2-independent and pge2-dependent hyperthermic responses in guinea pigs.we have shown previously that norepinephrine (ne) microdialyzed into the preoptic area (poa) of conscious guinea pigs stimulates local pge(2) release. to identify the cyclooxygenase (cox) isozyme that catalyzes the production of this pge(2) and the adrenoceptor (ar) subtype that mediates this effect, we microdialyzed for 6 h ne, cirazoline (alpha(1)-ar agonist), and clonidine (alpha(2)-ar agonist) into the poa of conscious guinea pigs pretreated intrapreoptically (intra-poa) with sc-560 (cox-1 i ...200414962823
vegetation pattern related tc grazing pressure in alpine meadows of nanda devi biosphere reserve.the present study aims to analyze the interaction of prevailing biotic pressure on plant species diversity in nanda devi biosphere reserve (ndbr) which lies in northern part of uttaranchal hills between 79 degrees 40'e to 80 degrees 05'e longitude and 30 degrees 17' n to 30 degrees 41'n latitude and covers an area of 2236.7 km2. a total of 75 species has been found which included the herbaceous plants viz., grasses, sedges and forbs. generally, the plants have a short life span of 3-4 months. ho ...200415847338
estradiol and progesterone modulate the nitric oxide/cyclic gmp pathway in the hypothalamus of female rats and in gt1-1 cells.considerable evidence suggests that the nitric oxide (no)/cgmp signaling pathway plays an important role in the expression of reproductive behavior and in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) release from the hypothalamus the effects of the no/cgmp pathway on gnrh release and gene expression have also been examined in gt1 cells. however, it is still controversial whether no/cgmp signaling facilitates or inhibits gnrh release in these cells. the current study examined the effects of estradiol an ...200415347845
fluoxetine-treated male wrasses exhibit low avt many species, increasing serotonergic activity can reduce aggression and reverse dominance relationships. these effects may in part be mediated through interactions with the arginine vasotocin/vasopressin (avt/avp) system. we tested this hypothesis in a territorial coral reef fish, the bluehead wrasse (thalassoma bifasciatum), by experimentally enhancing serotonergic neurotransmission, using the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (ssri) fluoxetine. terminal phase (tp) males received 2 we ...200415542067
a novel method for multiple alignment of sequences with repeated and shuffled elements.we describe aba (a-bruijn alignment), a new method for multiple alignment of biological sequences. the major difference between aba and existing multiple alignment methods is that aba represents an alignment as a directed graph, possibly containing cycles. this representation provides more flexibility than does a traditional alignment matrix or the recently introduced partial order alignment (poa) graph by allowing a larger class of evolutionary relationships between the aligned sequences. our g ...200415520295
gabaergic neurons with alpha2-adrenergic receptors in basal forebrain and preoptic area express c-fos during sleep.the basal forebrain (bf) contains cholinergic neurons that stimulate cortical activation during waking. in addition, both the bf and adjacent preoptic area (poa) contain neurons that promote sleep. we examined c-fos expression in cholinergic and gabaergic neurons in the bf and poa to determine whether they are differentially active following sleep deprivation versus recovery and whether the gabaergic neurons are active during sleep. whereas the numbers of c-fos+ cells and proportions of c-fos+ c ...200415541901
the japanese quail: a model for studying reproductive aging of hypothalamic systems.during aging, the decline of neuroendocrine, endocrine, and behavioral components of reproduction ultimately leads to reproductive failure. these studies considered both neuroendocrine and behavioral aspects of reproductive aging in japanese quail, using chronological age and reproductive status to separate animals into experimental groups. in study i, age-related changes in the gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh-i) system were investigated and a sharp decrease was observed in gnrh-i concentra ...200415582284
automatic milking and grazing--effects of distance to pasture and level of supplements on milk yield and cow an automatic milking system, 45 cows were divided into groups that grazed on a mixed grass sward (poa pratensis and festuca pratensis) at different distances from the barn: near pasture (np) at 50 m between the barn and the pasture and distant pasture (dp) at 260 m between the barn and the pasture. for both of these treatments, 3 kg of dry matter (dm) from supplementary grass silage were offered in the barn. the third treatment group grazed together under the dp treatment but was offered an a ...200415453482
[a comparison study of pulsitile ocular blood flow in normal eyes and primary open angle glaucoma].to compare pulsatile ocular blood flow (pobf) and intraocular pressure (iop) in primary open angle glaucoma (poag) and normal control group matched for age, sex and refraction error, to investigate the rule of hem-dynamics in poag and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of pobf measurement as a diagnostic test for glaucoma.200415268833
interleukin 1beta enhances non-rapid eye movement sleep and increases c-fos protein expression in the median preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus.interleukin 1beta (il-1) is a key mediator of the acute phase response in an infected host and acts centrally to coordinate responses to an immune challenge, such as fever and increased non-rapid eye movement (nrem) sleep. the preoptic area (poa) is a primary sleep regulatory center in the brain: the ventrolateral poa (vlpo) and median preoptic nucleus (mnpn) each contain high numbers of c-fos protein immunoreactive (ir) neurons after sleep but not after waking. we hypothesized that il-1 mediate ...200415604300
assessing determinants of community biomass composition in two-species plant competition studies.a method is proposed for assessing the relative importance of species identity, neighbour species influence and environment as determinants of change in community biomass composition in two-species short-term competition experiments. the method is based on modelling the differences in relative growth rates (rgr) of species (hence called the rgrd method). using a multiple regression approach it quantifies the effects of initial species' abundance, species identity and environment on rgrd and henc ...200415655692
[ecological strategies of soil microbial communities under plants of meadow ecosystems].dominant growth strategies of soil microbial communities of mown and unmown meadows were assessed with respect to the constants of saturation and maximal specific growth rate of microorganisms. the microbial community of mown-meadow soil was characterized by a greater biomass and activity due to prevalence of microorganisms with the r strategy, compared to the microbial community of unmown-meadow soil. in contrast to nonrhizosphere soil, rhizosphere soil was dominated by rapidly growing microorg ...200415615453
heading for disaster: fusarium graminearum on cereal crops.summary the rapid global re-emergence of fusarium head blight disease of wheat and barley in the last decade along with contamination of grains with mycotoxins attributable to the disease have spurred basic research on the fungal causal agent. as a result, fusarium graminearum quickly has become one of the most intensively studied fungal plant pathogens. this review briefly summarizes current knowledge on the pathogenicity, population genetics, evolution and genomics of fusarium graminearum. tax ...200420565626
expression of a novel chitinase by the fungal endophyte in poa ampla.many wild and cultivated cool-season grass species are naturally infected with fungal endophytes of the genera neotyphodium and epichloë. these associations generally are considered mutualistic with the plants benefiting from reduced herbivory and the fungi benefiting from nutrients supplied by the plants. the fungi secrete proteins that might have a role in the interspecies symbiosis. in the interaction between poa ampla merr. and the endophyte neotyphodium sp., a fungal chitinase was detected ...200421148875
mathematical modeling of allelopathy. iii. a model for curve-fitting allelochemical dose responses.bioassay techniques are often used to study the effects of allelochemicals on plant processes, and it is generally observed that the processes are stimulated at low allelochemical concentrations and inhibited as the concentrations increase. a simple empirical model is presented to analyze this type of response. the stimulation-inhibition properties of allelochemical-dose responses can be described by the parameters in the model. the indices, p% reductions, are calculated to assess the allelochem ...200319330111
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a mountain grassland ii: seasonal variation of colonization studied, along with its relation to grazing and metabolic host type.the relationships among seasons, host metabolic type, grazing and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization were analyzed in a high south american native grassland. this study investigated seasonal changes and grazing effects on the symbiotic endomycorrhizal interaction in 5 poaceae [c(3) metabolic pathway: briza subaristata lam., deyeuxia hieronymi (hack.) türpe and poa stuckertii (hack.) parodi; with c(4) metabolic pathway: eragrostis lugens nees and sorghastrum pellitum (hack.) parodi; and a rosace ...200321156629
chapter 5 sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) = intermediate nucleus = interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (inah-1) = preoptic nucleus. 200318808793
patterns of pain in paget's disease of bone and their outcomes on treatment with pamidronate.two-thirds of patients with paget's disease seeking medical attention present with pain. we studied patterns of pagetic pain in relation to physical activity, and the effect of coexistent osteoarthritis (oa)/pagetic arthropathy on pain and physical activity before and after treatment with pamidronate. patients with lower-segment paget's disease (lumbar spine, pelvis or lower limbs), raised alkaline phosphatase (alp), and pain as a symptom were included. two subgroups were identified based on the ...200314677009
the infection process of colletotrichum graminicola and relative aggressiveness on four turfgrass species.detached 3-week-old leaves of agrostis palustris, lolium perenne, poa annua, and poa pratensis were inoculated with conidial suspensions of two isolates of colletotrichum graminicola obtained from a. palustris. inoculated leaves were incubated at 23 degrees c under high relative humidity (>95%). the infection process was investigated by light microscopy from 2 to 168 h after inoculation (ai). spore germination was observed within 2 h ai, appressoria within 6 h ai, and penetration pores within 8 ...200314569284
-to: poa nr, cooper gjs, edgar pf: amylin gene promoter mutations predispose to type 2 diabetes in new zealand maori. diabetologia 46: 574-578. 200314600815
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 1897