
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
[kingella kingae osteomyelitis].a case of kingella kingae osteomyelitis characterized by an early onset of cellulitis, positive blood culture and negative bone scintigraphy is reported. exclusive of vertebral involvement, eleven cases have been described in the pediatric literature. the bacterial nature of this disorder may prove hard to demonstrate since fever, leucocytosis, and increased crp levels are inconstant. the difficulties of isolation and growth of kingella kingae as well as its likely resistance to antistaphylococc ...19892688590
kingella kingae endocarditis in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 19892603424
[the isolation of kingella kingae by hemoculture must always suggest the diagnosis of endocarditis]. 19892529496
bone and joint infections caused by kingella kingae: six cases and review of the literature.six cases of kingella kingae arthritis, osteomyelitis, and diskitis were studied, and data were reviewed from an additional 23 cases in the english-language literature. k. kingae is a slow-growing, fastidious, gram-negative microorganism that colonizes mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. infections were predominantly seen in infants and young children (86% of cases) and were preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection in 31% of patients. low-grade fever (38 degrees c-39 degrees ...19883055196
cellular fatty acid composition of kingella species, cardiobacterium hominis, and eikenella corrodens.we determined the cellular fatty acid composition of reference strains and clinical isolates of each of the three kingella species, cardiobacterium hominis, and eikenella corrodens by using capillary gas chromatography. kingella denitrificans and kingella kingae contained myristic (14:0) and palmitic (16:0) acids as major acids, whereas cis-vaccenic (18:1 omega 7c) and palmitic acids were the major acids in kingella indologenes, c. hominis, and e. corrodens. c. hominis differed from the other fo ...19883049663
kingella kingae bacteremia and adult epiglottitis in a granulocytopenic host. 19883189372
osteomyelitis due to kingella kingae infection.a case of osteomyelitis due to kingella kingae is presented to illustrate the insidious onset and indolent course typical of bone infections caused by this organism. the frequently negative result obtained with gram's stain and the fastidious nature of the organism makes diagnosis difficult. initial therapy with an aminopenicillin such as ampicillin in addition to antimicrobial drugs for staphylococcus aureus should be effective in resolving bone and joint infections in children.19883337967
kingella kingae osteoarthritis and osteomyelitis in children.kingella kingae is still a poorly understood germ which is responsible for osteoarticular infections. we observed nine cases of osteoarthritis involving k. kingae in children. they included 4 cases of arthritis, 2 of osteomyelitis, and 3 of spondylodiscitis. the germ was cultured in all cases by direct surgical approach or by needle aspiration of the septic locus. evolution was always good after immobilization and nonspecific antibiotherapy. our nine clinical cases, along with the few cases alre ...19883335623
kingella kingae infection in healthy children.kingella kingae is a gram-negative occasional, but normal, inhabitant of the nasopharynx. we present two new cases of this infection that occurred in previously healthy children, and compare and contrast them to other cases reported in the literature. k. kingae osteomyelitis generally has an insidious, subacute onset, whereas septic arthritis has an acute presentation. to date, all strains of k. kingae have been sensitive to penicillin, and no residual damage has been reported following osteomye ...19883292580
kingella kingae osteomyelitis: report of two cases involving the epiphysis. 19883134646
endocarditis caused by kingella indologenes.the first known case of endocarditis caused by kingella indologenes is reported. a review of the literature reveals only seven cases of endocarditis caused by the other two species of the genus kingella (kingella kingae, six cases; kingella denitrificens, one case). kingella organisms appear to be sensitive to a wide variety of antimicrobial agents. the available data suggest that endocarditis caused by kingella species occurs rarely and is associated with a benign clinical course.19873326125
spondylitis and osteomyelitis caused by kingella kingae in children.two cases of documented osteoarticular infections caused by kingella kingae in children are reported. the main bacteriological characteristics and antibiotic susceptibilities of these two isolates are described. the pathology of k. kingae, particularly in bones and joints, is reviewed.19873429633
imipenem and cilastatin in acute osteomyelitis and suppurative arthritis. therapy in infants and children.twenty-five infants and children with acute osteomyelitis (n = 7), suppurative arthritis (n = 11), or both (n = 7) were treated with imipenem and cilastatin sodium. patients ranged in age from 5 months to 11.3 years. needle aspiration of infected sites was performed in all patients, and 11 (44%) required further surgical drainage. imipenem and cilastatin sodium in a dosage of 100 mg/kg/d was used for children 3 years of age or younger, while older ones received 60 mg/kg/d intravenously, divided ...19873544811
use of intravenous ciprofloxacin in difficult-to-treat infections.intravenous ciprofloxacin was administered to 54 patients who were either critically ill or in whom oral administration was not possible. the 31 males and 23 females ranged in age from 20 to 89 years (mean, 53.2 +/- 17.8 years). patients had "difficult-to-treat" infections, i.e., respiratory infections (15), abscesses (four intraabdominal, three lung, two soft tissue, and one intrahepatic), deep soft tissue infections (10), chronic post-traumatic osteomyelitis in exacerbation (nine), upper urina ...19873555059
kingella kingae septicaemia. 19873591214
[infective endocarditis due to kingella kingae in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus]. 19873130447
kingella kingae endocarditis: report of a case and review of the literature. 19873308781
[osteoarthritis and osteomyelitis due to kingella kingae in children. apropos of 5 cases and review of the literature].bone infection caused by kingella kingae (kk) is rare since there are only 15 published cases. we report 5 additional cases with isolation of kk from fluid or bone aspiration. kk was sensitive to the most common antibiotics. the outcome was favorable in every case.19863808839
intervertebral diskitis caused by kingella kingae.a case of childhood intervertebral diskitis caused by kingella kingae is presented. in a review of the literature, the authors found 33 reported cases of infection caused by species of the kingella genus, of which 29 were due to k. kingae. of the 33 cases, 42% represented bacterial endocarditis and 48% bone and joint infection. of the 16 bone and joint infections, 11 represented septic arthritis, 3 osteomyelitis, and 2 intervertebral diskitis, the latter finding making the authors' case of k. ki ...19863706211
manifestations of kingella kingae infections in adults: resemblance to neisserial infections.kingella kingae is a rare human pathogen. most reported infections are in children and involve endocardium, vascular space, and skeletal tissues. we report herein two cases of k. kingae infection recently seen in adults. kingella kingae caused acute meningitis in a patient with sickle cell anemia and in the second patient with alcoholic liver disease, sepsis with a petechial rash. the clinical presentation due to k. kingae closely resembled that caused by related neisseria genus.19863709097
infections caused by kingella kingae: report of four cases and review.kingella kingae, formerly known as moraxella kingae, is a fastidious, non-motile, coccobacillary, fermentative gram-negative rod that has been chiefly associated with two types of infections in man: bone and joint infections, and endocarditis. we describe four patients with k. kingae infections, one with septicaemia, two with endocarditis, and one with osteoarthritis. the current literature on infections with k. kingae is reviewed.19863760596
[a new human bacteriosis: infection with kingella kingae]. 19863764217
[osteoarthritis due to kingella kingae. apropos of 4 cases].the authors describe for cases of osteoarthritis with kingella kingae, among children. this gram less than 0 germ, which is not well known, tends to be located in bones and joints. in the light of for observations and some of the cases yet observed, we could identified the clinical, biological, and bacteriological characteristics of this germ that has been just described.19863581309
[sensitivity of kingella kingae to antibiotics].kingella kingae is a small gram negative rod of the neisseriaceae family, formerly called moraxella kingae. this microorganism is found occasionally in the oral cavity and is capable of causing infections. we report three cases of septic arthritis in children due to k. kingae. in vitro susceptibility of the recovered strains was tested using determination of mics in agar. the strains were susceptible to penicillin, ampicillin, ticarcillin, cephalothin, cefotaxime, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, te ...19863534752
isolation of two strains of kingella kingae associated with septic arthritis.two new cases of infection, a presternal abscess and a spondylodiscitis caused by the recently classified bacterium kingella kingae, are reported. the main bacteriological characteristics and the susceptibility of the two isolates to antimicrobial agents are described. the pathology of k. kingae, particularly among children, is reviewed.19863782457
kingella kingae infections: a review and a presentation of data from 10 swedish cases.kingella kingae is a fastidious gram-negative rod related to the neisseriae. together with data from published cases of k. kingae infection, we report the clinical and laboratory findings from 10 cases in western sweden; a specific serological reaction is also described. the diagnoses were osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, discitis, endocarditis, occult bacteraemia and phlegmon. the data from the swedish cases, together with those from previous reports in the literature provided the basis for an ...19854059864
[acute endocarditis caused by kingella kingae in an infant].a case of bacterial endocarditis in a one year-old boy is reported. there was no underlying heart disease. the organism was a kingella kingae, an aerobic gram negative bacillus, a normal inhabitant of the upper respiratory tract. it has rarely been implicated as a pediatric pathogen. occasionally it can cause bone and joint infections and exceptionally endocarditis.19853985754
evaluation of the rim system and gono gen test for identification of neisseria gonorrhoeae from clinical specimens.rim-n (austin biological laboratories) and gono gen (micro media systems) were evaluated for accuracy and compared with conventional carbohydrate degradation tests for identification of neisseria gonorrhoeae. a total of 127 fresh clinical isolates of n. gonorrhoeae were tested; 118 (93%) were identified by rim-n, and 100 (79%) yielded positive reactions with gono gen. seventy nongonococcal isolates including other neisseria species, branhamella catarrhalis, kingella kingae, and moraxella species ...19853919991
[kingella kingae--a new infectious agent]. 19853990452
acute kingella kingae endocarditis with recurrent cerebral emboli in a child with mitral 11-year-old girl had sudden onset of right hemiplegia and dysphasia with fever. blood cultures grew kingella kingae. echocardiography showed a prolapsed mitral valve vegetation, which became larger during a prolonged course of antibiotics. after seven weeks of therapy, when surgery was being planned, the child deteriorated abruptly. a repeat echocardiogram showed that the vegetation had disappeared. conservative medical management is usually inadequate in treating vegetations associated with ...19846465865
endocarditis due to kingella kingae.four cases of endocarditis due to kingella kingae are described in compromised patients. all had primary heart disease, and two had systemic lupus erythematosis and congenital heart defect respectively, in addition. confirmation of kingella kingae was made in one case at autopsy. the literature on 11 cases of endocarditis, 2 bacteremia, 4 osteomyelitis, 5 septic arthritis and 1 intervertebral disc infection, all caused by kingella kingae, is reviewed. our findings confirm that the organism is of ...19846468370
septicemia caused by kingella kingae.a case of kingella kingae septicemia following acute gastroenteritis is described. intravenous antibiotic treatment with mezlocillin and tobramycin led to rapid and sustained recovery. the infection with kingella kingae may have been food-borne.19846468371
kingella kingae osteomyelitis of the clavicle.kingella kingae is the most recent addition to the list of etiologic agents causing osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in previously well children. a case is presented of a child with k. kingae osteomyelitis of the clavicle--an uncommon site of infection due to any organism. in the hope of facilitating the detection and treatment of this increasingly recognized pathogen, a brief discussion of its microbiologic characteristics and a summary of the patients reported to date with bone and joint inf ...19846470125
a pitfall in purulent arthritis brought out in kingella kingae infection of the knee.a description of the protracted course of kingella monoarthritis is given as an illustration of the importance of accounting for the slow growth, low viable numbers, and fastidious culture requirements of microbes that may be encountered in synovial samples. the practice of carrying out synovial fluid cultures in the same way as blood cultures is recommended.19846476925
kingella kingae septicaemia with a clinical presentation resembling disseminated gonococcal infection. 19846434059
septic arthritis caused by kingella kingae.a normal part of the oral flora, kingella kingae has seldom been recognized as the cause of serious clinical infections. we report a case of documented septic arthritis caused by k. kingae in an otherwise healthy infant. we suggest that it may be more common than thought based on the general unfamiliarity with this organism and the fact that several dozen clinical isolates have been identified by reference laboratories.19836826703
kingella kingae infectious arthritis: case report and review of literature of kingella and moraxella infections. 19836838679
infective endocarditis caused by kingella kingae. 19836839259
kingella (moraxella) kingae infections in children.kingella (moraxella) kingae occasionally colonizes the nasopharynx and rarely causes serious infections. three children with k kingae infections treated over a two-month period were studied. epidemiologic investigation concluded that infection was community acquired, not pseudoinfection or nosocomial infection. except for prompt laboratory recognition of the organism, no identifiable factors explained the observed prevalence. five additional k kingae infections were reviewed. affected sites incl ...19836858976
bacterial endocarditis due to kingella kingae.a case of infective bacterial endocarditis due to kingella kingae in a 26 year old male involving a prosthetic mitral valve is described. microbiological features of this organism are outlined, and the treatment of this endocarditis is discussed with reference to the four previously reported cases.19836578452
septic arthritis caused by kingella kingae.kingella kingae is a slow-growing, fastidious gram-negative coccobacillus that is a normal inhabitant of the oropharynx of man, but it has rarely been implicated as a human pathogen. two cases of septic arthritis caused by this organism are reported along with a review of seven previously reported cases of infections caused by this organism. bone and joint infections predominate. gram's-stained smears of pus from bone or joint fluid aspirate have been negative for organisms, and a delay of growt ...19836613942
kingella kingae causing septic arthritis in felty's syndrome.a case of septic arthritis of the elbow caused by kingella kingae, a gram-negative bacillus, is described. the patient had long-standing, severe rheumatoid arthritis and felty's syndrome. this appears to be the first report from the united kingdom of kingella kingae as the aetiological agent of septic arthritis.19836622347
kingella (moraxella) kingae infections. 19836637943
kingella kingae meningitis with bilateral infarcts of the basal ganglia.kingella kingae was isolated for the first time from the cerebrospinal fluid in a 21-month-old caucasian girl with stomatitis and meningitis. a computed axial tomogram of the brain showed changes compatible with bilateral infarction of the basal ganglia. ampicillin and chloramphenicol treatment was effective.19836668069
kingella kingae endocarditis in a child with a prosthetic aortic valve and bifurcation graft. 19836829524
prosthetic valve bacterial endocarditis caused by kingella kingae. 19836883228
endocarditis resulting from kingella kingae, presenting initially as culture-negative bacterial endocarditis. 19826922855
osteomyelitis and septic arthritis caused by kingella kingae.the clinical and bacteriological findings in two cases of osteomyelitis and one case of septic arthritis caused by kingella kingae are presented. this appears to be the first report providing clear evidence for a pathogenic role for this species in bone and joint infections.19827068914
symposium on infective endocarditis. iii. endocarditis due to gram-negative bacteria. report of 56 the mayo clinic, 56 patients with infective endocarditis caused by gram-negative bacteria were seen from 1958 through 1979, 35 of whom were seen from 1970 through 1979. the patients were categorized into two divisions: those with medical, naturally acquired valve infections (40 [71%]) and those with infective endocarditis after cardiac operation (16 [29%]). the overall cure rate was 82% (46 of 56 patients); 35 of 40 patients (88%) were cured in the medical group, and 11 of 16 patients (69%) w ...19827062778
kingella kingae osteomyelitis mimicking an eosinophilic granuloma. 19827136665
measles pneumonia in young adults. an analysis of 106 cases.measles occurred in 3,220 air force recruits between january 1976 and july 1979 and was complicated by pneumonia in 106 cases (3.3 percent). although no deaths occurred, the illness was characterized as clinically severe with high fever and prolonged hospitalization (mean, 14.5 days). bacterial superinfection as documented by transtracheal aspiration occurred in 35 cases (30.3 percent) and was caused by hemophilus influenzae (18), hemophilus parainfluenzae (two), neisseria meningitidis (nine), s ...19817282741
identification and characterization of kingella kingae.kingella kingae is a rarely isolated opportunistic pathogen in the family neisseriaceae. thirteen strains of this organism, including six strains isolated in denmark, were characterized. they formed a homogeneous group of small, non-motile, fastidious gram-negative rods which were beta-haemolytic, oxidase positive, catalase negative and saccharolytic. acid was produced for glucose and maltose. growth was most pronounced aerobically but corroding colonies increased considerably in size during ana ...19816274144
septic arthritis due to kingella (moraxella) kingii: case report and review of the literature.kingella (moraxella) kingii, a gram-negative bacillus, was isolated as the cause of septic knee arthritis in an adult. three previous cases (1 adult and 2 children) of septic arthritis due to moraxella species have been reported. all cases have been characterized by difficulty in identifying the organism, indolent clinical course and slow response to antibiotic treatment.19817288767
bacteria, arthritis, and skin lesions due to kingella kingae. 19807436480
infective endocarditis caused by moraxella kingae. 1978716391
paraspinal mass associated with intervertebral disk infection secondary to moraxella kingii. 1978619089
density gradient centrifugation in urografin of moraxella and kingella cells and appendages.purification of fimbriae (pili) by density gradient banding in urografin medium was attempted. moraxella nonliquefaciens and kingella kingae fimbriae were of higher density than their cells of origin, but fimbrial fractions obtained by homogenization and differential centrifugation still banded together with presumed outer membrane fragments and some whole cells in urografin gradients. the cellular density of genetic variants with different fimbriation/competence levels was also studied. for one ...1978358743
oxidase positive rods from cases of suspected gonorrhoea. a comparison of conventional, gas chromatographic and genetic methods of identification.genito-urethral specimens from 3260 women and 1170 men, with ailments suggestive of gonorrhoea, were examined for growth of oxidase positive rodshaped bacteria, as well as of gonococci. moraxella osloensis was identified in 26 cases (0.64 per cent of women and 0.43 per cent of men). three patients harboured phenylalanine negative (or weakly reacting) and tryptophan deaminase negative m. phenylpyrouvica and, in three cases, a flavobacterium species was detected. among six oropharyngeal specimens ...1977402788
relationship of neisseria elongata subsp. glycolytica to other members of the family neisseriaceae.neisseria elongata subsp. glycolytica strain 6171/75 is closely similar to the type strain of n. elongata, m2, as regards dna base composition, fatty acid content and electrophoretic mobility of two glutamate dehydrogenases, one of which showed a reaction of identity with the corresponding enzyme from m2 in double immunodiffusion in agar. the strain showed genetic homologies with strain m2 in genetic transformation at a level suggesting species identity, and with n. meningitidis at a lower level ...1977842351
fimbriation associated with the spreading-corroding colony type in moraxella kingii. 19724508780
the serology of moraxella kingii. 19694986754
corroding bacteria from the respiratory tract. 1. moraxella kingii. 19695796084
moraxella kingii sp.nov., a haemolytic, saccharolytic species of the genus moraxella. 19685185818
Displaying items 501 - 563 of 563