
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
florence nightingale: the biostatistician. 201121540464
comparison of diagnostic accuracy of saline infusion sonohysterography, transvaginal sonography and hysteroscopy in postmenopausal compare the diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal sonography (tvs), saline infusion sonohysterography (sis) and hysteroscopy (hs) with respect to pathological diagnosis in the detection of uterine cavity abnormalities associated with abnormal uterine bleeding among postmenopausal women.201120665218
a history of massage in nurse training school curricula (1860-1945).guided by florence nightingale, massage nurse training instruction methods were duplicated in the u.s. nurse training curricula. in the 1880s to 1900s massage training and instruction was delivered by physicians, nurses, or masseurs for many disease conditions. in the 1930s to 1940s, influential nurse authors and educators began to recommend specialization in physiotherapy for nurses. scientific and pharmacological solutions for symptoms of disease became popular, thus practicing basic nursing c ...201120682916
phantom-less qct bmd system as screening tool for osteoporosis without additional radiation.phantom-less bone mineral density (plbmd) systems are easily integrated into the ct workflow for non-dedicated quantitative ct (qct) bmd measurements in thoracic and abdominal scans. this in vivo retrospective study aims to determine accuracy and precision of the plbmd option located on the extended brilliance workspace (philips medical systems, cleveland, oh, us) from both cross-sectional and longitudinal image data.201120223609
Exploration of clinical nurses' perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care.Florence Nightingale emphasized the need for nurses to honor the psychological and spiritual aspects of patients to promote patients' health. Whereas study of a public hospital in Singapore presented similar findings, few studies have explored clinical nurses' perceptions of spirituality.201122089650
[florence nightingale and nursing]. 20113299937
development and validation of the nightingale symptom assessment scale (n-sas) and predictors of the quality of life of the cancer patients in turkey.treatment-related side effects have an adverse impact on the health-related quality of life (hrqol) of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. this study is a description of the validity and responsiveness demonstrated by a new cancer and cancer treatment-specific symptom scale--the nightingale symptom assessment scale (n-sas)--which was developed and validated to address the qol of turkish cancer patients.201119944644
the empty carriage: lessons in leadership from florence nightingale.florence nightingale made a profound statement about leadership when she returned from the crimean war without the fanfare offered to her. promoters paraded her empty carriage around the city of southampton england to applaud her accomplishments in the war. her absence signaled a new leadership, one of quiet determination, humility, and political strategy to improve quality of life. the lessons to be learned for today's nurse leaders revolve around mindfulness, clarity of purpose, reverence for ...201121220570
[florence nightingale--a remarkable woman followed her calling]. 20113090359
Effects of alopecia on body image and quality of life of Turkish cancer women with or without headscarf.PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to find out the effects of chemotherapy-related alopecia on body image and quality of life of Turkish women who have cancer with or without headscarves and factors affecting them. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted with 204 women who received chemotherapy at the Istanbul University Institute of Oncology, Turkey. The Patient Description Form, Body Image Scale and Night ...201122179546
speech by her excellency, the president of india, shrimati pratibha devisingh patil at the presentation of the national florence nightingale awards for nursing personnel. 201122482305
female heterogamety and speciation: reduced introgression of the z chromosome between two species of nightingales.several lines of evidence suggest that the x chromosome plays a large role in intrinsic postzygotic isolation. the role of the z chromosome in speciation is much less understood. to explore the role of the z chromosome in reproductive isolation, we studied nucleotide variation in two closely related bird species, the thrush nightingale (luscinia luscinia) and the common nightingale (l. megarhynchos). these species are isolated by incomplete prezygotic isolation and female hybrid sterility. we se ...201019796142
florence nightingale and the enduring legacy of transpersonal human caring-healing. 201020467037
beliefs of turkish cancer patients on the genesis of cancer: "why do i have cancer?".to determine the beliefs of turkish cancer patients about the etiology of carcinogenesis.201020658726
relationship between nursing students' epistemological beliefs and locus of control.the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between nursing students' epistemologic beliefs and locus of control, and the research was conducted at istanbul university florence nightingale school of nursing with 350 nursing students.201020149504
non-pharmacological interventions used by cancer patients during chemotherapy in turkey.although there are many non-pharmacological practices being recommended for symptom management, most patients prefer to use pharmacological interventions. this study assesses the non-pharmacological interventions used by cancer patients for symptom management during chemotherapy and the factors affecting its use.201020863758
florence nightingale: a 19th-century mystic.florence nightingale (1820-1910) received a clear and profoundly moving call to serve god at the age of 16. through a lifetime of hard work and discipline, she became a practicing mystic in the western tradition, thereby becoming an instrument of god's love, which was the primarily source of her great energy and the fabled "nightingale power." to understand the life and work of this legendary healer, who forever changed human consciousness, the role of women, and nursing and public health system ...201020467024
creating a therapeutic environment in a pediatric renal unit.creating and maintaining a therapeutic patient environment has been the responsibility of nurses since the days of florence nightingale. achieving this environment for children with renal disease and their families can, however, be a complex task. this article addresses a number of factors that must be considered in planning a new pediatric unit or renovating an established one. useful strategies leading to a therapeutic environment in a pediatric nephrology unit are described as well.20102923498
expanding our nightingale horizon: seven recommendations for 21st-century nursing's global health problems may seem insurmountable. antibiotic-resistant microbes are increasing, and more economic, environmental, and social factors are affecting health. health care costs keep rising. hot politics and the chronic global nursing shortages all threaten the future of health care delivery. also, diseases in many war-torn regions clearly place all humanity's health at risk. how can nurses possibly address these larger "global" challenges? to consider this question--and what nu ...201021149558
relighting the lamp.florence nightingale transformed the public's perception of nursing and laid the foundation for nursing schools and community nursing.201020162915
school nurses save lives: can we provide the data?vigilance has been central to nursing practice since florence nightingale. often, the nurse's work of surveillance goes unnoticed and the public never recognizes the value of the nurse's work. the 1999 institute of medicine report on hospital deaths due to preventable errors has lifted the veil shrouding professional vigilance. but how to measure vigilance remained elusive, until the concept, failure to rescue (ftr), was proposed. ftr has taken a prominent role in health care since its adoption ...201020606057
the influence of nightingale rounding by the liaison nurse on surgical patient families with attention to differing cultural needs.this article is a tribute to florence nightingale whose book notes on nursing was published 150 years ago in 1860. nightingale was a proponent of rounding on patients to ensure their environment contributed to healing. patients and their families experience greater satisfaction when a registered nurse rounds on them. the liaison nurse provides the connection between a surgical patient and the family in the waiting room. this activity promotes communication and spiritual support for family member ...201020592290
speech of shri ghulam nabi azad, union minister of health & family welfare on the occasion of presentation of national florence nightingale awards to meritorious nursing personnel at vigyan bhavan, delhi on 12 may 2010. 201023520820
national florence nightingale award ceremony 2010. 201023520819
2010: commemorating the centennial year of the death of florence nightingale and the international year of the nurse. 201020559143
shaping the future of nursing education today using distant education and 1860, florence nightingale, published "notes on nursing" that provided the foundation for many curricula. today, nursing education is available through many diverse settings and methodologies. one of the most evolving methods is through distant education (de). evidence demonstrates that the demand for de is increasing across the united states for students enrolling in de classes to meet their personal life style. in addition, the data reveal that more colleges and universities are offering ad ...201020533754
florence nightingale and the nightingale declaration. 201020499707
the 2010 international year of the nurse: 21st-century nightingales, advocacy, and global health. 201020499706
job stress, achievement motivation and occupational burnout among male nurses.this paper is a report of an exploration of job stress, achievement motivation and occupational burnout in male nurses and to identify predictors of occupational burnout.201020492017
florence nightingale's relevance to nurses.nurses are actively finding florence nightingale to be relevant to nursing knowledge, nursing organization, and nursing education. a study of her life is also seen to be relevant and there is a need to look at nightingale's writings for a deeper understanding of her relevance.201020467036
florence nightingale: passionate statistician.nightingale's passionate commitment to statistics was based on her faith in a god of order, who created a world that ran by law. god's laws could be known through research, as a result of which suitable interventions to better the world could be applied. statistics were a vital component in her holistic approach to health care as a system. they served both to indicate serious problems and to assist in policy making, and then again to monitor the effects of the new policies. she pioneered the use ...201020467034
the power of environmental adaptation: florence nightingale's original theory for nursing practice.florence nightingale was a prolific writer. her diaries, letters, monographs, and books remain as a part of her legacy. from these documents, her ideas, values, and beliefs in a wide range of topics can be identified. the philosophical basis of modern nursing is generally seen as nightingale's most recognized contribution to societal change. in fact, her documents contain her philosophical assumptions and beliefs regarding all elements found in the metaparadigm of nursing. these can be formed in ...201020467032
florence nightingale: the evolution and social impact of feminist values in nursing.although generally recognized as the founder of modern nursing, florence nightingale has been criticized for her apparent lack of support of women's issues, including suffrage. this article examines the primary and supporting literature surrounding this topic. findings indicate that nightingale developed a complex set of beliefs that supported women as individuals rather than from a gender perspective. she did, in fact, support the concept of women's suffrage but did not give it priority. victor ...201020467030
florence nightingale: her personality type.this article casts new and refreshing light on florence nightingale's life and work by examining her personality type. using the theory-based myers-briggs type indicator (mbti), the author examines nightingale's personality type and reveals that she was an introverted-intuitive-thinking-judging type. the merit of using the mbti is that it allows us to more clearly understand three major areas of nightingale's life that have been partially unacknowledged or misunderstood: her spiritual developmen ...201020467028
florence nightingale: her crimean fever and chronic illness.florence nightingale's crimean fever and chronic illness have intrigued historians for more than a century and a half. the purpose of this article is threefold: (a) to discuss the facts that point to the cause of nightingale's crimean fever as brucellosis, (b) to show that her debilitating illness for 32 years (1855-1887) was compatible with the specific form of chronic brucellosis, and (c) to present new evidence that she was still having severe symptoms in december 1887, when it was previously ...201020467026
lamp light on leadership: clinical leadership and florence nightingale.the purpose of the present study was to use the example of florence nightingales' nursing experience to highlight the differences between nursing leadership and clinical leadership with a focus on miss nightingales' clinical leadership attributes.201020465739
[postmodernity for florence nightingale].the author analyzes the influence of the environmental paradigm presented by hippocrates, the maieutics of socrates, the role of religious orders in the overall nursing conception florence nightingale had by which the observation of social phenomena, both at an individual level as well as a systematic level, comprise the basis of her works.201020458893
[who was really florence nightingale?]. 201020458889
the world's first secular autonomous nursing school against the power of the churches.secular healthcare practices were standardized well before the churches' established their influence over the nursing profession. indeed, such practices, resting on the tripartite axiom of domus, familia, hominem, were already established in hospitals during the middle ages. it was not until the last third of the eighteenth century that the catholic church imposed its culture on secular health institutions; the protestant church followed suit in 1836. in reaction to the encroachment of religious ...201020602706
florence nightingale: nurse and public health pioneer.august 2010 marks the centenary of the death of florence nightingale, who must be, without doubt, the most famous name in nursing. most people, even those in the health professions, think of her as 'the lady with the lamp'; the heroine of the crimean war, who tended the sick and wounded soldiers at scutari. important though this was, her main contribution, which continued long after crimea, was in the organization of nursing training, in hospital planning, public and military health, and in effe ...201020081644
catastrophic events and older adults.the plight of older adults during catastrophic events is a societal concern. older persons have an increased prevalence of cognitive disorders, chronic illnesses, and mobility problems that limit their ability to cope. these disorders may result in a lack of mental capacity and the ability to discern when they should evacuate or resolve problems encountered during a catastrophe. some older persons may have limited transportation options, and many of the elderly survivors are at increased risk fo ...201021095558
lynn mcdonald: champion of florence nightingale. 201021086772
the nightingale prize 2010 for best mbec paper in 2009 awarded. 201021080092
editorial--a world in progress...this year was the centennial of florence nightingale's death and in commemoration, was designated as the international year of the nurse (iynurse) by the honor society of nursing, sigma theta tau in the u.s., the nightingale initiative for global health in canada, and the florence nightingale museum in england. 2010 iynurse is "a collaborative, grassroots global initiative honoring nurses' voices, values, and wisdom-to act as catalysts for achieving a healthy world." in this "celebration of comm ...201021071358
sound advice demands a receptive audience.adrian popplewell, an associate at a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy ramboll acoustics, discusses the importance of good acoustics in the design of truly fit-for-purpose 21st century healthcare buildings, agreeing that, as florence nightingale wrote in 1859: "unnecessary noise is the most cruel absence of care which can be inflicted on the sick or well".201021058626
the health of hospitals and lessons from history: public health and sanitary reform in the dublin hospitals, 1858-1898.the aim was to examine, critically, 19th century hospital sanitary reform with reference to theories about infection and contagion.201021029230
why florence nightingale still matters. 201020975431
the death of florence nightingale: bjn 100 years ago.this august marks the centenary of the death of florence nightingale, who died at 2 o'clock on saturday 13 august 1910 at her home, 10 south street, park lane, london. the following are some snippets which appeared in the bjn of the 20 and 27 august 1910. it was not until the announcement of her death in the morning papers of monday 15 august that the country heard about nightingale's death. in her last hours she was attended by sir thomas barlow and two nurses from the nursing sisters' institut ...201020966869
remembering florence nightingale's panorama: 21st-century nursing--at a critical crossroads.florence nightingale lived and worked in response to her times--yet also ahead of her time. she insisted on pursuing a career even though her wealthy family could have provided her with a lifetime of leisure. because she was a woman, this choice to work outside her home was all the more unusual. nightingale was also a vanguard woman because she chose nursing, a role that was considered the work of desperate, impoverished women who lived on the street like prostitutes. in addition to these unusua ...201020664022
nightingale theory and intentional comfort touch in management of tinea pedis in vulnerable populations.vulnerable populations, specifically migrant farm workers and persons experiencing homelessness, are often at an increased risk for foot infections. this risk is related to their working and living conditions, socioeconomic status, limited access to health care, frequent exposure to wet environments, limited access to clean and dry socks and shoes, bathing or laundry facilities, and daily routines that requires them to be on their feet for long periods of time. after years of caring for these po ...201020660909
commentary on "nightingale in absentia: nursing and the 1893 columbian exposition". 201021149557
an exploration of the nature of caring relationships in the writings of florence nightingale.the purpose of this qualitative, historical field study was to identify the nature and attributes of caring relationships as depicted in the writings of florence nightingale. latent content analysis was the methodology used for the discovery and analysis of words, ideas, and themes from selected nightingale works. five themes were identified that represented a caring relationship: attend to, attention to, nurture, competent, and genuine. these themes are congruent with nightingale's threefold co ...201021149554
integrating healthcare design research into practice: setting a new standard of seems safe to conclude that nearly 150 years ago, "the lady with the lamp," florence nightingale, set a course that practice-based healthcare researchers continue to follow today. in her book, notes on nursing (1860), nightingale identified light, ventilation, noise, and sanitation as elements of the environment that affected the well-being of soldiers in her care. today, we attempt to study these same relationships: those that exist between the built environment of healthcare settings, and t ...201021162432
florence nightingale's contribution to contemporary nursing ethics.florence nightingale brought nursing from a disreputable and immoral vocation into the honest and ethical profession that is enjoyed today by emphasizing strict morals in the personal and work lives of her nursing students. in modern day, ethical principles guide the nursing profession and have many relevant connections to nightingale's morals. just as the high moral character of nightingale's nurses helped nursing rise to a profession in her day, teaching and following ethical principles is cru ...201021149560
preventing abuse of older people.the author travelled to the united states on a florence nightingale travel scholarship to study the systems in place to respond to and prevent elder abuse. she visited centres in orange county, california, and new york city that are involved in dealing with the issue. this article provides a summary of her findings, with emphasis on education and training strategies for healthcare professionals working with older people, and provides recommendations for developments in safeguarding older people ...201021137704
florence nightingale and her legacy for global nursing: part ii. 201021509993
commentary on "expanding our nightingale horizon: seven recommendations for 21st-century nursing practice". 201021149559
florence nightingale and the crimean war. 201020671261
florence nightingale (1820-1910): feminism and hospital reform. 2010. 201020671260
florence nightingale a hundred years on: who she was and what she was not.this article reviews florence nightingale's work 100 years after her death, based on surviving writing compiled for the collected works of florence nightingale. described are her founding of a new profession for women, based on patient care, her pioneering work in statistics and data analysis and her bold reform of the workhouse infirmaries. a section on historiography focuses on the negative impact of f. b. smith's attack on nightingale in 1982 and monica baly's progressively more negative inte ...201021344737
nightingale initative for global health. 201020863027
us nurses inspired by nightingale.florence nightingale revolutionised military nursing practice and transformed negative attitudes towards female nurses during the american civil war, conference-goers heard last week.201028076026
nightingale is not the best role model for today's nurses. 201020810414
florence nightingale in absentia: nursing and the 1893 columbian 1893, chicago hosted the columbian exposition. this event showcased america's social, cultural, and scientific advances and its growing cultural parity with western europe. this was the first major exposition in which women played a prominent role. integral to the fair was a series of congresses that provided an international platform for discussion of social issues. the congress on hospitals, dispensaries, and nursing, a section of the international congress of charities, correction, and phi ...201020807865
scholarships.there is still time to apply for the florence nightingale foundation's leadership development scholarships before the closing date on september 27.201027744997
vantage point.august 13 marked the centenary of the death of florence nightingale, whose book, notes on nursing: what it is, and what it is not, published in 1859, served as the cornerstone of the then nursing curriculum.201027744993
florence nightingale. cassandra: an essay. 1979. 201020705963
re-reading nightingale: notes on hospitals. 201020692390
from charity to caring: nightingale's experience at harley street.florence nightingale has been the subject of numerous biographies and topical studies since she became a public figure during the crimean war of 1854-1856. however, both the biographical and the topical literature have given little emphasis to the fourteen months of nightingale's superintendency at the establishment for gentlewomen during illness located on harley street, london. thematic analysis of primary documents including nightingale's quarterly reports to the governors of her nursing home ...201020660907
we must not forget what we once knew: an exemplar for helping nurses reconnect with their history and rediscover their passion for nursing.whether it is adhering to the latest regulatory requirements, measuring performance, evaluating the patient's experience of care, or preventing pressure ulcers, nothing is more vital to the success of any initiative than the requisite skill and observations of a professional nurse. yet, for many nurses, getting through the day can be a struggle. feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, and scattered, reshaping the identity and passion once recognized as an individual's "calling" to professional nursin ...201020651302
editorial: nightingale, hand washing, and restroom observations. 201020649378
evidence-based medicine and hospital reform: tracing origins back to florence nightingale.the use of reliable evidence to evaluate health care interventions has gained strong support within the medical community and in the field of plastic surgery in particular. evidence-based medicine aims to improve health care and reduce costs through the use of sound clinical evidence in evaluating treatments, procedures, and outcomes. the field is hardly new, however, and most trace its origins back to the work of cochrane in the 1970s and sackett in the 1990s. though she wouldn't know it, flore ...201019910854
[evidence in support of florence nightingale's theories. 100 years after her death].this article has been written to pay homage to florence nightingale as a pioneer and beacon for scientific curiosity which should serve as the nursing professional's guide for fine praxis. for this purpose, the author studied the evidence regarding ms nightingale's supposed theories; these have been arranged into four large groups in order to make those findings which support her theories easier to understand.201020617658
science, healing, and courage: the legacy of florence nightingale. 201020608368
ancestral polymorphism in exon 2 of bluethroat (luscinia svecica) mhc class ii b genes.the genes of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) are important model genes for understanding selective forces in evolution. here, we document, using a cloning and sequencing approach, high polymorphism at the exon 2 of the mhc class ii b (mhciib) genes in the bluethroat (luscinia svecica); a minimum of 61 unique alleles were detected in 20 individuals, and at least 11 functional loci. in addition, several pseudogenes were revealed. the specimens originated from three different bluethroat ...201020456568
standing in the shadow of snowdonia.leaving the site in a better condition than when they left it, and minimising the development's impact on the local scenery, reflecting the area's history and natural heritage in the design, and exploiting the stunning location and views to provide a relaxing, therapeutic care environment, were among the goals for architects nightingale associates when they drew up plans for the ysbyty alltwen community hospital, spectacularly positioned high on the foothills of snowdonia. speaking at a recent n ...201020446483
healing instruments. interview by hazel davis.the florence nightingale school of nursing in london has a composer-in-residence, whose role is to enrich its community.201020441029
dame josephine barnes: distinguished gynaecologist and first woman president of the british medical previous articles in this series, we have written about the great women pioneers who broke down the barriers which prohibited or limited their entry into the various branches of the healthcare professions and who then proved that they could compete, on equal terms, with their male counterparts. included in the first among these, of course, was florence nightingale, who, in the crimean war (1854-6) and afterwards introduced the 'modern' era of nursing training and put an end to the dirty, igno ...201020225720
introducing primary nursing to a satellite dialysis setting in singapore.primary nursing originated from the university of minnesota hospitals in the late 1960s. almost 100 years before, florence nightingale defined a "case method" approach to nursing in which she described an individual nurse having responsibility for a given group of patients and dealing with issues relating to health, hygiene and family support.20109663995
[florence nightingale's concept of home nursing: an analysis of her writings].the purpose of this study is to identify miss florence nightingale's concept of home nursing in the 19th century. the texts of her 27 writings were analyzed in terms of home nursing. in her writings of 1850's, she discussed patients' own homes as well as hospitals as the settings where nursing care should be provided. "hospitals are an intermediate stage of civilization" was the recognition which formed the core of her philosophy. miss nightingale envisaged "nursing care provided to individuals ...20099305064
[letter to the nurses of the nightingale fund school]. 20095210729
sex-specific timing of mate searching and territory prospecting in the nightingale: nocturnal life of females.formal models have shown that diel variation in female mate searching is likely to have profound influence on daily signalling routines of males. in studies on acoustic communication, the temporal patterns of the receivers' signal evaluation should thus be taken into account when investigating the functions of signalling. in bird species in which diel patterns of signalling differ between males singing to defend a territory or to attract a mate, the diel patterns of mate and territory prospectin ...200919324798
continuity of nursing and the time of sickness.this paper explores the relationship between temporal continuity in nursing and temporal features of sickness. it is based on phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy, empirical studies of sickness time, and the nursing theories of nightingale, of benner and of benner and wrubel. in the first part, temporal continuity is defined as distinct from interpersonal continuity. tensions between temporal continuity and discontinuity are discussed in the contexts of care management, of conceptualisa ...200919291197
speech of the president of india, smt. pratibha devisingh patil, at the presentation of national florence nightingale awards for nursing personnel on 12 may, 2009 at rashtrapati bhawan. 200919886166
in: judgment for 'wrongful termination' upheld: employee not in 'competition with agency'. nightingale home healthcare, inc. v. olivia, 29 a. 02-902-cv- 17 (8/23/2009)-in. 200919882772
moral accountability and integrity in nursing practice.the therapeutic nature of the nurse-patient relationship is grounded in an ethic of caring. florence nightingale envisioned nursing as an art and a science...a blending of humanistic, caring presence with evidence-based knowledge and exquisite skill. in this article, the author explores the caring practice of nursing as a framework for understanding moral accountability and integrity in practice. being morally accountable and responsible for one's judgment and actions is central to the nurse's r ...200919850179
peterborough projects put patients one of the architectural practice's largest ever contracts of its kind, nightingale associates is playing a major part in a pound 335 million local health reconfiguration project (the greater peterborough health investment plan) which should see primary and acute care provision transformed in peterborough and its surrounds. jonathan baillie reports on the completion of two impressive new nightingale-designed buildings constructed as key scheme elements.200919795674
conflict and costs when reforming nursing: the introduction of nightingale nursing in australia and examine the financial impact of nightingale nursing in the mid-19th century; to identify any long-term implications of this financial impact on nursing.200919744020
rediscovering a history of nursing management: from nightingale to the modern matron.this paper presents an examination of distinct periods in the development of nursing in order to rediscover a history of nursing management in england. the overall purpose is to demonstrate that uncritical accounts written in the past have not adequately explained the complex factors that have shaped nursing management in england. it is also suggested that the approach taken may be usefully applied to other national contexts.200919596321
observations on sustainable and ubiquitous healthcare informatics from florence nurses around the world prepare to celebrate the centenary of the death of florence nightingale in 2010 this paper reviews her work on using information, especially statistics, to analyze and manage patient care and links that to current developments in informatics. it then examines assistive technologies and how they may impact on nursing practice in the future and links these developments to the writings of florence nightingale. the paper concludes by suggesting that in progressing towards ...200919592815
in defense of nightingale. 200919492607
splendid isolation? the pros and cons of single rooms for the nhs.nightingale wards remained the layout of choice in most nhs hospitals until the 1960s, when racetrack wards and bay areas with between four and six beds were introduced. more recently, a case has been made for more single-room accommodation in new hospital designs and some have argued for the abolition of all shared accommodation. this article explores the evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of such moves.200919485004
travel scholarships.applications are invited for the florence nightingale foundation 2010 travel scholarship awards. proposed projects must be connected to applicants' work and be of benefit to service users and the wider profession.200927316847
from nightingale and mendel to genomics in health care for children. 200919467428
nursing and the issue of 'party' in the church of england: the case of the lichfield diocesan nursing recent years, there has been increased interest in the role of religion in the reform of nursing during the mid-nineteenth century. however, less is known about how 'party' disputes between evangelicals and followers of the 'oxford movement' may have affected nursing. this study examines a proposal to create a nursing association for the diocese of lichfield in 1864, which leads to a public dispute concerning the 'ecclesiastical' nature of the organisation. leading evangelicals in derby campa ...200919453354
florence nightingale and elizabeth blackwell. 200919418612
national nurses week and the nightingale pledge. 200919387283
[the nightingale pledge, today]. 200919341044
reinterpreting the concept of "nursing" in the korean context.florence nightingale acts as the threshold dividing "modern" nursing and "premodern" nursing. the history of modern korean nursing is not exceptional. it is not surprising that the history of modern korean nursing describes the advent of "western" nursing as it was delivered from western medical professionals. although traditional korean medical doctors, hanuisa, largely practice at traditional korean health clinics and hospitals, the nurses who work at these traditional korean health clinics an ...200919218840
the time has come for evidence-based staffing and last, we will have a published source of articles documenting evidence and best practices in a practical publication available to everyone. we are grateful to the editor and publisher of nursing economic$ for their vision and support of this very serious issue in nursing and health care. we look forward to a future where nurses and the entire health care team embed evidence and not opinion into our staffing. in the words of florence nightingale: "no system can endure that does not march. are ...200919927442
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 1384