
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
structure-based engineering of alcaligenes xylosoxidans copper-containing nitrite reductase enhances intermolecular electron transfer reaction with pseudoazurin.the intermolecular electron transfer from achromobacter cycloclastes pseudoazurin (acpaz) to wild-type and mutant alcaligenes xylosoxidans nitrite reductases (axnirs) was investigated using steady-state kinetics and electrochemical methods. the affinity and the electron transfer reaction constant (k(et)) are considerably lower between acpaz and axnir (k(m) = 1.34 mm and k(et) = 0.87 x 10(5) m(-1) s(-1)) than between acpaz and its cognate nitrite reductase (acnir) (k(m) = 20 microm and k(et) = 7. ...200415475344
the completely sequenced plasmid pest4011 contains a novel incp1 backbone and a catabolic transposon harboring tfd genes for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradation.the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d)-degrading bacterium achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. denitrificans strain est4002 contains plasmid pest4011. this plasmid ensures its host a stable 2,4-d(+) phenotype. we determined the complete 76,958-bp nucleotide sequence of pest4011. this plasmid is a deletion and duplication derivative of pd2m4, the 95-kb highly unstable laboratory ancestor of pest4011, and was self-generated during different laboratory manipulations performed to increas ...200415489427
pitfalls of polymyxin antimicrobial susceptibility testing of pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from cystic fibrosis patients.with their potent activity against gram-negative bacteria, the polymyxins are important alternative antibiotics for cystic fibrosis (cf) patients. a retrospective evaluation of polymyxin activity against 6001 pseudomonas aeruginosa, 150 achromobacter xylosoxidans and 506 stenotrophomonas maltophilia cf isolates was initiated. in addition, we looked at how polymyxin susceptibility testing was affected by the testing method (agar dilution versus microdilution), the agent (polymyxin e versus polymy ...200415509615
characterization of two type 1 cu sites of hyphomicrobium denitrificans nitrite reductase: a new class of copper-containing nitrite reductases.we report (1) the amino acid sequence of hyphomicrobium denitrificans nitrite reductase (hdnir), containing two type 1 cu sites and one type 2 cu site; (2) the expression and preparation of wild-type hdnir and two mutants replacing the cys ligand of each type 1 cu with ala; and (3) their spectroscopic and functional characterization. the open-reading frame of 50-kda hdnir is composed of the 15-kda n-terminal domain having a type 1 cu-binding motif like cupredoxins and the 35-kda c-terminal domai ...200415518568
in vitro antimicrobial activity of gatifloxacin compared with other quinolones against clinical isolates from cancer patients.owing to the predominance of gram-positive pathogens in neutropenic cancer patients, newer generation quinolones with an expanded gram-positive spectrum and enhanced potency, may have a role to play for prophylaxis and/or empiric therapy in such patients. the in vitro activity of gatifloxacin was compared with that of ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and trovafloxacin against 848 recent clinical isolates from cancer patients. against gram-positive organisms, gatifloxacin was the most active agent tes ...200415523180
the novel method for isolating chitinolytic bacteria and its application in screening for hyperchitinase producing mutant of alcaligenes develop a novel, rapid and effective screening method for chitinase producing bacteria.200312581369
atomic resolution structures of native copper nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans and the active site mutant asp92glu.we provide the first atomic resolution (<1.20 a) structure of a copper protein, nitrite reductase, and of a mutant of the catalytically important asp92 residue (d92e). the atomic resolution where carbon-carbon bonds of the peptide become clearly resolved, remains a key goal of structural analysis. despite much effort and technological progress, still very few structures are known at such resolution. for example, in the protein data bank (pdb) there are some 200 structures of copper proteins but ...200312691751
conjugative plasmid mediated inducible nickel resistance in hafnia alvei 5-5.hafnia alvei 5-5, isolated from a soil-litter mixture underneath the canopy of the nickel-hyperaccumulating tree sebertia acuminata (sapotaceae) in new caledonia, was found to be resistant to 30 mm ni(2+) or 2 mm co(2+). the 70-kb plasmid, pejh 501, was transferred by conjugation to escherichia coli, serratia marcescens, and klebsiella oxytoca. transconjugant strains expressed inducible nickel resistance to between 5 and 17 mm ni(2+), and cobalt resistance to 2 mm co(2+). a 4.8-kb sal- ecori fra ...200312730713
the treatment of gaseous benzene by two-phase partitioning bioreactors: a high performance alternative to the use of biofilters.a 2-l (1-l working volume) two-phase partitioning bioreactor (tppb) was used as an integrated scrubber/bioreactor in which the removal and destruction of benzene from a gas stream was achieved by the reactor's organic/aqueous liquid contents. the organic solvent used to trap benzene was n-hexadecane, and degradation of benzene was achieved in the aqueous phase using the bacterium alcaligenes xylosoxidans y234. a gas stream with a benzene concentration of 340 mg l(-1) at a flow rate of 0.414 l h( ...200312743750
achromobacter xylosoxidans bacteremia: a 10-year analysis of 54 cases.fifty-four cases of achromobacter xylosoxidans bacteremia diagnosed over a 10-year period in patients from 2 months to 87 years of age were reviewed. fifty-two episodes were nosocomial. the most frequent underlying condition was neoplasm (solid or hematological). the source of infection was a contaminated intravenous catheter in 35 patients (60%) and pneumonia in 6 patients. eight (15%) patients died. the only risk factors significantly associated with mortality were age over 65 years and neutro ...200312750959
the structure of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans at 1.7 a resolution.the enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) from the gram-negative denitrifying bacterial species alcaligenes xylosoxidans was purified and crystallized as a contaminant protein during purification of nitrous oxide reductase. this is the first structure of a gapdh from a denitrifying species. the crystal structure was solved at 1.7 a resolution by molecular replacement using the structure of gapdh from bacillus stearothermophilus as a starting model. the quality of the structure ...200312777799
molecular diversity of denitrifying genes in continental margin sediments within the oxygen-deficient zone off the pacific coast of understand the composition and structure of denitrifying communities in the oxygen-deficient zone off the pacific coast of mexico, the molecular diversity of nir genes from sediments obtained at four stations was examined by using a pcr-based cloning approach. a total of 50 operational taxonomic units (otus) for nirk and 82 otus for nirs were obtained from all samples. forty-four of the nirs clones and 31 of the nirk clones were sequenced; the levels of similarity of the nirs clones were 52 t ...200312788762
development of a gram-negative selective agar (gnsa) for the detection of gram-negative microflora in sputa in patients with cystic develop a selective agar medium to help detect and quantify gram-negative flora in the sputum of patients with cystic fibrosis (cf).200312807467
purification and characterization of chitinase from alcaligenes xylosoxydans.extracellular chitinase from alcaligenes xylosoxydans was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity using affinity and gel filtration chromatography. the molecular mass of chitinase was estimated to be 45 kda and 44 kda by sds-page and gel-filtration, respectively. the enzyme was optimally active at 50 degrees c (over 30 min) and ph 5. activity staining after page showed a single band. the km for chitin was 3 g l-1. cu2+ and na+ at 5 mm inhibited chitinase activity to 25% while ca2+, mg2+ and ba2+ ...200312882172
classification of ralstonia pickettii-like isolates from the environment and clinical samples as ralstonia insidiosa sp. nov.thirteen ralstonia pickettii-like isolates from the environment (water, soil and activated sludge) and human clinical samples (including respiratory secretions of cystic fibrosis patients) were investigated in a polyphasic taxonomic study that employed 16s rdna sequence analysis, dna-dna hybridization, determination of dna base composition, whole-cell protein analysis, biochemical characterization and pcr-based assays. all isolates were classified as a novel ralstonia species, for which the name ...200312892129
a novel kinetic trap for no release from cytochrome c': a possible mechanism for no release from activated soluble guanylate cyclase.flash photolysis studies on the five-coordinate heme nitrosyl of alcaligenes xylosoxidans cytochrome c' were carried out to investigate the ramifications of its proximal nitrosyl ligand on no release. delta absorbance spectra recorded 5 ms after photolysis indicate that approximately 5% of the photolyzed hemes are converted to a five-coordinate high spin ferrous state, revealing that reattachment of the endogenous his ligand is fast enough to trap some of the photolyzed heme. analysis of no rebi ...200312903995
[phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of non fermenting atypical strains recovered from cystic fibrosis patients].we used partial 16s rrna gene (16s dna) sequencing for the prospective identification of nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli recovered from patients attending our cystic fibrosis center (hôpital necker-enfants malades), which gave problematic results with conventional phenotypic tests. during 1999, we recovered 1093 isolates of nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli from 702 sputum sampled from 148 patients. forty-six of these isolates (27 patients) were not identified satisfactorily in routine lab ...200312948761
exposure of sink drain microcosms to triclosan: population dynamics and antimicrobial susceptibility.recent concern that the increased use of triclosan (tcs) in consumer products may contribute to the emergence of antibiotic resistance has led us to examine the effects of tcs dosing on domestic-drain biofilm microcosms. tcs-containing domestic detergent (tcsd) markedly lowered biofouling at 50% (wt/vol) but was poorly effective at use levels. long-term microcosms were established and stabilized for 6 months before one was subjected to successive 3-month exposures to tcsd at sublethal concentrat ...200312957932
delivery of benzene to alcaligenes xylosoxidans by solid polymers in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor.toxic levels of benzene were decreased to sub-inhibitory levels in a bioreactor via absorption by polymer beads or cylinders (poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) or poly(styrene-co-butadiene)). after inoculation with alcaligenes xylosoxidans, the remaining benzene in the aqueous phase as well as the benzene taken up by the polymers was degraded to completion. the capacity of these polymers for benzene, and benzene diffusivity within the polymers were also determined.200312967014
acute postoperative alcaligenes xylosoxidans endophthalmitis. 200312972784
removal and destruction of high concentrations of gaseous toluene in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor by alcaligenes xylosoxidans.a two-phase bioreactor consisting of hexadecane dispersed in an aqueous, cell-containing medium (organic fraction = 0.33) was used to trap toluene vapours from an air stream. the affinity for toluene by the solvent resulted in high efficiency of removal and transfer to the aqueous phase based on equilibrium transfer. the system was readily able to handle a loading capacity of 748 mg l(-1) h(-1) at a toluene degradation efficiency of greater than 98%.200314514043
pathophysiology and management of pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis.this comprehensive state of the art review summarizes the current published knowledge base regarding the pathophysiology and microbiology of pulmonary disease in cystic fibrosis (cf). the molecular basis of cf lung disease including the impact of defective cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (cftr) protein function on airway physiology, mucociliary clearance, and establishment of pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is described. an extensive review of the microbiology of cf lung disease with pa ...200314555458
pcr typing of genetic determinants for metallo-beta-lactamases and integrases carried by gram-negative bacteria isolated in japan, with focus on the class 3 integron.from january 2001 to december 2002, 587 strains of gram-negative bacterial isolates demonstrating resistance to ceftazidime and a combination of sulbactam and cefoperazone were subjected to a disk diffusion screening test using sodium mercaptoacetic acid; 431 strains (73.4%) appeared to produce metallo-beta-lactamase (mbl). of these 431 strains, 357 were found by pcr to carry genes for imp-1 type mbl (bla(imp-1)), while only 7 and 67 strains carried the imp-2 gene (bla(imp-2)) and the vim-2 gene ...200314662918
addressing biofilter limitations: a two-phase partitioning bioreactor process for the treatment of benzene and toluene contaminated gas streams.a two-phase partitioning bioreactor (tppb) achieved simultaneous and continuous removal and degradation of benzene and toluene from an air stream. the aqueous- organic system utilized n-hexadecane as the organic phase, and the organism alcaligenes xylosoxidans y234 in the aqueous phase to achieve the degradation of benzene and toluene. the system, which operates as a well-mixed dispersion and is therefore resistant to substrate surges, was first shown to be capable of utilizing toluene while ope ...200314669872
antibiotic treatment of multidrug-resistant organisms in cystic fibrosis.respiratory tract infection with eventual respiratory failure is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (cf). infective exacerbations need to be treated promptly and effectively to minimize potentially accelerated attrition of lung function. the choice of antibiotic depends on in vitro sensitivity patterns. however, physicians treating patients with cf are increasingly faced with infection with multidrug-resistant isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa. in addition, innately r ...200314719998
cytoplasmic expression of the achromobacter xylosoxidans blue copper nitrite reductase in escherichia coli and characterisation of the recombinant protein.the gene of the achromobacter xylosoxidans (dsm 2402) blue copper-containing nitrite reductase was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. dna sequence analysis reveals that the amino acid sequence is identical to those of the gifu1051 and the ncimb11015 a. xylosoxidans nitrite reductases. the gene encoding the mature coding region for dsm 2402 nitrite reductase was cloned into a pet-vector, overexpressed in the cytoplasm of escherichia coli bl21(de3), and the expressed holoprotein was pu ...200314965775
burkholderia and emerging pathogens in cystic fibrosis.persons with cystic fibrosis (cf) are susceptible to respiratory tract infection with a variety of bacterial species. among these are several species in the genus burkholderia (including members of the b. cepacia complex, b. gladioli, and b. pseudomallei), stenotrophomonas maltophilia, achromobacter ( alcaligenes) xylosoxidans, certain ralstonia species, and species within the new genus pandoraea. enterobacteriaceae and several other rather unusual or novel species also can be found. many of the ...200316088584
patient cohorting and infection control.patients with cystic fibrosis (cf) have an abnormal propensity for recurrent and chronic infections of the lower respiratory tract (lrt), and the most common cause of a shortened lifespan is chronic infection with pseudomonas aeruginosa. a few other gram-negative organisms, primarily burkholderia cepacia complex have, however, emerged as serious pathogens capable of establishing chronic lrt infection. details of these and other cf pathogens can be found in the article by dr. john lipuma, burkhol ...200316088586
sulphoacetaldehyde acetyltransferase yields acetyl phosphate: purification from alcaligenes defragrans and gene clusters in taurine degradation.the facultatively anaerobic bacterium alcaligenes defragrans nkntau was found to oxidize taurine (2-aminoethanesulphonate) with nitrate as the terminal electron acceptor. taurine was transaminated to 2-sulphoacetaldehyde. this was not converted into sulphite and acetate by a "sulphoacetaldehyde sulpho-lyase" (ec, but into sulphite and acetyl phosphate, which was identified by three methods. the enzyme, which required the addition of phosphate, thiamin diphosphate and mg(2+) ions for ac ...200312358600
biological control of fusarium wilt of pigeonpea cajanus cajan (l.) millsp with chitinolytic alcaligenes xylosoxydans.alcaligenes xylosoxydans protected pigeonpea from fusarium wilt in a pot experiment and field trials. when seeds of pigeonpea (c. cajan) were treated with a. xylosoxydans and sown in soil infested with fusarium, the incidence of wilt was reduced by 43.5% and resulted in 58% higher grain yield. the antifungal activity of a. xylosoxydans was based on chitinase production and was comparable in efficacy to commercial antifungal agents such as benlate, monitor wp, thiram and bavistin.200315320506
[epidemiological survey of bacteria isolated from the respiratory tract of cystic fibrosis patients].with the aim of characterizing the evolution of the epidemiological profile of respiratory bacterial infections of patients having cystic fibrosis (cf), the authors conducted a retrospective analysis about it's incidence and prevalence in 78 cf patients followed at the cf specialized centre, paediatric department, santa maria hospital, lisbon, during a 5 years period (1995-1999). pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most frequently isolated bacteria during the first three years of the study (60-73%), ...200319771691
alcaligenes xylosoxidans subspecies denitrificans pseudobacteraemia in a university children's hospital. 200212372332
nosocomial infections caused by multidrug-resistant isolates of pseudomonas putida producing vim-1 metallo-beta-lactamase.successful carbapenem-based chemotherapy for the treatment of pseudomonas infections has been seriously hindered by the recent appearance of imp- and vim-type metallo-beta-lactamases, which confer high-level resistance to carbapenems and most other beta-lactams. recently, multidrug-resistant pseudomonas putida isolates for which carbapenem mics were >/=32 micro g/ml were recovered from cultures of urine from three inpatients in the general intensive care unit of the ospedale di circolo, varese, ...200212409373
[thiodiglycol metabolism in alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. denitrificans].the investigation of the degradation of thiodiglycol (the major product of mustard gas hydrolysis) by alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. denitrificans strain td2 showed that thiodiglycol is metabolized through the oxidation of its primary alcohol groups and the subsequent cleavage of c-s bonds in the intermediate products, thiodiglycolic and thioglycolic acids. the end products of these reactions are so4(2-) ions and acetate, the latter being involved in the central metabolism of strain td2. the ox ...200212449625
molecular characterization of a salt-tolerant bacterial community in the rice rhizosphere.the diversity of salt-tolerant bacteria present in the rhizosphere of oryza sativa was investigated. fourteen bacterial strains, isolated after enrichment in nitrogen-free, semi-solid medium and showing tolerance to 3% nacl, were analyzed by restriction patterns produced by amplified dna coding for 16s rdna (ardra) with enzymes sau3ai, alui and rsai which showed that they were represented by 4 ardra types. biodiversity among the 14 strains was also analyzed by the random amplified polymorphic dn ...200212455705
biochemical and crystallographic studies of the met144ala, asp92asn and his254phe mutants of the nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans provide insight into the enzyme mechanism.dissimilatory nitrite reductase catalyses the reduction of nitrite (no(2)(-)) to nitric oxide (no). copper-containing nitrite reductases contain both type 1 and type 2 cu sites. electron transfer from redox partners is presumed to be mediated via the type 1 cu site and used at the catalytic type 2 cu centre along with the substrate nitrite. at the type 2 cu site, asp92 has been identified as a key residue in substrate utilisation, since it hydrogen bonds to the water molecule at the nitrite bind ...200211829502
six- to five-coordinate heme-nitrosyl conversion in cytochrome c' and its relevance to guanylate cyclase.the 5-coordinate ferrous heme of alcaligenes xylosoxidans cytochrome c' reacts with no to form a 6-coordinate nitrosyl intermediate (lambdasoret at 415 nm) which subsequently converts to a 5-coordinate nitrosyl end product (lambdasoret at 395 nm) in a rate-determining step. stopped-flow measurements at ph 8.9, 25 degrees c, yield a rate constant for the formation of the 6-coordinate nitrosyl adduct, k(on) = (4.4 +/- 0.5) x 10(4) m(-1) x s(-1), which is 3-4 orders of magnitude lower than the valu ...200211841228
alcaligenes xylosoxidans dissimilatory nitrite reductase: alanine substitution of the surface-exposed histidine 139l ligand of the type 1 copper center prevents electron transfer to the catalytic center.nitrite reductase of alcaligenes xylosoxidans contains three blue type 1 copper centers with a function in electron transfer and three catalytic type 2 copper centers. the mutation h139a, in which the solvent-exposed histidine ligand of the type 1 copper ion was changed to alanine, resulted in the formation of a colorless protein containing 4.4 cu atoms per trimer. the enzyme was inactive with reduced azurin as the electron donor, and in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, no epr features assignab ...200211876652
pulmonary infections in patients with cystic fibrosis.cystic fibrosis (cf) is an autosomal-recessive disorder and affects about 60,000 people worldwide. the cf gene, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (cftr), was found in 1989 and over 800 mutations have been sequenced. although our understanding of the pathophysiology of cf has increased, pulmonary infections remain the major cause of morbidity and mortality. during the first decade of life, staphylococcus aureus and nontypable haemophilus influenza are most common, but pseudo ...200211891518
synergistic activities of macrolide antibiotics against pseudomonas aeruginosa, burkholderia cepacia, stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and alcaligenes xylosoxidans isolated from patients with cystic fibrosis.azithromycin and clarithromycin were paired with other antibiotics to test synergistic activity against 300 multidrug-resistant pathogens isolated from cystic fibrosis (cf) patients. clarithromycin-tobramycin was most active against pseudomonas aeruginosa and inhibited 58% of strains. azithromycin-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, azithromycin-ceftazidime, and azithromycin-doxycycline or azithromycin-trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole inhibited 40, 20, and 22% of stenotrophomonas maltophilia, burkholder ...200211897598
ribosomal dna-directed pcr for identification of achromobacter (alcaligenes) xylosoxidans recovered from sputum samples from cystic fibrosis patients.the opportunistic human pathogen achromobacter (alcaligenes) xylosoxidans has been recovered with increasing frequency from respiratory tract culture of persons with cystic fibrosis (cf). however, confusion of this species with other closely related respiratory pathogens has limited studies to better elucidate its epidemiology, natural history, and pathogenic role in cf. misidentification of a. xylosoxidans as burkholderia cepacia complex is especially problematic and presents a challenge to eff ...200211923333
[a case of liver abscess with particular pathological features due to alcaligenes xylosoxidans infection]. 200211925869
transformation of thiodiglycol by resting cells of alcaligenes xylosoxydans pgh10.a new strain of alcaligenes xylosoxydans able to aerobically cometabolize thiodiglycol, the primary hydrolysis product of sulfur mustard, was isolated and tested in a laboratory scale stirred tank reactor. the strain, named pgh10, cannot use tdg as sole carbon and energy source for growth, but resting cells previously grown on either rich broth or defined mineral media efficiently metabolize this compound through [(2-hydroxyethyl)thio]acetic acid and thiodiacetic acid as intermediates. degradati ...200211934292
investigation of an outbreak due to alcaligenes xylosoxydans subspecies xylosoxydans by random amplified polymorphic dna 1999, over a 3-week period, alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans was isolated from five blood cultures and one cerebrospinal fluid specimen from five children hospitalized in a pediatric hematology ward as well as from two respiratory therapy devices of two children hospitalized in an intensive care unit. the infection control unit of the hospital conducted an epidemiological investigation and identified a detergent-disinfectant solution as the source of contamination. conventional bi ...200211939390
response of spring rape (brassica napus var. oleifera l.) to inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria containing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase depends on nutrient status of the plant.responses of rape (brassica napus var. oleifera l.) to inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, pseudomonas putida am2, pseudomonas putida bm3, alcaligenes xylosoxidans cm4, and pseudomonas sp. dp2, containing 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylate (acc) deaminase were studied using growth pouch and soil cultures. in growth pouch culture, the bacteria significantly increased root elongation of phosphorus-sufficient seedlings, whereas root elongation of phosphorus-deficient seedlings was ...200211989762
detection of a variant metallo-beta-lactamase, imp-10, from two unrelated strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa and an alcaligenes xylosoxidans strain.the gene bla(imp-10) of a variant metallo-beta-lactamase, imp-10, had a single base replacement of g by t at nucleotide 145, which led to an amino acid alteration of val49 to phe compared to the imp-1 enzyme, indicating that imp-10 was a point mutation derivative of imp-1. highly purified enzymes revealed that imp-10 was different from imp-1 in its extremely low hydrolyzing activities for penicillins, such as benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, and piperacillin.200212019129
[the bioutilization of thiodiglycol (a breakdown product of mustard gas): isolation of degraders and investigation of degradation conditions].the alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. denitrificans strain td1 capable of degrading thiodiglycol (tdg), a breakdown product of mustard gas, was isolated from soil contaminated with breakdown products of this chemical warfare agent. the selected stable variant of td1 (strain td2) can grow on tdg with a lag phase of 4-8 h and a specific growth rate of 0.04-0.045 h-1. optimal conditions for the biodegradation of tdg (ph, the concentration of tdg in the medium, and its relative content with respect to ...200212024827
[use of maleic acid by mixed cultures of microorganisms].in a mixed batch culture, alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp. xylosoxidans 260 transformed maleic acid into malic acid. bacillus subtilis 271 used malic acid as a substrate, thus stimulating further transformation of maleic acid. both bacterial cultures dissociated with the formation of r, s, and m forms. at a concentration of 5.0 g/l, maleic acid was utilized maximally by rs and ss forms of the association a. xylosoxidans and bacillus subtilis. at concentrations 15.0 and 25.0 g/l, maleic acid was u ...200212325296
identification and characterization of a new gene from variovorax paradoxus iso1 encoding n-acyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolase responsible for d-amino acid n-acyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolase (n-d-aaase) was identified in cell extracts of a strain, iso1, isolated from an environment containing n-acetyl-d-methionine. the bacterium was classified as variovorax paradoxus by phylogenetic analysis. the gene was cloned and sequenced. the gene consisted of a 1467-bp orf encoding a polypeptide of 488 amino acids. the v. paradoxusn-d-aaase showed significant amino acid similarity to the n-acyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolases of the two eubacteria alcaligenes ...200212354118
use of 16s rrna gene sequencing for identification of nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli recovered from patients attending a single cystic fibrosis center.during 1999, we used partial 16s rrna gene sequencing for the prospective identification of atypical nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli isolated from patients attending our cystic fibrosis center. of 1,093 isolates of nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli recovered from 148 patients, 46 (4.2%) gave problematic results with conventional phenotypic tests. these 46 isolates were genotypically identified as pseudomonas aeruginosa (19 isolates, 12 patients), achromobacter xylosoxidans (10 isolates, 8 ...200212354883
comparison of two culture methods for detection of tobramycin-resistant gram-negative organisms in the sputum of patients with cystic fibrosis.a culture method utilizing quantitative plating on antibiotic-containing media has been proposed as a technique for the detection of tobramycin-resistant organisms that is more sensitive than standard methods. typical sputum culture methods quantitate the relative amounts of each distinct morphotype, followed by antibiotic susceptibility testing of a single colony of each morphotype. sputum specimens from 240 cystic fibrosis patients were homogenized, serially diluted, and processed in parallel ...200211773088
capd-associated peritonitis caused by alcaligenes xylosoxidans sp. xylosoxidans.alcaligenes xylosoxidans is an uncommon cause of peritonitis in patients on maintenance continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd). peritonitis caused by a. xylosoxidans usually carries a poor prognosis because of the pathogen's virulence and its universal resistance to most antimicrobial agents. even after early tenckhoff catheter removal, the transport property of the peritoneum is often irreversibly damaged, leading to permanent technique failure. we report 2 patients with capd-associat ...200111799270
development of a novel bioreactor system for treatment of gaseous benzene.a novel, continuous bioreactor system combining a bubble column (absorption section) and a two-phase bioreactor (degradation section) has been designed to treat a gas stream containing benzene. the bubble column contained hexadecane as an absorbent for benzene, and was systemically chosen considering physical, biological, environmental, operational, and economic factors. this solvent has infinite solubility for benzene and very low volatility. after absorbing benzene in the bubble column, the he ...200111114653
catalytic and spectroscopic analysis of blue copper-containing nitrite reductase mutants altered in the environment of the type 2 copper centre: implications for substrate interaction.the blue dissimilatory nitrite reductase (nir) from alcaligenes xylosoxidans is a trimer containing two types of cu centre, three type 1 electron transfer centres and three type 2 centres. the latter have been implicated in the binding and reduction of nitrite. the cu ion of the type 2 centre of the oxidized enzyme is ligated by three his residues, and additionally has a co-ordinated water molecule that is also hydrogen-bonded to the carboxyl of asp(92) [dodd, van beeumen, eady and hasnain (1998 ...200111139389
in70 of plasmid pax22, a bla(vim-1)-containing integron carrying a new aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene achromobacter xylosoxydans strain showing broad-spectrum resistance to beta-lactams (including carbapenems) and aminoglycosides was isolated at the university hospital of verona (verona, italy). this strain was found to produce metallo-beta-lactamase activity and to harbor a 30-kb nonconjugative plasmid, named pax22, carrying a bla(vim-1) determinant inserted into a class 1 integron. characterization of this integron, named in70, revealed an original array of four gene cassettes containing, r ...200111257042
[achromobacter xylosoxidans bacteremia in a patient with community-acquired pneumonia].achromobacter xylosoxidans is a rare cause of bacteremia, and little information on treatment is available. the majority of patients who have developed achromobacter bacteremia have presented predisposing causes to the infection. a case of community-acquired pneumonia and bacteremia due to a. xylosoxidans in a previously healthy patient is reported. achromobacter is usually resistant to ampicillin, cephalosporins (1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation), aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones. piperacillin ...200111265630
nreb from achromobacter xylosoxidans 31a is a nickel-induced transporter conferring nickel resistance.there are two distinct nickel resistance loci on plasmid ptom9 from achromobacter xylosoxidans 31a, ncc and nre. expression of the nreb gene was specifically induced by nickel and conferred nickel resistance on both a. xylosoxidans 31a and escherichia coli. e. coli cells expressing nreb showed reduced accumulation of ni(2+), suggesting that nreb mediated nickel efflux. the histidine-rich c-terminal region of nreb was not essential but contributed to maximal ni(2+) resistance.200111292799
resonance raman studies of cytochrome c' support the binding of no and co to opposite sides of the heme: implications for ligand discrimination in heme-based sensors.resonance raman (rr) studies have been conducted on alcaligenes xylosoxidans cytochrome c', a mono-his ligated hemoprotein which reversibly binds no and co but not o(2). recent crystallographic characterization of this protein has revealed the first example of a hemoprotein which can utilize both sides of its heme (distal and proximal) for binding exogenous ligands to its fe center. the present rr investigation of the fe coordination and heme pocket environments of ferrous, carbonyl, and nitrosy ...200111300792
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis due to alcaligenes xylosoxidans. 200111374724
x-ray structure of a blue copper nitrite reductase at high ph and in copper-free form at 1.9 a resolution.copper-containing nitrite reductases possess a trimeric structure where the catalytic cu site, located at the monomer-monomer interface, resembles the catalytic sites of a number of zn enzymes. nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans has optimum activity at ph 5.2 which decreases to a negligible level at ph 8. the structure of this nitrite reductase has previously been determined at ph 4.6. it has now been crystallized under new conditions at ph 8.5. its crystallographic structure provid ...200111468394
bordetella petrii sp. nov., isolated from an anaerobic bioreactor, and emended description of the genus bordetella.a novel bordetella species was isolated from an anaerobic, dechlorinating bioreactor culture enriched from river sediment. the only strain, se-1111r(t) (= dsm 12804t = ccug 43448t), for which the name bordetella petrii is proposed, is designated the type strain of the novel species. strain se-1111r(t) was isolated from the dechlorinating mixed culture due to its ability to anaerobically reduce selenate to elemental selenium. comparative 16s rdna sequence analysis showed a close relationship betw ...200111491321
cloning, sequencing and mutagenesis of the genes for aromatic amine dehydrogenase from alcaligenes faecalis and evolution of amine dehydrogenases.the nucleotide sequence of the aromatic amine utilization (aau) gene region from alcaligenes faecalis contained nine genes (orf-1, aaubeda, orf-2, orf-3, orf-4 and heme) transcribed in the same direction. the aaub and aaua genes encode the periplasmic aromatic amine dehydrogenase (aadh) large and small subunit polypeptides, respectively, and were homologous to maub and maua, the genes for the large and small subunits of methylamine dehydrogenase (madh). aaue and aaud are homologous to maue and m ...200111495996
isolation and characterization of achromobacter xylosoxidans t7 capable of degrading toluidine isomers.a bacterial strain capable of utilizing toluidine isomers as its sole source of carbon and energy for growth was isolated from contaminated soil. the isolate was identified as achromobacter xylosoxidans and was designated strain t7. strain t7 differs from other toluidine-degrading strains with respect to the use of all three toluidine isomers even as an equimolar mixture. additionally, strain t7 harbours the ability to use aniline, phenol, and cresols as growth substrates. utilization of the tol ...200111512448
identification of strains of alcaligenes and agrobacterium by a polyphasic approach.the number of stable discriminant biochemical characters is limited in the genera alcaligenes and agrobacterium, whose species are consequently difficult to distinguish from one another by conventional tests. moreover, genomic studies have recently drastically modified the nomenclature of these genera; for example, alcaligenes xylosoxidans was transferred to the genus achromobacter in 1998. twenty-five strains of achromobacter xylosoxidans, three strains of an agrobacterium sp., five strains of ...200111526136
[optimization of conditions for transformation of maleic acid by immobilized cells of alcaligenes xylosoxidans subspecies xylosoxidans 260].immobilized cells of alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp. xylosoxidans 260 used 98% of maleic acid (initial concentration of 5.0 g/l medium) in periodic conditions for 48 h. free cells transformed only 26% of substrate in 96 h. immobilized cells of a selected s-variant of a. xylosoxidans used maleate (30.0 g/l) entirely in 96 h during periodic cultivation and only 15.0 g/l of maleate in continuous cultivation at a flow rate of 0.03 h-1.200111530667
[antibiotic therapy of cystic fibrosis in children].it is postulated that p. aeruginosa in monoculture or in association with staphylococcus aureus keeps its leading position in chronic bacterial inflammatory broncho-pulmonary processes in children with cystic fibrosis. antibiotic resistant strains of burkholderia cepacia, stenotrophomonas maltophila, alcaligenes xylosoxidans were revealed (7.1% of the strains). p. aeruginosa strains were susceptible to aminoglycosides, ciprofloxacin, and polymixin b. susceptibility of smooth and mucoid forms of ...200111544748
characterization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from polluted soils and containing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase.fifteen bacterial strains containing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (acc) deaminase were isolated from the rhizoplane of pea (pisum sativum l.) and indian mustard (brassica juncea l.) grown in different soils and a long-standing sewage sludge contaminated with heavy metals. the isolated strains were characterized and assigned to various genera and species, such as pseudomonas brassicacearum, pseudomonas marginalis, pseudomonas oryzihabitans, pseudomonas putida, pseudomonas sp., alcaligenes xy ...200111547884
cathelicidin peptides inhibit multiply antibiotic-resistant pathogens from patients with cystic fibrosis.endogenous peptide antibiotics are under investigation as inhaled therapeutic agents for cystic fibrosis (cf) lung disease. the bactericidal activities of five cathelicidin peptides (ll37 [human], cap18 [rabbit], mcramp [mouse], rcramp [rat], and smap29 [sheep]), three novel alpha-helical peptides derived from smap29 and termed ovispirins (ov-1, ov-2, and ov-3), and two derivatives of cap18 were tested by broth microdilution assays. their mics were determined for multiply antibiotic-resistant ps ...200111557478
use of random amplified polymorphic dna pcr to examine epidemiology of stenotrophomonas maltophilia and achromobacter (alcaligenes) xylosoxidans from patients with cystic fibrosis.stenotrophomonas maltophilia and achromobacter (alcaligenes) xylosoxidans have been increasingly recognized as a cause of respiratory tract colonization in cystic fibrosis (cf). although both organisms have been associated with progressive deterioration of pulmonary function, demonstration of causality is lacking. to examine the molecular epidemiology of s. maltophilia and a. xylosoxidans in cf, isolates from patients monitored for up to 2 years were fingerprinted using a pcr-based randomly ampl ...200111574579
improved cultural detection of burkholderia cepacia from sputum in patients with cystic evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of two selective media for the isolation of burkholderia cepacia from sputum specimens in patients with cystic fibrosis (cf).200111577134
[septic shock with adult respiratory distress syndrome and alcaligenes xylosoxidans]. 200111602150
soil bacteria pseudomonas putida and alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp. denitrificans inactivate triclosan in liquid and solid substrates.triclosan is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that has been incorporated into many household and medical products. bacteria with high levels of triclosan resistance were isolated from compost, water, and soil samples. two of these bacteria, pseudomonas putida triry and alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp. denitrificans tr1, were able to use triclosan as a sole carbon source and clear particulate triclosan from agar. a decrease in triclosan concentration was measured by hplc within 6 h of inoculat ...200111682176
identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of alcaligenes xylosoxidans isolated from patients with cystic the past decade, potential pathogens, including alcaligenes species, have been increasingly recovered from cystic fibrosis (cf) patients. accurate identification of multiply antibiotic-resistant gram-negative bacilli is critical to understanding the epidemiology and clinical implications of emerging pathogens in cf. we examined the frequency of correct identification of alcaligenes spp. by microbiology laboratories affiliated with american cf patient care centers. selective media, an exotoxin ...200111682511
identification of pandoraea species by 16s ribosomal dna-based pcr assays.the recently described genus pandoraea contains five named species (pandoraea apista, pandoraea pulmonicola, pandoraea pnomenusa, pandoraea sputorum, and pandoraea norimbergensis) and four unnamed genomospecies. pandoraea spp. have mainly been recovered from the respiratory tracts of cystic fibrosis (cf) patients. accurate genus- and species-level identification by routine clinical microbiology methods is difficult, and differentiation from burkholderia cepacia complex organisms may be especiall ...200111724860
alkanesulfonate degradation by novel strains of achromobacter xylosoxidans, tsukamurella wratislaviensis and rhodococcus sp., and evidence for an ethanesulfonate monooxygenase in a. xylosoxidans strain ae4.novel isolates of achromobacter xylosoxidans, tsukamurella wratislaviensis and a rhodococcus sp. are described. these grew with short-chain alkanesulfonates as their sole source of carbon and energy. t. wratislaviensis strain sb2 grew well with c(3)-c(6) linear alkanesulfonates, isethionate and taurine, rhodococcus sp. strain cb1 used c(3)-c(10) linear alkanesulfonates, taurine and cysteate, but neither strain grew with ethanesulfonate. in contrast, a. xylosoxidans strain ae4 grew well with etha ...200111734883
distribution of catabolic pathways in some hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from a subsurface polluted soil.enrichment cultures on naphtha solvent were used to select aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from a btex (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene)-contaminated subsoil obtained from beneath a paint factory located in milan, italy. fifteen isolated strains were studied for their different biodegradative capacities. among these, 13 were able to grow on naphtha solvent. ten were identified as pseudomonas putida and three as pseudomonas aureofaciens. two other degraders were identified as pseud ...200011191814
endotoxic activity of lipopolysaccharides isolated from emergent potential cystic fibrosis pathogens.improved antimicrobial therapies against the classical spectrum of pathogenic bacteria which colonise the lungs of cystic fibrosis (cf) patients has resulted in improved life expectancy and quality of life. bacterial species that are resistant to a broad range of antibiotics including stenotrophomonas maltophilia and alcaligenes xylosoxidans have now emerged as potential new pathogens to fill the niche. at present, it is unclear from clinical data whether these microbes are commensal or pathogen ...200010617793
convenient test for screening metallo-beta-lactamase-producing gram-negative bacteria by using thiol compounds.a simple disk diffusion test was constructed for detection of imp-1-type metallo-beta-lactamase-producing gram-negative bacteria. two kirby-bauer disks containing ceftazidime (caz) and a filter disk containing a metallo-beta-lactamase inhibitor were used in this test. several imp-1 inhibitors such as thiol compounds including 2-mercaptopropionic acid, heavy metal salts, and edta were evaluated for this test. two caz disks were placed on a mueller-hinton agar plate on which a bacterial suspension ...200010618060
role of conserved histidine residues in d-aminoacylase from alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans a-6.d-aminoacylase from alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans a-6 (alcaligenes a-6) was strongly inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate (depc). an h67n mutant was barely active, with a kcat/km 6.3 x 10(4) times lower than that of the recombinant wild-type enzyme, while the h67i mutant lost detectable activity. the h67n mutant had almost constant km, but greatly decreased kcat. these results suggested that his67 is essential to the catalytic event. both h69n and h69i mutants were overproduced in ...200010705441
functional analysis of conserved aspartate and histidine residues located around the type 2 copper site of copper-containing nitrite reductase.a heterologous expression system of the blue copper-containing nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans gifu1051 (axgnir) was constructed, and the purified recombinant enzyme was characterized. all the characteristic spectroscopic properties and enzyme activity of native axgnir were retained in the copper-reconstituted recombinant protein expressed in escherichia coli, indicating the correct coordination of two types of cu (type 1 and 2) in the recombinant enzyme. moreover, two conserved ...200010731703
delayed onset and recurrent alcaligenes xylosoxidans keratitis. 200010746461
field investigations of bacterial contaminants and their effects on extended porcine semen.field investigations (n=23) were made over a 3-yr period at north american boar studs and farms in which the primary complaint was sperm agglutination in association with decreased sperm longevity of extended semen, and increased regular returns to estrus and/or vaginal discharges across parity. microscopic examination of extended semen from these units revealed depressed gross motility (usually <30%), sperm agglutination, and sperm cell death occurring within 2 d of semen collection and process ...200010798493
structures of oxidized and reduced azurin ii from alcaligenes xylosoxidans at 1.75 a resolution.crystallographic structures of oxidized and reduced forms of azurin ii are reported at 1.75 a resolution. data were collected using one crystal in each case and by translating the crystal after each oscillation range to minimize photoreduction. very small differences are observed at the cu site upon reduction and these cannot be determined with confidence at current resolution. a comparison with the three-dimensional exafs reveals a good correspondence for all the ligand distances except for cu- ...200010818345
biocatalytic transformation of [(2-hydroxyethyl)thio]acetic acid and thiodiglycolic acid from thiodiglycol by alcaligenes xylosoxydans ssp. xylosoxydans (sh91).a gram-negative bacterium, alcaligenes xylosoxydans ssp. xylosoxydans (sh91), consumed thiodiglycol (tdg), the nontoxic hydrolysis product of sulfur mustard, as a primary carbon source and transformed tdg to commercially relevant chemical precursors, [(2-hydroxyethyl)thio]acetic acid (heta) and thiodiglycolic acid (tdga). aerobic fed batch and repeated batch experiments were run to compare the molar yields of heta and tdga that result under different operating policies. in repeated batch experim ...200010835236
isolation and characterization of an achromobacter xylosoxidans strain b3 and other bacteria capable to degrade the synthetic chelating agent iminodisuccinate.three bacterial strains were isolated, which used the synthetic chelating agent iminodisuccinate (ids) as sole carbon source for growth in mineral salts media (msm). taxonomic analysis and 16s rdna sequence analysis identified one of these isolates (b3), which was isolated from sewage sludge, as a strain of achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. xylosoxidans. it exhibited a doubling time of approximately 3 h in liquid msm supplemented with ids and grew even in the presence of 1.0% (w/v) ids. since ph ...200010867232
alcaligenes xylosoxidans and propionibacterium acnes postoperative endophthalmitis in a pseudophakic report a case of persistent polymicrobial postoperative endophthalmitis caused by alcaligenes xylosoxidans and propionibacterium acnes in a pseudophakic eye. a. xylosoxidans is a gram-negative bacteria resistant to most antibiotics.200010927000
gene cloning and overproduction of low-specificity d-threonine aldolase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans and its application for production of a key intermediate for parkinsonism drug.the dtaax gene encoding a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (pyridoxal-p)-dependent low-specificity d-threonine aldolase was cloned from the chromosomal dna of alcaligenes xylosoxidans ifo 12669. it contains an open reading frame consisting of 1,134 nucleotides corresponding to 377 amino acid residues. the predicted amino acid sequence displayed 54% identity with that of d-threonine aldolase from gram-positive bacteria arthrobacter sp. dk-38, but showed no significant similarity with those of other known p ...200010952004
[spontaneous bacterial peritonitis caused by alcaligenes xylosoxidans]. 200010953837
analysis of the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-degradative plasmid pest4011 of achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. denitrificans strain est4002.the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d)-degradative bacterium achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. denitrificans strain est4002, isolated in estonia more than 10years ago, was found to contain the 70kb plasmid pest4011 that is responsible for the bacterium having had obtained a stable 2,4-d(+) phenotype. the tfd-like genes for 2, 4-d degradation of the strain est4002 were located on a 10.5kb region of pest4011, but without functional genes coding for chloromuconate cycloisomerase and chlorodiene ...200011024288
unprecedented proximal binding of nitric oxide to heme: implications for guanylate cyclase.microbial cytochromes c' contain a 5-coordinate his-ligated heme that forms stable adducts with nitric oxide (no) and carbon monoxide (co), but not with dioxygen. we report the 1.95 and 1.35 a resolution crystal structures of the co- and no-bound forms of the reduced protein from alcaligenes xylosoxidans. no disrupts the his-fe bond and binds in a novel mode to the proximal face of the heme, giving a 5-coordinate species. in contrast, co binds 6-coordinate on the distal side. a second co molecul ...200011060017
recurrent achromobacter xylosoxidans bacteremia associated with persistent lymph node infection in a patient with hyper-immunoglobulin m syndrome.achromobacter xylosoxidans (formerly alcaligenes xylosoxidans) is a rare but important cause of bacteremia in immunocompromised patients, and strains are usually multiply resistant to antimicrobial therapy. we report an immunocompromised patient with hyper-immunoglobulin m syndrome who suffered from 14 documented episodes of a. xylosoxidans bacteremia. each episode was treated and resulted in rapid clinical improvement, with blood cultures testing negative for bacteria. between episodes, a. xylo ...200011073750
unusual respiratory bacterial flora in cystic fibrosis: microbiologic and clinical features.pulmonary infections continue to be a significant source of morbidity and mortality among patients with cystic fibrosis. although our understanding of the pathogenesis and clinical consequences of pulmonary infections with pseudomonas aeruginosa has increased greatly in recent years, very little is known about potentially emerging pathogens such as burkholderia cepacia complex, stenotrophomonas maltophilia, alcaligenes xylosoxidans, and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. in this review ...200011100967
[evaluation of bacterial contamination in disinfectants for domestic use].to evaluate disinfectants for domestic use for the presence of bacteria, identify them, and determine their tolerance level to benzalkonium chloride.200011105107
efficient conversion of itaconic acid to (s)-(+)-citramalic acid by alcaligenes xylosoxydans il142.the effective production of (s)-(+)-citramalic acid from itaconic acid with an enantiomeric purity of more than 99.9% was successfully achieved using resting cells of a newly isolated strain, alcaligenes xylosoxydans il142. the highest conversion activity was obtained with an itaconic acid concentration of 65.0 g.l(-1). after 30 h of reaction, 68.9 g.l(-1) of (s)-(+)-citramalic acid was produced from 65.0 g.l(-1) of itaconic acid. this is equivalent to a molar yield of 93.1%. this production pro ...200016232765
spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of two azurins (az-iso1 and az-iso2) from the obligate methylotroph methylomonas sp. strain j and the structure of novel az-iso2.two azurin-type blue copper proteins, which are related to the electron-transfer processes involving methylamine/methanol oxidation, have been spectroscopically and electrochemically characterized. the obligate methylotroph methylomonas sp. strain j gives rise to two azurins (az-isol and az-iso2) with methylamine dehydrogenase (madh-mj). the intense blue bands characteristic of az-iso1 and az-iso2 are observed at 621 and 616 nm in the visible absorption spectra respectively, being revealed at 62 ...199910631606
[twenty-seven years with the nomenclature of achromobacter xylosoxidans]. 199910651522
cloning, sequencing, and transcriptional studies of the gene encoding copper-containing nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans ncimb 11015.gene encoding of the blue copper-containing nitrite reductase (nir) from alcaligenes xylosoxidans ncimb 11015 has been cloned and characterized. the nir is translated into a polypeptide of 360 amino acid residues as a precursor, and the n-terminal 24 residues are subsequently removed upon transport into the periplasm as a mature protein. a specific transcription product of nir was detected only in the presence of nitrate. the aeration level of the culture medium did not show a significant effect ...199910049725
[neonatal meningitis due to alcaligenes xylosoxidans contaminating aqueous solution of eosin]. 199910079896
alcaligenes xylosoxidans endophthalmitis 8 months after cataract report a case of alcaligenes xylosoxidans endophthalmitis and to increase awareness of its potential as an intraocular pathogen.199910088749
crystallization and preliminary x-ray study of iso-2 azurin from the methylotrophic bacterium, methylomonas j.the obligate methylotroph methylomonas j possesses two distinct azurins. the iso-2 azurin, which functions as an electron acceptor for methylamine dehydrogenase, has been crystallized using two kinds of precipitants: peg 4000 and ammonium sulfate. the crystals precipitated with peg belong to the monoclinic system, space group p21, with unit-cell parameters a = 32.96, b = 33.67, c = 47.34 a and beta = 101.35 degrees. the crystals precipitated with ammonium sulfate belong to the orthorhombic syste ...199910089434
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