
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
human herpesvirus type 8-associated large b-cell lymphoma: a nonserous extracavitary variant of primary effusion lymphoma in an hiv-infected man: a case report and review of the literature.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a rare non-hodgkin lymphoma subtype primarily seen in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected individuals with low cd4(+) cell counts and elevated hiv viral loads. it has always been associated with human herpesvirus type 8 (hhv-8) and in 80% of cases has also been associated with epstein-barr virus (ebv). less commonly, pel has presented in patients with advanced age and other conditions associated with an altered immunity, including malignancy, liver cirr ...201627234438
age and cellular composition influence overall survival in a collective of non-immunocompromised patients with ebv-positive diffuse large b-cell lymphoma from a german lymphoma center.we investigated 41 diffuse large b-cell lymphomas (dlbcl) diagnosed at one center harboring ≥50% of latently epstein-barr virus (ebv)-infected neoplastic cells occurring in 34 patients aged ≥50 years and in 7 patients younger than 50 years in the absence of any known immunodeficiency for the expression patterns of ebv latent and immediate-early proteins, for the differentiation stage of the neoplastic cells, the presence of cytogenetic alterations and a possible co-infection with the human herpe ...201627122390
a gammaherpesvirus noncoding rna is essential for hematogenous dissemination and establishment of peripheral latency.recent intense investigations have uncovered important functions for a diverse array of novel noncoding rna (ncrna) species, including micrornas (mirnas) and long noncoding rnas. not surprisingly, viruses from multiple families have evolved to encode their own regulatory rnas; however, the specific in vivo functions of these ncrnas are largely unknown. the human gammaherpesviruses epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) are highly ubiquitous pathogens that are ...201627110595
viral infections associated with oral cancers and diseases in the context of hiv: a workshop report.human herpesviruses (hhvs) and human papillomavirus (hpv) are common in the general population and, in immunocompetent people, are mostly carried asymptomatically. however, once an individual becomes immunocompromised by age, illness or hiv infection these dormant viruses can manifest and produce disease. in hiv-positive patients, there is an increased risk of disease caused by hhvs and hpv infections and cancers caused by the oncoviruses epstein-barr virus, hhv-8 and hpv. this workshop examined ...201627109286
prevalence and risk factors for oral dna tumor viruses in hiv-infected youth.human papillomavirus (hpv), epstein-barr virus (ebv), and kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv) may promote oral cancers, especially among immunosuppressed individuals. the aims of this study were to examine whether demographic characteristics, medical history, sexual behaviors, substance use, cd4+ t-cell count, hiv viral load, and hpv vaccination were associated with hpv, ebv, and kshv infection and viral load. multivariable modeling using logistic or linear regression examined associat ...201627096166
immunological methods for the detection of porcine lymphotropic herpesviruses (plhv).porcine lymphotropic herpesviruses (plhv-1, -2, and -3) are widespread in pigs and closely related to the human pathogenic gammaherpesviruses epstein-barr virus (human herpesvirus 4, hhv-4) and kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (hhv-8). in minipigs, plhv-1 causes a porcine post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorder (ptld) after experimental transplantations. porcine ptld comes with clinical symptoms similar to those of human ptld, a serious complication of solid organ and allogeneic bone marrow ...201627036503
plasmablastic lymphoma mimicking acute pancreatitis.background. plasmablastic lymphoma (pbl) is a rare b-cell neoplasm. it predominantly occurs in the oral cavity of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive patients and exhibits a highly aggressive clinical behavior. case presentation. we describe an unusual case of a 37-year-old hiv-positive male who presented with acute pancreatitis secondary to multiple peripancreatic masses compressing the pancreas. histopathological examination of the lesions showed diffuse and cohesive pattern of large b ...201627034868
detection of active epstein-barr virus infection in duodenal mucosa of patients with refractory celiac disease.refractory celiac disease is characterized by mucosal damage in patients with celiac disease despite a gluten-free diet. little is known about the mechanisms that cause persistent intestinal inflammation in these patients. we performed a case-control study of 17 consecutive patients diagnosed with refractory celiac disease from 2001 through 2014 (median age, 51 y; 10 women) and 24 patients with uncomplicated celiac disease (controls) to determine whether refractory disease is associated with inf ...201627033429
valpromide inhibits lytic cycle reactivation of epstein-barr virus.reactivation of epstein-barr virus (ebv) from latency into the lytic phase of its life cycle allows the virus to spread among cells and between hosts. valproic acid (vpa) inhibits initiation of the lytic cycle in ebv-infected b lymphoma cells. while vpa blocks viral lytic gene expression, it induces expression of many cellular genes, because it is a histone deacetylase (hdac) inhibitor. here we show, using derivatives of vpa, that blockade of ebv reactivation is separable from hdac inhibition. v ...201626933051
bone marrow manifestations in multicentric castleman disease.this study aimed to document the morphological and immunophenotypic features, and describe the diagnostic features of bone marrow (bm) involvement in human herpes virus 8 multicentric castleman disease (hhv8-mcd). bm trephine biopsy (bmtb) specimens from 28 patients were revisited. samples were evaluated for expression of cd3, cd20, cd138, cd68r, glycophorin c, cd42b, hhv8-latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana1), epstein-barr virus-encoded small rna and light chains. presence of significant n ...201626817834
classic and extracavitary primary effusion lymphoma in 51 hiv-infected patients from a single institution.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a rare b-cell non-hodgkin lymphoma with poor prognosis. lymphoma cells are always infected with human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) and in most cases coinfected with epstein-barr virus. in classic presentation, pel is characterized by body cavity effusions with or without mass lesions. a variant with only extracavitary localization has also been described. we report on a large single-center series of patients with pel in th ...201626799611
identification of kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (kshv) virf1 protein as a novel interaction partner of human deubiquitinase usp7.viral interferon regulatory factor 1 (virf1), a kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus protein, destabilizes p53 by inhibiting p53 acetylation and hdm2 phosphorylation. this leads to increased ubiquitination and degradation of p53 by hdm2, which cripples the cellular p53-mediated antiviral response. ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (usp7) deubiquitinates p53 and hdm2 and regulates their stability. we identified an egps consensus sequence in virf1, which is identical to that found in epstein-barr virus nuclear ...201626786098
intrafollicular epstein-barr virus-positive large b cell lymphoma. a variant of "germinotropic" lymphoproliferative disorder.germinotropic lymphoproliferative disorders were previously described as localized disorders associated with coinfection by human herpes virus 8 and epstein-barr virus and characterized by good clinical outcome. we report the clinical, morphological, phenotypical, and molecular features of three cases of a hitherto unreported variant of epstein-barr virus (ebv)-positive, human herpes virus 8 (hhv8)-negative large b cell lymphoma with exclusive intrafollicular localization. all cases occurred in ...201626762526
susceptibility of kshv-infected pel cell lines to the human complement system.pleural effusion lymphoma (pel) is a rare b-cell lymphoma that has a very poor prognosis with a median survival time of around 6 months. pel is caused by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, and is often co-infected with the epstein barr virus. the complement system is fundamental in the innate immune system against pathogen invasion and tumor development. in the present study, we investigated the activation of the complement system in pel cells using human serum complements. interestingly, ...201626699745
transgenic mouse models of tumor virus action.genetically engineered mice (gems) have provided valuable insights into the carcinogenic properties of various human tumor viruses, which, in aggregate, are etiologically associated with over 15% of all human cancers. this review provides an overview of seminal discoveries made through the use of gem models for human dna tumor viruses. emphasis is placed on the discoveries made in the study of human papillomaviruses, merkel cell carcinoma-associated polyomavirus, epstein-barr virus, and kaposi's ...201627741405
manipulation of the host cell membrane by human γ-herpesviruses ebv and kshv for pathogenesis.the cell membrane regulates many physiological processes including cellular communication, homing and metabolism. it is therefore not surprising that the composition of the host cell membrane is manipulated by intracellular pathogens. among these, the human oncogenic herpesviruses epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) exploit the host cell membrane to avoid immune surveillance and promote viral replication. accumulating evidence has shown that both ebv and k ...201627624182
profile of exosomal and intracellular microrna in gamma-herpesvirus-infected lymphoma cell lines.exosomes are small vesicles released from cells, into which micrornas (mirna) are specifically sorted and accumulated. two gamma-herpesviruses, kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) and epstein-barr virus (ebv), encode mirnas in their genomes and express virus-encoded mirnas in cells and exosomes. however, there is little information about the detailed distribution of virus-encoded mirnas in cells and exosomes. in this study, we thus identified virus- and host-encoded mirnas in exosomes r ...201627611973
interplay of murine gammaherpesvirus 68 with nf-kappab signaling of the host.herpesviruses establish a chronic infection in the host characterized by intervals of lytic replication, quiescent latency, and reactivation from latency. murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (mhv68) naturally infects small rodents and has genetic and biologic parallels with the human gammaherpesviruses (ghvs), kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and epstein-barr virus. the murine gammaherpesvirus model pathogen system provides a platform to apply cutting-edge approaches to dissect the interplay of ga ...201627582728
the small noncoding rnas (sncrnas) of murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (mhv-68) are involved in regulating the latent-to-lytic switch in vivo.the human gammaherpesviruses epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), which are associated with a variety of diseases including tumors, produce various small noncoding rnas (sncrnas) such as micrornas (mirnas). like all herpesviruses, they show two stages in their life cycle: lytic replication and latency. during latency, hardly any viral proteins are expressed to avoid recognition by the immune system. thus, sncrnas might be exploited since they are less like ...201627561205
establishing and characterizing a new primary effusion lymphoma cell line harboring kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.primary effusion lymphoma is a rare distinct large b-cell neoplasm that is associated with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection. over recent years, 9 kshv-positive/epstein-barr virus (ebv)-negative pel cell lines have been established.201627536332
chloroquine inhibits lytic replication of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by disrupting mtor and p38-mapk activation.lytic infection is essential for the persistent infection and pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), and inhibiting kshv lytic replication may effectively prevent the occurrence of kshv-related diseases. chloroquine (cq), a well-known antimalarial drug and autophagy inhibitor, exerts broad-spectrum antiviral effects and shows anti-cancer therapeutic potential. however, the ability of cq and its derivatives to control infection of oncogenic γ-herpesvirus remains undefined ...201627521848
ablation of stat3 in the b cell compartment restricts gammaherpesvirus latency in vivo.a challenging property of gammaherpesviruses is their ability to establish lifelong persistence. the establishment of latency in b cells is thought to involve active virus engagement of host signaling pathways. pathogenic effects of these viruses during latency or following reactivation can be devastating to the host. many cancers, including those associated with members of the gammaherpesvirus family, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and epstein-barr virus, express elevated levels of act ...201627486189
a central role for stat3 in gammaherpesvirus-life cycle and -diseases.having co-evolved with humans, herpesviruses have adapted to exploit the host molecular machinery to ensure viral persistence. the cellular protein signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (stat3) is a leading example. stat3 is a prominent transcription factor that functions in a variety of physiologic processes including embryonic development, inflammation, immunity, and wound healing. generally activated via growth factor and cytokine signaling, stat3 can transcriptionally drive onco ...201627458446
latency-associated nuclear antigen e3 ubiquitin ligase activity impacts gammaherpesvirus-driven germinal center b cell proliferation.viruses have evolved mechanisms to hijack components of cellular e3 ubiquitin ligases, thus modulating the ubiquitination pathway. however, the biological relevance of such mechanisms for viral pathogenesis in vivo remains largely unknown. here, we utilized murid herpesvirus 4 (muhv-4) infection of mice as a model system to address the role of muhv-4 latency-associated nuclear antigen (mlana) e3 ligase activity in gammaherpesvirus latent infection. we show that specific mutations in the mlana so ...201627307564
integrins as herpesvirus receptors and mediators of the host signalosome.the repertoire of herpesvirus receptors consists of nonintegrin and integrin molecules. integrins interact with the conserved glycoproteins gh/gl or gb. this interaction is a conserved biology across the herpesviridae family, likely directed to promote virus entry and endocytosis. herpesviruses exploit this interaction to execute a range of critical functions that include (a) relocation of nonintegrin receptors (e.g., herpes simplex virus nectin1 and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus epha2 ...201627501260
nuclear innate immune dna sensor ifi16 is degraded during lytic reactivation of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv): role of ifi16 in maintenance of kshv latency.ifi16 (interferon gamma-inducible protein 16) recognizes nuclear episomal herpesvirus (kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus [kshv], epstein-barr virus [ebv], and herpes simplex virus 1 [hsv-1]) genomes and induces the inflammasome and interferon beta responses. it also acts as a lytic replication restriction factor and inhibits viral dna replication (human cytomegalovirus [hcmv] and human papillomavirus [hpv]) and transcription (hsv-1, hcmv, and hpv) through epigenetic modifications of the vi ...201627466416
the role of micrornas in the pathogenesis of herpesvirus infection.micrornas (mirnas) are small non-coding rnas important in gene regulation. they are able to regulate mrna translation through base-pair complementarity. cellular mirnas have been involved in the regulation of nearly all cellular pathways, and their deregulation has been associated with several diseases such as cancer. given the importance of micrornas to cell homeostasis, it is no surprise that viruses have evolved to take advantage of this cellular pathway. viruses have been reported to be able ...201627271654
hhv-8-unrelated primary effusion-like lymphoma associated with clonal loss of inherited chromosomally-integrated human herpesvirus-6a from the telomere of chromosome 19q.primary effusion lymphomas (pel) are associated with human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) and usually occur in immunocompromised individuals. however, there are numerous reports of hhv-8-unrelated pel-like lymphomas with unknown aetiology. here we characterize an hhv-8-unrelated pel-like lymphoma in an elderly woman who was negative for human immunodeficiency viruses 1 and 2, and hepatitis b and c. the woman was, however, a carrier of an inherited-chromosomally-integrated human herpesvirus-6a (icihhv-6a) ...201626947392
regulation of wnt/β-catenin signaling by herpesviruses.the wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is instrumental in successful differentiation and proliferation of mammalian cells. it is therefore not surprising that the herpesvirus family has developed mechanisms to interact with and manipulate this pathway. successful coexistence with the host requires that herpesviruses establish a lifelong infection that includes periods of latency and reactivation or persistence. many herpesviruses establish latency in progenitor cells and viral reactivation is linke ...201627878101
the viral g protein-coupled receptor orf74 unmasks phospholipase c signaling of the receptor tyrosine kinase igf-1r.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) encodes the constitutively active g protein-coupled receptor orf74, which is expressed on the surface of infected host cells and has been linked to the development of the angioproliferative tumor kaposi's sarcoma. furthermore, the insulin-like growth factor (igf)-1 receptor, a receptor tyrosine kinase, also plays an essential role in kaposi's sarcoma growth and survival. in this study we examined the effect of the constitutively active viral recepto ...201626931381
fragment-based protein-protein interaction antagonists of a viral dimeric protease.fragment-based drug discovery has shown promise as an approach for challenging targets such as protein-protein interfaces. we developed and applied an activity-based fragment screen against dimeric kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus protease (kshv pr) using an optimized fluorogenic substrate. dose-response determination was performed as a confirmation screen, and nmr spectroscopy was used to map fragment inhibitor binding to kshv pr. kinetic assays demonstrated that several initial hits als ...201626822284
the pseudorabies virus dna polymerase processivity factor ul42 exists as a monomer in vitro and in vivo.the processivity factors (pfs) of herpesviruses confer processivity to the dna polymerase. understanding whether the herpesvirus pfs function as monomers or multimers is important for clarifying the mechanism by which they provide the dna polymerase with processivity. herpes simplex virus type 1 ul42 is a monomer, whereas human cytomegalovirus ul44, epstein-barr virus bmrf1, and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus pf-8 exist as dimers. however, the oligomeric status of the pseudorabies virus ...201626733297
inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancer: a potential role for detection of multiple viral dnas in disease progression.inflammatory breast cancer (ibc) is the most lethal form of breast cancer. multiple viral infections in ibc tissues were found to be associated with disease pathogenesis.201626508152
prevalence of kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus among men attending sexually transmitted infections clinics in anhui, china.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) may be transmitted via sexual contacts, but limited information is available on kshv infection status among sexually transmitted infection (sti) patients in china. the main objective of the present study was to determine the kshv seroprevalence and its risk factors among male sti patients. a cross-sectional survey was conducted in three prefectures of anhui province, china, between june and september 2013. a total of 1,600 male patients who visited ...201626147809
selective peptide inhibitors of antiapoptotic cellular and viral bcl-2 proteins lead to cytochrome c release during latent kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is associated with b-cell lymphomas including primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric castleman's disease. kshv establishes latency within b cells by modulating or mimicking the antiapoptotic bcl-2 family of proteins to promote cell survival. our previous bh3 profiling analysis, a functional assay that assesses the contribution of bcl-2 proteins towards cellular survival, identified two bcl-2 proteins, cellular mcl-1 and viral ksbcl-2, as potenti ...201626456186
lana-mediated recruitment of host polycomb repressive complexes onto the kshv genome during de novo of the hallmarks of the latent phase of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection is the global repression of lytic viral gene expression. following de novo kshv infection, the establishment of latency involves the chromatinization of the incoming viral genomes and recruitment of the host polycomb repressive complexes (prc1 and prc2) to the promoters of lytic genes, which is accompanied by the inhibition of lytic genes. however, the mechanism of how prcs are recruited to the k ...201627606464
kshv encoded lana recruits nucleosome assembly protein nap1l1 for regulating viral dna replication and transcription.the establishment of latency is an essential for lifelong persistence and pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) is the most abundantly expressed protein during latency and is important for viral genome replication and transcription. replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is a major step in packaging the newly synthesized dna into chromatin, but the mechanism of kshv genome chromatinization post-replication is not understood. he ...201627599637
high glucose induces reactivation of latent kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.high prevalence of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is seen in diabetic patients. it is unknown if the physiological condition of diabetes contributes to ks development. we found elevated levels of viral lytic gene expression when kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infected cells were cultured in high glucose medium. to demonstrate the association between high glucose and kshv replication, we xeno-grafted telomerase-immortalized human umbilical vein endothelial cells that are infected with kshv ...201627535045
[let-7 mirna silencing promotes kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus lytic replication via activating mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4 and its downstream factors].to explore the effect of let-7 mirna silencing on kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) lytic replication and the underling mechanism.201627531260
arid3b: a novel regulator of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus lytic cycle.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of commonly fatal malignancies of immunocompromised individuals, including primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and kaposi's sarcoma (ks). a hallmark of all herpesviruses is their biphasic life cycle-viral latency and the productive lytic cycle-and it is well established that reactivation of the kshv lytic cycle is associated with ks pathogenesis. therefore, a thorough appreciation of the mechanisms that govern reactivation is requ ...201627512077
suppression of lytic replication of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by autophagy during initial infection in nih 3t3 fibroblasts.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the infectious cause of the angioproliferative neoplasm kaposi's sarcoma (ks). we first confirmed the susceptibility of nih 3t3 fibroblasts to kshv by infecting them with bcp-1-derived kshv. lytic replication of kshv was confirmed by pcr amplification of viral dna isolated from culture supernatants of kshv-infected cells. the template from kshv-infected nih 3t3 cells resulted in an intense viral dna pcr product. a time course experiment revealed ...201626620587
targeting the atp-dependent formation of herpesvirus ribonucleoprotein particle assembly as an antiviral approach.human herpesviruses are responsible for a range of debilitating acute and recurrent diseases, including a number of malignancies. current treatments are limited to targeting the herpesvirus dna polymerases, but with emerging viral resistance and little efficacy against the oncogenic herpesviruses, there is an urgent need for new antiviral strategies. here, we describe a mechanism to inhibit the replication of the oncogenic herpesvirus kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), by targeting ...201627798559
latent kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection in bladder cancer cells promotes drug resistance by reducing reactive oxygen species.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the major etiologic agent of kaposi's sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric castleman's disease. recent studies have indicated that kshv can be detected at high frequency in patient-derived bladder cancer tissue and might be associated with the pathogenesis of bladder cancer. bladder cancer is the second most common cancer of the genitourinary tract, and it has a high rate of recurrence. because drug resistance is closely related t ...201627796928
alterations in acetylation of histone h4 lysine 8 and trimethylation of lysine 20 associated with lytic gene promoters during kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reactivation.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is associated with formation of kaposi's sarcoma, multicentric castleman's disease and primary effusion lymphoma. replication and transcription activator (rta) genes are expressed upon reactivation of kshv, which displays a biphasic life cycle consisting of latent and lytic replication phases. rta protein expression results in kshv genome amplification and successive viral lytic gene expression. transcriptional activity of viral lytic genes is regul ...201627780949
regulation of the abundance of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf50 protein by oncoprotein mdm2.the switch between latency and the lytic cycle of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is controlled by the expression of virally encoded orf50 protein. thus far, the regulatory mechanism underlying the protein stability of orf50 is unknown. our earlier studies have demonstrated that a protein abundance regulatory signal (pars) at the orf50 c-terminal region modulates its protein abundance. the pars region consists of pars-i (aa 490-535) and pars-ii (aa 590-650), and mutations in eithe ...201627698494
virf3 encoded by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus inhibits t-cell factor-dependent transcription via a creb-binding protein-interaction motif.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is an etiological agent of kaposi's sarcoma and primary effusion lymphoma. like other herpesviruses, kshv has two distinct life cycles: latent and lytic. among kshv latent genes, viral interferon regulatory factor 3 (virf3), which shares homology with cellular irfs, is a multifunctional protein. to identify unknown functions of virf3, we performed luciferase-reporter assays in the presence of virf3. these analyses revealed that overexpression of vir ...201627693583
viral inhibition of prr-mediated innate immune response: learning from kshv evasion strategies.the innate immune system has evolved to detect and destroy invading pathogens before they can establish systemic infection. to successfully eradicate pathogens, including viruses, host innate immunity is activated through diverse pattern recognition receptors (prrs) which detect conserved viral signatures and trigger the production of type i interferon (ifn) and pro-inflammatory cytokines to mediate viral clearance. viral persistence requires that viruses co-opt cellular pathways and activities ...201627871174
pomalidomide for symptomatic kaposi's sarcoma in people with and without hiv infection: a phase i/ii study.purpose kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a multicentric tumor caused by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. unmet needs include therapies that are oral, anthracycline sparing, and deliverable in resource-limited settings. we evaluated pomalidomide, an oral immune modulatory agent, in patients with symptomatic ks. methods the primary objectives were to assess tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and activity. initial dosage level was 5 mg once per day for 21 days per 28-day cycle, with a de-escalated lev ...201627863194
correction: genipin enhances kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus genome maintenance.[this corrects the article doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163693.].201627861579
amino acids essential for the interaction between cellular heat shock protein 90 and a kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded protein kinase orf36. 201627838882
new insights into the expression and functions of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus long noncoding pan rna.the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is a clinically relevant pathogen associated with several human diseases that primarily affect immunocompromised individuals. kshv encodes a noncoding polyadenylated nuclear (pan) rna that is essential for viral propagation and viral gene expression. pan rna is the most abundant viral transcript produced during lytic replication. the accumulation of pan rna depends on high levels of transcription driven by the rta protein, a kshv transcription f ...201626103097
kshv-mediated regulation of par3 and snail contributes to b-cell proliferation.studies have suggested that epithelial-mesenchymal transition (emt) and transformation is an important step in progression to cancer. par3 (partitioning-defective protein) is a crucial factor in regulating epithelial cell polarity. however, the mechanism by which the latency associated nuclear antigen (lana) encoded by kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv) regulates par3 and emts markers (epithelial-mesenchymal transition) during viral-mediated b-cell oncogenesis has not been fully expl ...201627463802
hiv-1 vpr inhibits kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus lytic replication by inducing microrna mir-942-5p and activating nf-κb signaling.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection is required for the development of several aids-related malignancies, including kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and primary effusion lymphoma (pel). the high incidence of aids-ks has been ascribed to the interaction of kshv and hiv-1. we have previously shown that hiv-1-secreted proteins tat and nef regulate the kshv life cycle and synergize with kshv oncogenes to promote angiogenesis and tumorigenesis. here, we examined the regulation of kshv laten ...201627440900
activation of cellular metabolism during latent kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus infection.herpesviruses can establish latent infections in the host with severely limited viral gene expression. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is found predominantly in the latent state in the main ks tumor cell, a cell of endothelial origin. while many viruses alter host cell metabolism during productive infection, latent kshv infection of endothelial cells activates metabolic pathways that are activated in many cancer cells. inhibition of these major metabolic pathways leads to apoptoti ...201627434732
plasmacytoid dendritic cells in skin lesions of classic kaposi's sarcoma.plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pdcs) are the most potent producers of type i interferons (ifns), which allows them to provide anti-viral resistance and to link the innate and adaptive immunity by controlling the function of myeloid dcs, lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. pdcs are involved in the pathogenesis of several infectious [especially viral, such as molluscum contagiosum (mc)], inflammatory/autoimmune, and neoplastic entities. kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a multifocal, systemic lympho-angi ...201627372661
a viral kinase mimics s6 kinase to enhance cell proliferation.viruses depend upon the host cell for manufacturing components of progeny virions. to mitigate the inextricable dependence on host cell protein synthesis, viruses can modulate protein synthesis through a variety of mechanisms. we report that the viral protein kinase (vpk) encoded by open reading frame 36 (orf36) of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) enhances protein synthesis by mimicking the function of the cellular protein s6 kinase (s6kb1). similar to s6kb1, vpk phosphorylates the ...201627342859
suppression of kshv-induced angiopoietin-2 inhibits angiogenesis, infiltration of inflammatory cells, and tumor growth.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a highly angiogenic and inflammatory neoplasia. the angiogenic and inflammatory cytokine angiopoietin-2 (ang-2) is strongly expressed in ks due to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection. in the present study, we determined how ang-2 contributes to development of ks by using telomerase-immortalized human umbilical vein endothelial cells (tive) as a model, which become malignantly transformed and express increased levels of ang-2 following kshv infection. ...201627294705
structural mechanism of transcriptional regulator nsd3 recognition by the et domain of brd4.the bromodomains and extra-terminal domain (bet) proteins direct gene transcription in chromatin, and represent new drug targets for cancer and inflammation. here we report that the et domain of the bet protein brd4 recognizes an amphipathic protein sequence motif through establishing a two-strand antiparallel β sheet anchored on a hydrophobic cleft of the three-helix bundle. this structural mechanism likely explains brd4 interactions with numerous cellular and viral proteins such as kaposi's sa ...201627291650
subversion of autophagy by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus impairs oncogene-induced senescence. 201627281574
(±)-japonones a and b, two pairs of new enantiomers with anti-kshv activities from hypericum japonicum.two pairs of new enantiomers with unusual 5,5-spiroketal cores, termed (±)-japonones a and b [(±)-1 and (±)-2], were obtained from hypericum japonicum thunb. the absolute configurations of (±)-1 and (±)-2 were characterized by extensive analyses of spectroscopic data and calculated electronic circular dichroism (ecd) spectra, the application of modified mosher's methods, and the assistance of quantum chemical predictions (qcp) of (13)c nmr chemical shifts. among these metabolites, (+)-1 exhibite ...201627270221
localization of latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) on mitotic latent infection of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), viral gene expression is extremely limited and copy numbers of viral genomes remain constant. latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) is known to have a role in maintaining viral genome copy numbers in growing cells. several studies have shown that lana is localized in particular regions on mitotic chromosomes, such as centromeres/pericentromeres. we independently examined the distinct localization of lana on mitotic chromo ...201627254595
correction for shin et al., histone deacetylase classes i and ii regulate kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reactivation. 201627234345
recent advances in understanding kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.kaposi's sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is an oncogenic human herpesvirus. kshv is associated with three cancers in the human population: ks, primary effusion lymphoma (pel), and multicentric castleman's disease (mcd). ks is the leading cause of cancer in hiv-infected individuals. in this review, we discuss the most recent discoveries behind the mechanisms of kshv latency maintenance and lytic replication. we also review current therapies for kshv-associated cancers.201627158465
clip-seq to identify kshv orf57-binding rna in host b cells.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), a human gamma-herpesvirus, is etiologically linked to the development of several malignancies, mainly kaposi's sarcoma. expressed as an early viral protein, kshv orf57 is essential for lytic replication and virion production. orf57 selectively binds to a subset of viral rna and affects nearly all aspects of viral rna processing. to globally identify all viral and host rna associated with kshv orf57 in the infected cells, we have utilized uv cross-l ...201627153386
(±)-japonicols a-d, acylphloroglucinol-based meroterpenoid enantiomers with anti-kshv activities from hypericum japonicum.(±)-japonicols a-d (1a/1b-4a/4b), four pairs of new phloroglucinol-based terpenoid enantiomers, were isolated from hypericum japonicum. their absolute configurations were confirmed through comparison of their experimental and calculated electronic circular dichroism spectra and single-crystal x-ray diffraction analyses. compounds 1a/1b, 2a/2b, and 3a/3b possess 2-oxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane, pyrano[3,2-b]pyran, and benzo[b]cyclopenta[e]oxepine ring systems, respectively. the effects of the phloroglu ...201627116034
genomic analysis of xct-regulatory network in kshv + primary effusion lymphomas.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiological agent of primary effusion lymphoma (pel), a rapidly progressing malignancy mostly arising in hiv-infected patients chen et al. (2007) [1]. even under conventional chemotherapy, pel continues to portend nearly 100% mortality within several months, which urgently requires novel therapeutic strategies. we have previously demonstrated that targeting xct, an amino acid transporter for cystine/glutamate exchange, induces significant pel ...201627081633
cell cycle regulatory functions of the kshv oncoprotein lana.manipulation of cell cycle is a commonly employed strategy of viruses for achieving a favorable cellular environment during infection. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), the primary etiological agent of several human malignancies including kaposi's sarcoma, and primary effusion lymphoma, encodes several oncoproteins that deregulate normal physiology of cell cycle machinery to persist with endothelial cells and b cells and subsequently establish a latent infection. during latency, on ...201627065950
a kshv microrna enhances viral latency and induces angiogenesis by targeting grk2 to activate the cxcr2/akt pathway.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and multicentric castleman's disease (mcd). most tumor cells in these malignancies are latently infected by kshv. thus, viral latency is critical for the development of tumor and induction of tumor-associated angiogenesis. kshv encodes more than two dozens of mirnas but their roles in kshv-induced angiogenesis remains unknown. we have recently shown that mir-k12-3 (mir- ...201627058419
next-generation sequencing in the understanding of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) biology.non-sanger-based novel nucleic acid sequencing techniques, referred to as next-generation sequencing (ngs), provide a rapid, reliable, high-throughput, and massively parallel sequencing methodology that has improved our understanding of human cancers and cancer-related viruses. ngs has become a quintessential research tool for more effective characterization of complex viral and host genomes through its ever-expanding repertoire, which consists of whole-genome sequencing, whole-transcriptome seq ...201627043613
correction for rossetto et al., regulation of viral and cellular gene expression by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus polyadenylated nuclear rna. 201627022100
endolysosomal trafficking of viral g protein-coupled receptor functions in innate immunity and control of viral oncogenesis.the ubiquitin-proteasome system degrades viral oncoproteins and other microbial virulence factors; however, the role of endolysosomal degradation pathways in these processes is unclear. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma, and a constitutively active viral g protein-coupled receptor (vgpcr) contributes to the pathogenesis of kshv-induced tumors. we report that a recently discovered autophagy-related protein, beclin 2, interacts with kshv gpcr ...201626929373
kshv gb associated rgd interactions promote attachment of cells by inhibiting the potential migratory signals induced by the disintegrin-like domain.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) glycoprotein b (gb) is not only expressed on the envelope of mature virions but also on the surfaces of cells undergoing lytic replication. among herpesviruses, kshv gb is the only glycoprotein known to possess the rgd (arg-gly-asp) binding integrin domain critical to mediating cell attachment. recent studies described gb to also possess a disintegrin-like domain (dld) said to interact with non-rgd binding integrins. we wanted to decipher the roles ...201626912031
microrna-34a promotes genomic instability by a broad suppression of genome maintenance mechanisms downstream of the oncogene kshv-vgpcr.the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv)-encoded chemokine receptor vgpcr acts as an oncogene in kaposi's sarcomagenesis. until now, the molecular mechanisms by which the vgpcr contributes to tumor development remain incompletely understood. here, we show that the kshv-vgpcr contributes to tumor progression through microrna (mir)-34a-mediated induction of genomic instability. large-scale analyses on the dna, gene and protein level of cell lines derived from a mouse model of vgpcr-drive ...201626871287
role of heme oxygenase-1 in the pathogenesis and tumorigenicity of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiologic agent of several malignancies, including kaposi's sarcoma (ks), which preferentially arise in immunocompromised patients such as hiv+ subpopulation and lack effective therapeutic options. heme oxygenase-1 (ho-1) has been reported as an important regulator of endothelial cell cycle control, proliferation and angiogenesis. ho-1 has also been found to be highly expressed in kshv-infected endothelial cells and oral aids-ks lesions. we p ...201626859574
electrical response of a b lymphoma cell line latently infected with kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus.certain viruses, such as herpesviruses, are capable of persistent and latent infection of host cells. distinguishing and separating live, latently infected cells from uninfected cells is not easily attainable using current approaches. the ability to perform such separation would greatly enhance the ability to study primary, infected cells and potentially enable elimination of latently infected cells from the host. here, the dielectrophoretic response of b cells infected with kaposi's sarcoma-ass ...201626851580
g-quadruplex-interacting compounds alter latent dna replication and episomal persistence of kshv.kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv) establishes life-long latent infection by persisting as an extra-chromosomal episome in the infected cells and by maintaining its genome in dividing cells. kshv achieves this by tethering its epigenome to the host chromosome by latency associated nuclear antigen (lana), which binds in the terminal repeat (tr) region of the viral genome. sequence analysis of the tr, a gc-rich dna element, identified several potential quadruplex g-rich sequences (qgrs ...201626837574
triptolide decreases expression of latency-associated nuclear antigen 1 and reduces viral titers in kaposi's sarcoma-associated and herpesvirus-related primary effusion lymphoma cells.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) can establish a life-long persistence in the host after primary infection and is associated with certain malignancies, which are resistant to conventional chemotherapeutic agents with a poor prognosis. latency-associated nuclear antigen 1 (lana1) encoded by kshv is essential for segregation, replication and maintenance of viral genome. in addition, lana1 upregulates the transcriptional activity of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 ( ...201626821279
human mesenchymal stem cells of diverse origins support persistent infection with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and manifest distinct angiogenic, invasive, and transforming phenotypes.kaposi's sarcoma (ks), a highly angiogenic and invasive tumor often involving different organ sites, including the oral cavity, is caused by infection with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). diverse cell markers have been identified on ks tumor cells, but their origin remains an enigma. we previously showed that kshv could efficiently infect, transform, and reprogram rat primary mesenchymal stem cells (mscs) into ks-like tumor cells. in this study, we showed that human primary mscs ...201626814175
structured rnas that evade or confound exonucleases: function follows form.cells contain powerful rna decay machinery to eliminate unneeded rna from the cell, and this process is an important and regulated part of controlling gene expression. however, certain structured rnas have been found that can robustly resist degradation and extend the lifetime of an rna. in this review, we present three rna structures that use a specific three-dimensional fold to provide protection from rna degradation, and discuss how the recently-solved structures of these rnas explain their f ...201626797676
activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/akt pathway by viral interferon regulatory factor 2 of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus encodes several genes with sequence homology to cellular interferon regulatory factors. among these, virf2 encoded by orf k11.1 (short form) or k11 (full-length) participates in caspase-3-mediated inactivation of cellular irf3 and slightly inhibits caspase-3 activity. here, we have demonstrated that virf2 attenuates the transcriptional activity of forkhead box o3a protein via activation of the pi3k/akt phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/akt pathway, inhibiting ...201626797279
hierarchical regulation of the genome: global changes in nucleosome organization potentiate genome response.nucleosome occupancy is critically important in regulating access to the eukaryotic genome. few studies in human cells have measured genome-wide nucleosome distributions at high temporal resolution during a response to a common stimulus. we measured nucleosome distributions at high temporal resolution following kaposi's-sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) reactivation using our newly developed mtss-seq technology, which maps nucleosome distribution at the transcription start sites (tss) of all ...201626771136
the kshv rna regulator orf57: target specificity and its role in the viral life cycle.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) encodes orf57, which enhances the expression of intron-less kshv genes on multiple post-transcriptional levels mainly affecting rna stability and export to the cytoplasm. yet, it remains elusive how orf57 recognizes viral rnas and discriminates them from cellular messenger rnas (mrnas). although one common binding motif on three separate kshv rnas has been described, most other lytic genes lack this sequence element. in this article we will review t ...201626769399
effects of er stress on unfolded protein responses, cell survival, and viral replication in primary effusion lymphoma.primary effusion lymphoma (pel), a subtype of non-hodgkin's b-lymphoma, is an aggressive neoplasm caused by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) in immunosuppressed patients. endoplasmic reticulum (er) stress induces activation of the unfolded protein response (upr), which induces expression of er chaperones, which in turn decrease er stress, leading to er homeostasis. the upr is necessary for not only er homeostasis but also persistent infection by, and replication of, many viruses. h ...201626692493
cd147 and downstream adamtss promote the tumorigenicity of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infected endothelial cells.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiologic agent of several human cancers, including kaposi's sarcoma (ks), which preferentially arise in immunocompromised patients and lack effective therapeutic options. we have previously shown that kshv or viral protein lana up-regulates the glycoprotein cd147, thereby inducing primary endothelial cell invasiveness. in the current study, we identify the global network controlled by cd147 in kshv-infected endothelial cells using illumina m ...201626675551
kshv strategies for host dsdna sensing machinery.the innate immune system utilizes pattern recognition receptors cyclic gmp-amp synthase (cgas) to sense cytosolic double-stranded (ds) dna and initiate type 1 interferon signaling and autophagy pathway, which collaborate to limit pathogen infections as well as alarm the adaptive immune response. the genomes of herpesviruses are large dsdna, which represent a major class of pathogen signatures recognized by cellular dna sensor cgas. however, to successfully establish the persistent infection, her ...201627933565
subcapsular sinus macrophages limit acute gammaherpesvirus dissemination.lymphocyte proliferation, mobility and longevity make them prime targets for virus infection. myeloid cells that process and present environmental antigens to lymphocytes are consequently an important line of defence. subcapsular sinus macrophages (ssms) filter the afferent lymph and communicate with b-cells. how they interact with b-cell-tropic viruses is unknown. we analysed their encounter with murid herpesvirus-4 (muhv-4), an experimentally accessible gammaherpesvirus related to kaposi's sar ...201525872742
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus viral interferon regulatory factor 1 interacts with a member of the interferon-stimulated gene 15 pathway.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is a gammaherpesvirus known to establish lifelong latency in the human host. we and others have previously shown that three kshv homologs of cellular interferon regulatory factors (irfs), known as viral irfs (virfs), participate in evasion of the host interferon (ifn) response. we report that virf1 interacts with the cellular interferon-stimulated gene 15 (isg15) e3 ligase, herc5, in the context of toll-like receptor 3 (tlr3) activation and ifn indu ...201526355087
orf33 and orf38 of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus interact and are required for optimal production of infectious progeny viruses.we recently showed that the interaction between kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) tegument proteins orf33 and orf45 is crucial for progeny virion production, but the exact functions of kshv orf33 during lytic replication were unknown (j. gillen, w. li, q. liang, d. avey, j. wu, f. wu, j. myoung, and f. zhu, j virol 89:4918-4931, 2015, therefore, here we investigated the relationship between orf33 and orf38, whose counterparts in both alpha- a ...201526637455
mutational analysis of kaposica reveals that bridging of mg2 and cub domains of target protein is crucial for the cofactor activity of rca proteins.the complement system has evolved to annul pathogens, but its improper regulation is linked with diseases. efficient regulation of the system is primarily provided by a family of proteins termed regulators of complement activation (rca). the knowledge of precise structural determinants of rca proteins critical for imparting the regulatory activities and the molecular events underlying the regulatory processes, nonetheless, is still limited. here, we have dissected the structural requirements of ...201526420870
requirements within the ebola viral glycoprotein for tetherin antagonism.tetherin is an interferon-induced, intrinsic cellular response factor that blocks release of numerous viruses, including ebola virus, from infected cells. as with many viruses targeted by host factors, ebola virus employs a tetherin antagonist, the viral glycoprotein (ebogp), to counteract restriction and promote virus release. unlike other tetherin antagonists such as hiv-1 vpu or kshv k5, the features within ebogp needed to overcome tetherin are not well characterized. here, we describe sequen ...201526516900
viral activation of mk2-hsp27-p115rhogef-rhoa signaling axis causes cytoskeletal rearrangements, p-body disruption and are-mrna stabilization.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the infectious cause of several aids-related cancers, including the endothelial cell (ec) neoplasm kaposi's sarcoma (ks). kshv-infected ecs secrete abundant host-derived pro-inflammatory molecules and angiogenic factors that contribute to tumorigenesis. the precise contributions of viral gene products to this secretory phenotype remain to be elucidated, but there is emerging evidence for post-transcriptional regulation. the kaposin b (kapb) prote ...201525569678
neutral lipid alterations in human herpesvirus 8-infected huvec cells and their possible involvement in neo-angiogenesis.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8), the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma, induces an intense modification of lipid metabolism and enhances the angiogenic process in endothelial cells. in the present study, neutral lipid (nl) metabolism and angiogenesis were investigated in hhv8-infected huvec cells. the viral replication phases were verified by rtpcr and also by k8.1 and lana immunostaining.201525887745
bohv-4 immediate early 1 gene is a dispensable gene and its product is not a bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 counteracting factor.bovine herpesvirus 4 (bohv-4) is a gammaherpesvirus whose genome was cloned as bacterial artificial chromosome (bac) and exploited as a gene delivery vector for vaccine purposes. although bohv-4 genome has been completely sequenced and its open reading frames (orfs) structurally defined in silico, most of them are not functionally characterized. in bohv-4 genome two major immediate early genes (ie) are present, ie1 and ie2. ie2 is an essential gene because its removal from the viral genome rende ...201526307352
squash smear cytology of langerhans cell histiocytosis.squash smear cytology of langerhans cell histiocytosis (lch) has rarely been reported. we described squash cytological findings of cranial lch. additionally, based on recent data that suggests an association of lch with either viral infection or genetic alteration, we investigated the presence of several viruses or mutation of tp53 and braf in lch tissue samples. intraoperative squash smears of a small tissue fragment excised from the lesion demonstrated a mixed population of eosinophils, neutro ...201526339366
animal herpesviruses and their zoonotic potential for cross-species infection.herpesviruses of humans and animals cause severe diseases that influence not only the health and epidemiological status but are also economically important in the context of food production. the members of herpesviridae are host specific agents that also share many properties that potentially make them capable of crossing the species barriers. the objective of presented review paper was to summarize the relationship between herpesviruses of animals and humans and their zoonotic potential. in hum ...201526094506
large-scale multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay for diagnosis of viral reactivations after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.viral reactivations following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation are thought to result from the breakdown of both cell-mediated and humoral immunity. as a result, many viruses could be reactivated individually or simultaneously. using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr), we prospectively examined many kinds of viral dnas at a time in 105 patients who underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. in total, 591 whole blood samples were collected weekly from pre- to 42 ...201525946433
viruses and disease: emerging concepts for prevention, diagnosis and treatment.viruses cause a wide range of human diseases, ranging from acute self-resolving conditions to acute fatal diseases. effects that arise long after the primary infection can also increase the propensity for chronic conditions or lead to the development of cancer. recent advances in the fields of virology and pathology have been fundamental in improving our understanding of viral pathogenesis, in providing improved vaccination strategies and in developing newer, more effective treatments for patien ...201525366544
prevalence and risk factors of gammaherpesvirus infection in domestic cats in central europe.gammaherpesviruses (ghvs) are a large group of dsdna viruses that can infect humans and several animal species. the two human ghvs, epstein-barr virus and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus are known for their oncogenic properties in individuals with immunodeficiency. recently, the first feline ghv, felis catus gammaherpesvirus 1 (fcaghv1) was discovered and frequently found in domestic cats in australia, singapore and the usa. fcaghv1 is more likely to be detected in cats co-infected with ...201526377918
genome-wide genetic investigation of serological measures of common infections.populations and individuals differ in susceptibility to infections because of a number of factors, including host genetic variation. we previously demonstrated that differences in antibody titer, which reflect infection history, are significantly heritable. here we attempt to identify the genetic factors influencing variation in these serological phenotypes. blood samples from >1300 mexican americans were quantified for igg antibody level against 12 common infections, selected on the basis of th ...201525758998
cancers in australia in 2010 attributable to infectious estimate the proportion and numbers of cancers in australia in 2010 attributable to infectious agents.201526437730
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