
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
vertical transmission of enteric pathogens at determine how frequently mothers infect their infants with enteric pathogens at birth, stools were collected from 75 thai mothers immediately before delivery and from their infants 24-48 h later. enteropathogenic escherichia coli (epec) were isolated from 25 of the 75 mothers just prior to delivery (32%), enteroviruses from six (8%), enterotoxigenic e. coli from five (7%), and shigella, salmonella and vibrio parahaemolyticus each from one (1%). epec serotype 0128:k67 was isolated from one mot ...19852409892
characterization of an unique rna initiated immediately upstream from human alpha 1 globin gene in vivo and in vitro: polymerase ii-dependence, tissue specificity, and subcellular location.we have identified an abundant transcript initiated upstream from the canonical cap site of human alpha 1 globin gene in bone marrow cells and in cos-7 cells transfected with an alpha 1 globin gene-containing plasmid. similar to the major alpha 1 globin transcript, this upstream rna is present almost exclusively in the cytoplasm of the transfected cos-7 cells. it is also synthesized efficiently in vitro by rna polymerase ii in the nuclear extracts prepared from a hela cell line and an erythroleu ...19852413422
protective characteristics of the antigen common to pseudomonas and vibrio and significance of bacterial endotoxins in protection against selected bacterial infections.the protective effect of different vaccines against the killing activity of pseudomonas aeruginosa and vibrio parahaemolyticus for mice was studied. cross experiments confirmed the high protective effect of the pseudomonas common antigen (original endotoxin protein) contained in pseudomonas vaccine, which, together with other soluble components, substantial afforded protection of mice against vibrios and thus confirmed the antigenic relationship between pseudomonas and vibrio. satisfactory resul ...19852413656
natural killer cytotoxic factor induction by k562 cells in patients with advanced cancer: correlation with production of interferon.advanced cancer patients were studied for their ability to produce natural killer cytotoxic factor (nkcf). of 23 patients with advanced epithelial cancers, 8 showed deficient natural killer (nk) activity, as measured in a standard 51cr release assay. lymphocytes from these patients did not generate nkcf (nonproducers) in the presence of k562 cells. in addition, 7 other patients whose nk activity was in the normal range did not generate nkcf. thus the deficiency in nkcf production was only partia ...19852415742
[community outbreaks of mixed food-borne infection with vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio fluvialis]. 19846442318
shuttle cloning vectors for the marine bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus.two cosmid cloning vectors containing lambda cos sequences and a 42-base-pair multipurpose cloning sequence were constructed. pad22 also contains a 1.4-kilobase trp-ars fragment from saccharomyces cerevisiae. these cosmids transformed escherichia coli and s. cerevisiae cells and could be mobilized into vibrio parahaemolyticus strains with a conjugative plasmid, prk2013. the cosmid pad22 was genetically and structurally stable during passage through v. parahaemolyticus and e. coli strains.19846094492
environmental and human isolates of vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus produce a shigella dysenteriae 1 (shiga)-like cytotoxin.some strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio cholerae, and non-o1 v cholerae produce a bacterial-cell-associated, heat-stable material that is cytotoxic for hela cells. cytotoxicity is completely neutralised by antibody to purified shigella dysenteriae 1 (shiga) toxin but not by antibody to purified cholera toxin.19846140426
pivmecillinam, co-trimoxazole and oral mecillinam in gastroenteritis due to vibrio spp.the comparative efficacy of antibacterial therapy with pivmecillinam or cotrimoxazole and general supportive care only was studied in patients with severe bacterial gastroenteritis. overall, treatment with antibiotics proved significantly superior to rehydration alone in 42 children. active therapy also had a statistically beneficial effect in children infected with vibrio cholerae and v. parahaemolyticus. pivmecillinam and co-trimoxazole were equally effective. pivmecillinam and oral mecillinam ...19846323378
[the enteropathogenic role of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the coastal zone of the ivory coast].two clinical forms: choleriform syndrome and gastro enteritis came be individualised. the geographical origin of these cases (the coastal region abidjan) as well as some samples issued aquatic milieu enable to point out some modes of human contamination.19846327103
transposon mutagenesis of marine vibrio spp.coliphage p1 was used to transduce derivatives of transposons tn5 and mini-mu into marine vibrio spp. transposon tn5 encoding tetracycline resistance (tn5-132) was used to isolate mutants of vibrio harveyi defective in genes for bioluminescence (lux). insertion of transposon tn5-132 into the lux gene region was demonstrated by intraspecific transduction with phage hv-1 and by southern blot hybridization. transposon mini-mu, modified to specify tetracycline resistance, was employed to mutagenize ...19846327645
cloning of the thermostable direct or kanagawa phenomenon-associated hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.genes encoding the thermostable direct or kanagawa phenomenon hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus were cloned in escherichia coli. dna hybridization experiments with the cloned genes showed that none of the five kanagawa phenomenon-negative environmental isolates tested possessed dna sequences homologous to the probe.19846329958
neuraminidase production by vibrio cholerae o1 and other diarrheagenic bacteria.vibrio cholerae o1 strains belonging to both biotypes (classical and el tor) and both serotypes (ogawa and inaba) produced neuraminidase which was released rather than cell bound. classical strains made more neuraminidase than did el tor strains. about one-third of v. cholerae non-o1 strains and one-fourth of aeromonas hydrophila strains were neuraminidase positive. strains of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and shigella spp. did not produce detectable neuraminidase.19846373618
comparative studies on nutritional and physiological characteristics of vibrio parahaemolyticus originating from germany, togo and peru.during monitoring of bathing areas on the german north sea coast, 24 strains of v. parahaemolyticus were obtained from 32 water samples. the similarity of these strains to 80 v. parahaemolyticus strains isolated in togo (patients and environment) and peru (environment), respectively, was studied using 53 tests (fermentation of carbohydrates, decarboxylation of amino acids and utilisation of different c-sources). the results show a high degree of similarity among all strains with regard to fermen ...19846377758
an evaluation of the efficiency of enrichment media in the isolation process for vibrio evaluation of the efficiency of seven enrichment media for vibrio parahaemolyticus was effected, by means of material collected from the corporeal surface of 82 marine fish caught off the brazilian coast. on the whole, 45 fish proved positive, from which 71 strains were taken. among the culture media analyzed the best results were obtained with the new enrichment media represented by two of the nutrient broth (difco) ph 8.3; one supplemented with 2 g % of nacl and 500 mg % eosin y, and anothe ...19846377759
photoreactivation of uv-killing in vibrio parahaemolyticus wp28. 19846379692
traveler's diarrhea.three hundred million people, mostly tourists, participate in international travel each year. development of an acute diarrheal syndrome abroad, while returning home, or shortly after arriving home is referred to as traveler's diarrhea (td). td is not a specific diagnosis but, rather, a clinical syndrome with multiple etiologies. in this article, clinical and epidemiological features of td, specific etiologies and their pathogenesis, as well as current means of diagnosis, treatment, and preventi ...19846385704
[sensitivity of diarrhea organisms to nifuroxazide]. 19846386203
vibrio species of medical importance. 19846386297
halophilic vibrio species from seafish in senegal.sucrose-positive and sucrose-negative halophilic vibrio species at counts of up to 10(7)/100 g were isolated from muscles tissue in 27 and 43%, respectively, of 128 seafish from coastal waters in senegal. vibrio parahaemolyticus, including 21% urease-positive strains, was the most common isolate, followed by vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio vulnificus, vibrio damsela, and vibrio fluvialis.19846476829
distribution of bdellovibrios in the water column of an estuary.the distribution of bdellovibrios in the water column of the miles river has been studied. water samples were collected every 4 h over a 24-h period from five depths in the water column. the samples were cultured for the recovery of bdellovibrios lytic against vibrio parahaemolyticus. environmental parameters, i.e., salinity, temperature, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen (do) were measured for each sample. bdellovibrios were observed to be uniformly distributed at all depths measured in the water ...19846478316
[studies on the pathogenicity of vibrio parahaemolyticus. ii. oral ingestion test using newborn rabbits]. 19846478953
enhancement of vibrio parahaemolyticus virulence by lysed erythrocyte factor and iron.the effect of lysed blood on the virulence of vibrio parahaemolyticus for mice was investigated. a factor present in lysed erythrocytes was found to greatly reduce the 50% lethal dose of v. parahaemolyticus for mice. similar effects were observed with ferric ammonium citrate and manganous sulfate. v. parahaemolyticus grown in brain heart infusion containing lysed erythrocyte factor appeared to produce a lethal toxin which was either inapparent or absent when the organism was grown in brain heart ...19846480105
wound infection caused by kanagawa-negative vibrio parahaemolyticus.kanagawa-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus strains are considered to be human pathogens and are most commonly associated with summer diarrhea. kanagawa-negative strains are most frequently isolated from the environment and are generally considered to be nonpathogens. we report a wound infection caused by a kanagawa-negative v. parahaemolyticus strain. the infection occurred in october, an unusual time of the year for a v. parahaemolyticus infection to occur in the mid-atlantic region of the unite ...19846490864
electrocardiographic changes in vibrio parahaemolyticus infection. 19846501203
numerical taxonomy of phenanthrene-degrading bacteria isolated from the chesapeake bay.phenanthrene-degrading bacteria were isolated from chesapeake bay samples by the use of a solid medium which had been overlaid with an ethanol solution of phenanthrene before inoculation. eighteen representative strains of phenanthrene-degrading bacteria with 21 type and reference bacteria were examined for 123 characteristics representing physiological, biochemical, and nutritional properties. relationships between strains were computed with several similarity coefficients. the phenogram constr ...19846508314
bacteriology of the teeth from a great white shark: potential medical implications for shark bite victims.bacteria were cultured for the first time from the teeth of a great white shark (carcharodon carcharias). isolates included vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio fluvialis, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and other genera. all are common in the marine environment and some may be associated with wound infections in humans. shark bite lacerations may serve as a source of these potentially infectious bacteria, particularly vibrio spp., and should be treated immediately. antibiotic susceptibility patterns are shown ...19846511869
effect of d-tryptophan on hemolysin production in vibrio parahaemolyticus.production of the kanagawa hemolysin by a strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from a gastroenteritis patient was found to correlate with the presence in cell lysates of two unidentified compounds, designated x and y. the two compounds were present in cell lysates of the organism grown in peptone at the optimal ph for hemolysin synthesis but were not present when cell lysates were grown in peptone at a constant ph of 8.0. they were also absent in cells grown in synthetic medium at ph 6.2 w ...19846511873
[experimental therapy of lethal poisoning due to combination of vibrio thermostable direct hemolysin and staphylococcal enterotoxin]. 19846533343
occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in tanzanian coastal waters and fish. 19846535721
isolation of mucoid vibrio parahaemolyticus strains.mucoid strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus were isolated from the stools of two asymptomatic carriers and a patient with gastroenteritis. the strains demonstrated biochemical reactions and antibiotic susceptibility typical of nonmucoid strains of v. parahaemolyticus isolated locally. the slime substance was typed by coagglutination and was antigenically similar to the capsular antigen of the same strain. three different serotypes (o10:k24, o5:k17, and o5:k15) were involved.19846690471
vibrio parahaemolyticus pneumonia. 19846691690
comparative studies and laboratory diagnosis of vibrio vulnificus, an invasive vibrio sp.vibrio vulnificus was isolated from a bacteremic patient. this strain, together with other isolates of v. vulnificus, was compared with v. alginolyticus, v. fluvialis, and v. parahaemolyticus with regard to growth characteristics on enteric agar media (enabling isolation and identification) and production of exoenzymes which could correlate with invasive potential. v. vulnificus grew well on macconkey. endo, xylose-lysine deoxycholate, and hektoen enteric agar plates. because v. vulnificus colon ...19846699140
does el niño also cause diarrhea. 19846702183
vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis. an outbreak associated with raw oysters in the pacific northwest.during a 3-month period in the late summer and fall of 1981, six cases of gastroenteritis and one wound infection due to vibrio parahaemolyticus were reported to public health agencies in washington and oregon. an investigation revealed that all of the gastroenteric illnesses were associated with eating raw oysters; that oysters eaten by five of the six patients were harvested at four divergent sites at willapa bay, washington, a large commercial growing area; and that the v. parahaemolyticus is ...19846713808
cytolytic activity and virulence of vibrio damsela.a correlation was observed between the ability of 19 isolates of vibrio damsela, a halophilic bacterium recently recognized as a human pathogen, to cause disease in mice and to produce large amounts of a cytolytic toxin in vitro. the yield of toxin in the culture supernatant fluids was optimal during the mid- and late-logarithmic phases of growth in medium containing 0.5% na+ ion, was stable during the stationary growth phase, and was significantly reduced in culture medium containing greater th ...19846715036
in vitro and in vivo pathologic effects of vibrio parahaemolyticus on human epithelial cells.the initial interaction and adherence of vibrio parahemolyticus to epithelial tissue culture cells, human buccal epithelial cells, and the ileal mucosa of mice were studied. using scanning electron microscopy, adherent bacteria were observed only on degenerating human embryonic intestinal, hela, and buccal cells; healthy normal cells were devoid of bacteria. sheared v. parahaemolyticus, i.e., lacking flagella, did not adhere to either normal or degenerating tissue cells. neither ultraviolet-inac ...19846722664
isolation and characterization of a filamentous phage, vf33, specific for vibrio parahaemolyticus.phage vf33, a filamentous phage about 1,400 nm long and 7 nm wide, specific for vibrio parahaemolyticus, was isolated and characterized. the buoyant density of vf33 in cscl was 1.292 g/cm3. as with other filamentous phages, the lytic activity of vf33 was resistant to heating below 80 c and to treatment with diethylether, acetone or methanol but sensitive to chloroform. the nucleic acid of this phage is single-stranded circular dna 8.4 kb in size. the viral genome was converted to a double-strand ...19846738383
levels of vibrio parahaemolyticus in indian shrimp undergoing processing for export.a study of 56 samples of raw prawns, 50 samples of processed prawns, and 57 samples of frozen prawns from five prawn-processing factories around mangalore for the levels of vibrio parahaemolyticus revealed that most of these samples carry a load of less than 10/g. none of the samples had counts greater than 10(2)/g, indicating that the prawn-processing factories are able to meet the international commission on microbiological specifications for foods (icmsf) suggested limit of 10(2) v. parahaemo ...19846744129
[serological classification of vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 19846744400
enteroinvasive model of vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19846746030
cholangiocarcinoma with portal vein obstruction. 1984214813
carbidopa inhibits the growth hormone- and prolactin-suppressive effect of l-dopa in acromegalic patients.the plasma gh, prl, tsh, and dopamine (da) responses to an infusion of l-dopa were examined in six acromegalic patients before and after pretreatment with carbidopa, a drug which inhibits the peripheral conversion of l-dopa to da. carbidopa neither modified baseline da nor induced changes in baseline gh, prl, or tsh levels. the drug instead markedly reduced the l-dopa-induced da rise, an effect which was concomitant to a striking reduction of the suppressive effect of l-dopa on plasma gh and a p ...1984263317
phase behavior of ganglioside-lecithin mixtures. relation to dispersion of gangliosides in membranes.ganglioside gm1 and mixed brain gangliosides were mixed with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl lecithin (sopc) and examined by differential scanning calorimetry as a function of ganglioside content and temperature. low mole fractions of ganglioside gm1 and of mixed brain gangliosides are shown to be miscible with sopc in the gel phase up to x = 0.3, with the possible exception of a small region of immiscibility for the mixed brain gangliosides system centered around x = 0.05. above x = 0.3, the low-temperatur ...1984263689
[the incidence of caries in juvenile diabetics]. 1984271437
[problems perceived as priorities for patients in peritoneal dialysis]. 1984261434
adverse reactions to drugs: a 12-month hospital survey.a formalised system of adverse drug reaction (adr) reporting was instituted at the royal adelaide hospital in august 1975. the present report reviews the results obtained from this system after a 12-month period of operation. a significant number of reports associated with the use of antibiotics and radiographic contrast media were received. the importance of "feed-back" of adr information to prescribers is emphasised.1984270988
[inhibition of premature uterine contractions].various drugs used to stop premature uterine contractions are discussed in the paper. particular attention is paid to beta-mimetic drugs. the results of ming partusisten, one of beta-mimetic drugs, is presented on the material of 104 patients with threatening immature and premature labour. partusisten was administered in the form of intravenous drip infusion or tablets. during treatment monitoring of the uterine contractility and of foetal heart rate took place. inhibition of the uterine contrac ...1984263521
kinetic investigation of unfolding and partial refolding of a crab satellite (da-dt)n.crab (da-dt)n was isolated from the testes of cancer borealis by a procedure involving separation of dna and segregation of the satellite fraction by hg2+ binding/cs2so4 density gradient ultracentrifugation. the titration of crab (da-dt)n samples at 10 degrees indicated a sharp absorbance change at ph 11.98 in agreement with the phm value observed for synthetic poly(da-dt) under identical conditions. the reversal of the titration, however, resulted only in about 50% recovery of the original abso ...1984240385
[certain peculiarities in the phenomenology and therapy of jaw osteomyelitis]. 1983272810
[the application of interference contrast microscopy in biology (author's transl)].like phase contrast, nomarski interference contrast microscopy can be used to examine unstained specimens in biology and medicine. the properties of both contrast enhancement techniques are illustrated by various examples. the phase contrast method is especially suited for thin specimens with small differences in refractive index, whereas the interference contrast method supplies good results even of thick specimens. interference contrast is a valuable supplement to the phase contrast method, an ...1983239302
[drug information. agents for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (antidiabetics). therapeutic main group: oral antidiabetics. 2. sulfonylurea compounds]. 1983242387
webb-johnson lecture, 1978. the marches of dentistry. 1983348009
the absence of structural relationship between mitochondrial and mitochondrial and cytoplasmic leucyl-trna synthetases from tetrahymena pyriformis. 1983242273
release and uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-h-t) by a single 5-ht containing neurone [proceedings]. 1983185364
[conservative treatment of patients with small cell lung cancer]. 1983184622
[prevalence of serum anti-vibrio parahaemolyticus antibodies in food handlers]. 19836612493
incidence and level of vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with freshwater plankton.we isolated vibrio parahaemolyticus from plankton samples collected from different freshwater areas in the vicinity of calcutta, india. levels of this organism in association with freshwater plankton were low (less than 90 organisms per g). all of the 16 strains of v. parahaemolyticus isolated in this study were kanagawa negative, and all except 1 were untypable. the occurrence of v. parahaemolyticus in association with freshwater plankton suggests that adsorption onto plankton may aid the survi ...19836614907
food poisoning and fish. 19836620294
[vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from blood in patients with septicemia]. 19836620604
spectrum of vibrio infections in a gulf coast community.infection with vibrio species was diagnosed in 23 patients over a 10-year period in a gulf coast community. species isolated were vibrio vulnificus, v. cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, and v. alginolyticus. clinical presentations included diarrhea, wound infection, and bacteremia. gastrointestinal tract infection was infrequently diagnosed, despite the routine use of stool culture media appropriate for vibrio isolation. bacteremic infections were severe and occurred only in patients with underlyin ...19836625378
differential complement activation and susceptibility to human serum bactericidal action by vibrio species.the ability of vibrio vulnificus to resist human serum bactericidal action and to activate human complement was compared with similar cultures of vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus. both v. vulnificus and v. parahaemolyticus had similar survival rates in sera and were much more resistant to killing than was v. cholerae. in contrast, v. vulnificus activated significantly less serum complement than did v. cholerae and v. parahaemolyticus. the relative ability of v. vulnificus to survive i ...19836642665
comparative in vitro activities of ten antimicrobial agents against bacterial enteropathogens.the in vitro susceptibilities of 50 strains of salmonella spp., 80 strains of shigella spp., and 50 enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, 14 yersinia enterocolitica, 6 aeromonas hydrophila, 4 plesiomonas shigelloides, 9 vibrio parahaemolyticus, and 30 campylobacter jejuni strains that were recently isolated from worldwide sources were determined for 10 antimicrobial agents. the antimicrobial agents tested included ampicillin, bicozamycin, doxycycline, enoxacin (ci-919), erythromycin, furazolidone, a ...19836651278
optimal enrichment time for isolation of vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood.the growth of vibrio parahaemolyticus in a liquid medium was compared with that of human fecal flora and estuarine flora. no marked differences were noted between growth at 25 and 37 degrees c for v. parahaemolyticus. however, the marine organisms were strongly inhibited when incubated at 37 degrees c. incubation for 8 h in an enrichment broth yielded v. parahaemolyticus growth, even with a small inoculum, whereas the marine and fecal floras were inhibited. therefore, enrichment for 8 h at 37 de ...19836651300
production of increased vascular permeability in rabbits by purified thermostable direct hemolysin from vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19836655292
isolation and characterization of the outer membrane from vibrio parahaemolyticus.the outer membrane of vibrio parahaemolyticus strain 3283-61 (serotype o2:k3) was isolated from blebs released upon spheroplast formation, in the presence of lysozyme and edta, by isopycnic sucrose density gradient centrifugation. sds-page of the outer membrane fraction prepared from cells grown in nutrient broth containing 3% (w/v) nacl revealed five major proteins, designated a to e, with apparent approximate molecular weights: a, 44 000; b, 36 000; c, 33 500; d, 26 500; e, 22 000. an increase ...19836655459
an outbreak of gastroenteritis due to vibrio parahaemolyticus in vellore. 19836671709
transmissible antibiotic resistance in halophilic vibrios. 19836673693
plasmids in vibrio parahemolyticus strains isolated in japan and bangladesh with special reference to different distributions.we surveyed plasmids in naturally occurring vibrio parahemolyticus strains isolated in japan and bangladesh. among the strains isolated in japan, about half of the strains isolated from stools of patients of domestic diarrhea outbreaks as well as of travelers returning from east asia were found to have plasmids, but no strains from foods had plasmids. in contrast, among the strains isolated in bangladesh, none of the four strains isolated from patients had plasmids, but two out of eight strains ...19836676628
salt dependent beta-lactam antibiotic susceptibility of vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19836678336
serological method for identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus from marine samples.use of agglutination with antiserum against lateral flagella (h-agglutination) for the identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus was studied. sucrose-negative bacteria were isolated from seawater, and their characterization was carried out by traditional biological tests and slide agglutination with antiserum specific to lateral flagella of v. parahaemolyticus. of 135 strains isolated, 78 were identified as v. parahaemolyticus by biological tests and were agglutinated with the above serum. fifty ...19836824315
medium for isolation and differentiation of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus.trypticase soy agar supplemented with sucrose, sodium chloride, bile salts, and triphenyltetrazolium chloride is an improved plating medium for the isolation of vibrio parahaemolyticus from samples of seawater, permitting better differentiation of this organism from vibrio alginolyticus and other bacteria.19836824320
hemagglutination and adhesiveness of epidemiologically distinct strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus.twelve strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus from four epidemiologically distinct groups were examined for their ability to hemagglutinate human, bovine, chicken, guinea pig, and rabbit erythrocytes and to adhere to human buccal mucosal epithelial cells in the presence and absence of mannose. four of six kanagawa-positive but none of six kanagawa-negative strains showed mannose-sensitive hemagglutination with erythrocytes of rabbits and of one or more additional species. mannose-resistant hemagglut ...19836832816
failure of antisera to thermostable direct hemolysin and cholera enterotoxin to prevent accumulation of fluid caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19836842011
extraintestinal infections due to halophilic compare the clinical and epidemiologic features, we reviewed the hospital records and interviewed 18 patients with extraintestinal infections caused by three species of halophilic vibrios. vibrio vulnificus, the organism most frequently isolated in virginia during the six-year study period, caused primary septicemia in three patients. fifteen patients had soft tissue infections, most of which followed injuries that were contaminated by seawater and mostly caused by v vulnificus and v parahaem ...19836844963
effects of storage on microbial loads of two commercially important shellfish species, crassostrea virginica and mercenaria campechiensis.the effects of storage on the microbial load in two commercially important species of shellfish were examined. oysters (crassostrea virginica) were stored as shellstock, shucked meats, and fully processed meats at four temperatures for up to 21 days, and clams (mercenaria campechiensis) were stored only as shellstock. the concentrations of most microbiological groups of organisms increased with the duration and temperature of storage in both shellfish species, although the increases were signifi ...19836859844
numerical taxonomy of vibrio cholerae and related species isolated from areas that are endemic and nonendemic for cholera.a total of 165 strains of vibrios isolated from clinical and environmental sources in the united states, india, and bangladesh, 11 reference cultures, and 4 duplicated cultures were compared in a numerical taxonomic study using 83 unit characters. similarity between strains was computed by using the simple matching coefficient and the jaccard coefficient. strains were clustered by unweighted average linkage and single linkage algorithms. all methods gave similar cluster compositions. the estimat ...19836874901
recent advances in management of bacterial diarrhea.the number of recognized infectious causes of diarrhea potentially treatable with specific antibiotics has markedly increased within the past ten years. laboratories are developing and expanding their abilities to deal with these new pathogens. neither prophylaxis nor specific treatment of diarrhea in travelers is simple, practical, and safe. although enterotoxigenic escherichia coli is the most important cause of diarrhea in u.s. travelers to tropical areas, campylobacter jejuni causes acute di ...19836405474
microbiological analysis of rock cod (sebastes spp.) stored under elevated carbon dioxide atmospheres.the numbers and types of microorganisms on fresh rock cod fillets and fillets stored in air or in a modified atmosphere (ma; 80% co(2), 20% air) at 4 degrees c were compared. samples were analyzed after 0, 7, 14, and 21 days of storage. the isolation plates were incubated aerobically, anaerobically, or under ma at 4, 20, or 35 degrees c. after 7 days of storage in air, the fillets were obviously spoiled and had a 3- to 4-log cycle increase in microbial counts. plate counts increased more slowly ...19836405691
bacterial enteritis. 19836408371
a cholera-like illness in a traveller due to a mixed infection with enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, vibrio parahaemolyticus and pseudomonas aeruginosa.a healthy 67-year-old male traveller developed a cholera-like disease after returning from a five-week stay in pakistan and india. in addition to vibrio parahaemolyticus and large numbers of pseudomonas aeruginosa, two strains of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli were isolated from a single stool specimen.19836417028
food-borne infections and intoxications--recent trends and prospects for the future. 19836417799
the relationship between three potential pathogens and pollution indicator organisms in nova scotian coastal waters.fifteen stations, in two estuaries, along the northumberland strait of nova scotia were examined between june and september 1981 for a relationship between the concentrations of commonly monitored fecal indicator bacteria and the potential pathogens candida albicans, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and vibrio parahaemolyticus. increased densities of these three organisms were usually associated with high densities of indicator bacteria. whereas c. albicans and p. aeruginosa occur in human fecal wastes, ...19836420028
food microbiology update. emerging foodborne pathogens.a review of three "emerging" foodborne pathogen groups is presented, including campylobacter jejuni/coli, yersinia enterocolitica, and foodborne vibrio sp.19836383214
ecological relationships between vibrio cholerae and planktonic crustacean copepods.strains of vibrio cholerae, both o1 and non-o1 serovars, were found to attach to the surfaces of live copepods maintained in natural water samples collected from the chesapeake bay and bangladesh environs. the specificity of attachment of v. cholerae to live copepods was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, which revealed that the oral region and egg sac were the most heavily colonized areas of the copepods. in addition, survival of v. cholerae in water was extended in the presence of live ...19836337551
infectious diarrhea in office practice. 19836338309
a longitudinal study of the prevalence of bacterial enteric pathogens among adults with diarrhea in bangkok, thailand.six hundred sixty adults with diarrhea treated at bamrasnaradura hospital, bangkok, thailand were investigated to determine the prevalence, seasonality, and severity of diarrhea associated with bacterial enteric pathogens in 1980 and 1981. shigella were isolated from 27% and vibrio parahaemolyticus from 19% of the patients studied. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (5%), salmonella (3%), non-01 vibrio cholerae (3%), campylobacter jejuni (1%), and group f vibrio (less than 1%) were isolated from a ...19836370564
isolation and characterization of small plasmids in strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from patients and foods incriminated in 4 incidents of gastroenteritis, as well as a strain from a healty carrier were analyzed for plasmids. large plasmids were found in a kanagawa phenomenon positive (kp+) patient isolate from louisiana of 04:k8 serotype but not in kp+ patient isolates of 2 other serotypes from the same outbreak. small plasmids in the molecular weight range of 5 to 9 mdal were found in 4 other strains isolated in bangkok, africa and t ...19836094652
in vitro antibacterial activity of norfloxacin (mk-0366, am-715) and other agents against gastrointestinal tract pathogens.a comparison was made of the in vitro activities of norfloxacin and of nine other orally administered antibacterial agents against 180 clinical isolates representing the bacterial species most frequently implicated in infections of the gastrointestinal tract in humans. the 90% minimal inhibitory concentrations showed norfloxacin to be 4, 15, 4, 17, 17, 17, and 33 times more active than the next best compound tested against campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, escherichia coli, salmonella spp., shi ...19836219622
aetiological studies on hospital in-patients with acute diarrhoea in calcutta.bacterial enteropathogens and rotavirus were sought in 356 cases with acute diarrhoea admitted to the infectious diseases hospital, calcutta. one or more pathogens were isolated from 74.7% of the cases. single enteropathogens could be detected from 66% and multiple enteropathogens from 8.7% of the patients. vibrio cholerae biotype el tor, rotavirus, v. parahaemolyticus, and enteropathogenic and enterotoxigenic escherichia coli were the major pathogens detected. rotavirus was detected from 7.6% o ...19836306873
characterization of extracellular alkaline proteases and collagenase induction in vibrio alginolyticus.the number and approximate molecular weights of extracellular alkaline proteases produced by vibrio alginolyticus were determined by gelatin-page. three major bands of protease activity with apparent molecular weights of approximately 28 000, 22 500 and 19 500 (proteases 1, 2 and 3, respectively) and two minor bands of protease activity with apparent molecular weights of approximately 15 500 and 14 500 (proteases 4 and 5, respectively) were obtained after gelatin-page. the activities of the five ...19836310026
isolation and partial properties of a porin-like protein from vibrio parahaemolyticus cell envelope.the cell envelope of vibrio parahaemolyticus pilot strain k-11 contains a major protein with an apparent molecular weight of 35,000 which was not solubilized with 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds) at 50 c for 30 min and was resistant to trypsin. the protein was extracted from the sds-insoluble envelope with sds containing 0.4 m nacl and purified by acetone precipitation and gel filtration. the purified protein was completely dissociated into a monomer with a molecular weight of 35,000 in sds at 60 ...19836321909
[repression by bacteriological peptones of extracellular amylase production in vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 19826182312
the distribution of vibrio parahaemolyticus serotypes in kenyan seafish, shellfish, marine water and sediment.vibrio parahaemolyticus was recovered from 74 of 912 marine samples screened for the organism. of 74 isolates of v. parahaemolyticus obtained from marine fish, crustacean shellfish (prawns, lobster, crabs), and molluscan shellfish (oysters), and from water and sediment collected off the coast of kenya, only 33 were positively identified. the isolates were only from seafish and shellfish. the main serotypes were 0,3:k37; 0,3:k40; 0,8:39; 0,10:23; 0,10:k52; and 0,11:k40. all the serotypes were kan ...19826926768
[recent trends in infectious diarrhea]. 19826958943
human vibrio gastroenteritis. 19827043128
vibrio parahaemolyticus: a major cause of travelers' diarrhea in' diarrhea in bangkok, thailand was investigated in a group of 146 hotel guests who had diarrhea during their stay in the city. the identified pathogenic organisms were vibrio parahaemolyticus in 45 (31%), vibrio cholerae in 1, nonagglutinable vibrio in 1, and entamoeba histolytica in 3. identification of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli was not attempted. the study suggests that vibrio parahaemolyticus is a major cause of travelers' diarrhea in bangkok.19827058975
seasonal distribution of bdellovibrios at the mouth of the patuxent river in the chesapeake bay.water samples taken at monthly intervals from three sites in the mouth of the patuxent river in the chesapeake bay were cultured for bdellovibrios lytic to vibrio parahaemolyticus and for total viable bacterial counts. the number of bdellovibrios recovered decreased from the spring months (april, may, june (amj) until very few were detected during the winter months (january, february, march (jfm), which also coincided with the lowest water temperatures. during the amj season there was a signific ...19827066762
scanning electron microscope observation of the swarming phenomenon of vibrio parahaemolyticus.scanning electron microscopy was used to study the production of lateral flagella and the swarming phenomenon in vibrio parahaemolyticus. differences in the size and diameter of the sheathed, polar flagellum and lateral flagella were apparent in these preparations. swarming of v. parahaemolyticus was found to be similar to the swarming of proteus spp. in that swarm cells which are heavily flagellated and elongated are formed.19827068539
hemolysis and hyperpotassemia in rat induced by the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19827098150
incidence of vibrio species associated with blue crabs (callinectes sapidus) collected from galveston bay, texas.bacteria were readily isolated from the hemolymph of a majority (88%) of the blue crabs collected from galveston bay, texas. the hemolymph of most crabs contained moderate (greater than 10(3) bacteria/ml) to heavy (greater than (10(5) bacteria/ml) infections. large variances were observed in the bacterial number associated with individual crabs, but no significant difference was observed between the mean bacterial levels in the hemolymph of crabs collected during different seasons of the samplin ...19827103475
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