
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
cadmium chloride susceptibility, a characteristic of campylobacter spp.we report a simple diagnostic characteristic useful in the presumptive identification of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. filter paper disks impregnated with cadmium chloride were placed on streaked agar medium. zones of growth inhibition for campylobacter spp. occurred at 1.25 micrograms per disk. other enteropathogens (salmonella spp., shigella spp., vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, escherichia coli, and yersinia enterocolitica) were resistant to at least 40 micrograms per ...19853998099
effect of fecal pollution on vibrio parahaemolyticus densities in an estuarine environment.vibrio parahaemolyticus densities in the narragansett bay, r.i., estuary were found to significantly correlate with the level of fecal pollution in the water. results of field investigations showed a definite association between the levels of this organism and those of escherichia coli, clostridium perfringens, and enterococci. densities of v. parahaemolyticus were greatest in the near-surface waters of contaminated areas and decreased sharply with both the distance from the sources of fecal pol ...19854004246
isolation of a new drug-resistance plasmid from a strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a new r plasmid, psa55, with a molecular weight of 112 megadaltons (md), was isolated from a strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus with multiple drug resistance. the psa55 plasmid conferred on its host resistance to chloramphenicol, tetracycline, streptomycin, kanamycin, ampicillin, trimethoprim and 2,4-diamino-6,7-diisopropyl pteridine, and belongs to incompatibility group c. the plasmid was transferable to escherichia coli, v. parahaemolyticus, v. alginolyticus and nag bivrio at a frequency of 10( ...19854010538
biliary excretion and enterohepatic circulation of 1-nitropyrene metabolites in fischer-344 rats.1-nitropyrene (1-np), present in diesel engine emissions, is a potent mutagen to bacteria, such as those found in mammalian intestinal tract, which contain nitroreductase enzymes. the purposes of this study were to determine the importance of bile as a route of excretion of 1-np metabolites and to determine if reabsorption of biliary metabolites required the presence of intestinal bacteria. the bile ducts of male fischer-344 rats were cannulated, 0.3 or 1.2 mumoles [3h]1-np was given i.v., and b ...19854015679
altered membrane association of glycogen phosphorylase in the dystrophic chicken.the subcellular distribution of glycogen phosphorylase in pectoralis muscle from normal and dystrophic chickens was determined as a function of age. a substantially larger proportion of the total activity was associated with membranous cellular organelles, both mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum, in preparations from dystrophic birds. the difference could be detected as early as 2 weeks ex ovo. interaction of phosphorylase with cellular membranes may provide a probe for the underlying membr ...19854016151
the instability of intestinal clostridial colonisation in living beings. 19854022979
reentrant ventricular arrhythmias in the late myocardial infarction period in the dog. 13. correlation of activation and refractory maps.isochronal maps of ventricular activation were analyzed in dogs 3-5 days after ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery utilizing a 64-channel multiplexer. isochronal maps of the effective refractory period were determined from 62 epicardial sites and correlated with the activation maps. the ischemia occurring in the surviving epicardial layer prolonged refractoriness in a spatially nonuniform manner. the resulting pattern of refractoriness on the epicardial surface resembled con ...19854028346
detection of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene and related dna sequences in vibrio parahaemolyticus and other vibrio species by the dna colony hybridization test.a specific gene probe for the vibrio parahaemolyticus thermostable direct hemolysin gene was constructed and used to examine the presence or absence of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene or related dna sequences in v. parahaemolyticus and other vibrios by the dna colony hybridization method. the gene probe consisted of a 406-base-pair, completely internal fragment covering 71% of the structural gene with psti linkers added to the ends. six copies of this 415-base-pair psti fragment were clon ...19854030087
arsenic toxicosis and suspected chromium toxicosis in a herd of cattle.arsenic toxicosis and suspected chromium toxicosis were diagnosed in a herd of cattle that ingested ashes from lumber treated with copper, chromium, and arsenic. findings included peracute death, depression, ataxia, weakness, recumbency, and watery diarrhea. chemical analyses of liver, kidney, abomasal contents, rumen contents, and ashes revealed high concentrations of arsenic and chromium. histologically, specimens of abomasum and duodenum had diffuse mucosal degeneration and engorged capillari ...19854030455
the incidence of rhodococcus (corynebacterium) equi in domestic animals and soil. 19854032938
the role of adenosine in the regulation of coronary blood flow in newborn lambs.adenosine is a metabolic vasodilator of the coronary vessels in the adult. whether it plays a similar role in the regulation of coronary blood flow (cbf) in the newborn is not known. we evaluated changes in adenosine release during periods of decreased oxygen supply (hypoxia) and increased oxygen demand (dobutamine infusions). in anesthetized open-chest lambs (age 1 to 8 days), aortic and coronary sinus adenosine concentrations, circumflex cbf, and myocardial oxygen consumption (mvo2) were measu ...19854035574
inhibition of lipases by proteins. a kinetic study with dicaprin monolayers.we report further investigations on protein inhibition of pancreatic and microbial lipases carried out with the monolayer technique. when beta-lactoglobulin a, melittin, serum albumin, myoglobin, and a protein inhibiting lipase from soybean were preincubated with a dicaprin film at a surface pressure of 35 dynes/cm, no activity was detected with horse pancreatic or rhizopus delemar lipases. by contrast, rhizopus arrhizus and geotrichum candidum lipase activities were not impaired under the same ...19854038705
local cerebral glucose utilization in normal female rats: variations during the estrous cycle and comparison with males.the quantitative 2-[14c]deoxyglucose autoradiographic method was used to study the fluctuations of energy metabolism in discrete brain regions of female rats during the estrous cycle. a consistent though statistically nonsignificant cyclic variation in average glucose utilization of the brain as a whole was observed. highest levels of glucose utilization occurred during proestrus and metestrus, whereas lower rates were found during estrus and diestrus. statistically significant fluctuations were ...19854040921
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for detection of thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.several systems for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus were tested, and single-antibody sandwich elisa systems gave satisfactory results. elisa was able to detect as little as several nanograms of purified tdh per milliliter. the method of de jong (j. clin. microbiol. 17:928-930, 1983) and the glutaraldehyde method were successful for preparing conjugates of alkaline phosphatase and anti-tdh antibody. tdh in fluids in intes ...19854044797
efficacy of trazodone in narcolepsy.a 25-year-old man with narcolepsy and cataplexy experienced partial relief of symptomatology following administration of methylphenidate. moreover, the latter caused extreme agitation and aggression. however, administration of the antidepressant agent trazodone resulted in almost complete alleviation of the narcoleptic and cataplectic attacks within 48 h after initiation of therapy. trazodone, a novel antidepressant agent may be useful in the long-term management of individuals suffering from na ...19854054183
comparison of api 20e, api rapid e, and api rapid nft for identification of members of the family vibrionaceae.sixty isolates, from nine species of the family vibrionaceae, were tested by the api 20e, api rapid e, and api rapid nft systems. results were compared with those obtained with standard biochemicals. included were 7 aeromonas caviae isolates, 27 aeromonas hydrophilia isolates, 10 aeromonas sobria isolates, 3 plesiomonas shigelloides isolates, 3 vibrio alginolyticus isolates, 3 vibrio cholerae isolates, 1 vibrio fluvialis isolate, 5 vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates, and 1 vibrio vulnificus isolat ...19854056003
age-associated alterations in hepatic glutathione-s-transferase activities.age-associated alterations of hepatic cytosolic glutathione-s-transferase (gst) activities towards sulfobromophthalein sodium tetrahydrate (bsp), styrene oxide (stox), trans-4-phenyl-3-butene-2-one (pbo), 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (dcnb), and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (cdnb) were investigated in fischer-344 rats of both sexes with ages ranging from 1.5 to 28 months. the gst activities towards pbo and dcnb in male rats increased with age till 6-12 months when maximum values were attained, and ...19854062964
[assay and survival of vibrio parahaemolyticus in environmental samples]. 19854063102
[antibacterial properties of some spice plants before and after heat treatment].this study was carried out to understand the antibacterial properties of some spice plants before and after heat treatment in boiling water. the samples included the core and the outer layers of onion, the white and the green parts of green onion, garlic bulb, ginger, ginger root, sweet pepper, chili pepper, brown pepper, and mustard. the test microorganisms included escherichia coli, salmonella typhimurium, vibrio parahaemolyticus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteus vulgaris, staphylococcus aureus ...19854064797
survival of kanagawa-positive strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus in a brackish-water area.vibrio parahaemolyticus was observed to overwinter in sediments and to be present in considerable numbers in sediments and clithon retropictus (gastropod mollusc) during summer months at a brackish-water area along hashizu creek in japan. the highest level of the organisms was 9.3 x 10(6) and 2.3 x 10(7)/100 g in sediments and c. retropictus respectively. production of kanagawa haemolysin was detected in approximately 12% and 20% of strains isolated from sediments and c. retropictus respectively ...19854067291
changes in intravascular fluid composition following blood replacement with perfluorocarbon emulsion in the rat.the effects of near total blood replacement with the proprietary perfluorocarbon emulsion, fluosol-da, have been examined in conscious, chronically catheterized rats. animals survived for up to 48 h with a haematocrit of less than 2%. no overt changes in cardiovascular or respiratory functions occurred during blood replacement but thereafter, animals showed a progressive deterioration of haemodynamic control. changes in intravascular fluid composition during and following exchange-transfusion ha ...19854068605
onchocerciasis: experimental models of ocular disease.onchocerciasis is a leading cause of blindness in equatorial africa and in endemic regions in central america. understanding of the pathologic processes involved in onchocercal eye disease and of the role of immunopathologic mechanisms in its development has been substantially limited by the shortage of eyes for histologic study and by the lack of a naturally occurring animal model. the inoculation of microfilariae of onchocerca species into the eyes of laboratory animals may reproduce selected ...19854070920
autoimmune thrombocytopenia in sarcoidosis.severe thrombocytopenia and splenomegaly developed in a young man with sarcoidosis. platelet-associated immunoglobulin (igg) was strongly positive, and platelet survival studies revealed a half-life of five and a half hours. treatment with prednisone and vincristine led to a rise in the platelet count to 100,000/mm3 after two months with no change in the splenomegaly. five months later, when the platelet count was normal, the level of platelet-associated igg had fallen to normal. repeated platel ...19854073111
serotypes of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from hydrobiologically dissimilar aquatic environments.serological analysis of the o and k antigens was performed on 324 isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus obtained from three hydrobiologically dissimilar aquatic environments. only 50.9% of the strains could be serotyped. the largest number of untypable strains and the lowest serological diversity were observed from the freshwater collection. three serotypes, o2:k28, o5:k17, and o2:k3, dominated among all biotopes. there appears to be some distinction between serotypes of environmental and clinical ...19854073899
quantitative studies on vibrio parahaemolyticus in finfish & crustaceans. 19854077171
[mechanism of action of camp-dependent protein kinase. v. free energy spectra].the catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase from pig brain was shown to catalyse an isotope exchange reaction atp in equilibrium with adp. the kinetic parameters of the exchange were determined. the enzyme can also use gtp as the donor substrate; phosphotransferase and "gtpase" reactions were investigated. based on the kinetic data obtained in this and in the previous paper the free energy profiles of protein kinase catalysed reactions are discussed.19854079933
[posterior hernia of a calcified disk in children. apropos of 2 cases].posterior herniation of a calcified disk was detected in two children. a 10-year-old boy presented with cervicobrachial neuralgia at the c7 level secondary to herniation of a calcified c6-c7 disk treated by surgery. a 13-year-old boy was seen with a post-traumatic painful stiffness in the thoracic region posteriorly, without neurologic complication, secondary to a herniated calcified t4-t5 disk. surgery was not performed and the course was favorable with regression of clinical signs and spontane ...19854087235
characterization and distribution of vibrio alginolyticus and vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated in indonesia.previous studies have shown that vibrio alginolyticus and vibrio parahaemolyticus can be isolated from similar types of marine samples. in this report, the results of an examination of 567 v. alginolyticus and v. parahaemolyticus strains, isolated from seawater in jakarta bay and from more than 30 types of seafood from markets in jakarta, indonesia, are presented. most isolates were from mackerel, shrimp, or squid. numerical taxonomic analyses clustered 337 isolates and three v. alginolyticus re ...19854091566
isolation and characterization of neuropeptide y from porcine intestine.the isolation and primary structure of intestinal neuropeptide y (npy) is described. the peptide was purified from porcine intestinal extracts using a chemical assay and radioimmunoassay for npy. the amino acid sequence of this peptide is: tyr-pro-ser-lys-pro-asp-asn-pro-gly-glu-asp-ala-pro-ala-glu-asp-leu-ala- arg-tyr-tyr- ser-ala-leu-arg-his-tyr-ile-asn-leu-ile-thr-arg-gln-arg-tyr-nh2. this the structure of intestinal npy is identical to the npy of brain origin.19853838090
theoretical mechanisms for synthesis of carcinogen-induced embryonic proteins: xiv. mutational and non-mutational mechanisms as subsets of a more general mechanism. part c. a defined cancer mutation.the results of applying a mechanism of ethionine-induced embryonic gene derepressions to explain similar features found in hereditary tyrosinemia have been extended to a well defined cancer mutation. in all three cases, the described mechanism is compatible with the explanation for the etiology of embryonic like phenotypic expressions in cells and potentially for the carcinogenic process. the essence of the formulated process for a human bladder carcinoma mutation in the ras gene for a protein p ...19853853079
generation of prostaglandin e2-like radioimmunoreactive material in human plasma during storage at -20 c but not at -80 c.concentrations of prostaglandin e2 (pge2) as determined by radioimmunoassay following silicic-acid column chromatography in extracted samples (n = 5) of human plasma (na2edta: 18 mg/5 ml blood; indomethacin: 1mg/5 ml blood) were less than 1.0 pg/ml when the samples were extracted immediately after blood withdrawal. virtually identical concentrations of pge2 were determined in samples stored at -80 degrees c for up to 6 months. however, when the same analytical procedures were used after prolonge ...19853858888
protein loss of bovine dental enamel during in-vitro subsurface demineralization.a chemical system based on the dialysis principle was used to study protein loss of dental enamel during demineralization with an acetic-acid buffer solution containing calcium and phosphate, in which the fluoride-ion activity was kept constant. this resulted in a subsurface lesion, with a depth of about 130 microns. after demineralization, protein material was isolated from the demineralization solution. u.v. spectra of the protein showed strong absorbance between 240 and 300 nm. amino-acid com ...19853865639
in vitro activity of ci-934, a quinolone carboxylic acid active against gram-positive and -negative is a totally synthetic difluorinated quinolinecarboxylic acid with an ethyl-amino-methyl pyrrolidine side chain, which has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, including particular potency directed against streptococci and staphylococci. the ci-934 mic (micrograms per milliliter) for 90% of the strains tested was 0.4 (range, 0.2 to 0.8) for a group of streptococci (pneumococci, viridans streptococci, streptococcus faecalis, and lancefield groups a, b, and c), 0.2 (0.05 to 0.2) for staph ...19853866513
vibrio parahaemolyticus osteomyelitis of 12 years' duration. 19853868797
gas chromatographic determination of mefloquine in human and dog plasma using electron-capture detection.a sensitive and selective gas-liquid chromatographic method for the determination of plasma levels of mefloquine in human and dog plasma is described. the drug and internal standard were extracted from plasma at ph 9.0 into isopropyl acetate. after evaporation of the solvent, the residue was taken up in toluene and derivatised with heptafluorobutyrylimidazole. the derivative was quantified by gas-liquid chromatography on a 3% gc ge-se30 column with electron-capture detection. the limit of detect ...19853872308
the effect of induced electric currents on bone after experimental osteotomy in sheep.we have investigated the effect of currents induced by electromagnetic fields on the healing of the tibia of sheep after osteotomy, using objective and quantifiable criteria wherever possible. a battery-powered, induction apparatus was developed and was enclosed within the cast applied to the limb, so that the treated fractures received pulsed magnetic fields for 24 hours a day while the animals were freely mobile. in all, 13 sheep were treated and 13 were used as controls. the response was asse ...19853873459
interleukin 1 released from beagle alveolar macrophages exposed to dust particles. 19853877837
interleukin 1 released from beagle alveolar macrophages exposed to dust particles. 19853877837
case records of the massachusetts general hospital. weekly clinicopathological exercises. case 4-1985. a 36-year-old man with a cardiac mass three years after renal transplantation. 19853880868
proteoglycans in pathological conditions: atherosclerosis.proteoglycans accumulate within the innermost layer (intima) of blood vessels during atherosclerosis. this accumulation is marked in some forms of human atherosclerosis and is particularly prominent in vessels that have been experimentally injured and have healed by the process of reendothelialization. the two major cell types of the arterial wall, endothelium and smooth muscle, are the major sources of arterial proteoglycans, and cell cultures have demonstrated that these cells synthesize at le ...19853881292
characterization with monoclonal antibodies of a surface antigen of plasmodium falciparum merozoites.the merozoite, the extracellular form of the erythrocyte stage of the malarial parasite, invades the erythrocyte and develops intracellularly. cloned hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies directed against the merozoite surface were selected by indirect immunofluorescent assay by using intact isolated merozoites. monoclonal antibodies to a 200,000 m.w. merozoite surface antigen were selected and were used to characterize this protein and its role in erythrocyte invasion. immunoelec ...19853881529
cholera and other vibrioses in the united states. 19853881668
[minimally transformed 3t3 cell lines as an object for research on the mechanisms of proliferation].the present review gives a detailed description of mouse cell lines 3t3 (swiss 3t3, balb/c 3t3, and nih 3t3) including their establishment, evolution, growth properties and formation of the specific monolayer with low saturation density. questionable views of the 3t3 cell origin are discussed. the main features of these continuous cell lines are shown, such as a high requirement for serum growth factors, substrate dependence, inhibition of cell division in dense monolayer and absence of oncogeni ...19853885522
cloning and expression in escherichia coli of vibrio parahaemolyticus thermostable direct hemolysin and thermolabile hemolysin genes.two hemolysin genes of vibrio parahaemolyticus wp1, a thermostable direct (tsd) hemolysin gene and a thermolabile hemolysin gene, were cloned into the pbr322 vector in escherichia coli k-12 c600. a large amount of the tsd hemolysin produced in e. coli k-12 accumulated in the periplasmic space. the tsd hemolysin gene was localized on a 0.9-kilobase hindiii-bamhi fragment by identifying qualitatively the production of the tsd hemolysin by a reverse passive hemagglutination assay in the osmotic sho ...19853886626
shiga toxin--an expanding role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. 19853886803
a mutagen precursor in chinese cabbage, indole-3-acetonitrile, which becomes mutagenic on nitrite treatment.after treatment with nitrite, chinese cabbage showed direct-acting mutagenicity on salmonella typhimurium ta100 inducing 3100 revertants per g. one of the mutagen precursors that became mutagenic after nitrite treatment was isolated, and identified as indole-3-acetonitrile. after treatment with nitrite, 1 mg of indole-3-acetonitrile induced 17 400 revertants of ta100 and 21 000 revertants of ta98 without s9 mix.19853889600
repair of dna single-strand breaks in x-irradiated yeast. ii. kinetics of repair as measured by the dna-unwinding method.the kinetics of disappearance of single-strand breaks (ssb) from the dna of x-irradiated stationary yeast cells under liquid-holding conditions was found to proceed in a dose-independent manner up to a dose of at least 2400 gy, and was found to be complete after incubation of cells for 1 h. this was deduced from data for a yeast wild-type (wt) haploid and diploid strain as well as for rad52 haploid cells defective in dna double-strand break (dsb) repair. in all cases an initial fast repair compo ...19853889609
spontaneous mutagenesis: the roles of dna repair, replication, and recombination.there appears to be no dearth of mechanisms to explain spontaneous mutagenesis. in the case of base substitutions, data for bacteriophage t4 and especially for e. coli and s. cerevisiae suggest important roles in spontaneous mutagenesis for the error-prone repair of dna damage (to produce mutations) and for error-free repair of dna damage (to avoid mutagenesis). data from the very limited number of studies on the subject suggest that about 50% of the spontaneous base substitutions in e. coli, an ...19853889622
cardioprotective effects of defibrotide in acute myocardial ischemia in the cat.we investigated the effects of defibrotide (d), a natural polydeoxyribonucleotide, on acute myocardial ischemia (ami) in anesthetized cats. a permanent ligature was placed around the left anterior descending coronary artery (lad) 12-14 mm from its origin. ventricular fibrillation and death were exceptional and when they occurred the cats were not included in the evaluation. pretreatment of cats with d, 32 mg kg-1 h-1, i.v. infusion, maintained throughout the 5 h occlusion period, reduced ami-st ...19853890260
cardioprotective effects of defibrotide in acute myocardial ischemia in the cat.we investigated the effects of defibrotide (d), a natural polydeoxyribonucleotide, on acute myocardial ischemia (ami) in anesthetized cats. a permanent ligature was placed around the left anterior descending coronary artery (lad) 12-14 mm from its origin. ventricular fibrillation and death were exceptional and when they occurred the cats were not included in the evaluation. pretreatment of cats with d, 32 mg kg-1 h-1, i.v. infusion, maintained throughout the 5 h occlusion period, reduced ami-st ...19853890260
a comparative study of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, shigella, aeromonas, and vibrio as etiologies of diarrhea in northeastern thailand.the incidence of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec), shigella, aeromonas, and vibrio was determined in patients with diarrhea seen at a hospital in northeastern thailand, and compared with the incidence of these bacteria in household contacts and their neighbors. etec was identified in 17%, shigella in 9%, aeromonas in 9%, v. parahaemolyticus in 5%, and non-01 v. cholerae in 2% of 299 patients with diarrhea. these five species of bacteria were isolated more often from patients with diarrhea ...19853890578
the microbiology of cooked prawns and shrimps on retail an inter-laboratory survey, 148 samples of cooked prawns and shrimps were obtained at the point of sale to the consumer. salmonellae and vibrio parahaemolyticus were not detected. yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from three samples. results for total viable count and presence of escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus complied well with available guidelines for imported cooked prawns, suggesting that the risk of food poisoning from retail samples of these foods in the south of england ...19853891850
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis accompanying legionnaires' disease.a rapidly progressive, crescentic glomerulonephritis with acute oliguric renal failure occurred simultaneously with legionnaires' disease (ld) in a 52-year-old man. the diagnosis of ld was based on a sixfold rise in indirect fluorescent antibody titer against legionella pneumophila serogroup 4. treatment with erythromycin lactobionate resulted in a clinical resolution of pulmonary manifestations. the impairment of kidney function, however, was progressive and within two weeks led to end-stage re ...19853896188
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis accompanying legionnaires' disease.a rapidly progressive, crescentic glomerulonephritis with acute oliguric renal failure occurred simultaneously with legionnaires' disease (ld) in a 52-year-old man. the diagnosis of ld was based on a sixfold rise in indirect fluorescent antibody titer against legionella pneumophila serogroup 4. treatment with erythromycin lactobionate resulted in a clinical resolution of pulmonary manifestations. the impairment of kidney function, however, was progressive and within two weeks led to end-stage re ...19853896188
canine distemper virus does not infect oligodendrocytes in vitro.dissociated canine brain cell cultures were infected with virulent canine distemper virus (cdv). double immunofluorescent labelling was done to simultaneously demonstrate viral antigen and specific glial cell markers. virus containing oligodendrocytes were not found at any stage of the infection. a certain proportion of the infected cells were shown to be astrocytes. it was concluded that cdv has no obvious tropism for oligodendrocytes which could explain the mechanism of demyelination in distem ...19853897461
molecular assays for detection of ras oncogenes in human and animal tumors. 19853902219
comparison of the modified elek test and wagatsuma agar for determination of the kanagawa phenomenon of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the modified elek test and wagatsuma agar were compared for their ability to detect the kanagawa activity of 142 strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus. the performance of the modified elek test was on a par with that of the wagatsuma agar as far as positivity was concerned, and the test was far superior to wagatsuma agar in eliminating doubtful results. the results of the modified elek test were not unduly influenced by the different types of agar used.19853902884
characterization of monoclonal antibodies against shiga-like toxin from escherichia coli.three monoclonal antibodies, designated mab 16e6, mab 13c4, and mab 19g8, were produced which recognize shiga-like toxin (slt) from escherichia coli. all three monoclonal antibodies neutralized the cytotoxicity of e. coli slt and were able to immunoprecipitate intact labeled toxin with staphylococcus aureus protein a. the three antibodies were of the g1 heavy and kappa light chain classes. mab 16e6 bound to the b subunit of slt in western blots and also neutralized the lethality of the toxin for ...19853905611
mechanism of sbcb-suppression of the recbc-deficiency in postreplication repair in uv-irradiated escherichia coli k-12.the mechanism by which an sbcb mutation suppresses the deficiency in postreplication repair shown by recb recc mutants of escherichia coli was studied. the presence of an sbcb mutation in uvra recb recc cells increased their resistance to uv radiation. this enhanced resistance was not due to a suppression of the minor deficiency in the repair of dna daughter-strand gaps or to an inhibition of the production of dna double-strand breaks in uv-irradiated uvra recb recc cells; rather, the presence o ...19853911022
specificity of surface molecules of adult brugia parasites: cross-reactivity with antibody from wuchereria, onchocerca and other human filarial infections.the extent of structural and immunological similarity between surface antigens of three species of brugia filarial parasites was studied by lodogen-mediated surface labelling of adult worms of b. malayi, b. pahangi and b. timori. the close homology and cross-reactivity between these antigens reported in previous surface labelling studies with bolton-hunter reagent, was verified in this system. the surface antigens of adult b. pahangi are also recognised by antibody from patients with wuchereria ...19853911361
a mucoid, sucrose-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus strain isolated from diarrhoeal stool. 19853912993
human pancreatic growth hormone (gh)-releasing hormone stimulates gh synthesis and release in infant rats. an in vivo study.administration of human pancreatic gh-releasing factor 1-40 (hpgrf-40) at doses of 1, 10, 20, 100, and 500 ng/100 g bw sc induced in 10-day-old rats a clear-cut rise in plasma gh 15-min post-injection, although the effect was not dose-related and peak gh levels were already present after the lowest grf dose. in 25-day-old rats, hpgrf induced only a slight rise in plasma gh at the dose of 500 ng/100 g bw sc, whereas it was completely ineffective at the lower doses. in 5-day-old rats, hpgrf (20 ng ...19853917905
[in vitro drug-sensitivity test using human tumor clonogenic assay in lung cancer patients].it would be helpful for successful chemotherapy in cancer patients if a drug-sensitivity test in vitro could predict the exact response of an individual patient's tumor. we have investigated a drug-sensitivity test using human tumor clonogenic assay since 1980. in this paper, results obtained in lung cancer patients are discussed. specimens for testing were obtained from primary tumor, metastatic mass, malignant pleural and pericardial effusion, and affected bone marrow. drugs tested in this stu ...19853927847
synthesis of dihomoprostaglandins from adrenic acid (7,10,13,16-docosatetraenoic acid) by human endothelial cells.human umbilical vein endothelial cells were found to contain adrenic acid (22:4) in their cellular lipids. since this fatty acid may be metabolized by cyclooxygenase in the kidney, the metabolism of adrenic acid was studied in endothelial cell cultures. [14c]adrenic acid was metabolized to several more polar metabolites. two of these metabolites co-migrated on hplc with 1 alpha,1 beta-dihomo-8-ketoprostaglandin f1 alpha (the metabolite of 1 alpha, 1 beta-dihomoprostaglandin i2) and 1 alpha,1 bet ...19853931686
the effects of glucose and an aldose reductase inhibitor on the sorbitol content and collagen synthesis of bovine retinal capillary pericytes in culture.the absolute rate of collagen synthesis by cultured bovine retinal capillary pericytes, determined using the specific radioactivity of proline in the cellular amino acid pool, was compared in media containing different concentrations of glucose (5, 10 or 40 mm) and sorbinil (0.0 or 0.1 mm), an inhibitor of aldose reductase. the absolute rate of collagen synthesis, in proline molar terms, by pericytes in medium with 5 mm glucose was 3.3 +/- 1.9 (s.d.) pmol 10(-7) cells 24 hr-1, and increased sign ...19853933992
modified taurocholate-tellurite-gelatin agar for improved differentiation of vibrio species.a total of 78 strains, representing 21 vibrio species, were examined by using taurocholate-tellurite-gelatin agar (ttga) medium and modified ttga medium containing 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-d-galactoside (150 micrograms/ml). modified ttga medium allowed for simple and direct detection of beta-d-galactosidase (beta-gal) activity. this feature, in conjunction with other differential characteristics of ttga medium, gave improved differentiation of the vibrios tested. the modified ttga medium allowe ...19853934207
ghrf test in acromegalic patients for the evaluation of therapeutic results.we studied here the clinical significance of ghrf test in evaluating therapeutic results in patients with acromegaly. three cases of acromegaly were studied at pre- and posttreatment. case 1 is a 42 year old woman, and her plasma gh showed slight increases responding to trh and arginine administration before therapy. eleven years after the pituitary irradiation, basal plasma gh decreased to low normal ranges and showed no response to the above two agents. only an insufficient increase in plasma ...19853937295
[an experimental study on adhesion blocking in simultaneous injury of tendon and nerve].the formation of adhesions between simultaneously injured tendon and nerve with and without adhesion blocking materials was studied by using a rabbit model. a collagen membrane, produced from adult bovine corium and with a negative electric charge induced by chemical modification, was used as the blocking material. microangiography and histological studies were performed to investigate the vascular supply to the adhesions. the following results were obtained. blood vessel proliferation was obser ...19853831164
animal model for theophylline--cimetidine drug interaction.cimetidine (300 mg i.v.) and theophylline (15 mg/kg i.v.) were studied in beagle dogs for possible drug interaction. the drugs were administered alone and in combination using a crossover design. although none of the determined pharmacokinetic parameters for theophylline changed significantly in the presence of cimetidine, a trend towards significance was found for the terminal half-life, area under the curve, and mean residence time. the magnitude in changes found in beagles is representative o ...19853831635
a strain of urease-producing vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated in malaysia. 19853833915
morphologic and histochemical studies of bone cells from sl-3 rats. 19853834472
[effect of titanium phosphate, zirconium oxide and a mixture of ammonium phosphotungstenate with zirconium phosphate on the elimination of radioactive cesium from the bodies of rats]. 19853835674
plasma cell leukemia accompanied by polyclonal gammopathy and congenital tumor in the atrioventricular node.a 32-year-old man with plasma cell leukemia and congenital tumor of the atrioventricular node is described. although m protein could not be detected by immunoelectrophoresis, the examination of bone marrow atypical plasma cells with immunofluorescent and immunoperoxidase showed that most of these plasma cells produced igg or iga. also some plasma cells possessed concomitantly both igg and iga. an electrocardiogram revealed complete atrioventricular block. the patient died of aspergillosis and bl ...19853837948
polymicrobial aetiology of travellers' diarrhoea.of 35 us peace corps volunteers in thailand, 20 (57%) had a total of 30 episodes of diarrhoea during their first 6 weeks in the country. enteric pathogens were associated with 90% of the episodes. a single pathogen was identified in 17 (57%) episodes, 2-4 pathogens were identified in 10 (33%) episodes, and there were 15 symptomless infections. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) was identified in 37% of these episodes, and various salmonella serotypes were isolated in 33%. infections with 9 ...19852857430
benzodiazepines enhance the muscimol-dependent activation of phospholipase a2 in glioma c6 cells.glioma c6 cells were incubated with [14c]arachidonate to label membrane phospholipids. muscimol, a selective gamma-aminobutyric acid a receptor agonist, but not (-)-baclofen, a selective gamma-aminobutyric acid b receptor agonist, stimulates [14c]arachidonate release from c6 cells as a result of hydrolysis of a small pool of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine by phospholipase a2. this release is facilitated by diazepam and a number of other benzodiazepines such as flunitrazepam, me ...19852857784
isolation of astrocytes, neurons, and synaptosomes of rat brain cortex: distribution of enzymes of glutamate metabolism.a simplified method was developed for the bulk separation of neuronal perikarya and astroglial cells from adult rat brain without the involvement of density gradients. activities of various enzymes involved in glutamate metabolism were estimated and compared with those of synaptosomes. the activities of glutamate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase were higher in synaptosomes than in neuronal perikarya or glia. glutamine synthetase was distributed in all the three fractions while glutam ...19852859536
photolabeling of mitochondrial f1-atpase by an azido derivative of the oligomycin-sensitivity conferring azido derivative of the oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (oscp) was prepared by alkylation with the bifunctional reagent p-azido phenacyl bromide. azido-oscp was fully biologically active in the dark. upon photoirradiation of a mixture of beef heart mitochondrial f1-atpase and azido-oscp, the resulting covalent photoproducts were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of na dodecyl sulfate and characterized by an immunochemical procedure. oscp was found to re ...19852861814
non-o1 vibrio cholerae produces two newly identified toxins related to vibrio parahaemolyticus haemolysin and escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin. 19852862364
lymphatic transport of sodium cefoxitin in the presence of sodium 5-methoxysalicylate after injection into rat rectal connective tissue, femoral muscle and femoral vein.lymphatic uptake of sodium cefoxitin after injection into rectal connective tissue was greater than after injection into the femoral muscle of rats. coadministration with sodium 5-methoxysalicylate enhanced lymphatic drug uptake at both sites. this enhancement may be an indirect result of 5-methoxysalicylate's suppression of vascular permeation of the cefoxitin. an adjuvant-induced increase in lymphatic fluid flow may also be partially involved in the enhancement of cefoxitin lymphatic transport ...19852863362
[physiological and pharmacologic studies of the adrenal medulla by the measurement of plasma catecholamine levels].the new techniques for the assay of the plasma catecholamines: noradrenaline, dopamine and, most importantly, adrenaline, because of their sensitivity and precision, have provided new information about the physiology and the pharmacology of the adrenal medulla in animals and in man. the most effective of these new techniques are the radioenzymatic techniques. the activation of the adrenal medulla in the dog or the rat appears to be frequency-dependent by maintaining a fixed concentration ratio i ...19852863423
isotretinoin and reduction deformities. 19852863524
branhamella catarrhalis cellulitis around a cerebrospinal fluid shunt: case report.a cellulitis surrounding a cerebrospinal fluid shunt caused by branhamella catarrhalis is described. this is the first reported case of a cellulitis caused by this bacterium.19852865299
somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (sli) in pancreatic and intestinal tissues of the duck. a possible origin for the portal circulating sli.substances with somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (sli) were extracted using 2 n acetic acid, from the three pancreatic lobes and the intestine of the duck. the concentration of sli was found to be very high in the pancreas (4.2 micrograms/g wet weight), the splenic lobe containing 80% of pancreatic sli compared with 10% for the dorsal and 10% for the ventral lobes. sli was equally distributed between duodenum, jejunum and ileum and between their mucosal and muscular layers. chromatography of p ...19852867025
[determination of antibodies to streptococcus group a polysaccharide in human sera by an immunoenzyme method].use was made of the elisa to develop a highly sensitive quantitative method for detection of antibodies against streptococcus group a polysaccharide (polysaccharide a) in human sera. the main advantage is that one can use only one optimal dilution of the sera together with the reference serum. sera of 53 healthy volunteers and 77 patients with a history of streptococcus group a infections were screened for the presence of polysaccharide a antibodies. highly reproducible results were obtained in ...19852578835
overexpressed pp60c-src can induce focus formation without complete transformation of nih 3t3 cells.nih 3t3 cells were transfected with plasmids containing moloney murine leukemia virus long terminal repeats and either chicken c-src or v-src genes. in contrast with the effects observed after transfection with plasmids containing c-src and avian retrovirus or simian virus 40 promoter-enhancers (h. hanafusa, h. iba, t. takeya, and f. r. cross, p. 1-8, in g. f. vande woude, a. j. levine, w. c. topp, and j. d. watson, ed., cancer cells, vol. 2, 1984; h. iba, t. takeya, f. r. cross, t. hanafusa, an ...19852582237
[effects of 5 derivatives of 3-azabicyclo [3,3,1]nonanes on isolated guinea pig ileum myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle]. 19853020868
measuring gene expression with light.light is produced by recombinant escherichia coli that contain lux genes cloned from the marine bacterium vibrio fischeri. the bioluminescence phenotype requires genes for regulatory and biochemical functions, the latter encoded by five lux genes contained in a single operon. these lux genes were disconnected from their native promoter and inserted into the transposon mini-mu. the resulting transposon, mini-mulux, could induce mutations by insertional inactivation of a target gene, and the lux d ...19852983423
respiration-driven na+ pump and na+ circulation in vibrio parahaemolyticus.sodium circulation in vibrio parahaemolyticus was investigated. we observed respiration-driven na+ extrusion from cells by using a na+ electrode. the na+ extrusion was insensitive to a proton conductor, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, and sensitive to a respiratory inhibitor, cn-. these results support the idea of the existence of a respiratory na+ pump in v. parahaemolyticus. the respiration-driven na+ extrusion was observed only under alkaline conditions.19852985548
respiratory syncytial virus fusion glycoprotein: nucleotide sequence of mrna, identification of cleavage activation site and amino acid sequence of n-terminus of f1 subunit.the amino acid sequence of respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein (fo) was deduced from the sequence of a partial cdna clone of mrna and from the 5' mrna sequence obtained by primer extension and dideoxysequencing. the encoded protein of 574 amino acids is extremely hydrophobic and has a molecular weight of 63371 daltons. the site of proteolytic cleavage within this protein was accurately mapped by determining a partial amino acid sequence of the n-terminus of the larger subunit (f1) purifie ...19852987829
conditioned taste aversion suppresses induction of delayed-type hypersensitivity immune reactions.conditioned taste aversion was induced in mice by pairing saccharin drinking with an intraperitoneal injection of lithium chloride, a toxic but nonimmunosuppressive drug. conditioned mice showed not only suppressed saccharin drinking but also a 75% reduction in the induction of delayed-type hypersensitivity immune responses to low doses of sheep erythrocytes. this effect was observed with doses of lithium chloride which had no effect of their own on immune functions. in addition, a reduction in ...19852987987
receptors for epidermal growth factor in the rat uterus.uterine membranes contain high affinity [dissociation constant (kd) = 0.36 nm], saturable binding sites for [125i]iodo-epidermal growth factor (egf). the binding of [125i] iodo-egf is specific since it is abolished by excess unlabeled egf but not by excess unlabeled insulin, fibroblast growth factor, or multiplication-stimulating activity. incubation of [125i] iodo-egf with uterine membranes, followed by chemical cross-linking with disuccinimidyl suberate and detergent extraction reveals a major ...19852988913
opiate- and alpha 2-adrenoceptor-induced hyperpolarizations of locus ceruleus neurons in brain slices: reversal by cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate analogues.the purpose of this study was to investigate the ionic and second messenger mechanisms underlying the hyperpolarizations induced by the selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine and the opiate agonist morphine in the locus ceruleus. intracellular recordings were carried out in rat brain slices, and drugs at known concentrations were administered in the perfusate. the cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (camp) analogues 8-bromo-camp and dibutyryl camp, while not altering basal activity, r ...19852993542
a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug exacerbates coxsackie b3 murine myocarditis.nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to treat myalgias and arthralgias in enteroviral infections, but their effects on acute viral myocarditis are unknown. the effect of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, ibuprofen, on acute viral myocarditis was studied in 75 four week old male balb/c mice infected with 1.75 x 10(7) plaque-forming units of coxsackie virus b3 on day 0. ibuprofen was given intraperitoneally at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight daily. the mice were assigned to four ...19852995470
the biologic significance of the mixed lymphocyte kidney culture in humans.the mixed lymphocyte kidney culture (mlkc) in humans has been studied in normal and abnormal clinical conditions. human renal cortical cells were extracted by collagenase treatment from the kidneys of "normal" heart-beating cadaver organ donors (n = 13), patients with end-stage renal disease (esrd) at pretransplant bilateral nephrectomy and splenectomy (n = 13), and from irreversibly rejected renal allografts at the time of graft nephrectomy (n = 5). proliferation of peripheral blood t lymphocyt ...19852996186
effect of pyrimidinone treatment on lethal and immunosuppressive murine cytomegalovirus infection.the 2-amino-5-halo-pyrimidinones, which are potent interferon inducers and antiviral agents, were found to be protective against lethal cytomegalovirus (cmv) challenge in weanling or neonatal mice when administered before virus challenge. this protection was dependent upon the dosage of pyrimidinone administered. weanling mice infected with a sublethal challenge of cmv exhibited moderate to severe immunosuppression as measured by reduced splenic cell blastogenic responses in vitro to the mitogen ...19853000290
purification of a metalloproteinase inhibitor from human rheumatoid synovial fluid.a metalloproteinase inhibitor present in human rheumatoid synovial fluid was purified by a combination of heparin-sepharose chromatography, concanavalin a-sepharose chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. the mr of the purified inhibitor was 28000 by sds/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and 30000 by gel filtration. the inhibitor blocked the activity of the metalloproteinases collagenase, gelatinase and proteoglycanase, but not thermolysin or bacterial collagenase. the s ...19853000352
serotonergic regulation of the brain and gut beta-endorphin and dynorphin content in the rat.a specific radioimmunoassay was used to measure immunoreactive dynorphin (ir-dyn) and beta-endorphin (ir-be) in the brain, pituitary and gut, following a pharmacological manipulation of the serotonin system. administration of the serotonin receptor agonist m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-cpp, 2.5-5 mg/kg ip) or the serotonin releasing agent fenfluramine (20-40 mg/kg ip) induced a significant increase in the hypothalamic ir-be content and a decrease in its anterior pituitary level. these effects were ...19852870487
the comparative in vitro activity of twelve 4-quinolone antimicrobials against enteric pathogens.the minimal inhibitory concentrations (mics) of twelve 4-quinolone antimicrobials were determined for salmonella typhi (25), salmonella spp. (50), shigella spp. (50), campylobacter jejuni (100), vibrio cholerae (10), vibrio parahaemolyticus (10), yersinia enterocolitica (25), aeromonas hydrophila (25) and plesiomonas shigelloides (10). mics were determined using an agar dilution technique in mueller-hinton agar (oxoid, england) supplemented with 10% lysed horse blood. antibiotic containing plate ...19852941257
human t-cell leukemia/lymphoma viruses: atl and aids. 19852897327
[identification of the causative agent of pasteurellosis]. 19852409344
Displaying items 4701 - 4800 of 6009