
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
effect of chemical sympathectomy with oxidopamine on systemic blood flow in rats with acute response to previous demonstrations that either surgical or chemical sympathectomy can ameliorate the severity of acute experimental pancreatitis, and suggestions that the benefits of sympathectomy are related to alterations in the absolute blood flow or the pattern of blood flow within the pancreas or splanchnic organs, we studied blood flow in rats with acute deoxycholate pancreatitis. the animals had preliminary chemical sympathectomy with a false neurotransmitter (oxidopamine) prior to th ...19863087651
ontogenetic development of pancreatic thyrotropin-releasing hormone in human foetuses and in infants.the ontogeny of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (trh) in pancreata of human foetuses from 15-36 weeks of gestation and of infants has been studied. trh was detectable in the pancreas of a 15 week old foetus; a progressive increase of pancreatic trh content was observed until the 34th week of gestation, whereas a progressive decrease was found in the late period of pregnancy and in 1 year old infants. in contrast, the pancreatic insulin content showed a progressive increase during the entire pregna ...19863092527
effect of aldose reductase inhibitor (sorbinil) on integration of polyol pathway, pentose phosphate pathway, and glycolytic route in diabetic rat lens.this study examines the effect of an aldose reductase inhibitor (sorbinil) on the flux of specifically labeled glucose through alternative pathways of metabolism in the lens of normal and diabetic rats 1 wk after the induction of diabetes with alloxan. in the diabetic rat lens, there was an apparent increase in the flux of glucose through the pentose phosphate pathway (ppp), as measured by the difference in the yields of 14co2 from [1-14c]glucose and [6-14c]glucose [c1-c6], this value was 0.087 ...19863093302
purification and partial characterization of a vibrio hollisae hemolysin that relates to the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.hemolysin produced by vibrio hollisae (vh-rtdh), which is related to the thermostable direct hemolysin (vp-tdh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus, was studied. vh-rtdh was purified by successive column chromatographies on diethylaminoethyl-cellulose and an immunoaffinity column coupled with anti vp-tdh immunoglobulin. the purified toxin was homogeneous, as demonstrated by conventional and sodium dodecyl sulfate--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page). the molecular weight of vh-rtdh was slightly sma ...19863094925
intracellular distribution of 73,000 and 72,000 dalton heat shock proteins in hela cells.intracellular localization of 73,000 and 72,000 dalton heat shock proteins (hsp73/72) in hela cells that were heat shocked or treated with chemical stressors was investigated using indirect immunofluorescent staining. the antiserum used specifically recognized the hsp73/72 in hela cells, and hsps were increased by heating cells at 42 degrees c for 2 or 4 h and by prior treatment with chemical stressors (sodium arsenite, cadmium chloride, 8-hydroxyquinoline and ethanol). there was diffuse cytopla ...19863098874
[dna-dna homology and phenotypic characterization of environmental strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio pelagius].a taxonomic study by means of dna homology and the most recent phenetic criteria has been carried out in 11 environmental strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus and 4 of vibrio pelagius, previously ascribed to the respective phenons in a numerical taxonomy study. the strains of v. parahaemolyticus showed genetic homogeneity, a guanine plus cytosine content (g + c) of 46% and 61% homology with v. parahaemolyticus type strain attc 17802. they exhibited phenetic atypicalities but could be ascribed to t ...19863271060
serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in brains of suicide victims. comparison in chronic schizophrenic patients with suicide as cause of death.serotonin (5-ht) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations were determined in various brain areas of nonschizophrenic suicide victims, chronic schizophrenic patients with or without suicide as the cause of death, and normal control subjects without psychiatric or neurologic disorders. serotonin concentrations in the basal ganglia were significantly elevated in suicide victims and chronic schizophrenic patients, as were 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations in the occipital cortex. these ...19862423050
growth of human mammary carcinoma cells from biopsy specimens in serum-free medium on extracellular matrix.a method developed for the initiation and maintenance in primary culture of human normal mammary epithelial cells was adopted for the growth of epithelial cells from 45 primary human breast tumors. the cells were grown on a naturally produced extracellular matrix (ecm) or on regular tissue culture plastic in a serum-free medium containing growth supplements and high-density lipoprotein (hdl). successful enzymatic dissociation of the tumor biopsy into organoid structures and cell aggregates was c ...19862427456
the primary structure of the hemoglobin of the european souslik (citellus citellus, rodentia).the complete primary structures of two hemoglobin components of the european souslik (citellus citellus) are presented. the two hemoglobins have identical alpha-chains but differ in the amino-acid sequence of their beta-chains. the chain separation was achieved by chromatography on carboxymethyl-cellulose cm-52. amino-acid sequences were established by automatic liquid-phase and gas-phase edman degradation of the globin chains, of their tryptic peptides and of a peptide resulting from acidic hyd ...19863814354
role of chitin in the survival of vibrio parahaemolyticus at different temperatures.washed cells of vibrio parahaemolyticus declined in numbers when incubated in phosphate-buffered saline for 6 h at different temperatures. addition of chitin flakes to phosphate-buffered saline not only helped the organism to survive, but also resulted in an increase in cell numbers, particularly at 10 degrees c. the effect of chitin could not be simulated by n-acetylglucosamine, yeast extract, starch, or casein.19863815158
evaluation of the hereditary syrian hamster cardiomyopathy by 31p nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: improvement after acute verapamil therapy.the relation between metabolic and functional derangement in various cardiomyopathies has not been well characterized. this information was specifically sought in a spontaneous cardiomyopathic model. metabolic and hemodynamic parameters were obtained in glucose-perfused beating hearts of 180-200-day-old cardiomyopathic syrian hamsters and age-matched healthy animals. this period in the cardiomyopathic hamster lifetime is intermediary between the necrotic phase and the appearance of heart failure ...19863815756
[neuronal organization of conditioned inhibition]. 19863817182
processing-independent in vitro translocation of cytochrome p-450(scc) precursor across mitochondrial the presence of a membrane-permeable metal chelator, bovine adrenal cortex mitochondria imported p-450(scc) precursor without processing of the amino-terminal extension peptide. the imported precursor was bound to the matrix side surface of the inner membrane. when the inhibition due to the metal chelator was removed, the imported precursor was processed to the mature form. unprocessed precursor was also detected in mitochondria when the import reaction was carried out at relatively low tempe ...19863818579
similarity principles and intrinsic geometries: contrasting approaches to interspecies scaling.we criticize standard allometric approaches on the grounds that they emphasize scaling to one variable at a time, whereas chemically reactive hydrodynamic systems involved in pharmacokinetic phenomena are of higher dimension. we show that attempts based on mechanical similitude to set a dosage that would be equivalent across species (for example, from mouse to humans) lead to ambiguous results. another failing of standard allometry may be its incapability to accommodate the neoteny of homo sapie ...19863820095
comparative evaluation of identification systems for testing methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus.several commercial systems are available to distinguish between staphylococcus aureus and the coagulase-negative species of the micrococcaceae family. four latex agglutination systems (accu-staph, serostat, staphaurex, and staphylatex) and two hemagglutination systems (hemastaph and staphyloslide) were compared for their performance in the rapid identification of 232 isolates of staphylococci, including 114 of methicillin-resistant s. aureus. accu-staph, staphaurex, and staphyloslide correctly i ...19863638308
degenerative lesions of a coronary chemoreceptor and nearby neural elements in the hearts of victims of sudden death.a coronary chemoreceptor and its neighboring nerves and ganglia were studied by serial sections of tissue taken from the hearts of sixteen victims of sudden unexpected death. either focal or extensive inflammatory destruction was present in the chemoreceptors of 13 of the 16 hearts, and similar abnormalities of local nerves and ganglia were present in all 16 hearts. since an identical coronary chemoreceptor in the dog has previously been shown to be the site of origin of a powerful reflex with m ...19863837961
fate of n-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymers with pendent galactosamine residues after intravenous administration to rats.n-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (hpma) copolymers bearing galactosamine residues accumulate in the liver after intravenous administration to rats (duncan, r., kopecek, j., rejmanová, p. and lloyd, j.b. (1983) biochim. biophys. acta 755, 518-521). in this study hpma copolymers bearing pendent galactosamine residues (1.0-11.6 mol%) were injected intravenously into rats and their rates of blood clearance and liver accumulation were measured. a level of substitution of 4 mol% was found to be suffi ...19863942780
distribution of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues in partially carboxylated human prothrombins.the role of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid in prothrombin has been examined using partially carboxylated variant prothrombins isolated from a person with a hereditary defect in vitamin k-dependent carboxylation. these species differ in gamma-carboxyglutamic acid content, distribution, and function, as monitored by metal binding properties, conformational transitions, phospholipid binding, and calcium-dependent coagulant activity (borowski, m., furie, b. c., goldsmith, g. h., and furie, b. (1985) j. ...19863944102
distribution of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues in partially carboxylated human prothrombins.the role of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid in prothrombin has been examined using partially carboxylated variant prothrombins isolated from a person with a hereditary defect in vitamin k-dependent carboxylation. these species differ in gamma-carboxyglutamic acid content, distribution, and function, as monitored by metal binding properties, conformational transitions, phospholipid binding, and calcium-dependent coagulant activity (borowski, m., furie, b. c., goldsmith, g. h., and furie, b. (1985) j. ...19863944102
purification and partial characterization of a non-o1 vibrio cholerae hemolysin that cross-reacts with thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a newly identified hemolysin (nag-rtdh), which is related to the thermostable direct hemolysin (vp-tdh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus produced by non-o1 vibrio cholerae, was studied. nag-rtdh was purified by successive column chromatographies on deae-cellulose and an immunoaffinity column coupled with anti-vp-tdh immunoglobulin. the molecular weight of nag-rtdh was estimated as 18,500, similar to that of vp-tdh, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate slab gel electrophoresis, but its charge or molecul ...19863957429
interaction of histidine-rich glycoprotein with fibrinogen and fibrin.histidine-rich glycoprotein (hrgp) is a human plasma and platelet protein of apparently diverse biological functions. in this study a new interaction for hrgp is described. hrgp specifically interacts with fibrinogen as demonstrated by two independent systems. using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay it was demonstrated that hrgp bound to adsorbed fibrinogen in a concentration-dependent and saturable manner, with an apparent dissociation constant (kd) of 6.7 nm. the binding was specific, rever ...19863958188
influence of isoflurane on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in dogs.the authors studied the influence of locally administered isoflurane anesthesia on the pulmonary vascular response to regional alveolar hypoxia (hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction [hpv]) over a range of cardiac outputs (cos) in seven mechanically ventilated, closed-chest dogs. the right lung was ventilated with 100% o2 throughout the study. the left lung was ventilated with either 100% o2 (normoxia) or an hypoxic gas mixture (hypoxia). different alveolar concentrations of isoflurane (0, 1, and 2 ...19863963450
decontamination of cell lines by selective elimination of mycoplasmas. 19863964004
decontamination of cell lines by selective elimination of mycoplasmas. 19863964004
identification of an autonomously replicating sequence near a histone gene of physarum polycephalum.fragments of dna which function as autonomous replication sequences in yeast were cloned from physarum polycephalum. the ars activity is located in a 1.2 kbp fragment extending 1.5 kbp to 2.7 kbp upstream of the 5' end of a histone h4 gene. our recent finding that a replication origin is located at a distance less than 3 kbp of this histone gene suggests that the ars element identified coincides with a specialized replication origin and can be used to direct chromosome replication in physarum po ...19863442825
comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the genes for the thermostable direct hemolysin and the thermolabile hemolysin from vibrio parahaemolyticus.the nucleotide sequences of genes encoding the thermostable direct (tsd) hemolysin and the thermolabile (tl) hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus were determined. from the nucleotide sequence of the tsd hemolysin gene, it was revealed that the preprotein and the mature protein consisted of 189 amino acids and 165 amino acids, and that the molecular weights were 21.1 kda or 18.5 kda, respectively. our data regarding tsd hemolysin were in complete agreement with previously published data. from the ...19863508495
bacterial diarrhoea.bacterial infections are important causes of diarrhoea in infants and children, particularly in developing countries and in other settings where standards of personal and community hygiene are low. knowledge of bacterial diarrhoeas has been significantly expanded in recent years by the finding that many episodes of acute diarrhoea are due to infections with bacteria which produce enterotoxins that interfere with intestinal fluid and electrolyte transport (the 'enterotoxigenic' diarrhoeas). sever ...19863514008
effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 on insulin secretion: direct or mediated?in order to clarify the role of vitamin d (d) in regulating insulin secretion, we studied the effect of long term (10 days) and short term (3 days) supplementation with d and/or calcium (ca) on insulin secretion from the isolated, perfused pancreas of d- and ca-deficient rats. the influence of the nutritional state induced by d deficiency was also evaluated. the long term supplementation of either d, ca, or both restored the body weight and improved insulin secretion induced by high glucose conc ...19863516655
feasibility of same-day identification of members of the family vibrionaceae by the api 20e system.sixty isolates, comprising nine species of the family vibrionaceae, were tested with the api 20e 5-h same-day procedure (analytab products, plainview, n.y.). included were 27 aeromonas hydrophila isolates, 10 aeromonas sobria isolates, 7 aeromonas caviae isolates, 3 plesiomonas shigelloides isolates, 3 vibrio alginolyticus isolates, 3 vibrio cholerae isolates, 1 vibrio fluvialis isolate, 5 vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates, and 1 vibrio vulnificus isolate. the 5-h profile numbers were specific fo ...19863517061
guanidine hydrochloride denaturation studies of mutant forms of staphylococcal nuclease.several mutant forms of staphylococcal nuclease with one or two defined amino acid substitutions have been purified, and the effects of the altered amino acid sequence on the stability of the folded conformation have been analyzed by guanidine hydrochloride denaturation. two nuc- mutations, which greatly reduced the level of enzyme activity accumulated in e coli colonies carrying a recombinant plasmid with the mutant nuc gene (ie, a nuc- phenotype), both result in protein unfolding at significan ...19863519625
natural killer and t-cell potentiation by monoclonal igg against natural killer cell fcr(igg) or the t3 complex.treatment of human natural killer (nk) cells with monoclonal antibodies of the igg isotype against nk cell-fcr(igg) increased lysis of most haematopoietic target cell lines with high or intermediate background nk susceptibility. treatment of normal non-adherent lymphocytes with an igg anti-t3 monoclonal antibody also increased lysis against the same target cells. potentiating anti-fcr antibodies rapidly modulated fcr activity and the capacity of the cells to act as antibody-dependent killers, al ...19863520802
production of extracellular enzymes and cytotoxicity by vibrio vulnificus.thirty-three strains of vibrio vulnificus of clinical and environmental origin were examined for production of 12 extracellular enzymes of potential importance to the virulence of this bacterium. strains of vibrio vulnificus were consistent in their production of protease, mucinase, lipase, chondroitinase, hyaluronidase, dnase, sulfatase, and hemolysin. no differences between clinical and environmental isolates were noted. although none of the enzymes appeared to correlate with the ability of th ...19863522090
etiology and epidemiology of travelers' diarrhea in' diarrhea in asia has been studied among peace corps volunteers in thailand, japanese travelers, foreign residents in bangladesh, guests in hotels, and members of various tour groups. rates of diarrheal attack of greater than 50% during four- to six-week sojourns were reported for these groups. among travelers with diarrhea, the most commonly isolated pathogen was enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (20%-34%), followed by salmonella (11%-15%), shigella (4%-7%), campylobacter (2%-5%), and ...19863523709
reversible and irreversible neuronal damage caused by excitatory amino acid analogues in rat cerebellar slices.slice preparations of the developing rat cerebellum were used to investigate the light and electron microscopic correlates of reversible and irreversible neuronal injury caused by the neurotoxic excitatory amino acid receptor agonists, kainate and n-methyl-d-aspartate. the slices were examined after various periods of exposure to the agonists (up to 30 min) with or without a 90 min recovery period in agonist-free medium. n-methyl-d-aspartate (100 microm) caused necrosis of deep nuclear neurons a ...19863526173
reversible and irreversible neuronal damage caused by excitatory amino acid analogues in rat cerebellar slices.slice preparations of the developing rat cerebellum were used to investigate the light and electron microscopic correlates of reversible and irreversible neuronal injury caused by the neurotoxic excitatory amino acid receptor agonists, kainate and n-methyl-d-aspartate. the slices were examined after various periods of exposure to the agonists (up to 30 min) with or without a 90 min recovery period in agonist-free medium. n-methyl-d-aspartate (100 microm) caused necrosis of deep nuclear neurons a ...19863526173
[effect of dichroa febrifuga l. on chloroquinsensible and chloroquinresistant malaria parasites]. 19863528514
mechanisms of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistances in vibrio parahaemolyticus.the mechanisms of drug resistance of clinical isolate, vibrio (v.) parahaemolyticus st550, resistant to chloramphenicol (cp), aminoglycoside antibiotics (ags) and beta-lactam antibiotics were investigated. the mechanisms of resistance to cp, ags and beta-lactam antibiotics were dependent on chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat), aminoglycoside-3"-adenylyltransferase aad(3") and aminoglycoside-3'-phosphotransferase aph(3') and tem type penicillinase, respectively.19863528768
the immunohistochemical detection of lymph node metastases from infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast.immunological markers improve specificity and accuracy of cell detection, therefore it is important to evaluate their usefulness in improving standard histological procedures. this study investigates whether immunocytochemical techniques increase the accuracy of detection, in axillary lymph nodes, of metastatic cells from infiltrating breast lobular carcinoma (ilc). fifty cases of ilc reported to be node-negative were selected. new serial sections were cut from a total of 767 lymph nodes, staine ...19863535864
the iridovirus frog virus 3: a model for trans-acting proteins.the amphibian iridovirus, frog virus 3 (fv3), produces at least two trans-activating proteins that stimulate the expression of viral genes. one of these proteins induces transcription from the promoter of an immediate-early fv3 gene, whereas the other induces transcription from exogenously methylated dna. these proteins may serve as a model for both viral and cellular trans-acting factors.19863153144
purification of the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus by immunoaffinity column chromatography.a simple method involving immunoaffinity column chromatography to purify the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus was developed. the thermostable direct hemolysin purified from the culture supernatant of a strain isolated from the first reported case of v. parahaemolyticus infection in china in 1985 was indistinguishable from the hemolysins purified from strains isolated in japan.19863697844
evidence for the presence of a novel biosynthetic pathway for norspermidine in vibrio.enzymatic studies of the cell extracts of vibrio alginolyticus and v. parahaemolyticus provided evidence that there exists a novel biosynthetic pathway for norspermidine (nh2(ch2)3nh(ch2)3nh2), a major polyamine species. in this pathway, the schiff base formed between aspartic beta-semialdehyde and 1,3-diaminopropane is first reduced by a nadph-dependent enzyme to yield "carboxynorspermidine" (nh2(ch2)3nh(ch2)2ch(nh2)cooh), which is in turn decarboxylated by a pyridoxal phosphate dependent enzym ...19863697846
[cytogenetic activity of metabolites of pesticides representing different classes of chemical compounds].the cytogenetic activity of some substances formed in agricultural plants during metabolism of pesticides of four classes of chemical compounds was studied in the culture of human peripheric blood lymphocytes. metabolites were shown either to have mutagenic properties similar to those of the initial compounds (ziramtetramethylthiourea, both being mutagens; captan-phthalimide, both possessing no cytogenetic activity) or to be considerably transformed in comparison with them as a result of deactiv ...19863705167
cancer chemotherapy. 19863705387
hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy: the amyloid fibrils contain a protein which is a variant of cystatin c, an inhibitor of lysosomal cysteine proteases.hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis is an autosomal dominant form of amyloidosis restricted to the cerebral vasculature. we have previously demonstrated that the amyloid protein subunit is similar to cystatin c (or gamma-trace), an inhibitor of lysosomal cysteine proteinases, and homologous to kininogens. high pressure liquid chromatography tryptic fingerprint analysis was developed to distinguish cystatin c from the amyloid protein. moreover, we isolated and sequenced tryptic peptid ...19863707586
brain macrophages in human cortical contusions as indicator of survival period.the aim of this study was to establish a morphologic time scheme with which cases of cerebral contusion with unknown survival periods can be dated. our study of 275 cases was limited to qualitative and quantitative changes in macrophages. the appearance of macrophages and their distribution as well as their content of neutral fat, esterified cholesterol, erythrocytes, siderin, hematoidin, and ceroid were correlated with the survival period. for each cytologic criterium, the observation period, d ...19863710334
synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes to detect kanagawa phenomenon-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus.synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes were used in the colony hybridization test to examine the association between the kanagawa phenomenon (kp) and the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus. representative v. parahaemolyticus strains with a variety of kp reactions and 17 other vibrio species were examined for homology with four synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes (19 to 21 bases long) representing different regions of the tdh structural gene. under string ...19863711299
low molecular weight immunosuppressive factors found in elevated amounts in cancer ascitic fluids of mice. 1. isolation, identification and immunosuppressive effects of uric acid and uracil.a definite increase in two low molecular weight factors, g10-2 and g10-3 was found in ehrlich ascitic fluids, parallel to tumor growth. the isolation and identification of the two factors were attempted through gel filtration and reversed phase column chromatography, using ascitic fluids obtained 13 days after intraperitoneal implantation of ehrlich tumor cells. as a result, two highly purified factors were observed upon examination by high performance liquid chromatography. additional analytica ...19863711673
preliminary analyses on persistence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in a brackish water clam, corbicula japonica. 19863712889
[studies on the protein-binding of drugs with continuous ultrafiltration. 8. in vitro quantification of the interactions of phenprocoumon, warfarin and methylsulfinyl warfarin with phenylbutazone on human serum albumin]. 19863718179
absence of role of endothelium in the response of isolated porcine coronary arteries to acetylcholine.isolated precontracted arteries of various vascular beds relax in response to acetylcholine only if the endothelium is present. one explanation for this is that this drug stimulates the endothelial cells to release a vasodilator substance that in turn relaxes the underlying smooth muscle. to determine whether this mechanism is concerned also in the acetylcholine contraction of isolated porcine coronary arteries transverse strips of the extramural part of the left circumflex artery were used for ...19863719611
[effect of alcohol on gastrointestinal absorption, distribution and kinetics of am-241 in the bodies of rats]. 19863721221
seasonal distribution of facultatively enteropathogenic vibrios (vibrio cholerae, vibrio mimicus, vibrio parahaemolyticus) in the freshwater of the elbe river at hamburg.between june 1981 and december 1982 the incidence of vibrio cholerae, v. mimicus and v. parahaemolyticus was determined at two sampling sites on the elbe river at hamburg. a total of 183 strains was isolated from 147 water samples. of these, 107 belonged to non-01 v. cholerae (ten strains producing a cholera-like enterotoxin); 33 were identified as v. mimicus, including two enterotoxin producers; 42 strains were kanagawa-negative cultures of v. parahaemolyticus; and one was v. fluvialis. the hig ...19863722029
anticandidal activities of terconazole, a broad-spectrum antimycotic.terconazole is a new triazole ketal derivative with broad-spectrum in vitro and in vivo antifungal activities. this study further characterizes the effects of terconazole in vitro on yeast cell growth, viability, and morphology. terconazole inhibited the growth of candida albicans atcc 44859 in a concentration-related manner, but with modest effects noted at levels from 10(-8) to 10(-5) m when the yeast was grown on media favoring the cell form. the inhibitory potency of terconazole on yeast cel ...19863729366
survival of vibrio parahaemolyticus in cold smoked fish.fresh samples of mullet (mugil cephalus) and oil sardines (sardinella longiceps) obtained from a fish market were subjected to cold smoking. some of the samples harboured low levels of vibrio parahaemolyticus. after cold smoking, however, many samples showed relatively high levels of v. parahaemolyticus suggesting that a small population of naturally occurring organisms could multiply to significant levels during the process of cold smoking or during subsequent storage at room temperature. never ...19863729375
purification and initial characterization of the 71-kilodalton rat heat-shock protein and its cognate as fatty acid binding proteins.the major rat heat-shock (stress) protein and its cognate were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from livers of heat-shocked rats. both proteins exhibited similar behavior on a variety of column chromatography matrices but were separable by preparative isoelectric focusing under nondenaturing conditions by virtue of a 0.2 ph unit difference in isoelectric point. both purified proteins had similar physical properties, suggesting the possibility that they may have similar biological function ...19863730359
[chemical properties of o-antigenic lipopolysaccharides isolated from vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 and o9, in particular, the separation and identification of 2-keto-3-deoxy-5-phosphoryl-octonate found in their strong acid-hydrolysates]. 19863735671
[isolation of vibrio parahaemolyticus from corbina (cynoscion squamipennis) in the gulf of nicoya, costa rica]. 19863738288
measles-associated diarrhoea in northeastern thailand.a significant proportion of the illness and death of diarrhoeal diseases in the developing world is estimated to be due to the diarrhoea associated with measles. during february 1983-january 1984 a prospective study of measles in a hospital in northeastern thailand was conducted. a total of 550 cases of measles were studied. diarrhoea was the most frequent complication of measles, occurring in 233 cases (42.4%). the largest proportion (46.2%) of cases with diarrhoea occurred in may-july. childre ...19863738607
effect of training on plasma anabolic and catabolic steroid hormones and their response during physical exercise. 19863744643
[clinical aspects of acute intestinal infection caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 19863750950
a reappraisal of the complement fixation test using soluble mycobacterium avium antigen for the detection of m. paratuberculosis infection in cattle.serums from 263 cattle suspected of having paratuberculosis on the basis of clinical signs, were tested for antibodies to mycobacterium paratuberculosis with a complement fixation test (cft) employing a heat extracted, soluble m. avium antigen. microscopic examination confirmed that 172 (65.4%) clinically affected animals had paratuberculosis, the remainder being disease-free. the specificity and sensitivity of the cft was 92.3% and 74.4% respectively. phenol treatment of serums before testing w ...19863753338
cartilage-inducing factor-a. apparent identity to transforming growth factor-beta.comparison of the sequence of the n-terminal 30 amino acids of cartilage-inducing factor-a (cif-a) from bovine demineralized bone with the corresponding sequence of human transforming growth factor-beta (tgf-beta) revealed 100% identity. furthermore, cif-a stimulated normal rat kidney fibroblasts to become anchorage-independent and form colonies in soft agar (in the presence of epidermal growth factor) in a manner similar to tgf-beta. similarly, tgf-beta from human platelets induced rat muscle m ...19863754555
cadmium toxicity in kidney cells. resistance induced by short term pretreatment in vitro and in vivo.epithelial cells from the kidney were freshly isolated from rats pretreated by daily subcutaneous doses of cdcl2 in vivo (0.5-2 mg cd/kg x 5). such cells were incubated in vitro in media with different concentrations of cadmium chloride (0-200 micrograms cd/ml). there was no inhibition of cell growth in such cells. however, in cells isolated from non-treated rats, in vitro exposure to the same concentrations of cdcl2 caused a dose dependent decrease in viability. when cells, isolated from non-tr ...19863754681
stabilization of intracellular recordings in the cat spinal cord using high-frequency ventilation.stabilization of intracellular recordings by a substantial reduction of respiratory motion may be accomplished by the use of high-frequency ventilation (600-800 breaths/min). the technique is a simple one and enables maintenance of relatively constant blood gas tensions. although the improved stability was demonstrated in experiments performed on alpha motoneurones in the thoracic spinal cord, it is anticipated that a reduced respiratory movement should benefit recordings in other spinal and sup ...19863756629
the effect of c1 spinal cord transection or bilateral adrenal vein ligation on thioridazine-induced arrhythmia and death in the cat.the phenothiazine thioridazine 1 mg/kg/min was infused intravenously into three groups of cats: (1) thioridazine alone (n = 5), (2) after bilateral adrenal ligation (n = 4), and (3) after spinal cord section at the atlanto-occipital junction (c1; n = 6). the times to arrhythmia and death with thioridazine alone were 47.8 +/- 7.8 and 72.8 +/- 5.6 minutes respectively. after bilateral adrenal ligation, arrhythmia and death occurred at 41.1 +/- 5.2 and 53.1 +/- 5.8 minutes, respectively, which show ...19863760244
[hemodynamic effects of naloxone in man in brain death]. 19863766888
evaluation of methods for enumeration of vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood.the efficiency of several enrichment broths in recovering vibrio parahaemolyticus inoculated into fish homogenates was studied. recovery by the most probable number technique was very low in all the broths, while direct plating on thiosulfate citrate bile salt sucrose agar yielded better recovery. a decrease in the enrichment time to 8 from 18 h did not improve recovery. at concentrations exceeding 2.5 micrograms/ml, polymyxin was inhibitory to v. parahaemolyticus.19863767361
functional coupling between transient declines in blood glucose and feeding behavior: temporal assess the strength and time course of the functional coupling between transient declines in blood glucose and meal initiation, access to food was prevented throughout declines followed by restoration of access to food when glucose returned to baseline. neither preventing access to nor the absence of food affected the time course of the decline in blood glucose and the latency to food seeking behavior. when access to food was restored six to eight minutes after the blood glucose returned to b ...19863768746
[regeneration of changes induced by a single dose of bromhexine in the epithelium of the respiratory tract]. 19863769026
role of glucagon in splanchnic hyperemia of chronic portal hypertension.the role of glucagon as a blood-borne mediator of the hyperdynamic circulation associated with chronic portal venous hypertension was assessed in the rat portal vein stenosis model. selective removal of pancreatic glucagon from the circulation was achieved by intravenous infusion of a highly specific glucagon antiserum. blood flow to splanchnic organs, kidneys, and testicles was measured with radioactive microspheres, and the reference-sample method. glucagon antiserum had no effect on blood flo ...19863777172
participation of iron on the growth inhibition of pathogenic strains of mycobacterium avium and m. paratuberculosis in serum.serum, which is low in freely-available iron, was bacteriostatic for m. avium and m. paratuberculosis irrespective of the ability of these organisms to produce the iron-chelators mycobactin and exochelin for iron acquisition. bacteriostasis was overcome when the serum was supplemented with exochelin or mycobactin, but only if the mycobacteria had previously adapted to growth in a low iron environment. the results imply that for studies on mycobacterial pathogenicity the test cultures should be g ...19863788345
occurrence and distribution of halophilic vibrios in subtropical coastal waters of hong kong.the summer occurrence and distribution of halophilic vibrios in the subtropical coastal waters of hong kong were investigated. the density of vibrios in six sample sites ranged from 90 to 6,700 per ml, which made up 0.41 to 40% of the total bacterial populations of these sample sites. the sucrose-positive vibrios were found to be much more common (88% of total vibrios) than the sucrose-negative ones. a total of 48 strains belonging to six vibrio species were fully characterized. among these, vib ...19863789725
low-density lipoprotein apheresis and regression of atherosclerotic plaque in vitro.short-term organ culture and primary cell culture of human aorta were used to study the effect of selective removal of low-density lipoproteins (ldls) from the surrounding medium (ldl apheresis) on the lipid content of cultured tissue and cells, respectively. ldl apheresis was performed by passing the culture medium through immunosorbent containing agarose-bound goat antibodies against human ldl. ldl apheresis promoted the decrease of lipids of all classes in the cultured atherosclerotic plaque. ...19863800702
furosemide lowers intracranial pressure by inhibiting csf production.furosemide administration effectively lowers intracranial pressure in newborn preterm and term rabbit pups. this effect may be due to the diuretic action of the drug, its ability to inhibit cerebrospinal fluid production or to a combination of both. to test these possibilities newborn rabbits were either injected with furosemide and left unmolested for 6 hours, or anaesthetized and subjected to ventriculocisternal perfusions. during the 6 hour postnatal period the decrease in body weight was 8 t ...19863811613
role of common house flies in transmission of v. parahaemolyticus infection in calcutta slum in relation to carrier rate of the said pathogen. 19863610299
management of opportunistic infections complicating the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.therapy of opportunistic infection in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is frustrating, and there is no convincing evidence that aggressive treatment and/or prophylaxis other than for pneumocystis infection can significantly prolong life. while much clinical effort is expended on treating sequential life-threatening infections, the overall course is usually progressively downhill. thus, any real impact on the disease should be aimed at the causative viral agent, because it is ...19863485749
[human gingival pigmentation due to electrochemical degradation. immunological study of biopsies using monoclonal antibodies]. 19863464603
consequences of treatment of gastrointestinal infections.diarrhoeal disease is a common problem in developing countries. as a result of recent advances in diagnostic methodology, the causative agents can now be identified in most cases of acute diarrhoeal diseases. enteric bacterial pathogens are the common cause of gastroenteritis in developing countries. appropriate uses of antibiotics in selected cases of diarrhoea will decrease symptoms or reduce faecal shedding of the organism and prevent spread of infection. antimicrobial agents improve the diar ...19863547620
isotope exchange at equilibrium studies with rat muscle adenylosuccinate synthetase.the kinetic mechanism of rat muscle adenylosuccinate synthetase was studied by determining the rates of isotope exchange at equilibrium. a random sequential binding mechanism was indicated for both the forward and reverse reactions. aspartate, adenylosuccinate, gdp, and pi were determined to bind in rapid equilibrium. gtp exchanges with both gdp and pi at the same rate, which is similar to the exchange rate of imp with adenylosuccinate. aspartate exchanges with adenylosuccinate at a higher rate ...19863542024
experience with isoxicam and catabolin.1 synovial cells produce a protein factor, catabolin, that induces chondrocytes to resorb their own matrix with the release of glycosaminoglycan (gag). 2 studies were performed to determine the effect of isoxicam, a new nsaid, on gag production in a catabolin system utilizing tissue culture of bovine nasal septum in a medium containing pooled synovial tissue from young pigs. 3 using fresh medium containing no synovial tissue, the release of gag by inherent cartilage breakdown was 49.7% after 8 d ...19863497659
[the role of physiotherapy in recovery of patients with traumatic disorders of the peripheral nervous system]. 1986212863
the average rcbf pattern of resting consciousness studied with a new colour display system. 1986268800
different effects of the ionophore a-23187 and d-glucose on 45ca2+ fluxes in isolated islets of ob/ob-mice.fluxes of 45ca2+ were studied in beta-cell rich islets of non-inbred ob/ob-mice, using lacl3 to wash out extra-cellular and superficially bound 45ca2+. the ionophore a-23187 (10 microm) increased the 45ca2+ uptake in islets both at 3 and 20 mm d-glucose, the effect being more pronounced after 10 min than after 120 min of incubation. in incubations for 120 min, 20 mm d-glucose induced a higher uptake of 45ca2+ than did a-23187. the ionophore enhanced the unidirectional efflux of 45ca2+ from prelo ...1986362823
the ada conference on increasing access to dental care. a report. 1985268525
[a challenge: the profession and the dental students]. 1985268548
preparation areas resisting displacement of artificial crowns.the areas of luting cement resisting rotation of artificial full crowns subjected to non-axial forces were calculated for varying values of preparation diameter, height, and convergence angle. the calculations were performed for regular conical and pyramidal preparations. the results showed that the resisting areas are larger in pyramidal than in conical preparations. increasing the convergence angle resulted in an almost linear reduction in resisting area. the reduction was particularly pronoun ...1985268415
[present situation and outlook of the campaign for abolition of practical nurse system--asking some questions of omori, president of the japanese nursing association]. 1985261186
[neonatal heart rate variability]. 1985261135
transfection of genes for cell surface products involved in antigen presentation--applications to the understanding of autoimmunity. 19852129493
hypertension in the immediate postoperative period.sixty patients out of 1,844 recovery room admissions had significant postoperative arterial hypertension. nearly 60% of them had a history of hypertension. the postoperative hypertension usually began within 30 min from the end of operation and lasted about 2 hours. in 20% of the patients it lasted 3 hours or longer. complications attributable to hypertension were confined to this latter group. the principal factors possibly contributing to the pressure elevations were pain (35%), hypercarbia (1 ...1985238547
inhibition of transcription by dna binding proteins of sarcoma-180 ascites cells. 1985218884
[prognostic indices of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the child. proposal for a prognostic classification and case contribution]. 1985271763
non-immune igg f(ab')2 binding to group c and g streptococci is mediated by structures on gamma chains.the present investigation was designed to determine whether the heavy or the light immunoglobulin chain is involved in the non-immune binding of igg f(ab')2 fragments to specific surface receptors on human group c and g streptococci. purified human polyclonal igg was mildly reduced with dithiothreitol and alkylated with iodoacetamide. light (l) and heavy (h) chains were separated. intact igg and purified l and h chains of polyclonal immunoglobulin g were tested in an inhibition assay for non-imm ...19853156400
direct selection of mutations reducing transcription or translation of the reca gene of escherichia coli with a reca-lacz protein fusion.when a reca-lacz protein fusion was cloned into phage lambda, the resulting transducing phage grew normally on wild-type escherichia coli, but its growth was severely inhibited in lexa(def) mutant strains that express reca constitutively at high levels. mutants of the transducing phage that grew on the lexa(def) strains were isolated and were found to affect production of the reca-beta-galactosidase hybrid protein. most mutants, including a number of nonsense mutants, were phenotypically lacz-. ...19853160689
a one-year survey of campylobacter enteritis and other forms of bacterial diarrhoea in hong kong.the following enteropathogens were isolated from the faeces of 769 (10.2%) of 7,545 patients of whom 5,704 had diarrhoea or abdominal pain, attending a teaching hospital in hong kong during one year: salmonellae 458 (6.1%); vibrio parahaemolyticus 125 (1.7%); campylobacters 108 (1.4%); shigellae 83 (1.1%); others 19 (0.3%). further identification of the campylobacter isolates showed that 63 (58%) were campylobacter jejuni biotype 1, 44 (41%) were c. coli and only one was c. jejuni biotype 2. sev ...19853973381
seasonal distribution of vibrio parahaemolyticus in freshwater environs and in association with freshwater fishes in calcutta.the seasonal distribution of vibrio parahaemolyticus in freshwater environs and in association with freshwater fishes was studied in 1982 and 1983. the occurrence of this organism in water and sediments at the three sites studied was very infrequent and was restricted to the summer months, although it was not always isolated during these months. the association of v. parahaemolyticus with plankton was chiefly confined to the summer months and progressively declined with the onset of monsoons, re ...19853977307
metastatic nontraumatic clostridium septicum osteomyelitis.nontraumatic clostridial infections are rare, but need to be diagnosed and treated early or high morbidity and mortality rates result. we believe that this is the first reported case of metastatic nontraumatic clostridium septicum osteomyelitis. early treatment with surgical debridement and parenteral antibiotics without hyperbaric oxygen was used. an associated occult rectal malignancy was discovered and treated.19853980945
computer characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus & allied sucrose-negative vibrios isolated from aquatic environs of porto novo. 19853988326
nucleotide sequence of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the gene encoding the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus was characterized. this gene (designated tdh) was subcloned into pbr322 in escherichia coli, and the functional tdh gene was localized to a 1.3-kilobase hindiii fragment. this fragment was sequenced, and the structural gene was found to encode a mature protein of 165 amino acid residues. the mature protein sequence was preceded by a putative signal peptide sequence of 24 amino acids. a putative tdh promoter, determine ...19853988703
[persistent chlamydia infection in cell culture]. 19853993192
Displaying items 4601 - 4700 of 6009