
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
hemolytic activity of and lethal toxin production by environmental strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus.repeated subculturing of kanagawa-negative strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus on wagatsuma agar induced the production of a hemolysin which was not the thermostable direct hemolysin. crude hemolysin exhibited a 30 to 40% lethal toxicity in mice after intraperitoneal injection. a 21-kilodalton protein band was observed with all the environmental isolates in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. results suggested that a certain percentage of environmental strains of v. parahae ...19873426228
specificity of a mycobacterium kansasii phenolic glycolipid (mycoside a) immunoserum.the specificity of mycobacterium kansasii anti-mycoside a antiserum prepared in rabbits injected with purified samples of the phenolic glycolipid was evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. chloroform-methanol extracts from representative strains of 23 mycobacterial species and 50 strains of m. kansasii showed that all strains of m. kansasii and the representative strain of m. gastri formed the antigen, whereas none of the remaining species (including m. leprae) formed it. consequentl ...19873429620
distribution and significance of heterotrophic marine bacteria with antibacterial activity.bacteria with antibacterial activity were isolated from seawater, sediments, phytoplankton, and zooplankton of suruga, sagami, and tokyo bays and from soft corals and sponges collected from the taiwan coast. of the 726 strains isolated, 37 showed antibacterial activity against either vibrio parahaemolyticus (atcc 17802) or staphylococcus aureus (p209). sediment harbored the lowest number of these forms of bacteria, and those from tokyo bay did not show any activity. attached isolates showed grea ...19873435149
re: prophylaxis of gram-negative and gram-positive infections in rodents with three intravenous immunoglobulins and therapy of experimental polymicrobial burn wound sepsis with pseudomonas immunoglobulin and ciprofloxacin. 19873436681
antitumor activity of lipopolysaccharide and radio-detoxified lipopolysaccharide of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the antitumor activity of lipopolysaccharide (lps) and radio-detoxified lps of vibrio parahaemolyticus was tested against s180 cells in swiss mice. the toxicity of the lps was 200 times less than that of salmonella typhimurium lps. the v. parahaemolyticus lps could be detoxified by exposure to gamma radiation. both lps and the irradiated lps exhibited antitumor activity, though the irradiated lps was less effective than the native lps. these observations indicated that exposure to gamma radiatio ...19873437829
[involvement of the growth hormone in rapid increases of the potassium concentration of the serum].as a rule, the infusion of arginine hydrochloride is followed by an increase in serum potassium. the investigation is concerned with the short-term effect of growth hormone, which can be stimulated by arginine (0.6 g/kg body weight), on potassium concentrations in rats and patients with cerebral death. the administration of human somatotropin causes a significant rise in potassium concentrations in patients with cerebral death (0.4 iu/kg body weight) and in rats (4.0 iu/kg body weight). in compa ...19873439594
destructive chronic borrelia meningoencephalitis in a child untreated for 15 years.a case of borrelia spirochetosis with recurring episodes of progressively destructive chronic meningoencephalitis, untreated for 15 years, is presented. the patient, now 23 years old, represents an example of the natural course of the disease and may serve as a reminder of the diagnosis in retrospective cases as well as prospectively for acute and chronic states of serous meningitis/meningoencephalitis both in children and adults.19873441752
[evaluation of cefuzonam in the pediatric field].cefuzonam (l-105, czon) was studied in pediatric infections. a summary of the results it as follows: for recently isolated staphylococcus aureus strains, peak mics of czon were distributed between 0.39 and 0.78 micrograms/ml showing a greater susceptibility of s. aureus to czon than to cefoperazone (cpz), latamoxef (lmox), and cefmenoxime (cmx). peak mics of czon for escherichia coli were 0.10-0.20 micrograms/ml, similar to those of cpz, lmox, and cmx. ampicillin (abpc)-resistant strains were al ...19873613082
pentapeptide nuclear localization signal in adenovirus e1a.the adenovirus e1a gene products are nuclear proteins important in transcriptional control of viral functions during infection. by producing normal e1a proteins and derivatives of e1a in bacteria and microinjecting these proteins into cultured cells, we were able to examine their ability to localize to the nucleus. we showed that a short peptide sequence at the carboxyl terminus of e1a is necessary for the rapid (30-min) nuclear localization of that protein. additionally, we showed that just the ...19873614197
[ideal experimental microsurgical methods in vasovasostomy and vasoepididymostomy].the vasovasostomy with the double-layered end-to-end anastomosis by silber is a microsurgical ideal method. we think we found experimentally an ideal method for the vasoepididymostomy with the open end-to-side anastomosis and direct spermato-tight microsurgical suture. specialties of the species rat and dog have to be observed. restrictions of the anastomotic region lead to infertility.19873617849
colorimetric assay for methanesulfinic acid in biological samples.we describe a simple colorimetric method to measure 30 to 300 microm concentrations of sulfinic acids in biologic samples. the procedure employs the coupling reaction of an aromatic diazonium salt (ar--n = n+) with the sulfinic acids (rsooh) to produce a colored diazosulfone derivative (ar-n = n-soor), which can be selectively extracted into an organic solvent. linearity as well as noninterference by liver homogenate, phenols, amines, and thousandfold or greater excesses of sulfate, thiol, and d ...19873619031
[antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery. biological basis for the use of 2d-generation cephalosporins]. 19873619351
[a study of serological typing distribution on vibrio parahaemolyticus along the off-shore of china]. 19873621317
fluorometric detection of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline, 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline and their n-acetylated metabolites excreted by the rat.a sensitive fluorometric method has been developed for the determination of carcinogenic amino imidazoazaarenes (aia compounds) which are formed during the cooking of food. they are separated by t.l.c. followed by spraying with dimethylsulfoxide and visualization by long-wave u.v. light. quantification is done by fluorescence scanning. this method was applied to the determination of the metabolites in urine and feces from rats given 5 mg/kg body wt i.p. of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline ...19873621465
lack of enzyme polymorphism in trypanosoma rangeli stocks from sylvatic and domiciliary transmission cycles in colombia.although trypanosoma rangeli is biologically and morphologically distinct from trypanosoma cruzi, these two hemoflagellates are epidemiologically linked. we report the results of enzyme electrophoretic studies of t. rangeli stocks isolated from sylvatic and domiciliary rhodnius prolixus, and infected humans inhabiting foci in which t. cruzi was sympatrically transmitted. t. rangeli stocks displayed electrophoretically detectable polymorphism for only a single enzyme, isocitrate dehydrogenase (ic ...19873812885
defective biosynthesis of proteolipid protein in pelizaeus-merzbacher disease.the brain of an 18-year-old patient with pelizaeus-merzbacher disease was examined by standard neuropathological and biochemical methods and by immunocytochemical and immunochemical techniques. analysis revealed a lack of myelin-specific lipids, but showed a residual immunoreactivity for myelin basic protein, myelin-associated glycoprotein, and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide-3'-phosphodiesterase. examination by immunocytochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed an absence of proteolipid a ...19873827224
properties of the membrane-bound 5'-nucleotidase and utilization of extracellular atp in vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus utilized atp, adp or amp as the sole source of carbon. about three times higher activity of membrane-bound 5'-nucleotidase was observed in cells grown in the presence of these nucleotides than in their absence: and therefore the enzyme seems to be inducible. since the 5'-nucleotidase activity could be measured with whole cells, the active site of this enzyme appears to be outwardly oriented. both mg2+ and cl- were required for activity. among the divalent cations tested, ...19872835422
[an epidemic of diarrhea caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus occurring in abidjan in 1985].the authors report the epidemiological results of an epidemic about 84 choleriform syndrome in abidjan (ivory coast), june 1985.19872836102
bleomycin increases superoxide production in the most active alveolar macrophage subpopulation.pig alveolar macrophages were separated into three subpopulations by density centrifugation. the most dense subpopulation of macrophages had the greatest rate of superoxide anion production of 4.4 +/- 2.6 nmol/1 x 10(6) cells/min. bleomycin had its greatest effect on this subpopulation by increasing the rate by nearly 100% in cells stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate or phorbol dibutyrate. bleomycin increased the maximum rate of superoxide production without changing the apparent km of 0.0 ...19872447024
chinese hamster ovary cell lysosomes rapidly exchange contents.we have used cell fusion to address the question of whether macromolecules are rapidly exchanged between lysosomes. donor cell lysosomes were labeled by the long-term internalization of the fluid-phase pinocytic markers, invertase (sucrase), lucifer yellow, fitc-conjugated dextran, or texas red-conjugated dextran. recipient cells contained lysosomes swollen by long-term internalization of dilute sucrose or marked by an overnight fitc-dextran uptake. cells were incubated for 1 or 2 h in marker-fr ...19872447096
stimulation of macrophages by lipopolysaccharide of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the effect of lipopolysaccharide (lps) from vibrio parahaemolyticus on the biochemical and phagocytic activities of murine peritoneal macrophages was determined. intraperitoneal treatment with different doses (0.5-25 micrograms) of v. parahaemolyticus lps markedly increased the cellular rna content as well as lysosomal enzyme activities of peritoneal macrophages. the treatment also stimulated the phagocytic activities of macrophages. these observations suggest that v. parahaemolyticus lps causes ...19872449599
[catabolite repression of extracellular amylase synthesis in vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 19872452258
the presence of the 30 nm filament structure of chromatins in intact chicken erythrocytes observed by 31p nmr.a 31p nmr spectrum of chicken erythrocyte chromatins in vivo was obtained. the spectrum was characterized by examining the spectra of isolated nuclei and nondigested chromatins under various conditions. the results have shown that most chromatins in chicken erythrocyte nuclei assume the 30 nm filament structure as a second step of condensation of dna in vivo.19872435577
relationship of myocardial metabolism and coronary flow: dependence on extracellular calcium.the hypothesis that extracellular [ca2+] ([ca2+]e) influences the transmission of vasoregulatory information from the heart to coronary smooth muscle was examined. the isolated, retrogradely perfused rat heart was used to evaluate vascular reactivity to transient infusion of either 0.88 mm amytal (amobarbital), hypoxia (95% n2-5% co2), or 12 microm adenosine in the presence and absence of 2.5 microm verapamil. amytal alone enhanced coronary flow by 78% and lactate efflux by 10-fold, whereas it d ...19872446512
definition of myasthenogenic sites of the human acetylcholine receptor using synthetic peptides.experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (eamg) and antibodies that modulate achrs from cultured human muscle are induced by a disulfide-looped peptide comprising the human acetylcholine receptor (achr) alpha-subunit residues 125-147 (h alpha 125-147). to delineate the essential antigenic requirements for induction of eamg by this peptide, a series of peptides was synthesized: (a) a nonlooped analog (cys 128 replaced by ser) stimulated modulating autoantibodies, induced eamg, and bound antibodi ...19872446556
reaction of tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from beef pancreas with periodate-oxidized atp.tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from beef pancreas reacts with periodate-oxidized atp according to biphasic kinetics. a rapid phase involves two groups of the protein, presumably lysine side-chains. the slow phase corresponds to the reaction of a larger number of groups. the time-course of the partial losses of the atp-ppi isotopic exchange and of the aminoacylation activities of the enzyme follow the labelling of the two fast-reacting groups. however, the ability of the enzyme to form a bis(trypto ...19872820730
formation of mboii vectors and cassettes using asymmetric mboii linkers.class-iis restriction endonucleases such as mboii cleave dna at a specified distance away from their recognition sequences. this feature was exploited to cleave dna at previously inaccessible locations by preparing special asymmetric linker/adapters containing the mboii recognition sequence. these could be joined to dna fragments and subsequently cleaved by mboii. attachment of a 3' phosphate to one of the two different oligodeoxynucleotides comprising the asymmetric duplex prevented ligation at ...19872820843
formation of mboii vectors and cassettes using asymmetric mboii linkers.class-iis restriction endonucleases such as mboii cleave dna at a specified distance away from their recognition sequences. this feature was exploited to cleave dna at previously inaccessible locations by preparing special asymmetric linker/adapters containing the mboii recognition sequence. these could be joined to dna fragments and subsequently cleaved by mboii. attachment of a 3' phosphate to one of the two different oligodeoxynucleotides comprising the asymmetric duplex prevented ligation at ...19872820843
type beta transforming growth factor affects adrenocortical cell-differentiated functions.type beta transforming growth factor (tgf-beta) had no detectable effect on mitogenic activities of bovine adrenocortical cells in culture. however, the presence of tgf-beta (1 ng/ml) in the medium resulted in a striking alteration of adrenocortical cell steroidogenic activities, maximally expressed after 18-20 h of treatment. tgf-treated cells exhibited a basal as well as an adrenocorticotropin-stimulated cortisol production inhibition by an average 50-60%, while camp accumulation in response t ...19872820972
type beta transforming growth factor affects adrenocortical cell-differentiated functions.type beta transforming growth factor (tgf-beta) had no detectable effect on mitogenic activities of bovine adrenocortical cells in culture. however, the presence of tgf-beta (1 ng/ml) in the medium resulted in a striking alteration of adrenocortical cell steroidogenic activities, maximally expressed after 18-20 h of treatment. tgf-treated cells exhibited a basal as well as an adrenocorticotropin-stimulated cortisol production inhibition by an average 50-60%, while camp accumulation in response t ...19872820972
experimental transmission and pathogenesis of immunodeficiency syndrome in cats.we describe the identification, experimental transmission, and pathogenesis of a naturally occurring powerfully immunosuppressive isolate of feline leukemia virus (designated here as felv-faids) which induces fatal acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in 100% (25 of 25) of persistently viremic experimentally infected specific pathogen-free (spf) cats after predictable survival periods ranging from less than 3 months (acute immunodeficiency syndrome) to greater than one year (chronic immunod ...19872823940
experimental transmission and pathogenesis of immunodeficiency syndrome in cats.we describe the identification, experimental transmission, and pathogenesis of a naturally occurring powerfully immunosuppressive isolate of feline leukemia virus (designated here as felv-faids) which induces fatal acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in 100% (25 of 25) of persistently viremic experimentally infected specific pathogen-free (spf) cats after predictable survival periods ranging from less than 3 months (acute immunodeficiency syndrome) to greater than one year (chronic immunod ...19872823940
genetic and physical characterization of proba genes of the marine bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus.intracellular proline pools have been implicated in the halotolerance of many organisms. to examine this relationship in a moderately halotolerant marine bacterium, vibrio parahaemolyticus, proline biosynthesis genes were cloned in various plasmids. some genetic and structural properties of those genes were examined. subcloning showed that about 3.1 kilobases of v. parahaemolyticus dna could complement proa and prob but not proc mutations of escherichia coli. the same fragment would also complem ...19872829719
properties of adenosine triphosphate-hydrolyzing enzymes in membrane vesicles of vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19872830036
on the diagnostic significance of cft in respiratory-syncytial virus infection in children over one year old. 19873133290
[vibrio parahaemolyticus infectious disease caused by kanagawa phenomenon-negative o3:k6 originated from maldives]. 19873127502
thromboxane a2 biosynthesis in human disease.thromboxane a2 (txa2), the predominant cyclooxygenase product of human platelets, is a potent vasoconstrictor and platelet agonist. although its biological properties are readily appreciable in vitro, it has been difficult to define its biological importance in vivo. to a large extent this reflected the problems associated with efforts to monitor biosynthesis of this eicosanoid and the lack of selective pharmacological probes that prevented the synthesis of txa2 or antagonized its biological act ...19873100340
evidence for neoplastic cell differentiation in mediastinal t lymphoblastic lymphoma.immunostaining of frozen sections from a mediastinal t lymphoblastic lymphoma (t-ll) revealed the existence of two neoplastic cell populations characterized by different degrees of maturation. several large nodules of 3a1+/t11+/t9+ t6-/t4-/t8-/t3- lymphoid cells, resembling normal early thymocytes, were surrounded by 3a1+/t11+/t9+/t6+/t4+/t8+/t3- cells resembling normal cortical thymocytes. the junctional area between early and cortical lymphocytes was occupied by numerous leu-m3+/pam-1+/dr+ ret ...19873103325
characterization of impermeability variants of pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated during unsuccessful therapy of experimental endocarditis.we characterized five amikacin-resistant variants of pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from aortic valve vegetations during unsuccessful therapy of experimental endocarditis. these organisms were cross resistant to other aminoglycosides. no aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes were produced by these strains. however, all five variants demonstrated significant defects in permeability and intracellular uptake of [3h]amikacin when compared with the amikacin-susceptible parental strain (0 to 26% of that o ...19873105442
characterization of impermeability variants of pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated during unsuccessful therapy of experimental endocarditis.we characterized five amikacin-resistant variants of pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from aortic valve vegetations during unsuccessful therapy of experimental endocarditis. these organisms were cross resistant to other aminoglycosides. no aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes were produced by these strains. however, all five variants demonstrated significant defects in permeability and intracellular uptake of [3h]amikacin when compared with the amikacin-susceptible parental strain (0 to 26% of that o ...19873105442
salt tolerance of lactose-grown vibrio parahaemolyticus carrying escherichia coli lac genes.lac- strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus were converted to lac+ on receiving a hybrid plasmid containing the lactose utilization genes of escherichia coli k-12. a v. parahaemolyticus strain containing this hybrid plasmid exhibited optimal growth rates on glucose and other carbon sources in the presence of 0.2 to 0.4 m nacl. growth of the same strain on lactose was inhibited at similar concentrations of nacl. the altered growth rate responses in lactose medium appeared to be attributable to effect ...19873105458
[antimicrobial susceptibility of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus isolated from human feces and foods]. 19873106535
biosynthesis and processing of platelet gpiib-iiia in human megakaryocytes.platelet membrane glycoprotein iib-iiia forms a calcium-dependent heterodimer and constitutes the fibrinogen receptor on stimulated platelets. gpiib is a two-chain protein containing disulfide-linked alpha and beta subunits. gpiiia is a single chain protein. these proteins are synthesized in the bone marrow by megakaryocytes, but the study of their synthesis has been hampered by the difficulty in obtaining enriched population of megakaryocytes in large numbers. to examine the biosynthesis and pr ...19873108266
differences between saccharomyces cerevisiae and bacillus subtilis in secretion of human lysozyme.saccharomyces cerevisiae secreted human lysozyme in the medium as an active form when the signal peptides of chicken lysozyme and a chicken lysozyme-aspergillus awamori glucoamylase hybrid were used, whereas it did not synthesize any human lysozyme protein by using the signal peptide of a. awamori glucoamylase. the secreted lysozyme was easily purified and crystallized. on the other hand, bacillus subtilis secreted an inactive human lysozyme, which seemed to have incorrect disulfide bonds, with ...19873109419
stimulation by hyphopichia burtonii and bacillus amyloliquefaciens of aflatoxin production by aspergillus flavus in irradiated maize and rice grains.aspergillus flavus was grown on maize and rice extract agars and on irradiated viable cracked maize and rice grains, either in pure culture or in dual culture with wild strains of either hyphopichia burtonii or bacillus amyloliquefaciens. aflatoxin production by a. flavus and its growth and interactions with the other microorganisms were studied at three water activities (aw) (0.98, 0.95, and 0.90) and two temperatures (25 and 16 degrees c). both h. burtonii and b. amyloliquefaciens markedly sti ...19873111368
[drug-resistance and transferable r plasmids in vibrio cholerae o-1 and non o-1, v. fluvialis and v. parahaemolyticus recently isolated from human sources]. 19873112272
distribution of indicator bacteria and vibrio parahaemolyticus in sewage-polluted intertidal sediments.the impact of a sewage point source on the bacterial densities in an intertidal mud flat in boston harbor, mass., was investigated. the area, savin hill cove, acts as a receiving basin for a combined storm and sewage outlet (cso). preliminary examination of sediments and overlying water at high tide demonstrated that fecal coliforms were present in sediments at abundances 2 to 4 orders of magnitude higher than in the overlying water column. the following bacterial counts were determined from sed ...19873116932
seasonal changes in the cecal microflora of the high-arctic svalbard reindeer (rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus).the dominant cecal bacteria in the high-arctic svalbard reindeer were characterized, their population densities were estimated, and cecal ph was determined in summer, when food quality and availability is good, and in winter, when it is very poor. in summer the total culturable viable bacterial population was (8.9 +/- 5.3) x 10(8) cells ml-1, whereas in winter it was (1.5 +/- 0.7) x 10(8) cells ml-1, representing a decrease to 17% of the summer population density. of the dominant species of cult ...19873030193
seasonal changes in the cecal microflora of the high-arctic svalbard reindeer (rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus).the dominant cecal bacteria in the high-arctic svalbard reindeer were characterized, their population densities were estimated, and cecal ph was determined in summer, when food quality and availability is good, and in winter, when it is very poor. in summer the total culturable viable bacterial population was (8.9 +/- 5.3) x 10(8) cells ml-1, whereas in winter it was (1.5 +/- 0.7) x 10(8) cells ml-1, representing a decrease to 17% of the summer population density. of the dominant species of cult ...19873030193
pharmacological modification of pulmonary vascular injury: possible role of camp.experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that drugs which increase adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (camp) in the lung would prevent the pulmonary hypertension and the increase in vascular permeability caused by the infusion of the oxidant lipid peroxide, tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-bu-ooh), in isolated rabbit lungs perfused with krebs-henseleit buffer. pretreatment with indomethacin or verapamil was also studied, since these drugs block the increase in pulmonary arterial pressure ca ...19873031002
role of postnatal gonadal function in the determination of thyrotropin (tsh) releasing hormone-induced tsh response in adult male and female rats.permanent effects of postnatal gonadal function on the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis were examined in male and female rats of the wistar-imamichi strain. animals were used at the age of about 10 weeks. neonatally castrated (nc) males showed a significantly higher plasma tsh response to trh (10 micrograms/kg bw, ip) than males castrated at 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 weeks of age. the tsh response in intact males was similar to that seen in nc males. neonatal androgenization of nc males with 100 microg ...19873032567
calmodulin in porcine malignant hyperpyrexia.the anaesthetic complication malignant hyperpyrexia (mh) is due to an elevation of the myoplasmic ca2+ concentration. examination of calmodulin isolated from mh susceptible swine suggests that the disorder in calcium regulation in mh is not due to an abnormality in calmodulin.19873032704
a novel mechanism for utilization of extracellular amp in vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus could grow with amp, adp or atp as the sole source of carbon. in the presence of cl-, a membrane-bound cl(-)-dependent 5'-nucleotidase seemed to hydrolyze the nucleotides extracellularly, and then the cells took up the resulting adenosine. in the absence of cl-, although no significant dephosphorylation of the nucleotides occurred, the cells could still grow with amp, but not with adp or atp. moreover, in the presence of cl-, zn2+ inhibited the 5'-nucleotidase, and inhibi ...19873034248
active lambda and kappa antibody gene rearrangement in abelson murine leukemia virus-transformed pre-b cell lines.the two abelson murine leukemia virus (a-mulv)-transformed cell lines, bm18-4 and abc-1, undergo immunoglobulin l-chain gene recombination during passage in tissue culture. bm18-4 cells are capable of kappa gene recombination, whereas abc-1 cells are capable of both kappa and lambda gene recombination. the expression of h chains is apparently not necessary for continuing l chain gene recombination in either of these cells, although h-chain expression may have been involved in the initiation of l ...19873035056
phosphate regulation of gene expression in vibrio parahaemolyticus.the synthesis of a major outer membrane protein, ompp, in vibrio parahaemolyticus was induced by growth in media deficient in phosphate. the gene, ompp, encoding this protein was cloned. synthesis of ompp in escherichia coli was regulated by the availability of phosphate, and this control required the function of pho regulatory genes of e. coli. analysis of gene fusion strains constructed by mutagenesis with transposon mini-mulux revealed that ompp was transcriptionally regulated in v. parahaemo ...19873038839
two-year survey of etiologic agents of diarrheal disease at san lazaro hospital, manila, republic of the philippines.the prevalence of bacterial pathogens and rotavirus in 2,908 patients with diarrhea who were admitted to san lazaro hospital in manila in 1983 and 1984 was determined. one or more enteric pathogens were isolated or detected in samples from 1,698 (58.4%) patients. isolation rates for the various enteropathogens were as follows: rotavirus, 30.6%; shigella spp., 11.6%; salmonella spp., 9.2%; enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (1983 only), 7.8%; vibrio cholerae biotype eltor, 3.8%; non-o1 v. cholerae, ...19873038946
gastroenteritis due to kanagawa negative vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19872880146
1,4-dithiothreitol-induced changes in histamine h1-agonist efficacy and affinity in the longitudinal smooth muscle of guinea-pig ileum.the effect of 1,4-dithiothreitol (dtt) on histamine h1-receptor agonist affinity and efficacy has been investigated in longitudinal muscle strips of guinea-pig ileum. exposure of ileal smooth muscle to dtt significantly increased the maximal responses to the partial agonists skf71473 and de-2pea, indicative of an increase in agonist efficacy. this effect was paralleled by a small decrease in ec50 values. in contrast, dtt produced a parallel displacement of the concentration-response curve to the ...19872880626
mechanism of action of somatostatin in the hippocampal slice. 19872888131
structural and functional modifications of peripheral large arteries in hypertensive patients. 19872889808
[results of examining the population in a region with high morbidity for oral mucosal cancer: precancerous changes].interviewing and examination of a population characterized by a high level of morbidity of oral cavity cancer, supposedly induced by the use of nas, established a high incidence of leukoplakia and preleukoplakia at this site which are identified as precancerous lesions. the highest relative risk of oral cavity leukoplakia was found in persons who both chew nas and smoke tobacco (12.4). relative risk of leukoplakia is also elevated in those who either chew nas (5.6) or smoke cigarettes (7.7). thi ...19872950660
the balans chair and its semi-kneeling position: an ergonomic comparison with the conventional sitting position.recently, the balans chair has been introduced with claims that, because of its semi-kneeling position, individuals will experience decreased low-back pain (lbp) as well as improvement in circulation. this study investigated the validity of these claims. twenty healthy subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups. group 1 subjects sat in the balans chair for a 30-minute study period and then sat in a conventional office chair for an additional 30-minute period. group 2 subjects were stud ...19872954222
regulatory role of fcr+ and fcr- monocyte subsets in mycobacterium leprae-induced lymphoproliferative response in vitro.we investigated nine rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) inoculated with mycobacterium leprae and three normal human contacts. peripheral blood monocytes were separated into fc receptor positive (fcr+) and fc receptor negative (fcr-) fractions, and their regulatory role in the lymphoproliferative response in vitro to m. leprae was studied. fcr- monocytes had strong antigen presentation activity and produced no suppressor effect while fcr+ monocytes had weak antigen presentation activity and produced ...19872957129
regulatory role of fcr+ and fcr- monocyte subsets in mycobacterium leprae-induced lymphoproliferative response in vitro.we investigated nine rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) inoculated with mycobacterium leprae and three normal human contacts. peripheral blood monocytes were separated into fc receptor positive (fcr+) and fc receptor negative (fcr-) fractions, and their regulatory role in the lymphoproliferative response in vitro to m. leprae was studied. fcr- monocytes had strong antigen presentation activity and produced no suppressor effect while fcr+ monocytes had weak antigen presentation activity and produced ...19872957129
possible role of helper and cytolytic t cells in mycobacterial infections. 19862952852
ultrastructural changes in the sarcoplasmic reticulum in acute myocardial ischemia.we investigated the morphologic changes in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (sr) in acute myocardial ischemia, induced by occlusion of the coronary artery in the canine heart, by freeze-fracture of sr in situ and in vitro, and they were compared to the alterations in ca++-stimulated atpase activity and protein composition of the isolated sr. both sr in situ and the isolated sr exhibited typical intramembranous particles with diameters of 70 to 90 a in freeze-fracture replicas. the intramembranous part ...19862948034
differential depression of hypoglossal nerve activity by alcohol. protection by pretreatment with medroxyprogesterone acetate.upper airway obstruction during sleep occurs more commonly in men than in women and has been treated with progestational agents with some success. alcohol ingestion exacerbates sleep apnea, and recent studies have established that alcohol depresses the respiratory motor activity to upper airway muscles more than that to the diaphragm, a response pattern that favors upper airway obstruction during inspiration. to investigate the possibility that progesterone provides some protection from this act ...19862935056
[fertilization results in superovulated ewes and goats after transmural-intrauterine insemination controlled by laparoscopy].a comparative experiment in oestrous synchronized and superovulated ewes and does is described on which fertilization was studied following natural mating or transmural intrauterine insemination by laparoscopy. thirty-two ewes were inseminated into each uterine horn with 50-100 microliter of fresh undiluted semen, whereas 26 ewes were mated by fertile rams. fertilization rates of eggs recovered 5-7 days later were 93.7% (163/174) and 60.5% (78/129) respectively. eight does were inseminated by la ...19862940732
a dot immunobinding assay (dia) on nitrocellulose membrane for the serological detection of antibodies to entamoeba histolytica.a rapid, cheap, simple and specific serological test of adequate sensitivity for detecting igg antibodies against entamoeba histolytica antigen is described. axenically cultured amoebic antigen was used to precoat the nitrocellulose membrane. the strips were incubated with test samples and later with horseradish peroxidase (hrpo) labelled protein-a conjugate. a dark blue spot was obtained by treatment with peroxidase substrate, 4-chloro-1-naphthol, in positive samples. serum samples from 32 heal ...19862885949
potent antagonism of escherichia coli, bacteroides ovatus, fusobacterium varium, and enterococcus faecalis, alone or in combination, for enteropathogens in anaerobic continuous flow cultures.interactions between representative strains of four predominant resident bacteria of the human colon, escherichia coli, enterococcus faecalis, bacteroides ovatus, and fusobacterium varium, and strains of seven enteropathogens, yersinia enterocolitica, shigella flexneri, salmonella typhimurium, vibrio parahaemolyticus, v. cholerae serogroup non o1, staphylococcus aureus, and clostridium perfringens, were examined in studies with an anaerobic continuous flow culture system and medium resembling th ...19862875188
[enteropathogens in travellers returning from the tropics].diarrhea is not only the most common health hazard during travel in the tropics but also the most frequent condition which prompts returning travellers to see a physician. the prevalence of bacterial and parasitic enteropathogens in people attending our outpatient department after returning from the tropics has been studied and the laboratory results of stool examinations have been compared with clinical symptoms. of the 173 persons enrolled, 19 (11%) harboured bacterial pathogens and pathogenic ...19862875520
report of a wound infection caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus.the present case describes a foot wound caused by a clam shell from which both vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus were recovered. although extraintestinal infections associated with vibrio parahaemolyticus have been reported previously, the simultaneous isolation of two marine vibrios from our case suggests that these organisms may coexist in mixed infections from a common source.19862875824
the source of malonyl-coa in rat heart. the calcium paradox releases acetyl-coa carboxylase and not propionyl-coa carboxylase.the formation of malonyl-coa in rat heart is catalyzed by cytosolic acetyl-coa carboxylase. the existence of this enzyme in heart is difficult to prove by the abundant occurrence of mitochondrial propionyl-coa carboxylase, which is also able to catalyze the carboxylation of acetyl-coa. we used the calcium paradox as a tool to separate cytosolic components from the remaining heart, and found that acetyl-coa carboxylase activity was preferentially released, like lactate dehydrogenase and carnitine ...19862869975
eicosapentaenoic acid inhibits synthesis and secretion of triacylglycerols by cultured rat hepatocytes.primary cultures of rat hepatocytes were used to study the effects of eicosapentaenoic and oleic acid on synthesis and secretion of triacylglycerols associated with very low density lipoproteins. from the experiments the following was observed. oleic acid markedly stimulates secretion as well as synthesis of triacylglycerols, whereas eicosapentaenoic acid causes very little or no increase in secretion or synthesis as compared to a fatty-acid-free medium. the effects could already be observed aft ...19863021226
eicosapentaenoic acid inhibits synthesis and secretion of triacylglycerols by cultured rat hepatocytes.primary cultures of rat hepatocytes were used to study the effects of eicosapentaenoic and oleic acid on synthesis and secretion of triacylglycerols associated with very low density lipoproteins. from the experiments the following was observed. oleic acid markedly stimulates secretion as well as synthesis of triacylglycerols, whereas eicosapentaenoic acid causes very little or no increase in secretion or synthesis as compared to a fatty-acid-free medium. the effects could already be observed aft ...19863021226
spermine antagonises the effects of dexamethasone, glucagon and cyclic amp in increasing the activity of phosphatidate phosphohydrolase in isolated rat hepatocytes.rat hepatocytes were incubated in monolayer culture, under serum free conditions, for 8 h. glucagon (10 nm), 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (100 microm) and dexamethasone (100 nm) increased the activity of phosphatidate phosphohydrolase by approx. 2-, 3.6- and 3.3-fold, respectively. spermine alone had no significant effect. spermine (2.5 mm) almost completely inhibited the glucagon induced increase in phosphohydrolase activity. it only partially inhibited the dexamet ...19863021529
thymidine kinase with altered substrate specificity of acyclovir resistant varicella-zoster virus.the acyclovir resistant mutant of varicella-zoster virus acv-r (a 8) induced the same level of thymidine kinase activity in infected cells as the parent kawaguchi strain. however, it induced less deoxycytidine kinase activity and did not induce phosphorylating activity for the nucleotide analogue, 9-(2 hydroxy-ethoxymethyl)-guanine-(acyclovir). another acyclovir resistant mutant, acv-r (a 4), which is cross-resistant to phosphonoacetate and is thought to be a viral dna polymerase mutant, induced ...19863022711
identification and characterization of mg2+-dependent phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase from rat liver cytosol.although highly purified preparations of mg2+-dependent phosphoseryl protein phosphatase (also designated phosphatase ia or phosphatase 2c) dephosphorylated phosphotyrosyl histone, the activity has been resolved from phosphatase ia by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at ph 9.5. this novel phosphotyrosyl-specific protein phosphatase absolutely requires mg2+ or mn2+ for activity, is inhibited by zn2+, vanadate and fluoride, and has an optimal ph of 9.0 and mr = 50,000. certain properties of this ...19863022716
isolation of the rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides form i ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large and small subunit genes and expression of the active hexadecameric enzyme in escherichia coli.a library of cloned rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides dna was screened by colony hybridization for form i ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubpc/o) sequences using heterologous rubpc/o probes. a recombinant plasmid was identified that hybridized to both the anacystis nidulans and the r. sphaeroides form ii rubpc/o genes. subcloning of a hybridizing 4-kb smai fragment allowed expression of active enzyme in escherichia coli that was identical to form i rubpc/o based on polyacrylamide ge ...19863023189
isolation of the rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides form i ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large and small subunit genes and expression of the active hexadecameric enzyme in escherichia coli.a library of cloned rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides dna was screened by colony hybridization for form i ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubpc/o) sequences using heterologous rubpc/o probes. a recombinant plasmid was identified that hybridized to both the anacystis nidulans and the r. sphaeroides form ii rubpc/o genes. subcloning of a hybridizing 4-kb smai fragment allowed expression of active enzyme in escherichia coli that was identical to form i rubpc/o based on polyacrylamide ge ...19863023189
primary biliary cirrhosis: assessment of the quantitative importance of the adenine nucleotide translocator protein as a major mitochondrial antigen.the adenine nucleotide translocator protein (ant) is the first well-characterized mitochondrial polypeptide to be identified as an antigen for antimitochondrial autoantibodies (ama) in pbc sera. because of the potential use for a highly purified antigen as a tool in studying the aetiology of pbc, we have undertaken an assessment of the quantitative importance of ant as a pbc-specific mitochondrial antigen. immunoblotting and elisa techniques were used. both methods reveal pbc antibodies against ...19863028680
primary biliary cirrhosis: assessment of the quantitative importance of the adenine nucleotide translocator protein as a major mitochondrial antigen.the adenine nucleotide translocator protein (ant) is the first well-characterized mitochondrial polypeptide to be identified as an antigen for antimitochondrial autoantibodies (ama) in pbc sera. because of the potential use for a highly purified antigen as a tool in studying the aetiology of pbc, we have undertaken an assessment of the quantitative importance of ant as a pbc-specific mitochondrial antigen. immunoblotting and elisa techniques were used. both methods reveal pbc antibodies against ...19863028680
nucleotide sequence and in vivo expression of the ilvy and ilvc genes in escherichia coli k12. transcription from divergent overlapping promoters.the ilvc gene of escherichia coli k12 encodes acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase, the second enzyme in the parallel isoleucine-valine biosynthetic pathway. previous data have shown that transcription of the ilvc gene is induced by the acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase substrates, acetohydroxybutyrate or acetolactate, and that this substrate induction of ilvc expression is mediated by a positive activator encoded by the ilvy gene. we report here the isolation and complete nucleotide sequence of ...19863003115
effect of the hyp mutation and diet-induced hyperparathyroidism on renal parathyroid hormone- and forskolin-stimulated adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate production and brush border membrane phosphate transport.the present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of the hyp mutation and diet-induced hyperparathyroidism on renal responsiveness to pth and forskolin and to determine whether the renal brush border membrane phosphate transport defect is expressed in the vitamin d- and calcium-deficient hyp mouse. our results indicate that pth is a potent activator of camp synthesis in renal slices obtained from vitamin d-replete normal mice and hyp littermates. however, in the mutants, the amount of c ...19863004890
cloning and expression of the exfoliative toxin b gene from staphylococcus aureus.exfoliative toxin type b is produced by bacteriophage group ii strains of staphylococcus aureus and is a causative agent of staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome. in addition to exfoliative toxin b, most isolates also produce a bacteriocin and are immune to the action of the bacteriocin. these phenotypes, as well as resistance to cadmium, were lost after elimination of a 37.5-kilobase plasmid, prw001, from s. aureus ut0007. transduction and transformation showed that prw001 carries the structural ...19863009410
a novel type of human papillomavirus associated with genital neoplasias.the role of human papillomaviruses (hpvs) in the development of genital neoplasias has been well documented. the genomes of two hpv types, hpv16 and hpv18, have been found to be associated with about 70% of invasive carcinomas of the uterine cervix. as, under non-stringent hybridization conditions, hpv dna sequences have been detected in about 90% of cervical carcinomas, it seems likely that additional hpv types are associated with these tumours. here we report the molecular cloning and characte ...19863012352
transposable resistance to trimethoprim and 0/129 in vibrio cholerae.vibrio cholerae biotype el tor strain bm2508, resistant to trimethoprim, 0/129, streptomycin and spectinomycin was isolated from the faeces of a child with severe diarrhoea. resistance to trimethoprim and 0/129 was due to a dihydrofolate reductase type i and resistance to streptomycin-spectinomycin to a 3'',9-aminoglycoside-aminocyclitol adenylyltransferase. the resistance genes were not transferable to escherichia coli and, as inferred from ultracentrifugation in cesium chloride-ethidium bromid ...19863013828
regulation of lateral flagella gene transcription in vibrio parahaemolyticus.two distinctly different organelles of locomotion are produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus. the polar flagellum is responsible for motility in a liquid environment (swimming), and the lateral flagella enable the bacteria to move over surfaces (swarming). synthesis of lateral flagella occurs when v. parahaemolyticus is grown on agar media but not when it is grown in liquid media. we used lux (luminescence gene) fusions to conveniently and sensitively analyze the factors which influence transcripti ...19863013835
[experimental nephritis induced by coxsackie b4 virus in mice--transient mesangial proliferation associated with acute viremia]. 19863018334
induction of an unusual type of shared phosphorylation in human and avian cells by tumor-promoting phorbol esters or transformation.alterations in patterns of protein phosphorylation after exposure to phorbol esters were compared in chicken embryo fibroblasts and kd cells (a human fibroblast line) by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. a substantial increase in phosphorylation was observed of a major, markedly acidic protein of pi = 4.5 in two-dimensional gels of each cell type. however, the apparent molecular weights of these phosphoproteins differed substantially in the two species with a molecular weight of 67,000 in chi ...19863019525
evidence that a human soluble beta-galactoside-binding lectin is encoded by a family of genes.two cdna clones were isolated by immunoscreening a human hepatoma cdna library with an antiserum that bound specifically to a human soluble beta-galactoside-binding lectin with mr of approximately 14,000. the deduced amino acid sequences of the inserts of these two clones show considerable homology with each other, the sequence of chicken skin beta-galactoside-binding lectin, and eight peptides derived from purified human lung lectin of mr approximately 14,000. however, the sequence differences ...19863020551
evidence that a human soluble beta-galactoside-binding lectin is encoded by a family of genes.two cdna clones were isolated by immunoscreening a human hepatoma cdna library with an antiserum that bound specifically to a human soluble beta-galactoside-binding lectin with mr of approximately 14,000. the deduced amino acid sequences of the inserts of these two clones show considerable homology with each other, the sequence of chicken skin beta-galactoside-binding lectin, and eight peptides derived from purified human lung lectin of mr approximately 14,000. however, the sequence differences ...19863020551
response of young pigs to foot-and-mouth disease oil emulsion vaccination in the presence and absence of maternally derived neutralising antibodies.serum samples and bodyweights were taken at regular intervals for six to seven months from piglets, born to foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) vaccinated or unvaccinated sows, which had been vaccinated at one, two, four or eight weeks old. young pigs, devoid of maternally derived antibodies (mda), were capable of responding to fmd vaccination at one week old, with no deleterious effects on their growth rate. however, their immunity to experimental infection at six to seven months old was poor (33.3 pe ...19863020657
induction of phage-like particles from a pathogenic strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus by mitomycin c.a rapid drop of absorbance of cell suspensions due to cell lysis was observed midway in cell growth of a pathogenic strain, vibrio parahaemolyticus wp1, when the cells were incubated in a growth medium containing mitomycin c. we succeeded in isolating phage-like particles from the cell lysate, but not from that of the non-pathogenic strain, wp28. the purified particle has a clear-cut envelope and is hexagonal in shape with no tail. the size of particles is about 65 millimicrons on the diagonal a ...19863101681
hematologic care of the surgical patient. 19863081528
hematologic care of the surgical patient. 19863081528
second-generation cephalosporins. 19863081544
[enterotoxin-like factor(s) produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus].culture filtrates obtained from several isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus were tested for their enterotoxin-like activities. also their antigenic relationship with cholera enterotoxin and kanagawa hemolysin were tested. in the chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells assay which are usually employed for detecting cholera toxin or heat labile enterotoxin produced by enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, crude culture filtrates obtained from both kanagawa positive and negative strains isolated from patient ...19863084368
some properties of lipoxygenase activities in cytosol and microsomal fractions of mouse epidermal homogenate.lipoxygenase activity in microsomal fraction of mouse epidermal homogenate was characterized in comparison with cytosol lipoxygenase activity. the major activity was identified as 12-lipoxygenase in microsomal fraction as well as in cytosol fraction by the analyses with high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. apparent km values of cytosol and microsomal 12-lipoxygenase for arachidonic acid were 5.0 microm and 6.2 microm respectively. apparent vmax values ...19863085110
some properties of lipoxygenase activities in cytosol and microsomal fractions of mouse epidermal homogenate.lipoxygenase activity in microsomal fraction of mouse epidermal homogenate was characterized in comparison with cytosol lipoxygenase activity. the major activity was identified as 12-lipoxygenase in microsomal fraction as well as in cytosol fraction by the analyses with high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. apparent km values of cytosol and microsomal 12-lipoxygenase for arachidonic acid were 5.0 microm and 6.2 microm respectively. apparent vmax values ...19863085110
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