
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19882852761
establishment and characterization of an epstein-barr virus negative b-cell lymphoma cell line and successful ebv-negative b-cell lymphoma cell line designated as hbl-1 was established from the pleural effusion of a patient with malignant lymphoma, diffuse, large cell. surface marker studies revealed that hbl-1 cell possessed the same phenotypes of a mature b-cell as the original lymphoma cell from pleural effusion. hbl-1 closely resembled morphologically to the original lymphoma cells observed in the lymph node biopsy and pleural effusion. chromosome analysis revealed that hbl-1 cells showed chromos ...19882854303
magnetic resonance imaging of ischemic bowel in rabbit model.acute mesenteric ischemic bowel disease is a common yet complex disorder with high morbidity and mortality rates predominantly caused by delayed diagnosis. we examined the role of magnetic resonance imaging (mri) in the early detection of small bowel ischemia using the rabbit model. surgical ligation of the appropriate arterial vascular supply to the ileum of 10 rabbits produced the ischemic compromise. the animals were imaged at different time intervals after the arterial occlusion. multislice, ...19883343117
complete separation of nine equine oestrogens by high-performance liquid chromatography. 19883346348
estrogen- and antiestrogen-induced ornithine decarboxylase activity and uterine growth in the rat.the estrogen antagonists tamoxifen and monohydroxytamoxifen are also classified as partial estrogen agonists. in infantile rats, estradiol induced a single peak of uterine odc activity at 6h following injection regardless of the extent of induction by various estradiol doses. by contrast, the timing of the odc activity peak induced by tamoxifen and monohydroxytamoxifen was highly dependent upon the dosing conditions and was delayed to 18 h at lower tamoxifen doses. in immature rats, tamoxifen an ...19883347055
[a patient with acute secretory diarrhea caused by an autochthonous infection with vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 19883347287
a theoretical framework for evaluation and treatment of the victims of child sexual assault by a nonfamily member.thirty-seven families whose children were victims of sexual abuse by a nonfamily member were evaluated and treated during a nine-month period. the average age of the children was 5.36 years. the youngest children were boys, and all the adolescents were girls. a theoretical framework adapted from ferreira's and byng-hall's work was developed to assess and treat child victims of sexual molestation and their families. the format consists of three concepts. first, the trauma from sexual abuse, being ...19883360096
purification and characterization of a family of high molecular weight surface-array proteins from campylobacter fetus.a variety of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria possess crystalline surface layers, although little is known of their function. we previously have shown that the high molecular weight surface-array proteins of campylobacter fetus are important in both the pathogenicity and antigenicity of this organism. for biochemical and immunological characterization, we purified high molecular weight (100,000, 127,000, 149,000) surface-array proteins from three c. fetus strains using sequential gel fil ...19883360785
high expression of functional adenovirus dna polymerase and precursor terminal protein using recombinant vaccinia virus.initiation of adenovirus (ad) dna replication occurs by a protein-priming mechanism in which the viral precursor terminal protein (ptp) and dna polymerase (pol) as well as two nuclear dna-binding proteins from uninfected hela cells are required. biochemical studies on the ptp and dna polymerase proteins separately have been hampered due to their low abundance and their presence as a ptp-pol complex in ad infected cells. we have constructed a genomic sequence containing the large open reading fra ...19883362670
a comparison of the effects of measured, predicted, estimated and constant residual volumes on the body density of female athletes.the body density (bd), and hence the relative body fat (% bf) was measured for 182 female athletes. the residual volume (rv) was determined both before and after the underwater weighing by a multiple breath helium dilution technique with the subject immersed to neck level. the absolute mean difference (lxdl) and see between the two rv trials were 63 and 75 ml, respectively. these increased to values ranging 144-685 and 187-252 ml, respectively, when the mean of the two rv trials for each subject ...19883366515
time course of adaptation to hypoxia in newborn newborn rats after a few minutes of hypoxia, ventilation is similar to the normoxic value. nevertheless, after a few days in hypoxia, newborn rats have a sustained hyperventilation. in this study we examined the time course of the newborn rat's adaptation to hypoxia. measurements of body size, hematocrit, lung and heart mass, and breathing pattern have been performed on newborn rats exposed to hypoxia (10% o2) for different time intervals from 4 to 60 h (hypoxic, h), and on same-age rats grow ...19883370546
occurrence of vibrionaceae in natural and cultivated oyster populations in the pacific northwest.studies were done to assess the role of oysters from the pacific northwest as a potential source of vibrionaceae. oysters collected from natural and cultivated populations on the british columbia coast were opened using sterile instruments. the gills and oyster meat were each removed, and the meat was cut in half. the gills and the cut surface of the oyster meat were each cultured by inoculating them directly to the surface of agar plating media for the isolation of vibrionaceae. overall, 120 oy ...19883370928
vibrio parahaemolyticus (kanagawa-negative) wound infection in a hospital dietary employee.vibrio parahaemolyticus is an estuarine bacterium that is a major cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. occasionally, this organism has also been shown to be the causative agent of wound infections. in almost all cases of gastrointestinal disease only strains that produce hemolysin ("kanagawa-positive") are implicated. we have isolated a kanagawa-negative strain of v. parahaemolyticus from serous wound drainage of the infected foot of a hospital dietary employee. to our knowledge, this is only the ...19883370930
effects of lignocaine and bupivacaine on regional myocardial function and coronary blood flow in anaesthetized dogs.empirical i.v. doses of lignocaine or bupivacaine of equal local anaesthetic potency were administered to halothane-anaesthetized dogs. both local anaesthetics caused the expected depression of global haemodynamic function. regional myocardial systolic shortening was depressed similarly by both agents. regional myocardial dysfunction, seen as post-systolic shortening, occurred to a similar extent with both lignocaine and bupivacaine. coronary blood flow and coronary perfusion pressure were signi ...19883377951
protein kinase c in the developing rat liver, heart and brain.ontogenic changes of protein kinase c in the rat liver, heart and cerebrum were examined from 17-day gestation until adult. cerebral protein kinase c activity was 19 times less at 17-day fetal as compared to 15-day postnatum or older rats. the enzyme activity in the heart was generally higher in the neonatal period than the adult, but was not correlated with the previously reported alpha 1-adrenergic and cholinergic receptor ontogeny. likewise in the liver, the enzyme activity was not correlated ...19883383720
risk assessment for acquiring meningitis tuberculosis among children not vaccinated with bcg: a case-control study.this case-control study was conducted to assess the risk, among children aged 0-12 years, of developing meningitis tuberculosis (mt) associated with a lack of intradermal bcg vaccination. cases (45) of mt admitted for treatment at the fundacao benjamin guimaraes hospital (belo horizonte, mg, brazil), from 1975 to 1981, were matched for age at hospitalization, date of hospitalization and nutritional status, with two types of controls--patients with acute diarrhoea (ad) and patients with acute non ...19883384537
postoperative wound infection associated with vibrio parahaemolyticus in a patient without exposure to seawater.this report describes a case of wound infection associated with vibrio parahaemolyticus. the patient had ingested steamed crabs 7 days before admission for surgical treatment of intestinal obstruction due to colon carcinoma. the vibrio sp. was isolated from postoperative wound drainage as well as from stool. recovery was uneventful.19883384932
progesterone regulation of secretory component (sc): uterine sc response in organ culture following in vivo hormone steroid hormones are known to have profound effects on mucosal immunity. in the present study we evaluated the effects of progesterone on the uterine immune system by determining the changes in the levels of secretory component (sc) released from uterine tissues in culture following in vivo administration of progesterone to estradiol-stimulated ovariectomized rats. sc is a transport protein which moves iga into external secretions such as intestinal and uterine secretions. sc release was det ...19883386246
australian fraud inquiry under way. 19883386761
dissociation of hcg-receptor complex and detection of hcg receptors in human chorionic tissues.we developed a radioreceptor assay (rra) system for investigating occupied hcg receptors by using a rat testis membrane fraction. treatment with dithiothreitol, neuraminidase, and low ph (3.3) buffer partially dissociated hcg from its receptor with dissociation rates of 42.8%, 35.2%, and 68.7%, respectively. specific receptor rebinding was unaffected and showed competitive inhibition of [125i]hcg rebinding by unlabeled hcg. scatchard plot analysis yielded a rebinding km of 1.798-3.496/pm. high c ...19883392440
biological activities of lipid a from vibrio parahaemolyticus: stimulation of murine peritoneal macrophages.the toxicity and macrophage stimulating property of vibrio parahaemolyticus lipid a was studied. the ld50 dose of lipid a in galactosamine-sensitized mice was found to be 0.6 micrograms when injected intraperitoneally. administration of lipid a resulted in stimulation of peritoneal macrophages as evident by increase in their cellular rna contents and lysosomal enzyme activities. the treatment also caused enhancement in the phagocytic activity of macrophages.19883393096
attachment of a vibrio parahaemolyticus strain to rabbit brush border membranes.the attachment of a clinical isolate of vibrio parahaemolyticus to brush border membranes isolated from rabbits was studied, using transmission electron microscopy. the bacterial cells adhered to the brush borders, apparently with a small space between the cell wall and the surface of the microvilli. no extracellular structures were seen to be involved in the process of adhesion.19883394451
[the differentiation of bordetella bronchiseptica strains. 7. phenotypic changes in bordetella bronchiseptica through changes of phase]. 19883395180
flagellar dynamometer controls swarmer cell differentiation of v. parahaemolyticus.swarmer cell genes, laf, are induced when v. parahaemolyticus is grown on the surface of solidified media, embedded in solidified media, suspended in viscous media, or agglutinated with antibody in liquid media. these conditions have in common the constraint of the movement of the polar flagellum. to test the hypothesis that the polar flagellum functions as a sensor necessary for control of swarmer cell formation, we have constructed a variety of mutations in genes encoding components of the pol ...19883396074
[allergen analysis of mugwort pollen (artemisia vulgaris) using crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis and radioallergosorbent test inhibition].it could be identified 43 antigens of mugwort pollen (artemisia vulgaris), 31 migrating anodically and 12 cathodically, by means of crossed immunoelectrophoresis (cie). eleven antigens bound human ige-antibodies in crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis (crie). two major allergens could be found, allergens 23 and 40.- the allergenic activity of mugwort pollen extract was examined by means of rast-inhibition. specificity of this reaction could be determined by a control trial with grass pollen extrac ...19883400558
influence of macrogol bases on the bioavailability of bacampicillin after rectal administration in rabbits. 19883416367
experimental contact sensitization with 3,4,5-trichloropyridazine.the potential of 3,4,5-trichloropyridazine to induce contact sensitization was assessed in the guinea pig maximization test of magnusson and kligman and also in the closed patch test described by buehler. the test material was a 1% solution of 3,4,5-trichloropyridazine in a highly refined mineral oil. the test material elicited moderate to severe irritation when diluted in mineral oil to concentrations of 15-25% and minimal irritation at concentrations of 1-3%. both tests clearly indicated that ...19883416588
genetic characterization of leishmania isolates at 37 enzyme loci. 19883417374
spinal cord penetration of intrathecally administered cytarabine and methotrexate: a quantitative autoradiographic study.carcinomatous meningitis is an increasingly common complication of systemic cancer. treatment usually involves the use of intrathecal methotrexate or cytarabine, which have been reported to be toxic to the spinal cord. this study was performed to determine the penetration and distribution of intrathecally administered chemotherapy within the spinal cord. tritiated methotrexate and cytarabine were administered intraventricularly and by lumbar puncture to new zealand white rabbits. the extent and ...19883418727
hiv seroprevalence in migrant and seasonal farmworkers--north carolina, 1987. 19883136308
vibrio parahemolyticus-associated diarrhea in spain. 19883137059
development of a highly sensitive bead-elisa to detect bacterial protein toxins.a highly sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect bacterial toxins was developed. fab' of anti-toxin igg was conjugated with horseradish peroxidase by the maleimide method and tetramethylbenzidine was used as substrate. as the solid phase, a 6.5 mm diameter polystyrene bead was used and this was coated with the anti-toxin igg. the entire assay could be completed within 3.5 hr. the sensitivity of this bead-elisa was found to be quite high with various bacterial toxins: less ...19883143897
poor lifestyle modification among intravenous drug users assisted at a sexually transmitted disease clinic for hiv infection diagnosis, madrid, 1987. 19883146273
prevention of respiratory distress syndrome.rds continues to be a major problem for premature infants despite a better understanding of its pathophysiology and of ways to try to prevent it. to date, prenatal administration of glucocorticoids has been the most widely used method of accelerating fetal lung development. however, several limitations of this therapy have prompted the search for alternative approaches. most efforts have focused on the potential use of combined hormonal therapy with glucocorticoids and either thyroid hormones or ...19883146813
isolation of the early phase of chylomicron formation in intestinal epithelial cells of rats.lipid is first observed electron microscopically in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of intestinal epithelial cells during active lipid absorption. we have been able to isolate this subcellular fraction by using discontinuous sucrose gradients of 0.25/0.86/1.11 m sucrose. a preliminary low speed centrifugation of mucosal homogenate removed the heavier subcellular organelles. the resulting supernatant was centrifuged at 5.25 x 10(6) x g.min. the pellet from this centrifugation was placed on top of ...19883147719
[effects of intracerebroventricularly injected cholecystokinin octapeptide on the electric activities of pain-reacted neurons in nucleus parafascicularis of thalamus in rats]. 19883151154
dose-dependent effects of oral and intravenous glucose on insulin secretion and clearance in normal humans.insulin secretion and clearance were studied in 2 groups of 7 normal subjects who each received 25, 50, and 100 g of glucose either orally or intravenously (iv) on separate occasions. insulin secretion rates were calculated during a 1-h base line and for 5 h after glucose administration from a two-compartmental analysis of peripheral c-peptide concentrations using individual kinetic parameters derived after iv bolus injections of biosynthetic human c-peptide. incremental glucose areas after oral ...19883279811
evaluation of four methods for enumeration of vibrio parahaemolyticus.two membrane filter (mf) and two most-probable-number methods for enumerating vibrio parahaemolyticus were compared. the mf methods used elevated-temperature incubations (41 and 42 degrees c) and were more specific than the most-probable-number methods (conducted at 35 degrees c). the mf method with a hydrophobic grid and a repair step was most effective.19883281584
[immunodiagnosis of aids using preparations of the recombinant antigen of the surface protein of the htlv-iii virus].a technological scheme has been developed for purification of recombinant antigen of surface protein (asp) of the causative virus of aids from escherichia coli cells carrying plasmid pl2 which codes for the synthesis of a hybrid polypeptide consisting of phage lambda n protein (59 amino acid residues) and a fragment of sp (env) of hiv virus (569 a.r.). purification of asp is based on two separation principles: fractionation of polypeptides of bacterial lysates by preparative isoelectrofocusing i ...19883285593
effects of acetyl strophanthidin on duration of atrial fibrillation in the neurally-intact and blockaded dog.although the inotropic and dromotropic effects of cardiac glycosides in atrial fibrillation (af) are well recognized, their action on af itself is not clear. accordingly, to determine whether cardiac glycosides prolong af, the duration of electrically induced af, atrioventricular conduction, and left ventricular function were assessed for 30 minutes before and for 30 minutes following intravenous administration of acetyl strophanthidin (as), 20 micrograms/kg, in neurally intact, beta-blocked, an ...19883154634
[albrecht graefe (on the 150th anniversary of his birth)]. 1988358049
platelet adhesiveness in cerebrovascular diseases. 1988266564
preretirement health planning. 1988259398
delayed onset of secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. 1987204179
team building in a psychiatric hospital. 1987203685
trimethoprim used for selective decontamination of the digestive tract in rats: possible route of excretion.selective elimination of enterobacteriaceae species from the digestive tract of rats has been accomplished by oral treatment with trimethoprim (235 mg/kg body weight/day) within 6 days. in the present study it was investigated whether this elimination was mainly due to antimicrobial activity of trimethoprim excreted with the gastrointestinal mucus or mainly by non-absorbed trimethoprim in the lumen contents. by means of whole gut irrigation (wgi) the lumen contents were washed out, followed by m ...19873497436
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect shiga toxin of shigella dysenteriae and related toxins.a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed for detection of shiga toxin. four species of shigella, escherichia coli, and vibro parahaemolyticus were tested for production of shiga or shiga-like toxin by elisa and vero cell bioassay. in the elisa, most strains of s. dysenteriae and some strains of e. coli isolated from traveler's diarrhea were positive. these elisa-positive strains were positive by vero cell bioassay without exception. some e. coli strains and most v. para ...19873539985
the complete amino acid sequence of ribosomal protein s12 from bacillus stearothermophilus.the amino acid sequence of ribosomal protein s12 from bacillus stearothermophilus has been completely determined. the sequence data were mainly obtained by manual sequencing of peptides derived from digestion with trypsin, staphylococcus aureas protease and pepsin. a few overlaps of tryptic peptides were established by dna sequence analysis of a chromosomal fragment containing the rpsl gene coding for ribosomal protein s12. the protein contains 138 amino acid residues and has an mr of 15,208. co ...19873542563
surveillance of food poisoning and other food-borne diseases in singapore.the more important food-borne diseases in singapore are food poisoning, enteric fever, cholera and hepatitis a. bacterial food poisoning caused by staphylococcus aureus, salmonella and vibrio parahaemolyticus is prevalent, but chemical poisoning due to ingestion of toxic plants and animals is uncommon. enteric fevers have been brought under control. an increasing proportion of the cases reported in recent years were imported from southeast asia and the indian subcontinent. cholera continues to b ...19873446000
observation on a 65-kilodalton protein isolated from kanagawa positive strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus.crude hemolysin from four kp+ strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus belonging to serotype 02:k3 exhibited a major protein band (molecular weight, 65 kilodaltons (kda] in addition to a previously known thermostable direct hemolysin band (molecular weight, 21 kda) in sds - polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. these strains showed maximum virulence leading to 100% mouse lethality within 2-6 h. it is hypothesized that this 65-kda protein may play a vital role in the pathogenesis of the disease caus ...19873446347
screening of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates for plasmids. 19873450594
immunohistochemical demonstration of pyloric gland-type cells with low-pepsinogen isozyme 1 in preneoplastic and neoplastic tissues of rat stomachs treated with n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine.the appearance of pyloric gland-type cells with a low pepsinogen isozyme 1 (pg 1) content in the stomach mucosa of f344/du rats during stomach carcinogenesis was examined by a combination of paradoxical concanavalin a (con a) staining and immunohistochemical staining for pg 1. male f344 rats were given drinking water containing 100 micrograms n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine [(mnng) cas: 70-25-7]/ml for 30 weeks and then normal tap water and were killed in week 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 70. unt ...19873470552
reflections on infections by the sea. or another form of seasickness. 19873473305
actions of prostaglandins e2 and f2 alpha on release of 14c-labelled mucins from rat submandibular salivary acini in vitro.mucin secretion was studied in vitro using well-characterized preparations of isolated acini. pge2 significantly (p less than 0.05) increased release of [14c]-glucosamine labelled mucins at the highest concentration tested (10(-5) m), but was ineffective at lower doses (10(-9)-10(-6) m). pgf2 alpha had no effect on mucin secretion over this concentration range. pge2 (10(-9)-10(-5) m) did not modify isoproterenol stimulated mucin secretion. the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (10(-7)-10(-5) ...19873482153
adult respiratory distress syndrome. a live e coli septic primate model. 19873548404
the morphology and distribution of serotonin-like immunoreactive fibers in the cat dorsal column nuclei.fibers showing serotonin-like immunoreactivity (5-ht-li) are demonstrated in the gracile, cuneate and external cuneate nuclei of the cat using avidin-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase and indirect fluorescence immunohistochemical methods. 5-ht-li fibers are located in all cytoarchitectural subdivisions of the gracile and cuneate nuclei but are restricted to the medial half of the external cuneate nucleus. in all nuclei, 5-ht-li fibers consist of long, varicose strands showing a wide range in t ...19873554006
calcitonin gene-related peptide in the ventral tegmental area: selective modulation of prefrontal cortical dopamine metabolism.the distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide (cgrp) in the a10 dopamine (da) cell group region of the ventral tegmental area (vta) of the rat was examined using immunohistochemical techniques. cgrp-like immunoreactivity was localized to axons innervating the rostral and dorsal vta. direct administration of cgrp to the vta of the rat resulted in a dose-related increase in da utilization in the medial prefrontal cortex, but not other mesocortical, mesolimbic, or striatal da terminal field r ...19873554009
restorative dentistry.various restorative methods like composite crowns, parapulpar pin reconstructions or vast crowns and bridges, are evaluated against each other. also new methods for repair of jaw-fractures in dogs and cats by means of parapulpar pins and composites are discussed.19873554609
ranking possible carcinogenic hazards.this review discusses reasons why animal cancer tests cannot be used to predict absolute human risks. such tests, however, may be used to indicate that some chemicals might be of greater concern than others. possible hazards to humans from a variety of rodent carcinogens are ranked by an index that relates the potency of each carcinogen in rodents to the exposure in humans. this ranking suggests that carcinogenic hazards from current levels of pesticide residues or water pollution are likely to ...19873563506
decreased sialic acid content of erythrocytes in patients with aplastic anaemia.the sialic acid content of erythrocytes from patients with aplastic anaemia was determined and compared with those in patients with several haematological disorders and healthy individuals. the sialic acid was released enzymatically with vibrio cholerae sialidase and quantitated by the thiobarbituric acid method (aminoff, 1961). the sialic acid content of normal erythrocytes was 538 +/- 31 nmol/ml of packed erythrocytes. that of erythrocytes from patients with aplastic anaemia was 480 +/- 35 nmo ...19873567088
the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship in conscious dogs.the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship (espvr) has been shown to be an afterload-insensitive descriptor of ventricular inotropic state in the isolated heart. the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of changes in afterload, heart rate, intravascular volume, autonomic tone, and inotropic state on the espvr in conscious dogs. in 30 dogs, left ventricular and pleural pressures were measured with micromanometers, and left ventricular volume was assessed with global ultrasonic crys ...19873568332
flow-cytometric characterization of stimulation, free radical formation, peroxidase activity and phagocytosis of human granulocytes with 2,7-dichlorofluorescein (dcf).a standardized four-step assay for the flow cytometric determination of the oxidative activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnl) from normal human individuals and from septic patients was developed, using 2,7-dichlorofluorescin-diacetate (dcfh-da) as indicator for the intracellular formation of h2o2 and free radicals. spontaneous h2o2 and free radical formation was measured by preincubation of buffy coat pmnls from fresh peripheral venous blood at 37 degrees c and ph 7.4 with 10 micro ...19873569301
amino acid sequence of thermostable direct hemolysin produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus.the complete amino acid sequence of the subunit of thermostable direct hemolysin, a dimeric protein composed of identical subunits isolated from vibrio parahaemolyticus, was determined by sequencing brcn-peptides, their tryptic peptides, and overlaps obtained by achromobacter protease i digestion. the subunit consists of 165 amino acid residues with the sole disulfide bond between cys 151 and cys 161. it is deduced that the biologically active hemolysin is formed by noncovalent association of su ...19873571196
a signal sequence domain essential for processing, but not import, of mitochondrial pre-ornithine carbamyl transferase.studies using deletion mutagenesis indicate that a processing recognition site lies proximal to the normal cleavage position between gln32 and ser33 of pre-ornithine carbamyl transferase (poct). poct cdna was manipulated to delete codons specifying amino acids 22-30 of the signal sequence. the mutant precursor, designated poct delta 22-30, was imported to the matrix compartment by purified mitochondria, but remained largely unprocessed; the low level of processing that was observed did not invol ...19873571328
further improvement of high-speed nmr flow-velocity measurement using a differential phase-encoding nmr imaging technique applicable to high-velocity flow imaging is described. by subtraction of two phase images obtained by varying the flow-encoding gradient, it is possible to extract much larger ranges of velocity components. this differential phase-encoding technique is tested by experiments in a phantom as well as a human volunteer.19873574062
pulsatile release of antipyretic neuropeptide alpha-msh from septum of rabbit during fever.the effects on fever of central administration of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-msh) and its antiserum, the specific increase in central concentration of alpha-msh during fever, and related results indicate that this neuropeptide is important to central nervous system (cns) regulation of the febrile response. the present experiments were designed to establish whether alpha-msh is released from septal tissue during fever and, if so, in what temporal course relative to the febrile re ...19873591986
laser influence on the rate of degeneration of damaged nerves.the sciatic nerves were sectioned and sutured back. the rate of degeneration at the point of suture was studied. laser treatment increased the rate of degeneration of the damaged fibers.19873592253
na+/adenosine co-transport in vibrio parahaemolyticus.adenosine transport in vibrio parahaemolyticus was studied. na+ greatly stimulated adenosine uptake. addition of adenosine to a cell suspension under anaerobic conditions elicited na+ uptake, and the na+ uptake was inhibited by monensin, an na+ ionophore. imposition of an electrochemical potential of na+ or a membrane potential in energy-depleted cells elicited adenosine uptake. therefore, adenosine transport in this organism was concluded to proceed by an na+/adenosine co-transport mechanism. t ...19873607042
serological studies of british leptospiral isolates of the sejroe serogroup. iii. the distribution of leptospires of the sejroe serogroup in the british isles.some 94 strains of leptospires belonging to the sejroe serogroup isolated in the british isles were identified to the serovar level using specific factor sera. seventy strains were identified as leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo, 66 from cattle, 2 from pigs and 1 each from a sheep foetus and a human. twenty-four strains were identified as l. interrogans serovar saxkoebing, most strains were isolated from either wood mice, bank or field voles but strains were also isolated from badgers, a fox ...19873609169
expression of "retinal" contrast gain control by neurons of the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus.this paper describes the temporal tuning of cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat (27 x cells, 51 y cells) and how this changes with stimulus contrast. drifting sinusoidal gratings of optimal spatial frequency were presented at 7 temporal frequencies (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 hz) and 4 contrasts (10, 20, 40, 80%). for some cells response growth at all temporal frequencies was proportional to changes in contrast. thus, their temporal tuning functions, on log-log axes, were displace ...19873609203
extent of fiber regeneration after peripheral nerve repair: silicone splint vs. suture, gap repair vs. graft.the degree of regeneration in surgically repaired sciatic nerves in rats was measured using a simple new electrophysiologic method: comparison of the size of nerve responses evoked by stimulation distal and proximal to the anastomosis. five different repair procedures were evaluated. after simple end-to-end suture anastomosis, about 40% of the severed parent fibers regenerated past the suture line. the result was substantially improved when the anastomosis was covered with a newly designed thinw ...19873609219
video display terminals--how they affect the health of clerical workers. 19873647778
[contamination of seafood by vibrio parahaemolyticus in taiwan].from october 1984 to september 1985, a total of 770 seafood samples, collected from the retail markets of 8 coastal cities in taiwan, were tested for the contamination of vibrio parahaemolyticus. the results showed that 352 samples (45.7%) were contaminated by v. parahaemolyticus. the detection frequencies of various samples were as follows: 40.0% fish samples, 22.3% fish fillets, 44.4% shrimps and 47.8% crabs of the crustacea group, 68.7% bivalve shellfish and 31.9% non-bivalve shellfish of the ...19873652783
the effect of corneal contact lenses on the oxygen tension in the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye.the oxygen tension in the aqueous humor in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes was measured continuously with a polarographic electrode. the normal oxygen tension in the anterior chamber was 23 +/- 2 mm hg (mean +/- sd, n = 4). a contact lens was then placed on the cornea for at least 10 min and the drop in oxygen tension recorded. a hard polymethylmethacrylate lens reduced the oxygen tension by 16 +/- 4 mm hg, and a larger hydroxyethylmethacrylate soft lens (soflens) decreased oxygen tension by ...19873654146
the l- and r-type isozymes of rat pyruvate kinase are produced from a single gene by use of different promoters.cdna clones for rat r-type pyruvate kinase and a genomic clone encoding both l- and r-type isozyme mrnas were isolated. their sequences were compared with that of the l-type isozyme cdna to determine the sequences of mrna and protein of the r-type isozyme and the organizations of the l- and r-type genes. results showed that the r-type isozyme mrna had an identical nucleotide sequence to that of the l-type except in the 5'-terminal region including the coding sequence and the length of the 3'-unt ...19873654663
synthesis of 7a-substituted benzoylaminoalkyl-hexahydro-1h-pyrrolizines and evaluation of their antiarrhythmic activity.several 7a-substituted benzoylaminoalkyl-hexahydro-1 h-pyrrolizines were synthesized by acylations of 7a-aminoalkyl-hexahydro-1 h-pyrrolizines. all compounds synthesized were evaluated for their antiarrhythmic activities using the chloroform-mouse method, and some of them were found to have significant antiarrhythmic activities, comparable to that of procainamide.19873656104
endogenous bursting by rat supraoptic neuroendocrine cells is calcium dependent.1. phasic bursting by magnocellular neuroendocrine cells (m.n.c.s) in vivo causes increased vasopressin release from axon terminals in the neurohypophysis. in the supraoptic nucleus of the coronal hypothalamic slice thirty-two of sixty-five m.n.c.s recorded intracellularly displayed repetitive bursting, either spontaneously or during a low level of tonic current injection. 2. of the thirty-two repetitive bursters, twenty-four received no apparent patterned synaptic input and the phasic burst beh ...19873656152
metabolic fate in the dog of the nitroxide moiety in a compound with potential utility as a contrast agent in mri.nitroxides, paramagnetic compounds with demonstrated effectiveness as contrast agents in proton magnetic resonance imaging, shorten the relaxation times of protons and therefore cause an increase in image intensity in tissues into which they distribute. in this study, the metabolic fate of the nitroxide moiety was examined in the dog using a pyrrolidine nitroxide derivative, 2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl-3-carboxylic acid, for which contrast-enhancing properties have been previously stud ...19873657496
metabolic fate in the dog of the nitroxide moiety in a compound with potential utility as a contrast agent in mri.nitroxides, paramagnetic compounds with demonstrated effectiveness as contrast agents in proton magnetic resonance imaging, shorten the relaxation times of protons and therefore cause an increase in image intensity in tissues into which they distribute. in this study, the metabolic fate of the nitroxide moiety was examined in the dog using a pyrrolidine nitroxide derivative, 2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl-3-carboxylic acid, for which contrast-enhancing properties have been previously stud ...19873657496
na+ modulates the k+ permeability and the membrane potential of alkalophilic the absence of na+ in the medium, the membrane potential of obligately alkalophilic bacillus cells was found to be decreased by the addition of k+ to the medium, whereas k+ addition in the presence of na+ had no effect. rb+ showed essentially the same effect as k+. the decreased membrane potential was quickly restored by lowering the k+ concentration in the medium or by adding na+ or li+ to the medium. thus, in the absence of na+, the membrane potential of alkalophilic bacillus seems to be af ...19873663674
liposome as an adjuvant for the production of estradiol antibodies.mice immunized with liposome associated estradiol-bovine serum albumin conjugate (e2-bsa) showed a significantly higher estradiol-specific immune response than did mice injected with the free conjugate. the conjugation of estradiol with bsa is imperative, since injection of liposomes with estradiol in the lipid bilayer was found to be ineffective in inducing an immune response. entrapment of e2-bsa in neutral and positively charged liposomes was found to be a potent mode of immunostimulation, ev ...19873666803
crystal violet ring response as a marker for in vitro detection of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus & shigella spp. 19873666851
[roentgeno-morphological characteristics of post-traumatic deformities in children]. 19873670811
acute diarrhoea in adults: a prospective study.a prospective study of 74 adults with acute diarrhoea was carried out in sydney in 1984-1985 to determine the infective agents that were involved and their relationship to clinical, epidemiological and laboratory features. thirty-four potential pathogens were identified in 32 (43.2%) patients. these included, in order of frequency: campylobacter spp., rotavirus, clostridium difficile, salmonella enteritidis, aeromonas hydrophila, vibrio parahaemolyticus, adenovirus, a small round virus and giard ...19873683260
age-dependent activation of glucocorticoid receptors in the cerebral hemispheres of male rats.the binding of [3h]dexamethasone-receptor complexes to purified nuclei was studied in the cerebral hemispheres of immature (3-week-old) and mature (26-week-old) long-evans male rats to determine the age-related changes, if any, in the physicochemical properties of glucocorticoid receptors. our data show that heat activation (for 45 min at 25 degrees c) significantly enhances the nuclear binding of [3h]dexamethasone-receptor complexes in rats of both ages, with a greater magnitude in immature rat ...19873690338
valanimycin acts on dna in bacterial cells. 19873294774
colocalization of microtubule-associated protein 1a and microtubule-associated protein 2 on neuronal microtubules in situ revealed with double-label immunoelectron microscopy.microtubule-associated protein 1a (map1a) and microtubule-associated protein 2 (map2) were shown to be colocalized on the same microtubules (mts) within neuronal cytoskeletons by double-label immunoelectron microscopy. to investigate the electron microscopic disposition of map1a and map2 and their relationship to mts in vivo, and to determine whether there are different subsets of mts which specifically bind either map1 or map2, we employed a double-label immunogold procedure on rat cerebella us ...19873294858
x-linked gene expression and x-chromosome inactivation: marsupials, mouse, and man compared.the existence of paternal x inactivation in australian and american marsupial species suggests that this feature of x-chromosome dosage compensation is not a recent adaptation, but probably predates the evolutionary separation of the australian and american marsupial lineages. although it is theoretically possible that the marsupial system is one of random x inactivation with p greater than 0.99 and q less than 0.01 and dependent on parental source, no instance of random x inactivation (p = q or ...19873298156
comparison between proteinases of human seminal plasma and of sperm origin.a comparison of the alkaline proteinase activity of human seminal plasma, the seminal non-gamete cellular material and spermatozoa was made by gelatin-sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (gelatin-sds-page) zymography. several major (molecular weights = greater than 56,000) and minor (35,000 to 44,000) bands of proteinase activity were seen in the seminal plasma samples from nonvasectomized and vasectomized, healthy donors. similar activity profiles were observed in the nong ...19873305451
foodborne diseases in india. 19873308696
effect of acute renal failure on insulin disposition in the isolated perfused rat kidney.the renal disposition of insulin in acute renal failure has not been evaluated. we used the isolated perfused rat kidney to test the hypothesis that acute renal failure (arf) decreases renal insulin clearance. we used warm ischemia for 45 min, uranyl nitrate 5 mg/kg, ureter ligation, and nonfiltering kidneys as methods of inducing arf. comparisons were made with normal control kidneys. the concentrations of insulin in perfusate and urine was determined by radioimmunoassay. acute renal failure ca ...19873318499
[the effect of an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor on fatty liver in obesity]. 19873320414
ascending urinary tract infections in rats induced by staphylococcus saprophyticus and proteus mirabilis.ascending pyelonephritis was induced by staphylococcus saprophyticus and proteus mirabilis both by inoculating the organisms separately and in combination into rat bladders. bacterial cultures of tissue homogenates showed that pyelonephritis by both bacteria occurred significantly more often in rats where the two organisms were instilled concomitantly, suggesting a synergistic virulence between the two species. the antibody response to the different organisms was the same either the bacteria wer ...19873326399
ascending urinary tract infections in rats induced by staphylococcus saprophyticus and proteus mirabilis.ascending pyelonephritis was induced by staphylococcus saprophyticus and proteus mirabilis both by inoculating the organisms separately and in combination into rat bladders. bacterial cultures of tissue homogenates showed that pyelonephritis by both bacteria occurred significantly more often in rats where the two organisms were instilled concomitantly, suggesting a synergistic virulence between the two species. the antibody response to the different organisms was the same either the bacteria wer ...19873326399
[cloning and expression in escherichia coli of vibrio parahaemolyticus thermostable direct hemolysin and thermolabile hemolysin genes]. 19873329243
the effects of backward pairings on the conditioning of the albino rabbit's jaw movement and nictitating membrane responses. 19873502901
murine "housekeeping" enzyme (genetic locus: idh-1) is regulated in an allele-specific manner.the murine "housekeeping" enzyme, cytosolic nadp-isocitrate dehydrogenase (e.c. (genetic locus: idh-1), exhibited a complex pattern of allele-specific expression. protein electrophoresis on cellulose-acetate gels and determination of relative enzymatic activity by means of densitometry revealed that in heart tissue (but not liver tissue) of certain hybrid crosses the aa-homodimer was underrepresented relative to total enzymatic activity, and the degree of underrepresentation changed dur ...19873502970
a quantitative morphological examination of bovine vulval skin adult cows the volumes of sweat and sebaceous glands per unit skin surface area (ssa) in the vulva were greater (p less than 0.01) than in the neck, lip or eyelids. within this perineal region skin gland volumes were greater dorsally than ventrally (p less than 0.01). adult cows had much greater (p less than 0.01) volumes of perineal skin glands per unit ssa than 8 weeks or 6 weeks old heifer calves or steers. there was little or no difference between animal categories in neck skin gland dime ...19873503046
report of the committee on the genetic constitution of chromosomes 10, 11, and 12. 19873507274
plasmid patterns, serotyping and kanagawa phenomenon of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from man, water and fish in calcutta, india. 19873507428
Displaying items 4401 - 4500 of 6009