
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
characterization of putrescine production in nongrowing vibrio parahaemolyticus cells in response to external osmolality.nongrowing vibrio parahaemolyticus cells rapidly produced putrescine (put) from added arginine when subjected to a low osmotic stress. this phenomenon was characterized in connection with a regulatory mechanism of the responsible enzymes, arginine decarboxylase (adc) and agmatine ureohydrolase (auh). nacl, kcl, licl, sucrose, and glycerol were used as solutes to prepare the resuspending media with various osmolalities. regardless of whether the solutes were electrolytes or non-electrolytes, expo ...19892543889
purification and characterization of membrane-bound 5'-nucleotidase of vibrio parahaemolyticus.membrane-bound 5'-nucleotidase from vibrio parahaemolyticus was solubilized and purified using a nonionic detergent, heptyl-beta-d-thioglucoside, and was characterized. this enzyme required mg2+ for activity, maximum activity being observed at 5 and 20 mm mg2+ with amp and atp, respectively, as substrates. of the divalent cations tested, mn2+ and co2+ were able to replace mg2+ partially, whereas ca2+ was ineffective. zinc strongly inhibited the enzyme activity and ni2+ caused partial inhibition. ...19892546926
cloning and expression of the 5'-nucleotidase gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus in escherichia coli and overproduction of the enzyme.the gene encoding the membrane-bound 5'-nucleotidase of vibrio parahaemolyticus was cloned and expressed in escherichia coli. cells of e. coli harboring a plasmid, pnut5, which carries the 5'-nucleotidase gene were able to grow on atp as the sole source of carbon, although the original cells were not. the 5'-nucleotidase activity was detected in whole cells of e. coli harboring pnut5 and in membrane vesicles prepared from these cells. most properties of the 5'-nucleotidase produced in e. coli, t ...19892546929
hypoxic changes in hippocampal neurons.1. reversible effects of brief periods of anoxia (replacing 95% o2-5% co2 with 95% n2-5% co2 for 2-4 min) were studied in ca1 neurons in hippocampal slices (from sprague-dawley rats), kept in an interface-type chamber at 33.5 degree. 2. the predominant voltage change during anoxia (n2) was a hyperpolarization, accompanied by a marked fall in resistance and excitability; synaptic potentials were also depressed, especially inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (ipsps). 3. in voltage-current (v-i) plo ...19892547034
specificity of transposition of tn7 in vibrio parahaemolyticus.tn7 was found to transpose at a high frequency from the plasmid, rp4::tn7, to the chromosome of vibrio parahaemolyticus. seven isolates carrying tn7 insertions were derived from three wild-type strains isolated from geographically distinct areas, and hindiii and bsteii dna digests of these strains were probed with a cole1::tn7 biotinylated probe. the results indicated that v. parahaemolyticus is similar to several other species which have been studied in having a highly preferred site of inserti ...19892550986
enzyme polymorphism and clinical variability of diseases: a study of diabetes mellitus.we investigated possible relations among four common neonatal manifestations of diabetic pregnancy (macrosomia, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, jaundice) and four enzyme polymorphisms (pgm1, ada, ak1, acp1 in a sample of infants born of diabetic mothers. the pattern of associations observed between the two sets of variables is consistent with known differences in enzymatic activity within phenotypes of each system, suggesting that low enzymatic activity may have unfavorable effects on fetal developm ...19892556341
effect of glucocorticoids and limiting nursing on the carbohydrate digestive capacity and growth rate of piglets.the influence of glucocorticoid administration and limited nursing on piglet carbohydrase enzyme development and subsequent growth was examined in three experiments using 371 piglets. treatments in the first two experiments were formed by the factorial arrangement of hydrocortisone (-hyd or +hyd) and limited nursing (-ln or +ln) imposed form d 14 to weaning (d 28). hydrocortisone was replaced by adrenocorticotropic hormone (acth) in the third experiment. growth rates were severely depressed by h ...19892556355
[acute maternal anterior poliomyelitis in a non-endemic zone].the authors report the case of a 26 year old woman with acute anterior poliomyelitis contracted during the vaccination of her baby. despite having been herself vaccinated in infancy she was not protected against the poliovirus. the clinical interest of this uncommon case is a severe paralytic state with definitive paraplegia. the authors suggest serologic testing of patients born before 1967 especially if they are at risk of encountering the virus.19892561040
concept of the existence of human papillomavirus (hpv) dna in histologically normal squamous epithelium of the genital tract should be re-evaluated.because of the crucial importance of guiding current thinking in the field of hpv epidemiology, the concept of the existence of hpv dna in histologically normal squamous epithelium was re-evaluated. a series of 102 randomly collected cervical punch biopsies, previously proved to contain the dna of hpv types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31 or 33 by in situ hybridization were subjected to analysis for the localization of hpv dna, i.e., whether found in the normal epithelium or at the lesion site only. this mate ...19892561041
in-vivo effects of (e)-2-(3',4'-dimethoxyphenyl)-3-fluoroallylamine (mdl 72145) on amine oxidase activities in the rat. selective inhibition of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase in vascular and brown adipose hour after mdl 72145 ((e)-2-(3',4'-dimethoxyphenyl)-3-fluoroallylamine) (2.5 mg kg-1) was given by intraperitoneal injection, the semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (ssao) activity of rat aorta and brown adipose tissue measured in-vitro was reduced by more than 95% of its control value, whereas the monoamine oxidase (mao-a) activity remained virtually unaffected. the action of this drug on amine oxidases in the liver at this dose was less selective. the in-vitro effect of mdl 72145 on the ...19892565962
effects of toxin isolated from the sea anemone bolocera tuediae on electrical properties of isolated rat skeletal muscle and cultured myotubes.electrophysiological effects of a polypeptide toxin isolated from the sea anemone bolocera tuediae (bttx ii) on isolated fast and slow rat skeletal muscle and on cultured rat myotubes are described in this paper. nanomolar concentrations of bttx ii cause a concentration-dependent depolarization. this effect is prevented by the presence of tetrodotoxin. action potential duration is prolonged in all preparations investigated, with the fast muscle being the least sensitive. the positive overshoot a ...19892566207
genome type analysis of adenoviruses: isolates from one year from the hannover area.adenoviruses (av), isolated from 138 children during the year 1981 in the hannover area, were studied by dna restriction analysis with the enzymes bamhi, bglii, bsteii, ecori, hindiii, kpni, and smai and compared with the respective prototypes. varying fragment patterns were depicted and genome types analyzed. prototype-like strains of av1 and 5 were not found. types 2, 5, 1, 3, and 7 showed decreasing genetic variation in that order. altered restriction sites were physically mapped on the genom ...19892566302
adherence targets of vibrio parahaemolyticus in human small intestines.formalin-fixed human small intestinal mucosa with mucus coating, villi, and lymphoid follicle epithelium at the mucosal surface was used to test the adherence sites of clinically isolated (kanagawa phenomenon-positive) strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus. v. parahaemolyticus strains grown on cfa agar (supplemented with 3% nacl) for ca. 3 h at 37 degrees c possessed various levels of cell-associated hemagglutinins (has) which were detected with human or guinea pig erythrocytes. the observed adhere ...19892568344
recombinant human erythropoietin treatment in patients on maintenance home haemodialysis. 19892570273
campylobacter pylori, gastrin, acid secretion, and duodenal ulcers. 19892570297
hydrogen peroxide mutagenicity towards salmonella bioassays conducted under controlled, comparable conditions, weak direct mutagenicity responses were observed for hydrogen peroxide in the standard (ames test) agar plate incorporation bioassay with salmonella typhimurium strains ta97, ta98, ta102, and ta1537, in a 20 min preincubation test with strains ta97, ta98, ta100, ta102, ta1537, and ta1538, and in a liquid incubation modification using strain ta1537. these results conclusively demonstrate that hydrogen peroxide is a weak mutagen, espe ...19892572065
increased migration inhibition factor production by leukocytes of patients with herpes zoster given the leukocyte ultrafiltrate.using the direct leukocyte migration inhibition assay, the cell-mediated immune response was followed in together 47 patients suffering from herpes zoster. of these, 19 persons were treated with partially purified and concentrated lysed leukocyte ultrafiltrate. enhancement and/or earlier production of the leukocyte migration inhibition factor--in the presence of varicella-zoster virus antigen--was observed by leukocytes from patients given the ultrafiltrate on days 2-3 since the onset of the ves ...19892576583
the cardiovascular effect of intracerebroventricular endothelin in investigate the cardiovascular action of endothelin within the central nervous system, we studied the effect of intracerebroventricular endothelin in conscious wistar rats. the endothelin increased blood pressure and the heart rate in a dose-related way. the increase in mean blood pressure produced by 100 ng/kg of endothelin (45 +/- 6 mmhg, mean +/- s.e.m., n = 10) was much greater than that produced by the same amount of intravenous endothelin (4 +/- 1 mmhg, n = 7). pretreatment with intrave ...19892576664
effect of urapidil on the performance of ischaemic myocardium in anaesthetized dogs.the effect of urapidil on the ischaemic myocardium was studied in eight anaesthetized dogs. stenosis of the left descending coronary artery reduced blood flow and systolic contraction of the post-stenotic myocardium by about 50%; the end-diastolic length of the post-stenotic myocardium and the end-diastolic pressure increased, while aortic pressure slightly decreased. subsequent administration of urapidil (0.25 + 0.25 + 0.5 + 1.0 mg/kg intravenously) did not affect the systolic shortening and en ...19892576670
an experimental study of susceptibility to infection after hemorrhagic shock.hemorrhagic shock has been associated with an increased risk of infection after injury. the immediate and long term effects of hemorrhagic shock without tissue injury on the susceptibility of an animal to infection and the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent infection in this setting were examined. sprague-dawley rats were subjected to hemorrhagic shock (ld15) by bleeding to a mean arterial pressure of 45 millimeters of mercury for 45 minutes and were resuscitated with shed blood and n ...19892911791
renal metabolism of the oxidized form of ascorbic acid (dehydro-l-ascorbic acid).we evaluated whether specific transport and metabolic properties exist in rat and guinea pig kidney for handling the immediate oxidative product of ascorbic acid, dehydro-l-ascorbic acid. isolated tubules were used to measure uptake of 10 microm [14c]-dehydro-l-ascorbic acid over an 8-min incubation period. uptake did not show dependence on the bathing media electrolyte composition but was inhibited to some extent by glucose. in tubules of both animal species the majority of 14c label present in ...19892912166
improved sexual function in hemodialysis patients on recombinant erythropoietin: a possible role for it was reported that correction of anemia in long-term hemodialysis patients by recombinant human erythropoietin (r-huepo) is associated with improved sexual function, we conducted the present study to further delineate the mechanism(s) by which this is brought about. serum prolactin, testosterone, and parathyroid hormone (pth) levels were followed during 4 months of r-huepo therapy. within 4 months of treatment with r-huepo, hematocrit values rose from 23.7 +/- 1.2 to 35.7 +/- 0.2% and hemog ...19892914405
iron regulation of swarmer cell differentiation of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus has two distinct cell types, the swimmer cell and the swarmer cell, adapted for locomotion in different circumstances. the swimmer cell, produced when the bacterium is grown in liquid media, is a short rod with a single sheathed polar flagellum. the swarmer cell, produced when v. parahaemolyticus is grown on solidified media, is greatly elongated and synthesizes, in addition to the polar flagellum, numerous unsheathed lateral flagella which are responsible for translocati ...19892914871
saturable binding sites mediate the entry of african swine fever virus into vero cells.binding experiments of 3h-labeled african swine fever virus to susceptible vero cells have shown the presence of saturable binding sites for african swine fever virus on the plasma membrane. the scatchard analysis of the binding data at equilibrium indicates the existence of about 10(4) cellular receptor sites per cell with a dissociation constant (kd) of 70 pm. virus entry into vero cells is mediated by a saturable component, since tritiated african swine fever virus saturable binding and uptak ...19892916331
britain launches genome program. 19892928800
monoclonal antibodies to o4 antigen of vibrio parahaemolyticus.four monoclonal antibodies were prepared against o4 antigen of vibrio parahaemolyticus. all the antibodies were shown to be specific for o4 antigen by agglutination with heat-killed o-cells of the organism and precipitation with lps preparations. the inhibition experiments of the precipitations with various sugars and oligosaccharides suggested that the combining sites of these hybridoma antibodies were directed to an antigenic determinant structure containing----3 and----6 linked d-glucose, d-g ...19882453784
comparison of hemolysins of vibrio cholerae non-o1 and vibrio hollisae with thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.hemolysin (vh-rtdh) produced by vibrio hollisae and hemolysin (nag-rtdh) produced by vibrio cholerae non-o1 were characterized and compared with hemolysin (vp-tdh) produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus. these three hemolysins are each composed of two subunits and have similar, but not identical, molecular weights. the amino acid compositions of vp-tdh and nag-rtdh are similar, but are different from that of vh-rtdh. the three hemolysins showed similar lethal toxicities to mice. the effects of temp ...19882466545
fibronectin is a component of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-insoluble transglutaminase substrate.liver plasma membranes contain a morphologically distinct protein complex which serves as a substrate for the plasma membrane-associated transglutaminase. the complex, which appears as a two-dimensional sheet, is insoluble in sodium dodecyl sulfate and reducing agents and has been named sits for sodium dodecyl sulfate-insoluble transglutaminase substrate (tyrrell, d. j., sale, w. s., and slife, c. w. (1988) j. biol. chem. 263, 1946-1951). polyclonal antibodies raised against sits were used to pr ...19882897368
effect of human growth hormone-releasing factor (1-29)nh2 on growth hormone release and milk production in dairy cows.twelve cows (209 d in lactation, 642 kg bw) were used in an experiment conducted over four 10-d periods (one preinjection, one injection, and two postinjection). gelatine (n = 6) or 10 mg of growth hormone-releasing factor in gelatine (n = 6) was injected subcutaneously at 1000 h every day on d 11 to 20. data were averaged for the last 5 d of each period. during the injection period, milk, fat, and protein yields increased by 3 kg.d-1 (14.3%), .14 kg.d-1 (16.7%), and .12 kg.d-1 (15.4%), respecti ...19882897385
the tissue distribution of the 3 alpha-fucosyl-n-acetyl lactosamine determinant recognized by the cd15 monoclonal antibodies cmrf-7 and 27.two monoclonal antibodies, cmrf-7 and 27, which react with cells of the granulocytic series, were obtained from hybridomas cloned from separate fusions. biochemical studies indicate that both antibodies are of the cd15 group and react with the antigenic determinant 3 alpha-fucosyl-n-acetyl lactosamine (hapten x) expressed on some glycolipids and several different granulocyte glycoproteins with a wide range of molecular weights. the antigen was found on some promyelocytes and more differentiated ...19882897656
gastric secretion and gastrin under progressive doses of somatostatin-14 and -28 administered intraperitoneally to the rat.the actions of progressive doses of intraperitoneally (ip) administered somatostatin-14 (ss-14) and -28 (ss-28) on gastric secretion (acid, pepsin) and mucosal blood flow (mbf) were studied in conscious gastric fistula rats both under basal conditions and under additional administration of pentagastrin. also, somatostatin-like immunoreactivity was measured in aortal blood in all groups as well as aortal gastrin levels under basal conditions. ip infusion of equimolar doses of ss-14 and ss-28 resu ...19882897678
importance of pulmonary blood volume and aortic blood pressure in regulation of left ventricular function. 19882900297
responses of hippocampal pyramidal cells to putative serotonin 5-ht1a and 5-ht1b agonists: a comparative study with dorsal raphe low cerveau isolé transected rats, the effects of microiontophoretic application of putative serotonin 5-ht1a and 5-ht1b agonists on the spontaneous firing rate of ca1 pyramidal cells were compared to those of 5-ht. in contrast to the large current-dependent suppression of unit activity observed with 5-ht, the 5-ht1a compounds, ipsapirone, 8-oh-dpat (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)-tetralin) and ly 165163 (p-aminophenylethyl-m-trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine) and the 5-ht1b compounds, mcpp (m- ...19882901680
evidence of functional alpha 2-adrenergic receptors in adult-rat adipocytes by using the agonist uk 14304.the aim of this study was to re-assess whether alpha 2-adrenergic receptors were present in rat adipocytes, by using uk 14304, a new and very selective alpha 2-agonist. the following observations demonstrate the presence of functional alpha 2-adrenoceptors in rat adipocytes. (1) adipocyte lipolysis was dose-dependently inhibited by uk 14304 (maximal effect 80% at 1 microm-uk 14304, 45% at 10 microm-uk 14304, under basal or theophylline-stimulated conditions respectively). (2) uk 14304 bound spec ...19882901830
effect of oversulphated chondroitin and dermatan sulphate upon thrombin and factor xa inactivation by antithrombin iii or heparin cofactor ii.the kinetics of inhibition of human thrombin and factor xa by antithrombin iii or heparin cofactor ii were examined under pseudo-first-order conditions as a function of the concentration of naturally occurring oversulphated chondroitin and dermatan sulphates. the sulphated glycosaminoglycans (gags) studied were chondroitin sulphate d (csd) (glca-2-so4-galnac-6-so4), chondroitin sulphate k (csk) (glca-3-so4-galnac-4-so4), chondroitin sulphate h (csh) (ida-galnac-4,6-diso4) and polysulphated derma ...19882902851
production of pili on vibrio parahaemolyticus.electron microscopic examination showed that all strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus examined had pili on their surface when the organism was grown on marine agar at 28 degrees c for 6-12 h. the pili were morphologically stable on heat treatment at 60 degrees c for 10 min, but both the lateral and polar flagella possessed by this organism were labile. no immunological cross-reactivity between pili of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and vibrio cholerae non-01 and those of v. parahaemolyticus was ...19882905206
[purification and characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus pili isolated from a patient with diarrhea: comparative studies with vibrio cholerae o1 pili]. 19882907917
the relationships between oligomeric structure and function of band 3 protein from human erythrocyte membranes: present knowledge and suggestions for further experiments. 19882976450
sensitivity of some marine bacteria, a moderate halophile, and escherichia coli to uncouplers at alkaline ph.the inhibitory effects of uncouplers on amino acid transport into three marine bacteria, vibrio alginolyticus 118, vibrio parahaemolyticus 113, and alteromonas haloplanktis 214, into a moderate halophile, vibrio costicola nrc 37001, and into escherichia coli k-12 were found to vary depending upon the uncoupler tested, its concentration, and the ph. higher concentrations of all of the uncouplers were required to inhibit transport at ph 8.5 than at ph 7.0. the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlor ...19883045092
current perspectives on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of clinically significant vibrio spp.recent taxonomic advances have now implicated several different vibrio species as human pathogens. while the most common clinical presentation of vibrio infection continues to be gastroenteritis, an increasing number of extraintestinal infections are being reported, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. detection of vibrio infections requires a good clinical history and the use of appropriate isolation and identification procedures by the laboratory to confirm illnesses attributed to vi ...19883058295
[absence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in raw fish]. 19883064232
insulin controlled-release microcapsules to prolong the hypoglycemic effect in diabetic rats.a solvent evaporation process was employed for preparing insulin microcapsules by using biodegradable polymers [polylactic acid (pla), hp-55] and non-biodegradable polymers [ethylcellulose (ec), ethylenevinyl acetate (eva)]. the release behavior of insulin microcapsules in ph 7.4 phosphate buffer solution was undertaken by a continuous flow column method. seven types of insulin microcapsules were respectively injected into the flanks of fasting-diabetic sd rats induced by streptozotocin. the glu ...19883064829
the role of the ras oncogene in the formation of tumours.a c-ha-ras 1 oncogene, cloned from the ej human bladder carcinoma cell line, was inserted into a shuttle vector carrying the selectable marker gene gpt that encodes the enzyme xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase. this construct, psv2gptej, was transfected into nih 3t3 cells by the calcium phosphate precipitation method and cells that had incorporated the plasmid were selected by growth in the presence of mycophenolic acid to which gpt confers resistance. a number of transfectant clones w ...19883075615
the role of the ras oncogene in the formation of tumours.a c-ha-ras 1 oncogene, cloned from the ej human bladder carcinoma cell line, was inserted into a shuttle vector carrying the selectable marker gene gpt that encodes the enzyme xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase. this construct, psv2gptej, was transfected into nih 3t3 cells by the calcium phosphate precipitation method and cells that had incorporated the plasmid were selected by growth in the presence of mycophenolic acid to which gpt confers resistance. a number of transfectant clones w ...19883075615
purification and characterization of a hemolysin produced by a clinical isolate of kanagawa phenomenon-negative vibrio parahaemolyticus and related to the thermostable direct hemolysin.a clinical isolate (strain 4037) of kanagawa phenomenon-negative vibrio parahaemolyticus was studied. although the strain was judged to be kanagawa phenomenon-negative by various conventional tests, it produced a new hemolysin (named vp-trh, for thermostable direct hemolysin [vp-tdh]-related hemolysin) that was related to the vp-tdh produced by ordinary kanagawa phenomenon-positive v. parahaemolyticus. vp-trh was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and successive column chromatographies o ...19883126151
decreased locomotor activity produced by repeated, but not single, administration of murine-recombinant interferon-gamma in mice.a single treatment with murine-recombinant interferon-gamma (murifn-gamma; 30 micrograms/mouse), whether evaluated immediately after, or four hrs after, intraperitoneal injection, does not alter open field activity levels. on the other hand, repeated murifn-gamma administration (30 micrograms/mouse/day for 5 days) results in decreased spontaneous locomotor activity and an increase in body weight.19883126371
serum albumin adducts in the molecular epidemiology of aflatoxin carcinogenesis: correlation with aflatoxin b1 intake and urinary excretion of aflatoxin m1.aflatoxin-serum albumin adducts in the blood of 42 residents of guangxi province, people's republic of china, were determined and compared with intake of aflatoxin b1 (afb1) and excretion of aflatoxin m1 (afm1) in urine. blood specimens were obtained during the same period that urine was collected and that diet was sampled. serum albumin was isolated from blood by affinity chromatography on reactive blue 2-sepharose and subjected to enzymatic proteolysis using pronase. immunoreactive products we ...19883133131
prostacyclin biosynthesis and phospholipase activity in hypoxic rat myocardium.phospholipid metabolism was studied in rat myocardial slices that were incubated under normoxia or hypoxia for up to 24 hours. phospholipid degradation was prominent in hypoxic myocardium, particularly phosphatidylcholine, which markedly decreased after 24 hours of hypoxia. in contrast, lysophosphatidylcholine increased. the mechanism of phospholipid degradation in hypoxic myocardium was studied. the highest activity for phospholipase a2 among subcellular fractions was found in microsomal fracti ...19883133132
bone mineral metabolism in experimental diabetes mellitus: osteocalcin as a measure of bone remodeling.the etiology of diabetic osteopenia has not been established. the value of serum osteocalcin (bgp) as a marker of the bone abnormalities and the possible role of the polyol pathway in diabetic osteopenia were investigated. three groups of rats were studied over 7 weeks: group d (n = 12), rats with streptozotocin (55 mg/kg)-induced diabetes given saline by gavage; group ds (n = 12), rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes given the aldose reductase inhibitor sorbinil (25 mg/kg) daily by gavage; ...19883133194
structural and functional studies of the effects of sympathetic nerve stimulation on rabbit submandibular salivary glands.continuous sympathetic stimulation at 8-10 hz caused intense vasoconstriction in the gland, so stimulation was generally given in an interrupted pattern to minimize this detrimental effect on secretion. only a small increase in fluid secretion occurred; it became thick and tended to block the cannula; therefore in later experiments the main duct was not cannulated. after sympathetic stimulation there was substantial degranulation of acinar cells. however, as this was accompanied by little moveme ...19883165262
characterization of muscarinic receptor subtypes on human peripheral better define the role of muscarinic receptors in lung responses and airway diseases, we characterized the binding of the m1-specific antagonist, [3h]pirenzepine (pz), and the nonspecific (m1- and m2-) antagonist, [3h]quinuclidinyl benzilate (qnb), to human peripheral lung tissue. data obtained from 15 different lung specimens showed that the radioligands bound to single high-affinity sites with dissociation constant (kd) values ranging from 1 to 9 nm for [3h]pz and 0.03 to 0.46 nm for [3h]qn ...19883170410
survival of vibrio parahaemolyticus in two gastropod molluscs, clithon retropictus and nerita albicilla. 19883172602
isolation from a coastal fish of vibrio hollisae capable of producing a hemolysin similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a vibrio isolated from the intestine of a coastal fish was identified as vibrio hollisae by its biochemical characteristics. the isolate reacted with the gene probe for the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus. the hemolysin produced by the isolate from the fish had traits identical to those of the thermostable direct hemolysin-like hemolysin produced by a clinical strain of v. hollisae.19883178217
temporal relationship of vibrio parahaemolyticus in patients and the environment.we prospectively compared the occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in patients and the environment in the pacific northwest. inpatient and outpatient stool and wound specimens and water samples from 10 estuarine sites were cultured for v. parahaemolyticus over a period of 3 years. v. parahaemolyticus infections were detected in 13 patients (8 with gastroenteritis; 5 with wound infections), and all of the infections were found in outpatients in physicians' offices. ten of the infections were loc ...19883183022
sodium butyrate increases glucose transporter expression in llc-pk1 cells.the effect of sodium butyrate on the expression of the facilitated glucose transporter (gt) was investigated in the pig kidney cell line llc-pk1. when cells were treated with butyrate, gt mrna expression was remarkably enhanced with a maximal effect at 5 mm. levels of gt mrna were increased at 1 day after butyrate treatment and continued to increase for at least 4 days; however, acetate and propionate did not affect gt mrna levels significantly. the induction of gt mrna by butyrate was accompani ...19883186708
hepatotoxicity of cyclophosphamide in man: pharmacokinetic analysis.of 44 patients with neoplasia treated with cyclophosphamide (cpa), 19 (43%) had a transient elevation of serum levels of aminotransferases. in these patients, regardless of the combination chemotherapy regimen given, the incidence of liver dysfunction was 33%, when the total cpa dose was less than 400 mg/m2 (group a) and 73% with higher doses (group b). prior to the initiation of cpa treatment, pharmacokinetics of cpa were investigated in 15 patients. plasma aucs of cpa and phosphoramide mustard ...19883187190
differential modulation of host cell and hiv gene expression by combinations of avarol and azt in vitro.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) gene expression is modulated by some virus-encoded proteins, possibly acting at multiple levels of control, which are also known to be involved in the regulation of gene expression in uninfected cells (transcriptional, post-transcriptional, nucleocytoplasmic transport, and translational control). two anti-hiv-1 drugs, avarol and 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine, which inhibit viral replication by differential mechanisms, were used to study the role of cytopl ...19883190740
chicken liver basic fatty acid-binding protein (pi = 9.0). purification, crystallization and preliminary x-ray data.chicken liver basic fatty acid-binding protein (pi = 9.0) has been purified with a high yield by a modification of a method originally applied to rat liver. the final product is highly homogeneous and can be used to grow crystals that belong to two different space groups. the crystals are either tetragonal, space group p4(2)2(1)2 with a = b = 60.2 a and c = 138.1 a or orthorhombic, space group p2(1)2(1)2(1) with a = 60.7 a, b = 40.1 a and c = 66.7 a. the second form appears to be more suitable f ...19883191992
activities and properties of putrescine-biosynthetic enzymes in vibrio parahaemolyticus.the biosynthetic pathways for putrescine (put) in vibrio parahaemolyticus were delineated by measuring activities of the enzymes which would be involved in its biosynthesis. experiments with labeled arginine and ornithine revealed that both of these amino acids were converted into put by intact cells. the activities of three enzymes, arginine decarboxylase (adc), ornithine decarboxylase (odc), and agmatine ureohydrolase (auh), were detected in cell extracts. adc and odc of v. parahaemolyticus we ...19883193911
the disposition of [2,3-14c]-methyl and [2,3-14c]-2-ethylhexyl acrylate in male wistar albino rats.the disposition of methyl [2,3-14c]-acrylate (ma) and 2-ethylhexyl [2,3-14c]-acrylate (eha) following intraperitoneal and oral administration to rats has been studied. the 14c found in the tissues was mainly associated with liver, kidneys and lungs. loss of 14c from these tissues occurred fairly rapidly, excluding the rats given eha intraperitoneally. most of the administered acrylates underwent rapid metabolism and excretion with expired air (more than 50% of the dose and urine (10-50% of the d ...19883196152
[food poisoning caused by halophilic vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 19883212540
coccidiocidal efficacy of a single treatment of toltrazuril in naturally infected lambs. 19883212906
[demonstration of new k-antigens in strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from patients with traveller's diarrhea]. 19883216491
effect of aminooxyacetic acid on the release of preloaded [3h]gaba and radioactive metabolites from slices of developing mouse brain.the release of [3h]gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) and its radioactive metabolites from slices of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, striatum and brain stem of developing and adult mice was studied. the slices were incubated and superfused in the absence and presence of the gaba aminotransferase (gaba-t) inhibitor aminooxyacetic acid (aoaa). exposure to 100 microm aoaa totally inhibited gaba-t and all radioactivity released from slices was in authentic gaba. in studies on developing brain the 10-mi ...19883216949
toxin profiles of vibrio cholerae non-o1 from environmental sources in calcutta, india.a collection of vibrio cholerae non-o1 isolated from the aquatic environs of calcutta, a cholera-hyperendemic area, were examined for the production of cholera toxin (ct), shiga-like toxins (vero toxins), heat-stable enterotoxin, and hemolysins. two (0.5%) v. cholerae non-o1 isolates produced ct. the dna from both these isolates also hybridized with a dna probe containing sequences encoding the a subunit of ct. none of the strains produced shiga-like toxins or heat-stable enterotoxin. hemolytic ...19883223774
chlamydial pneumonia of infancy in siblings.we describe two brothers born 16 months apart who were hospitalized with culture-proved chlamydial pneumonia of infancy due to the same immunotype of chlamydia trachomatis. presumably the mother had either been chronically infected or had been reinfected. chlamydial pneumonia of infancy is a preventable disease if genital infection in pregnant women is diagnosed and treated. however, if pregnant women at high risk are not screened for c. trachomatis, multiple offspring may acquire the infection ...19883227475
excision of cutaneous tumors in the horse using histologic guidance.a highly successful surgical technique for removing cutaneous tumors in humans was used in seven horses with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (n = 3) or sarcoid (n = 4). in humans, the complete underside of the tumor is evaluated histologically by processing horizontal sections from the tumor base, and orientation between the wound surface and the undersurface of the excised tumor is maintained by mapping both surfaces. the technique ensures that small foci of residual tumor can be located accu ...19883227634
effects of endotoxemia on systemic plasma loss and hematocrit in rats.endotoxemia in rats increases plasma extravasation but does not result in continuously rising hematocrit. these contradictory observations led us to design a study in anesthetized rats (c, control rats, n = 10; e, endotoxin rats, n = 10) in which we continuously measured in blood hematocrit (conductivity cell) and changes in concentration of 125i-hsa (human serum albumin) and 51cr-labeled red cell (51cr-rbc; multichannel analyzer) in an extracorporeal circuit. in two additional series of experim ...19883231125
effect of ph, nacl, temperature and time of incubation on the probability of vibrio parahaemolyticus growth initiation in a model broth. 19883232624
consequences for swine farm income of depopulation as a disease control measure. 19883232640
individual free fatty acids and lactate uptake in the human heart during severe sepsis.coronary haemodynamics and myocardial metabolism of nonesterified fatty acids (nefa) and lactate were studied in 11 patients with severe sepsis, and compared to 10 control subjects. coronary sinus blood flow was evaluated by thermodilution. arterial and coronary sinus blood samples were collected for the measurement of lactate and total and individual nefa concentrations both in septic and control patients. there was an increase in lactate and total nefa arterial concentrations with a marked inc ...19883232957
[kidney morphology in hemolytic-uremic syndrome].morphology of the kidneys in hemolytic-uremic syndrome is considered basing on autopsy findings obtained for 3 infants with 5-17-day history of acute renal failure. a newborn infant of 17 days developed the disease after feto-fetal hemotransfusion when macerated fetus-donor hemolysis products entered the circulation of the fetus-recipient through monochorionic placenta. the second case in an infant of 6 months was due to adtp vaccine. the last infant aged 16 months manifested the syndrome in the ...19883233069
[effectiveness of distal gene translation in polycistrons depends upon the arrangement of regulatory signals on a template].the role of the translational terminator and initiator signals arrangement for two adjacent genes in polycistronic mrna has been studied. semisynthetic beta-galactosidase gene (lacz) of e. coli and fragment of phage m13 dna (with promoter pviii, gene ix, and part of gene viii) were used for constructing of the ix-viii-lacz artificial polycistronic operon. cloning of the constructs into pbr322 vector resulted in a number of plz381n plasmids differing by the mutual arrangement of gene viii transla ...19883233097
partial characterization of a fraction from human follicular fluid that initiates the human sperm acrosome reaction in vitro.a human follicular fluid (hff) fraction prepared by sephadex g-75 column chromatography has been previously shown by this laboratory to initiate the human sperm acrosome reaction (ar) in vitro. in the present report, the apparent molecular weight (mw) of this ar activity determined by a longer g-75 column than was used in the previous work was 50,000 +/- 5,106. the g-75 sephadex void volume fractions of some but not all hff samples were also found to contain some ar-initiating activity. the occa ...19883235026
effect of ionizing radiation on macrophage stimulating property of vibrio parahaemolyticus lipopolysaccharide. 19883243588
the effects of anions on fluid reabsorption from the proximal convoluted tubule of the rat.1. fluid reabsorption from surface proximal tubules of the rat was measured in vivo using stationary microperfusion techniques. reabsorptive rate (jv) was measured from droplets containing chloride as the main reabsorbable anion and when chloride was substituted by bromide, iodide, nitrate, acetate, isethionate or methylsulphate in either the tubular lumen alone or in both lumen and peritubular capillaries. 2. in tubules with an intact blood supply, droplet volume decreased in a manner best desc ...19883256612
on the time-dependent diffusion of macromolecules through transient open junctions and their subendothelial spread. i. short-time model for cleft exit this two-part study we shall quantitatively study, using time-dependent models, the hypothesis that transient open junctions associated with widely scattered endothelial cells undergoing mitosis are the structural equivalent for the large pore pathway via which macromolecules the size of albumin or larger cross the vascular endothelium. in an earlier steady-state model [am. j. physiol. 248, h945-960 (1985)], the authors demonstrated that such an open-junction pathway could quantitatively acco ...19883256708
[a lipoma of the cerebellopontile angle].the case of a 38-year old man with a lipoma of the left cerebellopontine angle is presented. while the clinical signs of that tumour are unspecific, an exact diagnosis is possible by ct and mri. as in other reported cases only an incomplete removal of the tumours was made because of the adherence of the lipoma to the nerves of the cpa.19883261397
[a lipoma of the cerebellopontile angle].the case of a 38-year old man with a lipoma of the left cerebellopontine angle is presented. while the clinical signs of that tumour are unspecific, an exact diagnosis is possible by ct and mri. as in other reported cases only an incomplete removal of the tumours was made because of the adherence of the lipoma to the nerves of the cpa.19883261397
interleukin 4 promotes the growth of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes cytotoxic for human autologous melanoma.addition of il-4 (1,000 u/ml) to either high or low concentrations of il-2 augmented tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (til) growth from human melanoma. weekly restimulation with irradiated tumor cells in conjunction with il-4 allowed enhanced growth of til. with low-dose il-2 (10 u/ml) and il-4, expanded til had little cytolytic activity against daudi or allogeneic tumors. further, il-4 augmented the total lytic activity against autologous tumors in most cases. with high-dose il-2 (1,000 u/ml), il ...19883264324
malaria infection in rats with stimulated splenic red pulp: the blood flow and protective effect in normal and transplanted splenic tissue.after splenic autotransplantation both weight and blood flow of the regenerated splenic tissue are decreased. in addition, the protective function of the transplant is less compared to that of the normal spleen. in the present study, the red pulp of normal and transplanted splenic tissue was stimulated by injections of phenylhydrazine to increase the weight, the blood flow, and the protective function. after stimulation, the weight of the normal spleen increased to 900 +/- 70 mg (control 530 +/- ...19883265528
megakaryocyte colony-stimulating factor and burst-promoting activity in lps-treated mouse spleen cell-conditioned order to clarify the mechanism(s) of increased splenic hematopoiesis noted in lipopolysaccharide (lps)-injected mice, the effects of spleen cell-conditioned medium (spcm) on megakaryocyte colony (cfu-meg) formation and early erythroid (bfu-e) differentiation were investigated. after spleen cells from lps-injected mice were incubated for 3 days, the spcm was assayed for megakaryocyte colony-stimulating factor (meg-csf) in cfu-meg assay and for burst-promoting activity (bpa) and erythropoietin ...19883265923
effect of recent antibacterial agents against bacteria causing diarrhoea.the susceptibility of 424 bacterial isolates causing diarrhoea were tested by agar dilution technique on mueller-hinton agar against amoxicillin, ampicillin, ceftriaxone, chloramphenicol, co-trimoxazole, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, norfloxacin and ofloxacin. the bacterial species included were aeromonas hydrophila, edwardsiella tarda, pleisomonas shigelloides, salmonella spp., shigella spp., vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus. the most active compounds were the fluorinated 4-quinolones ...19883266900
heterogeneity in chromosome damage and repair rates after bleomycin in ataxia telangiectasia cells.cells derived from patients with ataxia telangiectasia (at) are known to be exceptionally sensitive to ionizing radiation and chemotherapeutic agents such as bleomycin (blm), neocarzinostatin, and etoposide. this increased sensitivity is manifested by high chromosome aberration frequencies after treatment. in order to probe the underlying basis for this phenomenon, the technique of premature chromosome condensation was used to determine whether the increased chromosome damage observed after bleo ...19882446745
mononuclear cell infiltration in central portions of human astrocytomas.the mononuclear cell infiltration in the central portion of human low- and high-grade astrocytomas has been examined using monoclonal antibodies to cell surface differentiation antigens. there was no significant difference between the number of t cells, b cells, or macrophages. the okt8+ (suppressor/cytotoxic) t cell population was the major lymphocyte subset in the infiltrates. there was, however, indirect evidence for a proportion of the total okt8+ cells being natural killer cells. overall, t ...19882830373
mononuclear cell infiltration in central portions of human astrocytomas.the mononuclear cell infiltration in the central portion of human low- and high-grade astrocytomas has been examined using monoclonal antibodies to cell surface differentiation antigens. there was no significant difference between the number of t cells, b cells, or macrophages. the okt8+ (suppressor/cytotoxic) t cell population was the major lymphocyte subset in the infiltrates. there was, however, indirect evidence for a proportion of the total okt8+ cells being natural killer cells. overall, t ...19882830373
prevalence of enteric pathogens in homosexual men with and without acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we studied 388 homosexual or bisexual men from the baltimore-washington area to define the spectrum of enteric pathogen carriage in a population at high risk for "gay bowel syndrome" in association with human immunodeficiency virus infection. seventy-seven patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, 68 gay men with symptoms of acute diarrhea or proctitis, and 243 gay men without gastrointestinal symptoms and participating in a natural history study of human immunodeficiency virus infection ...19882831107
characterization and mapping of the agrocinopine-agrocin 84 locus on the nopaline ti plasmid ptic58.overlapping segments of ptic58 inserted into cosmid vectors were used to characterize the agrocinopine-agrocin 84 locus from the nopaline/agrocinopine a and b agrobacterium tumefaciens strain c58. all of the clones conferring agrocin 84 sensitivity on agrobacteria also conferred uptake of agrocin 84 and agrocinopines a and b. transposon tn3-hoho1 insertion mutations of one such clone were generated that simultaneously abolished agrocin 84 sensitivity and transport of agrocinopines a and b and ag ...19882832379
human cytomegalovirus-associated dnase and the specific immune response in different clinical conditions. 19882837245
mechanism of the epsp synthase catalyzed reaction: evidence for the lack of a covalent carboxyvinyl intermediate in order to detect covalent reaction intermediates in the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (epsp) synthase reaction, we have investigated the interaction of epsp synthase with the reaction product epsp. an exchange of epsp-methylene protons could be demonstrated by incubating epsps with epsp in d2o. since trace amounts of contaminating pi would lead to reversal of epsps reaction and hence methylene proton exchange, we added pyruvate kinase, adp, mg++ and k+. under these conditions, any contami ...19882838023
egg shell quality and cholecalciferol metabolism in aged laying hens.calcium-binding protein d28k (calbindin) synthesis, vitamin d metabolism and shell quality were investigated in young and aged laying hens fed diets containing either cholecalciferol (cc) or its 1-hydroxylated derivatives. duodenal calbindin concentration was similar in the young and in the aged laying hens. exogenous 1-hydroxylated cc derivatives increased duodenal calbindin concentration, regardless of age. shell weight and shell density (mg/cm2) were significantly lower (p less than 0.01) in ...19882841436
detection of leukotriene b4 in cardiac tissue and its role in infarct extension through leucocyte migration.the main left coronary artery of rats was ligated near its origin under light ether anaesthesia and the infarction observed for 48 h. the ischaemic area was determined after an intravenous injection of pontamine sky blue dye 1 h before induction of cardiac arrest with potassium chloride. the unstained area (true ischaemic area) decreased with time to 27.1% of the left ventricle at 48 h, whereas the intensely stained area between the normal and the true ischaemic areas increased with time, sugges ...19882844405
modulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis by naf and aluminum in rat cortical slices.naf stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis in rat cortical slices. the production of [3h]inositol monophosphate was rapid for the first 15 min of incubation with naf, followed by a plateau. the major product detected was [3h]inositol monophosphate, although significant amounts of [3h]inositol bisphosphate and [3h]inositol trisphosphate were also produced. the stimulation of [3h]inositol monophosphate production by naf was concentration dependent between 2 and 20 mm naf. addition of 10 or 100 mic ...19882846782
influence of immunomodulatory agents on bovine humoral and cellular immune responses to parenteral inoculation with bovine rotavirus vaccines.sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (dtc), mycobacterium cell wall extract (mcwe, regressin), killed corynebacterium parvum (c. parvum, immunoregulin) and muramyldipeptide (mdp) were each combined with purified, live bovine rotavirus and inoculated into 3 month-old holstein-friesian calves in order to examine their ability to potentiate specific humoral and cellular immune responses. the vaccinated calves were boosted twice at 3 and 6 weeks after initial vaccine inoculation. the rotavirus was administ ...19882847397
the potassium channel opening action of pinacidil; studies using biochemical, ion flux and microelectrode rat aorta and rat portal vein, (-)- and (+)-pinacidil each produced a concentration-dependent inhibition of tension development. although the (-) isomer was the more potent, concentration effect curves for each isomer were steep with similar slopes. in rat portal vein, tetraethylammonium and procaine antagonised the relaxant effect of (+/-)-pinacidil, whereas 3,4-diamino-pyridine was without effect. intracellular microelectrode recording in rat portal vein showed that low concentrations of (+ ...19882848206
factors influencing the severity of escherichia coli and avian adenovirus group ii infections in chickens.chickens from lines selectively bred for either a high (hh) or low (ll) antibody response to sheep erythrocytes were challenged intravenously with avian adenovirus group ii (aa). spleen size was determined 6 days later. in some experiments the responses of chickens to aa and escherichia coli infections were compared. the level of corticosterone in the feed (15 mg/kg) which resulted in the lowest incidence of pericarditis in response to e. coli resulted in the greatest incidence of large spleens ...19882849405
plasma from uninephrectomized rats stimulates production of inositol trisphosphates and inositol tetrakisphosphate in renal cortical slices.metabolism of inositol phosphates in renal cortical slices was investigated in vitro after addition of plasma from uninephrectomized or sham-operated rats. plasma from uninephrectomized rats stimulated production of insp3 (inositol trisphosphate) when obtained within the first 3 h after uninephrectomy. with different amounts of added plasma a graded response of insp3 production was obtained. this effect could be prevented by 0.1 microm-tpa (12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate). when analysis of ...19882849423
kininase ii from human seminal plasma. isolation and properties.a rapid and highly efficient procedure for purification of kininase ii from human seminal plasma is described. after ultra centrifugation, the enzyme was purified by gel filtration on sepharose 6b cl and ion exchange chromatography followed by affinity chromatography of edta-inhibited enzyme on bradykinin-sepharose. the enzyme was specifically inhibited by captopril and bpp9a but not by phosphoramidon. page in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate under reducing conditions resulted in two major ...19882849459
suppression of sv40-promoted gene expression by differentiation of preadipose cells.when a plasmid bearing the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) gene under the control of an sv40 early promoter is introduced into preadipose or adipose cells of line 3t3-f442a, the promoter directs high levels of transient expression of cat. however, when the plasmid is introduced into preadipose cells and the cells are then allowed to differentiate into adipose cells, the expression of the cat gene is suppressed. in this process, the plasmid is not changed detectably in amount, topology, o ...19882849579
an immunohistochemical evaluation of c-erbb-2 expression in human breast carcinoma.the c-erbb-2 gene codes for a putative transmembrane protein, similar in structure to the epidermal growth factor (egf) receptor. amplification of the gene has been described in a variety of human adenocarcinomas and is particularly well documented in breast carcinoma. it has been suggested that amplification is indicative of poor prognosis and, as such, is comparable with lymph node status as a predictor of clinical outcome. this study examines the suggestion indirectly by an immunohistochemica ...19882849974
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