
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
sequence analysis of nuta gene encoding membrane-bound cl(-)-dependent 5'-nucleotidase of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the membrane-bound 5'-nucleotidase of vibrio parahaemolyticus is unique in requiring cl- for activity. we cloned the nuta gene encoding the 5'-nucleotidase and sequenced it. it contained an open reading frame consisting of 1,680 nucleotides capable of encoding a protein of 560 amino acid residues. the first 21 amino acid residues of the n-terminal portion of this protein seem to be a signal peptide. the rest of the polypeptide (539 residues) is hydrophilic, and its molecular weight was calculate ...19912016269
characterization of a new thermostable direct haemolysin produced by a kanagawa-phenomenon-negative clinical isolate of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the production of two haemolysins, thermostable direct haemolysin (vp-tdh) and a vp-tdh-related haemolysin (vp-trh), by clinical isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus has previously been reported. here we describe a third type of haemolysin (named vp-tdh/i), which is produced by a clinical isolate (strain th012) that is kanagawa phenomenon negative. vp-tdh/i was purified by a series of column chromatographies on deae-sephadex a25, hydroxyapatite, sepharose 4b and mono q. by physicochemical, biolog ...19912016584
experimental liver cysts induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene.liver cyst formation was studied serially in an experimental model in which rats were fed a diet containing 0.02% 2-acetylaminofluorene, a carcinogen, for 6 weeks, followed by a normal diet for 42 weeks. cysts appeared in the portal tracts at the 12th week, by which time the intrahepatic bile ducts had also proliferated and dilated. some of the dilated bile ducts were cavernous or multicystic and appeared to represent a transitional form between the bile duct dilation and cystic formation. after ...19912040399
abrogation of dominant glucose intolerance in sjl mice by a growth hormone transgene.glucose tolerance was studied in transgenic mice (sjl x c57bl/6) expressing human gh under the control of a housekeeping promoter. parental sjl mice were found to harbour a dominant allele, termed here glid, determining glucose intolerance in pure-bred animals and in f1 hybrids with glucose-tolerant c57bl/6 mice. blood glucose levels in transgenic sjl x c57bl/6 hybrid mice were well controlled following glucose challenge, whereas non-transgenic hybrids failed to control their glucose adequately. ...19912043241
the economics of spaying and neutering: market forces and owners' values affecting pet population control. 19912045338
[the prevalence of vibrio parahaemolyticus and its antibodies in seafood handlers in mérida, yucatán].we report the prevalence of vibrio parahaemolyticus and of antibodies against vibrio parahaemolyticus in the feces and serum of fish and seafood handlers in the city of mérida, yucatán, mexico. between march 1 and august 31, 1989, we studied 81 feces samples and 81 serum samples from an equal number of handlers. vibrio parahaemolyticus was not isolated in any of the feces studied. we found no statistically significant differences upon comparing our zero per cent isolation in feces samples with t ...19912053021
[surveys on the contamination of marine fish with non-o1 vibrio cholerae and vibrio mimicus and food poisoning cases by these organisms].the present paper describes the relationship between the contamination with non-o1 vibrio cholerae and vibrio mimicus of marine fish, with special reference to the seasonal variation and the concentration of contamination, and the actual cases of domestic food poisoning by these organisms. a 10 year survey revealed that non-o1 vibrio cholerae (non-o1 v. cholerae) strains were frequently isolated from fish during the summer season with some variations from one year to another, and isolates from f ...19912066602
high level expression of the humanized monoclonal antibody campath-1h in chinese hamster ovary cells.we have cloned the light and heavy chain cdnas for the humanized monoclonal antibody campath-1h and expressed them in chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells using a dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) amplification procedure. each cdna was positioned under control of the strong human beta-actin promoter/polyadenylation signals and used to evaluate alternative vector design and amplification procedures. by employing a dual selection co-transfection strategy, initial transformants accumulated antibody level ...19911367214
influence of low-temperature storage and glucose starvation on growth recovery in escherichia coli rela and rela+ study the influence of microgravity on bacterial growth behavior during a space mission, the special experimental conditions and the hardware environment necessitate storage of cells at low temperature, and permit a relatively short experimental period. before this experimental period, cells have to recover their condition of steady-state growth, because it is only in this condition that the growth behavior of the flight and ground populations can be adequately compared. to meet these require ...19911367237
eukaryotic gene regulation: simple vs complex models.the current generally accepted model of eukaryotic gene regulation is essentially a simple one. regulatory proteins containing separable dna binding and transcriptional activation domains, bind to specific dna sequences in promotors and interact directly or indirectly with the tata box binding factor to increase the rate of transcription initiation at selected promotors. here we present observations suggesting that the process may be more complex.19911367248
serogrouping of halophilic bdellovibrios from chesapeake bay and environs by immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis.little has been reported on the serological relationship of halophilic bdellovibrios (bd). immunodiffusion analysis performed with rabbit or mouse bd antisera developed against eight halophilic bd isolates and one terrestrial bd isolate, when reacted with soluble antigen preparations of 45 isolates of halophilic bd, allowed separation into seven serogroups, which were distinct from the terrestrial isolate. soluble antigen preparations of prey bacteria, vibrio parahaemolyticus p-5 (p-5) and esche ...199116348597
efficiencies of recovery of bdellovibrios from brackish- water environments by using various bacterial species as prey.a total of 44 bacterial species subdivided into 10 trial experiments have been used as prey for the recovery of bdellovibrios from samples of water from a brackish tidal pond and an aquarium saltwater tank. in an initial investigation, the recovery efficiency of each of the test bacterial species was compared with that of a designated standard prey, vibrio parahaemolyticus p-5. the results revealed that in each case strain p-5 yielded an equal or significantly greater number of plaques of bdello ...199016348096
serum fructosamine and lipid profile in type i diabetic children in turkey.serum levels of total cholesterol (tc), triglycerides (tg), lipoprotein cholesterol fractions (hdl-c and ldl-c) and fructosamine (fa) were determined in twenty-three children with type i diabetes and twenty healthy children aged 4-14 years. mean serum tc and hdl-c did not differ significantly between diabetic and nondiabetic children. mean serum tg and fa showed a statistically significant increase in the diabetic group compared to healthy children. it is interesting to note that extremely high ...19902075022
[recurrent thromboembolism disclosing protein c deficiency. apropos of a case with familial investigation].every thromboembolic manifestation, especially in young subjects, calls for an aetiological study in which haemostasis is evaluated primarily with assays of physiological coagulation inhibitors: protein c, protein s and antithrombin iii. protein c deficiency is found in 6 to 7% of thromboembolic manifestations. we report the case of a 21-year old man who had phlebitis followed by pulmonary embolism without facilitating factors. protein c level was 50% of normal value (0.50 iu/ml). the patient re ...19902075365
intraradicular bacteria and fungi in root-filled, asymptomatic human teeth with therapy-resistant periapical lesions: a long-term light and electron microscopic follow-up study.light and electron microscopy were used to analyze nine therapy-resistant and asymptomatic human periapical lesions, which were removed as block biopsies during surgical treatment of the affected teeth. the cases that required surgery represented about 10% of all of the cases which received endodontic treatment and root fillings during the period 1977 to 1984. these cases revealed periapical lesions when they were examined 4 to 10 yr after treatment. the biopsies were processed for correlated li ...19902094761
determination by a site-directed mutagenesis method of active site of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19902101139
etiological agents of diarrhoea.two decades of research have established newer pathogens and techniques in establishing several organisms of diarrhoeal diseases as aetiological agents. it is now possible to detect an agent in 80% of the situation of diarrhoea in a standard laboratory. the brief review describes the list of pathogens, their diagnostic techniques with short description on clinical and epidemiological status.19902101388
properties of a hemolysin related to the thermostable direct hemolysin produced by a kanagawa phenomenon negative, clinical isolate of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a hemolytic toxin (vp-trh) produced by a kanagawa phenomenon negative, clinical isolate of vibrio parahaemolyticus was further characterized. the purified vp-trh showed various biological activities, such as fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal loops, increase of rabbit skin vascular permeability, and cardiotoxicity on cultured myocardial cells, all of which are essentially similar to the activities found with thermostable direct hemolysin (vp-tdh), a pathogenic toxin produced by kanagawa phenomen ...19902118824
photosystem ii characteristics of a constructed synechocystis 6803 mutant lacking synthesis of the d1 polypeptide.photosystem ii (psii) composition was studied in a mutant of the cyanobacterium synechosystis 6803 in which synthesis of the reaction center polypeptide d1 has been inactivated. the mutant thylakoids had lost also the other reaction center polypeptide d2 and the chlorophyll alpha-binding protein cp47. cytochrome b559 and the chlorophyll alpha-binding protein cp43 accumulated to almost wild-type amounts in mutant thylakoids. also the 33 kda polypeptide involved in water oxidation was present and ...19902129398
structural and functional analysis of the first intron of the human alpha 2(i) collagen-encoding gene.the nucleotide (nt) sequence of the first intron of the human alpha 2(i) collagen-encoding gene (col1a2) has been determined from its 5' terminus (nt 207) to nt 2045 with respect to the transcription start point. although the first intron contains elements known to function in transcriptional regulation of other genes (two ap1-binding sites and an alternating gt stretch), comparison of this sequence with that of the mouse col1a2 first intron revealed a low degree of nt sequence identity and very ...19902129528
yolk degradation in tick eggs: ii. evidence that cathepsin l-like proteinase is stored as a latent, acid-activable proenzyme.cathepsin l-like proteinase found in the eggs of the tick ornithodoros moubata is latent during embryogenesis, but can be activated by acid treatment. in crude extracts as well as in partially purified fractions, activation requires reducing conditions and is inhibited by leupeptin, which indicates that it is mediated by a thiol proteinase, probably by the cathepsin l itself. latency disappears in vivo at the time of the acute phase of yolk digestion, which takes place during late embryonic deve ...19902134179
[isolation of enteropathogenic vibrio in bivalves and mud from the nicoya gulf, costa rica].the presence of enteropathogenic vibrio was evaluated in 36 sediment samples and 41 bivalve samples obtained from 3 collecting sites in the golfo de nicoya, costa rica. isolation methods for halophilic and non halophilic vibrio were used. the biochemical profiles of the strains obtained revealed the presence of the following isolates: 224 vibrio parahaemolyticus, 3 v. furnissii, 1 v. damsela and 3 v. fluvialis. v. cholerae was not isolated, due principally to the use of tcbs agar.19902134726
characteristics of the h(+)-translocating adenosine triphosphatase of vibrio parahaemolyticus.we have characterized h(+)-translocating adenosine triphosphatase (atpase) in membrane vesicles of vibrio parahaemolyticus. the atpase required high concentrations (about 0.5 m) of na2so4 (or other salts) for its maximum activity. magnesium ion stimulated the atpase activity, but ca2+ did not. the activity of atpase was inhibited by tetrachlorosalicylanilide, an h+ conductor, but not by another h+ conductor, carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone. the activity was strongly inhibited by dicycloh ...19902140074
[spectroscopy of the liver in vivo using nuclear magnetic resonance. a new approach in hepatic physiopathology].nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectroscopy is a non-invasive means of detecting numerous compounds, thus enabling real-time studies to be carried out on such topics as energy metabolism, intracellular ph and main intermediate metabolism pathways. this method has been used for several years to study perfused livers and rat livers in vivo, but its application to man has just begun. we describe some of its principal uses, with emphasis on the possibilities it offers to investigate the metabolic ...19902140172
[antibiotic sensitivity of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated in the turkmene ssr].sensitivity of 82 cultures of parahemolytic vibrios to 8 antibiotics was studied. it was shown that the majority of the strains were highly sensitive to levomycetin and gentamicin, sensitive to tetracycline, rifampicin, streptomycin, neomycin and kanamycin and resistant to ampicillin.19902141785
rapid purification and characterization of f1-atpase of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the f1 portion of h(+)-translocating atpase as purified from membrane vesicles of vibrio parahaemolyticus by a rapid procedure. the whole purification process (from culture of cells to purification of the enzyme) could be completed in 1 day. the f1-atpase consists of five subunits (alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon) like f1 of escherichia coli and other microorganisms. the f1-atpase of v. parahaemolyticus showed some interesting properties. its activity was greatly stimulated by high concent ...19902142893
modulation of experimentally induced epilepsy by intracerebral grafts of fetal gabaergic neurons.systemic administration of pilocarpine to rats induces seizures that resemble complex partial epilepsy in humans. susceptibility to these seizures is increased by lesion of the gabaergic striatonigral projection. transplantation of fetal gabaergic neurons, but also of control non-gabaergic tissue, to the deafferent substantia nigra can reduce such lesion-increased seizure susceptibility. these observations are consistent with prior evidence that gabaergic basal ganglia outflow plays an important ...19902168529
mechanisms underlying the stimulation of pth release by gppnhp in permeabilized bovine parathyroid cells.we examined changes in camp and inositol phosphate metabolism to assess the contribution of the guanine nucleotide regulatory (g) protein(s) regulating adenylate cyclase and phospholipase c in mediating the stimulatory effects of gppnhp on pth release from permeabilized bovine parathyroid cells. to examine the role of gs, the g protein stimulating adenylate cyclase, and camp on pth release, permeabilized cells were incubated with either gppnhp or isoproterenol, and the effects of these agents on ...19902168660
downregulation of parathyroid hormone receptors in renal membranes from aged rats.the mechanism of the inhibition or blunting of parathyroid hormone (pth)-stimulated na(+)-ca2+ exchange activity in renal cortical cells from aged rats was examined. the number of pth binding sites in basolateral membranes prepared from adult (6 mo) and old (24 mo) rats was quantitated by the binding of the synthetic analogue 125i-labeled [nle8,18, tyr34]bpth-(1-34) amide to the membrane. the maximum number of specific pth binding sites, bmax, was 92.7 +/- 9.3 and 36.7 +/- 6.1 fmol/mg protein, r ...19902168678
from the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases. summary of the 25th united states-japan joint conference on cholera and related diarrheal diseases. 19902201739
migratory deficiency of clithon retropictus hemocytes to vibrio parahaemolyticus and escherichia coli.hemocytes of a marine gastropod, nerita albicilla, but not those of an estuarine gastropod, clithon retropictus, were observed to migrate to live and heat-killed cells of vibrio parahaemolyticus and escherichia coli through nucleopore membrane in blind well chamber. the defective migration of c. retropictus hemocytes might reflect, at least in part, the survival of v. parahaemolyticus in the estuarine gastropod.19902202845
water associated infections. 19902216140
cloning and expression of two genes encoding highly homologous hemolysins from a kanagawa phenomenon-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus t4750 strain.we have cloned and sequenced the gene encoding thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), a possible virulence factor in vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis, from a kanagawa-phenomenon-positive strain, t4750. this strain was found to contain two sequences (tdha and tdhs) homologous to the tdh gene previously reported by nishibuchi and kaper [j. bacteriol 162 (1985) 558-564] and taniguchi et al. [microb. pathog. 1 (1986) 425-432]. sequence homology of the coding regior between tdha and tdhs was 97. ...19902227429
a new species of the genus chauhanellus bychowsky et nagibina, 1969 (monogenea) from the gills of a sea fish tachysurus dussumieri (val.) from andhra pradesh, india.chauhanellus chauhani sp. n., collected from the gills of a sea cat-fish, tachysurus dussumieri (valenciennes) from the bay of bengal, off the coast of kakinada, andhra pradesh, india is described and illustrated. it differs from the related species of the genus--c. oculatus, c. flexiosus, c. australis, c. nagibinae, and c. pedunculatus--in the shape and articulation of accessory piece with cirrus and in having a crescentic posteromedian process on its dorsal bar. it has five transverse hard str ...19902227713
a new species of the genus chauhanellus bychowsky et nagibina, 1969 (monogenea) from the gills of a sea fish tachysurus dussumieri (val.) from andhra pradesh, india.chauhanellus chauhani sp. n., collected from the gills of a sea cat-fish, tachysurus dussumieri (valenciennes) from the bay of bengal, off the coast of kakinada, andhra pradesh, india is described and illustrated. it differs from the related species of the genus--c. oculatus, c. flexiosus, c. australis, c. nagibinae, and c. pedunculatus--in the shape and articulation of accessory piece with cirrus and in having a crescentic posteromedian process on its dorsal bar. it has five transverse hard str ...19902227713
molecular epidemiologic evidence for association of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus with gastroenteritis.the kanagawa phenomenon induced by the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus is almost exclusively associated with clinical strains, and tdh has been considered an important virulence factor. however, kanagawa phenomenon-negative strains isolated from patients with diarrhea have recently been shown to produce tdh-related hemolysin (trh). we studied the distribution of the tdh gene encoding tdh and the trh gene encoding trh in vibrios by hybridization analyses. the presen ...19902228229
[development and application of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using monoclonal antibody against a hemolysin (vp-trh) of vibrio paraheamolyticus--evidence that vp-trh producing-kanagawa phenomenon-negative v. parahaemolyticus is a human pathogen].although it has been well established that kanagawa phenomenon-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus is a human enteropathogen, the kanagawa phenomenon-negative one has been considered to be probably not pathogenic. we have found, however, an outbreak of gastroenteritis due to kanagawa phenomenon-negative v. parahaemolyticus which produces a new toxin (vp-trh) resembling to vp-tdh, a responsible toxin of kanagawa phenomenon. in this study, we developed monoclonal antibodies against vp-trh which were ...19902230365
surface-induced swarmer cell differentiation of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus distinguishes between life in a liquid environment and life on a surface. growth on a surface induces differentiation from a swimmer cell to a swarmer cell type. each cell type is adapted for locomotion under different circumstances. swimmer cells synthesize a single polar flagellum (fla) for movement in a liquid medium, and swarmer cells produce an additional distinct flagellar system, the lateral flagella (laf), for movement across a solid substratum, called swarming. r ...19902233248
[effect of enalapril on heart rate, arterial blood pressure and exocrine pancreatic secretion in the alert dog].a changed exocrine pancreatic secretion could be a pathogenetic factor of an acute pancreatitis after administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ace) inhibitors. in six conscious dogs with gastric and duodenal thomas fistulas we studied the effect of an intravenous (iv.) bolus injection of 10 mg enalaprilat, an intraduodenal (id.) bolus injection of 20 and 40 mg enalapril (e.), and 0.15 m nacl (20 ml iv., resp., id.) on pancreatic bicarbonate- and protein output in response to secretin (20 ...19902238764
[clinical, bacteriological, and immunological examination and treatment of two papillon-lefevre syndrome patients].papillon-lefèvre syndrome (pls) is a rare disease accompanied by palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis and rapidly progressive periodontal breakdown of deciduous and permanent dentition. two unrelated female pls patients, four and seven years old, with severe periodontal destruction were examined. antibody titers against seven strains by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), microbial cultures from deep periodontal pockets and mouth rinse samples and immunoblotting analysis were performed. titer ...19902258685
[clinical, bacteriological, and immunological examination and treatment of two papillon-lefevre syndrome patients].papillon-lefèvre syndrome (pls) is a rare disease accompanied by palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis and rapidly progressive periodontal breakdown of deciduous and permanent dentition. two unrelated female pls patients, four and seven years old, with severe periodontal destruction were examined. antibody titers against seven strains by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), microbial cultures from deep periodontal pockets and mouth rinse samples and immunoblotting analysis were performed. titer ...19902258685
[investigation on the distribution and serotyping of v. parahaemolyticus isolated from marine products and environment in zhoushan archipelago].isolation for v. parahaemolyticus from 1003 samples of marine products and environment was attempted in zhoushan archipelago in 1986-1987. the results showed that v. parahaemolyticus could be detected from all kinds of marine products, the positive rate was between 40%-100%. the v. parahaemolyticus was detected in all samples from the environment. the main o groups were o2, o5, o1, o4, o3 and o12, the o9 groups was not detected. although 103 serotypes have been detected, the main serotypes were ...19902261620
effect of norspermidine and its related triamines on the cell-free polyphenylalanine synthesizing system from vibrio parahaemolyticus.the effect of norspermidine and its structurally related triamines on the cell-free polyphenylalanine synthesizing system from vibrio parahaemolyticus was examined in connection with the requirement of the system for monovalent cation. in the absence of norspermidine, the maximal incorporation of [14c]phenylalanine into hot trichloroacetic acid insoluble material was observed under ionic conditions of 12 mm mg2+ and 50 mm nh4+. k+ could partially substitute for nh4+, but na+ could not. the addit ...19902266881
natural plasmid transformation in a high-frequency-of-transformation marine vibrio strain.the estuarine bacterium vibrio strain di-9 has been shown to be naturally transformable with both broad host range plasmid multimers and homologous chromosomal dna at average frequencies of 3.5 x 10(-9) and 3.4 x 10(-7) transformants per recipient, respectively. growth of plasmid transformants in nonselective medium resulted in cured strains that transformed 6 to 42, 857 times more frequently than the parental strain, depending on the type of transforming dna. these high-frequency-of-transformat ...19902268155
survey of enteropathogenic agents in children with and without diarrhoea in ghana.a survey was carried out over 1 year in a rural area of ghana on the isolation, detection and/or identification of enteric pathogens from children under 5 years of age with and without diarrhoea. the isolation and detection rate of shigella flexneri, shigella dysenteriae, giardia lamblia and rotavirus were higher in children with diarrhoea than in controls. yersinia enterocolitica, vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus were not isolated during the period of this survey. the incidence of ot ...19902270006
vibrio infections in kansas august 1989, the kansas city health department declared vibrio infections a reportable disease. the authors present a report discussing cases of vibriosis reported between 1980 and 1989.19902270070
nucleotide sequence of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh gene) of vibrio mimicus and its evolutionary relationship with the tdh genes of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the gene encoding a hemolysin similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus was previously cloned from the chromosome of vibrio mimicus. the nucleotide sequence of the hemolysin gene was determined in this study. the gene proved to be a variant of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh gene) and was designated as vm-tdh because the sequence divergences between the vm-tdh gene and four tdh genes of v. parahaemolyticus were 2.1-3.0%, while the sequence divergen ...19902272498
genetic transformation of vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio alginolyticus, and vibrio cholerae non o-1 with plasmid dna by electroporation procedure for the plasmid-mediated transformation of the genus vibrio was performed, as part of an effort to develop recombinant dna techniques for genetic manipulation of the genus vibrio. vibrio parahaemolyticus, v. alginolyticus, and v. cholerae non o-1 (9 different strains) were transformed with 3 vector plasmids (pacyc184, phsg398, and pbr325). the efficiency of transformation was highly dependent on three parameters: the concentration of plasmid dna; the strength of the ...19902280728
biotin uptake in cultured hepatocytes from normal and biotin-deficient rats.biotin uptake was studied in isolated cultured hepatocytes of normal and biotin-deficient rats. biotin uptake was temperature-dependent with respect to physical, but not to chemical, processes, proportional to the exogenous biotin concentration in the medium, independent of ph and sodium ion concentrations of the medium, and uneffected by the presence of structural analogues of biotin or metabolic inhibitors in both normal and biotin-deficient hepatocytes. these results suggest that biotin uptak ...19902288769
generation of affinity for antithrombin iii by supplemental sulfation of heparin species with low affinity for the protein.the tributylammonium salt of a porcine heparin subfraction with low affinity for antithrombin iii (mr 7,500-18,000; anti-clotting activity, 7 usp units/mg), having degrees of sulfate substitution at d-glucosamine and l-iduronic acid residues of glcns 0.786, glcn6s 0.628, and idoa2s 0.682 mol, was reacted with 10 or 20 mol of pyridine-sulfur trioxide per mol equiv. of available hydroxyl groups in n,n-dimethylformamide at -10 degrees c for 1 h. both chemical and nmr spectroscopic analyses revealed ...19902292586
chemical modification of pig liver initiation factor eif-2 with n-ethylmaleimide. amino acid sequences around the n-ethylmaleimide-reactive sulfhydryl groups and the effect of gdp on the modification.the activity of eukaryotic initiation factor eif-2 as to the formation of the ternary complex, eif-2 gtp met-trna(f), is inhibited by n-ethylmaleimide. our preparation of pig liver eif-2 contained alpha and gamma subunits and was inhibited by more than 90% by n-ethylmaleimide. using our eif-2, we determined the sequences around the n-ethylmaleimide-reactive sulfhydryl groups, studied the effect of gdp on the sulfhydryl modification and that of nem on the [3h]gdp binding, and examined the protect ...19902292592
[human immunodeficiency virus infection associated with tuberculosis].in order to detect an association between hiv infection and tuberculosis (tb), 130 tb inpatients were studied one of whom presented a pulmonary disease due to mycobacterium avium intracellulare. all had advanced tb, 95.4%, with pulmonary localization. serum anti-hiv antibodies were detected by elisa and their presence confirmed by immunoblotting in 4 (3.1%) individuals, three males and one female, with different degrees of pulmonary tb. of the males, 1 was bisexual, 2 were promiscuous, and the f ...19902292908
assay of all-trans----11-cis-retinoid isomerase activity in bovine retinal pigment epithelium. 19902292965
chemotactic control of the two flagellar systems of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus synthesizes two distinct flagellar organelles, the polar flagellum (fla), which propels the bacterium in a liquid environment (swimming), and the lateral flagella (laf), which are responsible for movement over surfaces (swarming). chemotactic control of each of these flagellar systems was evaluated separately by analyzing the behavioral responses of strains defective in either motility system, i.e., fla+ laf- (swimming only) or fla- laf+ (swarming only) mutants. capillary ...19902294089
polyvibrio infections: vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus dual wound and multiple site infections. 19902299220
in vitro activity of norfloxacin and other antibacterial agents against gastro-intestinal pathogens isolated in sweden.the in vitro activity of norfloxacin was compared to that of ampicillin, doxycycline, chloramphenicol, trimethoprim in combination with sulfamethoxazole (1/20), and erythromycin, against 272 clinical isolates of gastro-intestinal pathogens. norfloxacin was the most active compound of those tested with mics in the range 0.004-2 mg/l. concentrations inhibiting 90% of the strains (mic 90) were 0.008 mg/l for vibrio cholerae, 0.016 mg/l for aeromonas hydrophila, 0.032 mg/l for vibrio cholerae non 01 ...19902302351
duplication and variation of the thermostable direct haemolysin (tdh) gene in vibrio parahaemolyticus.the relationship between phenotypic variation and nucleotide sequence variation of the gene encoding vibrio parahaemolyticus thermostable direct haemolysin (tdh gene) was examined. strains showing a typical haemolysin-positive phenotype carried two chromosomal gene copies (designated tdh1 and tdh2) while tdh-gene-positive strains showing a weakly positive or negative haemolysin phenotype possessed only a single chromosomal gene copy. both gene copies from a typical haemolysin-positive strain wer ...19902319944
comparative analysis of the hemolysin genes of vibrio cholerae non-01, v. mimicus, and v. hollisae that are similar to the tdh gene of v. parahaemolyticus.the genes encoding the hemolysins similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh gene) of vibrio parahaemolyticus were cloned from chromosomes of v. mimicus and v. hollisae. these cloned hemolysin genes and previously cloned tdh genes of v. parahaemolyticus and v. cholerae non-01 were compared by physical mapping and by hybridization with oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes. the nucleotide sequences in the coding regions of all the cloned hemolysin genes were very homologous and had only minor va ...19902323548
cloning and characterization of a gene encoding a new thermostable hemolysin from vibrio parahaemolyticus.a new thermostable hemolysin (delta-vph) gene was cloned from a kanagawa-negative vibrio parahaemolyticus strain into vector pbr322 in escherichia coli k12. the nucleotide and amino acid sequences had no homology with those of the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) which causes the kanagawa phenomenon, and of the thermolabile hemolysin (tlh) of v. parahaemolyticus. the gene was present in all v. parahaemolyticus strains tested and also in one strain of v. damsela.19902323552
production of monoclonal antibody against a hemolysin (vp-trh) produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus.the antigenicity of a hemolysin (vp-trh: vp-tdh related hemolysin) produced by kanagawa phenomenon-negative clinical isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus was studied using monoclonal antibodies (mabs). a total of 12 hybridoma clones which produced mabs against vp-trh were established. all mabs contained the kappa light chain and were igg type. these mabs were divided into a minimum of 5 different specificity groups, including antibodies specific to vp-trh and common to both vp-trh and vp-tdh, a p ...19902332155
incidence of urea-hydrolyzing vibrio parahaemolyticus in willapa bay, washington.a high incidence (71.5%) of vibrio parahaemolyticus was found in samples of water, oysters, and sediment from a washington state estuary which produces a significant amount of commercial product. strains of v. parahaemolyticus capable of hydrolyzing urea comprised 58.4% of all v. parahaemolyticus isolates tested. values for fecal coliforms were within certification criteria for commercial harvest and were not correlated with levels of v. parahaemolyticus.19902339878
improved fluorogenic assay for rapid detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in improved fluorogenic assay for the rapid detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus was developed. in the improved assay, the enrichment of v. parahaemolyticus was carried out in arabinose-glucuronate medium (0.5% arabinose, 0.25% glucuronate, 0.1% polypeptone, 0.1% yeast extract, 0.1% ammonium sulfate, 2% nacl, 2 micrograms of polymyxin b sulfate per ml, ph 8.5) at 37 degrees c. after the cultivation, the trypsinlike activity of the bacteria was measured by fluorescence with the fluorogenic substr ...19902339897
fatalities associated with vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio cholerae non-o1 infections in florida (1981 to 1988).vibrio infections constitute a continuing source of morbidity and mortality in florida. seven fatal infections caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus or v cholerae non-o1 were reported in florida between 1981 and 1988. review of those seven medical records and vibrio case investigation forms showed that although all patients died of sepsis, gastrointestinal signs and symptoms characterized the early illness in four patients, whereas the other three initially had painful swelling and/or lesions of the ...19902343327
identification of 2-acetamido-3-o-(3-acetamido-3,6-dideoxy-beta-d-glucopyranosyl)-2-deoxy -d-galactopyranose isolated after degradation of the lipopolysaccharide from vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype o12. 19902346939
bacterial aetiology of infantile diarrhoea in papua new guinea.bacterial examination of stools of children with diarrhoea was carried out at port moresby, papua new guinea, where little information is available concerning the causative bacteria of diarrhoea. shigellae, enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, bacillus cereus, staphylococcus aureus, campylobacter jejuni, and aeromonas hydrophila were isolated with the decreasing frequency in that order. among these, enterotoxigenic e. coli and c. jejuni were isolated for the first time in this country. although vib ...19902362308
pathogenesis of vibrio parahaemolyticus: intraperitoneal and orogastric challenge experiments in has been noted that v. parahaemolyticus isolated from patients with food poisoning are almost always thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)-positive, whereas, isolates from foods or environmental sources are usually tdh-negative. the virulence of v. parahaemolyticus in mice was examined by using intraperitoneal and orogastric challenge models, where the strains used were those isolated from patients and foods with food poisoning and included tdh-positive and -negative. the ld50 in mice was estim ...19902362562
vibrio bacteremia in siriraj hospital.from january 1983 to march 1988, 26 isolates of vibrio spp. were recovered from the blood of patients admitted to siriraj hospital. thirteen strains were identified as non 0-1 vibrio cholerae, 3 were vibrio vulnificus and 10 were vibrio spp. the medical records of 20 patients were available for clinical analysis. most of them were adult men with cirrhosis. clinical features included fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, peritonitis, shock and skin lesions. some patients had a history of seafood consu ...19902380645
[antibacterial and anti-hemolysin activities of tea catechins and their structural relatives].among catechins tested, (-)epigallocatechin (egc), (-)epicatechin gallate (ecg), (-) epigallocatechin gallate (egcg) inhibited the growth of staphylococcus aureus, vibrio cholerae o1 classical inaba 569b and el tor inaba v86. s. aureus was more sensitive than v. cholerae o1 to these compounds. egcg showed also a bactericidal activity against v. cholerae o1 569b. pyrogallol showed a stronger antibacterial activity against s. aureus and v. cholerae o1 than tannic and gallic acid. rutin or caffein ...19902381042
[pharmacokinetic, bacteriological and clinical studies in the pediatric field on norfloxacin].we have evaluated norfloxacin (nflx), a fluoroquinolone agent, in tablet form for its efficacy and safety in the field of pediatrics. 1. mean serum concentrations of nflx following oral administration to 3 children at dose levels of 3.2 mg/kg, 3.7 mg/kg and 5.4 mg/kg were, respectively, 0.7 microgram/ml, 0.18 microgram/ml and 0.64 microgram/ml at 2-4 hours. mean serum half-lives (t1/2) of nflx were 2.5-2.9 hours and mean urinary recovery rates in the first 6 hours after administrations were 7.1- ...19902391751
sex differences in hormonal responses of vasopressin pathways in the rat brain.vasopressin (avp) immunoreactivity in cells and projections of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (bst) and medial amygdaloid nucleus (ma) depends on gonadal steroids. in addition, the avp projections from the bst show denser fiber staining in males than in females. to study whether these differences depend on different hormone levels in adulthood, male and female rats were gonadectomized and similarly treated with testosterone for 4 weeks prior to sacrifice. immunocytochemistry showed that ...19902394985
incidence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in u.s. coastal waters and oysters.oyster and seawater samples were collected seasonally from may 1984 through april 1985 from shellfish-growing areas in washington, california, texas, louisiana, alabama, florida, south carolina, virginia, and rhode island which had been designated as approved or prohibited by the national shellfish sanitation program. fecal coliforms counts, aerobic plate counts, and vibrio parahaemolyticus densities were determined for the samples. mean v. parahaemolyticus density was more than 100 times greate ...19902403249
purification and characterization of a nuclease (3'-nucleotidase) from a penicillium sp.a nuclease (3'-nucleotidase) similar to p1 nuclease from penicillium citrinum was purified from a commercial digestive from a penicillium sp. the activity of the nuclease (pa) was separated to three fractions by diethylaminoethyl-toyopearl 650m column chromatography, in total yield of 10%. the apparent molecular weight of these three nucleases, pa1, pa2 and pa3 was 35000, 33000, and 32000, respectively. all of them were homogeneous so far as checked by sodium dodecyl sulfate slab gel electrophor ...19901964878
pili of a vibrio parahaemolyticus strain as a possible colonization factor.pili of vibrio parahaemolyticus were purified from a kanagawa phenomenon-positive strain (ha7) that belongs to serogroup o2:k3 and is adhesive to rabbit intestine. the organisms treated with the fab fraction of antipilus antibody failed to adhere to the intestine. purified pili had the ability to adhere to the intestine, but the pretreatment of the intestine with purified pili did not allow adherence of the organisms to the intestine. these results suggest that pili of this v. parahaemolyticus s ...19901967172
piliated vibrio parahaemolyticus adherent to human ureteral mucosa. 19901967625
pathogenic escherichia coli, yersinia enterocolitica, and vibrio parahaemolyticus. 19901977991
[a method of isolating vibrio parahaemolyticus from different substrates].a method for isolation of parahemolytic vibrios is suggested, based on their high mobility in semiliquid agar gel. a special semiliquid medium was designed and tried, containing agar-agar, peptone, sodium chloride, mannose, gelatin, indicator, progress agent. the material is inoculated into the center of a petri dish. after incubation at 37 degrees c parahemolytic vibrios form macrocolonies on the surface of the medium, colored black against the red background of the medium. this method permits ...19901695981
a simple polymerase chain reaction method for detection and cloning of low-abundance transcripts.a simplified polymerase chain reaction (pcr) technique for the detection, semiquantitation and cloning of low-abundance rnas is described. this assay involves first-strand cdna synthesis by reverse transcription of mrna with specific oligonucleotide primers, followed by second-strand synthesis and pcr amplification, in the same tube with only the addition of taqi dna polymerase. the assay is sufficiently sensitive to detect target rna from as little as 1 ng of total rna. the beta-actin transcrip ...19901698071
heterogeneity of distribution pattern at the electron microscopic level of heparan sulfate in various basement membranes.using the high-iron diamine thiocarbohydrazide silver proteinate (hid-tch-sp) staining technique and enzymatic digestion, we investigated the ultrastructural distribution pattern of heparan sulfate side chains of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (hspg) in various basement membranes (nerve, capillary, oral epithelial, muscle, and dental basement membranes). four different distribution patterns of stain deposits were identified as heparan sulfate on the basis of enzymatic degradation by heparitinase. ...19901698204
elevated serum angiotensin i converting enzyme in sarcoidosis.serum angiotensin i converting enzyme was found to be elevated in 56 patients with sarcoidosis (52.7 +/- 25.4 nmole per min per ml) compared to 84 normal control subjects (28.2 +/- 11.3 nmole per min per ml), 22 patients with tuberculosis (26.4 +/- 10.9 nmole per min per ml), and 20 patients with lymphomas (31.8 +/ 13.9 nmole per min per ml). forty-eight per cent of the patients with sarcoidosis had values of enzymatic activity that were higher than 2 sd above the mean value of the control popul ...1990184726
[electron microscopic features of lung cancer with special reference to prognosis of anaplastic carcinoma (author's transl)]. 1990184319
layman's guide to common complaints. 10. poisons and poisoning. 1990258409
[anuria caused by allo-immunization in the kidd system]. 1990183289
immunochemistry of the structural proteins of c-type tumor viruses [proceedings]. 1990208437
the professional objectives of canadian dental from a 1971 national study of canadian dental education are used as a basis for examining the relative importance which dental students and faculty place on the professional objectives of economic gain and service. students (n = 1,247) were asked to rank a set of career attributes in terms of their importance both for themselves and for other students. dental school faculty (n = 510) were asked to assess whether students under emphasized or overemphasized a group of 16 parallel objectives. ...1989267133
[four cases of trichoepithelioma papulosum multiplex, with special reference to the large glycogen granules in the cytoplasm (author's transl)]. 1989313462
the role of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the diagnosis of central nervous system tumors.eighty glial and non-glial brain tumors have been studied to date using an immunologically specific and highly sensitive method of staining gfa protein which is applicable to formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue. eight of these cases have been described and illustrated in some detail. gfa protein was present in all astrocytes and astrocytomas studied and in a proportion of ependymal cells and ependymomas. some tumor cells have been demonstrated by this method to be glial despite the compl ...1989209658
[phylogenetic analysis of genes of the influenza virus. relationship between adaptability and neutrality].detailed phylogenetic analysis of the gene family of hemagglutinin h3 of influenza a-type virus was fulfilled, taking into account the domain structure of protein and positions of antigen determinants. the densities of distribution of fixed synonimic replacements between domains ha1 and ha2 were shown to be actually equal (rho (ha1) = rho (ha2], and those of nonsynonimic ones to be unequal: their ratios were rho (ha1): rho (ha2) = 2.8 for nonepidemic branches, and rho (ha1): rho (ha2) = 7.7 for ...19892583491
evidence of immunologic cross-reactivity between hemolysins of vibrio hollisae and vibrio parahaemolyticus demonstrated by monoclonal antibodies. 19892584761
comparative amino acid sequence analysis of hemolysins produced by vibrio hollisae and vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio hollisae produces a hemolysin (vh-rtdh) that is related to the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus (vp-tdh). although both hemolysins are essentially similar biologically and immunologically, they differ markedly in heat stability; vp-tdh is heat stable, whereas vh-rtdh is heat labile. to elucidate the relationships between their characteristics and molecular structures, we analyzed the amino acid sequence of vh-rtdh and compared it with that of vp-tdh. vh-rtdh consis ...19892592352
urease-positive, kanagawa-negative vibrio parahaemolyticus from patients and the environment in the pacific northwest.we previously reported the occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in patients and the environment in the pacific northwest. the present studies compare the biochemical characteristics, kanagawa hemolysin reactions, and plasmid profiles of 13 patient and 221 environmental isolates of the organism. classical biochemical testing of the isolates revealed similar reactions for the clinical and environmental strains, and analysis in agarose gels revealed that 13 to 15% of the isolates had plasmids. the ...19892592543
emergence of a restricted bioserovar of vibrio parahaemolyticus as the predominant cause of vibrio-associated gastroenteritis on the west coast of the united states and mexico.examination of 45 human fecal isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus revealed the emergence of an unusual bioserovar (o4:k12, urease positive) associated with cases of gastroenteritis which appear to be domestically acquired on the west coast of the united states and mexico.19892592553
advances in oculoplastic surgery.ophthalmic plastic surgery, a sub-specialty within ophthalmology, encompasses diagnosis and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the eyelids, orbit, and lacrimal systems. eyelid carcinoma is a more common entity as well as blepharoptosis seen in children and adults. it can usually be corrected by surgery involving the levator palpebrae superioris or a tarsofrontalis suspension using synthetic material or human tissue. retraction of the upper eyelid, the opposite of blepharoptosis, may be s ...19892592933
exotic diarrhoeal problems and poliomyelitis.exotic gastrointestinal infections continue to increase as world travel expands. many are debilitating and some are life-threatening. a heightened awareness of their significance and symptomatology could help to prevent unnecessary suffering or death.19892594659
identification of n1-acetylnorspermidine in vibrio parahaemolyticus and an enzyme activity responsible for its formation.n1-acetylnorspermidine [ch3conh(ch2)3 nh(ch2)3nh3] was identified in vibrio parahaemolyticus, which contains norspermidine as a major polyamine. this is the first example for the natural occurrence of monoacetylated unusual polyamine. the n1-acetylnorspermidine content was the highest 4 h after inoculation. incubation of norspermidine and acetyl coa with a cell extract from v. parahaemolyticus produced n1-acetylnorspermidine. a remarkable increase in specific activity of the acetyltransferase wa ...19892599358
a mutant hemolysin with lower biological activity produced by a mutant vibrio parahaemolyticus.a mutant toxin (m-tdh) of thermostable direct hemolysin (vp-tdh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus was isolated from the culture of a strain of this organism mutagenized with n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine. although the m-tdh had a molecular structure similar to the native vp-tdh, the m-tdh retained only about 7% residual hemolytic activity of the native toxin. furthermore, other biological activities of m-tdh, such as lethality in mice and enterotoxicity in rabbit ileal loops, were also weakened ...19892599363
symptoms associated with diarrhoeal illness at san lazaro hospital, manila in 1983 and 1984.the clinical features associated with various agents of diarrhoeal disease were studied using 2,836 patients admitted to san lazaro hospital, manila. three general patient groups were considered including single pathogen isolations, "multiple pathogen" isolations, and "no pathogen" isolations. in general, symptoms of diarrhoeal illness were found to be non-specific. however, shigella flexneri. vibrio parahemolyticus, and rotavirus were significantly associated with a number of prominent symptoms ...19892609210
[morphometric and histologic studies of the significance of the paraventricular nucleus for the thyroid gland axis after ganglionectomy and cold exposure with special consideration of the pineal gland].to analyse the role of the peripheral sympathetic fibres for the nucleus paraventricularis, the nuclear size and the neurosecretory material were studied 30 d after bilateral cervical ganglionectomy (gx). in order to examine the influence of gx at normal temperature (24 degrees c) and exposure to cold (10 degrees c), rats were subjected to a 72 h exposure to cold before killing. additionally thyroxine (t4), serum thyrotropin (tsh), and pituitary tsh were investigated. 4 times a day (light-dark c ...19892610374
three dimensional observations of the palisade-shaped nerve endings of normal hair of rat's snout.the nerve endings of normal hair of the rat's snout, partially digested with trypsin and hydrochloric acid, were studied by scanning electron microscopy. each lanceolate structure measured ca. 10 microns in length and was arranged around the hair follicle. these palisade-shaped nerve endings were situated almost beneath the sebaceous glands, ran upward, parallel to the axis of the hair follicle, and terminated in pointed shape. 2 kinds of cells, teloglia cell type i showing flat profile, and tel ...19892610376
effects of postnatal dexamethasone treatment on development of alveoli in adult rats.we compared the effects of dexamethasone given to rats from age 4 to 14 days, on alveolar development at age 99 days. judged by similar nose-to-tail length and body weight, somatic growth was not altered by dexamethasone treatment. lung volumes in both air- and saline-filled lungs and mean chord length (lm) were increased, whereas alveolar surface area (sa) and surface-to-volume ratio (s/v) were diminished in dexamethasone-treated adult rats. these changes were associated with a significant redu ...19892612450
effects of postnatal dexamethasone treatment on development of alveoli in adult rats.we compared the effects of dexamethasone given to rats from age 4 to 14 days, on alveolar development at age 99 days. judged by similar nose-to-tail length and body weight, somatic growth was not altered by dexamethasone treatment. lung volumes in both air- and saline-filled lungs and mean chord length (lm) were increased, whereas alveolar surface area (sa) and surface-to-volume ratio (s/v) were diminished in dexamethasone-treated adult rats. these changes were associated with a significant redu ...19892612450
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