
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
the rapid serological diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis.a total of 121 samples of serum collected from 101 patients was tested to determine the sensitivity and specificity of a commercial latex agglutination test for detecting infectious mononucleosis heterophile antibody, a commercial immunofluorescence test for detecting antibody to epstein-barr virus capsid antigen and a rapid enzyme immunoassay for detecting antibody to epstein-barr virus nuclear antigen. although the epstein-barr virus capsid antigen igm indirect immunofluorescence test proved t ...19921326013
[gene expression of hepatitis viruses in the liver and hepatocarcinogenesis].human hepatitis b virus (hbv) carriers run an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc), where the expression of hbv genes play the most important role in the initial stage of hepatocarcinogenesis. as the integration of hbv dna into the cellular dna of hcc as well as chronic hepatitis was demonstrated very frequently, the virus-cell fusion gene was considered to be most essential for hepatocarcinogenesis. among the virus-cell fusion genes, the x gene is known to function as a transactivat ...19921327091
cdna clone of hepatitis a virus encoding a virulent virus: induction of viral hepatitis by direct nucleic acid transfection of inoculation of marmoset livers with an in vitro transcription mixture containing cdna and full-length genomic rna transcripts of hepatitis a virus resulted in acute viral hepatitis. elevations in serum levels of liver enzymes were correlated with appearance of antibody to hepatitis a virus. genomes of infectious hepatitis a virus isolated from the feces of transfected marmosets contained the same mutation as the cdna template used for transfection. liver biopsies confirmed that the virus ...19921328684
intermolecular cleavage of hepatitis a virus (hav) precursor protein p1-p2 by recombinant hav proteinase proteinase 3c of hepatitis a virus (hav) was expressed in bacteria either as a mature enzyme or as a protein fused to the entire polymerase 3d or to a part of it, and their identities were shown by immunoblot analysis. intermolecular cleavage activity was demonstrated by incubating in vitro-translated and radiolabeled hav precursor protein p1-p2 with extracts of bacteria transformed with plasmids containing recombinant hav 3c. identification of cleavage products p1, vp1, and vpo-vp3 by im ...19921328690
secondary structure of the 5' nontranslated regions of hepatitis c virus and pestivirus genomic rnas.the rna genomes of human hepatitis c virus (hcv) and the animal pestiviruses responsible for bovine viral diarrhea (bvdv) and hog cholera (hchv) have relatively lengthy 5' nontranslated regions (5'ntrs) sharing short segments of conserved primary nucleotide sequence. the functions of these 5'ntrs are poorly understood. by comparative sequence analysis and thermodynamic modeling of the 5'ntrs of multiple bvdv and hchv strains, we developed models of the secondary structures of these rnas. these p ...19921329037
[hepatitis a outbreak in a kindergarten].in november/december 1990 eight out of 38 children of a kindergarten in basle were involved in an outbreak of hepatitis a, and further cases occurred among family members and friends of the children. a questionnaire survey and a serologic analysis including all families associated with the kindergarten was undertaken to investigate the source, extent and spread of the hepatitis a. among 147 persons examined, 20 clinical cases of hepatitis a were diagnosed (9 adults, 11 children), 5 more children ...19921329190
[the role of the food transmission factor in the occurrence of 2 hepatitis a outbreaks].two outbreaks of virus hepatitis were etiologically and epidemiologically interpreted. in this work the original method of obtaining washings, with their subsequent concentration, from the suspected foodstuff was used and hepatitis a virus was then detected in concentrated washings in the enzyme immunoassay, which made it possible to confirm the contribution of the alimentary factor of the transfer of infection (sun-cured melon) in the above-mentioned outbreaks. the data thus obtained are indica ...19921329408
[improvement of the method of gathering of hepatitis a viruses and its evaluation by water analysis]. 19921330833
assessment of inactivation of hepatitis a vaccine by compound pcr.assuring the complete inactivation of hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccine commonly requires prolonged tissue culture amplification, followed by detection of virus antigen in cell lysates. a reliable, but faster, alternative procedure is highly desirable since it will permit the prescreening of experimental batches of killed hav, prior to tissue-culture amplification. we established experimental conditions for simultaneous, polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based amplification of viral and cellular mrn ...19921331145
[family-acquired hepatitis a--prevalence of hepatitis a among the family in aichi prefecture, 1990].we studied the transmission of hepatitis a virus (hav) in 45 families, which members were diagnosed as hepatitis a in 8 hospitals in 1990. feces and sera from 50 patients and their 126 family members were tested for hav-specific antigen and igm antibody by elisa or polymerase chain reaction (pcr) technology. from the interval of the onset of hepatitis or detection of hav antigen in feces, hav transmission was recognized in 11 (24.4%) of 45 families. the transmission was found to be concerned wit ...19921331263
[evaluation of micro particle enzyme immunoassay technique (meia)-imx for the detection of antibody to hepatitis a virus].a new micro particle enzyme immunoassay technique (meia, imx havab, abbott) has been recently introduced for the detection of antibody to hepatitis a virus (anti-ha). to evaluate the feasibility of the imx havab, we carried out comparison tests between meia, ria and eia. furthermore, we investigated the prevalence of anti-ha in fukuoka city and yonaguni island, okinawa, japan using this method. results obtained were as follows: in the test of 514 sera, 254 (49.0%) were positive by the three meth ...19921331266
accumulation and persistence of hepatitis a virus in mussels.accumulation and persistence of hepatitis a virus (hav) in the mussel mytilus chilensis was evaluated. under optimal filtration activity of mussels (temperature 12 degrees c, salinity 3%, feeding twice a day with dunaliella marina), hav was concentrated 100-fold from the surrounding water. similar concentrations of hav were reached in the filtration apparatus and in the digestive system (hepatopancreas). hav persisted for about 7 days in mussels. elimination of hav from mussels was slower than e ...19921331305
identification of precursors of structural proteins vp1 and vp2 of hepatitis a virus.the morphogenetic pathway of hepatitis a virus (hav), classified as a member of the enteroviruses within the picornaviridae, still remains obscure and seems to differ considerably from that of poliovirus, the most studied representative of this genus. in order to elucidate the precursor/product relationship of hav structural proteins, subviral particles, which represent more than 50% of the viral antigen produced in infected cells, were separated from mature virions and their polypeptide pattern ...19921331311
[virus persistence in hepatitis a in monkeys].a long-term complex observation of 16 cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis) and 8 african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) with spontaneous and experimental hepatitis a revealed two forms of the illness: acute and chronic. some monkeys developed undulating chronic course of the disease consisting of 2-6 waves. others developed relapses (1 to 3) which occurred within 2-4 or 6-11.5 months of the infection. the morphological changes in the liver persisted for 7-28 months. alaninaminotransf ...19921332264
a cis-acting element within the hepatitis a virus 5'-non-coding region required for in vitro translation.every picornavirus studied thus far has a sequence within the 5'-non-coding region that is required for internal ribosome binding and translation of the polyprotein. in an attempt to identify this region in hepatitis a virus we constructed a truncated hepatitis a virus (hav) cdna clone that contains the entire 736 bp 5' non-coding region (5'-ncr) and 754 base pairs of the viral capsid coding region (p1) under control of the sp6 promoter. in vitro transcription and translation of this transcript ...19921332279
[the circulation of the hepatitis a and b viruses in the somali population].we report the results of a study carried out to evaluate the extent of hepatitis a virus (hav) and hepatitis b virus (hbv) circulation in somalia. serum samples were collected from 593 subjects (age range 0-83 years) and tested for anti-hepatitis a (hav) and anti-hav igm. serum samples taken from 1272 individuals (age range 0-83 years) were tested for hbsag, anti-hbsag, anti-hbcag, hbeag and anti-hbeag. we confirmed a very high rate of hav exposure (about 90% of the subjects tested had circulati ...19921334688
immunopotentiating reconstituted influenza virus virosome vaccine delivery system for immunization against hepatitis a.hepatitis a virus (hav) was purified from mrc-5 human diploid cell cultures, inactivated with formalin, and evaluated for safety and immunogenicity in humans. three vaccine formulations were produced: (a) a fluid preparation containing inactivated hav, (b) inactivated hav adsorbed to al(oh)3, and (c) inactivated hav coupled to novel immunopotentiating reconstituted influenza virosomes (iriv). iriv were prepared by combining phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phospholipids originating ...19921334977
[spontaneous and experimental hepatitis a in papio hamadryas].data on high susceptibility of papio hamadryas to hav are presented. for the first time, p. hamadryas were shown to be able to respond to both natural and experimental infection developing the features typical of hepatitis a: increased aminotransferase activity, virus shedding in feces, production of anti-hav igg and igm, histological liver lesions. an infection lingering for 3-4 months was observed, as well as a case of chronic experimental hepatitis a with relapse in 7 months of the disease. v ...19921335190
prevention of viral hepatitis a: past, present and future.before hepatitis a virus (hav) was identified, spread of hepatitis a was prevented by public health measures. the first specific, preventive measure for hepatitis a was passive protection with standard, pooled human immune globulins. human immune globulin contained sufficient hav neutralizing antibodies for short-term, prophylactic passive protection and for control of the spread of local outbreaks. after many unsuccessful attempts, hav was propagated in cell cultures and the development of vacc ...19921335635
laboratory tests and reference reagents employed in studies of inactivated hepatitis a vaccine.procedures to evaluate inactivated hepatitis a vaccines in volunteers have been examined. solid-phase immunoassays were standardized with reference preparations and have been tested to measure antibody response to immunization and antigen content of vaccines. following immunization, there was a good correlation between antibody response, determined with commercial immunoassays, and neutralization titres, as measured by the radioimmunofocus inhibition test. however, at lower titres of neutralizin ...19921335636
serological approaches to distinguish immune response to hepatitis a vaccine and natural infection.currently, the immune status of an individual exposed to hepatitis a virus (hav) is determined by assays which measure antibodies against the capsid proteins. these assays indicate exposure to the viral capsid that could result from either infection or from vaccination. recent data indicate that proteins from the non-structural genome region of the virus (p2 or p3), which are only produced during active virus replication, generate antibodies after clinical disease. a sub-genomic cdna segment of ...19921335637
effect of virus strain and antigen dose on immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine.a randomized double-blind comparison of five killed hepatitis a vaccine preparations was carried out with eligible medical student and staff volunteers. vaccines were prepared in m rc-5 cells and formalin-inactivated. three monthly injections of 1 ml in the deltoid muscle were given. group a received the clf strain at a dose of 360 elisa units (el.u) in 0.5 mg aluminium hydroxide (n = 35). the other groups received the hm175 strain as follows: 180 el.u in 1 mg aluminium hydroxide (to group b, n ...19921335638
effect of hepatitis a vaccination schedules on immune inactivated hepatitis a vaccine was given to 104 seronegative volunteers aged between 19 and 60 years according to two schedules: 0, 1 and 2 months or 0, 1 and 6 months. the vaccine was well tolerated and 97 and 100% of vaccinees developed a serum antibody response following a single and two doses of vaccine respectively. geometric mean titres increased progressively after each dose; responses following the 0, 1, 6 month schedule were significantly higher at one year but, among those tested a ...19921335640
hepatitis a vaccination: schedule for accelerated immunization.hepatitis a vaccine, strain hm175, was investigated for immunogenicity and tolerability in a prospective multicentre trial. the following vaccination schedules and antigen contents were evaluated: days 0 and 14 with 720 elisa units (el.u) of antigen, days 0 and 28 with 720 el.u and days 0 and 28 with 360 el.u. in all study groups, the seroconversion rates following two vaccinations were between 95 and 100%. higher geometric mean concentrations of antibody to hepatitis a virus (anti-hav) were rea ...19921335641
persistence of vaccine-induced antibody to hepatitis a virus.a level of 10 miu hepatitis a antibodies/ml as measured by elisa is believed to be the minimal protective concentration. if this level is considered, the mean persistence of vaccine induced antibodies is approximately 10-11 years after booster dose, 6-7 years if only the primary doses are given and 5-6 years if the minimal individual titre is taken into account.19921335643
reactogenicity and immunogenicity of three different lots of a hepatitis a study the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine, 204 healthy individuals were randomized into three equal groups, each to receive a different vaccine lot. each subject received a total of three doses, each of 720 elisa units of hepatitis a vaccine hm175, according to a 0 and 1 month primary vaccination schedule, with a booster dose given at month 6. side effects were low and were < 30% after the second injection. all subjects but one had antibodies to hepatit ...19921335644
clinical and laboratory observations following oral or intramuscular administration of a live attenuated hepatitis a vaccine candidate.clinical observations made after immunising volunteers with a live attenuated hepatitis a vaccine are described. the candidate vaccine was prepared with the hm175 strain of hepatitis a virus and shown to be safe, immunogenic and efficacious in experimental animals. when the candidate vaccine was tested by oral administration in humans at increasing doses--10(4), 10(5), 10(6) and 10(7) median tissue culture infective doses (tcid50)--an antibody response was not observed at any dose. volunteers wh ...19921335645
simultaneous passive and active immunization against hepatitis a.the serum antibody response to simultaneous administration of immune globulin (ig) and an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine was investigated in healthy volunteers who had been tested and found free of hepatitis a virus. one hundred and forty nine subjects were randomly allocated into three groups. group 1 received three doses of hepatitis a vaccine at 0, 1 and 6 months, group 2 received 5 ml of ig and group 3 received a combination of ig and vaccine. in group 3 the seropositivity rate measured by ...19921335646
simultaneous vaccination against hepatitis a and b: results of a controlled study.hepatitis a and hepatitis b are endemic in many countries and must be considered as serious health risks for large parts of the world population. simultaneous or combined vaccination against these two diseases would therefore be most advantageous. in order to investigate possible interactions between these vaccines with respect to their tolerability and immunogenicity, we conducted a randomized prospective study comparing single and simultaneous administration of the two vaccines. three groups o ...19921335647
inactivated hepatitis a vaccine: active and passive immunoprophylaxis in chimpanzees.studies of active and passive immunoprophylaxis were carried out in chimpanzees to determine whether a candidate hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccine could stimulate antibody to hav (anti-hav) that was qualitatively similar to anti-hav stimulated by natural infection. normal immune globulin (ig) was prepared from plasma obtained from human volunteers before and after vaccination with the hav vaccine, and these preparations or commercially prepared ig were administered to chimpanzees. protective effic ...19921335648
clinical manifestations and diagnosis of hepatitis a virus infection.hepatitis a is an acute, necroinflammatory disease of the liver which results from infection by the hepatitis a virus (hav). the mean incubation period is approximately 30 days. although the disease is usually self-limited, the severity of illness is age-dependent. in children, hepatitis a is usually asymptomatic, while in adults, symptomatic infection is characteristic and jaundice is common. fulminant hepatitis a is rare and is also age-dependent. the onset of hepatitis a is often abrupt and c ...19921335649
placebo-controlled efficacy study of hepatitis a vaccine in valdivia, chile.a placebo-controlled, double-blind study on the efficacy of a hepatitis a vaccine (smithkline beecham biologicals) was started in a region of chile in september 1990, using hepatitis b vaccine as control. a total of 260 healthy children, 6-15 years of age, negative for antibody to hepatitis a virus (anti-hav), antibody to hav immunoglobulin m (igm), hepatitis b surface antigen, and antibody to hepatitis b surface and core antigens by elisa tests within 7 days before vaccination, were randomly as ...19921335650
field evaluation of a hepatitis a vaccine in a norwegian contingent to the united nations interim force in lebanon.the norwegian population is basically seronegative regarding anti-hepatitis a antibodies. for this reason they are particularly vulnerable when exposed to hepatitis a virus when staying in highly endemic areas. norwegian un-personnel have so far been protected with serum immunoglobulins (ig). two studies are reported, one followed a vaccination schedule of 0, 1 and 2 months with a booster at month 12, while the other followed a schedule of day 0 and 14 with a booster at month 7. both were field ...19921335651
clinical assessment of the safety and efficacy of an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine: rationale and summary of findings.the objectives for the clinical testing of the inactivated hepatitis a vaccine developed by smithkline beecham biologicals are reviewed and the results obtained are summarized. the first studies were carried out in healthy young adult volunteers using pilot vaccine lots prepared from the clf and hm175 strains of hepatitis a virus (hav). it was established that the candidate vaccines were well-tolerated, caused no hypersensitivity reactions and elicited a strong antibody response. as the yield in ...19921335652
properties and classification of hepatitis a virus.hepatitis a virus (hav) is a member of the picornavirus family. it was first provisionally classified as enterovirus 72, but subsequent determinations of its nucleotide and amino acid sequences showed them to be sufficiently distinct to assign the virus to a new genus. heparna-virus (hep-a-rna-virus) has been suggested as the genus name. hav shares the key properties of the picornavirus family: an icosahedral particle 28 nm in diameter with cubic symmetry, composed of 30% rna and 70% protein. th ...19921335653
natural hosts of hepatitis a virus.the host range for hepatitis a virus (hav) is limited to man and several species of non-human primates, and involvement of vertebrates other than primates in hav circulation is unlikely. spontaneous hepatitis a infection has been reported to occur in captive non-human primates including the great apes (chimpanzee) as well as old world (cynomolgus, african vervet, stump-tailed) and new world (aotus) monkeys. the presence of anti-hav antibody in the sera of newly captured monkeys of these species ...19921335654
replication of hepatitis a virus and processing of proteins.isolation and propagation of hepatitis a virus (hav) in cell culture is routinely possible. all primary hav isolates and most established virus strains, however, show a protracted replication behaviour and tend to establish a persistent infection. rapidly replicating, cytolytic variant viruses can be selected from persistently infected cultures under distinct conditions. factors critical for the outcome of hav infection include the genetics of the virus, the physiological state of the infected c ...19921335655
molecular basis of virulence and growth of hepatitis a virus in cell culture.the ability of engineering variants of hepatitis a virus (strain hm175) to replicate in cell culture or to cause disease in marmosets was evaluated. virus variants were encoded by chimeric genomes constructed from infectious cdna clones of two viruses (wild type and cell-culture-adapted) which differed in their ability to grow in vitro and to cause acute hepatitis in marmosets. transfection and infectivity assays indicated that virus growth in vitro could be enhanced by subcloning the cell subst ...19921335656
genetic, antigenic and biological differences between strains of hepatitis a virus.recent studies have documented a considerable degree of genetic divergence among wild-type hepatitis a virus (hav) strains recovered from different geographical locations. human hav strains can be grouped into four genotypes (i, ii, iii and vii) and unique simian strains belong to three additional genotypes (iv, v and vi). between each of these genotypes, the nucleotide sequence varies at 15-25% of base positions in the p1 region. despite this, there is good evidence that most, if not all, human ...19921335657
passive immunization against hepatitis a.administration of human serum immune globulin (ig) is an effective means of protecting individuals against hepatitis a virus (hav) infection and disease. several large field studies have demonstrated that if given before exposure, ig will prevent infection with hav. furthermore, if ig is given during the incubation period of hepatitis a, the severity of infection may be reduced and potentially clinical infections may be converted into subclinical ones. although uncommon, infection which occurs i ...19921335658
possible approaches to develop vaccines against hepatitis a.more than a decade ago, successful replication of hepatitis a virus (hav) in cell culture opened the way to the development of live attenuated and inactivated vaccine candidates. serial passages of hav in cell culture led to attenuation as demonstrated by experiments in non-human primates. several live vaccine candidates obtained through serial passages have been evaluated in volunteers. significant improvements in the yield of viral antigen from infected cell cultures stimulated the development ...19921335659
epidemiological patterns of hepatitis a in different parts of the world.serological surveys in many communities show a high prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis a virus (hav) in people over the age of 50 years. however, few of that age can recall a previous episode of hepatitis, indicating that subclinical infections are common. the outcome of infection with hav depends on the age at which infection occurs and, perhaps, the infectious dose. fulminant disease is well recorded, with the frequency varying from one to eight per 1000 cases. information on the frequency ...19921335660
epidemiology of hepatitis a in mediterranean countries.infection with hepatitis a virus (hav) is still endemic in some mediterranean areas. in most northern mediterranean countries, the incidence of acute icteric hepatitis in adults is increasing. this is due to the shifting of hav infection to adulthood as a result of the decline of its overall prevalence due to improvements in socioeconomic, sanitary and hygienic conditions. the majority of adults remain susceptible and develop overt disease when infected, since the severity of disease is highly a ...19921335662
ecology and prevention of a shellfish-associated hepatitis a epidemic in shanghai, china.during a shellfish-borne hepatitis a outbreak in shanghai during the first quarter of 1988, 300,000 cases were reported in two months. using cell culture and experimental infection of marmosets, hepatitis a virus (hav) was isolated from clams collected from the market and the sea bed during the epidemic. a dose-response curve correlating the quantity of clams consumed to the attack rate of hepatitis a was well documented. the occurrence of the epidemic was associated with a good harvest of clams ...19921335663
risk of hepatitis a in travellers.a review of the literature shows that 30-35 million travellers from industrialized nations annually visit a developing country where their incidence rate of symptomatic hepatitis a is 3 to 6 per 1000 per month of stay if they remain unprotected. the risk is 20 per 1000 for persons eating and drinking under poor hygienic conditions. thus hepatitis a is now the most frequent vaccine-preventable disease in such travellers. antibodies to hepatitis a virus are rarely found in potential travellers in ...19921335664
hepatitis a as an occupational hazard.few studies have been carried out to evaluate the role of hepatitis a virus (hav) as an occupational hazard. our analysis of data on occupational diseases in germany showed that hepatitis a ranks as third among infectious occupational diseases. morbidity based on the frequency of compensation (15.2%) was in the same range as that observed for hepatitis b (19.7%). in another study, data were collected on anti-hav prevalence among 2293 hospital workers in southwest germany. anti-hav prevalence of ...19921335666
who should receive hepatitis a vaccine? considerations for the development of an immunization strategy.the availability of efficacious hepatitis a vaccines should greatly facilitate the prevention of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection. groups at high risk of hav infection have been identified from epidemiological studies and include both children and adults. while certain high-risk adults, such as travellers, could be a convenient target for vaccination, selective immunization of high-risk adults would not be expected to lower the overall rates of infection in most countries. because a significant ...19921335667
cost-effectiveness analysis of hepatitis a prevention in travellers.the advent of new vaccines and the changing epidemiology of hepatitis a call for an update of the economic evaluation of costs and benefits associated with the various alternative preventative strategies. a decision-tree-based model has been developed which enables the calculation of expected costs and expected numbers of hepatitis a virus hav infections based on different intervention strategies. the model is sufficiently generic to allow for the evaluation of both population-wide strategies an ...19921335668
perspectives on the control of hepatitis a by vaccination.the availability of an inactivated hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccine, and the development of live attenuated virus vaccines against hepatitis represent great advances in the effort to control an important cause of viral hepatitis. there are a number of ways hepatitis a vaccines could be used, depending on the epidemiology of hav infection in the country concerned, the cost of the product, the duration of protection that the vaccine affords and its effectiveness for postexposure prophylaxis. expert ...19921335670
production, quality control and characterization of an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine.the isolation and adaptation of hepatitis a virus to cell culture opened the way to the development of vaccines. based on experience with inactivated poliovaccines, a similar approach was chosen for the development of an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine. strain hm175, adapted to mrc-5 human diploid cells, was used as the virus strain. vaccine production starts with growth and multiplication of the seed virus in mrc-5 cells. the harvests are clarified, purified and concentrated. inactivation by fo ...19921335671
why do human hepatitis viruses replicate so poorly in cell cultures?the five viruses which classically cause hepatitis in man represent diverse families of viruses and share in common only a striking hepatotropism and substantial restrictions to replication in conventional cell cultures. hepatitis a virus is unique among these viruses in that it is amenable to propagation in cell culture, but replication of this virus is much slower and less efficient than replication of other picornaviruses. this probably reflects less efficient cap-independent viral translatio ...19921335949
[use of non-radioactive biotin-labelled probes for detecting hepatitis a virus].the biotin-labeled dna probes were constructed on the basis of the hybrid bacteriophage m13nip 9 single-stranded dna containing the fragments of the hepatitis a viral cdna. the probes were biotin treated by chemical modification of the dna by the peraminating reagent or photochemically. the labeled dna probes were used in molecular hybridization experiments with the nuclear acids fixed on the nitrocellulose filters. the biotin treated dna was determined by the avidin-gold colloid conjugate with ...19921338551
[rapid detection of anti-hav igm by solid-phase immunosorbent hemagglutination inhibition test].a solid-phase immunosorbent hemagglutination inhibition test (spishai) was developed for hepatitis a virus-specific immunoglobulin m (igm) antibody. three hundred thirty and six sera were comparatively detected with both spishai and elisa. among them 97 sera were positive and 237 were negative with both method. the crude agreement rate was 99.4%. with spishai the titers of anti-hav igm ranged from 1:20 to 1:327,680 among tested sera from infected individuals by hav. the specificity of spishai wa ...19921338714
[antibody titers against the hepatitis a virus in a healthy population from an urban health area].to assess the level of immunity in a healthy population to the hepatitis a virus (hav), according to age groups and in an urban health area.19921339210
the seroepidemiology of hepatitis a and b in a japanese town.sera collected from 1,118 healthy children and adults aged between four years and 90 years during the period 1989 to 1990, were tested for serological markers of hepatitis a virus (hav) [antibody to hav (anti-hav)] and hepatitis b virus (hbv) [hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) and antibody to hepatitis b surface antigen (anti-hbsab)]. the overall prevalence rates of anti-hav, hbsag, and anti-hbv were 20.2%, 0.36%, and 5.1%, respectively. no body was found to be positive for anti-hav below 30 y ...19921339221
[sporadic non-a, non-b hepatitis in argentina. the responsibility of the hepatitis e virus?].sporadic non a, non b hepatitis non related to blood transfusions or parenteral exposure is present in india and various countries of southeast asia and africa. we present the experience in a northeastern region of argentina from january 1987 to september 1990. during this period twenty one patients where identified with acute hepatitis without serologic evidence of infection with hav, hbv, hcv, toxoplasmosis, infectious mononucleosis nor clinical evidence of herpes virus infection. clinic and b ...19921340827
primary isolation of a brazilian strain of hepatitis a virus (haf-203) and growth in a primate cell line (frhk-4).1. although hepatitis a is endemic in brazil, this is the first report describing the isolation of a brazilian strain of hepatitis a virus (hav). 2. fecal specimens obtained from patients in the acute phase of hepatitis a were inoculated into fetal rhesus kidney cell cultures (frhk-4). only one inoculum, denoted haf-203, could be propagated serially. both cell lysates and tissue culture fluids of infected cells were used as inocula and evaluated for viral antigen and rna content by enzyme immuno ...19921342600
a brazilian hepatitis a virus isolated and adapted in primate and primate cell line as a chance for the development of a vaccine. 19921343657
hepatitis b virus and apparent fulminant non-a, non-b hepatitis.while there is evidence that hepatitis c virus (hcv) does not cause fulminant non-a, non-b hepatitis, the causal agent remains unknown. to evaluate the role of hepatitis b virus (hbv) in this disease, we used a two-step polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to amplify the surface and core regions of hbv dna in serum and liver samples taken prospectively from twenty-six patients (mean age 36 years, range 1 to 64) with acute hepatic failure undergoing liver transplantation. hbv dna was absent from the s ...19921348798
prevalence of serum igg antibodies to hepatitis a virus in italian haemophiliacs. 19921351168
seroepidemiological survey of hepatitis e in hong kong by recombinant-based enzyme immunoassays.the agent that causes the enterally transmitted form of non-a, non-b hepatitis has been cloned and called hepatitis e virus (hev). we have carried out a seroepidemiological survey on the prevalence of hepatitis e in hong kong. in a retrospective study, serum from 394 patients with acute viral hepatitis and 355 healthy subjects was tested for antibodies to hev (anti-hev) with a recombinant-based enzyme immunoassay. 65 (16.5%) patients with hepatitis were positive for igm anti-hev and 23 (5.8%) we ...19921359270
detection of hepatitis a virus rna in commercially available factor viii preparation. 19921359306
comparison of two defective hepatitis a virus strains adapted to cell cultures.the replication of two defective hepatitis a virus strains in cell culture was examined. the w.t. has-15 strain growing in frhk-4 cells produced infectious icosahedral virions 27 nm in size as well as round shaped particles with lipids attached to their surface. the morphogenesis of hav was membrane-dependent and the detected particles were in various degree of maturation. the mbb 11/5 strain growing in plc/prf/5 cells produced mainly noninfectious empty procapsids without rna genome. the transl ...19921360752
reactogenicity and immunogenicity of inactivated hepatitis a vaccines.two inactivated hepatitis a virus (hav) candidate vaccine strain were tested, derived from strains clf and hm175. neither vaccine increased liver enzymes levels and reactogenicity was similar to that observed with other alum-absorbed products. antibody responses were dose-dependent and protection against hav can be presumed to last for at least three years. all persons receiving 720 elisa units (el.u) of the clf vaccine seroconverted after one dose. for the hm175 vaccine, anti-hav persisted unti ...19921362031
expression of a hepatitis e virus (hev)-trpe fusion protein containing epitopes recognized by antibodies in sera from human cases and experimentally infected primates.a 1700 base cdna fragment coding for the putative structural gene(s) of hepatitis e virus (hev) was inserted into the path 10 expression vector. the fusion protein (c2) expressed by this plasmid was found to contain epitopes recognized by anti-hev antibodies. c2 protein was used in a western blot format to examine its usefulness in detecting anti-hev antibodies in well documented human cases of hev and non-human primates infected with hev. both igm and igg anti-hev could be detected in our weste ...19921373282
sero epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis c encountered in general practice in belgium.a study carried out between 1982 and 1984 established by exclusion diagnosis that 35% of viral hepatitis cases registered in belgium were due to non a, non b (nanb) viruses. recently, a new anti-hepatitis c virus (hcv) detection test was used to analyse the sera of patients in whom nanb hepatitis was diagnosed in that study. using this new serological test for hcv, 29% of the nanb group was found to be positive for anti-hcv. in the 1982-84 study on viral hepatitis diagnosed by general practition ...19921373384
[hepatitis serology: use and interpretation].presently five viruses causing hepatitis are known, the hepatitis viruses a (hav), b (hbv), c (hcv), d (hdv) and e (hev). the genomic structure is known of most of all these viruses as well as some of their structural and regulatory gene products. using radio- and enzyme immunoassays viral antigens can be detected for hbv and hdv as well as specific antibodies against all the five viruses. the results of these tests are the basis for the diagnosis and the follow-up of these infections but differ ...19921377839
hepatitis c core antibody detection in acute hepatitis and cirrhosis patients from tunisia.the detection of anti-hepatitis c virus (hcv) core antibodies is an important addition to hcv antibody testing. in this study it appears to be more specific than the first generation hcv tests and in combination with the detection of anti-c33c antibodies, it is possibly more sensitive. in tunisia hepatitis c virus is implicated by the presence of anti-core antibodies in only 8% of the adult cases of acute hepatitis as opposed to 60% for hepatitis b virus (hbv) and 4% for hepatitis a virus (hav). ...19921383914
[acute viral hepatitis a and c: report of a case].we present a case of acute hepatitis by simultaneous a and c virus infection. the coinfection was suspected due to the high levels of transaminases lasting more than 9 months after onset of the illness. during the early stages of the illness, the patient had igm antibodies to hepatitis a virus. serological tests for hepatitis b and c viruses, cytomegalovirus and epstein-bar virus were negative. due to the persistently high transaminase levels, we repeated the serology, detecting positive results ...19921389547
enteric non-a, non-b hepatitis: epidemics, animal transmission, and hepatitis e virus detection by the polymerase chain reaction.we studied epidemics of viral hepatitis occurring at three different places in india. one was a combined epidemic due to hepatitis e virus (hev) and hepatitis a virus (hav) infections. in this epidemic, hav affected children below 10 years of age, whereas hev infected the young adult population. hev was transmitted to rhesus monkeys (macaca mulata) and confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) on bile from the animals. fecal material from acutely infected patients in one of the epidemics ...19921402825
acute sporadic hepatitis e in children living in cairo, egypt.seventy-three pediatric patients with acute hepatitis and 19 control patients without liver disease living in cairo, egypt, were evaluated with a newly developed western blot assay for igm antibody to hepatitis e virus (igm anti-hev). the mean age of acute hepatitis patients was 6.4 years (range, 1-13 years); 56% were male. among the 73 acute cases, hepatitis a was diagnosed in 30 (41%), possible acute hepatitis b in three (4%), hepatitis e in nine (12%), and by exclusion, non-a, non-b hepatitis ...19921402826
mutations within the 5' nontranslated region of hepatitis a virus rna which enhance replication in bs-c-1 cells.passage of human hepatitis a virus (hav) in cell culture results in attenuation of the virus as well as progressive increases in the efficiency of virus replication in cell culture. because the presence of identical mutations within the 5' nontranslated regions (5'ntrs) of several independently isolated cell culture-adapted hav variants suggests that the 5'ntr may play a role in determining this change in virus host range, we constructed chimeric infectious cdna clones in which portions of the 5 ...19921404601
serum adenosine deaminase in the early diagnosis of typhoid study the usefulness of the enzyme adenosine deaminase for the early diagnosis of typhoid fever, its activity in serum was assayed in 277 children admitted to the hospital guillermo grant benavente at concepción, chile, from march, 1988, to december, 1990. the children were distributed into seven groups: control, n = 82; bacteremia, n = 8; acute viral respiratory infection, n = 43; febrile children with miscellaneous etiologies, n = 49; pulmonary tuberculosis, n = 3; hepatitis a virus infecti ...19921408480
peptoids: a modular approach to drug discovery.peptoids, oligomers of n-substituted glycines, are described as a motif for the generation of chemically diverse libraries of novel molecules. ramachandran-type plots were calculated and indicate a greater diversity of conformational states available for peptoids than for peptides. the monomers incorporate t-butyl-based side-chain and 9-fluorenylmethoxy-carbonyl alpha-amine protection. the controlled oligomerization of the peptoid monomers was performed manually and robotically with in situ acti ...19921409642
[seroepidemiology of hepatitis a in six departments in west-central france in 1991].antibodies to hepatitis a virus were sought for among residents of 6 "départements" of west-central france during a routine medical check up provided by the national health insurance system to all affiliated persons. among them 5,641 subjects (aged 6 to 60) were randomly selected to a sample size of 256 +/- 15 male or female subjects for each five-year age group. anti-hav were detected in 51% of the screened population. the prevalence was less than 5% in the 6-15 age group and increased by succe ...19921426823
[complement c3 and c4 levels in serum from acute viral hepatitis].serial measurements of c3 and c4 complement components were performed in 50 patients with acute, uncomplicated viral hepatitis, in the beginning of the symptoms and in the peaks of serum transaminases. there were 17 patients diagnosed as having hepatitis a virus (hav) infection and 33 patients diagnosed as having hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection. there were 4 women and 46 men with a mean age of 22.1 years. in the sera of 50 healthy control subjects serum c3 and c4 complement components measured ...19921435361
viral hepatitis in the christchurch determine the relative frequency of known causes of viral hepatitis in the christchurch community.19921436840
a single vaccination with an inactivated hepatitis a liposome vaccine induces protective antibodies after only two the near future an inactivated hepatitis a vaccine will be commercially available. the recommended vaccination schedule will include at least two vaccinations 1 month apart. giving two doses of vaccine on the same day in one injection results in protection after 2-4 weeks dependent on the adjuvant used. hepatitis a virus incorporated into liposomes proved to be a suitable formulation in term of rapid seroconversion, high level of mean antibody content and low reactogenicity.19921441728
prevalence and incidence of viral hepatitis in health workers in the prehepatitis b vaccination assess the impact of hepatitis b virus on health workers, the authors studied baseline prevalences of hepatitis b serologic markers and undertook prospective surveillance to assess hepatitis b attack rates in 837 health workers and 994 blood-donor controls between 1977 and 1982, before the introduction of hepatitis b vaccine. the baseline prevalence of all hepatitis b markers was 14% in health workers and 6% in controls (p < 0.001); exposure to hepatitis b virus was related to the intensity o ...19921442723
immune pathogenesis of hepatitis an effort to elucidate the mechanism of liver damage resulting from hepatitis a virus (hav) infection, we have studied infected skin fibroblasts and autologous lymphocytes from hav patients. we report here that hla-restricted virus-specific t cells play an essential role in hav-related hepatocellular injury.19921450708
relapsing hepatitis a in saimiri monkeys experimentally reinfected with a wild type hepatitis a virus (hav).saimiri monkeys were inoculated three times with hepatitis a virus and observed in a follow-up study for sixteen months. the monkeys developed recurrent hepatitis involving liver damage and cycles of hav antigen shedding in stools. the relapses were presumably due to immune response effects.19921450724
fibrin ring granulomas in hepatitis a.fibrin ring granuloma is characterized by a fibrinous ring surrounding a central fat vacuole. it has been found in the liver and bone marrow of patients with q fever, and occasionally with visceral leishmaniasis, cytomegalovirus, epstein-barr virus, staphylococcus epidermidis infections, hodgkin's lymphoma, and hypersensitivity to allopurinol. we describe a case of serologically confirmed viral hepatitis a with this lesion in the liver biopsy. a false positive anti-hepatitis a virus igm result h ...19921473440
the detection in urine specimens of igg and igm antibodies to hepatitis a and hepatitis b core antigens.the use of urine as a noninvasive specimen for the diagnosis of hepatitis a (hav) and hepatitis b (hbv) virus infections was investigated. specimens of urine were collected at the same time as blood or saliva specimens, or singly in cases of previously serologically confirmed recent infection. the specimens were tested for igg and igm anti-hav and anti-hbc by immunoglobulin class-specific capture radioimmunoassays (gacria and macria). on the basis of assays on urine specimens it was possible to ...19921474376
atypical clinical manifestations of hepatitis a.viral a hepatitis is a self-limited infection occurring predominantly among children usually as an anicteric often subclinical illness. adults afflicted with this virus are more likely to develop icteric hepatitis. this is exemplified in developed countries when a common source outbreak occurs among non-immune adults. fulminant hepatitis is uncommon in the usa and hepatitis a has never been documented to evolve into chronic hepatitis. however, prolonged cholestasis and relapsing hepatitis are we ...19921475999
epidemiology of hepatitis a: seroepidemiology and risk groups in the usa.surveillance and seroepidemiological data are important in determining optimal hepatitis a vaccine strategies. in the usa, after a decade of declining rates, reported hepatitis a rates gradually increased from 9.2 cases per 100,000 population in 1983 to a peak of 14.4 per 100,000 in 1989. in 1991, 23,144 cases were reported, for a rate of 9.1 per 100,000. since 1983, rates in males have been consistently 20% higher than in females. rates in children, adolescents and adults up to 39 years old hav ...19921476001
hepatitis a in swedish travellers.the incidence of hepatitis a is very low in sweden. it has been shown that the prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis a virus is 6.6% in individuals < 40 years of age and 1% in those < 20 years old. the number of reported cases of hepatitis a infection has declined from 628 in 1985 to approximately 250 during the last four years. the attack rate per 100,000 inhabitants has thus declined from 7.3 to approximately 3 during this period. the number of cases in travellers has been stable at approximat ...19921476002
[prevalence of hepatitis a virus antibodies in the personnel of a hospital]. 19921478417
nosography and immunopathogenesis of viral hepatitis.five viruses are responsible for the vast majority of cases of viral related hepatitis. they have been named hepatitis a virus (hav), hepatitis b virus (hbv), hepatitis c virus (hcv), hepatitis d virus (hdv), hepatitis e virus (hev). the more recent literature concerning the viral structure, the epidemiology, the serological identification, the clinical course and the prevention of each type of hepatitis is reviewed. hbv is not directly cytopathic. hepatitis is a consequence of the destruction o ...19921501725
hepatitis a virus 3c proteinase substrate specificity.hepatitis a virus (hav) 3c proteinase is responsible for processing the viral precursor polyprotein into mature proteins. the substrate specificity of recombinant hepatitis a 3c proteinase was investigated using a series of synthetic peptides representing putative polyprotein junction sequences. two peptides, corresponding to the viral polyprotein 2b/2c and 2c/3a junctions, were determined to be cleaved most efficiently by the viral 3c proteinase. the kcat/km values determined for the hydrolysis ...19921510973
infection with the hepatitis a virus associated with ascites in children. 19921514538
viral hepatitis in the 1990s, part i: current principles of management.recent years have brought major advances in the diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis. treatment of acute uncomplicated hepatitis is supportive rather than curative. treatment of fulminant hepatic necrosis is directed towards preventing and treating complications while preparing suitable patients for liver transplantation. corticosteroids do not improve survival rates in patients with fulminant hepatic necrosis and should be avoided in nearly all patients with hepatitis a. although liver hi ...19921516219
the risk for hepatitis a, b, and c at two institutions for children in somalia with different socioeconomic conditions.the prevalence of serologic markers for hepatitis a, b, and c was investigated in children from two residential institutions in somalia. among 596 individuals at one residence (shebeli), the prevalences were 96% for antibody to hepatitis a virus (anti-hav), 75% for total hepatitis b virus (hbv) markers, 16% for hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag), and 1.5% for antibody to hepatitis c virus (anti-hcv). corresponding figures for the 76 individuals at a smaller residence (societe organisation socia ...19921524149
sociodemographic factors and the declining prevalence of anti-hepatitis a antibodies in young adults in israel: implications for the new hepatitis a order to examine changes in the epidemiology of hepatitis a virus (hav) infection in israel during the past decade, a sero-epidemiological study was carried out in 1989 in a random sample of 1153 members of the permanent army, aged 21-30 years. of the males 59.2%, and 54.3% of the females were anti-hav antibody positive (p = 0.22). at all ages, the highest prevalence was in those of north african origin, followed by those of asian, native israeli and western origin. there was a marked decline ...19921544745
an insect picornavirus may have genome organization similar to that of analysis of the amino acid sequence of the product encoded by the sequenced 3' portion of the cricket paralysis virus (crpv), an insect picornavirus, genome showed that this protein is homologous not to the rna-directed rna polymerases, as originally suggested, but to the capsid proteins of mammalian picornaviruses. alignment of the crpv protein sequence with those of picornavirus and calicivirus capsid proteins demonstrated that the sequenced portion of the insect picornavirus ...19921551442
an outbreak of hepatitis a associated with swimming in a public pool.a multistate outbreak of hepatitis a was traced to a campground in louisiana. among 822 campers during one weekend, 20 developed hepatitis a. case-patients ranged in age from 4 to 36 years; the highest attack rate (6.4%) was for children aged 5-9 years. a case-control study revealed that case-patients were more likely than controls to have swum in a public swimming pool on saturday afternoon (19/19 vs. 26/38; odds ratio [or], undefined; lower 95% confidence limit, 1.7). case-patients were more l ...19921552192
risk of viral hepatitis among military personnel assigned to us navy ships.a prevalence study of 2072 male us shipboard military personnel scheduled for deployment to south america/west africa and the mediterranean was conducted to determine whether serologic evidence of prior hepatitis a, b, or c infection is associated with exposure in foreign countries. there were 210 subjects (10.1%) who had antibodies to hepatitis a virus (anti-hav), 76 (3.7%) to hepatitis b core antigen (anti-hbc), and 9 (0.4%) to hepatitis c virus (anti-hcv). by multivariate analysis, anti-hav s ...19921552201
immunoglobulin prophylaxis for hepatitis a.studies conducted over the past 45 years have shown that immunoglobulin (ig) prevents 80%-90% of cases of hepatitis a when administered before exposure or shortly thereafter. protection is short lived and requires early diagnosis and timely administration of ig to contacts. inactivated and attenuated hepatitis a virus (hav) vaccines have recently been developed and should be available for clinical use within the next few years. evaluation of antibodies to hav in ig and in ig recipients provides ...19921554845
acute sporadic viral hepatitis in ethiopia: causes, risk factors, and effects on hundred and ten consecutive cases of acute sporadic hepatitis among ethiopian patients were studied to define viral causes, identify risk factors, and analyze demographic and clinical data. igm antibodies to hepatitis a virus were found in nine patients (8%), and hepatitis b surface antigen and igm antibodies to hepatitis b core antigen were found in 22 (20%); these findings were considered evidence of acute hepatitis a and hepatitis b, respectively. sera from the remaining 79 patients were ...19921576296
acute sporadic hepatitis e in sudanese children: analysis based on a new western blot assay.a newly developed western blot assay for antibody to hepatitis e virus (anti-hev) was used to evaluate 39 cases of acute pediatric hepatitis and 39 control patients in khartoum, sudan. the mean age of cases was 6.5 years (range, 2-14); 64% were male. acute hepatitis a (igm anti-hav-positive) was diagnosed in 13 cases, acute hepatitis b (igm anti-hbc-positive) in 1, and acute hepatitis e (positive for igm anti-hev) in 23 (59%). none of the cases with igm anti-hav or igm anti-hbc had igm anti-hev; ...19921583317
[biphasic viral hepatitis "a" associated with autoimmune phenomena].acute hepatitis a virus infection (hav) is a benign, self limited disease with infrequent extrahepatic features unlike the hepatitis b or the nona-nonb virus infection. we describe the case of a 37 year old white woman with hav who had a relapse with a second elevation of the alanine aminotransferase level together with joint pain, skin lesions, angioneurotic edema, and autoantibodies (ana, anti smooth muscle, antiparietal gastric cells). the liver biopsy showed piecemeal and early bridging necr ...19921599770
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