
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
detection of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh) and the thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin gene (trh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus by polymerase chain reaction.polymerase chain reaction (pcr) protocols were established for specific detection of the tdh and trh genes, the virulence marker genes of vibrio parahaemolyticus encoding two related hemolysins. the tdh and trh genes are known to have sequence divergence of up to 3.3% and 16%, respectively. attempts were made to find suitable primer pairs and annealing temperatures to detect each gene without fail. dnas extracted from 36 representative strains of v. parahaemolyticus were used in the initial scre ...19921480187
non-isotopic microtitre plate-based assay for detecting products of polymerase chain reaction amplification: application to detection of the tdh gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a non-isotopic microtitre plate-based assay method was devised for detection of products of the polymerase chain reaction. this assay involves affinity immobilization of the biotinylated amplification products in microtitre plate wells and their fluorescence detection by their hybridization with an oligonucleotide probe linked to alkaline phosphatase. an advantage of this procedure is that the immobilization and hybridization are carried out simultaneously in the wells, thus shortening the assay ...19921480188
[the phages of halophilic vibrios and their use].the range of the lytic activity of 46 phages of parahemolytic vibrios isolated from lysogenic strains, sea water samples, crabs and mussels has been studied. the phages are represented by virions belonging to morphological groups ii, iv, v according to the phage classification currently used in russia and to different serological groups. no relationship between the sensitivity of vibrio strains to the phages under study and the specificity of serotypes o and k has been established. the preparati ...19921481605
professional doc (pdoc): a software environment for authoring and consulting of electronic documentation. interactive diagnosis and therapy: a medical application.professional doc (pdoc) is a software environment for electronic documentation authoring and consulting based on the hypermedia technology. it allows to manage different kinds of information (pictures, sounds, texts, graphics, video) organized according to hyperstructures. the user-friendliness and effectiveness of its man-machine interface, and its availability on the most common hardware platforms makes it a suitable product for a very broad category of users. interactive diagnosis and therapy ...19921483002
[the suicide phenomenon and fermentative metabolic activity in strains of the aeromonas group isolated from feces].we study the "suicide" phenomena as well as metabolic pathways of mixed acids (methyl red test, mr) and butylene glycol (voges-proskauer, vp), in 107 strains belonging to mesophilic aeromonas group, isolated from stools. the strains have been identified as a. hydrophila, 28 cases (26.1%), a. sobria 26 cases (24.3%) and a. caviae 53 cases (49.6%). all a. caviae strains behave homogeneously as f+, rm+ and vp-, independently of temperature (30 or 37 degrees c). a. hydrophila strains only showed the ...19921489794
susceptibility of the brine shrimp artemia and its pathogen vibrio parahaemolyticus to chlorine dioxide in contaminated sea-water.adults and nauplii of the brine shrimp, artemia, together with vibrio parahaemolyticus, were placed in sewage-contaminated sea-water which had been treated with chlorine dioxide (hallox e-100tm) to test its potential as a disinfectant for salt water aquaculture. the nauplii were very susceptible to low concentrations of chlorine dioxide (47 micrograms/l cl-), but the adults were slightly more resistant. sterile sea-water treated with lower concentrations of chlorine dioxide (less than 47 microgr ...19921490907
enterotoxigenicity of vibrio parahaemolyticus with and without genes encoding thermostable direct hemolysin.vibrio parahaemolyticus produces a thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diarrheal disease caused by this organism. however, previous studies attempting to demonstrate the contribution of the hemolysin to virulence have been inconclusive. we investigated this putative virulence factor by using an isogenic tdh-negative (tdh-) strain constructed by specifically inactivating the two copies of the tdh gene encoding tdh. the enterotoxigenicities of the pa ...19921500161
behavioral analysis of vibrio parahaemolyticus variants in high- and low-viscosity microenvironments by use of digital image image analysis and light microscopy were used to study and quantify the growth and behavior of two variants and selected flagellar mutants of vibrio parahaemolyticus in glass flow cells under high- and low-viscosity conditions. the observations showed a series of surface-associated behaviors, including attachment, microcolony formation, migration, chemotactic movements, and aggregation, indicating a substantial degree of adaptive flexibility and multicellular behavior during growth of v. ...19921512206
sequence variation in the thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin (trh) gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus.our previous molecular epidemiologic study with gene probes (h. shirai, h. ito, t. hirayama, y. nakamoto, n. nakabayashi, k. kumagai, y. takeda, and m. nishibuchi, infect. immun. 58:3568-3573, 1990) demonstrated that the gene (trh) encoding a thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin was strongly associated with clinical strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus. strain-to-strain variation in the intensities of the hybridization signals observed in the above study also suggested that the trh gene ...19921514791
development of the immunomagnetic enrichment method selective for vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype k and its application to food poisoning study.a method using immunomagnetic separation was developed to isolate the specified k serotype of vibrio parahaemolyticus from a mixture of a large number of bacteria with other k serotypes. this method was applied to food poisoning studies and could recover the v. parahaemolyticus serotype found in the patient from the incriminated foods.19921514817
[sensitivity of vibrio and aeromonas to antibiotics].the antibiotic sensitivity of 696 cultures belonging to the family vibrionaceae (v. cholerae o1, v. cholerae non-o1, v. albensis, v. parahaemolyticus, v. alginolyticus and aeromonas spp.) was studied and general regularities of the antibiotic sensitivity were shown: a high sensitivity to broad-spectrum antibiotics (tetracycline and chloramphenicol) and a low sensitivity to ++beta lactams (carbenicillin and ampicillin). the comparative examinations revealed similarity in the antibioticograms of v ...19921514858
evidence for the existence of a restriction-modification system common to several species of the family vibrionaceae.a broad-host-range vibriophage kvp40 originally isolated on vibrio parahaemolyticus 1010 was restricted and modified by strains of at least five vibrio and one photobacterium species. 1010 was a non-restricting host. an anti-restriction mutant kvp40 aar1 was isolated after propagating the phage on a restricting host, v. anguillarum vib36. kvp40 aar1 grown on either 1010 or vib36, as well as the parental phage grown on vib36, showed much higher efficiencies of plating on all the restricting hosts ...19921521769
effects of iron limitation on production of a siderophore, outer membrane proteins, and hemolysin and on hydrophobicity, cell adherence, and lethality for mice of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus is one of the most important enteropathogens in taiwan, japan, and other coastal regions. the pathogenesis of v. parahaemolyticus disease is not clearly understood. the expression of some factors by v. parahaemolyticus in iron-rich and iron-limited media was analyzed. in the clinical hemolytic strains, the production of a siderophore, two outer membrane proteins (77 and 80 kda), and thermostable direct hemolysin was significantly enhanced in iron-limited culture, and hemo ...19921535342
risk factors for suicide attempts in a human immunodeficiency virus screening program. 19921539099
cloning and expression of a cytosolic megakaryocyte protein-tyrosine-phosphatase with sequence homology to retinaldehyde-binding protein and yeast sec14p.protein tyrosine phosphorylation is important in the regulation of cell growth, the cell cycle, and malignant transformation. we have cloned a cdna that encodes a cytosolic protein-tyrosine-phosphatase (ptpase), meg2, from meg-01 cell and human umbilical vein endothelial cell cdna libraries. the 4-kilobase cdna sequence of ptpase meg2 corresponds in length to the mrna transcript detected by northern blotting. the predicted open reading frame encodes a 68-kda protein composed of 593 amino acids a ...19921557404
detection and quantitative assessment of a vibrio cholerae o1 species in several foods by a novel enzyme immunoassay.a selected antibody enzyme immunoassay (saeia) for the general detection of vibrio cholerae o1 species has been developed using the immunological reagents of a rabbit antiserum specific for v. cholerae o1 classical inaba 569b and immobilized cell fragments of v. cholerae o1 el tor 85p6, and beta-d-galactosidase-labeled goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin g as tracer. the saeia was specific for v. cholerae o1 species and showed low cross-reaction values to other microorganism species tested including ...19921584068
a broad-host-range vibriophage, kvp40, isolated from sea water.a broad-host-range vibriophage, kvp40, was isolated from sea water by using vibrio parahaemolyticus 1010 (eb101) as the indicator host. the host range of kvp40 extended over at least 8 vibrio and 1 photobacterium species. kvp40 was a large tailed phage containing double-stranded dna and belonged to ackermann's morphotype a2. kvp40 dna was cleaved by 11 different type ii restriction endonucleases including ecori and hindiii, but not by 17 other enzymes including bamhi, kpni and sali.19921584076
the highest gene concentrations in the human genome are in telomeric bands of metaphase chromosomes.chromosome in situ suppression hybridization has been carried out on human metaphase chromosomes to localize the g+c-richest human dna fraction (which only represents 3.5% of the genome), as isolated by preparative equilibrium centrifugation in cs2so4/3,6-bis(acetatomercurimethyl)-1,4-dioxane density gradient. this fraction essentially corresponds to isochore family h3. the rationale for carrying out this experiment is that this isochore family has, by far, the highest gene concentration, the hi ...19921594593
haemagglutinating and buccal epithelial cell adherence activities of vibrio parahaemolyticus: correlation with virulence.clinical and environmental isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus were examined for their ability to agglutinate human and rabbit erythrocyte and to adhere to human buccal epithelial (hbe) cells in the presence or absence of mannose. all strains produced cell-associated haemagglutinins (hgs) after 3 h at 37 degrees c. mannose-sensitive haemagglutination (msha) appeared to be a significant marker for differentiating between clinical and environmental isolates; 75% of clinical and 11% of environmenta ...19921597877
comparison of vibrio parahaemolyticus hemolysin (vp-trh) produced by environmental and clinical isolates.tdh-related hemolysin (vp-trh) produced by kanagawa-phenomenon-negative (kp-) vibrio parahaemolyticus has been demonstrated to be a possible virulence determinant. though almost half of kp- isolates examined from diarrhoeal patients produced vp-trh, few reports mentioned the ability of environmental isolates to produce vp-trh. considering the route of infection with v. parahaemolyticus, this toxin must be produced by the organisms in the sea or in sea food. to confirm that vp-trh produced by v. ...19921601286
chemotactic activity of hemocytes derived from two marine neritid gastropod molluscs, nerita albicilla and heminerita japonica, to vibrio parahaemolyticus and escherichia coli strains.hemocytes of two marine neritid gastropods, nerita albicilla and heminerita japonica, were attracted chemotactically to live vibrio parahaemolyticus and escherichia coli strains. chemotactic attraction of n. albicilla hemocytes was enhanced in the presence of n. albicilla plasma, while that of h. japonica hemocytes was not enhanced in the presence of h. japonica plasma. chemotactic activity of the hemocytes seems to participate in the rapid elimination of v. parahaemolyticus from these gastropod ...19921606253
examination by site-directed mutagenesis of the amino acid residues of the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus required for its hemolytic activity.the amino acid sequences of eight variants of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and a tdh-related hemolysin, deduced from nucleotide sequences, were compared. fourteen amino acid residues, mainly within conserved regions, were chosen to prepare mutant tdhs with one or two amino-acid replacements by site-directed mutagenesis. of the 25 mutant tdhs prepared, those with replacements of trp65 (trp65-his65, trp65-tyr65, trp65-leu65) or leu66 (leu66-ser66) showed very significant reduction (more tha ...19921630298
low ph deforms the influenza virus envelope.influenza virus membrane fusion is induced by low ph, which triggers an irreversible conformational change in the viral haemagglutinin (ha). the result of this change is the extrusion of the ha fusion peptide, after which it may act in the fusion of virus and endosomal membranes. here we describe electron microscopic observations on low ph-treated virus after negative staining or cryo-electron microscopy of virus in the frozen hydrated state. the results indicate a destabilization of the virus m ...19921634881
[hairy cell leukemia successfully treated with 2'-deoxycoformycin following refractoriness to splenectomy and alpha-interferon therapy].a 34-year-old man was admitted in may, 1989 because of severe left upper abdominal pain, which was caused by advanced splenomegaly. on initial examinations, peripheral blood showed leukocytosis (13,400/ml) including 60% hairy cell which also infiltrated in bone marrow (64%). the patient was diagnosed as having hairy cell leukemia (japanese type) of b-cell lineage. splenectomy was performed as an initial treatment. the effect of splenectomy was only palliative and transient leukocytosis progresse ...19921635172
total hepatic mesh wrap for improve hemostasis and avoid the complications of perihepatic packing, a technique of hepatic tamponade using total mesh wrap is reported. the method is geometrically, technically and mechanically feasible and appears to be effective in controlling severe parenchymatous bleeding.19921636144
enzyme-labeled oligonucleotide probes for detection of the genes for thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus.alkaline phosphatase conjugated oligonucleotide probes were developed to detect the genes (tdh and trh) coding for the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus. using dot blot hybridization, probes were tested with 94 clinical isolates of v. parahaemolyticus. results agreed well with those obtained using radio-labeled recombinant dna probes for the genes tdh and trh. specificity and sensitivity of enzyme tdh probes for detection of the trh ge ...19921643584
isolation and characterization of new restriction endonucleases from vibrio parahaemolyticus: vpak32i enzyme with the class-iis heptanucleotide specificity, gctcttcn1/n4.six restriction endonucleases (enases), classified into four different specificities, were found in a screen among 68 reference strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus of human origin. five of these enases are isoschizomers of well-known enases, while the remaining one, designated vpak32i, is a novel and highly efficient class-iis enase with the hepatanucleotide recognition site, 5'-gctcttc(1/4)-3'.19921644299
erythrocyte pyridoxine kinase levels in patients with sideroblastic anemia. 1992183116
the methodology of collecting, handling, and analyzing data. 1992257358
the characteristics of adsorption of pyrophosphate and citrate onto whewellite.the adsorption of pyrophosphate and citrate to whewellite was measured by solution depletion. at ph 6.5, the concentration for one-half surface coverage ce(1/2) by pyrophosphate is 15 micrometer. the estimated maximum coverage is 37.5 mumoles per m2. the ce (1/2) for citrate is 4 micrometer, and the estimated maximum coverage is 6.42 mumoles per m2.1992206522
types and usage of orthopedic shoes. 1992257259
lomefloxacin versus trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole in the treatment of adults with acute bacterial diarrhea.this study compared the efficacy and safety of lomefloxacin with that of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (tmp/smx) in the treatment of adult patients with acute diarrhea of bacterial etiology. two centers enrolled a total of 133 patients; 99 (74%) presented with severe symptoms. the patients were randomized to receive either lomefloxacin 400 mg once daily (n=68) or tmp/smx 160/800 mg twice daily (n=65) for five days. bacteriologic success was achieved in 89.5% of evaluation lomefloxacin-treated pa ...199218611521
cyclic amp-dependent phosphorylation of the actin-binding protein filamin.filamin is a high molecular weight protein that binds to actin filaments in cells. it is found in large amounts in several different cells and tissues, including smooth muscle, fibroblasts, platelets, and macrophages. it is immunologically related to the previously described macrophage high molecular weight actin-binding protein but clearly different from erythrocyte spectrin. filamin is a phosphoprotein; it is phosphorylated in vivo in intact tissues and cells. it can be phosphorylated in vitro ...1991208386
[inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region and the function of the adrenal cortex]. 1991208193
[apropos the year of the child: we have much to learn about the poor cultures]. 1991257821
evidence for insertion sequence-mediated spread of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene among vibrio species.the tdh gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus which encodes the thermostable direct hemolysin has been found in some strains of other vibrio species. analysis of seven tdh genes cloned from v. parahaemolyticus, vibrio mimicus, and non-o1 vibrio cholerae revealed that all tdh genes were flanked by insertion sequence-like elements (collectively named isvs) or related sequences derived from genetic rearrangement of isvs. the isvs possessed 18-bp terminal inverted repeats highly homologous to those of is9 ...19911650342
obligatory role of ca2+ in the cytotoxic activity of dengue virus-induced cytotoxin.the role of calcium ions (ca2+) in the cytotoxic activity of the dengue type 2 virus (dv)-induced macrophage (m phi) cytotoxin (cf2) was investigated in the present study. the findings show that cf2 prepared in ca(2+)-free medium had no cytotoxic activity on normal mouse spleen cells suspended in ca(2+)-free medium but killed the cells suspended in the medium with ca2+. substitution with calcium chloride restored the cytotoxic activity of cf2 the optimal dose being 10(-4) m concentration. cf2 in ...19911653589
chemical structure of the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype 012 lipopolysaccharide.the chemical structure of the saccharide portion of vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype 012 lipopolysaccharide was studied. using chemical degradation and modification, as well as methylation analysis in combination with glc-ms, laser-desorption mass spectrometry and 1h-nmr and 13c-nmr spectroscopy, the carbohydrate backbone of the lipopolysaccharide was characterized as a branched decasaccharide with the following structure: (formula; see text) in the native lipopolysaccharide two additional phosp ...19911655425
[isolation of enteropathogenic microorganism from patients with infection of the digestive tract during 1976 to 1988 in tenri hospital].enteropathogenic microorganisms isolated from feces of 9,393 patients with diarrhea or enteritis in our hospital between 1976 and 1988 were analyzed. as the result of the examination of 5,443 outpatients, 1,811 strains of pathogens were isolated from 1,686 cases (31.0%). several species including salmonella spp., escherichia coli serotype, vibrio parahaemolyticus, were isolated before 1978, and the incidence of pathogens was low (14.8%). for the 10-year period since 1979, the incidence markedly ...19911655921
regulation of the mouse mammary tumor virus (mmtv) binding site in cultured mammary tissue.the mouse mammary tumor virus (mmtv) initiates infection when the envelope protein, gp52, binds to a cell surface protein and triggers internalization. the hormonal regulation of this protein was studied both in vitro and in vivo. in mammary gland explant culture, levels of the mmtv binding protein were maintained only when prolactin was present in the medium. the further addition of progesterone induced levels to 164% of controls, while estradiol was without effect. these results were reproduce ...19911665450
purification and characterization of pili isolated from vibrio parahaemolyticus na2.pili from vibrio parahaemolyticus na2 isolated from a patient with diarrhea were purified and characterized. the organisms were hemagglutinative, but the purified pili were not. na2 pili were physicochemically and immunologically quite different from the previously described v. parahaemolyticus ha7 pili. nevertheless, there was a high degree of homology between their n-terminal amino acid sequences.19911670933
comparison of immunochemical specificities of vibrio parahaemolyticus o10 and o12 antigens using monoclonal antibodies.the monoclonal antibodies against vibrio parahaemolyticus o10 and o12 antigens (lipopolysaccharide, lps) were prepared and specificities of the antibodies were examined. five of six anti-o10 antibodies reacted with o10 antigen, but none of them reacted with o12 antigen. on the contrary all of the five anti-o12 antibodies reacted with o10 antigen as well as homologous o12 antigen. o10 and o12 antigens were subjected to alkali treatment or periodate oxidation, and reactivities of these chemically ...19911725552
[advances in the research of clinical use of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factors]. 19911726145
analysis of high psa n-cam expression during mammalian spinal cord and peripheral nervous system development.using a monoclonal antibody that recognizes specifically a high polysialylated form of n-cam (high psa n-cam), the temporal and spatial expression of this molecule was studied in developing spinal cord and neural crest derivatives of mouse truncal region. temporal expression was analyzed on immunoblots of spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia (drgs) extracts microdissected at different developmental stages. analysis of the ratio of high psa n-cam to total n-cam indicated that sialylation and desia ...19911769342
adherence of vibrio parahaemolyticus to rabbit intestinal epithelial cells in vitro.kanagawa positive strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus showed adherence whereas most of the kanagawa negative strains were non-adhering to rabbit intestinal epithelial cells. anti-hemolysin antisera did not inhibit the adherence of v. parahaemolyticus strains. moreover, the adhesive capacity of non-adhering strains was not enhanced by purified hemolysin. cell surface hydrophobicity remained the same in both kanagawa positive and negative strains of v. parahaemolyticus. fetuin strongly inhibited th ...19911769547
sequence and features of the tryptophan operon of vibrio parahemolyticus.the nucleotide sequence of the trp operon of the marine enteric bacterium vibrio parahemolyticus is presented. the gene order e, g, d, c(f), b, a is identical to that of other enterics. the structural genes of the operon are preceded by a long leader region encoding a 41-residue peptide containing five tryptophan residues. the organization of the leader region suggests that transcription of the operon is subject to attenuation control. the promoter-operator region of the v. parahemolyticus trp o ...19911773058
[effects of sodium chloride on destruction of microorganisms by microwave heating in potatoes].to assess the destructive effect of different sodium chloride concentrations (0, 0.3, 1.5, and 3%) on microorganisms with microwave heating, strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella enteritidis, escherichia coli and bacillus cereus were used to inoculate a mashed potato preparation. after microwave heating for 1 min at 800 w, resulted in temperatures and rate of destruction of bacteria significantly higher (p less than 0.05) in the core than on the surface of mashed ...19911773068
mosaic trisomy 8 associated with jejunal duplication. 19911773546
[work capacity of man when using individual respiratory protective devices].gas-mask decreased the ability to work by 20-50%. it was caused by decreasing skin and respiratory evaporation. ventilation of the under mask interspace (90 1/min) was recommended.19911790865
purification and characterization of a lecithin-dependent haemolysin from escherichia coli transformed by a vibrio parahaemolyticus gene.lecithin-dependent haemolysin (ldh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus was purified from escherichia coli c600 transformed with a plasmid (phl591) ligated with a 1.5 kb dna fragment of v. parahaemolyticus. the final preparation comprised two ldh proteins with different molecular masses which were immunologically cross-reactive and had the same enzymic activity. the ldh was a phospholipase hydrolysing both fatty acid esters of phospholipid, i.e. it hydrolysed phosphatidylcholine (pc) to lysophosphatidylc ...19911791426
synthesis, antimicrobial, and antitumor activity of a series of palladium(ii) mixed ligand complexes.mixed ligand complexes of cisdichloromethioninepalladium(ii) with 2-mercaptopyrimidine and 2-aminopyrimidine were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, conductivity data, infrared, and 1h nmr and 13c nmr spectra. in these mixed ligand complexes methionine coordinates to palladium through amino nitrogen and sulphur, thus leaving a free carboxylic acid group. the pyrimidine ligand coordinates to metal ion through n3. mixed ligand complexes of cisdichloroethioninepalladium(ii) with c ...19911791468
contribution of the tdh1 gene of kanagawa phenomenon-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus to production of extracellular thermostable direct hemolysin.kanagawa phenomenon-positive strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus contain two copies of the tdh gene (tdh 1 and tdh 2) encoding thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh). previous studies suggested that the tdh 2 gene, but not the tdh 1 gene, was responsible for production of extracellular tdh. in this study, a tdh 2-deficient isogenic mutant of kanagawa phenomenon-positive strain aq3815 was constructed by a suicide vector-mediated in vivo recombination method. the intact tdh 1 gene in the mutant contri ...19911795634
unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin pigments during perinatal development. iii. studies on serum of breast-fed and formula-fed neonates.the process of conjugation and secretion of bilirubin was studied in a group of healthy, full-term, exclusively breast-fed newborns and a control group of exclusively formula-fed infants by means of a reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of bilirubins present in serum. the serum concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin, esterified bilirubin, and the proportion of diesterified bilirubin (as percent of esterified bilirubin) were not significantly different in breast- and ...19911797114
unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin pigments during perinatal development. iii. studies on serum of breast-fed and formula-fed neonates.the process of conjugation and secretion of bilirubin was studied in a group of healthy, full-term, exclusively breast-fed newborns and a control group of exclusively formula-fed infants by means of a reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of bilirubins present in serum. the serum concentrations of unconjugated bilirubin, esterified bilirubin, and the proportion of diesterified bilirubin (as percent of esterified bilirubin) were not significantly different in breast- and ...19911797114
comparison of the electrophysiological effects of org 7797, disopyramide, mexiletine and propafenone in anaesthetized dogs with myocardial infarcts.1. the electrophysiological effects of intravenously administered org 7797 were compared with those of disopyramide (class ia), mexiletine (ib) and propafenone (ic) in anaesthetized dogs with 5-6 day-old left ventricular myocardial infarcts. 2. org 7797 (0.5 mg kg-1) slowed conduction at all levels of the myocardium as shown by increases in st-a, ah, hv and qrs intervals, very modestly prolonged atrial and ventricular refractory periods and slightly shortened ventricular repolarization. sinus no ...19911797309
comparison of the electrophysiological effects of org 7797, disopyramide, mexiletine and propafenone in anaesthetized dogs with myocardial infarcts.1. the electrophysiological effects of intravenously administered org 7797 were compared with those of disopyramide (class ia), mexiletine (ib) and propafenone (ic) in anaesthetized dogs with 5-6 day-old left ventricular myocardial infarcts. 2. org 7797 (0.5 mg kg-1) slowed conduction at all levels of the myocardium as shown by increases in st-a, ah, hv and qrs intervals, very modestly prolonged atrial and ventricular refractory periods and slightly shortened ventricular repolarization. sinus no ...19911797309
purification and some properties of inducible lysine decarboxylase from vibrio parahaemolyticus.inducible lysine decarboxylase from vibrio parahaemolyticus aq 3627 was purified to apparent homogeneity and characterized. the enzyme displayed a molecular weight of 531000 by gel filtration and 79000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the enzyme required pyridoxal phosphate as a cofactor, and the ph optimum was 5.5. the km value for l-lysine was 3.2 mm, and the enzyme was inhibited by 6-aminocaproic acid and alpha-fluoromethyl analogs of cadaverine. delta-hydroxylysi ...19911799949
purification and characterization of a hemolysin of vibrio mimicus that relates to the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a hemolysin (designated vm-rtdh) from vibrio mimicus (aq0915-e13) was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and successive column chromatography with deae-sephadex a-25, hydroxyapatite, mono q, superose 12 and phenyl-superose. the mr of the subunit was estimated to be about 22,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-slab gel electrophoresis. the isoelectric point of vm-rtdh was approximately ph 4.9. the hemolytic activity of vm-rtdh was stable upon heating at 100 degrees c for 10 min, similar to that ...19911804756
two generalized transducing phages in vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus.two bacteriophages named phi vp253 and phi vp143 isolated after ultraviolet induction from lysogenic strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus have been shown to be generalized transducing phages. so far, seven different auxotrophic markers of a v. parahaemolyticus strain could be transduced at the frequencies ranging from 2.2 x 10(-7) to 7.5 x 10(-5) per infected cell at the m.o.i. of approximately 1.0. the phage phi vp143, but not phi vp253, lysed 20 of the 28 strains of v. alginolyticus and the occu ...19911808461
[identification of species of microorganisms of the genus vibrio].during 1988, a study was made on 61 microorganisms, genus vibrio, which were received at the national reference laboratory for acute diarrheic diseases. pedro kouri institute of tropical medicine. of them, 46 were from children with acute diarrheic disease and 15 were isolated from the environment. by means of biochemical tests. 61 vibrio cholerae no. 01. 9 vibrio parahaemolyticus and 1 vibrio alginolyticus were identified. emphasis is placed upon the importance of keeping a systematic surveilla ...19911812527
[a study on diarrhoea disease caused by vibrionaceae along coast the east of zhejiang province].a study of the etiology of 1028 cases of acute diarrhoea due to vibrionaceae was carried out between august 1988 to july 1990 along the coast of east zhejiang province. from 417 clinical cases (40.56%) were found. 590 strains (57.39%) of pathogenic vibrios among them, the detection rates of vibrio, aeromonas and plesionmonas were 48.14%, 44.74%, 7.12% respectively. there were 8 species of vibrio detected: v. parahemolyticus (63.73%), v. fluvialis (11.97%), v. alginolyticus (10.215), non-01 vibri ...19911816992
structure of the rabbit phospholamban gene, cloning of the human cdna, and assignment of the gene to human chromosome 6.we have isolated and characterized genomic dna clones encoding rabbit phospholamban. only a single gene for phospholamban was detected in the rabbit genome. the phospholamban gene of 13.2 kilobases contains only one 10.5-kilobase intron, which separates exonic sequences located in the 5'-untranslated region. two potential transcription initiation sites were mapped to 335 and 185 nucleotides upstream from the translation initiation site in the mrna or 239 and 89 nucleotides upstream from the exon ...19911828805
complexity and sequence identification of 24 rat v beta genes.twenty-four tcr v beta genes were cloned by anchored pcr from the lewis rat strain and identified by nucleotide and amino acid sequence comparisons to known mouse v beta genes. rat v beta genes exist in 17 single-member and 3 multimember subfamilies and exhibit 86 to 94 and 72 to 92% nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarities, respectively, to their mouse counterparts. a single rat gene, designated v beta 20, having no previously known mouse counterpart was identified; a closely related gen ...19911828824
[mean values of risk factors for ischemic heart disease and their percentile distributions in the alma-ata population of men aged 20-54].the authors analyze the results of a one-stage epidemiological study of the open population of men aged 20-54 years (n-2886), carried out with a purpose of revealing coronary heart disease (chd) and its risk factors (rf). the study was performed with the aid of the standard who methods of epidemiological investigations. the prevalence of the main chd rf (arterial and borderline hypertension, overweight, tobacco-smoking, dyslipoproteinemias) was established. the mean values of rf in different age ...19911829274
survivals of vibrio parahaemolyticus and escherichia coli in a gastropod mollusc, heminerita japonica.vibrio parahaemolyticus strains d-3 and r-13 were found to be cleared within 7 days from a marine neritid gastropod mollusc, heminerita japonica, maintained in artificial seawater with salinities of 15, 25 and 35 permil (%) at 25 degrees c. escherichia coli strain ys-2 survived at a level of 10(2) colony forming units per gram in the mollusc maintained in 15% water for up to 14 days and fell to non-detectable level within 7 days in a 35% salinity group. the ability of h. japonica to clear these ...19911830783
attachment of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains to estuarine algae.attachment of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains to estuarine microalgae was examined in artificial seawater by viable counts of the organism and direct counts of the bacterial cells after immunoperoxidase staining. thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)-producing and tdh-non-producing strains of v. parahaemolyticus were found to attach to five estuarine strains of navicula (diatom alga) in similar levels. the level of the bacterial attachment depended on salinity and temperature of the water, in whic ...19911830790
ecological cycle of thermostable direct hemolysin-producing strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus in a brackish-water area with special reference to molluscs and attached microalgae.prevalences of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)-producing strains in communities of a gastropod mollusc. clithon retropictus, and a bivalve mollusc, corbicula japonica, and levels of the strains in attached microalgae and muddy sediments were investigated at a brackish-water area along hashizu creek and togo pond in japan, v. parahaemolyticus was detected from attached microalgae at hashizu creek in summer months with the highest level of 1.4 x 10(5) cfu/g. levels of the organism among 20 ani ...19911830798
in vitro attachment of vibrio parahaemolyticus to hemocytes of two gastropod molluscs.vibrio parahaemolyticus d-3 was observed to attach to hemocytes of a marine gastropod mollusc, nerita albicilla, regardless of the presence of n. albicilla serum. the organism attached to hemocytes of an estuarine gastropod, clithon retropictus, in the presence of c. retropictus serum while the attachment to the hemocytes was decreased significantly in the absence of the serum. these evidences suggest that n. albicilla hemocytes would facilitate the clearance of v. parahaemolyticus from the alim ...19911830802
na(+)-coupled atp synthesis in a mutant of vibrio parahaemolyticus lacking h(+)-translocating atpase h(+)-translocating atpase-defective mutant of vibrio parahaemolyticus ys-1 grew well on lactate as a sole source of carbon at ph 8.5 under aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. both wild type cells and the mutant cells could grow on lactate at ph 8.5 even in the presence of an h+ conductor, carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (cccp), but not at ph 7.5. oxidative phosphorylation resistant to cccp in the mutant occurred at ph 8.5. these findings suggest the existence of na ...19911831976
plasma-dependent chemotactic activity of hemocytes derived from a juvenile estuarine gastropod mollusc, clithon retropictus, to vibrio parahaemolyticus and escherichia coli strains.hemocytes of adult clithon retropictus were attracted chemotactically to live vibrio parahaemolyticus and escherichia coli strains. the chemotaxis was stimulated by the plasma of adult c. retropictus. hemocytes of the juvenile specimen were attracted chemotactically to v. parahaemolyticus and e. coli strains in the presence of the plasma of the juvenile and only to e. coli strain in the absence of the plasma. these evidences suggest that hemocytes of juvenile c. retropictus might be defective to ...19911836376
phosphate-dependent anti-vibrio parahaemolyticus activity in neritid gastropod molluscs. 19911836388
[human gastroenteritis associated with vibrio parahaemolyticus in recife, brazil].a study was carried out on the occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in 1,100 diarrheal feces, routinely sent to a private clinical laboratory for microbiologic diagnosis, in recife. v. parahaemolyticus was isolated from 14 (1.3%) fecal samples. however, if we considered only the specimens from adult patients, the isolation rate of v. parahaemolyticus rose to 7.1%. in most cases (92.86%), v. parahaemolyticus was the only enteropathogen recognized. among the isolates, seven k antigen serovars wer ...19911843400
isolation of urease-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus from diarrheal patients in northeast brazil.of 21 human fecal strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus, isolated on the northeast coast of brazil, eight (38%) were urease positive. most of these strains, in contrast to the urease-negative ones, did not produce the hemolysin responsible for the kanagawa phenomenon.19911844947
growth arrest induced by transforming growth factor beta 1 is accompanied by protein phosphatase activation in human keratinocytes.protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are involved in regulation of cell growth. we tested the hypothesis that the growth inhibitory effect of transforming growth factor beta 1 (tgf-beta 1) involves activation of protein phosphatases. exposure of human keratinocytes in culture to 400 pm tgf-beta 1 for 48 h led to 80% inhibition of dna synthesis as measured by nuclear labeling. incubation of cultured keratinocytes with 400 pm tgf-beta 1 rapidly activated (within 30 min) protein serine/thr ...19911847373
development of circadian sleep-wake rhythms in preterm and full-term infants.we have compared the roles of neurologic maturity and environmental time cues in the development of the entrained circadian sleep-wake rhythm in the preterm and term human infant. the preterm infants (n = 19) spent some time after birth in a hospital nursery with no environmental time cues, whereas the term infants (n = 22) were exposed from birth to a cyclical light and dark environment with one major caregiver. the circadian sleep-wake rhythm in the preterm infants entrained after a similar ti ...19911852533
interaction of butorphanol, with monoamine oxidase inhibitor, tranylcypromine.this investigation examines the possibility of interaction between tranylcypromine and butorphanol in comparison to pethidine. the ld50 of pethidine and butorphanol were determined in mice pretreated with the non-selective monoamine oxidase (mao) inhibitor, tranylcypromine orally for 8 days or with oral saline solution. tranylcypromine decreased the ld50 of both pethidine and butorphanol by 78% and 41%, respectively. anesthetized rabbits with halothane pretreated with tranylcypromine or saline w ...19911855717
interaction of butorphanol, with monoamine oxidase inhibitor, tranylcypromine.this investigation examines the possibility of interaction between tranylcypromine and butorphanol in comparison to pethidine. the ld50 of pethidine and butorphanol were determined in mice pretreated with the non-selective monoamine oxidase (mao) inhibitor, tranylcypromine orally for 8 days or with oral saline solution. tranylcypromine decreased the ld50 of both pethidine and butorphanol by 78% and 41%, respectively. anesthetized rabbits with halothane pretreated with tranylcypromine or saline w ...19911855717
in vitro effect of phyllanthus amarus on hepatitis b evaluate the effects of p. amarus on hepatitis b virus (hbv) antigens and hbv-dna, initial ethanolic extract and subsequent fractions of the plants were prepared. the whole plant material was dried, powdered and extracted with alcohol and subsequently fractionated in hexane, chloroform, butanol and finally in water. all the material were tested for in vitro effects on hbsag, hbeag and hbv-dna in serum samples positive for hbv antigens followed by the screening of respective antigens by elisa. ...19911855821
relevance of n-nitrosamines to oesophageal cancer in china.oesophageal cancer occurs at a very high frequency in certain areas of china, especially in linxian county, henan province. previous studies suggested that n-nitroso compounds play a causative role. in order to study further the exposure of linxian inhabitants, the intake of n-nitrosamines in the diet was determined. the total daily intake of volatile nitrosamines and of n-nitroso-n-methylbenzylamine (nmbza) was higher in linxian than in two other counties. nmbza can induce cancer in animal and ...19911855832
similarity of the tdh gene-bearing plasmids of vibrio cholerae non-o1 and vibrio parahaemolyticus.the gene encoding a hemolysin similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus was previously cloned from a plasmid of vibrio cholerae non-o1. the gene (designated as nag-tdh) was subcloned and its nucleotide sequence was determined and compared with reported sequences of the four tdh gene copies encoding tdh, of which three were cloned from the chromosome and one was cloned from a plasmid of v. parahaemolyticus. in the coding region, the nag-tdh gene had 100% homolo ...19911857199
animal rights. 19911865899
an evaluation of three commercial fecal transport systems for the recovery of enteric pathogens.twenty-five isolates, including six strains of shigella species, six strains of salmonella species, five strains of yersinia enterocolitica, six strains of campylobacter jejuni, and two strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus, were inoculated at a concentration of 1.5 x 10(4) colony-forming units/ml into the following transport systems: fekal enteric plus (trend scientific, inc., st. paul, mn), cary blair transport medium (remel, inc., lenexa, ks), and para-pak c & s (meridian diagnostics, inc., cinc ...19911877533
analysis of the gene of vibrio hollisae encoding the hemolysin similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the gene (designated as vh-tdh) of vibrio hollisae 9041 encoding a hemolysin similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) of v. parahaemolyticus contained a 567-base-pair open reading frame (orf), which was 93.3-93.5% homologous to those of the tdh genes of v. parahaemolyticus, v. cholerae non-01, and v. mimicus encoding tdh or similar hemolysins. comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequence containing the vh-tdh orf with published nucleotide and amino acid sequences suggested that the ...19911884983
functional expression of furin demonstrating its intracellular localization and endoprotease activity for processing of proalbumin and complement pro-c3.we have cloned a rat cdna encoding furin which is structurally related to yeast kex2 protease. products of 88 and 94 kda were obtained by in vitro transcription/translation of the cdna in the absence and presence of microsomes. when the cdna was transfected into cos-1 cells, furin was expressed as a major glycosylated form of 94 kda, accompanied by a minor proteolytic form of 86 kda, and found to be localized in the golgi complex. proalbumin and complement pro-c3 are intracellularly processed in ...19911885622
effects of environmental exposure on carbon polysulphone vivo and in vitro studies were designed to characterize the material degradation associated with implantation of carbon fibre-reinforced polysulphone (c/ps). composite plates were compression moulded for both studies, and a fibre orientation of 0 degrees with the long axis and a fibre volume fraction of approximately 55% were used. the in vitro experiment involved soaking three groups of four plates each at 4, 12 and 26 wk in 0.9% saline solution at 37 degrees c. the plates were measured for ...19911888812
characterization of thermostable direct hemolysins encoded by four representative tdh genes of vibrio parahaemolyticus.four tdh genes encoding thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) cloned from two representative strains of v. parahaemolyticus (tdh 1 and tdh 2 from a hemolytic strain, tdh3 and tdh4 from a non-hemolytic strain) have different nucleotide sequences (the maximum divergence: 3.3%). in this study, each tdh gene product was purified from the lysate of escherichia coli cells carrying the cloned gene and their properties were compared to investigate the influence of the amino acid substitutions caused by th ...19911890953
comparison of the indirect immunobead, radiolabeled, and immunofluorescence assays for immunoglobulin g serum antibodies to human sperm.the relative sensitivities of the indirect immunobead test, the indirect flo cytometric immunofluorescence assay, and an indirect radiolabeled antiglobulin assay were compared. eighteen immunobead test positive sera and 18 negative sera were used as the standard for the other two assays. of the 18 positive sera, 14 (77%) and 5 (27%) were positive in the immunofluorescence assay and the radiolabeled antiglobulin assay, respectively. four (22%) of the low titer immunobead test positive sera were n ...19911899399
comparative characterization of inducible and virulent vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteriophages having unique head projections.phage tp1, induced from vibrio parahaemolyticus k-20 pilot strain by mitomycin c, exhibited a unique hexagonal head with knob-like projections which covered the whole capsid and a noncontractile tail. the appearance of this phage was very similar to those of phages vp3 and vp6, isolated from seawater. the host range of phage tp1 was similar to those of phages vp3 and vp6. sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) of the three phage particles revealed almost identical p ...19911908040
analysis of the tdh gene cloned from a tdh gene- and trh gene-positive strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a variant of the gene (tdh) encoding thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) was cloned from the chromosome of vibrio parahaemolyticus aq3860, which gave positive results in the hybridization tests with the tdh gene probe and the trh (tdh-related hemolysin) gene probe and showed a low level of reaction in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for tdh. nucleotide sequence analysis of the cloned gene (tdh5) provided no evidence that tdh5 is evolutionally closer to the trh gene than the other tdh genes. ...19911908042
the occurrence and growth of microorganisms during the fermentation of fish sausage.minced fish (mullet) sausage mixes containing added sugar, salt, nitrate, nitrite and spices were fermented (48 h, 30 degrees c) by indigenous flora or by a starter culture (pediococcus acidilactici) and the microbial ecology and behaviour of various bacteria was monitored. pediococcus pentosaceus and lactobacillus plantarum dominated the indigenous fermentation, achieving populations of 10(7)-10(8) cfu/g by 48 h, and decreasing the ph of the mix to 4.5-4.7. significant growth (10(5)-10(7) cfu/g ...19911909546
cholera and vibrio parahaemolyticus diarrhoea endemicity in calabar, nigeria.the microbiological and morbidity profiles of acute diarrhoeal episodes were studied in 881 patients seen at the out-patients department of the university of calabar teaching hospital (ucth), calabar, between january and december, 1988. of a total of 108 (12.3%) culturally confirmed bacterial diarrhoeas, 47 (43.5%) were due to escherichia coli, 33 (30.6%) to vibrios (vibrio cholerae-01; classical and e1 tor biotypes and v. parahaemolyticus), while shigella spp. and salmonella. spp. accounted for ...19911911487
a novel mechanism of cation/substrate cotransport: na+/h+/adenosine cotransport in vibrio parahaemolyticus.adenosine is actively transported with na+ in vibrio parahaemolyticus (sakai, y., tsuda, m., tsuchiya, t. (1987) biochim, biophys. acta 893, 43-48). the proton conductor carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, cccp, strongly inhibited active transport of adenosine at ph 8.5 as well as at ph 7.0. this seemed peculiar because the driving force, an electrochemical potential of na+, is established by the na(+)-extruding respiratory chain at ph 8.5 in this organism, although it is established by the ...19911911824
formycin a resistant mutants due to defect in adenosine transport system in vibrio antibiotic formycin a inhibited growth of vibrio parahaemolyticus under certain conditions, which suggested that formycin a was taken up by cells under these conditions. we found that formycin a was transported via the adenosine transport system which we previously reported as a na(+)-coupled cotransport system. we isolated many formycin a resistant mutants, and about half of them grew very poorly on adenosine as a sole source of carbon. judging from their reversion frequencies, these mutants ...19911914010
occurrence of 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-manno-octonic acid in lipopolysaccharides isolated from vibrio parahaemolyticus.the occurrence of 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-manno-octonic acid (kdo) in lipopolysaccharides (lps) of vibrio parahaemolyticus was demonstrated for the first time by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after dephosphorylation, reduction, and methylation. kdo was virtually completely phosphorylated, since no kdo was detected by either gas chromatography or thiobarbituric acid assay before dephosphorylation. the level of kdo in all six strains of v. parahaemolyticus investigated ranged from 0.37 to 0.69%, w ...19911917863
optical sectioning of microbial biofilms.scanning confocal laser microscopy (sclm) was used to visualize fully hydrated microbial biofilms. the improved rejection of out-of-focus haze and the increased resolution of sclm made it preferable to conventional phase microscopy for the analysis of living biofilms. the extent of image improvement was dependent on the characteristics of individual biofilms and was most apparent when films were dispersed in three dimensions, when they were thick, and when they contained a high number of cells. ...19911917879
tryptophan 65 is essential for hemolytic activity of the thermostable direct hemolysin from vibrio parahaemolyticus.the effect of modification of aromatic and ionizable amino acid residues on the hemolytic activity of a thermostable direct hemolysin from vibrio parahaemolyticus was examined. tryptophan 65, one of the two tryptophan residues per subunit, was specifically modified with n-bromosuccinimide, resulting in complete loss of hemolytic activity. however, neither nitration with tetranitromethane of one of the nine tyrosine residues nor nlm-ethoxyformylation of two of the four histidine residues caused a ...19911926183
acute amphetamine-induced subsensitivity of a10 dopamine autoreceptors in vitro.extracellular recordings were obtained from spontaneously active, presumed dopamine (da) neurons of the ventral tegmental area (vta) of the rat in a slice preparation. bath-applied (+)-amphetamine (amph) (1-30 microm) induced a concentration-dependent decrease in the firing rate of these neurons, which tended to saturate with the highest concentrations used (n = 11). this inhibitory effect was dependent on the activation of d2 receptors since it was reversed by the d2 antagonist sulpiride (n = 8 ...19911933376
measurement of sensitivity to adriamycin in hybrid spheroids.using the newly developed hybrid spheroid system, we have been able to measure sensitivities to adriamycin in two sublines of lovo cells (a human colon adenocarcinoma line). hybrid spheroids are composed of coagglomerated lovo cells, and nonproliferating hela "feeder" cells, mimicking a population of minitumors. spheroids of uniform size, but containing different numbers of lovo cells, were incubated with various concentrations of adriamycin and after washing, plated for colony formation. binomi ...19911933483
percutaneous coronary and peripheral angioscopy with saline solution and carbon dioxide gas in porcine and canine obtain a clear view with angioscopy, blood must be displaced. carbon dioxide (co2) gas has proved to be a safe intraarterial contrast agent, and it may have advantages over saline solution as an infusion medium for angioscopy. this study compared the use of co2 gas and saline solution in the femoral artery, in the presence and absence of a proximal occlusion, in nine pigs and six dogs. the applicability of co2 gas in the coronary arteries was also evaluated. in total 185 angioscopy procedures ...19911950994
stability of streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin production with laboratory manipulation of group a streptococci.because of reported differences in the production of streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins by group a strains associated with severe streptococcal infections, the stability of exotoxin production by specific strains was examined by passing group a streptococci on blood agar culture plates daily for 20 days. no changes were detected in either exotoxin genes or in exotoxin production during this time, suggesting that these reported differences are due to other explanations such as differences in the s ...19911955721
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