
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
relationship between a 47-kda cytoplasmic membrane polypeptide and nitrate transport in anacystis nidulans.the polypeptide composition of cytoplasmic membranes of the cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans changes in response to variations in the nitrogen source available to the cells, differing specifically in the amount of a polypeptide of 47-kda molecular mass. synthesis of the polypeptide and expression of nitrate transport activity are repressed by ammonium. transfer of ammonium-grown cells to a medium containing nitrate as the sole nitrogen source results in parallel development of the 47-kda polype ...19892492194
thioredoxin is essential for photosynthetic growth. the thioredoxin m gene of anacystis nidulans.we have taken advantage of the transformation properties of the cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans r2 to investigate the importance of thioredoxin for photosynthetic growth. the gene encoding thioredoxin m, designated trxm, was cloned from a. nidulans using a synthetic oligonucleotide probe. based on the nucleotide sequence, thioredoxin m of a. nidulans is composed of 107 amino acids and shares 84, 48, and 48% sequence identity with thioredoxins from anabaena, spinach, and escherichia coli, respe ...19892492995
dna sequence and secondary structures of the large subunit rrna coding regions and its two class i introns of mitochondrial dna from podospora anserina.dna sequence analysis has shown that the gene coding for the mitochondrial (mt) large subunit ribosomal rna (rrna) from podospora anserina is interrupted by two class i introns. the coding region for the large subunit rrna itself is 3715 bp and the two introns are 1544 (r1) and 2404 (r2) bp in length. secondary structure models for the large subunit rrna were constructed and compared with the equivalent structure from escherichia coli 23s rrna. the two structures were remarkably similar despite ...19892494353
genes for the ribosomal proteins s12 and s7 and elongation factors ef-g and ef-tu of the cyanobacterium, anacystis nidulans: structural homology between 16s rrna and s7 mrna.a 6.5 kb region from the genome of the cyanobacterium, anacystis nidulans 6301 was cloned using the tobacco chloroplast gene for ribosomal protein s12 as a probe. sequence analysis revealed the presence of genes for ribosomal proteins s12 and s7 and elongation factors ef-g and ef-tu in this dna region. the arrangement is rps12 (124 codons) - 167 bp spacer - rps7 (156 codons) - 77 bp spacer - fus (694 codons) - 26 bp spacer - tufa (409 codons), which is similar to that of the escherichia coli str ...19892499762
cloning, sequence analysis and transcriptional study of the isopenicillin n synthase of penicillium chrysogenum as-p-78.a gene (ips) encoding the isopenicillin n synthase of penicillium chrysogenum as-p-78 was cloned in a 3.9 kb sali fragment using a probe corresponding to the amino-terminal end of the enzyme. the sali fragment was trimmed down to a 1.3 kb ncoi-bglii fragment that contained an open reading frame of 996 nucleotides encoding a polypeptide of 331 amino acids with an mr of 38012 dalton. the predicted polypeptide encoded by the ips gene of strain as-p-78 contains a tyrosine at position 195, whereas th ...19892499766
cloning and characterization of an anacystis nidulans r2 superoxide dismutase gene.the e. coli iron superoxide dismutase gene (sodb) was utilized as a heterologous probe to isolate a superoxide dismutase (sod) gene from anacystis nidulans r2. nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a 603 bp open reading frame with deduced amino acid sequence similar to other sod genes and to cyanobacterial superoxide dismutase amino-terminal sequences. assuming proteolytic cleavage of the initial methionine residue, the molecular mass of the mature a. nidulans r2 sodb polypeptide is 22,000 dalto ...19892501651
development of an expression system in aspergillus nidulans. 19892502450
expression of the escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase gene in industrial and phytopathogenic filamentous fungi.a chimaeric beta-glucuronidase (gus) gene has been created by ligating the aspergillus nidulans glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter to the coding sequence of the e. coli uida gene. co-transformation of this vector into a. nidulans, a. niger and the tomato pathogen fulvia fulva (syn. cladosporium fulvum (cooke] resulted in the expression of beta-glucuronidase. gus activity was detected by growth on agar media containing x-gluc and by enzyme assays of mycelial extracts. expression of ...19892504501
cloning and molecular characterisation of the amdr controlled gata gene of aspergillus nidulans.the gamma-amino-n-butyrate transaminase gene (gata) of aspergillus nidulans is one of several genes under positive control by the regulatory gene amdr (also called inta). the gata gene has been cloned from a cosmid library by complementation of a gata mutation. the sequence of a 2.6 kb genomic fragment containing gata has been determined. an open reading frame of 1497 bp within this sequence is interrupted by three putative introns and predicts a protein of 55 kda. northern analysis confirms con ...19892505051
expression of the trpc gene from penicillium chrysogenum in aspergillus nidulans.the heterologous expression in aspergillus nidulans of a gene involved in tryptophan biosynthesis from penicillium chrysogenum is described. with the chimeric plasmid ppc-31, which carries the cloned trpc gene, approximately 10-40 "stable" transformants per microgram of dna were obtained, with selection for complementation of the mutant allele. this frequency was increased 10-fold by the insertion of the ans1 fragment into the transformation vector. southern hybridization analysis revealed that ...19892508698
duplication of the phycocyanin operon in the unicellular cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans r2.two phycocyanin (pc) operons, each containing alpha- and beta-subunit genes, have been isolated from the unicellular cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans r2. using oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes for the pc-coding regions, three psti fragments were obtained and shown to contain the two operons, which are 2.7 kb apart, with a proposed gene order of 5'-(beta i-alpha i)-(beta ii-alpha ii)-3'. the nucleotide sequences of both alpha-subunit genes are identical, as are the beta-sequences and the 51-bp in ...19892511077
aspergillus and mouse share a new class of 'zinc finger' protein. 19892511649
[properties of 2,5-diamino-4-oxy-6-ribosylaminopyrimidine-5'- phosphate reductase, a enzyme of the second stage of flavinogenesis in pichia guilliermondii yeasts].2,5-diamino-4-oxy-6-ribosylaminopyrimidine-5'-phosphate reductase has been isolated from cells of pichia guilliermondii and subjected to 20-fold purification by treating extracts with streptomycin sulphate, frationating proteins (nh4)2so4 at 45-75% of saturation and chromatography on blue sepharose cl-6b. the use of gel filtration through sephadex g-150 and chromatography on deae-cellulose proved to be less effective for the enzyme purification. it has been established that it is 2,5-diamino-4-o ...19892511652
high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine in complex media by precolumn derivatisation with dansylaziridine.a novel method is described for the trace level quantitation of the tripeptide delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine (acv) in complex fermentation media, using a high-performance liquid chromatographic, pre-column derivatisation technique. the procedure is based upon the reaction of the acv monomer with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulphonylaziridine (dansylaziridine) and produces a highly fluorescent product. reaction conditions between the reagent and tripeptide were investigated an ...19892512319
expression of an anacystis nidulans photolyase gene in escherichia coli; functional complementation and modified action spectrum of photoreactivation.the anacystis nidulans photolyase gene inserted in an expression vector plasmid was introduced into escherichia coli cells and the production of anacystis photolyase protein was confirmed by reaction with antibodies raised against photolyase purified from a. nidulans cells. the anacystis photolyase functioned in photoreactivation repair defective e. coli cells. the e. coli transformants exhibited an action spectrum with a maximum around 380 nm similar to that of e. coli photolyase in contrast wi ...19892516329
cobalt-induced inhibition of growth in cyanobacteria anabaena doliolum and anacystis nidulans: interaction with sulphur containing amino acids.cobalt, above 1 microm concentration was growth inhibitory for both a. doliolum and a. nidulans. its toxicity was mitigated by sulphur containing amino acids (cystine and cysteine), however, methionine could not mitigate the cobalt toxicity at all.19892517422
purification and characterisation of nad-glutamate dehydrogenase from aspergillus nidulans.nad-glutamate dehydrogenase has been purified from mycelia of a. nidulans. the enzyme comprises subunits of 110 kda. it is located in the cytosol. it is completely denatured by 1.0 m guanidine hydrochloride, and is not renatured by subsequent dilution. isophthalate is a strong competitive inhibitor and the enzyme is also inhibited by thiol reagents. the properties of the enzyme were compared to those from other fungi in terms of size, sensitivity to inhibitors, intracellular distribution and mod ...19892524418
genetic engineering of filamentous fungi.filamentous fungi are important in medicine, industry, agriculture, and basic biological research. for example, some fungal species are pathogenic to humans, whereas others produce beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillin and cephalosporin). industrial strains produce large amounts of enzymes, such as glucoamylase and proteases, and low molecular weight compounds, such as citric acid. the largest and most economically important group of plant pathogens are fungi. several fungal species have biologica ...19892525275
processing of mitochondrial rna in aspergillus nidulans.genes for cytochrome oxidase subunit i (oxia), atpase subunit 9, nadh dehydrogenase subunit 3 (ndhc) and cytochrome oxidase subunit ii (oxib) are located within a 7.2 kb (1 kb = 10(3) bases or base-pairs) segment of the aspergillus nidulans mitochondrial genome. northern hybridization shows that abundant rna molecules of 4.0, 2.5 and 1.5 kb, each containing copies of two or more genes, are transcribed from this region. the 4.0 kb molecule, which contains copies of each of the four genes but lack ...19892530353
production of cell wall-degrading enzymes by aspergillus nidulans: a model system for fungal pathogenesis of plants.the cell wall-degrading enzymes polygalacturonase and pectate lyase have been suggested to be crucial for penetration and colonization of plant tissues by some fungal pathogens. we have found that aspergillus nidulans (= emericella nidulans), a saprophytic ascomycete, produces levels of these enzymes equal to those produced by soft-rotting erwinia species. induction of polygacturonase and pectate lyase in a. nidulans requires substrate and is completely repressed by glucose. surprisingly, inocul ...19892535501
regulation of the aspergillus nidulans pectate lyase gene (pela).aspergillus nidulans pectate lyase was purified from culture filtrates. the enzyme catalyzed a random eliminative cleavage reaction, had an apparent molecular weight of 40,000, and a pl of 4.2. pectate lyase antisera were produced and used to identify pectate lyase clones in a cdna expression library. thirteen of 14 clones identified immunologically cross-hybridized. the identity of the single-copy pectate lyase gene, which we designated pela, was confirmed in two ways. first, several cdna clone ...19892535502
protein encoded by the third intron of cytochrome b gene in saccharomyces cerevisiae is an mrna maturase. analysis of mitochondrial mutants, rna transcripts proteins and evolutionary relationships.we have established the nucleotide sequence of the wild-type and that of a trans-acting mutant located in the third (bi3) intron of the saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. the intron, 1691 base-pairs long, has an open reading frame 1045 base-pairs long, in phase with the preceding exon and the mutation replaces the evolutionarily conserved gly codon of the second consensus motif by an asp codon and blocks the formation of mature cytochrome b mrna. splicing intermediates of ...19892538624
the bimg gene of aspergillus nidulans, required for completion of anaphase, encodes a homolog of mammalian phosphoprotein phosphatase aspergillus nidulans, the temperature-sensitive, recessive cell cycle mutation bimg11 causes an elevated mitotic index at restrictive temperature and an inability to complete the anaphase separation of daughter nuclei. we have shown that this mutation has an abnormally high content of nuclear phosphoproteins and that the wild-type gene encodes a type 1 protein phosphatase. we conclude that dephosphorylation of a key protein(s) is required to complete mitosis.19892544297
nucleotide sequence and regulation of expression of the aspergillus nidulans gdha gene encoding nadp dependent glutamate dehydrogenase.the nucleotide sequence of the aspergillus nidulans gdha gene encoding nadp linked glutamate dehydrogenase has been determined and northern blot analysis used to study the regulation of expression of this gene. the gdha gene is 1485 nucleotides long and, by comparison with the corresponding neurospora crassa am gene, has two putative introns of 53 nucleotides and a protein encoding region of 1380 nucleotides that codes for an inferred protein of 49.63 kda which shows regions of homology with glu ...19892550758
invasive aspergillus infection in chronic granulomatous disease: treatment with itraconazole. 19892555469
cloning of a new bidirectionally selectable marker for aspergillus strains.mutants that lack adenosine triphosphate sulfurylase (atpsase; ec are unable to use sulfate as sole source of sulfur and are also resistant to selenate. these mutants, denoted sc-, are readily obtained from any strain of aspergillus niger or aspergillus nidulans by the strong selection for selenate resistance. we have cloned the gene encoding atpsase from a. nidulans by complementation of an sc mutant strain of a. nidulans with a gene library and show that plasmids containing this gene ...19892558969
isolation of the faca (acetyl-coenzyme a synthetase) and acue (malate synthase) genes of aspergillus nidulans.acetate inducible genes of aspergillus nidulans were cloned via differential hybridization to cdna probes. using transformation of mutant strains the genes were identified as faca (acetyl-coenzyme a synthetase) and acue (malate synthase). the levels of rna encoded by these genes were shown to be acetate inducible and subject to carbon catabolite repression. induction is abolished in a facb mutant and carbon catabolite repression is relieved in a crea mutant.19892571070
ammonia assimilation by aspergillus nidulans: [15n]ammonia study.15n kinetic labelling studies were done on liquid cultures of wild-type aspergillus nidulans. the labelling pattern of major amino acids under 'steady state' conditions suggests that glutamate and glutamine-amide are the early products of ammonia assimilation in a. nidulans. in the presence of phosphinothricin, an inhibitor or glutamine synthetase, 15n labelling of glutamate, alanine and aspartate was maintained whereas the labelling of glutamine was low. this pattern of labelling is consistent ...19892574737
electrofusion of protoplasts from celery (apium graveolens l.) with protoplasts from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans.a method was developed for electrofusion of higher-plant protoplasts from celery and protoplasts from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. initially, methods for the fusion of protoplasts from ecch species were determined individually and, subsequently, electrical parameters for fusion between the species were determined. pronase-e treatment and the presence of calcium ions markedly increased celery protoplast stability under the electrical conditions required and increased fusion freque ...198924212750
one enzyme makes a fungal pathogen, but not a saprophyte, virulent on a new host plant.certain genes of nectria haematococca, a fingal pathogen of pea (pisum sativum), encode pisatin demethylase (pda), a cytochrome p-450 monoxygenase that detoxifies the phytoalexin pisatin. because pda is required by n.haematococca for pathogenicity on pea, pisatin helps defend pea against n. haematococca. the possibility that pisatin is a general defense factormicrothat is, that pda can confer pathogenicity to fungi not normally pathogenic on peamicrowas investigated. genes encoding pda were tran ...198917839018
action spectra for nitrate and nitrite assimilation in blue-green algae.action spectra for the assimilation of nitrate and nitrite have been obtained for several blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) with different accessory pigment composition. the action spectra for both nitrate and nitrite utilization by nitrate-grown anacystis nidulans l-1402-1 cells exhibited a clear peak at about 620 nanometers, corresponding to photosystem ii (psii) c-phycocyanin absorption, the contribution of chlorophyll a (chl a) being barely detectable. the action spectrum for nitrate reductio ...198816666041
identification and purification of a derepressible alkaline phosphatase from anacystis nidulans r2.we have examined the increase in alkaline phosphatase activity in the cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans r2 upon phosphate deprivation. much of the activity is released into the medium when a. nidulans is osmotically shocked, indicating that the enzyme is located either in the periplasmic space or is loosely bound to the cell wall. the polypeptide associated with phosphatase activity has been identified as a single species of m(r) 160,000. several lines of evidence demonstrate that this polypepti ...198816666051
genetic transformation of an argb mutant of aspergillus argb mutant of aspergillus oryzae nrrl 492 has been genetically transformed with the aspergillus nidulans argb gene. protoplasts were generated with a combination of novozyme 234 and beta-glucuronidase and regenerated on sucrose-stabilized minimal medium without arginine as described for a. nidulans. a frequency of 5 to 10 transformants per mug of dna was obtained; however, most transformants appeared abortive. the a. nidulans argb gene and vector sequences appeared to be integrated into the ...198816347669
cloning, expression and directed mutagenesis of the genes for ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.the dominant natural form of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) is composed of large (l) 55-kda and small (s) 15-kda subunits. this enzyme (as the l8s8 form) is widely distributed among oxygenic photosynthetic species and among chemosynthetic bacteria. another form lacking small subunits is found as an l2 dimer in rhodospirillum rubrum or an l oligomer of uncertain aggregation state from rhodopseudomonas spharoides. the present article reviews two basically different appro ...198824425168
binding, uptake and expression of foreign dna by cyanobacteria and isolated etioplasts.discoveries of the uptake and expression of various escherichia coli plasmids by the cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans and isolated cumber etioplasts are reviewed. in particular, the binding and uptake of nick-translated (32)p-labeled plasmids and the expression of genes in the native plasmids are considered.permeaplasts of a. nidulans 6301 and isolated edta-washed cucumber etioplasts exhibit binding and uptake of dna that is unaffected by uncouplers of photophosphorylation or by dissipators of ...198824425366
developmental characterization and chromosomal mapping of the 5-azacytidine-sensitive fluf locus of aspergillus aspergillus nidulans, a fungus that possesses negligible, if any, levels of methylation in its genome, low concentrations of 5-azacytidine (5-ac) convert a high percentage of the cell population to fluffy phenotypic variants through a heritable modification of a single nuclear gene (m. tamame, f. antequera, j. r. villanueva, and t. santos, mol. cell. biol. 3:2287-2297, 1983). this new 5-ac-altered locus, designated here fluf1, was mapped as the closest marker to the centromere that has been i ...19882463470
nucleotide sequence of the aspergillus niger trpc gene: structural relationship with analogous genes of other organisms.the nucleotide sequence of the aspergillus niger tryptophan c (trpc) gene was determined. northern hybridization and s1-mapping experiments showed the presence of a 2.6 kb trpc poly(a)+ rna with two very short (5 and 6 nucleotides) noncoding 5'-regions. comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence with that of trp gene proteins of pro- and eukaryotic organisms revealed three functional domains (g, c, f) in the a. niger trpc protein which catalyse the glutamine amidotransferase reaction (gat), ...19882836085
an amds-lacz fusion for studying gene regulation in aspergillus.a translational fusion has been constructed between the amds gene of aspergillus nidulans and the lacz gene of escherichia coli. sequencing across the fusion junction confirmed the generation of an in-frame fusion at amino acid 34 of amds and a novel protein has been detected in transformants carrying the fusion plasmid. transformants of a. nidulans and aspergillus niger carrying the fusion plasmid were obtained by co-transformation with a second selectable plasmid. these transformants were read ...19882838387
isolation and transformation of the pyruvate kinase gene of aspergillus nidulans.the aspergillus nidulans pyruvate kinase gene was isolated by heterologous hybridization using the corresponding yeast gene as a probe. a 2.9 kb ecori/bamhi fragment, which exclusively hybridized to the yeast gene, was subcloned in pbr322. this clone was used to transform an a. nidulans pkia deletion mutant to pki+. the analysis of transformants with respect to the kind of integration revealed about 80% homologous integration--55% by a double cross-over event (type iii integration), 25% by a sin ...19882839306
do metal ions promote the re-activation of the 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutases?it has been reported [smith, mcwilliams & hass (1986) biochem. biophys. res. commun. 136, 336-340] that addition of certain metal ions, notably co2+ and mn2+, promoted the refolding of denatured phosphoglycerate mutase from wheat germ. we have re-investigated these experiments and have shown that, when precautions are taken to avoid artefacts in the assay system, the metal ions do not promote any re-activation of the denatured wheat-germ or aspergillus nidulans enzymes. an alternative explanatio ...19882844142
differences in the regulation of aldehyde dehydrogenase genes in aspergillus niger and aspergillus order to study mechanisms of gene regulation in a. niger, and to compare these to similar systems in a. nidulans, a gene encoding an aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme has been cloned. in wild-type strains of a. niger the gene shows expression which is regulated by induction and repression. levels of induction by various compounds and the extent of repression under various growth conditions differs from that seen for the a. nidulans alda gene. unlike the a. nidulans alda gene, the a. niger gene ha ...19882846191
the effect of sorbose on nad(p)ase production by aspergillus nidulans.1. nad(p)ase activity was stimulated when 1% sorbose was present in the culture medium of a. nidulans, and this effect was partially reversed by 1% glucose. 2. the level of extracellular nad(p)ase was more affected by sorbose in the culture medium than the intracellular enzyme and no morphological changes were obtained. 3. the sorbose effect on nad(p)ase activity appears to be specific since two other exoenzymes tested (beta-glucosidase and alkaline protease) show normal secretion patterns. 4. t ...19882853639
calmodulin-dependent multifunctional protein kinase in aspergillus nidulans.a ca2+/calmodulin (cam)-dependent multifunctional protein kinase has been isolated from aspergillus nidulans and purified to homogeneity. unlike any cam-dependent multifunctional protein kinase described previously, the native enzyme from aspergillus behaves as a monomer. the calculated molecular weight is 41,200. nadodso4/page reveals a single protein band with an apparent mr of 51,000. two-dimensional isoelectric focusing/nadodso4/page of the purified enzyme showed one major and one minor more ...19882835766
behaviour of a replicating mitochondrial dna sequence from aspergillus amstelodami in saccharomyces cerevisiae and aspergillus amplified sequence of mitochondrial dna from a ragged (rgd) mutant of aspergillus amstelodami has been shown to exist in multimeric circular form, suggesting that it is excised from the genome and can exist independently of it. this sequence has replicative (ars) activity in saccharomyces cerevisiae, and a subfragment responsible for this activity has been identified and sequenced. a homologous sequence from aspergillus nidulans mtdna also has ars activity in s. cerevisiae. both a. amstelodam ...19883042169
an asparaginase of aspergillus nidulans is subject to oxygen repression in addition to nitrogen metabolite repression.of five amidohydrolase activities subject to nitrogen metabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans, l-asparaginase shows clearest evidence of also being subject to repression by atmospheric oxygen. such oxygen repressibility is only evident under nitrogen metabolite derepressed conditions. asparaginase levels are also considerably elevated by area300, an altered function allele of the positive acting wide domain regulatory gene area mediating nitrogen metabolite repression and are drastically r ...19883043173
identification of the sites of action for regulatory genes controlling the amds gene of aspergillus nidulans.the amds gene of aspergillus nidulans, which encodes an acetamidase enzyme, is positively regulated by the trans-acting genes amdr, facb, amda, and area. sequence changes in several cis-acting mutations in the 5' region of the gene which specifically affect amds regulation were determined. the amdi9 mutation, which results in increased facb-dependent acetate induction, is due to a single-base change at base pair -210 relative to the start point of translation. the amdi93 mutation, which abolishe ...19883043184
cloning and expression in escherichia coli of isopenicillin n synthetase genes from streptomyces lipmanii and aspergillus nidulans.beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins are synthesized by a wide variety of microbes, including procaryotes and eucaryotes. isopenicillin n synthetase catalyzes a key reaction in the biosynthetic pathway of penicillins and cephalosporins. the genes encoding this protein have previously been cloned from the filamentous fungi cephalosporium acremonium and penicillium chrysogenum and characterized. we have extended our analysis to the isopenicillin n synthetase genes from th ...19883045077
chronic granulomatous disease of childhood. an unusual case of infection with aspergillus nidulans var. echinulatus.aspergillus nidulans var. echinulatus was the sole agent cultured from the left lung, a paraspinal abscess, left ribs, and thoracic vertebral bodies from a patient with chronic granulomatous disease. hyphal elements were present in histologic sections of lung, vertebral bodies, and infected ribs along with granuloma formation. the patient was treated with two debridement procedures and insertion of a harrington rod followed by a long course of amphotericin b, flucytosine, and daily white blood c ...19883046321
every ribosomal suppressor mutation in aspergillus nidulans has a unique and highly pleiotropic phenotype.18 suppressors of alcr125 have been selected in aspergillus nidulans. they have been located in genes as follows: 12 in suaa, 1 in suab and 5 in suac. suppressors have been examined to see whether their phenotype is diagnostic for their genotype. several new traits are described: conidial viability, cycloheximide resistance, fertility, suppression of niad500, niad501 and fwa1. these tests, added to those already in use, provide a battery of tests suitable for assigning suppressor mutations to ph ...19883046761
genetic regulation of the quinic acid utilization (qut) gene cluster in aspergillus nidulans.a large number of quinic acid non-utilizing qut mutants of aspergillus nidulans deficient in the induction of all three quinic acid specific enzymes have been analysed. one class the qutd mutants, are all recessive and are non-inducible at ph 6.5 due to inferred deficiency in a quinate ion permease. two regulatory genes have been identified. the quta gene encodes an activator protein since most quta mutants are recessive and non-inducible although a few fully dominant mutants have been found. th ...19883049934
induction of chromosome malsegregation by halogenated organic solvents in aspergillus nidulans: unspecific or specific mechanism?three chloromethanes (dichloromethane, chloroform and carbon tetrachloride) and 8 chlorinated ethanes (1,1- and 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1- and 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1,2- and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, pentachloroethane and hexachloroethane) were assayed in tests for the induction of mitotic segregation in aspergillus nidulans diploid strain p1. eight of the 11 compounds assayed (dichloromethane, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1- and 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1,2- a ...19883050490
cell-cycle modulation of mpm-2-specific spindle pole body phosphorylation in aspergillus nidulans.mpm-2 is a monoclonal antibody that interacts with mitosis-specific phosphorylated proteins in many different organisms. immunocytochemistry of tissue culture cells has shown that mpm-2 stains centrosomes, chromosomes, kinetochores, and spindles. in this paper, we demonstrate that mpm-2 staining colocalizes with the spindle pole body (spb) of aspergillus nidulans and that spb staining varies during the mitotic cycle. in an unsynchronized population, about one-fourth to one-third of the cells sta ...19883052873
glycerol uptake mutants of the hyphal fungus aspergillus nidulans.a new class of glycerol non-utilizing mutants, designated glcc, has been isolated. the glcc gene was mapped in linkage group vi and mutants were found to complement the reference strains glca1 (linkage group v) and glcb33 (linkage group i) in diploids. the new mutants were unable to grow on glycerol. however, in contrast to the glca and glcb phenotype these mutants did grow well on dihydroxyacetone and d-galacturonate. by in vivo 13c nmr spectroscopy it was shown that the glcc mutant did not tak ...19883053975
molecular cloning, identification and transcriptional analysis of genes involved in acetate utilization in neurospora crassa.four neurospora crassa genomic clones have been selected as hybridizing much more strongly to labelled mrna isolated from acetate-grown mycelium than to mrna from sucrose-grown mycelium. hybridization of restriction fragments with acetate-specific mrna or cdna has been used to delimit the transcribed region(s) of each clone. the transcription of all four clones is strongly induced by transfer of growing mycelium from sucrose to acetate as sole carbon source. in wild-type mycelium, mrnas correspo ...19883054423
location and biosynthetic regulation of endo-1,4-beta-glucanase in aspergillus nidulans.the location and biosynthetic regulation of endo-1,4-beta-glucanase were studied in aspergillus nidulans. the enzyme was found to be extracellular, but low intracellular activity was also detected at the beginning of enzyme induction. the synthesis of the enzyme was regulated by carbon catabolite repression as well as specific induction. beta-1,4-linked carbohydrates, such as carboxymethylcellulose, cellobiose and lactose, induced the enzyme synthesis, while 2-deoxyglucose and readily metaboliza ...19883054436
mitotic gene conversion, reciprocal recombination and gene replacement at the bena, beta-tubulin, locus of aspergillus nidulans.we have developed a procedure for determining the rates of mitotic recombination of an interrupted duplication created by integration of transforming plasmid sequences at the bena, beta-tubulin, locus of aspergillus nidulans. transformation of a strain carrying a benomyl-resistant bena allele with plasmid aipgm4, which carries the wild-type bena allele and the pyr4 (orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase) gene of neurospora crassa, creates an interrupted duplication with plasmid sequences flanked ...19883054484
localisation of several chromosome i genes of aspergillus nidulans: implications for mitotic recombination.another laboratory previously reported that the vast majority of mitotic recombinants in chromosome i disomics of aspergillus nidulans arise from double exchange events involving the centromeric region and a far distal, possibly telomeric, region. this conclusion was based on the assumption that the camc gene is located in a position far distal to the centromere on the left arm of chromosome i. as a left arm location for camc distal to the centromere was possibly in conflict with mapping data ob ...19883054488
a rapid purification procedure for pyruvate kinase from the hyphal fungus aspergillus nidulans.pyruvate kinase was purified from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans with a 45-55% yield. the procedure involved dye-affinity chromatography and fast protein liquid chromatography, resulting in highly active and pure enzyme in milligram quantities within 2 days. the purified enzyme, a tetramer with a subunit molecular weight of 65,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.7, was used to determine the amino acid composition.19883058273
cloning and analysis of the positively acting regulatory gene amdr from aspergillus nidulans.the positively acting regulatory gene amdr of aspergillus nidulans coordinately regulates the expression of four unlinked structural genes involved in acetamide (amds), omega amino acid (gata and gaba), and lactam (lama) catabolism. by the use of dna-mediated transformation of a. nidulans, the amdr regulatory gene was cloned from a genomic cosmid library. southern blot analysis of dna from various loss-of-function amdr mutants revealed the presence of four detectable dna rearrangements, includin ...19883062382
evaluation of the mutagenic activity of leucinostatins, a novel class of antibiotic peptides produced by paecilomyces marquandii, in the modul aspergillus nidulans.leucinostatins a, b, c, d, e, g, h, and k were thoroughly investigated for their genotoxic activity using the modul aspergillus nidulans as the test organism. the results of assays for gene mutation (8-azaguanine resistance and methionine suppressors), gene conversion, mitotic crossing-over and mitotic aneuploidy induction suggest that these peptide antibiotics lack significant mutagenicity and that non-genotoxic mechanism(s) underlie their cytotoxic properties.19883063923
isolation of a phytoalexin-detoxification gene from the plant pathogenic fungus nectria haematococca by detecting its expression in aspergillus nidulans.detoxification of the pea phytoalexin pisatin via demethylation, mediated by a cytochrome p-450 monooxygenase, is thought to be important for pathogenicity of the fungus nectria haematococca on pea. to isolate a fungal gene encoding pisatin demethylating activity (pda), we transformed aspergillus nidulans with a genomic library of n. haematococca dna constructed in a cosmid which carried the a. nidulans trpc gene. transformants were selected for trp+ and then screened for pda. one transformant a ...19883065148
regulatory region of the aspergillus nidulans argb gene.we have constructed a series of deletion plasmids which contain the aspergillus nidulans argb gene for ornithine carbamoyltransferase (otc). these deletions comprise the 5' upstream sequence of the argb gene. the pro- arg- strain of a. nidulans was transformed with the above plasmids. several arg+ transformants of integration types i and ii, obtained using each of the deletion plasmids, were studied, and their ability to de-repress otc level by proline starvation was compared. it was concluded t ...19883066508
ammonium ion sensitivity is a ribosomal phenotype associated with suppressor mutations in the suac gene of aspergillus nidulans.ammonium ions are selectively toxic to strains containing mutations in the suac gene which can mutate to a suppressor phenotype. this phenotype is associated with increased ribosomal misreading in vitro (zamir and martinelli 1987) and altered ribosomal proteins (harvey and martinelli 1983). such ammonium-sensitivity is a feature of both strong and weak suppressor alleles, and segregates with suppressor ability in crosses. suppressor mutations in the suab and suad genes are not affected, nor are ...19883066509
an adaptive response to alkylating agents in aspergillus nidulans.a simple method is described for demonstrating adaptation to alkylation damage in aspergillus nidulans. one wild type, two mnng-sensitive, and one mnng-resistant strain all showed improvement in colony growth when challenged with mnng following appropriate inducing pretreatments. other alkylating agents (mms, ems) could also adapt mycelium to later mnng challenge, while 4nqo and uv could not. the inducible effect was not transmissible through conidia. a standard reversion assay based upon methg ...19883066510
isolation and characterization of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene of aspergillus nidulans.the isolation and characterization of the highly expressed glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd)-coding gene (gpda) of aspergillus nidulans is described. the gene was isolated from an a. nidulans lambda gene library with a saccharomyces cerevisiae gpd-coding gene as a probe. unlike many other eukaryotes, a. nidulans contains only one gpd-coding gene. at the amino acid level, homology with other gpd enzymes is extensive. the a. nidulans gene contains seven introns, one of which is positi ...19883066699
structure of the aspergillus nidulans pyruvate kinase gene.the complete nucleotide sequence of the aspergillus nidulans pyruvate kinase gene, including its flanking sequences, is presented. the gene has a 1,578 bp coding sequence that encodes a protein of 526 amino acids; the latter is strongly homologous to the pyruvate kinases found in saccharomyces cerevisiae (66%) and mammals (53%). the gene is interrupted by seven introns, three of which are in a conserved position compared to those present in the mammalian pyruvate kinase genes sequenced thus far. ...19883072099
an efficient cell-free translation system from aspergillus nidulans and in vitro translocation of prepro-alpha-factor across aspergillus microsomes.we describe the preparation of an in vitro translation system from heat shock-treated aspergillus nidulans, capable of supporting efficient and faithful synthesis of proteins from natural and in vitro transcribed eukaryotic messages. in vitro synthesized prepro-alpha-factor was translocated across aspergillus nidulans microsomal membranes in either the homologous a. nidulans or a yeast cell-free system. the translocated prepro-alpha-factor was protected from digestion by protease and glycosylate ...19883072100
the ethanol regulon in aspergillus nidulans: characterization and sequence of the positive regulatory gene alcr.the regulatory gene, alcr, of aspergillus nidulans, encodes a protein that induces the expression of the alca and alda genes. the alcr gene is inducible, autoregulated, and subject to carbon catabolite repression. we report the complete nucleotide sequence of the alcr gene and its 5' and 3' non-coding regions. in the 5' flanking region of the alcr gene, several repeats and inverted repeats were found, and small sequence similarities were also found with the 5' flanking regions of the alca and al ...19883072264
[investigation on sterigmatocystin-producing species of aspergillus in china]. 19883073929
genetic regulation of development in aspergillus nidulans. 19883076298
induction of multiple germ tubes in neurospora crassa by antitubulin agents.the antitubulin fungicide benomyl suppressed the linear growth of neurospora crassa wild type strain st. lawrence 74 at micromolar concentrations. the rate of germination of macroconidia was not affected. macroconidia exposed to 1.7 microm benomyl for 5 h formed multiple germ tubes. when germlings incubated for 4 h were exposed to 1.7 microm benomyl for 3 h, their germ tube stopped growing, swelled and emitted several branches. normal linear growth was restored after removal of the fungicide. li ...19882969337
molecular cloning vectors for aspergillus and neurospora. 19882974737
comparison of the orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase sequences of eight species.predicted amino acid sequences of the enzyme orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase (ec from eight different organisms are compared. the comparisons are made on the basis of primary structural differences, primary amino acid sequence, hydropathy profiles, and secondary structure predictions. the organisms compared are mus musculus, aspergillus nidulans, neurospora crassa, kluyveromyces lactis, saccharomyces cerevisiae, schizosaccharomyces pombe, escherichia coli, and salmonella typhimuri ...19882974823
aspergillus nidulans contains a single actin gene which has unique intron locations and encodes a gamma-actin.the single actin gene from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans has been isolated and characterized. the only other organism reported to contain just one actin gene is another ascomycete, the budding yeast saccharomyces. the nucleotide sequence of the a. nidulans actin gene predicts a polypeptide containing the n-terminal sequence identifying the gamma-actin isotype. until now this characteristic n terminus has only been reported to occur in vertebrate actin sequences. a monospecific anti ...19882975248
molecular organisation of the quinic acid utilization (qut) gene cluster in aspergillus nidulans.the functional integrity of the qutb gene (encoding quinate dehydrogenase) has been confirmed by transformation of a qutb mutant strain. the dna sequence of the contiguous genes qutd (quinate permease), qutb and qutg (function unknown) has been determined and analysed, together with that of qute (catabolic 3-dehydroquinase). the qutb sequence shows significant homology with the shikimate dehydrogenase function of the complex arom locus of aspergillus nidulans, and with the qa-3 quinate dehydroge ...19882976880
repair of alkylation damage in the fungus aspergillus nidulans.the repair of alkylation damage in aspergillus nidulans was investigated. we have assayed soluble protein fractions for enzymes known to be involved in the repair of this type of damage in dna. the presence of a glycosylase activity that can remove 3-methyladenine from dna was demonstrated, as well as a dna methyltransferase activity that appears to act against o6-methylguanine. in addition to this approach, a series of mutants were isolated which display increased sensitivity to alkylating agen ...19882452348
distinction of cnxh cofactor gene-specified protomers with monoclonal antibodies to aspergillus nitrate reductase.the nitrate reductase (nadph) (ec from aspergillus nidulans is influenced directly by mutations in the structural gene (niad) for the major subunit of the enzyme and indirectly by mutation in any of several molybdenum cofactor loci (cnx). the cnxe-14 and the cnxh-3 mutants have been noted to contain the enzyme in two distinct forms following induction with nitrate. with the cnxh-3 as a prototype cnxh mutant, 10 other cnxh were found to be devoid of the assembled (dimeric) form of the en ...19882454152
differential expression of ustilago maydis dna sequences during induction of nitrate reductase enzyme activity.a differential hybridisation screen of an ustilago maydis genomic dna library was used to identify dna sequences transcribed at higher levels under growth conditions which induce nitrate reductase activity. after two rounds of screening, four different sequences showed a strongly enhanced hybridisation signal with an induced cdna probe relative to a repressed cdna probe. the sequence in plasmid pmh3007 hybridised to a u. maydis rna transcript of a 4.2 kb. this is identical in size to a transcrip ...19883224386
a phosphate-repressible acid phosphatase gene from aspergillus niger: its cloning, sequencing and transcriptional analysis.the cloning and sequencing of an aspergillus niger gene encoding a secreted form of phosphate-repressible acid phosphatase by complementation of a paca (phosphate-repressible acid phosphatase) mutant of aspergillus nidulans is described. the gene contains two introns, 201 and 265 nt in length, and codes for a 1.6-kb transcript. both phosphate concentration and ph of the growth medium affect the level of expression of the gene in a. niger. similar regulation is observed in a. nidulans transforman ...19883224828
microorganisms associated with mouldiness of dried yam chips and their prevention.the broad objective of this study was to isolate and identify the microorganisms causing mouldiness of stored yam chips and to look for ways of preventing the problem. microorganisms isolated included aspergillus flavus, a. glaucus, a. nidulans, a. niger, a. ochraceous, a. tamarii, a. candidus, penicillium oxalicum, trichoderma longibrachyatum, rhizopus nigricans, cylindrocarpon radicicola, neurospora crassa, botryodiplodia theobromae, bacillus subtilis, bacillus cereus, erwinia carotovora and s ...19883231261
interpretation of uv-survival curves of aspergillus conidiospores.semi-logarithmic dose-response curves for survival of uv-irradiated conidiospores of a. nidulans have an initial shoulder (at low doses) followed by a decline which becomes linear. to explain the initial shoulder and the resulting extrapolation number (log s intercept of the linear extrapolation line) a general model is presented, which includes multi-target (n) and multi-hit (h) effects and allows for the effect of initial repair and of a compound parameter k, which stands for inherent sensitiv ...19883275884
spindle formation and chromatin condensation in cells blocked at interphase by mutation of a negative cell cycle control aspergillus nidulans the temperature-sensitive cell cycle mutation bime7 causes chromosome condensation and pre-anaphase spindle formation to occur at restrictive temperature. by constructing double mutants between bime7 and s phase or g2 phase mutants and blocking dna replication with hydroxyurea, we demonstrate that bime7 can cause chromatin condensation and spindle formation in cells held in s or g2. thus bime7 overrides normal control systems that prevent mitosis from prematurely occurrin ...19883277718
nuclear migration in a nud mutant of aspergillus nidulans is inhibited in the presence of a quantitatively normal population of cytoplasmic microtubules.nuclear migration was studied in germinating conidia of a temperature-sensitive mutant of the fungus aspergillus nidulans. at the restrictive temperature motility was demonstrably impaired because significantly fewer nuclei migrated into the germ tube relative to a population of similarly sized germlings grown at the permissive temperature. further comparison of these populations showed that the mutant was leaky in that an increasing number of nuclei migrated as the total nuclear content increas ...19883279053
on the mutagenic and recombinogenic activity of certain herbicides in salmonella typhimurium and in aspergillus nidulans.the plant growth-regulating hormones indole-3-acetic acid (iaa) and indole-3-butyric acid (iba), both strong recombinogens in aspergillus nidulans, were tested in salmonella typhimurium strains for his revertants at a range of concentrations from 1 to 2000 micrograms/plate with and without metabolic activation and were found negative. also 3 herbicides of the chlorophenoxy group, 2,4-(dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4-d), 2,4-(dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid (2,4-db) and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacet ...19883280995
mutants of aspergillus nidulans with increased resistance to the alkylating agent, n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine.the isolation and characterisation of mutants of aspergillus nidulans showing resistance to mnng is described. such isolates were stable through prolonged subculture in the absence of the selective agent, and resistance segregated as an allele of a single gene in meiotic and mitotic analysis. mnng-resistant strains showed an increase in resistance to ems and uv irradiation but no cross-resistance to mms was detected. possible mechanisms of resistance to alkylating agents are discussed.19883283539
an uvsb mutant of aspergillus nidulans with high variable spontaneous mutation and intergenic mitotic recombination uv-sensitive mutant has been isolated with a new technique which allows isolation of uv-sensitive and uv-non-mutable mutants in aspergillus nidulans. this mutant is an allele of the known uvsb gene but shows some features not previously described in the alleles so far isolated. its more important characteristics are: (1) frequency of mitotic intergenic recombination is strongly increased in uvs/uvs diploids and it is highly variable in different clones: it varies from a minimum of 40-fold to ...19883283545
a new gene controlling sulphite reductase in aspergillus nidulans. 19883284789
similarity of nucleotide sequences at splicing sites. 19883287170
brla is necessary and sufficient to direct conidiophore development in aspergillus nidulans.the brla gene of a. nidulans mediates the developmental switch from the indeterminate, apical growth pattern of vegetative cells to the budding growth pattern of conidiophores. brla encodes a 432 amino acid polypeptide containing two directly repeated motifs resembling the zn(ii) coordination sites first recognized in xenopus tfiiia. misscheduled expression of brla in vegetative cells results in transcriptional activation of developmentally regulated genes, cessation of unidirectional hyphal gro ...19883293800
developmental regulation of a conidiation specific beta-tubulin in aspergillus nidulans.a beta-tubulin gene previously suggested to participate in conidial development in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans is shown to be developmentally regulated in its expression. a quantitative s1 assay was used to show that the abundance of the tubc messenger rna increases during conidial development relative to the bena messenger rna. morphological analysis of cultures, used to prepare rna for the s1 analysis, demonstrated that the increase in tubc messenger rna was directly correlated ...19883294063
transformation of penicillium chrysogenum using dominant selection markers and expression of an escherichia coli lacz fusion industrial penicillium chrysogenum strain was transformed using two dominant selection markers, namely the bacterial gene for phleomycin resistance (ble) fused to a fungal promoter, and the acetamidase (amds) gene from aspergillus nidulans. transformation frequencies of up to 20 transformants per microgram of dna were obtained with the ble system. with the amds marker the frequency was up to 120 transformants. cotransformation was very efficient when using amds as a selection marker. the intr ...19883131191
aspergillus in pulmonary infections. 19883133316
transformation of penicillium chrysogenum with a dominant selectable marker.we have cloned a mutant oligomycin resistance allele of the mitochondrial atp synthase subunit 9 gene from the filamentous fungus penicillium chrysogenum. the gene was isolated using the equivalent gene from aspergillus nidulans as a hybridisation probe. using the cloned gene it is possible to select for oligomycin resistance in p. chrysogenum transformation experiments. this transformation system was used to introduce further copies of the p. chrysogenum isopenicillin n synthetase gene, which w ...19883135949
comparative study on the evolution of chloroplast ribosomal 5s rna of a living fossil plant, cycas revoluta thumb.the complete nucleotide sequence of cycas revoluta thunb chloroplast 5 s rrna was determined. it consists of 122 nucleotides. this is the only known 5 s rrna sequence in gymnospermae. it is highly homologous with chloroplast 5 s rrna of higher plants (92-97%), but less homologous (about 54%) with those of lower plants. there is however 67% homology between cycas and a procaryote a. nidulans. the chloroplast 5 s rrnas of angiospermae are nearly identical with each other (95-97%). s. oligorhize an ...19883136036
characterization of a cyanobacterial iron stress-induced gene similar to psbc.recently we have reported that the flavodoxin gene from the cyanobacterium anacystis nidulans r2 is transcribed as part of an iron stress-induced operon containing multiple mrna species (d. e. laudenbach, m. e. reith, and n. a. straus, j. bacteriol. 170: 258-265, 1988). here we report that nucleotide sequence analyses of dna located immediately upstream of the flavodoxin gene revealed an open reading frame of 1,026 bases (designated isia; iron stress inducible) with a deduced amino acid sequence ...19883141374
nadph generation in aspergillus nidulans: is the mannitol cycle involved?a cyclic pathway of nadph generation involving interconversion of mannitol and fructose has been proposed to occur in fungi. in aspergillus nidulans three enzymes of this proposed mannitol cycle (hexokinase, nadp-mannitol dehydrogenase and mannitol-l-phosphate phosphatase) were shown to be localized exclusively in the cytosol. two isoenzymes of the fourth enzyme (mannitol-l-phosphate dehydrogenase) were detected and shown to be localized respectively in the mitochondrion and the cytosol. the mit ...19883141571
the amidases from a brevibacterium strain: study and applications. 19883142225
isozyme polymorphism of beta-glucosidase in aspergillus nidulans.electrophoretic analysis of the distribution of various electromorphs at different beta-glucosidase zones was carried out in natural populations of a. nidulans, the a. nidulans group, and various species belonging to the genus aspergillus from diverse geographical areas of india. the data show the existence of three segregating zones for beta-glucosidase, designated beta-glui, beta-gluii, and beta-gluiii. all three zones are present in wild isolates of a. nidulans, and only two, i.e., beta-glui ...19883145736
unusual evolutionary conservation of 5s rrna pseudogenes in aspergillus nidulans: similarity of the dna sequence associated with the pseudogenes with the mouse immunoglobulin switch region.all aspergillus nidulans 5s rrna pseudogenes known so far are the result of integration of an approx. 0.2-kbp-long dna sequence into the 5s rrna genes. this sequence, called block c, is present in at least five copies in the a. nidulans genome and seems to be associated either with 5s rrna genes or pseudogenes. in contrast to the 78% sequence conservation of the c-block in pseudogenes, the truncated 5' halves of the pseudogenes are very highly conserved (96.9-100%). we postulate that the 5s rrna ...19883148732
prevalence of airborne aspergillus flavus in khartoum (sudan) airspora with reference to dusty weather and inoculum survival in simulated summer conditions.khartoum air was scanned for airborne aspergillus flavus for 12 months using the horizontal gravitational settling method. frequency of occurrence was related to total fungal catch and dusty weather. the aspergilli were prevalent (68% of total isolated/plate/month) and a. flavus constituted 31% of the total aspergilli. in june (hot, dry & dusty) aspergilli constituted 79% of the total isolates, whilst a. flavus represented 30% from amongst the other aspergilli. a. flavus, a. niger, a. nidulans ( ...19883148861
Displaying items 3901 - 4000 of 5149