
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
short interval intradermal skin testing in farmed red deer (cervus elaphus) inoculated with mycobacterium bovis.two groups of 26 red deer (cervus elaphus) were tuberculin skin tested for 41 weeks at three and six week intervals respectively, except at 17 weeks when the internal was two and five weeks. seventeen weeks after the start of the experiment 36 deer were inoculated intratracheally with mycobacterium bovis, and the remaining 16 were run in-contact. at six weeks post inoculation, 35 of the 36 inoculated deer reacted to the skin test with a mean skin thickness difference (std) of 6.3 mm. in inoculat ...198716031352
parapoxvirus infections in new zealand farmed red deer (cervus elaphus).outbreaks of infection due to a parapoxvirus were reported on eight new zealand deer farms. scabby lesions were seen variably on the muzzle, lips, face, ears and neck of red deer (cervus elaphus) with morbidity rates reaching 100%. on three farms multifocal lesions were also present on the velvet. deaths were reported on two properties where the lesions were extensive and secondary bacterial infections had occurred. on one of these farms multifactorial disease was suspected. poxvirus particles w ...198716031369
changes in blood coagulation parameters of red deer (cervus elaphus) experimentally infected with malignant catarrhal fever.changes in blood coagulation parameters were followed in four red deer (cervus elaphus) experimentally infected with malignant catarrhal fever (mcf) of deer. blood platelet counts, activated partial thromboplastin time (aptt), one-stage prothrombin time (ospt), activated clotting time (act), plasma anti-thrombin iii (atiii) activity, fibrinogen degradation production (fdp) and fibrinogen levels were measured. inoculated deer became pyrexic after 17 or 19 days. thereafter they developed watery di ...198716031412
electron-microscopic observations on the female worms of six onchocerca species from cattle and red deer.the midbody regions of female worms of six onchocerca species (o. flexuosa, o. tarsicola, o. lienalis, o. gutturosa, o. armillata, o. gibsoni) were studied by transmission electron microscopy. the cuticular layering was rather similar in all species with the ridges built up by the cortical layers and the inner cuticular striations by the median or basal layers. differences in the epicuticular morphology were considerable. o. flexuosa and o. lienalis had a thin epicuticle without protuberances, t ...19873438294
bone morphometry and function: a comparison between cattle and european elk. 19873447465
small rodents and other mammals associated with mountain meadows as reservoirs of giardia spp. and campylobacter spp.sixty-five percent (469 of 722) of the fecal samples collected from small rodents in the central washington cascade mountains were positive for giardia spp. trapping studies showed that microtines of the genus microtus were heavily infected with the parasite. morphologically the cysts and trophozoites were of the giardia duodenalis type. small-rodent populations appear to maintain their infection throughout the year. our data suggest that there is no difference in the percentage of positive anim ...19873310881
comparison of the serum amylases of farm animals.1. serum isoamylases with alpha-glucosidase activity from cattle, sheep, horses, goats, red deer, pigs and dogs were compared to one another. 2. the isoamylases from cattle and pigs were polymorphic. 3. in agarose gel electrophoresis the isoamylases behaved as alpha-1-globulins but in starch gel electrophoresis they were differentially retarded by affinity effects. 4. molecular weights were estimated: cattle (417,000); sheep (402,000); horses (420,000); goat (399,000); red deer (405,000); pigs ( ...19873322662
melatonin lowers plasma prolactin levels in female red deer (cervus elaphus).the aim of the study was to determine the effect of exogenous melatonin treatment on circulating prolactin levels in red deer. melatonin was administered from 12 june 1984 (day 1) to lactating and non-lactating hinds in the feed daily at 1600 h, and to non-lactating hinds by a subcutaneous implant. average concentrations (ng/ml) of prolactin in plasma taken serially over 15-h periods were significantly higher for untreated hinds than for melatonin-treated animals on day 15 whether lactating (66- ...19873644887
phenotyping of individuals sensitive to suxamethonium. the cholinesterase research unit at the royal postgraduate medical school.four hundred and thirty blood samples from suxamethonium-sensitive individuals have been phenotyped by the cholinesterase research unit following its transfer from exeter to the hammersmith hospital. the distribution of genotypes has been shown to be similar to that found in exeter. screening for the elk and elj genes has not yielded any major differences in the gene frequencies of sensitive individuals, even during pregnancy. the uneven sex distribution of the patients, as well as other unusual ...19873651274
relationship of cheek tooth abrasion to fluoride-induced permanent incisor lesions in livestock.teeth from cattle, sheep, and horses that ingested various fluoride intakes and teeth from field studies of these species plus deer, elk, and bison were examined for abnormalities. approximately 99,000 animals in 322 herds were examined for fluorosis. from field studies, 988 cattle of various ages and with different degrees of dental fluorosis were slaughtered and necropsied. the severity of fluoride-induced mottling, hypoplasia, and abnormal abrasion of paired permanent incisor teeth was correl ...19873674560
roaring by red deer stags advances the date of oestrus in hinds.some male mammals call loudly and repeatedly during the breeding season. although the song of male birds is known to have effects on male-male competition, mate selection and ovulation, until now the loud calls of male mammals have been shown to affect only competition between males. although it has been suggested that loud calling could also serve to attract females, the possibility that it has a direct effect on reproduction in females has not previously been investigated for any mammal. here ...19873683584
an outbreak of selenium responsive unthriftiness in farmed red deer (cervus elaphus). 19873824858
cytogenetic studies on cervus elaphus. ii. synaptonemal complexes and nor activity during spermatogenesis.the activity of the nucleolus organizer regions (nors) in various stages of spermatogenesis of the red deer was studied with the silver staining technique. the ag-stainability of the nors, an indicator of the transcriptional activity of the r-rna genes, is present during the meiotic prophase until pachytene and is absent during the remainder of the meiotic prophase, to reappear during the first stages of spermiogenesis and then disappear again during the elongation phase of the spermatids. the d ...19873506531
nors, heterochromatin, and r-bands in three species of cervidae.chromomycin a3 banding of the chromosomes of three species of cervidae (red deer, fallow deer, roe deer) allows the demonstration of both centromeric constitutive heterochromatin and r-banding patterns useful for identifying all the chromosomes of a given karyotype. in all three species significant amounts of chromomycin-bright heterochromatin are present at the centromeres of all autosomes. the x chromosomes of all investigated species contained appreciable amounts of centromeric heterochromati ...19873584935
serological evidence of california serogroup virus activity in oregon.we wished to demonstrate evidence of the presence of california serogroup viruses in oregon and to test for the presence of certain other arboviruses in large ungulates. blood samples from black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus), mule deer (o. hemionus hemionus), and roosevelt elk (cervus elaphus roosevelti) from nine counties in oregon were tested by serum-dilution plaque reduction neutralization for antibody to california serogroup viruses, including snowshoe hare, california encep ...19873586196
hypotensive compounds isolated from alcohol extract of the unossified horn of cervus elaphus l. var. xanthopygus milne-edwarg (rokujo). i. isolation of lysophosphatidyl choline as a hypotensive principle and structure-activity study of related compounds. 19873594677
demodex kutzeri sp. n. (acari: demodicidae), an identical parasite of two species of deer, cervus elaphus and c. nippon pseudaxis.reports on demodicid mites of the old world species of deer are reviewed and demodex kutzeri sp. n. (= d. cervi sensu kutzer and grünberg 1972; part.) described in all stages of the life cycle. the occurrence of d. kutzeri on two host species, cervus elaphus l., 1758 and c. nippon pseudaxis eydoux et souleyet, 1841 is reported and discussed as a rare phenomenon in the genus demodex.19873596397
long-term stimulatory effects of a continuous infusion of lhrh agonist on testicular function in male red deer (cervus elaphus).red deer stags were infused continuously with the lhrh agonist buserelin at 180-270 micrograms/day (1.2-1.8 micrograms/kg/day) for 72 days starting in late winter with the aim of suppressing reproductive function and inducing premature casting of the antlers. contrary to expectation, the treatment resulted in a long-term stimulation of testicular activity lasting at least 2 months; the increases in plasma concentrations of testosterone were associated with an increase in aggressive behaviour and ...19873110411
the selection-arena hypothesis.the selection arena hypothesis offers one answer to a puzzling question. why do some organisms produce many more fertilized zygotes than are actually reared to hatching, birth, or release-then neglect, discard, resorb, or eat some of them, or allow them to eat each other? it makes four assumptions: (1) zygotes are cheap; (2) after conception the investment of parental time, energy, or risk into offspring continues; (3) offspring vary in fitness; (4) variation in offspring fitness can be identifi ...19872961604
epizootic vesicular stomatitis in colorado, 1982: some observations on the possible role of wildlife populations in an enzootic maintenance cycle.sera obtained from wild ungulates, carnivores, and rodents in colorado were tested for neutralizing (n) antibody against vesicular stomatitis, new jersey serotype (vsnj), virus to determine their involvement in the 1982 colorado vsnj epizootic in domestic animals. viremic and n antibody responses of two local rodent species to a 1982 colorado isolate of vsnj were determined in the laboratory. the rodents produced only weak viremias, but all developed n antibody. n antibody prevalences for vsnj i ...19873035241
diseases of wapiti utilizing cattle range in southwestern alberta.specimens from 28 wapiti (cervus elaphus canadensis) were collected by hunters in southwestern alberta in 1984. various tests were performed to detect infections and conditions that could affect cattle sharing the range or cause disease in wapiti. serum antibodies were present against leptospiral serovars autumnalis (25%), bratislava (4%), and icterohaemorrhagiae (8%), and the viruses of bovine virus diarrhea (52%), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (45%), and parainfluenza type 3 (13%). no sero ...19873029443
reindeer papillomavirus transforming properties correlate with a highly conserved e5 region.a papillomavirus was isolated from the epithelial layer of a cutaneous fibropapilloma on a swedish reindeer (rangifer tarandus). reindeer papillomavirus (rpv) is morphologically indistinguishable from other papillomaviruses, but the restriction enzyme cleavage pattern of its genome is different. no sequence homology was detected between rpv dna and the dnas of bovine papillomavirus type 1 (bpv-1) and avian papillomavirus when hybridization was performed under stringent conditions. however, the r ...19872822949
latent herpesvirus infection in red deer: characterization of a specific deer herpesvirus including comparison of genomic restriction fragment patterns. 19872825490
cross-hybridization and relationships of various papillomavirus dnas at different degrees of stringency.cloned dnas of 21 different papillomaviruses which naturally infect mammals and one bird papillomavirus were compared for relative homology by southern blot hybridization. blots were carried out under low (tm-40 degrees), medium (tm-33 degrees), and high (tm-22 degrees) stringency conditions. at higher stringency, human papillomaviruses cross-hybridized with each other reflecting species-specific similarities. bovine papillomavirus types 1, 2, 5, european elk papillomavirus, and deer papillomavi ...19872832347
effects of monoterpene odors on food selection by red deer calves (cervus elaphus).the response of red deer calves (cervus elaphus) to the odors of sitka spruce (picea sitchensis) and lodgepole pine (pinus conforta) needles and five monoterpene constituents of their essential oils was measured by simple two-choice feeding trials. all odors were significantly rejected (p < 0.05) except sitka spruce and lodgepole pine by females and sitka spruce and alpha-terpineol by males. females had a stronger dislike of all odors except lodgepole pine than males. rejection of monoterpene od ...198724302236
spatial organization of female groups in red deer (cervus elaphus l.).the spatial organization of female groups in red deer was studied in the periods before and after the rut, in a study area located in the central sierra morena (córdoba, spain). the study was carried out in terms of age-sex classes, and was based on direct observation and video recording. movement order proved to be linear, and highlighted the role of the mature hind as group leader and potential group protector. two tendencies were found in the calf: to place itself behind the adult female, and ...198724897255
analyzing stereotypy in red deer alarm postures by means of informational redundancy.the variability in duration and form or red deer (cervus elaphus ) alarm postures was studied. 18 variables of form were measured from photographic sequences and stereotypy calculated by means of informational redundancy (ir). comparisons between stereotypy estimates obtained by ir and those provided by the widely used coefficient of variation proved to match each other well. durations showed less stereotypy than configurational variables as measured by coefficient of variation. some implication ...198724896867
the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in life-history traits: predictions of reaction norms for age and size at maturity.we used life-history theory to predict reaction norms for age and size at maturation. we assumed that fecundity increases with size and that juvenile mortality rates of offspring decrease as ages-at-maturity of parents increase, then calculated the reaction norm by varying growth rate and calculating an optimal age at maturity for each growth rate. the reaction norm for maturation should take one of at least four shapes that depend on specific relations between changes in growth rates and change ...198628556219
organization and expression of the transforming region from the european elk papillomavirus (eepv).the nucleotide sequence of the early (transforming) region from the european elk papillomavirus (eepv) double-stranded dna has been determined together with flanking regions. the established sequence, which is 5732 bp long, shows that the genome of eepv is closely related to the previously sequenced bovine papillomavirus type 1 (bpv-1) and deer papillomavirus (dpv) genomes. seven open reading frames (orfs), designated e1-e7, were identified in similar positions as in the bpv-1 genome. the e1 and ...19863034730
naturally occurring parasitic bronchitis in red deer: effect of vaccination using live bovine lungworm vaccine.fifteen red deer calves were put to pasture in two groups, at the same set stocking rates, one group of 10 and one of five, in separate but adjoining enclosures likely to be carrying infective stage larvae of dictyocaulus naturally parasitising the red deer of scotland. the group of 10 had been vaccinated with a live, bovine lungworm oral vaccine; the group of five had not. results did not indicate any advantage to the vaccinated deer in weight gain or general health but they excreted fewer dict ...19862943074
preliminary observations on lungworms in farmed and feral red deer (cervus elaphus) in denmark.deer farming is on its increase in denmark. based on experiences from other countries, lungworm infection is expected to cause severe problems in farmed deer. therefore, in the present paper, which is the first one to deal with pathogens in danish deer farms, the faecal larval excretion in red deer is examined.19862944072
skeletal development in ruminants: further data on sexual dimorphism in elk (alces alces). 19862953201
[sarcocystis alceslatrans (apicomplexa) from a palaearctic elk (ruminantia)].sarcocysts from a palaearctic moose have been studied for the first time by light and electron microscopy. because of coincidences in morphology of the cysts, especially of the cyst wall structure and the cystozoides, with the north american species sarcocystis alceslatrans dubey, 1980, they are assigned to this species.19863096168
papillomavirus dna associated with pulmonary fibromatosis in european elks.multiple beadlike fibromas have been observed in the lungs of european elks bearing cutaneous fibromas and fibropapillomas. dna extracted from the lung fibromas was found to contain multiple copies of unintegrated european elk papillomavirus dna, indicating an association between pulmonary fibromatosis and papillomavirus. no virus particles were observed in the tumor tissue by electron microscopy. histological examination revealed that the lung fibromas had a morphology similar to that of cutane ...19863005617
antagonism of xylazine hydrochloride with yohimbine hydrochloride and 4-aminopyridine in captive wapiti.eight captive wapiti (cervus elaphus nelsoni) were injected with xylazine hydrochloride on two occasions during march and april 1984. animals were grouped into a modified latin square design and were given either successive injections of yohimbine hydrochloride and 4-aminopyridine (4-ap) to antagonize the sedative effects of xylazine hydrochloride or permitted an unantagonized recovery. induction times ranged from 3 to 26 min with excited and wild animals requiring a supplementary dose. time unt ...19863005668
experimental infection of red deer (cervus elaphus) and cattle with a herpesvirus isolated from red deer. 19863006321
prevalence of herpesvirus infection in british red deer and investigations of further disease outbreaks.a serological survey of the prevalence of a new herpesvirus isolated from red deer (cervus elaphus), tentatively designated herpesvirus of cervidae type 1 (hvc-1), has shown that the virus is widespread in free-living and farmed red deer. neutralising antibodies were detected in hill deer culled at three different locations in the north of scotland, in farmed deer on five of eight scottish farms and in four of 12 groups of english farmed or park deer. fifty-eight of 145 (40 per cent) hill deer, ...19863008405
herpesvirus in red deer. 19863012852
dna cloning and hybridization in deer species supporting the chromosome field theory.the cervidae show the largest variation in chromosome number found within any mammalian family. the eight species of deer which are the subject of this study vary in chromosome number from 2n = 70 to 2n = 6. three species of bovidae are also included since they belong to a closely related family. digestion of nuclear dnas with the restriction endonucleases hae iii, hpa ii, msp i, eco ri, xba i, pst i and bam hi reveals that there is a series of highly repetitive sequences forming similar band pa ...19863022841
prostaglandin (pgf2 alpha)-induced parturition in red deer (cervus elaphus l.).prostaglandin pgf2 alpha seems to act satisfactorily as a birth inducing agent in red deer (cervus elaphus). the progress of actual delivery and lactation in the experiments of induced parturition corresponds with observations from natural conditions. the pattern of response time to the birth inducing agent agrees with experience from domesticated species, being longest in females with the least developed fetuses. complications such as those reported from practice with induced parturition in dom ...19862869897
[visions or hallucinations. evidence of the black elk, "medicine man" of the sioux]. 19863635270
a radiographic study of skeletal growth and development in fetal red deer. 19863594166
a progressive spinal myelinopathy in beef cattle.ataxia of the hind limbs in nine calves was associated with degenerative lesions in spinal white matter and neuronal chromatolysis in red nucleus, spinal grey matter and various nuclei of the medulla oblongata and cerebellum. the clinical signs and lesions were similar to those observed in enzootic ataxia of red deer and occurred predominantly in calves of the murray grey breed. the pathogenesis appears to involve a primary defect in central nervous system myelin with progressive myelin loss pri ...19863946053
[functional morphology and microarchitecture of the circumcaudal organ of cervus elaphus and c. nippon]. 19863827811
induction of early breeding in red deer (cervus elaphus) by melatonin.lactating (n = 12) and non-lactating (n = 6) red deer hinds and one stag at pasture were given concentrates (500 g/head) containing melatonin (5 mg/head) daily at 16:00 h from 18 june to 16 october. the stag shed the antler velvet and started rutting 5 weeks ahead of untreated stags, and hinds had their first oestrus and ovulation of the breeding season in mid-september, 5 weeks in advance of control lactating (n = 9) and non-lactating (n = 5) hinds. treated hinds were allowed to mate with the t ...19863754582
malignant catarrhal fever: experimental transmission of the 'sheep-associated' form of the disease from cattle and deer to cattle, deer, rabbits and hamsters.attempts to transmit malignant catarrhal fever (mcf) from 16 bovine cases of the 'sheep-associated' form of the disease are described. on two occasions disease was transmitted to bovine calves but transmission to red deer (cervus elaphus) was not achieved. in addition, mcf was transmitted from one experimentally affected calf to a rabbit and on another occasion directly to rabbits with material from a field case which failed to transmit to a bovine calf or red deer. subsequently each of these is ...19863764105
belovsky's model of optimal moose size.belovsky's (1978) model for optimal size in moose is applied to red deer. criticisms are levelled at belovsky's model. in particular, the equation he derives relating net energy intake to body weight is shown to be fundamentally invalid. modifications are suggested using existing published information and an analysis of previously unpublished data on red deer stomach size as a function of body weight. i conclude that quantitative predictions of optimal body size are likely to be very difficult a ...19863796013
elaeophora elaphi n. sp. (filarioidea: onchocercidae) parasite of the red deer (cervus elaphus). with a key of species of the genus elaeophora.we described a new species of nematode filarioid (onchocercidae) parasiting the hepatic vessels of the red deer cervus elaphus. this new species is characterized by the number and disposition of the papillae on the genital area of the male, and the presence and characteristics of an "area rugosa" situated just in front of the ventral impair precloacal papilla. we discussed this new species, giving a key to the identification of all the known species of the genus elaeophora.19863813427
epidermal growth factor from deer (cervus elaphus) submaxillary gland and velvet antler.epidermal growth factor (egf)-like activity was isolated for the first time from the submaxillary gland (smg) and the velvet antler of red deer (cervus elaphus) by a combination of sephadex gel or deae-sephacel and imac columns in succession. the semipurified cervine egf-like activity (cegf), with specific activity of 4.7 ng/micrograms protein from the velvet tissues, can generate a completely parallel competitive binding curve against mouse egf in both radioreceptor assay (rra) and radioimmunoa ...19863493947
prevalence of neutralizing antibody to jamestown canyon virus (california group) in populations of elk and moose in northern michigan and ontario, canada.blood samples were collected from free-ranging elk (cervus elaphus) harvested in michigan's northern lower peninsula, from moose (alces alces) relocated from ontario's algonquin provincial park to michigan's upper peninsula, and from moose from michigan's isle royale national park. sera were tested by serum dilution neutralization tests in vero cell culture for neutralizing antibody to california serogroup viruses, in particular jamestown canyon (jc), la crosse/snowshoe hare (lac/ssh), and trivi ...19863503129
toxicosis in tule elk caused by ingestion of poison hemlock. 19863505971
absence of a vitamin b12 weight gain response in two trials with growing red deer (cervus elaphus). 198616031239
carotid artery exteriorisation in the red deer.a technique for the surgical relocation of the carotid artery, to permit repeated percutaneous puncture, in red deer, is described. an incision was made through the skin distal to the ramus of the jaw parallel to and dorsal to the superficial jugular vein. the brachiocephalicus muscle was divided by blunt dissection to reveal the carotid artery. the carotid artery was dissected free of connective tissue and the vagus nerve and enclosed in a polythene prosthesis. the brachiocephalicus muscle was ...198616031243
dual infections of red deer (cervus elaphus) by leptospira interrogans serovars copenhageni and hardjo.on a property in the nelson district, blood and urine samples were taken from red deer (cervus elaphus) from which low (<1:100) antibody titres to serovar copenhageni and suspected leptospiral abortions had previously been reported. a total of 27 hinds were sampled. microscopic agglutination test (mat) titres in sera ranging from 1:32 to 1:128 were found in six animals. thirteen leptospiral isolations were made from nine of the 27 urine samples. four of these were typed as copenhageni and nine a ...198616031274
haemolytic disease associated with leptospira interrogans serovar pomona in red deer calves (cervus elaphus).three red deer calves (cervus elaphus) died with a haemolytic disease associated with infection by leptospira interrogans serovar pomona. infection within the herd was more prevalent than disease. sera from 16 herd mates were tested by the microscopic agglutination test (mat) and 12 had leptospiral titres, the majority to serovar pomona. a few calves had titres to balcunica and hardjo. urine was obtained for culture from six of these calves and serovar pomona was isolated from five with titres t ...198616031298
the existing and potential importance of brucellosis and tuberculosis in canadian wildlife: a the campaign to eradicate bovine brucellosis (brucella abortus) and tuberculosis (mycobacterium bovis) in canadian livestock nears completion, the importance of extraneous sources of these diseases increases. this review summarizes the literature on brucellosis and tuberculosis in canadian wildlife species to determine existing and potential hosts. canadian caribou (rangifer tarandus) are reservoirs of brucella suis biotype 4 which is pathogenic in caribou, humans and muskoxen but reportedly ...198617422637
fascioloides magna: occurrence in saskatchewan and distribution in canada.infection with fascioloides magna, the large american liver fluke, was diagnosed in two moose (alces alces) and six wapiti (cervus elaphus) from central saskatchewan. this is believed to be the first record of the parasite in the province. fecal samples collected from wild wapiti at five sites in the commercial forest zone in saskatchewan contained eggs believed to be those of f. magna. trematode eggs were not found in feces from five captive herds of wapiti in the province, nor in samples from ...198517422561
taphonomy and herd structure of the extinct irish elk, megaloceros giganteus.fossils of the late pleistocene elk megaloceros giganteus from ballybetagh bog, near dublin, ireland, indicate that males segregated from females during winters. the segregation implies seasonal rutting and polygynous mating and is consistent with the idea that large antlers functioned for social display. within male groups, winterkill was the chief cause of death and was highest among juveniles and small adults with small antlers. there is no evidence to support the popular conception that heav ...198517790237
blood coagulation parameters in clinically normal intensively farmed red deer (cervus elaphus) and fallow deer (dama dama).reference ranges for five parameters of blood coagulation were established in clinically normal farmed fallow deer (dama dama) and red deer (cervus elaphus). storage of plasma at -15 degrees c resulted in small increases in activated partial thromboplastin time (aptt) for both species, and in the one stage prothrombin time (ospt) of fallow deer, between days 1 and 30. these times were then stable between days 30 and 60. the fibrinogen levels of fallow deer plasma showed a small apparent increase ...198516031096
efficacy and pharmacokinetics of febantel and ivermectin in red deer (cervus elaphus).a trial was conducted to determine the efficacy and pharmacokinetics of fehantel and ivermectin in six month-old red deer calves (c. eluphus). five calves received febantel by mouth at 7.5 mg/kg, five received a subcutaneous injection of ivermectin at 200 microg/kg and five were controls. all calves were killed seven days later and total lung and gastrointestinal worm counts carried out. febantel was 85 and 99.8% efficient in removing immature and mature dictyocaulus viviparus, respectively, and ...198516031188
mycobacteria isolated from deer in new zealand from 1970-1983.mycobacterium bovis was isolated from 504 deer from 1970 to 1983. it was first isolated from feral red deer (cervus elaphus) in new zealand in 1970, and from farmed deer in 1978. cervine tuberculosis has emerged as a significant problem in farmed deer and in 1983 m.bovis was found on 40 different farms. thirty-five isolates of mycobacterium avium-intracellulare have been cultured from deer but were associated with clinical disease in only four cases. mycobacterium nonchromogenicum, mycobacterium ...198516031192
effects of normal and pathologic eardrum impedance on sound pressure in the aided ear canal: a computer simulation.reported herein are results of computer simulations of aided sound spectra in ears with normal and pathologic eardrum impedance. the computer technique used in this study has been reported elsewhere [d. p. egolf, d. r. tree, and l. l. feth, j. acoust. soc. am. 63, 264-271 (1978)]. consequently, to develop reader confidence in the computer scheme, its application to real ears was first tested. this was accomplished by (1) comparing computed spectral data with in-the-ear measurements and (2) compa ...19853840499
electron probe study of human and red deer cementum and root dentin.a topographical description of the concentration profiles of ca, p, mg, zn, f, s, and k in human and red deer cementum and root dentin is given. the concentrations reported should be regarded as semiquantitative values. a downward slope of the ca, p and mg profiles toward the pulpal cavity seemed largely to correspond with the secondary dentin. marked elevations of the zn profiles, modest elevations of the f profiles, and in a few instances of the s profiles, toward root surface and pulpal cavit ...19853856926
electron probe study of coronal dentin in red deer.a topographic description of the concentration profiles of ca, p, mg, zn, f, s and k in coronal dentin of red deer is given. the concentrations reported should be regarded as semiquantitative values. an area along the mesiodistal axis of the crowns showed lower concentrations of ca and p and higher concentrations of mg than the surrounding bulk of dentin. the inner dentin revealed downward slopes of the ca, p and mg profiles toward the pulpal cavity, whereas the zn, f and usually also the s prof ...19853864213
inhalant allergy to wild animals (deer and elk).we studied 15 highly atopic persons with historic and/or skin test evidence of allergy to deer or elk. all 15 were also reactive to domestic animal danders (dog, cat, or horse). twelve patients had elevated ige antibody levels to deer hair/dander and six patients had elevated ige antibody levels to elk hair/dander. elevated ige antibody levels to serum or urine from deer or elk were found in six persons. by using individual patient sera in rast inhibition experiments we showed that ige antibodie ...19853875300
insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf-1) antler-stimulating hormone?we have investigated the possibility that igf-1 may play a role in the regulation of antler development. plasma igf-1 concentrations were measured throughout the first period of development of the pedicle and first antler of red deer (cervus elaphus) to determine whether a relationship existed between growth of antler cartilage (velvet antler) and igf-1. we report that plasma levels of igf-1 are significantly elevated during the velvet antler growing phase relative to the other phases of pedicle ...19853881250
faecal bacteria of wild ruminants and the alpine marmot.faecal samples from 60 red deer (cervus elaphus), 13 roe deer (capreolus capreolus), 7 chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), 41 alpine marmot (marmota marmota) and soils mixed with deer faeces from the stelvio national park were examined for campylobacter sp. and salmonella sp. with negative results. the same material, especially deer faeces, was a habitat highly suitable for yersinia sp.: y. enterocolitica (two biotypes) was isolated twice, y. kristensenii (two serotypes) was isolated 19 times, y. fre ...19853898557
the role of wild north american ungulates in the epidemiology of bovine brucellosis: a review.published reports of brucella abortus infections in wild north american ungulates and domestic cattle herds were reviewed to determine if infection in these species was related. bison (bison bison) were frequently found infected, but are probably a minor threat to livestock due to their current limited distribution. most elk (cervus elaphus) were free of infection except where their range was shared with infected bison or livestock. deer (odocoileus spp.), pronghorns (antilocapra americana), moo ...19853908724
systemic mycosis in scottish red deer (cervus elaphus).the pathological features of 10 cases of systemic infection of young red deer by fungi morphologically identified as phycomycetes are described. the most frequently affected organs were the kidneys, followed by liver and central nervous system. the fungi stimulated an acute pyogenic inflammatory reaction and a phagocytic giant cell response. vasculitis with thrombosis and spread of fungi to the surrounding tissue was a common finding. culture was attempted in 4 cases; one yielded absidia, 2 aspe ...19853915751
ultrastructure of the cysts of sarcocystis grueneri from cardiac muscle of reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus).cysts of sarcocystis grueneri from cardiac muscle of reindeer (rangifer tarandus) in norway were examined by transmission electron microscopy. the limiting unit membrane of the cyst proper formed regularly spaced invaginations into the cyst at numerous sites coinciding with interruptions in the underlying osmiophilic layer. the primary cyst wall formed numerous strip-like, sinuous protrusions, which were 30-40 nm thick, 150-300 nm wide and up to 4.5 microns long, and were running in parallel wit ...19853922150
lung, heart and liver lesions in adult red deer: a histopathological survey. 19853928084
advancement of reproductive activity, seasonal reduction in prolactin secretion and seasonal pelage changes in pubertal red deer hinds (cervus elaphus) subjected to artificially shortened daily photoperiod or daily melatonin treatments.prepubertal red deer hinds were subjected to shortened daily photoperiod (8 h light per day, n = 3) or a daily (afternoon) melatonin injection (n = 4) for 83 days starting on 8 january, 2 weeks after the summer solstice. compared with control hinds (n = 3) these treatments caused premature moulting of summer pelage, reduced serum prolactin concentrations to barely detectable levels about 34 days earlier than usual and advanced the date of mating. calves were born earlier (p less than 0.005) in t ...19853968657
energy requirements for the penetration of heads of domestic stock and the development of a multiple projectile.the forces and kinetic energy required to penetrate the isolated heads of calves, adult beef cattle, sheep and red deer with a metal probe the same diameter as the bore of an experimental pistol were determined. approximately 16 and 127 joules were required to penetrate the heads of adult sheep and cattle, respectively. using these data a 10 g projectile, consisting of 49 lead pellets and a lead disc in a polyethylene sleeve, was constructed. this projectile, when fired by a charge sufficient to ...19853976138
larvae of elaphostrongylus cervi in the deer of scotland.protostrongylid larvae were recovered from the faeces or lungs of red deer (cervus elaphus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus) and reindeer (rangifer tarandus) in scotland during 1981. typical protostrongylid first-stage larvae were also recovered from possible intermediate hosts, the grey field slug (agriolimax reticulata) and the white-soled slug (arion fasciatus). all these protostrongylid larvae were microscopically identical to those of the nematode elaphostrongylus cervi. despite careful sear ...19853992820
a comparative study of the hyoid bone (os hyoides) of 6 ruminant species (ruminantia scopoli, 1777).the shape, position and measurements of the hyoid bone of 6 small and medium-sized european ruminant species of different feeding types as classified by hofmann (1976), (rose deer, mouflon, sheep, red deer, fallow deer and goat) were fully described. a comparison with other domestic species was carried out, the most characteristic species differences were shown and the results were expressed in 9 figs. and 1 table. the basic structural plan of the hyoid bone is found to be similar in all species ...19853993965
serologic prevalence of toxoplasmosis in cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, bison, and elk in montana.serum samples from 2,539 cattle, 649 sheep, 123 goats, 413 pigs, 93 bison, and 56 elk from montana were examined for antibody to toxoplasma gondii in the sabin-feldman dye test or the modified agglutination test (mat). cattle, bison, and elk serum samples were treated with 0.2 m-mercaptoethanol before examination in mat. in the dye test, 13.2% of sheep, 5.0% of pigs, and 22.7% of goats had antibody at a dilution of greater than or equal to 1:16. in the mat, 3.2% of cattle, 3.1% of bison, and non ...19853997650
pharmacokinetics of oxfendazole in red deer (cervus elaphus).the pharmacokinetics of oxfendazole (ofz) in red deer (cervus elaphus) was examined. ofz, administered per os at 4.53 mg kg-1, was extracted in ether from plasma and identified and concentrations estimated by high pressure liquid chromatography. irrespective of whether the animals were fed concentrates indoors as pellets or grass while on pasture, ofz was absorbed rapidly. concentrations of ofz in plasma reached maxima within 20 hours (0.83 and 1.005 mg litre-1 respectively) and were undetectabl ...19854001561
elaphostrongylus cervi cervi in the central nervous system of red deer (cervus elaphus) in scotland. 19854013046
transmission of a malignant catarrhal fever-like syndrome to sheep: preliminary experiments.the transmission of a malignant catarrhal fever-like syndrome to sheep is reported. fetal sheep between 40 and 66 days gestation were inoculated intravenously with viable cells either from a red deer with clinical malignant catarrhal fever or from rabbits with the disease. of the 21 fetuses in the experiment only five were born live and of these four developed clinical signs similar to malignant catarrhal fever in other species and died or were killed 10, 16, 47 and 175 days after birth. the fif ...19854038811
plasma concentrations of progesterone in female red deer (cervus elaphus) during the breeding season, pregnancy and anoestrus.concentrations of progesterone in peripheral plasma of red deer hinds were basal (less than 1 ng/ml) during lactation/seasonal anoestrus, but increased abruptly at the onset of the breeding season. lactating hinds (n = 19) started ovarian cycles 10 days later (p less than 0.01) and conceived 16 days later (p less than 0.001) than did 13 weaned hinds. there was no evidence, from plasma progesterone values, of silent oestrus at the start of the season. progestagen/pmsg treatment induced early ovul ...19854045825
native-like folding intermediates of homologous ribonucleases.the mechanism of the slow refolding reactions of four different pancreatic ribonucleases from ox, sheep, red deer, and roe deer has been investigated. refolding kinetics of these proteins were very similar. in particular, a native-like intermediate, in, was shown to be populated on the slow refolding pathway of all ribonucleases. we conclude that, similar to the stability of the folded proteins, the pathway of slow refolding has been conserved despite the differences in amino acid sequence and t ...19854052370
regrowth of amputated velvet antlers with and without innervation.the influence of removing portions of the growing antler of yearling red deer stags on subsequent regeneration of the antler in the same season was studied. the influence of the innervation of the antler on such regeneration was the subject of a further study. when the top 0.5-1 cm was removed from antlers 9-17 cm long, growth was slightly reduced in that season. when the antler/pedicle length was reduced to 6-10 cm in antlers 16-38 cm long, branched antlers regrew in 11 out of 13 cases provided ...19854056676
reversal of the effects of xylazine and xylazine/ketamine in red deer. 19854060545
lymphocyte blastogenesis, complement fixation, and fecal culture as diagnostic tests for paratuberculosis in north american wild ruminants and domestic sheep.the efficacy of the lymphocyte blastogenesis and complement-fixation tests and fecal culture for detection of mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection was assessed in bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (o virginianus), bighorn x mouflon (o musimon) hybrid sheep, and domestic sheep. spontaneously infected bighorns were tested at the time of capture; experimentally infected animals were tested monthly for 12 months or p ...19854073642
immobilization of free-ranging desert bighorn sheep, tule elk, and wild horses, using carfentanil and xylazine: reversal with naloxone, diprenorphine, and yohimbine. 19854077657
cleft palate in a tule elk calf. 19854078990
[wild ungulates as a food source for ixodid ticks in belorussia].the stock rise of elk, roe and boar up to 24.2, 20.8, and 29.3 thousand heads, respectively, increased their role as hosts of imaginal developmental stages of ixodes ricinus and dermacentor pictus. elk plays an especially important role as the host of i. ricinus (the index of ticks abundance--7.31, the index of saturation--176.9). the indices of saturation of i. ricinus imagos on roe and boar are 96.5 and 73.1, respectively. d. pictus imagos parasitise, in general, board (the index of ticks abun ...19852931663
epidemiology of two orbiviruses in california's native wild ruminants: preliminary report.between 1978 and 1983 we collected more than 1,500 serum samples from california's native black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus), 4 races of mule deer (o. h. sp.), tule elk (cervus elaphus nannodes), roosevelt elk (c. e. roosevelti), pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana), california bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis californiana), peninsular bighorn sheep (o. c. cremnobates) and desert bighorn sheep (o. c. nelsoni) and analyzed them for agar gel precipitating (agp) antibodies to b ...19852989899
[ethmoid tumors in moose and roe deer].ethmoid tumors are expansively-infiltratively growing tumors of carcinomatous or sarcomatous nature, deriving from the mucous membrane of the ethmoid bone. in sweden, such tumors were found in 35 elks (alces a. alces) and 4 roe deer (capreolus capreolus) during the years 1947-1982, that means a frequency of about 1 and 0.1 per cent, respectively of the investigation material. however, in the free living elk and roe deer population, the frequency might be much lower. the tumors were malign, exten ...19852993995
a cutaneous fibropapilloma from a red deer (cervus elaphus) associated with a papillomavirus.a cutaneous fibropapilloma was found on a scottish red deer (cervus elaphus), and a papillomavirus was isolated from it. the virus appeared to be related to bovine papillomavirus type 1 (bpv1) or type 2 (bpv2) because: (i) it cross-reacted in peroxidase-antiperoxidase tests with antisera raised against these virions; (ii) bpv1 and bpv2 dnas cross-hybridized to the red deer papillomavirus in situ; and (iii) bpv1 and/or bpv2 dna cross-hybridized to the red deer papillomavirus dna on southern blots ...19852997076
reversal of xylazine in red deer. 19853001997
red deer regional hospital centre, red deer, alberta. 198510274849
red deer regional dietetic services program.the regional dietetic services program coordinated by the red deer regional hospital centre is described. the program became a reality in june 1978, in response to requests for professional dietetic assistance from the rural hospitals located in central alberta. the program objectives were defined, standards were determined, duties and responsibilities of red deer regional hospital centre (the 'agency') and the 'user' hospital were clarified, and a yearly contract was established. the dietetic c ...198410268687
mission effectiveness study identifies, reinforces values.when the congregation of alexian brothers recommended that its sponsored institutions evaluate their mission effectiveness, the alexian brothers medical center, elk grove village, il, developed a study of patient and constituent perceptions. the purpose was to assess the degree to which the alexian mission guided the institution's performance. survey instruments included a survey of patient care perceptions and a questionnaire administered to alexians, alexian comembers, professional and support ...198410268698
cadmium/zinc relationships in kidney cortex and metallothionein of horse and red deer: histopathological observations on horse kidneys.cadmium and zinc were determined in kidney cortex of 63 horses and 51 red deer (cervus elaphus). cadmium and zinc were also determined in protein fractions obtained by sephadex chromatography of kidney cortex from 10 horses and 4 red deer. histopathological parameters in kidney cortex of horses were compared to cadmium content. the metal contents (on wet weight basis) in kidney cortex of the horses were 0.31 +/- 0.22 mmole cd/kg (range 0.03-1.21) and 0.63 +/- 0.17 mmole zn/kg (range 0.36-1.23). ...19846510395
[intrinsic oxygen affinity: the primary structure of a ruminantia hemoglobin: methionine in betana2 of a pecora, the northern elk (alces alces alces)].the primary structures of the alpha- and beta-chains of hemoglobin from the northern elk (alces alces alces) have been determined. the sequence was compared with the bovine chains. the oxygen affinity regarding the primary structure of the beta-chains is discussed.19846510898
fluoride toxicosis in wild compare the occurrence of chronic fluoride toxicosis in wild and domestic animals in selected areas of utah, idaho, montana, and wyoming, deer, elk, and bison bones and teeth were collected for evaluation. vegetation and drinking water samples also were collected, so that potential sources of fluoride could be evaluated. deer, elk, and bison were found to be susceptible to the adverse effects of ingestion of excessive amounts of fluoride. teeth and bones were primarily affected with character ...19846511570
stercorarian trypanosomes from deer (cervidae) in germany.twenty of 35 roe deer (capreolus capreolus), eight of 12 red deer (cervus elaphus), and nine of 21 fallow deer (cervus dama) but none of four moose (alces alces) examined from april to november 1983 were infected with trypanosomes. morphometric data of the bloodstream trypomastigotes from the three deer species differed significantly. this appears to be the first report of stercorarian trypanosomes from cervidae in the old world and the first description of representatives of the subgenus megatr ...19846512728
levels of trace elements in liver from norwegian moose, reindeer and red deer in relation to atmospheric deposition. 19846524572
serum levels of testosterone precursors, testosterone and estradiol in 10 animal species.blood levels of testosterone precursors, i.e. pregnenolone, progesterone, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, androstendione, dhea, and delta 5-androstendiol as well as testosterone and estradiol are measured in 10 animals each of 10 different species. the determination is done by radioimmunoassay with steroidspecific antibodies. precursors of the delta 5-pathway (dhea, androstendiol) are low in the red deer, dog, cat, rat and guinea pig. precursors of the delta 4-pathway (progesterone, 17-hydroxproge ...19846540697
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