Title | Abstract | Year(sorted descending) Filter | PMID Filter |
molecular epidemiology of feline bordetellosis in two animal shelters in california, usa. | "kennel cough" in dogs in animal shelters is readily transmissible, reduces adoption rates, and commonly leads to the euthanasia of affected dogs. in cats, tracheobronchitis, conjunctivitis, and pneumonia have been associated with bordetella bronchiseptica infection-but most cases of upper-respiratory infection (uri) probably are caused by herpesvirus and calicivirus, and many b. bronchiseptica culture-positive cats are clinically normal. our prospective observational study was undertaken to doc ... | 2002 | 12069777 |
control of reproduction and sex related behaviour in exotic wild carnivores with the gnrh analogue deslorelin: preliminary observations. | the gnrh analogue deslorelin, in long-acting implants, was used in an attempt to temporarily control reproduction or aggression in wild carnivores in southern africa and the usa. in the southern african study, 6 mg deslorelin was administered to cheetahs (eight females, four males), one female leopard and wild dogs (six females, one male) housed in groups, and 12 mg deslorelin was administered to two lionesses. none of the animals became pregnant after deslorelin administration apart from one wi ... | 2001 | 11787162 |
sarcocystis neurona infections in sea otter (enhydra lutris): evidence for natural infections with sarcocysts and transmission of infection to opossums (didelphis virginiana). | although sarcocystis neurona has been identified in an array of terrestrial vertebrates, recent recognition of its capacity to infect marine mammals was unexpected. here, sarcocysts from 2 naturally infected sea otters (enhydra lutris) were characterized biologically, ultrastructurally, and genetically. dna was extracted from frozen muscle of the first of these sea otters and was characterized as s. neurona by polymerase chain reation (pcr) amplification followed by restriction fragment length p ... | 2001 | 11780826 |
disseminated histoplasmosis in a sea otter (enhydra lutris). | disseminated histoplasmosis was diagnosed in a 4.75-year-old, captive female sea otter (enhydra lutris). at necropsy, the liver was found to be markedly swollen, with many nodules (4-12 mm in diameter). histologically, macrophages containing numerous intracellular yeast-like organisms were noted in the liver, spleen, lung and kidney. these organisms were labelled immunohistochemically with anti-histoplasma yeast antibody. ultrastructurally, the yeast-like organisms, 2-4 microm in diameter, were ... | 2001 | 11578140 |
dual sarcocystis neurona and toxoplasma gondii infection in a northern sea otter from washington state, usa. | dual sarcocystis neurona and toxoplasma gondii infection was observed in a northern sea otter from washington, usa. the animal was found stranded, convulsed, and died shortly thereafter. encephalitis caused by both s. neurona and t. gondii was demonstrated in histological sections of brain. immunohistochemical examination of sections with s. neurona specific antisera demonstrated developmental stages that divided by endopolygeny and produced numerous merozoites. pcr of brain tissue from the sea ... | 2001 | 11390085 |
myocarditis and encephalitis associated with sarcocystis neurona infection in raccoons (procyon lotor). | sarcocystis neurona associated granulomatous encephalitis was found in 2 of 84 adult raccoons. both raccoons also had an extensive nonsuppurative myocarditis and one had s. neurona schizonts and merozoites in the myocardium. only the asexual stages (schizonts and merozoites) of s. neurona are found in tissues of naturally infected animals (horse, mink, raccoons, cats, skunk, pony, seals, sea otters) and since these have not been reported outside the central nervous system, the presence of concur ... | 2001 | 11223214 |
a review of sarcocystis neurona and equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (epm). | equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (epm) is a serious neurological disease of horses in the americas. the protozoan most commonly associated with epm is sarcocystis neurona. the complete life cycle of s. neurona is unknown, including its natural intermediate host that harbors its sarcocyst. opossums (didelphis virginiana, didelphis albiventris) are its definitive hosts. horses are considered its aberrant hosts because only schizonts and merozoites (no sarcocysts) are found in horses. epm-like di ... | 2001 | 11223193 |
effects of petroleum on mink applied as a model for reproductive success in sea otters. | ranch-reared mink (mustela vison) were used as a model in an experimental trial to investigate the potential effects of exposure to two petroleum products on sea otters (enhydra lutris). mink were exposed either dermally on one occasion 60 days prior to breeding or via low level contamination of their diets daily from 60 days prior to breeding (january 1994) until weaning of kits (june 1994). for dermal exposure, we placed mink in either a slick of alaskan north slope crude oil (n = 24) or bunke ... | 2001 | 11763732 |
chemical anesthesia of northern sea otters (enhydra lutris): results of past field studies. | between 1987 and 1997, we chemically immobilized 597 wild sea otters (enhydra lutris) in alaska for the collection of biological samples or for surgical instrumentation. one drug-related sea otter fatality occurred during this time. fentanyl in combination with diazepam produced consistent, smooth inductions with minimal need for supplemental anesthetics during procedures lasting 30-40 min. antagonism with naltrexone or naloxone was rapid and complete, although we observed narcotic recycling in ... | 2001 | 12790418 |
relationships among sarcocystis species transmitted by new world opossums (didelphis spp.). | at least three species of sarcocystis (s. neurona, s. falcatula, s. speeri) have recently been shown to use opossums of the genus didelphis as their definitive host. in order to evaluate the evolutionary relationships among sarcocystis spp. isolates from the americas, and to determine whether organisms representing the same parasite lineages are transmitted north and south of the panamanian isthmus, we inferred the phylogenetic relationships from nucleotide sequence variation in parasites isolat ... | 2001 | 11223194 |
isolation and characterization of sarcocystis from brain tissue of a free-living southern sea otter (enhydra lutris nereis) with fatal meningoencephalitis. | a protozoan was isolated in cell culture from the brain of a free-ranging sea otter with fatal meningoencephalitis. the biological history of this otter, a study animal being monitored via an intraperitoneal radio transmitter, is summarized. histologically, protozoal parasites were associated with areas of brain inflammation and necrosis in the cerebrum and cerebellum. morphology and measurements of fixed, giemsa-stained protozoal zoites growing on coverslips were consistent with sarcocystis. th ... | 2001 | 11293576 |
organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and butyltin compounds in blubber and livers of stranded california sea lions, elephant seals, and harbor seals from coastal california, usa. | concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), ddts (p,p'-dde, p,p'-ddd, p,p'-ddt), chlordanes (chls; cis-chlordane, cis-nonachlor, trans-nonachlor, and oxychlordane), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (hchs), hexachlorobenzene (hcb), tris(4-chlorophenyl)methane (tcpme), tris(4-chlorophenyl)methanol (tcpmoh), and mono- (mbt), di-(dbt), and tri-butyltin (tbt) were determined in blubber and livers of 15 california sea lions (zalophus californianus), 6 northern elephant seals (mirounga augustirost ... | 2001 | 11385594 |
osmoregulation in marine mammals. | osmoregulation in marine mammals has been investigated for over a century; however, a review of recent advances in our understanding of water and electrolyte balance and of renal function in marine mammals is warranted. the following topics are discussed: (i) kidney structure and urine concentrating ability, (ii) sources of water, (iii) the effects of feeding, fasting and diving, (iv) the renal responses to infusions of varying salinity and (v) hormonal regulation. the kidneys of pinnipeds and c ... | 2001 | 11441026 |
evaluation of changes in hematologic and clinical biochemical values after exposure to petroleum products in mink (mustela vison) as a model for assessment of sea otters (enhydra lutris). | to determine the effects of petroleum exposure on hematologic and clinical biochemical results of mink and to identify variables that may be useful for making management decisions involving sea otters (enhydra lutris) that have been exposed to oil in their environment. | 2000 | 11039547 |
long-term impacts of the exxon valdez oil spill on sea otters, assessed through age-dependent mortality patterns. | we use age distributions of sea otters (enhydra lutris) found dead on beaches of western prince william sound, alaska, between 1976 and 1998 in conjunction with time-varying demographic models to test for lingering effects from the 1989 exxon valdez oil spill. our results show that sea otters in this area had decreased survival rates in the years following the spill and that the effects of the spill on annual survival increased rather than dissipated for older animals. otters born after the 1989 ... | 2000 | 10823920 |
ganglion cells density and retinal resolution in the sea otter, enhydra lutris. | the topographic distribution, density, and size of ganglion cells were studied in retinal wholemounts of the sea otter, enhydra lutris. the cell distribution showed a well defined horizontal streak of higher cell density, and within this streak, a narrow area of the highest cell density. the peak cell density in this area ranged from 4050 to 4400 cells/mm(2), with a mean of 4225 cells/mm(2). the ganglion cell size ranged from 7 microm to 47 microm but the majority of cells were 7 to 30 microm. c ... | 2000 | 10899706 |
biological and molecular characterizations of toxoplasma gondii strains obtained from southern sea otters (enhydra lutris nereis). | toxoplasma gondii was isolated from brain or heart tissue from 15 southern sea otters (enhydra lutris nereis) in cell cultures. these strains were used to infect mice that developed antibodies to t. gondii as detected in the modified direct agglutination test and had t. gondii tissue cysts in their brains at necropsy. mouse brains containing tissue cysts from 4 of the strains were fed to 4 cats. two of the cats excreted t. gondii oocysts in their feces that were infectious for mice. molecular an ... | 2000 | 10864250 |
a generalized fecal glucocorticoid assay for use in a diverse array of nondomestic mammalian and avian species. | noninvasive fecal glucocorticoid analysis has tremendous potential as a means of assessing stress associated with environmental disturbance in wildlife. however, interspecific variation in excreted glucocorticoid metabolites requires careful selection of the antibody used in their quantification. we compared four antibodies for detecting the major fecal cortisol metabolites in yellow baboons following (3)h cortisol administration, acth challenge, and hplc separation of fecal glucocorticoid metab ... | 2000 | 11121291 |
biological characterisation of sarcocystis neurona isolated from a southern sea otter (enhydra lutris nereis). | sarcocystis neurona was isolated from the brain of a juvenile, male southern sea otter (enhydra lutris nereis) suffering from cns disease. schizonts and merozoites in tissue sections of the otter's brain reacted with anti-s. neurona antiserum immunohistochemically. development in cell culture was by endopolyogeny and mature schizonts were first observed at 3 days postinoculation. pcr of merozoite dna using primer pairs jnb33/jnb54 and restriction enzyme digestion of the 1100 bp product with dra ... | 2000 | 10779575 |
the origin of lecithodesmus (digenea: campulidae) based on nd3 gene comparison. | species of lecithodesmus (campulidae) occur almost exclusively in baleen whales throughout a wide geographical distribution. other campulids occur only in odontocetes and, secondarily, in pinnipeds and the sea otter. therefore, the ancestor of lecithodesmus might have either cospeciated with mysticetes during the early divergence of mysticete and odontocete cetaceans or originated later via host switching. we evaluate both possibilities based on a phylogenetic analysis. the nd3 mitochondrial gen ... | 2000 | 10958470 |
inter-decadal patterns of population and dietary change in sea otters at amchitka island, alaska. | after having been hunted to near-extinction in the pacific maritime fur trade, the sea otter population at amchitka island, alaska increased from very low numbers in the early 1900s to near equilibrium density by the 1940s. the population persisted at or near equilibrium through the 1980s, but declined sharply in the 1990s in apparent response to increased killer whale predation. sea otter diet and foraging behavior were studied at amchitka from august 1992 to march 1994 and the data compared wi ... | 2000 | 28308190 |
encephalomyelitis associated with a sarcocystis neurona-like organism in a sea otter. | an adult female sea otter housed for 5 years in an outdoor habitat in an aquarium developed signs of neurologic disease. bilateral caudal paresis was evident initially and other neurologic signs consistent with cns disease developed rapidly. diagnostic work-up included cbc, serum biochemical analyses, determination of serum antibody titers, radiography of the vertebral column, csf analysis, muscle biopsy, computed tomography of the brain, and assays for mercury, lead, and thiamine. a tentative d ... | 1999 | 10613219 |
[low level of variability of mitochondrial dna in sea otter populations from kamchatka and komandor islands]. | variation in populations of sea otter enhydra lutris lutris from komandor islands and kamchatka was studied in segment b1-b2 of cytochrome b gene and in the control region (main noncoding region) of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) by means of restriction analysis. the total sample size was 59 animals. polymorphism was recorded only in the control mtdna region for one restriction endonuclease (mboi). frequencies of polymorphic variants were 64.7 and 35.3%, respectively. the low level of mtdna variation ... | 1999 | 10330607 |
[allozyme variation in the sea otter (enhydra lutris l. 1758). analysis of materials from animals that died on bering island in the winter of 1992/1993]. | by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 42 enzymes and five nonenzyme proteins presumably encoded by 62 loci were studied. the samples were taken from 72 sea otters (enhydra lutris l.) that perished on bering island (komandor islands) in winter 1992-1993. the values of allozyme variation parameters (p0.95 = 0.339; p0.99 = = 0.371; na = 1.40; hob = 0.075, and hexp = 0.099) were higher than those found earlier by the author and american investigators. these results do not confirm the assoc ... | 1998 | 9719914 |
killer whale predation on sea otters linking oceanic and nearshore ecosystems | after nearly a century of recovery from overhunting, sea otter populations are in abrupt decline over large areas of western alaska. increased killer whale predation is the likely cause of these declines. elevated sea urchin density and the consequent deforestation of kelp beds in the nearshore community demonstrate that the otter's keystone role has been reduced or eliminated. this chain of interactions was probably initiated by anthropogenic changes in the offshore oceanic ecosystem. | 1998 | 9774274 |
coccidioidomycosis in a bottlenose dolphin. | a stranded bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatus gilli) succumbed to a pulmonary infection of coccidioides immitis. the dolphin initially presented with mild inspiratory dyspnea that rapidly worsened over 48 hr to include buoyancy abnormalities and finally death. at necropsy, caseous nodules were observed throughout the lungs and perihilar lymph nodes. on histological examination of tissues, double walled organisms containing endospores characteristic of c. immitis were observed in lung, perihi ... | 1998 | 9706575 |
malignant seminoma with metastasis and herpesvirus infection in a free-living sea otter (enhydra lutris). | in winter 1990, an adult male sea otter (enhydra lutris) was found dead along the eastern shore of prince william sound, alaska. necropsy findings included an enlarged retained left testicle with a twisted spermatic cord, enlarged left sublumbar lymph node, emaciation, dental attrition, oral papules and ulcers, and luminal intestinal hemorrhage associated with numerous acanthocephalids. a malignant seminoma was present in the left testicle and left sublumbar lymph node. additionally, herpesvirus ... | 1998 | 9638623 |
molecular cloning and sequencing of interleukin 6 cdna fragments from the harbor seal (phoca vitulina), killer whale (orcinus orca), and southern sea otter (enhydra lutris nereis). | using polymerase chain reaction, interleukin-6 (il-6) cdna fragments from harbor seal (phoca vitulina), killer whale (orcinus orca), and southern sea otter (enhydra lutris nereis) were cloned and sequenced. for all three species, a continuous open reading frame encoding 203 residues for harbor seal, 199 residues for killer whale, and 201 residues for sea otter with stop codons located at analogous positions were identified. these fragments correspond to nucleotides 71 - 753 of the human il-6 tra ... | 1996 | 8575817 |
chemical restraint and anesthesia of sea otters affected by the oil spill in prince william sound, alaska. | 1996 | 8675470 | |
light and scanning electron microscopic study on the lingual papillae in the newborn sea otter enhydra lutris. | the tongue of enhydra lutris (sea otter), died from brain contusion at the first day of its age, was investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy in this study. three types of papillae (filiform, fungiform and circumvallate papillae) were present on this tongue. in our evaluation, the filiform papillae were divided into four shapes which were conical, club-shaped, large horny and triangular papillae. the different types of filiform papillae were located in different area of this tongue ... | 1996 | 8741387 |
clinical and clinical laboratory correlates in sea otters dying unexpectedly in rehabilitation centers following the exxon valdez oil spill. | following the exxon valdez oil spill, 347 oiled sea otters (enhydra lutris) were treated in rehabilitation centers. of these, 116 died, 94 within 10 days of presentation. clinical records of 21 otters dying during the first 10 days of rehabilitation were reviewed to define the laboratory abnormalities and clinical syndromes associated with these unexpected deaths. the most common terminal syndrome was shock characterized by hypothermia, lethargy, and often hemorrhagic diarrhea. in heavily and mo ... | 1995 | 7483208 |
evolutionary consequences of food chain length in kelp forest communities. | kelp forests are strongly influenced by macroinvertebrate grazing on fleshy macroalgae. in the north pacific ocean, sea otter predation on macroinvertebrates substantially reduces the intensity of herbivory on macroalgae. temperate australasia, in contrast, has no known predator of comparable influence. these ecological and biogeographic patterns led us to predict that (i) the intensity of herbivory should be greater in temperate australasia than in the north pacific ocean; thus (ii) australasia ... | 1995 | 11607573 |
histopathologic lesions in sea otters exposed to crude oil. | following the exxon valdez oil spill in prince william sound, alaska, sea otters (enhydra lutris) that appeared to be contaminated with oil, that were in danger of becoming contaminated, or that were behaving abnormally were captured and taken to rehabilitation centers. exposure to oil was assessed by visual examination when otters arrived at the centers. degree of oil exposure was graded according to the following criteria: oil covering greater than 60% of the body--heavily contaminated; oil co ... | 1993 | 8442322 |
lead sources to california sea otters: industrial inputs circumvent natural lead biodepletion mechanisms. | lead levels (as pb/ca atom ratios) and stable isotopic compositions were measured in teeth of preindustrial and contemporary california sea otters (enhydra lutris) to determine if postindustrial changes had occurred in the magnitude and source of accumulated lead. lead/calcium atom ratios (means +/- sd) in teeth of some contemporary animals (110 +/- 37 x 10(-8), n = 3) were significantly elevated compared to levels in other contemporary (13 +/- 6.0 x 10(-8), n = 4) and preindustrial (7.3 +/- 3.9 ... | 1992 | 1568438 |
raising orphaned sea otter pups. | 1992 | 1399767 | |
influence of age, sex, capture technique, and restraint on hematologic measurements and serum chemistries of wild california sea otters. | hematologic and/or serum chemical analyses were done on a total of 27 non-tranquilized adult and juvenile wild sea otters, 66 tranquilized adult and juvenile wild sea otters, and 26 wild sea otter pups. the median and inner 90 percentile range were determined for the adult, juvenile, and pup groups and for the following subgroups: adult male versus adult female, juvenile male versus juvenile female, pup male versus pup female, captured with dip net versus captured with wilson trap, and tranquili ... | 1992 | 12671789 |
catastrophes and conservation: lessons from sea otters and the exxon valdez. | 1991 | 17782209 | |
aquatic ape theory and fossil hominids. | while most older palaeo-anthropological studies emphasise the similarities of the fossil hominids with modern man, recent studies often stress the unique and the apelike features of the australopithecine dentitions, skulls and postcranial bones. it is worth reconsidering the features of australopithecus, homo erectus and homo neanderthalensis in the light of the so-called aquatic ape theory (aat) of hardy and morgan, and to compare the skeletal parts of our fossil relatives with those of (semi)a ... | 1991 | 1909768 |
the future of dna-dna hybridization studies. | this article draws on many vertebrate examples to assess the future of dna-dna hybridization studies. i first discuss whether applications of the method have reached the point of diminishing returns, or rather the start of a great leap forward, in our evolutionary understanding. vertebrate groups whose relationships are especially likely to be illuminated include parrots, pigeons, bats, pinnipeds, mammalian carnivores, frogs, and rodents. there are at least two reasons why classifications based ... | 1990 | 2109084 |
refractive state, ocular anatomy, and accommodative range of the sea otter (enhydra lutris). | sea otters are carnivorous, amphibious mammals that are active both above and under water. accordingly, it might be expected that their eyes are adapted for both aerial and aqueous vision. we examined the anatomy and physiological optics of the sea otter eye with a view towards describing and explaining its amphibious visual characteristics. we employed photokeratoscopy to measure the refractive power of the sea otter cornea, which we found to be 59 d. using video dynamic photorefraction, we fou ... | 1990 | 2321364 |
swimming by sea otters: adaptations for low energetic cost locomotion. | the energetics and hydrodynamics of surface and submerged swimming were compared in the sea otter (enhydra lutris). 1. sea otters used two distinct speed ranges that varied with swimming mode. sustained surface swimming was limited to speeds less than 0.80 m/s, while sustained submerged swimming occurred over the range of 0.60 to 1.39 m/s. 2. rates of oxygen consumption (vo2) at the transition speed (0.80 m/s) were 41% lower for submerged swimming by sea otters in comparison to surface swimming. ... | 1989 | 2724187 |
adaptations to deep breath-hold diving: respiratory and circulatory mechanics. | respiration and circulation in diving mammals are characterized by interrelated adaptations of structure, function, and behavior that are incompletely described and understood. this speculative survey touches some of them. a) arterial blood flow can be controlled by vasoconstriction not only in arterioles but also in large arteries. the latter physiology is not well known. b) mechanisms that might regulate and limit nitrogen uptake are not clear, although scholander's suggestion that airspaces b ... | 1989 | 2678665 |
the community ecology of sea otters. g. r. vanblaricom and j. a. estes, eds. springer-verlag, new york, 1988. xvi, 247 pp., illus. $89.50. ecological studies, vol. 65. | 1989 | 17783771 | |
reintroducing a political animal: what happens when the government moves sea otters around in california? nobody is happy, including the otters, which try to swim home. many attempts to relocate threatened species fail. | 1988 | 17841044 | |
scoliosis and uterine torsion in a pregnant sea otter (enhydra lutris) from california. | scoliosis and uterine torsion are described in a pregnant adult sea otter (enhydra lutris) tagged 3 yr prior to death. apparently, severe scoliosis in sea otters can be compatible with good nutritional status and a life-span measured in years. no causal correlation of this condition with the animal's death was established. | 1988 | 3411722 |
idiopathic scoliosis in a newborn sea otter, enhydra lutris (l.). | 1984 | 6492332 | |
hematology and blood chemistry in the sea otter (enhydra lutris). | 1983 | 6842733 | |
surgical implantation of radiotelemetry devices in the sea otter. | 1983 | 6643250 | |
pneumoperitoneum associated with intestinal volvulus in a sea otter. | 1983 | 6643249 | |
lumber spill in central california waters: implications for oil spills and sea otters. | a large quantity of lumber was spilled in the ocean off central california during the winter of 1978, and it spread through most of the range of the threatened california sea otter population within 4 weeks. the movement rates of lumber were similar to those of oil slicks observed elsewhere. these observations indicate that a major oil spill could expose significant numbers of california sea otters to oil contamination. | 1982 | 17788675 |
foraging strategies and prey switching in the california sea otter. | southern sea otters (enhydra lutris nereis), in recovering from near extinction, are gradually extending their range to include areas from which they have been absent for more than one hundred years. this study took advantage of the otters' relatively sudden arrival in the area near santa cruz, california, to monitor their prey selection in the first two years of residence there. foraging observations revealed that sea urchins (strongly-locentrotus franciscanus) were heavily preyed upon initiall ... | 1982 | 28311106 |
leiomyomas in two sea otters, enhydra lutris. | 1981 | 7310948 | |
fentanyl and azaperone produced neuroleptanalgesia in the sea otter (enhydra lutris). | 1981 | 7310941 | |
cholangiocellular adenocarcinoma, leiomypma, and pheochromocytoma in a sea otter. | 1981 | 6276352 | |
coccidioidomycosis in a california sea otter (enhydra lutris). | a weak and emaciated california sea otter (enhydra lutris) was found stranded on atascadero beach in morro bay, california. it died three weeks after capture. a diagnosis of coccidioidomycosis was confirmed by histology, serology and culture. this is believed to be the first reported case of this disease from the morro bay area of san luis obispo county, california as well as the first reported case in a free-ranging marine mammal. | 1979 | 501839 |
comparison of anesthetic agents in the sea otter. | five anesthetic agents (c1744, etorphine, fentanyl, ketamine hydrochloride, and halothane) were tested to establish the dosage of a safe, effective, short-acting anesthetic for use in the sea otter. etorphine, at a dosage of 0.75 mg per adult otter and used in conjunction with diazepam, at a dosage of 1.25 mg per adult otter, met most of the requirements for use under field conditions. halothane, administered through an anesthetic machine, proved to be effective for use in a veterinary hospital. | 1978 | 738930 |
aleuts, sea otters, and alternate stable-state communities. | reexamination of stratified faunal components of a prehistoric aleut midden excavated on amchitka island, alaska, indicates that aleut prey items changed dramatically during 2500 years of aboriginal occupation. recent ecological studies in the aleutian islands have shown the concurrent existence of two alternate stable nearshore communities, one dominated by macroalgae, the other by epibenthic herbivores, which are respectively maintained by the presence or absence of dense sea otter populations ... | 1978 | 17757287 |
[comparative anatomy of the spinal cord of semi-aquatic, aquatic and terrestrial mammals]. | skeletotopically, cervical thickening of the spinal cord in semiwater mammals (callorhinus ursinus, eumetopias jubatus, phoca larga, phoca kurilensis, enhydra lutris) corresponds to 4--5, and in terrestrial mammals (ursus arctos, vulpes vulpes)--to 3--6 cervical vertebrae. lumbar thickening in terrestrial spicies and in enhydra lutris is situated more caudally from the thoracic portion than in phocidae. in a typically water animal (phocaenoides dalli) the cervical thickening is expressed feebly, ... | 1978 | 736804 |
muscle metabolic profiles and fiber-type composition in some marine mammals. | 1. hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, 3-hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase, and malate dehydrogenase activities as well as fiber type composition were determined in skeletal muscles of the california sea lion (zalophus californianus), the sea otter (enhydra lutris), and the pacific white-sided dolphin (lagenorhynchus obliquidens). 2. the subcutaneous muscle of the sea lion had intermediate glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activities. 3. the locomotory muscles examined in the otter and porpoise did not ... | 1978 | 318281 |
tooth trauma and feeding behavior in prehistoric aleutian sea otters. | 1976 | 779228 | |
aleuts: ecosystem, holocene historys, and siberian origin: soviet and u.s. scientists join in a study of the origins of the first americans. | an original objective of these multidisciplinary studies was to determine the position of the aleuts in the aleutian ecosystem with time depth. this has been done in a variety of ways (7, 14, 20, 21). one of the most useful approaches is the construction of life expectancy tables. the greater longevity of aleuts compared with eskimos represents an effective biological and cultural human adaptation within this ecosystem. the aleuts defined their ecosystem by expanding to the limits of the area th ... | 1975 | 17798291 |
sea otters: their role in structuring nearshore communities. | a comparison of western aleutian islands with and without sea otter populations shows that this species is important in determining littoral and sublittoral community structure. sea otters control herbivorous invertebrate populations. removal of sea otters causes increased herbivory and ultimately results in the destruction of macrophyte associations. the observations suggest that sea otter reestablishment indirectly affects island fauna associated with macrophyte primary productivity. | 1974 | 17738247 |
maternal behavior in the california sea otter. | 1973 | 4744932 | |
observations on the anatomy of the respiratory system of the river otter, sea otter, and harp seal. ii. the trachea and bronchial tree. | 1973 | 4694944 | |
observations on the anatomy of the respiratory system of the river otter, sea otter, and harp seal. i. the topography, weight, and measurements of the lungs. | 1973 | 4694943 | |
the structure and function of the small airways in pinniped and sea otter lungs. | 1973 | 4688284 | |
locomotory patterns and external morphology of the river otter, sea otter, and harp seal (mammalia). | 1972 | 5055119 | |
gas transport and oxygen storage capacity in some pinnipeds and the sea otter. | 1970 | 5445188 | |
the ovary of the sea otter. | 1968 | 5666667 | |
underwater vision of the sea otter. | 1967 | 6057244 | |
placentation of the sea otter. | 1966 | 5972735 | |
nasal mites (halarachnidae) in the sea otter. | 1965 | 5848829 | |
tool-using behaviour of the californian sea otter. | 1965 | 5891597 | |
the protection of the sea otter. | 1897 | 17740853 |