
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
leveraging human genomic information to identify nonhuman primate sequences for expression array development.nonhuman primates (nhps) are essential for biomedical research due to their similarities to humans. the utility of nhps will be greatly increased by the application of genomics-based approaches such as gene expression profiling. sequence information from the 3' end of genes is the key resource needed to create oligonucleotide expression arrays.200516288651
interleukin-10 regulates arterial pressure in early primate pregnancy, the placental contribution of cytokines to maternal immunosuppression has been established, however their role in normal maternal blood pressure regulation has not been identified. we investigate the contribution of interleukin-10 (il-10) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnf-alpha) to the vasodilation of early pregnancy in non-human primates. we also sequenced the il-10 baboon gene and compared it with humans.200415652450
hormonal correlates of changes in interest in unrelated infants across the peripartum period in female baboons (papio hamadryas anubis sp.).in past research on human and nonhuman primates, maternal responsiveness and behavior has been thought of as an experiential, cognitive mechanism; however, recent findings have shown that maternal motivation and behavior may not be entirely divorced from the endocrine system. to investigate the relationship between interest in infants and the hormonal changes related to pregnancy, we examined the nature of social interactions across parturition between a large sample (n = 133) of adult female ba ...200415555493
dental microwear in anubis and hybrid baboons (papio hamadryas, sensu lato) living in awash national park, ethiopia.we describe dental microwear in baboons (papio hamadryas sensu lato) from the anubis-hamadryas hybrid zone of awash national park, ethiopia, outline its variation with sex and age, and attempt to relate the observed microwear pattern to environment and diet. casts of the maxillary second molar of 52 adult and subadult individuals of both sexes were examined with a scanning electron microscope at x 500. digitized micrographs were taken at a consistent location on facet 9, and microwear was record ...200415386258
the effect of aging on the immunohistochemistry of apolipoprotein e in the liver.apolipoprotein e (apoe) is involved in hepatic disposition of chylomicron remnants, which is impaired in old age. isoforms of apoe have been implicated in age-related diseases and possibly the aging process itself. because the effects of old age on expression and distribution of apoe in the liver have not been reported, we studied the effect of old age on the immunohistochemistry of apoe in the livers of humans and the non-human primate, papio hamadryas. overall, old age was not associated with ...200414724064
habitual cave use and thermoregulation in chacma baboons (papio hamadryas ursinus).the willingness to utilise caves as shelters is held to have been important to early humans but dependent on pyrotechnology. despite anecdotal evidence that non-human primates will also exploit caves there has as yet been no detailed account of such exploitation or of the reasons underlying it. here we provide the first such data, on the frequency and patterning of the use of an underground cave system by baboons (papio hamadryas)-and show that usage is determined, at least in part, by above-gro ...200414871563
apocrine glands in the eyelid of primates contribute to the ocular host defense.apocrine glands of moll are regular components of primate eyelids. we studied the distribution and localization of these glands in three different primate species, the common marmoset, the rhesus monkey, and the hamadryas baboon. in addition, we tested the primate glands of moll with antibodies against antimicrobial proteins, cytoskeletal proteins and the androgen receptor. the glands of moll differ in abundance and distribution in different monkeys. in the common marmoset, a representative of t ...200415118398
[a comparative description of amyloidosis in monkeys].the paper contains the results of a postmortem study of 461 cases of amyloidosis in monkeys of 4 species (papio hamadryas, macaca mulatto, macaca fascicularis and macaca nemestrina) from the sukhumi and adler primatological facilities. emergence of amyloidosis was found to be dependent on age; the frequency ratio at which separate organs are affected is presented; the specific disease signs are described for different monkey species. generalized and isolated cases of amyloidosis are elucidated w ...200415154328
age-related endocrine dysfunction in nonhuman primates.peculiarities of functioning of some parts of the endocrine system (the pineal gland, pancreatic gland, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis) in an aging nonhuman primate model (papio hamadryas and macaca mulatta) are described in this article. it has been established that basal activity of some endocrine functions (glucocorticoid, corticotropic, pancreatic, male estradiol producing) varies little with age. other functions significantly decrease (dhea/d ...200415247036
immunophenotypical characteristics of permanent cultures of lymphoid cells from papio hamadryas and macaca arctoides.immunophenotypical characteristics of primate cells were studied by enzyme immunoassay and flow cytofluorometry using a panel of monoclonal antibodies to human b- and t-lymphocyte antigens. specific features of immunophenotype of cultured cells were detected. simian lymphoid cultures consist of a mixture of b- and t-cells with mosaic antigenic structure expressing markers of b and t cell specificity.200415273772
crossing the red sea: phylogeography of the hamadryas baboon, papio hamadryas hamadryas.the hamadryas baboon (papio hamadryas hamadryas) is found both in east africa and western arabia and is the only free-ranging nonhuman primate in arabia. it has been hypothesized that hamadryas baboons colonized arabia in the recent past and were possibly even transported there by humans. we investigated the phylogeography of hamadryas baboons by sequencing a portion of the control region of mtdna in 107 baboons from four saudi arabian populations and combing these data with published data from ...200415315692
cosupplementation with vitamin e and coenzyme q10 reduces circulating markers of inflammation in baboons.inflammation and oxidative stress are processes that mark early metabolic abnormalities in vascular diseases.200415321805
intraperitoneal foreign body disease in a baboon (papio hamadryas).in a baboon group housed at the german primate center one animal became conspicuous with signs of massive abdominal pain in the upper gastric region. after clinical investigation an acute bloat-syndrome was suspected as cause of the animals' sickness. symptomatic therapy was started but the animal died within a few hours. at necropsy a large piece of wood was found within the right kidney and liver. prior to this, the foreign body passed the gastrointestinal tract and perforated the proximal col ...200415061725
fecal cortisol levels in free-ranging female chacma baboons: relationship to dominance, reproductive state and environmental factors.savannah baboons are one of the few mammalian species that do not exhibit seasonal reproduction patterns and are therefore ideally suited to study the effect of female reproductive states (cycling, pregnant, lactating) on cortisol levels independent of seasonal factors. fecal samples from 10 free-ranging female chacma baboons (papio hamadryas ursinus), collected during a period of 17 months, were analyzed using a steroid-extraction method. reproductive state had a significant effect on fecal cor ...200415053942
genetics of monoamine metabolites in baboons: overlapping sets of genes influence levels of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid, 3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenylglycol, and homovanillic acid.monoamine neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine) are associated with several psychiatric disorders. limited evidence suggests that monoamine levels are heritable, but no information concerning genetic relationships among monoamines is available. further genetic analysis can help explain phenotypic correlations among monoamine levels and might eventually help identify genes involved in response to therapy or risk of psychopathology.200415039003
trade-offs in skillacquisition and time allocation among juvenile chacma baboons.we hypothesize that juvenile baboons are less efficient foragers than adult baboons owing to their small size, lower level of knowledge and skill, and/or lesser ability to maintain access to resources. we predict that as resources are more difficult to extract, juvenile baboons will demonstrate lower efficiency than adults will because of their lower levels of experience. in addition, we hypothesize that juvenile baboons will be more likely to allocate foraging time to easier-to-extract resource ...200426190293
pleiotropic effects of genes for insulin resistance on adiposity in baboons.previous research has suggested a genetic contribution to the development of insulin resistance and obesity. we hypothesized that the same genes influencing insulin resistance might also contribute to the variation in adiposity.200415601971
application of piecewise hierarchical linear growth modeling to the study of continuity in behavioral development of baboons (papio hamadryas).in behavioral science, developmental discontinuities are thought to arise when the association between an outcome measure and the underlying process changes over time. sudden changes in behavior across time are often taken to indicate that a reorganization in the outcome-process relationship may have occurred. the authors proposed in this article the use of piecewise hierarchical linear growth modeling as a statistical methodology to search for discontinuities in behavioral development and illus ...200415482059
genotype-by-sex and environment-by-sex interactions influence variation in serum levels of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase in adult baboons (papio hamadryas).while more than 77% of the people in the us with osteoporosis are women, the contributions of genotype-by-sex (g x s) and environment-by-sex interactions to sex differences in osteoporosis risk factors have not been studied. to address this issue, we conducted a statistical genetic analysis of serum concentrations of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (bone alp), a highly specific marker of osteoblast function that is elevated in persons with conditions like osteoporosis characterized by excessi ...200415207757
does space in the jaw influence the timing of molar crown initiation? a model using baboons (papio anubis) and great apes (pan troglodytes, pan paniscus).radiographic and histological studies of baboon (papio hamadryas, p. anubis) and chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) permanent tooth development have found that periods of molar crown mineralization overlap markedly in chimpanzees but are staggered in baboons. here we test the hypothesis that these intertaxon differences in molar initiation are primarily due to the space available in the mandibles of each species for these teeth. this study includes radiographic, linear measurement, and three-dimension ...200414984783
mitochondrial evidence for the origin of hamadryas baboons.baboons (mammalia: primates, papio) are found primarily on the continent of africa, but the range of hamadryas baboons (papio hamadryas) extends to the arabian peninsula, and the origin of arabian populations is unclear. to estimate the timing of the divergence between arabian and african hamadryas populations we analyzed mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequences from individuals of arabian and african origin, and from representatives of the other major baboon taxa. the oldest hamadryas mitochondrial ...200415186814
scalp eeg for the diagnosis of epilepsy and photosensitivity in the baboon.spontaneous seizures have been observed in several baboon species housed at the southwest national primate research center (snprc), including papio hamadryas anubis and cynocephalus/anubis, hamadryas/anubis, and papio/anubis hybrids. the goal of this study was to establish a noninvasive, reliable electroencephalographic technique to characterize epilepsy phenotypes and assess photosensitivity in these subspecies. thirty baboons with witnessed seizures, and 15 asymptomatic baboons underwent scalp ...200414983467
hematology and blood biochemistry in infant baboons (papio hamadryas).although published normative reference standards for hematologic and clinical chemistry measures are available for adult baboons, their applicability to infants has not been addressed. we analyzed these measures in 110 infant baboons (55 females and 55 males) from a large breeding colony at the southwest regional primate research center in san antonio, texas. the sample consists of olive baboons and olive/yellow baboon hybrids, 1 week to 12 months of age. we produced cross-sectional reference va ...200312823623
effect of diet on dental development in four species of catarrhine this study, dental development is described in two pairs of closely related catarrhine primate species that differ in their degree of folivory: 1) hylobates lar and symphalangus syndactylus, and 2) papio hamadryas hamadryas and semnopithecus entellus. growth increments in histological thin sections are used to reconstruct the chronology of dental development to determine how dental development is accelerated in the more folivorous species of each pair. although anterior tooth formation appear ...200312966517
infant mortality after takeovers in wild ethiopian hamadryas this work we report the first observational evidence of infanticide in wild hamadryas baboons. the study group inhabits the lowlands of the northern rift valley in ethiopia and has been under observation for over 1,200 hr, on and off, since october 1996. here we report observations from august and september 2002 of the consequences of two takeovers of known females with black infants. after the first takeover, the respective infant disappeared and was presumed dead within 11 days of the takeo ...200312874842
genetics of leptin expression in baboons.leptin gene expression is higher in females than in males, and is regulated by many factors including energy intake and insulin, but little is known about the inheritance of leptin gene expression. we have investigated leptin (lep) gene express-ion, to determine whether it is heritable, and whether the difference in lep expression between males and females has a genetic component.200312821961
discordance of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in the arterial wall and its circulating products in baboons: interactions with redox metabolism.although peripheral arteries and circulating factors have been frequently used to assess systemic or central arterial, such as coronary artery, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (enos) functions, there is no direct evidence to support that they are related.200312662158
life history and the competitive environment: trajectories of growth, maturation, and reproductive output among chacma baboons.the social environment is a key feature influencing primate life histories. chacma baboons (papio hamadryas ursinus) are a female-bonded species with a strict linear dominance hierarchy. in this species, the allocation of energy to competing demands of growth and reproduction is hypothesized to vary as a function of competitive ability, which in turn increases with social rank. since growth rate is a major component of life history models, measures of age-specific growth were used to analyze var ...200312489139
gene expression profiling of alcoholic liver disease in the baboon (papio hamadryas) and human liver.the molecular pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease (ald) is not well understood. gene expression profiling has the potential to identify new pathways and altered molecules in ald. gene expression profiles of ald in a baboon model and humans were compared using dna arrays. reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry were used for downstream analysis of array results. cdna array analysis revealed differential expression of several novel genes and pathways in additio ...200314633604
bone mineral density reference standards in adult baboons (papio hamadryas) by sex and age.osteoporosis is a progressive condition involving structural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to skeletal fragility and an increased susceptibility to fractures due to low bone mass and high rates of bone turnover. areal bone mineral density (abmd) serves as the most reliable predictor of susceptibility to osteoporotic fracture. the development of animal models, including old world monkeys, has been essential to studies of bone mineral density. these animals, including the baboon, exhibit m ...200314678847
divergent simian t-cell lymphotropic virus type 3 (stlv-3) in wild-caught papio hamadryas papio from senegal: widespread distribution of stlv-3 in africa.among eight samples obtained from a french primatology research center, six adult guinea baboons (papio hamadryas papio), caught in the wild in senegal, had a peculiar human t-cell leukemia virus type 2 (htlv-2)-like western blot seroreactivity (p24(+), gd21(+), k55(+/-)). partial sequence analyses of the tax genes (433 bp) indicated that these baboons were infected by a novel divergent simian t-cell lymphotropic virus (stlv). analyses of the complete proviral sequence (8,892 bp) for one of thes ...200312477886
detection by pcr and isolation assays of the anaerobic intestinal spirochete brachyspira aalborgi from the feces of captive nonhuman primates.the purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of the anaerobic intestinal spirochetes brachyspira aalborgi and brachyspira pilosicoli in the feces of captive nonhuman primates (n = 35) from 19 species housed at the zoological gardens, perth, western australia. both spirochete species are known to infect human beings. dna was extracted from freshly collected feces with a commercially available qiaamp dna stool minikit and subjected to pcr protocols amplifying portions of the 16s rrna ...200312624050
the relative lengths and weights of metacarpals and metatarsals in baboons (papio hamadryas).the lengths and weights of metacarpals and metatarsals were measured in two collections of baboon skeletons-33 animals, all born and raised in the wild, and 60 animals, nearly all born and raised in captivity. for both length and weight, ratios were constructed for all possible pairings of the five bones in each individual hand and foot. the pattern of results was not identical for the two collections, but substantial sex differences existed in both collections for many of the ratios calculated. ...200312694645
pollical oblique ligament in humans and non-human primates.a morphological study of the oblique ligament in the thumb is presented. the ligament was consistently described in human specimens and compared with dissections of non-human primates from different species. the oblique ligament was found in some, but not all, specimens in each of the following species examined: chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon, anubis baboon, hamadryas baboon, squirrel monkey, lemur and marmoset. a revised identity of the oblique ligament is proposed as a reinforced distal border ...200312739617
numerity of a socially housed hamadryas baboon (papio hamadryas) and a socially housed squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus).to extend a study conducted by e. m. brannon and h. s. terrace (1998, 2000), the authors trained 1 hamadryas baboon (papio hamadryas) and 1 squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus) to respond to stimuli representing the numerosities 1-4 in ascending order. when tested with novel stimuli of the same numerosities, both subjects' performance appeared to be based on the numerical attributes of stimuli. subjects were then tested on their ability to order pairs of numerosities derived from the values 1-9. b ...200312856792
flow cytometric sorting of frozen-thawed spermatozoa in sheep and non-human primates.research was conducted in sheep to determine an effective preparation method for high-purity sorting of frozen-thawed spermatozoa. the efficacy of sorting frozen-thawed spermatozoa was then investigated in several non-human primate species. an aliquot of each ejaculate (three rams, three ejaculates per ram) was processed as a fresh control (fresh). frozen spermatozoa were thawed and prepared for sorting by no further processing (ft-neat), washing (ft-wash) or gradient centrifugation (ft-gradient ...200314984693
high prevalence of simian t-lymphotropic virus type l in wild ethiopian baboons.simian t-cell leukemia viruses (stlvs) are the simian counterparts of human t-cell leukemia viruses (htlvs). a novel, divergent type of stlv (stlv-l) from captive baboons was reported in 1994, but its natural prevalence remained unclear. we investigated the prevalence of stlv-l in 519 blood samples from wild-living nonhuman primates in ethiopia. seropositive monkeys having cross-reactive antibodies against htlv were found among 22 out of 40 hamadryas baboons, 8 of 96 anubis baboons, 24 of 50 bab ...200211799159
the nucleotide sequences of the parathyroid gene in primates (suborder anthropoidea).nucleotide sequences of the parathyroid (pth) gene of 12 species of primates belonging to suborder anthropoidea were examined. the pth gene contains one intron that separates two exons that code the sequence of prepro and pth, respectively. the intron of the pth gene in cebus apella, callithrix jacchus, and saguinus oedipus was 102 bp long, whereas a 103-bp intron was observed in the remaining species. phylogenetic analysis using the nucleotide sequences of pth revealed that these 12 species of ...200211825036
effectiveness of human microsatellite loci for assessing paternity in a captive colony of vervets (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).microsatellite polymorphisms are playing an increasingly vital role in primatological research, and are particularly useful for paternity exclusion in both wild and captive populations. although vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) are commonly studied in both settings, few previous studies have utilized microsatellite markers for assessing genetic variation in this species. in a pilot project to assess paternity in the ucla-va vervet monkey research colony (vmrc), we screened 55 commercially a ...200211948640
effects of aging on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system function in non-human primates.the study was aimed at characterizing the changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (hpa) axis function during aging in monkey models (papio hamadryas and macaca mulatta). it has been established by specific radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay that basal plasma levels of adrenal androgenes (dehydroepiandrosterone-dhea, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate-dheas) and the early precursors of steroid hormones (pregnenolone and 17-hydroxypregnenolone) progressively decrease with age in baboons and mac ...200212044968
composition of psoas major muscle fibers compared among humans, orangutans, and primate species the m. psoas major, the only muscle simultaneously controlling the spinal column and lower extremity, is expected to reflect morpho-functional adaptation to diversified locomotor behavior. by using histochemical analysis with sudan black b staining, composition of different types of muscle fibers in the psoas major was compared between 2 japanese macaques, 2 hamadryas baboons, 2 anubis baboons, 2 orangutans, and 17 humans. the comparison has revealed unique features of this mu ...200212050900
the aging baboon: comparative demography in a non-human primate.why do closely related primate genera vary in longevity, and what does this teach us about human aging? life tables of female baboons (papio hamadryas) in two wild populations of east africa and in a large captive population in san antonio, texas, provide striking similarities and contrasts to human mortality patterns. for captive baboons at the southwest foundation for biomedical research, we estimate the doubling time of adult mortality rate as 4.8 years. wild females in free-living population ...200212082185
[prediction of the severity of damage and disruption of work ability in reaction of the body to alcohol load prior to radiation exposure in the superlethal range].in experiments on 121 white non-linear rats, 44 papio hamadryas and 29 macaca fascicularis, animals' reactions on the alcohol impact (ai) and following exposure to supralethal doses were compared. the animals were intravenously injected with 5% ethanol in the glucose solution, 2.1 g/kg for rats and 0.46-0.51 g/kg for monkeys. monkeys' response to ai was scored in four-point scale by estimating of abnormalities in motor activity, coordination of motion and changes in conditioned reflex activity. ...200212125263
the effects of aminoguanidine on renal changes in a baboon model of type 1 diabetes.the efficacy of aminoguanidine (ag) on primary prevention of diabetic nephropathy was investigated in a nonhuman primate model of type 1 diabetes over a period of 4 years.200212126789
housing and care of monkeys and apes in laboratories: adaptations allowing essential species-specific behaviour.during the last two decades an increasing amount of attention has been paid to the housing and care of monkeys and apes in laboratories, as has been done with the housing and care of other categories of captive animals. the purpose of this review is to develop recommendations for adaptations of housing and care from our knowledge of the daily behavioural activity of monkeys and apes in natural conditions and in enriched laboratory conditions. this review deals mainly with adaptations of daily ho ...200212144737
experimental mycoplasma infection in monkeys.experimental mycoplasma infection was studied in papio hamadryas, macaca mulatta, and macaca nemestrina infected with mycoplasma (m. pneumoniae and m. hominis) and ureaplasma (u. urealyticum).200212170317
virus safety in xenotransplantation: first exploratory in vivo studies in small laboratory animals and non-human primates.for xenotransplantation, the transplantation of animal cells, tissues and organs into human recipients, to date, pigs are favored as potential donors. beside ethical, immunological, physiological and technical problems, the microbiological safety of the xenograft has to be guaranteed. it will be possible to eliminate all of the known porcine microorgansims in the nearby future by vaccinating or specified pathogen-free breeding. thus, the main risk will come from the porcine endogenous retrovirus ...200212180842
ranging behavior, group size and behavioral flexibility in ethiopian hamadryas baboons (papio hamadryas hamadryas).this study reports group size, home range size, daily path lengths, seasonal effects on ranging behavior and qualitative information on diet for a population of hamadryas baboons inhabiting the lowlands of the northern rift valley in central ethiopia. the minimum home range size and daily path length for this population are similar to those reported for other populations of hamadryas baboons in ethiopia and saudi arabia. group sizes, however, are much larger than those in most other hamadryas po ...200212207056
pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (psg) in baboon (papio hamadryas): family size, domain structure, and prediction of a functional region in primate psgs.pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (psg) constitutes a major component of serum of pregnant women and appears to be essential for a successful pregnancy. its function is, however, still unknown. because of the evolutionary divergence between human and rodent psg, functional studies may require a primate animal model. we have characterized psg transcripts in a baboon placenta cdna library and analyzed baboon genomic dna. the main psg isoform had the domain structure n-a1-b2-c similar to the human ty ...200111133662
catarrhine phylogeny: noncoding dna evidence for a diphyletic origin of the mangabeys and for a human-chimpanzee clade.maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses of two of the serum albumin gene's intron sequences from 24 catarrhines (17 cercopithecid and 7 hominid) and 3 platyrrhines (an outgroup to the catarrhines) yielded results on catarrhine phylogeny that are congruent with those obtained with noncoding sequences of the gamma(1)-gamma(2) globin gene genomic region, using only those flanking and intergenic gamma sequences that in their history were not involved in gene conversion. a data set that com ...200111161738
comparative analysis of natural killer cell activity, lymphoproliferation and lymphocyte surface antigen expression in nonhuman primates housed at the cirmf primate center, gabon.six different species of nonhuman primates housed at the cirmf primate center, cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis), rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta), mandrills (mandrillus sphinx), vervets (cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus), chimpanzees (pan troglodyte) and baboons (papio hamadryas), were evaluated for their natural killer cell activity and for the ability of their peripheral blood mononuclear cells to proliferate in response to known mitogens (concanavalin a, phytohemagglutinin and staphy ...200111396861
characterization of baboon (papio hamadryas) milk proteins.the major proteins of baboon milk were identified as beta-lactoglobulin (beta lg), alpha-lactalbumin (alpha la), lysozyme, lactoferrin, casein, and albumin by immobiline isoelectric focusing, sds-page, immunoblotting of gels with rabbit antisera to human alpha la, lysozyme, and albumin and bovine beta lg and casein, and n-terminal sequencing of proteins blotted from gels. the first 30 n-terminal residues of baboon beta lg are identical to those of macaque (macaca fasicularis) beta lg except for ...200111444021
a proper study for mankind: analogies from the papionin monkeys and their implications for human evolution.this paper's theme is that analogies drawn from the cercopithecine tribe papionini, especially the african subtribe papionina (baboons, mangabeys, and mandrills), can be a valuable source of insights about the evolution of the human tribe, hominini, to complement homologies found in extant humans and/or african apes. analogies, involving a "likeness of relations" of the form "a is to b, as x is to y," can be usefully derived from nonhomologous (homoplastic) resemblances in morphology, behavior, ...200111786995
trace elements concentrations from papio hamadryas teeth sequences. 200111603830
rank and grooming reciprocity among females in a mixed-sex group of captive hamadryas a mixed-sex, captive group of hamadryas baboons (papio hamadryas hamadryas) we investigated whether female grooming relationships are affected by their dominance ranks. seyfarth's [1977] grooming for support model and barrett et al.'s [1999] biological market model both predict that in primate groups where competition for monopolizable resources is high, grooming among females is based, at least partly, on the interchange of grooming for rank-related benefits, and that rank thus influences th ...200111536314
class i mhc expression in the yellow baboon.mhc class i molecules play a crucial role in the immune response to pathogens and vaccines and in self/non-self recognition. therefore, characterization of mhc class i gene expression of papio subspecies is a prerequisite for studies of immunology and transplantation in the baboon (papio hamadryas). to elucidate mhc class i expression and variation within papio subspecies and to further investigate the evolution of a and b loci in old world primates, we have characterized the expressed class i r ...200111238644
sexual swellings in female hamadryas baboons after male take-overs: "deceptive" swellings as a possible female counter-strategy against many primate species, male intanticide is assumed to pose a serious risk for infants, and therefore female counter-strategies are expected. these counter-strategies may include changes in the females' reproductive behavior and physiology, e.g., mating with multiple males and prolonged receptivity. since the risk of infanticide is particularly high when a new male enters the group or when a male rises in rank, we studied the changes in female reproductive conditions, e.g., post-partum amenorrh ...200011132110
the effects of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and early lactation on haematology and plasma biochemistry in the baboon (papio hamadryas).the changes in the haematology and clinical biochemistry associated with the different stages of the menstrual cycle, gestation and lactation in the baboon (papio hamadryas) were evaluated in a prospective longitudinal study. serial edta and heparin blood samples were collected from 12 baboons. haemoglobin concentration, haematorcrit, red blood cell and white blood cell counts were decreased in the luteal compared to the follicular phase (p<0.001); the reverse effect was observed for platelet co ...200011168833
changes of hormonal function of the adrenal and gonadal glands in baboons of different age groups.the purpose of this study was to characterize the changes of hormonal function of the adrenals and gonads during aging in male baboons (papio hamadryas). basal levels of plasma dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, pregnenolone, and 17-hydroxypregnenolone progressively decrease with age from 10-15 years when analyzed by specific radioimmunoassay. however, no significant changes were found in cortisol and 11-desoxycortisol concentrations. the levels of sexual hormones did not di ...200010870672
"rodent-like" and "primate-like" types of astroglial architecture in the adult cerebral cortex of mammals: a comparative study.previous observations disclosed that astroglia with interlaminar processes were present in the cerebral cortex of adult new and old world monkeys, but not in the rat, and scarcely in the prosimian microcebus murinus. the present report is a more systematic and comprehensive comparative analysis of the occurrence of such processes in the cerebral cortex of several mammalian species. brain samples were obtained from adult individuals from the following orders: carnivora (canine), rodentia (rat and ...200010672363
functional and structural abnormalities in the nerves of type i diabetic baboons: aminoguanidine treatment does not improve nerve improve understanding of the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy and to establish a primate model for experimental studies, we examined nerve changes in baboons with type i (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. we also examined the effect of aminoguanidine (an inhibitor of the formation of advanced glycation end products) on nerve function.200010672451
immune and pathophysiological processes in baboons experimentally infected with ebola virus adapted to guinea pigs.the dynamics of pathophysiological and immunological parameters monitored in monkeys papio hamadryas infected with the guinea pig-adapted ebola virus strain demonstrated that this viral strain preserved its virulence for monkeys and caused the disease with characteristic features similar to those caused by non-adapted ebola virus. however, certain previously unknown patterns have been observed: (1) prolongation of the febrile period by two days; (2) extended period was characterized by stability ...200010714441
filamentous tau pathology in nerve cells, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes of aged baboons.intracellular filamentous inclusions containing abnormally phosphorylated tau protein are hallmarks of several human neurodegenerative disorders. this study reveals tau-positive cytoskeletal abnormalities in neurons and glial cells of aged baboons. the brains of four baboons (papio hamadryas, 20-30 yr of age) were examined using the gallyas silver technique for neurofibrillary changes and phosphorylation-dependent anti-tau antibodies (at8, at100, at270, phf-1, tg-3). conspicuous changes were not ...200010744034
absence of evidence of infection with divergent primate t-lymphotropic viruses in united states blood donors who have seroindeterminate htlv test results.recent identification of divergent simian or primate t-lymphotropic viruses (stlvs; ptlvs) in bonobos (formerly called pygmy chimpanzees; pan paniscus; viruses: stlvpan-p and stlvpp1664) and a baboon (papio hamadryas; viruses: stlvph969 or ptlv-l) have raised the possibility of human infection with these viruses. divergent ptlv-infected primate sera show p24 bands on htlv-i western blots (wbs). it was investigated whether infection by divergent ptlv-like viruses could explain a subset of united ...200010773057
infection of nonhuman primate cells by pig endogenous retrovirus.the ongoing shortage of human donor organs for transplantation has catalyzed new interest in the application of pig organs (xenotransplantation). one of the biggest concerns about the transplantation of porcine grafts into humans is the transmission of pig endogenous retroviruses (perv) to the recipients or even to other members of the community. although nonhuman primate models are excellently suited to mimic clinical xenotransplantation settings, their value for risk assessment of perv transmi ...200010906227
conservation in decay accelerating factor (daf) structure among primates.the decay accelerating factor (daf, cd55) protects self cells from activation of autologous complement on their surfaces. it functions to disable the c3 convertases, the central amplification enzymes of the cascade. its active site(s) are contained within four approximately 60 amino acid long units, termed complement control protein repeats (ccps), which are suspended above the cell surface on a 68 amino acid long serine/threonine (s/t)-rich cushion that derives from three exons. we previously p ...200010906393
a genetic linkage map of the baboon (papio hamadryas) genome based on human microsatellite polymorphisms.a first-generation genetic linkage map of the baboon (papio hamadryas) genome was developed for use in biomedical and evolutionary genetics. pedigreed baboons (n = 694) were selected from the breeding colony maintained by the southwest foundation for biomedical research. to facilitate comparison with the human genome, the baboon linkage map consists primarily of human microsatellite loci amplified using published human pcr primers. genotypes for 325 human microsatellites and 6 novel baboon micro ...200010936045
the core dry-season diet of yellow baboons (papio hamadryas cynocephalus)in ruaha national park, tanzania. 200011093039
nineteen new microsatellite dna polymorphisms in pigtailed macaques (macaca nemestrina).microsatellite loci known to be polymorphic in baboons (papio hamadryas) and/or humans were tested in pigtailed macaques (macaca nemestrina) from the washington regional primate research center. nineteen polymorphisms were identified in the macaques, with an average of 9.2 alleles per locus and an average heterozygosity of 0.76. seven loci were analyzed using radiolabelled pcr primers and standard gel electrophoresis. twelve loci were studied using fluorescently labelled primers and the perkin-e ...200030545185
verreaux's eagles (aquila verreauxi) as potential predators of hamadryas baboons (papio hamadryas hamadryas) in this paper we describe for the first time encounters of verreaux's eagle (aquila verreauxi) with hamadryas baboons (papio hamadryas hamadryas) in the central highlands of eritrea (15 degrees 22' n, 38 degrees 58' e, 2300 m). during 12 h of observation on 4 days, we observed four encounters of verreaux's eagles with baboons, of which three can be classified as possible attacks. the baboons always responded with alarm calls. in three cases some immatures rushed to adult group members and clung ...19999888722
[growing divergence inside primate t cell lymphotropic viruses].during our studies on the evolution of the ptlvs, we have isolated and genomically characterized two divergent simian t-lymphotropic viruses, not belonging to the previously well-established ptlv lineages. stlv-ph969 has been isolated from an eritrean sacred baboon (papio hamadryas), with an htlv-like indeterminate serological profile. the entire 8916 nt long genomic sequence, was obtained from a cdna library of ph969 mrna, in combination with a pcr based strategy. all open reading frames (orf) ...199910379197
histopathological and parasitological changes in baboons (papio hamadryas) experimentally infected with baboon and human isolates of schistosoma mansoni from saudi arabia: a comparative study. 199910474648
the discovery of two new divergent stlvs has implications for the evolution and epidemiology of htlvs.we have isolated and characterised two divergent simian t-lymphotropic viruses (stlv), not belonging to the established human and simian t-lymphotropic virus lineages htlv-1/stlv-1 and htlv-2. stlv-l, from an eritrean sacred baboon (papio hamadryas), has been typed as a third type of simian t-lymphotropic virus, distinct from htlv-1/stlv-1 and htlv-2. the other virus, isolated from congolese bonobos (pan paniscus), is a distinct member of the htlv-2 clade and has been designated stlv-2. the isol ...199910479777
new world, but not old world, monkeys carry several genes encoding was shown by southern hybridization that cotton-top tamarin and common marmoset, new world monkeys, carry three or more genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein, also known as psp94. in contrast, the genomes of old world monkeys, as represented by rhesus macaque and sacred baboon, contain a single gene. clones containing three different genes encoding beta-microseminoprotein were isolated from a cotton-top tamarin genomic library. they carry two complete genes of four exons and a third gene lac ...199910491085
low-dose nitro-l-arginine administration in baboon (papio hamadryas) pregnancy.1. the purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of nitric oxide (no) inhibition on mean arterial pressure (map), endothelin (et) and the renin-aldosterone system in pregnancy in the non-human primate (baboon). 2. twenty pregnant baboons (papio hamadryas) were examined prospectively after the administration of an oral no inhibitor in different phases of pregnancy. haemodynamic responses to no inhibition, evidence of pre-eclampsia and the renin-aldosterone system were examined under ...199910561803
molecular phylogeny of old world monkeys (cercopithecidae) as inferred from gamma-globin dna sequences.dna sequence data of the nuclear-encoded gamma1-gamma2-globin duplication region were used to examine the phylogenetic relationships of 16 cercopithecid (old world monkey) species representing 12 extant genera. morphology- and molecular-based hypotheses of old world monkey branching patterns are generally congruent, except for generic relationships within the subtribe papionina. the cercopithecids divide into colobines (leaf-eating monkeys) and cercopithecines (cheek-pouched monkeys). the colobi ...199910603263
long-term survival and function of intrahepatic islet allografts in baboons treated with humanized anti-cd154.clinical islet cell transplantation has resulted in insulin independence in a limited number of cases. rejection, recurrence of autoimmunity, and impairment of normal islet function by conventional immunosuppressive drugs, e.g., steroids, tacrolimus, and cyclosporin a, may all contribute to islet allograft loss. furthermore, intraportal infusion of allogeneic islets results in the activation of intrahepatic macrophages and endothelial cells, followed by production of proinflammatory mediators th ...199910389857
biochemistry and haematology values for the baboon (papio hamadryas): the effects of sex, growth, development and age.a retrospective study evaluated the influence of sex and age on plasma biochemistry and haematology parameters in a captive-bred colony of baboons. over 1,140 etda and heparin blood samples were obtained from 160 clinically normal baboons between the ages of 11 months and 11 years. data for these blood tests were analysed for the effects of sex, age and sex age interactions. sex, age and sex age interactions were detected for many plasma biochemistry and haematological parameters. the reference ...199910372537
cerebrospinal fluid monoaminergic metabolites differ in wild anubis and hybrid (anubis hamadryas) baboons: possible relationships to life history and behavior.the article reports monoaminergic metabolite [homovanillic acid (hva), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-hiaa), and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (mhpg)], values from the cerebrospinal fluid (csf) of 27 wild baboons (papio hamadryas) aged 40 to 140 months. animals were either anubis, or anubis with hamadryas admixture; males of the latter subspecies generally have a reduced tendency to disperse from their natal groups. overall, the values and interrelationships among the csf monoamine metabolites ...199910327421
pleiotropy and genotype by diet interaction in a baboon model for atherosclerosis: a multivariate quantitative genetic analysis of hdl subfractions in two dietary environments.we investigated dietary effects on pleiotropic relationships among 3 hdl cholesterol (c) subfractions (hdl1-c, hdl2-c, and hdl3-c; levels quantified by gradient gel electrophoresis) for 942 pedigreed baboons (papio hamadryas) who were fed a basal (chow) diet and a high cholesterol, saturated fat (hcsf) challenge diet. using multivariate maximum likelihood methods we estimated heritabilities for all 6 traits, genetic and environmental correlations (rhog and rhoe) between them, and the additive ge ...199910195946
an alu insertion polymorphism in a baboon hybrid zone.a novel polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primer pair was used to analyze the frequency of insertion of the first described, nonhuman, baboon-specific alu repetitive element in populations from the papio hamadryas anubis and the papio hamadryas hamadryas subspecies, and from a number of anubis-hamadryas hybrids. the alu insertion is found in intron 7 of the baboon lipoprotein lipase (lpl) gene. each of the populations had different frequencies for the insertion, and the hybrids examined had a freq ...199910342460
cytogenetic and fertility studies of a rheboon, rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) x baboon (papio hamadryas) cross: further support for a single karyotype nomenclature.historically, two different numbering systems have been used to describe the baboon and macaque karyotypes. however, g-banding studies and, more recently, fluorescence in situ hybridization results have shown that the two karyotypes are virtually identical. to confirm this hypothesis, cytogenetic analysis of an unusual animal, a rheboon, was undertaken. the rheboon reported here, an 18-year-old male, is the only long-term survivor of 26 pregnancies resulting from matings between female baboons ( ...199910502238
female dominance and female social relationships among yellow baboons (papio hamadryas cynocephalus).adult females in a female-bonded, cercopithecine species such as baboons are characterized by hierarchically ranked matrilines, i.e., female offspring assume rankings just beneath those of their mothers. in this system of closely ranked matrilines, a female should engage in significantly more affiliative interactions with those individuals who are closely ranked to herself than with those individuals who are more distantly ranked. we examine the hypothesis that females in this troop of feral yel ...199910206209
luteinizing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle of the baboon (papio hamadryas). 1998110021
[postcoital contraception in primates. ii. examination of sts 153 and sts 287 as interceptives in the baboon (papio hamadryas)].the interceptive activity of 2 new synthesized steroid compounds: sts 153 (17 beta-phenylaminocarbonyloxy-estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3-methyl ether and sts 287 (16 alpha-bromo-17 beta-[n',n'-dimethylhydrazino]-carbonyloxy-estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3-methyl ether) and of 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol was investigated in baboons.--postcoital oral administration of 1--3 mg/kg b. w. sts 153 for 5--7 days and of 1 mg/kg b. w. sts 287 for 5 days resulted in a fertility inhibition of about 90% and 95% respectivel ...1998106578
[steroid metabolism in primates. xx. excretion of c21-steroids in urine of women and baboons (papio hamadryas) during pregnancy].urinary excretion of 10 c21 steroids was investigated in women and baboons (papio hamadryas) in various stages of pregnancy, in comparison to controls. in pregnant women, excretion of total c21 steroids is slightly increased, whereas in pregnant baboons it is slightly decreased. in women, excretion of tetrahydrocortisol and tetrahydrocortisone is diminished, that of 20 beta-oh-f (11-beta,17alpha,20beta,21-tetrahydroxy-4-pregnen-3,20-dione) and of 11-deoxycortisol is increased. in pregnant baboon ...1998104866
[cytogenetic characteristics t-lymphoid cell lines of hamadryas baboon (papio hamadryas)]. 19989825147
a baboon (papio hamadryas) with an isochromosome for the long arm of the x.a 5.5-yr-old female baboon was evaluated for sexual immaturity. she was small for her age and had normal external female genitalia. however, she lacked cyclical perineal turgescence and displayed atypical coloration of the perineal skin. laparoscopy revealed a small uterus and absence of both ovaries. cytogenetic analysis revealed a 42,x,i(x)(q10) karyotype. dna analysis using loci dxs1683, which maps to xp22.1, and dxs297, which maps to xq27.3, was consistent with inheritance of the normal x ch ...19989763665
establishment of a method for analysis of chimerism in a baboon model (papio hamadryas) of islet/bone marrow transplantation. 19989532174
male fights of hamadryas baboonsan attempt is made to develop a model of male fights which can account for the stylized facts, observed by kummer and his team, for hamadryas baboons. by two special versions of the general model it is shown that these observations can be consistently explained by one mathematical model which may deserve some interest for its own sake. to demonstrate the relative advantages of our approach we also analyse an ad hoc-type of model.copyright 1998 academic press limited copyright 1998 academic press ...19989473387
isolation of mycobacterium bovis from baboons, leopards and a sea-lion.this study reports on two series of cases of mycobacterium bovis infection in zoo animals. the first was in a captive population of baboons (papio hamadryas) and the second in a mixed group of wild mammals, including four leopards (panthera uncia and panthera pardus) and a sea-lion (otaria byrona). the isolation and identification of strains of m. bovis confirmed the presence of m. bovis infections in both zoos. the epidemiological study using genetic markers such as the is6110-based dna fingerp ...19989601152
[characteristics of experimental models of hepatitis a in papio hamadryas].hepatitis a (ha) was induced in 14 papio hamadryas by strain vha-ph isolated from this species of monkeys with spontaneous infection, strain vha-mm isolated from macaca mulatta, and a unique strain vha-h3 isolated from a patient; this latter strain is pathogenic for macaca mulatta in experiment. all infected seronegative animals developed a disease with virological, serological, biochemical, and morphological signs characteristic of human ha, but the duration of these signs manifestation varied. ...19989606873
astroglial interlaminar processes in the cerebral cortex of prosimians and old world monkeys.previous observations have shown that astrocytes with interlaminar processes are present in the cerebral cortex of humans and new and old world monkeys, but not in the rodent. the present report furthers the analysis of possible evolutionary aspects regarding the expression of such astroglial features. a comparison between young and adult microcebus murinus, a prosimian, and old world monkeys (macaca mulatta and papio hamadryas) is presented. brain samples were processed for glial fibrillary aci ...19989623670
evolution of the primate androgen receptor: a structural basis for disease.androgen effects mediated by the androgen receptor (ar) are essential for male reproductive development and virilization. comparison of ar dna coding sequence from five primate species, homo sapiens (human), pan troglodytes (chimpanzee), papio hamadryas (baboon), macaca fascicularis (macaque), and eulemur fulvus collaris (collared brown lemur), supports their phylogeny with complete conservation of the dna and steroid binding domain protein sequence. a linear increase in trinucleotide repeat exp ...19989732460
baboon/human homologies examined by spectral karyotyping (sky): a visual comparison.baboon (papio hamadryas) metaphase chromosomes were analyzed using spectral karyotyping (sky), a technique combining fluorescence microscopy, ccd-imaging, and fourier spectroscopy. results from a comparison of sky analyses using probes derived from human chromosomes on baboon metaphases were consistent with the majority of comparative gene mapping data between the two species. these data were also compatible with earlier studies comparing macaque and human chromosomes. human (hsa) chromosome 2 w ...19989763666
imaging dopamine d4 receptors in the living primate brain: a positron emission tomography study using the novel d1/d4 antagonist [11c]sdz glc 756.the dopamine d4 receptor has lately attracted interest since it has been hypothesized to be involved in the pathogenesis and pharmacotherapy of neuropsychiatric diseases. the present study provides first in vivo evidence of dopamine d4 receptors in primate brain using a [11c]benzo[g]quinoline, the novel radioligand [11c]sdz glc 756 ([11c]glc: in vitro dissociation constants at human receptor clones [nm]: 1.10 at d1; 0.40 at d2; 25 at d3; 0.18 at d4.2; 6.03 at d5). dynamic positron emission tomog ...19989826226
teratoma with trisomy 16 in a baboon (papio hamadryas).a teratoma was found during a planned cesarean section in a 10-year-old primigravida baboon. this teratoma had a female sex chromosome complement and trisomy for chromosome 16. this is the first report of a teratoma in a baboon and the first report of a chromosomal abnormality in a nonhuman primate teratoma. it is also the first case in a nonhuman primate to address the mechanism of origin. through the use of genetic markers from human chromosomes 5, 8 and 17, the origin of the teratoma was show ...19989839905
identification of evolutionarily invariant sequences in the protein c gene promoter.recent studies on human protein c gene expression have revealed the presence of three transcription factor binding sites in close proximity to the transcription start site. binding sites for the liver-enriched hepatocyte nuclear factors 1 and 3 (hnf-1 and hnf-3, respectively) are located immediately upstream of the transcription start site, whereas just downstream of the start site a presently unidentified transcription factor may bind. to identify other candidate transcription factor binding si ...19989847407
molecular timing of primate divergences as estimated by two nonprimate calibration points.the complete mitochondrial dna (mtdna) molecule of the hamadryas baboon, papio hamadryas, was sequenced and included in a molecular analysis of 24 complete mammalian mtdnas. the particular aim of the study was to time the divergence between cercopithecoidea and hominoidea. that divergence, set at 30 million years before present (mybp) was a fundamental reference for the original proposal of recent hominoid divergences, according to which the split among gorilla, chimpanzee, and homo took place 5 ...19989847414
precision grips, hand morphology, and tools.this study asks whether there are discernable links between precision gripping, tool behaviors, and hand morphology in modern hominoids, which may guide functional interpretation of early hominid hand morphology. findings from a three-pronged investigation answer this question in the affirmative, as follows: (1) experimental manufacture of early prehistoric tools provides evidence of connections between distinctive human precision grips and effective tool making. (a connection is not found betwe ...19979034041
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