
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
the rna domain vc1 regulates downstream gene expression in response to cyclic diguanylate in vibrio many bacterial species, including the aquatic bacterium and human pathogen vibrio cholerae, the second messenger cyclic diguanylate (c-di-gmp) modulates processes such as biofilm formation, motility, and virulence factor production. by interacting with various effectors, c-di-gmp regulates gene expression or protein function. one type of c-di-gmp receptor is the class i riboswitch, representatives of which have been shown to bind c-di-gmp in vitro. herein, we examined the in vitro and in vivo ...201626849223
vibrio cholerae biofilms and cholera pathogenesis.vibrio cholerae can switch between motile and biofilm lifestyles. the last decades have been marked by a remarkable increase in our knowledge of the structure, regulation, and function of biofilms formed under laboratory conditions. evidence has grown suggesting that v. cholerae can form biofilm-like aggregates during infection that could play a critical role in pathogenesis and disease transmission. however, the structure and regulation of biofilms formed during infection, as well as their role ...201626845681
the bacterial dicarboxylate transporter vcindy uses a two-domain elevator-type mechanism.secondary transporters use alternating-access mechanisms to couple uphill substrate movement to downhill ion flux. most known transporters use a 'rocking bundle' motion, wherein the protein moves around an immobile substrate-binding site. however, the glutamate-transporter homolog gltph translocates its substrate-binding site vertically across the membrane, through an 'elevator' mechanism. here, we used the 'repeat swap' approach to computationally predict the outward-facing state of the na(+)/s ...201626828963
biochemical and full genome sequence analyses of clinical vibrio cholerae isolates in mexico reveals the presence of novel v. cholerae strains.the first week of september 2013, the national epidemiological surveillance system identified two cases of cholera in mexico city. the cultures of both samples were confirmed as vibrio cholerae serogroup o1, serotype ogawa, biotype el tor. initial analyses by pfge and by pcr-amplification of the virulence genes, suggested that both strains were similar, but different from those previously reported in mexico. the following week, four more cases were identified in a community in the state of hidal ...201626828665
necrotizing fasciitis due to vibrio cholerae non-o1/non-o139 after exposure to austrian bathing sites.we report on two cases of necrotizing fasciitis of the lower leg due to nontoxigenic vibrio cholerae (v. cholerae). a 73-year-old woman (case 1) and an 80-year-old man (case 2) were hospitalized with symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis on july 18 and august 15, 2015, respectively. in both cases, symptoms started the day after swimming in local ponds. swabs gained intraoperatively and a blood culture from the male patient, yielded v. cholerae non-o1/non-o139, negative for cholera toxin gene ctx and ...201626825075
notes from the field: ongoing cholera outbreak - kenya, 2014-2016.on january 6, 2015, a man aged 40 years was admitted to kenyatta national hospital in nairobi, kenya, with acute watery diarrhea. the patient was found to be infected with toxigenic vibrio cholerae serogroup o1, serotype inaba. a subsequent review of surveillance reports identified four patients in nairobi county during the preceding month who met either of the kenya ministry of health suspected cholera case definitions: 1) severe dehydration or death from acute watery diarrhea (more than four e ...201626820494
strategies to prevent cholera introduction during international personnel deployments: a computational modeling analysis based on the 2010 haiti outbreak.introduction of vibrio cholerae to haiti during the deployment of united nations (un) peacekeepers in 2010 resulted in one of the largest cholera epidemics of the modern era. following the outbreak, a un-commissioned independent panel recommended three pre-deployment intervention strategies to minimize the risk of cholera introduction in future peacekeeping operations: screening for v. cholerae carriage, administering prophylactic antimicrobial chemotherapies, or immunizing with oral cholera vac ...201626812236
randomized controlled trial of hospital-based hygiene and water treatment intervention (chobi7) to reduce cholera.the risk for cholera infection is >100 times higher for household contacts of cholera patients during the week after the index patient seeks hospital care than it is for the general population. to initiate a standard of care for this high-risk population, we developed cholera-hospital-based-intervention-for-7-days (chobi7), which promotes hand washing with soap and treatment of water. to test chobi7, we conducted a randomized controlled trial among 219 intervention household contacts of 82 chole ...201626811968
comparative transcriptome analysis of vibrio splendidus jz6 reveals the mechanism of its pathogenicity at low temperatures.yesso scallop-pathogenic vibrio splendidus strain jz6 was found to have the highest virulence at 10°c, while its pathogenicity was significantly reduced with increased temperature and completely incapacitated at 28°c. in the present study, comparative transcriptome analyses of jz6 and another nonpathogenic v. splendidus strain, tz19, were conducted at two crucial culture temperatures (10°c and 28°c) in order to determine the possible mechanism of temperature regulation of virulence. comparisons ...201626801576
occurrence and molecular characterisation of vibrio parahaemolyticus in crustaceans commercialised in venice area, italy.infections due to the pathogenic human vibrios, vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus, are mainly associated with consumption of raw or partially cooked bivalve molluscs. at present, little is known about the presence of vibrio species in crustaceans and the risk of vibriosis associated with the consumption of these products. the aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and concentration of the main pathogenic vibrio spp. in samples of crustaceans (n=143) ...201626773255
imported cholera with acute renal failure after a short business-trip to the philippines, germany, october 2015.a german businessman developed acute watery diarrhoea after a three-day trip to the philippines. he was admitted with severe hypotension and acute renal failure, but recovered with rapid rehydration. vibrio cholerae o1 serotype ogawa was isolated. physicians need to be aware of endemic cholera in asia including the philippines and consider this in their pre-travel advice.201626767388
clinical and environmental surveillance for vibrio cholerae in resource constrained areas: application during a 1-year surveillance in the far north region of cameroon.biological confirmation of the presence of vibrio cholerae in clinical and environmental samples is often constrained due to resource- and labor-intensive gold standard methods. to develop low-cost, simple, and sustainable surveillance techniques, we modified previously published specimen sampling and culture techniques and applied the use of enriched dipstick testing in conjunction with the use of filter paper for dna specimen preservation during clinical and environmental surveillance in the f ...201626755564
evaluation in cameroon of a novel, simplified methodology to assist molecular microbiological analysis of v. cholerae in resource-limited settings.vibrio cholerae is endemic in south asia and africa where outbreaks of cholera occur widely and are particularly associated with poverty and poor sanitation. knowledge of the genetic diversity of toxigenic v. cholerae isolates, particularly in africa, remains scarce. the constraints in improving this understanding is not only the lack of regular cholera disease surveillance, but also the lack of laboratory capabilities in endemic countries to preserve, store and ship isolates in a timely manner. ...201626735969
hybrid microarray based on double biomolecular markers of dna and carbohydrate for simultaneous genotypic and phenotypic detection of cholera toxin-producing vibrio diarrheal cholera is usually caused by water or food contaminated with cholera toxin-producing vibrio cholerae. for the prevention and surveillance of cholera, it is crucial to rapidly and precisely detect and identify the etiological causes, such as v. cholerae and/or its toxin. in the present work, we propose the use of a hybrid double biomolecular marker (dbm) microarray containing 16s rrna-based dna capture probe to genotypically identify v. cholerae and gm1 pentasaccharide ...201626735874
characterization of v. cholerae t3ss-dependent cytotoxicity in cultured intestinal epithelial is a pathogenic, non-o1/non-o139 serogroup strain of vibrio cholerae that uses a type 3 secretion system (t3ss) mediated mechanism to colonize host tissues and disrupt homeostasis, causing cholera. co-culturing the caco2-bbe human intestinal epithelial cell line with am-19226 in the presence of bile results in rapid mammalian cell death that requires a functional t3ss. we examined the role of bile, sought to identify the mechanism, and evaluated the contributions of t3ss translocated ef ...201627302486
phenotypic analysis reveals that the 2010 haiti cholera epidemic is linked to a hypervirulent strain.vibrio cholerae o1 el tor strains have been responsible for pandemic cholera since 1961. these strains have evolved over time, spreading globally in three separate waves. wave 3 is caused by altered el tor (aet) variant strains, which include the strain with the signature ctxb7 allele that was introduced in 2010 into haiti, where it caused a devastating epidemic. in this study, we used phenotypic analysis to compare an early isolate from the haiti epidemic to wave 1 el tor isolates commonly used ...201627297393
anion inhibition profiles of α-, β- and γ-carbonic anhydrases from the pathogenic bacterium vibrio cholerae.among the numerous metalloenzymes known to date, carbonic anhydrase (ca, ec was the first zinc containing one, being discovered decades ago. ca is a hydro-lyase, which catalyzes the following hydration-dehydration reaction: co2+h2o⇋hco3(-)+h(+). several ca classes are presently known, including the α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ζ- and η-cas. in prokaryotes, the existence of genes encoding cas from at least three classes (α-, β- and γ-class) suggests that these enzymes play a key role in the physiolog ...201627283786
cholera outbreak caused by drug resistant vibrio cholerae serogroup o1 biotype eltor serotype ogawa in nepal; a cross-sectional study.cholera is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in underdeveloped countries including nepal. recently drug resistance in vibrio cholerae has become a serious problem mainly in developing countries. the main objectives of our study were to investigate the occurrence of vibrio cholerae in stool samples from patients with watery diarrhea and to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of v. cholerae isolates.201627274815
cholera toxin promotes th17 cell differentiation by modulating expression of polarizing cytokines and the antigen-presenting potential of dendritic cells.cholera toxin (ct), an exotoxin produced by vibrio cholera, acts as a mucosal adjuvant. in a previous study, we showed that ct skews differentiation of cd4 t cells to il-17-producing th17 cells. here, we found that intranasal administration of ct induced migration of migratory dendritic cell (dc) populations, cd103+ dcs and cd11bhi dcs, to the lung draining mediastinal lymph nodes (medln). among those dc subsets, cd11bhi dcs that were relatively immature had a major role in th17 cell differentia ...201627271559
phenotypic and genetic characteristics of vibrio cholerae o1 carrying haitian ctxb and attributes of classical and el tor biotypes isolated from silvassa, india.vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor, the causative agent of the seventh pandemic, has recently been replaced by strains carrying classical and haitian ctxb in india, haiti and other parts of the world. we conducted phenotypic and genetic tests to characterize v. cholerae o1 isolated between 2012 and 2014 from silvassa, india, to examine the presence of virulence and regulatory genes, seventh pandemic marker, ctxb type and biofilm formation and to study genomic diversity. of the 59 v. cholerae o1, ...201627255911
biofilm formation of vibrio cholerae on stainless steel used in food processing.vibrio cholerae represents a significant threat to human health in developing countries. this pathogen forms biofilms which favors its attachment to surfaces and its survival and transmission by water or food. this work evaluated the in vitro biofilm formation of v. cholerae isolated from clinical and environmental sources on stainless steel of the type used in food processing by using the environmental scanning electron microscopy (esem). results showed no cell adhesion at 4 h and scarce surfac ...201627253749
multi-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis of vibrio cholerae isolates from 2012 to 2013 cholera outbreaks in iran.cholera remains to be an international threat, with high rates of illness and death. in 2012 and 2013, two cholera outbreak happened in iran, affecting lots of people. vibrio cholerae o1 was confirmed as the etiological agent. source identification and controlling the spread of the cholera disease are two critical approaches in cholera outbreaks. in this study, thirty v. cholerae o1 isolates were selected and has been evaluated for antimicrobial resistant as well as molecular typing by multilocu ...201627247094
chironomids' relationship with aeromonas species.chironomids (diptera: chironomidae), also known as non-biting midges, are one of the most abundant groups of insects in aquatic habitats. they undergo a complete metamorphosis of four life stages of which three are aquatic (egg, larva, and pupa), and the adult emerges into the air. chironomids serve as a natural reservoir of aeromonas and vibrio cholerae species. here, we review existing knowledge about the mutual relations between aeromonas species and chironomids. using 454-pyrosequencing of t ...201627242751
the resistance of vibrio cholerae o1 el tor strains to the typing phage 919tp, a member of k139 phage family.bacteriophage 919tp is a temperate phage of vibrio cholerae serogroup o1 el tor and is used as a subtyping phage in the phage-biotyping scheme in cholera surveillance in china. in this study, sequencing of the 919tp genome showed that it belonged to the vibrio phage k139 family. the mechanisms conferring resistance to 919tp infection of el tor strains were explored to help understand the subtyping basis of phage 919tp and mutations related to 919tp resistance. among the test strains resistant to ...201627242744
[bacteraemia due to non-toxigenic vibrio cholerae: the risks of eating seafood in a cirrhotic patient]. 201627242157
molecular epidemiology and antibiotic susceptibility of vibrio cholerae associated with a large cholera outbreak in ghana in 2014.ghana is affected by regular cholera epidemics and an annual average of 3,066 cases since 2000. in 2014, ghana experienced one of its largest cholera outbreaks within a decade with more than 20,000 notified infections. in order to attribute this rise in cases to a newly emerging strain or to multiple simultaneous outbreaks involving multi-clonal strains, outbreak isolates were characterized, subtyped and compared to previous epidemics in 2011 and 2012.201627232338
solar-thermal complex sample processing for nucleic acid based diagnostics in limited resource settings.the use of point-of-care (poc) devices in limited resource settings where access to commonly used infrastructure, such as water and electricity, can be restricted represents simultaneously one of the best application fits for poc systems as well as one of the most challenging places to deploy them. of the many challenges involved in these systems, the preparation and processing of complex samples like stool, vomit, and biopsies are particularly difficult due to the high number and varied nature ...201627231636
host, pathogen and environment: a bacterial gbpa gene expression study in response to magnesium environment and presence of prawn carapace and commercial chitin.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a gram-negative halophilic bacterium which is found largely in estuarine and coastal waters. the bacteria has been a main focus in gastro-intestinal infections caused primarily due to the consumption of contaminated seafood. it was shown to survive in magnesium concentrations as high as 300 mm which are toxic to various other micro-organisms. several genes of v. parahaemolyticus were studied, among which gbpa (n-acetyl glucosamine binding protein) was reported in vibri ...201627231485
[possibilities of application of maldi-tof mass-spectrometry for study of carbohydrate-specific receptors for diagnostic bacteriophage el tor].study mechanisms of interaction of diagnostic bacteriophage el tor with sensitive strain vibrio cholerae el tor 18507 using direct protein profiling, identification of constant and variable proteins, taking part in interaction of the phage and cell, as well as carbohydrate-specific phage receptors.201627228677
staying alive: vibrio cholerae's cycle of environmental survival, transmission, and dissemination.infectious diseases kill nearly 9 million people annually. bacterial pathogens are responsible for a large proportion of these diseases, and the bacterial agents of pneumonia, diarrhea, and tuberculosis are leading causes of death and disability worldwide. increasingly, the crucial role of nonhost environments in the life cycle of bacterial pathogens is being recognized. heightened scrutiny has been given to the biological processes impacting pathogen dissemination and survival in the natural en ...201627227302
prevalence and distribution of vibrio spp. in wild aquatic birds of the southern caribbean sea, venezuela, 2011-12.vibrio spp. are associated with waterbirds mainly in temperate latitudes. we evaluated the prevalence and distribution of vibrio spp. from fecal samples of resident and migratory aquatic birds collected during october 2011 and march 2012 at two coastal sites in the tropical southern caribbean sea. we amplified dna by pcr in 40% of samples, resulting in 47% and 36% estimated prevalence for resident and migratory birds in cuare wildlife refuge, and 33% and 44% in margarita island, respectively. we ...201627224211
pathophysiological mechanisms of diarrhea caused by the vibrio cholerae o1 el tor variant: an in vivo study in mice.cholera is caused by infection with vibrio cholerae. this study aimed to investigate the pathophysiology of diarrhea caused by the v. cholerae o1 el tor variant (el), a major epidemic strain causing severe diarrhea in several regions. in the ligated ileal loop model of el-induced diarrhea in the icr mice, a cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (cftr) inhibitor and a calcium-activated chloride channel (cacc) inhibitor similarly inhibited intestinal fluid secretion. in addition, bar ...201627222028
structure, regulation, and inhibition of the quorum-sensing signal integrator a process called quorum sensing, bacteria communicate with chemical signal molecules called autoinducers to control collective behaviors. in pathogenic vibrios, including vibrio cholerae, the accumulation of autoinducers triggers repression of genes responsible for virulence factor production and biofilm formation. the vibrio autoinducer molecules bind to transmembrane receptors of the two-component histidine sensor kinase family. autoinducer binding inactivates the receptors' kinase activiti ...201627219477
a transposon screen identifies genetic determinants of vibrio cholerae resistance to high-molecular-weight antibiotics.gram-negative bacteria are notoriously resistant to a variety of high-molecular-weight antibiotics due to the limited permeability of their outer membrane (om). the basis of om barrier function and the genetic factors required for its maintenance remain incompletely understood. here, we employed transposon insertion sequencing to identify genes required for vibrio cholerae resistance to vancomycin and bacitracin, antibiotics that are thought to be too large to efficiently penetrate the om. the s ...201627216069
genome analysis of a clinical isolate of shewanella sp. uncovered an active hybrid integrative and conjugative element carrying an integron platform inserted in a novel genomic locus.shewanella spp. are currently considered to be emerging pathogens that can code for a blaoxa carbapenemase in their chromosome. complete genome analysis of the clinical isolate shewanella sp. sh95 revealed that this strain is a novel species, which shares a lineage with marine isolates. characterization of its resistome showed that it codes for genes drfa15, qach and blaoxa-48. we propose that shewanella sp. sh95 acts as reservoir of blaoxa-48. moreover, analysis of mobilome showed that it conta ...201627215217
response of vibrio cholerae to low-temperature shifts: cspv regulation of type vi secretion, biofilm formation, and association with zooplankton.the ability to sense and adapt to temperature fluctuation is critical to the aquatic survival, transmission, and infectivity of vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the disease cholera. little information is available on the physiological changes that occur when v. cholerae experiences temperature shifts. the genome-wide transcriptional profile of v. cholerae upon a shift in human body temperature (37°c) to lower temperatures, 15°c and 25°c, which mimic those found in the aquatic environment, ...201627208110
the 2002 chandigarh cholera outbreak revisited: utility of maldi-tof as a molecular epidemiology july 2002, an outbreak of cholera occurred in north india with two separate geographical foci. pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge) was previously used in typing a representative sample of these isolates. this study evaluates the usefulness of maldi-tof as an epidemiological tool for typing vibrio cholerae isolates in comparison with pfge and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (aflp). forty-six isolates of v. cholerae isolated from stool of patients affected in the july 2002 outbreak ...201627198622
population-level effect of cholera vaccine on displaced populations, south sudan, 2014.following mass population displacements in south sudan, preventive cholera vaccination campaigns were conducted in displaced persons camps before a 2014 cholera outbreak. we compare cholera transmission in vaccinated and unvaccinated areas and show vaccination likely halted transmission within vaccinated areas, illustrating the potential for oral cholera vaccine to stop cholera transmission in vulnerable populations.201627192187
the lake chad basin, an isolated and persistent reservoir of vibrio cholerae o1: a genomic insight into the outbreak in cameroon, 2010.the prevalence of reported cholera was relatively low around the lake chad basin until 1991. since then, cholera outbreaks have been reported every couple of years. the objective of this study was to investigate the 2010/2011 vibrio cholerae outbreak in cameroon to gain insight into the genomic make-up of the v. cholerae strains responsible for the outbreak. twenty-four strains were isolated and whole genome sequenced. known virulence genes, resistance genes and integrating conjugative element ( ...201627191718
comparison of inferred relatedness based on multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis and whole genome sequencing of vibrio cholerae o1.vibrio cholerae causes cholera, a severe diarrheal disease. understanding the local genetic diversity and transmission of v. cholerae will improve our ability to control cholera. vibrio cholerae isolates clustered in genetically related groups (clonal complexes, cc) by multilocus variable tandem-repeat analysis (mlva) were compared by whole genome sequencing (wgs). isolates in cc1 had been isolated from two geographical locations. isolates in a second genetically distinct group, cc2, were isolat ...201627190166
genetic analysis of vibrio parahaemolyticus intestinal colonization.vibrio parahaemolyticus is the most common cause of seafood-borne gastroenteritis worldwide and a blight on global aquaculture. this organism requires a horizontally acquired type iii secretion system (t3ss2) to infect the small intestine, but knowledge of additional factors that underlie v. parahaemolyticus pathogenicity is limited. we used transposon-insertion sequencing to screen for genes that contribute to viability of v. parahaemolyticus in vitro and in the mammalian intestine. our analysi ...201627185914
isolation frequency and susceptibility pattern of non-o1 and non-o139 vibrio cholerae in a tertiary health care laboratory, the past decade the importance of non-o1 and non-o139 strains of vibrio cholerae has been highlighted globally. this study aimed to evaluate the frequency and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of non-o1 and non-o139 v. cholerae in pakistan. data of stool specimens yielding growth of non-o1 and non-o139 v. cholerae isolated at a national referral laboratory from 1999 to 2012 were retrospectively analysed and evaluated for resistance to ampicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, co-trimoxazo ...201627180742
targeting apha : a new high-throughput screening assay identifies compounds that reduce prime virulence factors of vibrio cholerae.a high-throughput screening (hts) assay was developed for identifying compounds with inhibitory effect on apha, one of the key regulators positively controlling vibrio cholerae pathogenesis. an inhibitory effect on apha was expected to lead to attenuation in the secretion of the major pathogenicity factors of v. cholerae, cholera toxin and toxin co-regulated pilus. the plasmid construct paksb was developed with a kanamycin resistance (kmr) gene under the control of the apha -like promoter for co ...201627174292
sequence variations in the non-coding sequence of ctx phages in vibrio cholerae.this study focused on the variations in the non-coding sequences between ctxb and rstr of various ctx phages. the non-coding sequences of ctx-1 and ctx-cla are phage type-specific. the length of the non-coding region of ctx-1 and ctx-cla is 601 and 730 nucleotides, respectively. the non-coding sequence of ctx phage could be divided into three regions. there is a phage type-specific variable region between two homologous common regions (common regions 1 and 2). the non-coding sequence of rs1 elem ...201627160575
a checkpoint control orchestrates the replication of the two chromosomes of vibrio cholerae.bacteria with multiple chromosomes represent up to 10% of all bacterial species. unlike eukaryotes, these bacteria use chromosome-specific initiators for their replication. in all cases investigated, the machineries for secondary chromosome replication initiation are of plasmid origin. one of the important differences between plasmids and chromosomes is that the latter replicate during a defined period of the cell cycle, ensuring a single round of replication per cell. vibrio cholerae carries tw ...201627152358
revisiting the oligomerization mechanism of vibrio cholerae cytolysin, a beta-barrel pore-forming toxin.vibrio cholerae cytolysin (vcc) is a membrane-damaging beta-barrel pore-forming toxin (beta-pft). vcc causes permeabilization of the target membranes by forming transmembrane oligomeric beta-barrel pores. oligomerization is a key step in the mode of action of any beta-pft, including that of vcc. earlier studies have identified some of the key residues in vcc that are directly involved in the generation of the inter-protomer contacts, thus playing critical roles in the oligomerization of the memb ...201627150630
spatiotemporal dynamics of vibrio spp. within the sydney harbour estuary.vibrio are a genus of marine bacteria that have substantial environmental and human health importance, and there is evidence that their impact may be increasing as a consequence of changing environmental conditions. we investigated the abundance and composition of the vibrio community within the sydney harbour estuary, one of the most densely populated coastal areas in australia, and a region currently experiencing rapidly changing environmental conditions. using quantitative pcr (qpcr) and vibr ...201627148171
sustained local diversity of vibrio cholerae o1 biotypes in a previously cholera-free country.although the current cholera pandemic can trace its origin to a specific time and place, many variants of vibrio cholerae have caused this disease over the last 50 years. the relative clinical importance and geographical distribution of these variants have changed with time, but most remain in circulation. some countries, such as mexico and haiti, had escaped the current pandemic, until large epidemics struck them in 1991 and 2010, respectively. cholera has been endemic in these countries ever s ...201627143391
independent regulation of type vi secretion in vibrio cholerae by tfox and tfoy.type vi secretion systems (t6sss) are nanomachines used for interbacterial killing and intoxication of eukaryotes. although vibrio cholerae is a model organism for structural studies on t6sss, the underlying regulatory network is less understood. a recent study showed that the t6ss is part of the natural competence regulon in v. cholerae and is activated by the regulator tfox. here, we identify the tfox homolog tfoy as a second activator of the t6ss. importantly, despite inducing the same t6ss c ...201627117415
designing an efficient multi-epitope peptide vaccine against vibrio cholerae via combined immunoinformatics and protein interaction based approaches.cholera continues to be a major global health concern. among different vibrio cholerae strains, only o1 and o139 cause acute diarrheal diseases that are related to epidemic and pandemic outbreaks. the currently available cholera vaccines are mainly lived and attenuated vaccines consisting of v. cholerae virulence factors such as toxin-coregulated pili (tcp), outer membrane proteins (omps), and nontoxic cholera toxin b subunit (ctb). nowadays, there is a great interest in designing an efficient e ...201627107181
erratum for mangat et al., characterization of vcc-1, a novel ambler class a carbapenemase from vibrio cholerae isolated from imported retail shrimp sold in canada. 201627107107
vibrio cholerae non-o1 bacteraemia: description of three cases in the netherlands and a literature review.vibrio cholerae non-o1 serogroup (vcno) bacteraemia is a severe condition with a high case-fatality rate. we report three cases diagnosed in the netherlands, identified during a national microbiological congress, and provide a literature review on vcno bacteraemia. a search strategy including synonyms for 'vcno' and 'bacteraemia' was applied to pubmed, medline, web of science and embase databases. the three cases were reported in elderly male patients after fish consumption and/or surface water ...201627104237
toxr antagonizes h-ns regulation of horizontally acquired genes to drive host colonization.the virulence regulator toxr initiates and coordinates gene expression needed by vibrio cholerae to colonize the small intestine and cause disease. despite its prominence in v. cholerae virulence, our understanding of the direct toxr regulon is limited to four genes: toxt, ompt, ompu and ctxa. here, we determine toxr's genome-wide dna-binding profile and demonstrate that toxr is a global regulator of both progenitor genome-encoded genes and horizontally acquired islands that encode v. cholerae's ...201627070545
molecular characterization of vibrio cholerae isolates from iran 2012 and 2013 outbreaks.the aim of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of vibrio cholerae isolated from 2012 and 2013 outbreaks in iran, with regard to their virulence properties. a total of 20 v. cholerae strains were collected from sistan-baluchestan province of iran during 2012 and 2013 outbreaks. hybridization assays showed the presence of ctx, zot, ace and rstc genes related to ctx and rs1 phages in all of the isolates. pcr assay indicated the concomitant presence of orfs within rtx (1448, 1451) and tlc ...201627060480
three-dimensional architecture of vibrio cholera biofilms. 201627036000
[actual problems of epidemiologic control, laboratory diagnostics and prophylaxis of cholera in russian federation].main problems of system of epidemiologic control for cholera active in russian federation, as well as laboratory diagnostics and vaccine prophylaxis of this especially dangerous infection, that had emerged in the contemporary period of the ongoing 7th pandemic of cholera, are discussed. features of the genome of natural strains of vibrio cholerae of el tor biovar, that possess a poten- tial epidemic threat, as well as problems, that have emerged during isolation of these strains from samples of ...201627029123
[study of composition of plant extracts, possessing antimicrobial effect against vibrio cholerae el tor, using high-performance liquid chromatography].study the composition of plant extracts using high-performance liquid chromatography. (hplc) and evaluation of their antimicrobial effect against vibrio cholerae el tor.201627029119
[typing of vibrio cholerae non o1/non o139 strains, isolated in rostov region in 2014].comparative study of antibiotics resistance and vntr-typing of vibrio cholerae non o1/ non o139 strains, isolated on the territory of rostov region in 2014.201627029109
regulation by toxr-like proteins converges on vttrb expression to control type 3 secretion system-dependent caco2-bbe cytotoxicity in vibrio cholerae.genes carried on the type 3 secretion system (t3ss) pathogenicity island of vibrio cholerae non-o1/non-o139 serogroup strain am-19226 must be precisely regulated in order for bacteria to cause disease. previously reported results showed that both t3ss function and the presence of bile are required to cause caco2-bbe cell cytotoxicity during coculture with strain am-19226. we therefore investigated additional parameters affecting in vitro cell death, including bacterial load and the role of three ...201627021561
microbiological quality assessment of frozen fish and fish processing materials from bangladesh.the present study aims at the microbiological analysis of export oriented frozen fishes, namely, jew fish, tongue sole fish, cuttle fish, ribbon fish, queen fish, and fish processing water and ice from a view of public health safety and international trade. microbiological analysis includes the determination of total viable aerobic count by standard plate count method and enumeration of total coliforms and fecal coliforms by most probable number method. the presence of specific fish pathogens su ...201627019847
characterization of vibrio cholerae strains isolated from the nigerian cholera outbreak in 2010.we examined clinical samples from nigerian patients with acute watery diarrhea for vibrio cholerae during the 2010 cholera outbreak. a total of 109 suspected isolates were characterized, but only 57 v. cholerae strains could be confirmed using multiplex real-time pcr as well as rpob sequencing and typed as v. cholerae o:1 ogawa biotype el tor. this finding highlighted the need for accurate diagnosis of cholera in epidemic countries to implement life-saving interventions.201627487957
effects of tcpb mutations on biogenesis and function of the toxin-coregulated pilus, the type ivb pilus of vibrio cholerae.vibrio cholerae is the etiological agent of the acute intestinal disorder cholera. the toxin-coregulated pilus (tcp), a type ivb pilus, is an essential virulence factor of v. cholerae recent work has shown that tcpb is a large minor pilin encoded within the tcp operon. tcpb contributes to efficient pilus formation and is essential for all tcp functions. here, we have initiated a detailed targeted mutagenesis approach to further characterize this salient tcp component. we have identified (thus fa ...201627481929
comparative genomic analysis of two isolates of vibrio cholerae o1 ogawa el tor isolated during outbreak in mariupol in 2011.cholera is a water-borne, severe enteric infection essentially caused by toxigenic strains of vibrio cholera o1 and o139 serogroups. an outbreak of cholera was registered during may-july 2011 in mariupol, ukraine, with 33 cholera cases and 25 carriers of cholera. following this outbreak, the toxigenic strain of v. cholerae 2011el-301 was isolated from seawater in the recreation area of taganrog city on the territory of russia. the aim of our study was to understand genomic features of mariupol i ...201627480918
understanding, monitoring, and controlling biofilm growth in drinking water distribution drinking water distribution systems (dwds), biofilms are the predominant mode of microbial growth, with the presence of extracellular polymeric substance (eps) protecting the biomass from environmental and shear stresses. biofilm formation poses a significant problem to the drinking water industry as a potential source of bacterial contamination, including pathogens, and, in many cases, also affecting the taste and odor of drinking water and promoting the corrosion of pipes. this article crit ...201627479445
unique clones of vibrio cholerae o1 el tor with haitian type ctxb allele implicated in the recent cholera epidemics from nigeria, africa.the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and genetic characteristics of vibrio cholerae o1, which is responsible for several cholera epidemics in nigeria, are not reported in detail since 2007. in this study, we screened v. cholerae o1 el tor biotype isolates from cholera cases and water samples from different states to investigate their phenotypic and genetic attributes with special reference to their clonality.201627479360
multi-scale molecular dynamics study of cholera pentamer binding to a gm1-phospholipid membrane.the ab5 type toxin produced by the vibrio cholerae bacterium is the causative agent of the cholera disease. the cholera toxin (ct) has been shown to bind specifically to gm1 glycolipids on the membrane surface. this binding of ct to the membrane is the initial step in its endocytosis and has been postulated to cause significant disruption to the membrane structure. in this work, we have carried out a combination of coarse-grain and atomistic simulations to study the binding of ct to a membrane m ...201627474868
sequences of a co-existing sxt element, a chromosomal integron (ci) and an inca/c plasmid and their roles in multidrug resistance in a vibrio cholerae o1 el tor strain.the ongoing seventh cholera pandemic is attributed to vibrio cholerae o1 el tor biotype strains. although antibiotic therapy ameliorates symptoms in patients and reduces pathogen transfer to the environment, multidrug resistance remains a major clinical threat. an o1 el tor strain isolated from a patient in 1998 was intermediate or resistant to 13 antibiotics and could potentially produce extended-spectrum β-lactamase (esbl), which is very rare in o1 strains. using genome sequencing, three relev ...201627470490
isolation and identification of vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus from prawn (penaeus monodon) seafood: preservation strategies.bacterial diseases are one of the major problems which affects the production, development and expansion of aqua culture. vibrio sp. are widespread in marine and estuarine environments. the several pathogenic species are commonly associated with outbreaks of vibrio species and it is mainly associated with food poisonings. in this research, the occurrence of vibrio sp. was studied by the isolation and it is confirmed by the biochemical methods. the growth rate was studied by changing the differen ...201627457973
molecular epidemiology of vibrio cholerae o1 in northern vietnam (2007-2009), using multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis.cholera is an infectious disease of major concern in vietnam and other asian countries. in 2009, there was a large outbreak of cholera in northern vietnam. to investigate relationships among isolates of the causative pathogen vibrio cholerae in this region since 2007, we carried out a multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (mlva) of 170 isolates collected between 2007 and 2009. a total of 24 mlva types were identified using seven loci. five clones (1-5) were identified using five loci ...201627452304
chemical synthesis of the galacturonic acid containing pentasaccharide antigen of the o-specific polysaccharide of vibrio cholerae o139 and its five fragments.three pentasaccharides, two tetrasaccharides, and a trisaccharide fragment of the o-specific antigen of vibrio cholerae o139 were synthesized by applying 1 + 1, 2 + 1, 3 + 1, and 4 + 1 coupling strategies. the most challenging tasks involved were the synthesis of the 1,2-cis-glycosidic linkage between galactose and the linker (spacer) molecule and final purification of the target multicharged substances. difficulties with final deprotection by hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis caused by the presence ...201627452084
the complete genomic analysis of an imported vibrio cholerae from myanmar in southwest china.we sequenced and analyzed an imported vibrio cholerae from mynamar in 2011 by using whole genome sequencing method in yunnan province, southwest china. other 3 isolates of v. cholerae in yunnan were also sequenced for comparing purpose. illumina hiseq2500 was used and the sequencing results were assembled and annotated. the comparative genomic analysis was also performed with 101 reference strains from china and abroad. the results showed the imported v. cholerae (yn2011004) had two chromosomes ...201627448952
genome sequence of the k139-like phage vcp032 originating from the vibrio cholerae o1 el tor ogawa serotype.vibrio cholerae is the cause of large cholera outbreaks, especially in endemic regions with high poverty and inadequate sanitation. here, we announce the complete genome sequence of the virulence-associated broad host range v. cholerae phage vcp032, including a brief summary of its genotypic and phenotypic features.201627445393
development of an immunosensor using oriented immobilized anti-ompw for sensitive detection of vibrio cholerae by surface plasmon resonance.the first spr sensor for detection of bacteria was reported in 1998 with high detection limit as much as 10(7)cfu/ml. since then, a lot of effort has been made to lower detection limit and increase sensitivity of detection mainly by using of different assay formats, immobilization strategies, suitable antibodies, minimizing non-specific adsorption and improving the quality of spr devices. the aim of this paper is to introduce the potential of an antibody against recombinant outer membrane protei ...201627442077
hybridoma as a specific, sensitive, and ready to use sensing element: a rapid fluorescence assay for detection of vibrio cholerae o1.over the last decade, isolation and purification of monoclonal antibodies, for diagnostic analysis, have been carried out using the hybridoma expression system. the present study describes a novel example of a detection system using hybridoma cells containing antibody against o1 antigen directly for v. cholerae diagnosis, which is a major health problem in many parts of the world, especially in developing countries. this method has advantages such as simplicity, ease of process, and it does not ...201627438715
(1)h, (15)n and (13)c resonance assignments of the c-terminal domain of vibrio cholerae tola protein.vibrio cholerae is the bacterial causative agent of the human disease cholera. non-pathogenic bacterium can be converted to pathogenic following infection by a filamentous phage, ctxφ, that carries the cholera toxin encoding genes. a crucial step during phage infection requires a direct interaction between the ctxφ minor coat protein (piii(ctx)) and the c-terminal domain of v. cholerae tola protein (tolaiiivc). in order to get a better understanding of tola function during the infection process, ...201627436120
survival of vibrio cholerae o1 on is well established that the contamination sources of cholera causing bacteria, vibrio cholerae, are water and food, but little is known about the transmission role of the fomites (surfaces that can carry pathogens) commonly used in households. in the absence of appropriate nutrients or growth conditions on fomites, bacteria have been known to assume a viable but non-culturable (vbnc) state after a given period of time. to investigate whether and when v. cholerae o1 assumes such a state, this ...201627430513
conformational flexibility and dynamics of the internal loop and helical regions of the kink-turn motif in the glycine riboswitch by site-directed spin-labeling (sdsl) electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) spectroscopy provides a means for a solution state description of site-specific dynamics and flexibility of large rnas, facilitating our understanding of the effects of environmental conditions such as ligands and ions on rna structure and dynamics. here, the utility and capability of epr line shape analysis and distance measurements to monitor and describe site-specific changes in the conformational dynamics of internal lo ...201627427937
are natural reservoirs important for cholera surveillance? the case of an outbreak in a brazilian estuary.paranaguá bay is one of the largest estuarine systems on the southern brazilian coast. the only recorded cholera outbreak in this region since the early 20th century occurred in 1999 and resulted in 467 cases and at least three reported deaths in a population of approx. 150 000 people. this short communication reports historical, unpublished data related to that outbreak. water, zooplankton and bivalve samples were collected and evaluated using direct fluorescence assay to determine whether vibr ...201627416521
comparison of dot-elisa and standard-elisa for detection of the vibrio cholerae toxin in culture supernatants of bacteria isolated from human and environmental samples.a comparison of dot-elisa and standard-elisa was made for detection of vibrio cholerae toxin in culture supernatants of bacteria isolated from human and environmental samples. a total of 293 supernatants were tested in a double blind assay. a correlation of 100 % was obtained between both techniques. the cholera toxin was found in 20 inaba and 3 ogawa strains. positive samples were from seafood (17 samples), potable water (1 sample) and sewage (5 samples). the dot-elisa was useful as the standar ...201627407304
role of indole production on virulence of vibrio cholerae using galleria mellonella larvae model.cell to cell communication facilitated by chemical signals plays crucial roles in regulating various cellular functions in bacteria. indole, one such signaling molecule has been demonstrated to control various bacterial phenotypes such as biofilm formation and virulence in diverse bacteria including vibrio cholerae. the present study explores some key factors involved in indole production and the subsequent pathogenesis of v. cholerae. indole production was higher at 37 °c than at 30 °c, althoug ...201627407302
mechanisms underlying the immune response generated by an oral vibrio cholerae vaccine.mechanistic details underlying the resulting protective immune response generated by mucosal vaccines remain largely unknown. we investigated the involvement of toll-like receptor signaling in the induction of humoral immune responses following oral immunization with dukoral, comparing wild type mice with tlr-2-, tlr-4-, myd88- and trif-deficient mice. although all groups generated similar levels of igg antibodies, the proliferation of cd4+ t-cells in response to v. cholerae was shown to be medi ...201627384558
a small number of phylogenetically distinct clonal complexes dominate a coastal vibrio cholerae population.vibrio cholerae is a ubiquitous aquatic microbe in temperate and tropical coastal areas. it is a diverse species, with many isolates that are harmless to humans, while others are highly pathogenic. most notable among them are strains belonging to the pandemic o1/o139 serogroup lineage, which contains the causative agents of cholera. the environmental selective regimes that led to this diversity are key to understanding how pathogens evolve in environmental reservoirs. a local population of v. ch ...201627371587
heme-independent redox sensing by the heme-nitric oxide/oxygen-binding protein (h-nox) from vibrio cholerae.heme nitric oxide/oxygen (h-nox)-binding proteins act as nitric oxide (no) sensors among various bacterial species. in several cases, they act to mediate communal behavior such as biofilm formation, quorum sensing, and motility by influencing the activity of downstream signaling proteins such as histidine kinases (hiska) in a no-dependent manner. an h-nox/hiska regulatory circuit was recently identified in vibrio cholerae, and the h-nox protein has been spectroscopically characterized. however, ...201627358409
aaa+ proteases and their role in distinct stages along the vibrio cholerae lifecycle.the facultative human pathogen vibrio cholerae has to adapt to different environmental conditions along its lifecycle by means of transcriptional, translational and post-translational regulation. this study provides a first comprehensive analysis regarding the contribution of the cytoplasmic aaa+ proteases lon, clpp and hslv to distinct features of v. cholerae behaviour, including biofilm formation, motility, cholera toxin expression and colonization fitness in the mouse model. while absence of ...201627345492
structural and functional evidence indicates selective oxygen signaling in caldanaerobacter subterraneus h-nox.acute and specific sensing of diatomic gas molecules is an essential facet of biological signaling. heme nitric oxide/oxygen binding (h-nox) proteins are a family of gas sensors found in diverse classes of bacteria and eukaryotes. the most commonly characterized bacterial h-nox domains are from facultative anaerobes and are activated through a conformational change caused by formation of a 5-coordinate fe(ii)-no complex. members of this h-nox subfamily do not bind o2 and therefore can selectivel ...201627328180
the na+-translocating nadh:quinone oxidoreductase enhances oxidative stress in the cytoplasm of vibrio cholerae.we searched for a source of reactive oxygen species (ros) in the cytoplasm of the human pathogen vibrio cholerae and addressed the mechanism of ros formation using the dye 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (dcfh-da) in respiring cells. by comparing v. cholerae strains with or without active na(+)-translocating nadh:quinone oxidoreductase (na(+)-nqr), this respiratory sodium ion redox pump was identified as a producer of ros in vivo the amount of cytoplasmic ros detected in v. cholerae cells pr ...201627325677
vibrio cholerae gbpa elicits necrotic cell death in intestinal cells.vibrio choleraen-acetylglucosamine-binding protein gbpa is a secretory protein that facilitates the initial adherence of bacteria in the human intestine. until now, considerable progress in the characterization of gbpa has been done, yet little is known about its role in host response. our present studies demonstrated that gbpa at the amount secreted in the intestine resulted in decreased cell viability, altered cell morphology, disruption of cell membrane integrity and damage of cellular dna in ...201627324251
genetic relatedness of selected clinical vibrio cholerae o139 isolates from the southern coastal area of china over a 20-year period.vibrio cholerae o139 emerged as a causative agent of epidemic cholera in 1992 in india and bangladesh, and was subsequently reported in china in 1993. the genetic relatedness and molecular characteristics of v. cholerae o139 in guangdong province, located in the southern coastal area of china, remains undetermined. in this study, we investigated 136 clinical v. cholerae o139 isolates from 1993 to 2013 in guangdong. by conventional pcr, 123 (90·4%) isolates were positive for ctxb, ace and zot. se ...201627305977
cell division licensing in the multi-chromosomal vibrio cholerae bacterium.cell division must be coordinated with chromosome replication and segregation to ensure the faithful transmission of genetic information during proliferation. in most bacteria, assembly of the division apparatus, the divisome, starts with the polymerization of a tubulin homologue, ftsz, into a ring-like structure at mid-cell, the z-ring(1). it typically occurs at half of the cell cycle when most of the replication and segregation cycle of the unique chromosome they generally harbour is achieved( ...201627562255
rugose atypical vibrio cholerae o1 el tor responsible for 2009 cholera outbreak in india.vibrio cholerae causes cholera outbreaks in endemic regions where the water quality and sanitation facilities remain poor. apart from biotype and serotype changes, v. cholerae undergoes phase variation, which results in the generation of two morphologically different variants termed smooth and rugose. in this study, 12 rugose (r-vc) and 6 smooth (s-vc) v. cholerae o1 ogawa isolates were identified in a cholera outbreak that occurred in hyderabad, india. antimicrobial susceptibility results showe ...201627561681
phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity in vibrio cholerae o139 isolated from cholera cases in delhi, india during 2001-2006.incidence of epidemic vibrio cholerae serogroup o139 has declined in cholera endemic countries. however, sporadic cholera caused by v. cholerae o139 with notable genetic changes is still reported from many regions. in the present study, 42 v. cholerae o139 strains isolated from 2001 to 2006 in delhi, india, were retrospectively analyzed to understand their phenotype and molecular characteristics. the majority of isolates were resistant to ampicillin, furazolidone and nalidixic acid. though the i ...201627555841
vibrio cholerae biofilm growth program and architecture revealed by single-cell live imaging.biofilms are surface-associated bacterial communities that are crucial in nature and during infection. despite extensive work to identify biofilm components and to discover how they are regulated, little is known about biofilm structure at the level of individual cells. here, we use state-of-the-art microscopy techniques to enable live single-cell resolution imaging of a vibrio cholerae biofilm as it develops from one single founder cell to a mature biofilm of 10,000 cells, and to discover the f ...201627555592
vibrio cholerae leuo links the toxr regulon to expression of lipid a remodeling genes.vibrio cholerae is an intestinal pathogen that causes the diarrheal disease cholera. colonization of the intestine depends upon the expression of genes that allow v. cholerae to overcome host barriers, including low ph, bile acids, and the innate immune system. toxr is a major contributor to this process. toxr is a membrane-spanning transcription factor that coordinates gene expression in response to environmental cues. in previous work we showed that toxr upregulated leuo expression in response ...201627550934
molecular evolution and functional divergence of vibrio cholerae.the purpose of this review is to synopsize and highlight the recent subtle genetic changes in cholera causing toxigenic vibrio cholerae with special reference to their virulence, integrating and conjugative elements and toxin-antitoxin systems. it is not intended to cover issues on the whole genome sequence and epidemiology of cholera.201627537830
vibrio cholerae o1 imported from iraq to kuwait, 2015. 201627532267
vibriosis, not cholera: toxigenic vibrio cholerae non-o1, non-o139 infections in the united states, 1984-2014.toxigenic strains of vibrio cholerae serogroups o1 and o139 have caused cholera epidemics, but other serogroups - such as o75 or o141 - can also produce cholera toxin and cause severe watery diarrhoea similar to cholera. we describe 31 years of surveillance for toxigenic non-o1, non-o139 infections in the united states and map these infections to the state where the exposure probably originated. while serogroups o75 and o141 are closely related pathogens, they differ in how and where they infect ...201627510301
thiol-based switch mechanism of virulence regulator aphb modulates oxidative stress response in vibrio cholerae.bacterial pathogens display versatile gene expression to adapt to changing surroundings. for example, vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, utilizes distinct genetic programs to combat reactive oxygen species (ros) in aquatic environments or during host infection. we previously reported that the virulence activator aphb in v. cholerae is involved in ros resistance. here by performing a genetic screen, we show that aphb represses ros resistance gene ohra, which is also repressed by ano ...201627625149
total synthesis of the complete protective antigen of vibrio cholerae o139.the first chemical synthesis of the complete protective o-antigen of a human-disease-causing pathogenic bacterium is described. the synthesis involved a protecting-group strategy that facilitated the regioselectivity of the key transformations, stereoselective glycosylation reactions, and enabled the one-step global deprotection of the completely assembled, fully protected, phosphorylated hexasaccharide by hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis. the final amino-group-functionalized, linker-equipped antige ...201627623688
genetic studies of vibrio cholerae in south west cameroon-a phylogenetic analysis of isolates from the 2010-2011 epidemic.during the cholera outbreak from 2010 to 2011 in cameroon, 33,192 cases with 1,440 deaths (case fatality ratio 4.34%) were reported to the world health organization. of these, the south west region reported 3,120 clinical cases. this region is in the equatorial monsoon climatic subzone of cameroon, close to the coast, raising questions as to whether cases were linked with development of environmental reservoirs.201627617169
redox pathway sensing bile salts activates virulence gene expression in vibrio cholerae.vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the severe diarrheal disease cholera, has evolved signal transduction systems to control co-ordinately the expression of virulence determinants. it was previously shown that the presence of the bile salts glycocholate and taurocholate in the small intestine causes dimerization of the transmembrane transcription factor tcpp by inducing intermolecular disulphide bonds in the tcpp periplasmic domain. in this study, they further investigated the mechanism of h ...201627610607
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 24874