
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
moraxella lacunata septic arthritis in a patient with lupus nephritis.moraxella lacunata is a rare, usually commensal gram-negative rod most commonly associated with eye infections. we report a unique case of noniatrogenic m. lacunata bacteremia and septic knee arthritis in a patient with class iii-iv lupus nephritis and speculate on the association between invasive moraxella infection and renal impairment.200919794049
an adult case of urinary tract infection with kingella kingae: a case report.kingella kingae, though part of the normal upper respiratory tract and genitourinary tract, is increasingly being recognized as an important human pathogen. during the past decade, it has emerged as a significant pathogen in the pediatric age group primarily causing bacteremia and osteoarticular infections. adult infection usually occurs in individuals who are severely immunocompromised and most infections have taken the form of septicemia or septic arthritis. bacteremia due to k. kingae has bee ...200919830146
acute haemophilus parainfluenzae endocarditis: a case report.numerous pathogens can cause infective endocarditis, including haemophilus parainfluenzae. h. parainfluenzae is part of the h. aphrophilus, actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, cardiobacterium hominis, eikenella corrodens, and kingella kingae group that may cause about 3% of the total endocarditis cases, and is characterized by a subacute course and large vegetations.200919830211
molecular diagnosis of kingella kingae osteoarticular infections by specific real-time pcr assay.kingella kingae is an emerging pathogen that is recognized as a causative agent of septic arthritis and osteomyelitis, primarily in infants and children. the bacterium is best detected by rapid inoculation in blood culture systems or by real-time pcr assays. pathogenesis of the agent was linked recently to the production of a potent cytotoxin, known as rtx, which is toxic to a variety of human cell types. the locus encoding the rtx toxin is thought to be a putative virulence factor, and is, appa ...200919074654
cardiac device-related endocarditis: epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment - a review.cardiac device-related endocarditis (cde) is a phenomenon for which incidence is on the rise; it presents difficult management problems to the clinician. on one hand, there is the patient who needs the implanted device, and the potential morbidity and mortality associated with its removal. on the other hand, there is the problem of a persistent infection - usually acquired during insertion of an electrical device - that is resistant to many antibiotics, has a high recurrence rate, and necessitat ...200922477546
infective arthritis: bacterial 23s rrna gene sequencing as a supplementary diagnostic method.consecutively collected synovial fluids were examined for presence of bacterial dna (a 700-bp fragment of the bacterial 23s rrna gene) followed by dna sequencing of amplicons, and by conventional bacteriological methods. one or more microorganisms were identified in 22 of the 227 synovial fluids (9,7%) originating from 17 patients. sixteen of the patients had clinical signs of arthritis. for 11 patients molecular and conventional bacterial examinations were in agreement. staphylococcus aureus, s ...200819088916
infective endocarditis due to haemophilus aphrophilus: a case report the case of a child with infective endocarditis caused by haemophilus aphrophilus.200818213436
staphylococcus aureus bacteremia complicating herpes simplex virus type 1 stomatitis: case report and review of the literature.gingivostomatitis is a common clinical manifestation of primary herpes simplex virus type 1 (hsv-1) infection in children. the most common complication of herpetic gingivostomatitis is dehydration; rarely, it may be complicated by secondary bacteremia, and kingella kingae and group a streptococcus infections have been reported to be responsible for such episodes.200818251654
[kingella kingae: specific growth conditions in blood culture bottles]. 200818358221
[endocarditis due to aggregatibacter (formerly: actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans, a bacterium that grows in characteristic star-shaped colonies].a 72-year-old man, having had an artificial valve for almost 20 years now, presented with tiredness that had persisted for several weeks and reported weight loss of 5 kg. in more recent days he experienced fever and cold shivers, and an associated dry cough. bearing in mind the potential for endocarditis, blood cultures were grown. in this, we identified a small, gram-negative rod with a small, smooth, raised colony that grew slowly. we considered a micro-organism from the 'hacek group', which i ...200818491827
direct comparison of the bd phoenix system with the microscan walkaway system for identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of enterobacteriaceae and nonfermentative gram-negative organisms.the phoenix automated microbiology system (bd diagnostics, sparks, md) is designed for the rapid identification (id) and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (ast) of clinically significant human bacterial pathogens. we evaluated the performance of the phoenix instrument in comparison with that of the microscan walkaway system (dade behring, west sacramento, ca) in the id and ast of gram-negative clinical strains and challenge isolates of enterobacteriaceae (n = 150) and nonfermentative gram-neg ...200818495856
usefulness of broad-range pcr for the diagnosis of osteoarticular infections.conventional methods such as microbiological cultures may lack the sensitivity and specificity to establish definitive diagnosis of osteoarticular infections. herein, we review the general principles and the usefulness of broad-range pcr to improve the etiological diagnosis of osteoarticular infections.200818525362
streptobacillus moniliformis as the causative agent in spondylodiscitis and psoas abscess after rooster scratches.we report a case of streptobacillus moniliformis spondylodiscitis accompanied by a psoas abscess in an 80-year-old man scratched by a rooster. s. moniliformis was identified from abscess fluid by use of 16s rrna gene sequencing. after 18 weeks of antimicrobial therapy, the clinical condition of the patient improved.200818562588
empiric antibiotic therapy for acute osteoarticular infections with suspected methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus or kingella.the bacterial agents causing bone and joint infections have been changing. currently, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) and kingella kingae are emerging pathogens. for treatment of mrsa infections, clindamycin, vancomycin, and linezolid are commonly prescribed antibiotics. kingella are sensitive to most penicillins and cephalosporins. because mrsa osteoarticular infections tend to be severe, longer periods of antibiotic treatment with more frequent monitoring of inflammatory mar ...200818600193
osteoarticular infections in belgian children: a survey of clinical, biological, radiological and microbiological data.the aim of this study is to report the pathogens which were found most frequently to be responsible for osteo-articular infections in infants and children in belgium, and to propose an appropriate empirical antibiotic therapy applicable before identification of the responsible pathogen. clinical presentation, imaging and blood biology are also reviewed and analysed. fifty-six cases of osteo-articular infections (acute/subacute osteomyelitis, osteo-arthritis, septic arthritis, spondylodiscitis, s ...200818686465
[pediatric osteoarticular infections caused by kingella kingae from 1995 to 2006 at chru de tours].use of molecular biology shows that kingella kingae is a pathogen frequently involved in osteoarticular infections in young children. this study describes the cases of osteoarticular infections due to k. kingae which happened from 1995 to 2006 in the chru of tours. the description is based on clinical and biological features. a k. kingae specific polymerase chain reaction was performed in our laboratory in order to improve k. kingae osteoarticular infections diagnosis, and is detailed here.200818725349
kingella kingae expresses type iv pili that mediate adherence to respiratory epithelial and synovial cells.kingella kingae is a gram-negative bacterium that colonizes the respiratory tract and is a common cause of septic arthritis and osteomyelitis. despite the increasing frequency of k. kingae disease, little is known about the mechanism by which this organism adheres to respiratory epithelium and seeds joints and bones. previous work showed that k. kingae expresses long surface fibers that vary in surface density. in the current study, we found that these fibers are type iv pili and are necessary f ...200818757541
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for osteoarthritis caused by staphylococcus aureus or kingella kingae. 200818818554
invasive kingella kingae infections in children: clinical and laboratory characteristics.kingella kingae, a gram-negative coccobacillus, is being increasingly recognized as an invasive pathogen in children, causing mainly bacteremia and arthritis; however, there have been only a few studies on k kingae infections to date, mostly small-scale series. the aim of this study was to report our experience with invasive k kingae infections in children who were hospitalized at a major tertiary medical center in israel.200819047250
kingella kingae: osteoarticular infections of the sternum in children: a report of six cases.kingella kingae is increasingly recognized as a pathogen of osteoarticular infections (oai) below the age of 2 years. it was reported that bones and joints which are rarely infected by other pathogens were frequently invaded by k. kingae. based on a series of six cases, we present the typical clinical and paraclinical manifestation of k. kingae infections of the sternum and sterno-manubrial joint.200819308540
[epidemiology and bacteriological diagnosis of paediatric acute osteoarticular infections].acute paediatric osteo-articular infections require a fast and sensitive diagnosis allowing a treatment directed to the causative pathogen. many micro-organisms can be incriminated, but staphylococcus aureus and kingella kingae markedly prevail. k. kingae became the first bacterial species responsible for septic arthritis in children < 3 years. more rarely, (2)haemolytic streptococci and streptococcus pneumoniae are found. the incidence of community acquired s. aureus resistant to oxacillin in o ...200717956825
brevundimonas vesicularis septic arthritis in an immunocompetent child.septic arthritis is a rapidly destructive form of joint disease. the most common causative agents in children are staphylococcus aureus and kingella kingae, followed by group a streptococcus and streptococcus pneumoniae, and in neonates, enterobacteracea and group b streptococcus. in this paper, we describe a previously healthy toddler with septic arthritis of the shoulder joint caused by brevundimonas vesicularis. prompt treatment with cefuroxime resulted in a full recovery. this is the first r ...200716941131
septic arthritis in western and sub-saharan african children - a review.this article reviews what is known about the incidence, aetiology, presentation, bacteriology and management of septic arthritis in children. it compares where possible the different presentations and characteristics of this condition in the western and sub-saharan african regions.200716741731
septic arthritis in western and sub-saharan african children - a review.this article reviews what is known about the incidence, aetiology, presentation, bacteriology and management of septic arthritis in children. it compares where possible the different presentations and characteristics of this condition in the western and sub-saharan african regions.200716741731
development of a broad-range 16s rdna real-time pcr for the diagnosis of septic arthritis in children.the broad-range pcr has been successfully developed to search for fastidious, slow-growing or uncultured bacteria, and is mostly used when an empirical antibiotic treatment has already been initiated. the technique generally involves standard pcr targeting the gene coding for 16s ribosomal rna, and includes a post-pcr visualisation step on agarose gel which is a potential source of cross-over contamination. in addition, interpretation of the presence of amplified products on gels can be difficul ...200716904782
identification and characterization of an rtx toxin in the emerging pathogen kingella kingae.kingella kingae is an emerging bacterial pathogen that is increasingly recognized as the causative agent of a variety of pediatric diseases, including septic arthritis and osteomyelitis. the pathogenesis of k. kingae disease is believed to begin with colonization of the upper respiratory tract. in the present study, we examined interactions between k. kingae and cultured respiratory epithelial cells and observed potent cytotoxicity, detected by both microscopy and lactic acid dehydrogenase (ldh) ...200717098895
pantoea agglomerans, a plant pathogen causing human disease.we present 53 pediatric cases of pantoea agglomerans infections cultured from normally sterile sites in patients seen at a children's hospital over 6 years. isolates included 23 from the bloodstream, 14 from abscesses, 10 from joints/bones, 4 from the urinary tract, and 1 each from the peritoneum and the thorax. p. agglomerans was most associated with penetrating trauma by vegetative material and catheter-related bacteremia.200717442803
specific real-time polymerase chain reaction places kingella kingae as the most common cause of osteoarticular infections in young children.the use of universal 16s rdna polymerase chain reaction (pcr) has recently shown that the place of kingella kingae in osteoarticular infections (oai) in young children has been underestimated, but this technique is not the most sensitive or the most rapid method for molecular diagnosis. we developed a specific real-time pcr method to detect k. kingae dna and applied it to the etiologic diagnosis of oai.200717468645
[a tenacious lameness in a 2-year-old child].spondylodiscitis, a septic infection of the intervertebral disc spondylodiscitis, a septic infection of the intervertebral disc and adjacent vertebrae, is an unusual infection, mainly affecting children and elderly people. it is classically associated with tuberculosis, but other germs such as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes or mitis, and some even more unususal ones (e.g. kingella kingae), are often encountered in our countries. non tuberculous spondylodiscitis is found in approxi ...200717566390
[meningitis due to kingella kingae]. 200717583630
molecular diagnosis of kingella kingae pericarditis by amplification and sequencing of the 16s rrna gene.kingella kingae is a fastidious gram-negative bacillus that is considered an emerging pathogen in pediatric settings but remains less common in adults. here we describe a case of pericarditis in an immunocompetent adult host. the microorganism was identified directly from the clinical sample by molecular techniques, i.e., 16s rrna gene amplification and sequencing.200717634294
bacterial peritonitis caused by kingella kingae.kingella kingae is a commensal of the upper respiratory tract that occasionally causes skeletal infections in children and endocarditis in children and adults. we report a case of a 55-year-old man with liver disease and tense ascites who performed a paracentesis on himself and developed k. kingae peritonitis and bacteremia.200717634309
pediatric pelvic osteomyelitis.pelvic osteomyelitis is unusual in children. we retrospectively reviewed charts of patients with this infection seen at our institution. from 1998 to 2005, 31 patients with pelvic osteomyelitis were identified: 19 males and 12 females with an age range of 1.5 months to 17 years 9 months. duration of illness prior to admission ranged from 1 day to 2.5 months. chief complaints included nonspecific pain, fever, limp, and decreased weight bearing. microorganisms isolated included staphylococcus aure ...200717641126
pacemaker endocarditis due to haemophilus parainfluenza: case report and literature review.we report a case of pacemaker infective endocarditis in a 14 month old girl, caused by haemophilus parainfluenzae. there are no other cases in children reported in the literature. we discuss the issues surrounding the case and the evidence which influenced our management.200722368676
septic arthritis in iceland 1990-2002: increasing incidence due to iatrogenic assess the impact of increased number of diagnostic and therapeutic joint procedures on the incidence and type of septic arthritis (sa).200717901088
septic arthritis in iceland 1990-2002: increasing incidence due to iatrogenic assess the impact of increased number of diagnostic and therapeutic joint procedures on the incidence and type of septic arthritis (sa).200717901088
epidemiology and antibiotic treatment of infective endocarditis: an update. 200617041124
infective endocarditis. 200616902214
comparative efficacies of amoxicillin, clindamycin, and moxifloxacin in prevention of bacteremia following dental extractions.we evaluated the efficacies of oral prophylactic treatment with amoxicillin (amx), clindamycin (cli), and moxifloxacin (mxf) in the prevention of bacteremia following dental extractions (bde). two hundred twenty-one adults who required dental extractions under general anesthesia were randomly assigned to a control group, an amx group, a cli group, and an mxf group (the individuals in the drug treatment groups received 2 g, 600 mg, and 400 mg, respectively, 1 to 2 h before anesthesia induction). ...200616940094
kingella kingae infections in children.kingella kingae is a beta-hemolytic gram-negative bacillus. it was first described in the 1960's by eo king and has been reported as a cause of osteo-articular pediatric infections since the early 1980's. we performed a retrospective review of all pediatric cases of invasive k. kingae infection between 1997 and 2002, in order to define the incidence, clinical presentation and outcome of invasive k. kingae infections in a pediatric population. during the study period, a total of 24 pediatric pati ...200616751740
kingella kingae: an emerging pediatric pathogen. 200616802628
kingella kingae septic arthritis with endocarditis in an adult.kingella kingae is part of the nonpathogenic flora normally found in the oral cavity and pharynx. recent reports have established that k. kingae can cause invasive infections in pediatric patients. few cases have been described in adults, however. we report a case of k. kingae arthritis of the knee followed by endocarditis in a 59-year-old woman. physicians and microbiologists should be alert to the possibility of k. kingae infection. k. kingae is easy to detect provided its specific culture req ...200616807042
current patterns of infective endocarditis in congenital heart assess the changing profile of infective endocarditis in patients with congenital heart disease.200616818488
cardiobacterium hominis endocarditis: two cases and a review of the literature.cardiobacterium hominis, a member of the hacek group (haemophilus parainfluenzae, haemophilus aphrophilus, and haemophilus paraphrophilus, actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, c. hominis, eikenella corrodens, and kingella species), is a rare cause of endocarditis. there are 61 reported cases of c. hominis infective endocarditis in the english-language literature, 15 of which involved prosthetic valve endocarditis. there is one reported case of c. hominis after upper endoscopy and none reported ...200616955250
kingella kingae spondylodiscitis in a child.most osteoarticular infections in children are due to staphylococcus aureus. in this case, the isolation of kingella kingae by image guided disc aspiration resulted in modification and optimization of treatment. we take a look at a case of spondylodiscitis in a young child and review some of the current literature with regards to kingella kingae infections.200617065283
kingella kingae orbital cellulitis in a 3-year-old. 200616244644
utility of extended blood culture incubation for isolation of haemophilus, actinobacillus, cardiobacterium, eikenella, and kingella organisms: a retrospective multicenter evaluation.the incidence of and average time to detection for haemophilus, actinobacillus, cardiobacterium, eikenella, and kingella (hacek) bacteria in blood cultures with standard incubation and the utility of extended incubation of blood culture bottles were reviewed at four tertiary care microbiology laboratories. hacek organisms were isolated from 35 (<0.005%) of 59,203 positive blood cultures. none of 407 blood cultures with extended incubation grew hacek or other bacteria. bacteremia from hacek bacte ...200616390985
kingella kingae: an emerging pathogen of acute osteoarticular infections in children. 200616396891
direct detection of cardiobacterium hominis in serum from a patient with infective endocarditis by broad-range bacterial pcr.bacterial dna was detected directly in the serum of a patient with endocarditis by broad-range 16s rrna pcr followed by sequencing and analysis of the results by the blast search. using these methods, cardiobacterium hominis was identified in 2 days from the date of serum collection. the microorganism was also isolated and identified using conventional methods (bacterial culture and biochemical tests) 17 days from the date of sample collection. this is the first report showing the direct detecti ...200616455944
[kingella kingae]. 200616462965
analysis of 525 samples to determine the usefulness of pcr amplification and sequencing of the 16s rrna gene for diagnosis of bone and joint infections.the 16s rrna gene pcr in the diagnosis of bone and joint infections has not been systematically tested. five hundred twenty-five bone and joint samples collected from 525 patients were cultured and submitted to 16s rrna gene pcr detection of bacteria in parallel. the amplicons with mixed sequences were also cloned. when discordant results were observed, culture and pcr were performed once again. bacteria were detected in 139 of 525 samples. culture and 16s rrna gene pcr yielded identical documen ...200616517890
leukotoxin confers beta-hemolytic activity to actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans.actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is the etiologic agent of localized aggressive periodontitis, a rapidly progressing oral disease that occurs in adolescents. a. actinomycetemcomitans can also cause systemic disease, including infective endocarditis. in early work on a. actinomycetemcomitans workers concluded that this bacterium is not beta-hemolytic. more recent reports have suggested that a. actinomycetemcomitans does have the potential to be beta-hemolytic. while growing a. actinomycetemco ...200616552030
update on the management of skin, soft-tissue, and osteoarticular infections in provide an update on the diagnosis and management of skin, soft-tissue, and osteoarticular infections in children.200616721144
outbreak of kingella kingae skeletal system infections in children in daycare.the objective of this study is to describe the investigation of an outbreak of one culture-proven and two presumptive cases of kingella kingae osteomyelitis detected within a 15-day period in a daycare center in israel.200616732151
characterization and immunogenicity of kingella kingae outer-membrane recent years, kingella kingae has emerged as an important pediatric pathogen but the antigenicity of the organism and the host immune response have not been studied. outer membrane proteins (omps) of 57 k. kingae isolates were characterized and the immune response of 19 children with invasive infections was studied by immunoblotting. kingella kingae omps were remarkably similar disregarding place and time of isolation and associated clinical condition (asymptomatic carriage, bacteremia, endoc ...200515607635
[acute osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in children: one year experience].to describe bacteriologic epidemiology of bone and joint infections, a total of 52 osteomyelitis, 52 arthritis and 20 osteoarthritis of children aged one month to 15 years during a one-year period (2001) were included in a retrospective unicentric review. the mean age was 3,9 +/-3,6 years. fever and pain were the most common clinical symptoms. the site of infection was single in 95%, involving lower extremities in 80%. bone scintigraphy was abnormal in 71% of osteomyelitis. positive cultures was ...200515653049
acute osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in review the clinical presentation, clinical management and organisms responsible for acute haematogenous osteomyelitis (aho) and septic arthritis (sa) in the post haemophilus influenzae type b (hib) vaccine era and to evaluate current australian antibiotic guidelines for these conditions.200515670227
bacterial zoonoses and infective endocarditis, algeria.blood culture-negative endocarditis is common in algeria. we describe the etiology of infective endocarditis in this country. samples from 110 cases in 108 patients were collected in algiers. blood cultures were performed in algeria. serologic and molecular analysis of valves was performed in france. infective endocarditis was classified as definite in 77 cases and possible in 33. causative agents were detected by blood cultures in 48 cases. all 62 blood culture-negative endocarditis cases were ...200515752438
the actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans autotransporter adhesin aae exhibits specificity for buccal epithelial cells from humans and old world primates.cells of the gram-negative periodontopathogen actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans express a surface-exposed, outer membrane autotransporter protein, designated aae, which has been implicated in epithelial cell binding. we constructed a mutant strain of a. actinomycetemcomitans that contained a transposon insertion in the aae structural gene (aae) and tested the mutant to determine its ability to bind to buccal epithelial cells (becs) isolated from healthy volunteers. significantly fewer mutant ...200515784534
prosthetic valve endocarditis: who needs surgery? a multicentre study of 104 identify the prognostic markers of a bad outcome in a large population of 104 patients with prosthetic valve endocarditis (pve), and to study the influence of medical versus surgical strategy on outcome in pve and thus to identify patients for whom surgery may be beneficial.200515958370
outbreak of osteomyelitis/septic arthritis caused by kingella kingae among child care center attendees.kingella kingae often colonizes the oropharyngeal and respiratory tracts of children but infrequently causes invasive disease. in mid-october 2003, 2 confirmed and 1 probable case of k kingae osteomyelitis/septic arthritis occurred among children in the same 16- to 24-month-old toddler classroom of a child care center. the objective of this study was to investigate the epidemiology of k kingae colonization and invasive disease among child care attendees.200516024681
[eikenella corrodens infective endocarditis].the hacek microorganisms (haemophilus spp, actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, cardiobacterium hominis, eikenella corrodens, and kingella kingae) account for 3% of the cases of endocarditis. they have the following similar clinical and microbiological properties: are gram-negative bacilli, more easily isolated in aerobic media; their cultures require prolonged incubation time for growing (mean, 3.3 days); and may be considered part of normal flora of upper respiratory tract and oropharynx. the ...200516041457
bacterial aetiology of acute osteoarticular infections in study the bacterial aetiology of acute osteoarticular infections in children and to analyse the efficiency of culture methods.200516092454
contribution of a broad range polymerase chain reaction to the diagnosis of osteoarticular infections caused by kingella kingae: description of twenty-four recent pediatric diagnoses.microbiologic diagnosis of septic arthritis and osteomyelitis in children is hindered by the less than optimal yield of blood and osteoarticular fluid cultures.200516094222
cardiobacterium hominis endocarditis: a case report and review of the literature.the present case report describes the clinical course of a patient who presented with cardiobacterium hominis endocarditis. a review of the literature follows the case presentation. c hominis, a fastidious gram-negative bacillus, is a member of the hacek group of microorganisms (haemophilus species, actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, c hominis, eikenella corrodens and kingella kingae). endocarditis caused by c hominis is uncommon and generally follows a subacute course. patients may present w ...200518159562
the changing face of infective endocarditis.infective endocarditis (ie) is an evolving disease with a persistently high mortality and morbidity, even in the modern era of advanced diagnostic imaging, improved antimicrobial chemotherapy, and potentially curative surgery. despite these improvements in health care, the incidence of the disease has remained unchanged over the past two decades and may even be increasing. chronic rheumatic heart disease is now an uncommon antecedent, whereas degenerative valve disease of the elderly, mitral val ...200516216860
the changing face of infective endocarditis.infective endocarditis (ie) is an evolving disease with a persistently high mortality and morbidity, even in the modern era of advanced diagnostic imaging, improved antimicrobial chemotherapy, and potentially curative surgery. despite these improvements in health care, the incidence of the disease has remained unchanged over the past two decades and may even be increasing. chronic rheumatic heart disease is now an uncommon antecedent, whereas degenerative valve disease of the elderly, mitral val ...200516216860
indications and optimal timing for surgery in infective endocarditis. 200415145858
[osteoarticular infection in children: evaluation of a diagnostic and management protocol].the purpose of this study was to evaluate a diagnostic and management protocol for osteoarticular infection in children which was developed at the rouen university hospital in 1993. we studied the technical aspects of the protocol allowing improved certain diagnosis and bacteriological documentation as well as the reduction in intravenous treatments and hospital stay.200415711488
an adult case of oral infection with kingella exceptional case of microbiologically confirmed oral infection with kingella kingae in an immunocompetent adult (30-year-old woman) is presented and the pathogenesis is discussed and related to known literature data.k. kingae is a rather common but yet relatively unknown commensal corroding bacterium from the oro- and nasopharynx in healthy children, which might turn into a human pathogen causing osteomyelitis, arthritis, spondylitis, endocarditis and intervertebral diskitis in young children ...200414690666
characterization of haemophilus segnis, an important cause of bacteremia, by 16s rrna gene sequencing.we describe the application of 16s rrna gene sequencing in defining eight cases of bacteremia due to haemophilus species other than haemophilus influenzae (non-h. influenzae bacteremia) during a 7-year period. the first case of acute pyelonephritis due to haemophilus segnis is also reported. in contrast to the extremely rare incidence of h. segnis infections reported previously, our results suggested that h. segnis is an important cause of non-h. influenzae bacteremia.200414766878
[kingella kingae and osteoarticular infections in children].in septic arthritis and osteomyelitis in children, the infectious agent is frequently not identified because of failure in obtaining bacterial growth from blood culture or osteoarticular aspirations.200414983196
real-time multiplex pcr assay for detection of brucella spp., b. abortus, and b. melitensis.the identification of brucella can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that places personnel at risk for laboratory-acquired infection. here, we describe a real-time pcr assay for confirmation of presumptive brucella isolates. the assay was designed in a multiplex format that will allow the rapid identification of brucella spp., b. abortus, and b. melitensis in a single test.200415004098
[investigation of the bacteria in the seawater of xisha in the south china sea and their antibiotic sensitivity profile].to investigate the distribution and antibiotic sensitivity of the bacteria in the seawater of xisha in the south china sea.200415041561
osteomyelitis/septic arthritis caused by kingella kingae among day care attendees--minnesota, 2003.kingella kingae is a fastidious gram-negative coccobacillus that colonizes the respiratory and oropharyngeal tract in children. k. kingae occasionally causes invasive disease, primarily osteomyelitis/septic arthritis in young children, bacteremia in infants, and endocarditis in school-aged children and adults. although diagnosis of this organism frequently is missed, invasive disease is uncommon. only sporadic, non-epidemiologically linked cases have been reported previously. in october 2003, th ...200415041952
kingella kingae infections in children--united states, june 2001-november 2002.kingella kingae is recognized increasingly as a cause of skeletal infections in children. recent studies indicate that direct inoculation of clinical specimens into aerobic blood culture bottles (abcbs), instead of direct plating of specimens on solid media, might improve recovery of the fastidious bacteria. prompted by a report of a possible cluster of osteoarticular infections caused by k. kingae among children, the infectious diseases society of america emerging infections network (idsa-ein) ...200415041953
endocarditis due to kingella kingae: a patient report. 200415094954
multi-pathogens sequence containing plasmids as positive controls for universal detection of potential agents of bioterrorism.the limited circulation of many of the agents that are likely to be used in a bioterrorism attack precludes the ready availability of positive controls. this means that only specialized laboratories can screen for the presence of these agents by nucleic amplification assays. calibrated controls are also necessary for quantitative measurements. primers and probes to be used in both conventional and real-time pcr assays were designed for the detection of agents likely to be used by a bioterrorist. ...200415147587
kingella kingae: from medical rarity to an emerging paediatric recent years, kingella kingae has emerged as an important cause of invasive infections in young children, especially septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, spondylodiscitis, bacteraemia, and endocarditis, and less frequently lower respiratory tract infections and meningitis. the organism is part of the pharyngeal flora of young children and is transmitted from child-to-child. the clinical presentation of invasive k kingae disease is often subtle and laboratory tests are frequently normal. a substan ...200415172344
henoch-schonlein purpura associated with kingella kingae bacteremia. 200415174803
emerging issues in infective endocarditis.infective endocarditis, a serious infection of the endocardium of the heart, particularly the heart valves, is associated with a high degree of illness and death. it generally occurs in patients with altered and abnormal heart architecture, in combination with exposure to bacteria through trauma and other potentially high-risk activities involving transient bacteremia. knowledge about the origins of endocarditis stems from the work of fernel in the early 1500s, and yet this infection still prese ...200415207065
unsuspected kingella kingae infections in afebrile children with mild skeletal symptoms: the importance of blood cultures. 200415241689
[septic arthritis due to kingella kingae: difficulties of diagnosis]. 200415274891
kingella kingae endocarditis and sepsis in an infant. 200415300433
infective endocarditis: a review of the best treatment options.despite significant advances in antimicrobial therapy and an enhanced ability to diagnose and treat complications, infective endocarditis is still associated with substantial morbidity and mortality today, and its incidence has not decreased over the past decades. this apparent paradox may be explained by a progressive change in risk factors, leading to an evolution in its epidemiological and clinical features. in fact, new risk factors for endocarditis have emerged, such as intravenous drug abu ...200415330728
enhanced culture detection of kingella kingae, a pathogen of increasing clinical importance in pediatrics.osteoarticular infection and occult bacteremia are the 2 invasive infectious pathologies most frequently associated in childhood with kingella kingae. we report a series of 11 patients in whom osteomyelitis predominates over septic arthritis, which is the reverse of other series, probably as a consequence of inoculation of samples during surgery on agar media, used in combination with or as an alternative to inoculation into blood culture bottles. although k. kingae infections usually follow a b ...200415361737
kingella kingae infections of the skeletal system in children: diagnosis and the result of improved bacteriological techniques, kingella kingae is emerging as an important cause of infections of the skeletal system in children younger than 2 years of age. this review details the bacteriological features and detection methods of this pathogen, as well as the epidemiology, clinical presentation, treatment and prognosis of septic arthritis, osteomyelitis and diskitis caused by the organism.200415482240
diagnostic criteria and problems in infective endocarditis. 200415145855
[discitis caused by kingella kingae--case report].the patient with acute infection and the presence of bacterium kingella kingae cultured from cerebrospinal fluid is presented. the analysis of clinical picture and the results of all performed tests did not allow to diagnose cerebrospinal meningitis. despite of being not sure if kingella kingae was an etiopathogenetic factor in the described subject, we decided to discuss this interesting case.200315049217
bacterial endocarditis due to eikenella corrodens: a case report.of all the causes of bacterial endocarditis, hacek group consisting of haemophilus, actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, cardiobacterium hominis, eikenella corrodens, and kingella kingae are rare causative agents. we report a case of bacterial endocarditis by e. corrodens, which is one of the members of the hacek group.200317643001
molecular diagnosis of infective endocarditis by pcr amplification and direct sequencing of dna from valve tissue.we used broad-range eubacterial pcr amplification followed by direct sequencing to identify microbial pathogens in heart valve material from 29 patients with histologically confirmed infective endocarditis and 23 patients free of infective endocarditis. microorganisms cultured by conventional techniques matched those identified by pcr in 21 cases. pcr alone identified the causative agent in three cases (streptococcus bovis, staphylococcus cohnii, and coxiella burnetii), allowing better patient m ...200312574279
molecular diagnosis of culture negative infective endocarditis: clinical validation in a group of surgically treated assess the clinical validity of polymerase chain reaction (pcr) based molecular methods in the microbiological diagnosis of culture negative infective endocarditis in a group of surgically treated patients.200312591825
low penetrance, broad resistance, and favorable outcome of interleukin 12 receptor beta1 deficiency: medical and immunological implications.the clinical phenotype of interleukin 12 receptor beta1 chain (il-12rbeta1) deficiency and the function of human il-12 in host defense remain largely unknown, due to the small number of patients reported. we now report 41 patients with complete il-12rbeta1 deficiency from 17 countries. the only opportunistic infections observed, in 34 patients, were of childhood onset and caused by weakly virulent salmonella or mycobacteria (bacille calmette-guérin -bcg- and environmental mycobacteria). three pa ...200312591909
destructive osteomyelitis of the fibular epiphysis due to kingella kingae. 200312674914
innocent victim of a localised outbreak: legionella endocarditis.legionella pneumophila endocarditis is extremely rare. the case of a fit 26 year old man who had previously undergone homograft aortic root replacement is reported. he was admitted with legionella pneumonia during the recent localised outbreak but went on to develop endocarditis. his aortic valve was replaced with a mechanical valve and he made an uneventful recovery. public health issues and diagnosis in susceptible patients during localised outbreaks are discussed.200312695481
three cases of kingella kingae infection in young children. 200312739137
immune response to invasive kingella kingae infections, age-related incidence of disease, and levels of antibody to outer-membrane proteins.the immune response to kingella kingae was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using outer-membrane proteins as coating antigen, in 19 children with invasive infection. the age-related incidence of k. kingae disease in southern israel during 1988-2002 was calculated and correlated with serum antibody levels in healthy children. significant increases in immunoglobulin g (igg) levels were found in children convalescing after invasive infections. the incidence was 1.3, 40.3, 23.9, 5.7, ...200312905136
osteoarticular infections caused by kingella kingae in children: contribution of polymerase chain reaction to the microbiologic diagnosis. 200314515832
the red book is coming to town. 200318159465
[kingella kingae: a rare cause of meningitis].kingella kingae is the second most frequent germ involved in arthritis affecting young children. this germ isolation on ordinary environment is difficult, which may explain why it is seldom known. it is now widely accepted that a direct inoculate of articular and osseous samples on liquid substrate improves the culture sensitivity. other septic localizations have been described such as endocarditis or, less commonly, meningitis. case report: we report the observation of a five-year-old child, tr ...200211865547
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